Shudder Sentence Examples
I felt a shudder remembering the night before.
Another boom, another flash of light outside the window, another shudder as the building struggled to stand upright.
It again!... said Pierre to himself, and an involuntary shudder ran down his spine.
He paused in the doorway to allow a familiar shudder to pass before stepping into the brightly lit antechamber.
This idea horrified her, made her shudder, blush, and feel such a rush of anger and pride as she had never experienced before.
The lingering images of recliner-size tarantulas from her dream made her shudder and look around self-consciously to make sure none were in her room.
Unlike most first-time riders of this spectacular road, she didn't shudder; instead she leaned far over for a better view, rattling a litany of praises.
Deidre's body betrayed her, giving a full-form shudder at the rush of heat and energy.
I shudder to think what the others are like.
Immediately a clap of thunder made the room shudder.
AdvertisementHe rubbed his arms, unable to completely suppress a shudder.
Darkyn's amusement at the deal made her shudder.
Her breathing was shallow, the scent of her blood making him shudder.
There are deeds of his which make humanity shudder, and no man equally great has ever descended to such depths of cruelty and treachery.
The snakelike branches overhead were creepier when she could see them in daylight, and the few birds and insects she saw made her shudder. The sense of being followed didn't leave even in the full light of day.
AdvertisementRhyn smashed his cell hard enough for the walls to shudder.
He stopped when he saw her begin to shudder.
Russia will shudder to learn of the abandonment of the city in which her greatness is centered and in which lie the ashes of your ancestors!
One can only shudder with horror to think what these children would have gone through.
They name thee before me, A knell to mine ear; A shudder comes o'er me... Why wert thou so dear?
AdvertisementIt's enough to make most cosmetic purists shudder in fear.
If the idea of wearing jelly shoes over the age of 10 makes you shudder, think again.
They formed such a group of mangled corpses as would make any stout hearted man shudder.
I shudder to think of either of these two wearing the polka dot outfits The Pipettes sport onstage.
Hegel, like Goethe, felt no patriotic shudder at the national disaster, and in Prussia he saw only a corrupt and conceited bureaucracy.
AdvertisementIt consequently seems evident that if this situation be prolonged it will inevitably result in the very disaster it is sought to avoid, and the thought of the horrors of which makes every humane mind shudder.
Grasso dropped Molly on the pavement, causing a shudder to ripple across the room and a quick reaction from my wife.
Don't touch me! she said with a shudder at the fire his fingers sent through her arm.
The world suddenly finds itself in an utterly new situation, vulnerable to the slightest shudder, for which few are prepared.
Those of you of " a certain age " may have a little cold shudder at the name Nancekuke.
The word alone was calculated to send a shudder down the spine of any honest 19th century worker.
Thorne felt a shudder pass through him at the thought.
But of course there's one more twist in the tale, designed to bring a final shudder to the audience.
I still shudder at the sound of the Stukas ' sirens whenever I see them on film.
You haven't many teeth left, Jim, but the few you have are sharp enough to make me shudder.
But of course there 's one more twist in the tale, designed to bring a final shudder to the audience.
Philip said he hoped so, too; and that made me shudder again.
Again, there are some gratuitous and unredeemed vulgarities; some images that make us shudder.
Gradually people became sick of openly avowed gallantry, of shameless libertinism, of moral obliquity and of the flattering artifices of vice; a long shudder ran through the selfish torpor of the social body.
She had discarded her roses with a shudder; cap, goggles, duster, lay advance boy game video in her lap.
I shudder at the thought of a bleeding liberal like Kerry in office.
What sort of jet they could produce, or for how long, I shudder to imagine.
The sight of a huge lorry which has toppled over onto its side is enough to cause anyone to shudder.
As he drove along a dark stretch of road, weaving and struggling to stay in his lane of traffic, he felt a thud and shudder near the front of his sport utility vehicle.
This will allow you to park in smaller and smaller spots until you're a master of fitting into spaces meeker folk would shudder at.
Some people may shudder at the idea of cool MySpace layouts, because they think it implies a page filled with glitter, loud music and tasteless humor.
Max Muller says (speaking of the Greeks), " their poets had an instinctive aversion to everything excessive or monstrous, yet they would relate of their gods what would make the most savage of Red Indians creep and shudder " - stories, that is, of the cannibalism of Demeter, of the mutilation of Uranus, the cannibalism of Cronus, who swallowed his own children, and the like.
On seeing Rostov, Denisov screwed up his face and pointing over his shoulder with his thumb to the room where Telyanin was sitting, he frowned and gave a shudder of disgust.