Shrubbery Sentence Examples
Shrubbery graced its area and flowers its window-sills.
Belts of shrubbery may be placed round the slips outside the walls; and these may in many cases, or in certain parts, be of sufficient breadth to furnish pleasant retired promenades, at the same time that they serve to mask the formality of the walled gardens, and are made to harmonize with the picturesque scenery of the pleasure ground.
These blocks of shrubbery have been called wildernesses.
There are several handsome squares and public gardens, adorned with statues, trees and shrubbery.
Gigantic umbelliferous plants, with magnificent foliage, adapted for shrubbery borders or open spots on lawns.
Bold-habited composite plants, well suited for shrubbery borders, and thriving in light loamy soil.
The pastures are everywhere luxuriant, and the wooded heights and winding glens, in which the tangled shrubbery is here and there broken up by open glades and flat meadows of green turf, exhibit a beauty of vegetation such as is hardly to be seen in any other district of Palestine.
It is a very suitable subject for the back row in mixed flower borders, or for recesses in the front part of shrubbery borders.
In the northern United States, in May, " legions of these delicate minute flies fill the air at twilight, hovering over wheat-fields and shrubbery.
Their quaint shrubbery and old-fashioned setting render them attractive.
AdvertisementWe pass a washing line of black tee shirts strung across overgrown shrubbery.
She dozed in the car during the forty-five-minute drive into northern Virginia, where her sister's fiancé owned a mansion secreted behind towering shrubbery and a gate that swung open to welcome her.
The public parks and gardens are numerous and include the Botanical Garden with its famous avenue of royal palms (Oreodoxa regia); the Passeio Publico (dating from 1783), a small garden on the water-front facing the harbour entrance; the Jardim d'Acclamacao, forming part of the Praca da Republica (once known as the Campo de Sant' Anna) with its artistic walks and masses of shrubbery; the Praca Tiradentes (the old Largo do Rocio, afterwards rechristened Praca da Constituicao) with its magnificent equestrian statue of Dom Pedro I.
The whole face of the southern declivity was covered with wild shrubbery alone an occasional silver willow or white poplar excepted.
The areas surrounding the water have been allowed to develop naturally with trees, shrubbery and wild plants.
AdvertisementEstimate to trim shrubbery behind 16 Egremont Road boundary fence and trees in Worcester Avenue amounted to £ 150.00 plus VAT.
The Hood takes cover in the surrounding shrubbery as the explosives go off.
Unfortunately, some joker has decided that it would be a good idea to plant a shrubbery at the base of the pylon.
We had reached the shrubbery which surrounded the house when Holmes pulled up.
For example there is a potential conflict between habitat protection and safety considerations, as dense shrubbery can result in loss of natural surveillance.
AdvertisementWherever possible new footpaths should be separated from roads by verges and low shrubbery.
I mean to look around for a building lot; a lot with fine ornamental shrubbery and all that sort of thing.
Back toward the property is a formal area of garden with attractive planting with a variety of rhododendrons and mature shrubbery.
Presently there came walks in the long shrubbery, talks in the Belvedere, and I know not what tender familiarity.
Path alongside tram tracks Heathfield Park Heathfield Park entrance Immediately inside the park gates go half left onto a gravel track among thick shrubbery.
AdvertisementThe car was found in November 2001, lovingly cared for among the garden shrubbery of a rural garden in Hertfordshire.
When she is out walking she often stops suddenly, attracted by the odour of a bit of shrubbery.
Mitenka flew headlong down the six steps and ran away into the shrubbery.
Had the shrubbery evaded the chop for yet another year?
A large shrubbery on the south side will be planted with a mixture of flowering shrubs and trees for interest throughout the seasons.
The walk takes you from the shrubbery area into the deeper woods.
The banks here are mostly overrun with ornamental ivies planted in the car park shrubbery beds.
But winter itself has to be dedicated to the bare stems and twisted twigs of the shrubbery border.
They were feeding in the shade of the shrubbery in the garden.
Do you need services to simply cut your lawn weekly or bi-weekly, or do you have a massive amount of shrubbery and flower beds that will need tending to?
You'll actually watch a cat leap out from beneath a shrubbery to assault an unsuspecting toddler.
Select flowering shrubbery for exotic tropical aromas to perfume your courtyard.
The border is not its place; it is, above most other plants, suited for the grassy margin of an irregular shrubbery.
It grows freely in a thin shrubbery, or on banks of rubbish.
Where a very dwarf evergreen edging is required for a shrubbery, or for beds of shrubs, it is one of the best plants known, as on any soil it quickly forms spreading masses almost as low as the lawn-grass.
They are admirable for the wild garden, as they thrive in copses, open warm woods, in snug spots in broken hedgerow banks, and on fringes of shrubbery in the garden.
In shrubbery borders varied clumps of several plants produce a finer effect than when set singly.
This plant runs in a border so quickly as soon to become a troublesome weed, but is fine when allowed to run wild in a rough shrubbery or copse, where it may bloom with the Foxglove.
Distinct and graceful; is of value for the garden, growing in free loamy soil, and may be given a place in the shrubbery or in the wild garden.
They hold their own, however, in a copse, or a rough open shrubbery among the coarsest vegetation, and the silky seeds of some kinds persist, with a pretty effect, far into the winter.
Few Flags will thrive better in the shrubbery border.
Small groups are beautiful in the open spaces that should exist in every shrubbery or Rhododendron bed.
It is best in the shrubbery in ordinary garden soil, in bold groups.
R. officinale, however, as regards foliage, is the most effective from early in the year, and should be placed near the shrubbery, on the turf, or in the wild garden.
Napaea are stout vigorous plants with ample foliage, and suitable chiefly for the wild garden and shrubbery borders.
It is more slender in habit than many of our flowering trees, and often weakened in the crowded masses of the shrubbery.
Sweet Woodruff (Asperula) - A. odorata, which belongs to the same family as the Coffee Plant, is abundant in many parts of Britain, and worthy of the garden or shrubbery, especially in districts where it does not occur wild.
It is one of the most vigorous of perennials, and may be turned to good account in many ways, e.g., the shrubbery border and the more open approaches to the woodland.
If the panels are blocked by shrubbery or other landscaping features, the lights will not work properly, and in some cases, not at all.
Trim shrubbery from around the area and clear away debris, like dead wood, leaves and stumps that may be a hazard.
Before building a campfire, clear away all shrubbery and vegetation from the area, dig a pit for the fire and surround it with rocks.
Trim shrubbery, remove dead plants and keep the lawn neat and trim.