Shrinks Sentence Examples
I don't suppose there are any shrinks among the Naturals.
Why, I don't know, but I'm sure the shrinks could tell you.
This reveals the empiricist temper, and points to an attempted empiricist solution of great problems. Butler holds that more ambitious philosophies are valid, but he shrinks from their use.
Nothing really new is produced in the living world, but the germs which develop have existed since the beginning of things; and nothing really dies, but, when what we call death takes place, the living thing shrinks back into its germ state.3 et celle des especes.
I long to take nature to my heart, that nature before whose depth the faint-hearted theologian shrinks back; and with nature man, man in his entire quality."
Thus the story of the legists shrinks down to the regular myth of the primitive legislator, used to give an air of respectability to law-books, which really record an unwritten custom.
In the development of characters and intellectual ideas Wagner's later works show a power before which his earlier stagecraft shrinks into insignificance.
As the cell fails and shrinks, so does it become more and more unable to make good the waste due to metabolism.
For eight months of the year the Jumna shrinks to the dimensions of a mere rivulet, meandering through a waste of sand.
The mineral brushite, CaHPO 4.2H 2 0, which is isomorphous with the acid arsenate pharmacolite, CaHAs04.2H20, is an acid phosphate, and assumes monoclinic forms. The normal salt may be obtained artificially, as a white gelatinous precipitate which shrinks greatly on drying, by mixing solutions of sodium hydrogen phosphate, ammonia, and calcium chloride.
AdvertisementA few of the large streams may, when in flood, spr.ead out in a temporary shallow sheet qn a dead level of clay, or playa, in a basin centre, but the sheet of water vanishes in the warm season and the stream shrinks far up its course, the absolutely barren clay floor of the playa, impassable when wet, becomes firm enough for crossing when dry.
During this process the wood shrinks considerably, and unless much care and attention are given to the drying wood it will warp and shake sufficiently to unfit it for practical uses.
As a result of irrigation the Platte is often dry in eastern Colorado in the summer, and the Arkansas shrinks so below Pueblo that little water reaches Kansas.
In the spring freshets it is a magnificent stream, but in summer its volume greatly shrinks, and it is normally a broad, shallow, sluggish, stream, flowing through interlacing channels among the sand-bars it heaps athwart its course.
The shrinks seemed to think young Donnie might feel he's to blame for what happened and that's why he lost his ability to speak, but Shipton disagrees.
AdvertisementThy great name is so exalted, Every foe shrinks back in fear.
As the vitreous shrinks it can pull the macula away from the back of the eye.
If roll shrinks further and surplus space increases then mothballing and community use still applies.
Advantages Hormone therapy shrinks the prostate gland and can be used to reduce the size of the gland before brachytherapy.
Problem - Rot (dry) The plant slowly shrinks and dries out, going rubbery.
AdvertisementAs it shrinks, it also gets more salty, which in turn makes it harder for the remaining water to evaporate.
The stressing is achieved as the inner sapwood shrinks as it dries and becomes heartwood.
It then shrinks on drying out and distorts the paint surface with shallow saucer shaped depressions known as cupping.
In an act of justice, the wizard ant Zoc magically shrinks Lucas to the size of an ant.
X looks at the offender, who visibly shrinks in size.
AdvertisementLondon office space shrinks 18 July 2006 London office space is becoming increasingly sparse, according to new research by estate agent Frank Knight.
The wood is very white, and, from its soft and even grain, is employed by turners and toy-makers, while, being tough and little liable to split, it is also serviceable for the construction of packing cases, the lining of carts and waggons, and many similar purposes; when thoroughly seasoned it makes good flooring planks, but shrinks much in drying, weighing about 58 lb per cubic foot when green, but only 331 lb when dry.
The prevailing winds respond to the stronger poleward temperature gradients of winter by rising to a higher velocity and a more frequent and severer cyclonic storminess; and to the weaker gradients of summer by relaxing to a lower velocity with fewer and weaker cyclonic storms; but furthermore the northern zone occupied by the prevailing westerlies expands as the winds strengthen in winter, and shrinks as they weaken in summer; thus the stormy westerlies, which impinge upon the north-western coast and give it plentiful rainfall all through the year, in winter reach southern California and sweep across part of the Gulf of Mexico and Florida; it is for this reason that southern California has a rainy winter season, and that the states bordering on the Gulf of Mexico are visited in winter by occasional intensified cold winds, inappropriate to their latitude.
She shrinks from the thought of death with evident dismay.
Friction is anything that slows down or increases costs in producing or selling your product; it slows growth and shrinks margins because of increased costs.
Second is evaporation of moisture which adds flavor because as moisture decreases and the beef shrinks, flavor intensifies.
The result is a table that grows and shrinks with your needs.
It hardens at body temperature in about five to 10 minutes and shrinks slightly when dry, causing it to fit tightly like another layer of skin.
Since wool shrinks, tiles made from it are more difficult to clean.
For those of you who aren't sure, it's sometimes better to err on the larger side in case a cotton shirt shrinks in the wash.
Radiofrequency palatoplasty firms and shrinks the tissue of the soft palate.
The process does not cut the palate; it shrinks it.
This procedure shrinks tissue in the nasal cavity to clear obstructions which may interfere with breathing.
Click the woman - She shrinks and turns into a fly.
When this happens, people will leave and the living capacity of your homes shrinks.
If the cork dries out, it shrinks and oxygen can get into your wine.
The cancer shrinks in size but does not disappear.
Isotretinoin shrinks the glands that produce sebum.
Many stylists often forget that curly hair shrinks once it is dry, so a stylist who lacks experience in curly hair may cut too much length off the hair without intention.
Bear in mind most perms will create the look of a much shorter hair style as the hair shrinks up into the wave formation.
As the mortgage market experiences many setbacks, including rapidly increasing foreclosures and failing financial companies, the subprime mortgage market shrinks quickly as a result.
Remember, you're not scoring a bargain if the fabric gives you an allergic reaction, or shrinks in the first wash and has to be given away.
The door tells Alice to drink from the bottle on the table, so Alice does, and she shrinks to the perfect size to fit through the door.
After a horrible weeping fit, Alice sees the bottle and shrinks herself again, only to find herself adrift in a sea of her own tears.
After all, if you can see that you lost five pounds last month and another three pounds so far this month, the temptation of blowing off the scheduled runs in favor of pizza and beer in front of the TV shrinks considerably.
Over the years, Buffy's circle of friends grows and shrinks to include others including Cordelia Chase (Charisma Carpenter), Jenny Calendar, Oz (Seth Green), Anya and Tara (Amber Benson).
Tannins and caffeine found in the tea shrinks eye skin effectively.
It targets and shrinks the sebaceous glands, reducing the amount of oil produced, and does not damage the surrounding tissue.
It shrinks large pores and tightens the skin in just minutes.
Be careful with this; MySpace shrinks images when you upload them to your photo gallery.