Shrubberies Sentence Examples
Attend to the dressing of shrubberies; lay turf-edgings, and regulate the surface of gravel walks.
Dig and dress such flower borders and shrubberies as may now be cleared of annuals and the stems of herbaceous plants.
Whatever style be adopted, it is essential that there should be a thick healthy growth of the hedges or shrubberies that confine the wanderer.
It is strongest and best in moist peaty bottoms in woods or shrubberies.
Blue Cupidone (Catananche) - C. coerulea is an old border plant, about 2 feet high, flowering in summer; fine blue, and growing freely in borders and margins of shrubberies.
Box (Buxus) - This beautiful bush grows wild on some of our southern chalk hills, and is much cultivated in gardens as an edging, and also in shrubberies.
An excellent plant for shrubberies and covering the ground here and there in bold masses, as it grows so close that it keeps the weeds down, and in such ways also gives a better effect than in small tufts in the mixed border.
They should never be crowded, but grown as isolated groups on lawns, or placed on the margins of shrubberies.
A moist and sheltered situation, where they will obtain partial shade, such as the margins of shrubberies, is best, but care should be taken to keep the roots of shrubs from exhausting the border.
The more vigorous kinds are suited for planting among large shrubs, which ought to be wider apart than they generally are in shrubberies; and may be employed in groups near water, and also on mixed borders and beds.
AdvertisementIn borders, on the margins of shrubberies, and in half-shady situations, it is effective in April and May, in any ordinary light garden soil.
They like an open position, and are suitable for planting around the margins of shrubberies.
They are highly suitable for grouping, and few plants thrive better in open places in shrubberies or near water.
Polyanthuses should be seen in strong colonies in shrubberies and borders.
Rhubarb (Rheum) - Herbaceous plants of great vigour and picturesque aspect, and their fine leaves are well seen by the margins of shrubberies and in places where luxuriant vegetation is desired.
AdvertisementThe above is a choice of the best Wild Roses known to us for the garden or shrubberies and fences near the garden.
They thrive in borders or margins of shrubberies in sandy loam, but are scarcely ornamental.
European shrub, blooming in July, August, and September, when shrubberies are usually flowerless.
Given sandy loam, these plants thrive in borders or in the margins of shrubberies.
Suitable for naturalising near wood walks and in open shrubberies in any soil, and may be used among fine-leaved perennials.
AdvertisementIt is useful for the spring garden, for banks or borders in shrubberies, for edgings, and for the rock garden, and is easily increased by division.
The same thing goes for trimming shrubberies and trees.
Numerous other firs are common in gardens and shrubberies, and some furnish valuable products in their native countries; but they are not yet of sufficient economic or general interest to demand mention here.
If planted in borders and shrubberies, however, they will continue to bear fairly good blossoms in the open air for several seasons.