Shrunk Sentence Examples
He shrunk further back into the shadows of the dining room.
Hkamti has shrunk very much from its old size.
The population, 5585 in 1881, shrunk in 1901 to 4188, but is increasing owing to the popularity of the town as a summer resort.
As will have been seen, they hold an exalted view of the divinity and work of Christ as the Word become flesh and the Saviour of the world; but they have always shrunk from rigid Trinitarian definitions.
The dolls had immediately become the reality, and normal scale had magically shrunk by fifty percent.
Owing perhaps to Assyrian aggression, this power seems to have begun to suffer decay about 1000 B.C. and thereafter to have shrunk inwards, leaving the coasts open.
Tulare lake, which with Buena Vista lake and Kern lake receives the drainage of the southern Sierra, shows extreme local variations of shore-line, and is generally believed to have shrunk extremely since 1850, though of this no adequate proof yet exists.
However, once the septum pellucidum is shrunk, only extreme stimulation can activate it to produce some joy.
On the surveying trip it proved to have shrunk by 16 meters.
Clothes dryers have come a long way since the days of those noisy square white boxes that shrunk your shirts.
AdvertisementIn the meantime, your dog's tummy may have shrunk from starvation, and this could play a role in his reluctance to eat.
Every time the attendant had flashed his lights, the would-be killer had shrunk back down behind the seat to avoid being seen.
The domestic order and tranquillity of the kingdom had been restored by his painstaking father, but Poland had shrunk territorially since the age of his grandfather Boleslaus I., and it was the aim of Boleslaus II.
Becket had not shrunk from excommunicating a tenant in chief who had encroached upon the lands of Canterbury, and had protected against the royal courts a clerk named Philip de Brois who was charged with an assault upon a royal officer.
Albert Nyanza has indeed shrunk in its dimensions during the comparatively few years it has been known to Europeans.
AdvertisementAt a given moment the trenches, which at many points were but a few yards from those occupied by the Turks, would be vacated by detachments, which by that hour would have shrunk to mere handfuls of men.
Since 1865 (at least) various parts of Cape Cod have shrunk greatly in population, agriculture and manufactures, and even in fishing interests; this reconstruction of industrial and social interests being, apparently, simply part of the general urban movement-a movement toward better opportunities.
This weapon embodied all the essential features which distinguish the ordnance of to-day from the cannon of the middle ages - it was built up of rings of metal shrunk upon an inner steel barrel; it was loaded at the breech; it was rifled; and it threw, not a round ball, but an elongated projectile with ogival head.
At the same time the new learning introduced by the earlier humanists awakened free thought, encouraged curiosity, and prepared the best minds of Europe for speculative audacities from which the schoolmen would have shrunk, and which soon expressed themselves in acts of cosmopolitan importance.
The Church had shrunk considerably since the 18th century, but in the first decade of the 10th showed signs of revival as a point d'appui for Catholics restive under the yoke of the ultramontanism dominant in the Roman Church.
AdvertisementThe former, while accepting utility as the criterion of " material goodness," had adhered to Shaftesbury's view that dispositions, not results of action, were the proper object of moral approval; at the same time, while giving to benevolence the first place in his account of personal merit, he had shrunk from the paradox of treating it as the sole virtue, and had added a rather undefined and unexplained train of qualities, - veracity, fortitude, activity, industry, sagacity, - immediately approved in various degrees by the " moral sense " or the " sense of dignity."
Gleaming with dark fire, his eyes had shrunk beneath his frowning brow.
Each tarot deck is supplied sealed, shrunk wrapped and have never been opened for display or photos.
I'm finally to meet the hallowed geisha - but by now, my allotted time has shrunk to a mere ten minutes.
To the extent you succeed in doing so, you are deflating an economy already shrunk by the stock market meltdown.
AdvertisementTowards the middle of the 5th century, however, Protagoras of Abdera, taking account of the teaching of the first, and possibly of the second, of the physical successions, and Gorgias of Leontini, starting from the teaching of the metaphysical succession of Elea, drew that sceptical inference from which the philosophers had shrunk.
But, while the necessities of antagonism to papal Rome made it assume at first the form of narrow and sectarian opposition, it marked in fact a vital struggle of the intellect towards truth and freedom, involving future results of scepticism and rationalistic audacity from which its earlier champions would have shrunk.
But an insidious change in its once healthy climate had begun to work its decay; the area of cultivated land round it had shrunk to vanishing point, jungle haunted by wild beasts taking its place; and in 1813 its ruin was completed by a sudden change in the course of the Bhagirathi, which formed a new channel 3 m.
As the days wore on, the drifts gradually shrunk, but before they were wholly gone another storm came, so that I scarcely felt the earth under my feet once all winter.
Land available for small-scale farming has shrunk, creating land scarcity among the farming population.
I 've drastically shrunk the amount of code for this page, which should mean it'll load faster.
The number of people working in the offline industry has shrunk dramatically over the past 20 years.
You have shrunk down to the size of a chip.
For the distance to Andromeda will have shrunk to zero for the spacecraft.
The bitmap is stretched or shrunk to fit the window.
Full figured women want affordable clothing that flatters their bodies, but for tall ladies, finding clothes that don't look as if their garments have shrunk is a major concern.
The laser snoring alternative, by contrast, can be done under a local in most cases in a series of three to five treatments that allows the soft tissue to be shrunk.
You'll feel shrunk down to an itty bitty size when you're surrounded by the giant trees and pieces of endearing trash in the bug village.
On a random weekday between 6 a.m. and midnight, Dr. Shrunk can be found wandering your village.
I had a 85 MB video that it shrunk down to 13 MB.
In a "billboard"-like style, the sprites can be rotated on a 2D plane, as well as enlarged or shrunk in order to give the appearance of depth.
The prime audience for toys has shrunk as the children of the immense baby boom generation have grown into teenagers and beyond.
When the wax cools, you may notice that it has shrunk to create a small pit around your wick.
The image can be enlarged, shrunk or combined easily with other images.
If this is the case, details may become lost or blurry as the image is grown and shrunk.
Small wings sprouting from the natural point of the shoulder blades can actually look dwarfed or out of place, as if the wings have shrunk.
Owing to disturbances and misgovernment the population of Egypt and Syria is said to have shrunk to a third in his time, and he offended public sentiment not only by debauchery, but by having his image stamped on his coins.
Shrunk and cold, As if her veins were sapless and old, And she rose up decrepitly For a last dim look at earth and sea.
Nevertheless, the concentration of all ritual at a single point, and the practical exclusion of laymen from active participation in it - for the old sacrificial feast had now shrunk into entire insignificance in comparison with the stated priestly holocausts and atoning rites2 - lent powerful assistance to the growth of a new and higher type of personal religion, the religion which found its social expression not in material acts of oblation, but in the language of the Psalms. In the best times of the old kingdom the priests had shared the place of the prophets as the religious leaders of the nation; under the second Temple they represented the unprogressive traditional side of religion, and the leaders of thought were the psalmists and the scribes, who spoke much more directly to the piety of the nation.