Shuddered Sentence Examples
She shuddered as he lifted it high and examined it.
He shuddered at the feeling.
She shuddered at the thought.
She shuddered and quickly lifted her chin.
She shuddered again at the thought.
She shuddered at the pleasure-pain.
Gabriel shuddered at the thought of hurting her.
He was just … She shuddered and crossed her arms.
He nearly shuddered at the intense sensation.
She shuddered, afraid to face him after ditching him as she had before.
AdvertisementShe shuddered to her core at the evil peering through his gaze, feeling very much like the devil was offering her a deal without telling her the price.
She shuddered, looking at the tiny scars of his teeth on her forearm.
She shuddered, wishing he was with them.
She stood spread-eagle until it shrank to fit her, shuddered at the creepy sensation of life-like silk caressing her skin, and hurried out of the bathroom.
Rhyn shuddered, recalling just how bad Hell could be.
AdvertisementYou shuddered when I touched you, as if you were afraid.
She shuddered as the distant sensation of burning returned.
She shuddered and asked again, "Are there more spiders on the planet?"
If you don't return… Toby shuddered, and Ully's step quickened.
She shuddered and he moved close.
AdvertisementGabriel's touch was like ice, and Rhyn shuddered.
She shuddered, his spell retreating.
She shuddered as she urged the bay closer to Bordeaux.
She shuddered at the contact.
Dean shrugged but shuddered when he remembered how information was extracted from Billie Wassermann.
AdvertisementRissa shuddered and released her breath.
She shuddered, enthralled by the sensations running through her.
She shuddered, despair creeping through her again.
She shuddered and glanced at the phantom.
She shuddered against him.
That dark shadow drifted over again and she shuddered.
He shuddered at the need and caress in her voice.
She shuddered involuntarily as it slowly uncoiled, stretched across the porch and eventually disappeared off the edge into the tall grass.
He was sick of life; but he was afraid of death; and he shuddered at every sight or sound which reminded him of the inevitable hour.
She shuddered as copperhead snake slid off a rock where it was sunning.
She shuddered as she applied a thin film of the stuff to her lips.
The building shuddered, one explosion hitting close enough to her room that her windows shattered.
Not at all expecting so loud a report, Pierre shuddered at the sound and then, smiling at his own sensations, stood still.
Princess Mary shuddered; her nurse, putting down the stocking she was knitting, went to the window and leaning out tried to catch the open casement.
The possibility tonight could be their last together pained him so deeply he shuddered.
Dismayed, she shuddered from cold and fear.
She closed her eyes and shuddered in pleasure.
She shuddered, glancing anxiously at the canopy of branches overhead.
He was just … She shuddered and crossed her arms.
The scent of burning flesh filled the hall, and she shuddered beneath the onslaught of rain and wind.
He shuddered as her magic worked on him and then wobbled to his feet, taking her hand.
The hot energy of Anshan branded her from the inside out, and she shuddered.
If you don't return… Toby shuddered, and Ully's step quickened.
She shuddered, grateful she didn't remember what happened, or why she awoke in a bath of her own blood in the Springs.
Rostov saw how the Emperor's rather round shoulders shuddered as if a cold shiver had run down them, how his left foot began convulsively tapping the horse's side with the spur, and how the well-trained horse looked round unconcerned and did not stir.
Bianca shuddered and followed her into a large bathroom.