Shu Sentence Examples
While the latter followed (or led) the Shu`ubite movement and declared for the excellence of all things not Arabian, Asma`i was the pious Moslem and avowed supporter of the superiority of the Arabs over all peoples, and of the freedom of their language and literature from all foreign influence.
In Egypt the relation was curiously reversed; the earth-god Keb was the husband of Nut, the sky, represented sometimes as a woman, overarching the earth and supported on hands and feet, sometimes as a gigantic cow, upheld on the outstretched hands of Shu, the atmosphere.
He wrote, we are told, a preface to the Shu King, or Book of Historical Documents.
Mencius held that the composition of the Ch'un Ch'iu was as great a work as Yu's regulation of the waters of the deluge with which the Shu King commences, and did for the face of society what the earlier labour did for the face of nature.
In the south a small volunteer force of cavalry was eventually raised, but after fighting against the British at Shu`aiba near Basra it returned to Kurdistan owing to the illtreatment it received at the hands of the Turks.
This is known from the orders promulgated by the emperor Yao about 2300 B.C., as recorded in the Shu Chung, a collection of do'.uments antique in the time of Confucius (550-478 B.C.).
Although he used Persian for some of his works he was a strong supporter of the superiority of the Arabic language and an opponent of the Shu`ubite movement.
Familiarize yourself with artist Shu Uemura's amazing false eyelashes - some are made of feathers, others are bold in bright shades like blue.
Make a Ba gua map of your bedroom - This will tell you where your career and reputation areas of your room are according to the Lo Shu square.
The bagua, also known as a pakua or Lo Shu square, is then placed over a sketch of the layout of your house, office or room.
AdvertisementHe was, however, a strong supporter of the Shu`ubite movement, i.e.
Later identified with Shu (Show), who holds heaven and earth apart.