Shrugged Sentence Examples
Felipa shrugged a shoulder elegantly.
She shrugged and then walked away.
Carmen shrugged again, plunging her hands into the warm dishwater.
Carmen shrugged, not knowing what to say.
She shrugged, her face growing warm.
She just shrugged again, as if it wasn't her concern.
Finally he shrugged again.
Molly shrugged her shoulders, as if she were being scolded.
She shrugged and went back for an armload of wood.
Señor Medena glanced at Felipa and shrugged again.
AdvertisementHe ignored the irritated Watcher and shrugged deeper into his blanket.
She shrugged with as much elegance as she could muster, and eyed him with deliberate interest.
She shivered and shrugged the sense away.
Prince Andrew only shrugged his shoulders at Pierre's childish words.
She shrugged and handed him her canteen, accepting the full one he offered.
AdvertisementPrince Andrew shrugged his shoulders and frowned, as lovers of music do when they hear a false note.
He shrugged, returning his attention to the coffee in his cup.
He shrugged again without looking up.
She shrugged and went to her room.
His expression softened and he shrugged, "A security guard doesn't simply sit in the guard house and watch the cars go through the gate, you know."
AdvertisementHe shrugged nonchalantly, but his gaze rested on her thoughtfully for a few moments before he finished his meal.
Apparently finding what he was looking for, he finally shrugged.
He shrugged, but didn't respond.
He shrugged, his tone becoming stern.
She appeared pensive and shrugged.
AdvertisementPaul Dawkins just shrugged.
She shrugged them and glanced back the way she came.
Darkyn shrugged at last and relaxed.
He sobered and shrugged.
He shrugged, his eyes still twinkling.
When Carmen continued to watch her, she shrugged.
She glanced at Jonathan and shrugged.
He shrugged, but made no attempt to write anything down.
His gaze ran over her face again and then he shrugged.
Carmen looked at him and shrugged.
Wynn studied him for a moment then shrugged.
He shrugged, not nearly as concerned with her life or death as she was.
He shrugged as she ignored his hello smile.
She pushed the light away and shrugged, pulling her arm free.
Dean shrugged and reached for a jar of peanut butter just as Fred joined the couple.
Carmen shrugged, her face growing warm.
Giddon shrugged, that intense topaz gaze shifting to his feet.
Tammy shrugged her tiny shoulders, the large blue eyes imploring her not to pry.
When Yancey's attention diverted to his mother, she simply shrugged.
Chris glanced at Donna, and shrugged.
He noted her rising color and shrugged.
When she reminded him that he was going over the thousand-dollar figure he had thrown out, he merely shrugged.
He was watching her intently so she shrugged.
She simply shrugged and left.
I didn't want to come right out and say Betsy was frightened to stay alone so I just shrugged.
Jule glanced at the vamp, who shrugged in response to his silent question about healing.
Sofia shrugged the sense of foreboding away and stuffed her hands into her pockets.
She just shrugged her shoulders as if she could care less about his lack of vocalization and moseyed over to near where Fred and the boy were sitting, the notebook between them.
Dean shrugged his shoulders.
Once more, Ryland shrugged.
But Cynthia just shrugged.
Corday just shrugged and began asking questions about Dean's background.
Fred shrugged him off.
Franny just shrugged, as if she didn't want to say anything in front of the boy.
He shrugged and pointed at his first question.
When she opened them, incredulous that Jackson had gotten away with his joke, he grinned innocently and shrugged.
Jackson shrugged and turned his palms up.
Connor shrugged and Jackson put his hand on Elisabeth's head.
At Carmen's sharp look, she shrugged.
She shrugged into her coat.
He merely shrugged his shoulders; " We'll see.
Prince Andrew rose, shrugged his shoulders, and walked about the room.
The doctor cast a rapid glance upwards and silently shrugged his shoulders.
Prince Andrew shrugged his shoulders.
The countess shrugged her shoulders.
Once or twice he shrugged his shoulders and raised his hand to the kerchief, as if wishing to take it off, but let it drop again.
Boris shrugged his shoulders, his Serene Highness would not have it, or someone persuaded him.
Bilibin shrugged his shoulders, as much as to say that not even he could help in that difficulty.
Kutuzov saw this and merely sighed and shrugged his shoulders.
Getting no response from Alex, he shrugged and turned to his desk.
He shrugged into the pajama shirt.
She shrugged as she placed the toy on top of the magazine.
He shrugged into one arm of his pajamas.
Felipa shrugged one shoulder.
Then he shrugged and followed Jonathan out the door.
Carmen glanced up at Alex and he shrugged.
Katie shrugged her shoulders and focused on cutting an eye from the potato in her hand.
She shrugged and her gaze became distant.
He shrugged, Possibly, but the babies may come early.
She shrugged and accepted his invitation with some reservation.
Brandon shrugged out of his coat and hung it in the closet.
She shrugged one shoulder.
She shrugged and turned away from him.
She shrugged and glanced at Bordeaux, who was approaching the fire.
She shrugged, not wanting to discuss the matter with him, but determined not to hurt his feelings.
She shrugged a lovely shoulder.
Bordeaux shrugged and glanced down at Darcie.
He lifted his hat from a peg on the wall and shrugged into his coat.
He strode to the door, clamped on his hat, shrugged into his coat and left the house without so much as a good-bye.
Mary shrugged and smiled wryly.
Claudette shrugged her lovely shoulders.
He shrugged, turning to his saddlebags for the food.
Fred shrugged his shoulders.
She shrugged as she plopped back into her chair, wincing.
Lydia Larkin continued to stare, then shrugged and began filling her glass.
Sticking her arms through what passed for an armhole, she shrugged into it, struggling to zip it up in the back.
He shrugged and padded down the hall.
She shrugged the backpack on and grabbed the bag at her feet.
Doesn.t make it easier but … Megan shrugged.
He shrugged as if to say, "Sorry, I can't help you."
When Carmen didn't respond, Katie shrugged, Anyway, there are plenty of guys interested.
She hesitated, as if wanting to elaborate and then shrugged.
Katie shrugged and turned her palms up in resignation.
He sampled the meat again and shrugged.
Carmen shrugged off an uncomfortable feeling that something was amiss.
The dark eyes searched her face suspiciously for a few more moments and then he shrugged.
There was no point in responding, so Carmen merely shrugged and followed Alex to one of the kidding stalls.
She smiled and shrugged a shoulder.
Carmen shrugged at Katie's questioning look, and stepped through the door, closing it against prying ears.
He shrugged again, writing something on her chart.
Josh shrugged and glanced at Carmen.
He hesitated, and then shrugged.
He shrugged again and looked uncomfortable.
He seemed to be waiting for a response, so she shrugged.
Carmen glanced at the picture and shrugged.
He glanced at Lori and shrugged.
She shrugged out of the rucksack and opened the drawers of her dresser, dumping their contents onto the floor.
We're building a bigger battery to store the energy we generate from the river, but … Kelli shrugged.
Tired of puzzling over the world around her, Lana shrugged off the rucksack, pushed Jack over, and lay down with him.
Death shrugged with a knowing smile that told him more than if she spoke.
Toby shrugged and then shivered.
He froze again and looked at her hard then shrugged.
Baffled, Toby shrugged and moved to the bars of his cell, looking to Ully for help. Ully rolled his eyes.
I shrugged and said, "I burn easily…because I'm so white."
Dean shrugged his shoulders and perused the reports, hoping the young man would take a hint and leave.
Dean simply shrugged his shoulders.
The cashier shrugged but complied with his request, writing up an additional charge slip.
Fred shrugged as he paced up and down the room.
He shrugged off the raincoat and stepped out of the wet trousers, using one of his smaller towels to partially dry off before slipping on pajama bottoms and a long-sleeved shirt.
Dean shrugged but shuddered when he remembered how information was extracted from Billie Wassermann.
But Dean just shrugged and commented that Arthur wasn't exactly popular.
She shrugged and turned to the cabinet, removing some paper plates.
He lifted his brows and shrugged.
She shrugged one shoulder, her eyes sparkling with humor.
He shrugged, a slow fluid moment that was somehow sexy.
He shrugged and swallowed the last bite of his sandwich.
He shrugged and headed for his bedroom.
She shrugged one shoulder and turned away, jabbing the key in the door.
Carmen shrugged, warmth crawling up her neck.
She shrugged and sobered.
She shrugged and sighed.
Finally he looked back at her and shrugged.
He looked thoughtful a moment and then shrugged.
She shrugged and put the egg in the carton.
She shrugged and started to put it down.
She shrugged, forking a stake.
Carmen stared after him and then shrugged.
Finally he shrugged and sat forward, reaching for his sandwich.
She shrugged, gazing into his eyes.
Alex shrugged into his winter coat, zipping it as he prepared to leave the clinic.
She shrugged one shoulder and met his amused gaze triumphantly.
She stared at the receiver and then shrugged.
For a moment they stared at each other, and then she shrugged.
He shrugged, returning his attention to the food.
She shrugged and unlocked the trunk.
He eyed her thoughtfully and then shrugged again.
Jenn shrugged out of her backpack and yanked off her wet jacket.
She shrugged out of her coat without releasing the notebook and sat across from him on the black couch.
Taran shrugged, and the boy approached, reaching out to rub his clothing between his hands.
Alex lifted his brows and shrugged.
Carmen shrugged and smiled.
She considered that for a moment and then shrugged.
Taking her shoes from him, she met his puzzled gaze and shrugged.
Felipa shrugged a shoulder.
Blond brows lifted briefly and then he shrugged.
Rob followed Carmen's gaze and shrugged.
She sighed and shrugged, wincing at the pain caused by the motion.
She shrugged and then winced.
Carmen shrugged her right shoulder.
For a moment he studied her face, and then he shrugged.
Felipa looked uncertain and then shrugged.
Rob eyed Alex skeptically and shrugged, turning an accusing gaze on Carmen.
Carmen looked at him and then shrugged.
Love makes us do things … He glanced at Alex and shrugged.
Señor Medena glanced at Felipa and shrugged again.
The man shrugged and handed Yancey an envelope.
She finally shrugged once more.
He stopped mid-sentence and shrugged in resignation.
Doesn.t make it easier but … Megan shrugged.
We're building a bigger battery to store the energy we generate from the river, but … Kelli shrugged.
Andre shrugged. Katie heard nothing outside of the rasping trees. Gabriel was gone.
I shrugged and said, "I burn easily…because I'm so white."
Love makes us do things … He glanced at Alex and shrugged.
He regarded her thoughtfully for a minute and then shrugged.
He shrugged his shoulders and spread out his hands.
The vicomte merely shrugged his shoulders.
On hearing this the regimental commander hung his head, silently shrugged his shoulders, and spread out his arms with a choleric gesture.
Princess Mary shrugged her shoulders but took the glass submissively and calling the nurse began giving the medicine.
He frowned before his looking glass, gesticulated, shrugged his shoulders, and finally, without saying a word to anyone, took his cap and left the house by the back door, trying to avoid notice.
The stout man rose, frowned, shrugged his shoulders, and evidently trying to appear firm began to pull on his jacket without looking about him, but suddenly his lips trembled and he began to cry, in the way full-blooded grown-up men cry, though angry with himself for doing so.
Seeing a person that is drunk can be shrugged off, especially when you are at a party where every one has perhaps had too much to drink.
The decision to bring in a "new" Greenlee infuriated some fans, but All My Children producers shrugged off the controversy and stood by their decision, at least for a while.
While these techniques have shrugged off their once infamous secrecy, it's often hard for beginners to find accurate information that's easy to understand.
She let her voice trail of suggestively and shrugged again.
At her nod he shrugged.
Dean looked at his wife for help, but she just shrugged and smiled, and Dean let himself be led up the street.
Aaron shrugged and turned to his horse.
He looked uncomfortable and then shrugged.
He shrugged and grinned.
He glanced at the stick and shrugged.
He shrugged and offered her the ax.
He shrugged as he stepped through the doorway.
She shrugged nonchalantly, snapping a dry vine off and examining it as though unaware of the mockery of his question.
She shrugged, wiping off the counter with the dishrag.
He shrugged and touched his lip.
He shrugged again and grinned.
Finding that events were going against his judgment, Morris, as was so often the case with him, shrugged his shoulders and broke free from the movement.
Señor Medena shrugged into his coat.
He shrugged the old feelings of remembrance away and stepped out into the street the marshmallow demons were approaching down.
He shrugged his shoulders in ungracious acquiescence, while our visitor in hurried words and with much excitable gesticulation poured forth his story.
Twinkling; the momentary pause is awkwardly shrugged off.
He looked a bit puzzled as to where his healing potion had gone but just shrugged the thought away.
Women shrugged impatient shoulders in their warm cloaks and stopped to arrange their skirts for a walk through the storm.
The Air Force didn't take any side, they just shrugged.
He shrugged his shoulders.
Bolkonski shrugged his shoulders.
Suddenly his face assumed a subtle expression, he shrugged his shoulders with an air of perplexity.
Napoleon shrugged his shoulders and continued to pace up and down without replying.
He merely shrugged his shoulders; We'll see.
The Air Force did n't take any side, they just shrugged.
South shrugged off this disappointment and were back on terms soon after.
Dani Pedrosa shrugged off injuries from a practice crash to finish third, ahead of championship leader Nicky Hayden.
The meeting began with a characteristic tapes-to-flag victory from Adams, who comfortably shrugged off an early challenge from Hancock.
Tremendous in scope, breathtaking in its suspense, Atlas Shrugged is unlike any other book you have ever read.
Howard hesitated and shot a questioning glance at Connie, who shrugged and turned away.
Bordeaux lowered the glasses and shrugged in a way that was both elegant and masculine.
He shrugged and turned his palms up.
Marya Dmitrievna only shrugged her shoulders.
He watched absently as she shrugged out of her blouse.
Fred shrugged as he continued to pound away at the keys.
The Tsar heard but obviously did not like the reply; he shrugged his rather round shoulders and glanced at Novosiltsev who was near him, as if complaining of Kutuzov.
Sarah shrugged, continuing her work.
He shrugged and offered her a hand up to the wagon seat.
Kutuzov merely shrugged his shoulders when one after another they presented projects of maneuvers to be made with those soldiers-- ill-shod, insufficiently clad, and half starved--who within a month and without fighting a battle had dwindled to half their number, and who at the best if the flight continued would have to go a greater distance than they had already traversed, before they reached the frontier.
Señor Medena shrugged into his coat.