Shots Sentence Examples
After two shots, she felt woozy.
Grabbing a camera, he hopped out into the fury of the storm, "for a few quick lightning shots."
The attack had been preceded by a trifling fire at a threshing floor, either accidentally caused (but not by the officers shots) or lit as a signal for the assault.
Jennifer, forced to husband her limited shots, took more time with hers as well.
She pulled the carafe from his hand and poured herself another two shots.
Daniela filled her glass with two more shots and smiled.
You'd have to take shots...
The look the major gave him was as intense as one of the doc's adrenaline shots.
When he no longer heals instantly, the shots are wearing off, Ully explained.
Two shots rang out – one right after the other.
AdvertisementCarmen stared at him in horror, remembering the two shots she heard.
Jessi grimaced, aware that such treatment involved multiple shots.
On the 15th of November he was assassinated, and as no one was punished for this crime the insolence of the disorderly elements increased, and shots were exchanged with the Swiss Guard.
About half-past eight the combat began to wane, and the last shots were fired at ten.
As soon as the telegram at Cuxhaven announces high tide three shots are fired from the harbour to warn the inhabitants of the " fleets "; and if the progress of the tide up the river gives indication of danger, other three shots follow.
AdvertisementKritzinger, Hertzog and bodies of Cape rebels raided Cape Colony as soon as they were able to cross the Orange, and Hertzog penetrated so far that he exchanged shots on the Atlantic coast with a British warship. All that the British forces under Sir Charles Knox and others could do was to localize the raids and to prevent Botha's .
To guard against explosions from this cause it is necessary to use explosives in moderate quantities and to see that the blast-holes are properly placed, so that the danger of blown-out shots may be lessened.
He had spoken only a few words, however, when the insurgents, hearing some shots, and fancying they were betrayed, opened fire upon the national guard, and the archbishop fell, struck by a stray bullet.
Five heavy accurate shots from the Federal's turret guns crushed the enemy in a few minutes.
In default of formed bodies to fire at, the latter had for a moment ceased fire; Napoleon, riding by, half carelessly told them to reopen, and one of their first shots, directed at 2000 yards range against the mass of officers on the sky-line, mortally wounded General Moreau, who was standing by the emperor Alexander.
AdvertisementThe clergy and the fair sex presented the most attractive target for the shots of the satirists.
The solidified chloride is then broken up, the shots and fused masses of magnesium are picked out, run together in a plumbago crucible without flux, and poured into a suitable mould.
War seemed imminent; Prussian troops also entered the country, and shots were actually exchanged between the outposts.
The Russian cavalry mass, after crossing the ridge, moved towards Balaklava; a few shots were fired into it by a Turkish battery and a moment later the Heavy Brigade charged.
A decree of disposition was now issued against the sacrilegious vali, who had dared " to fire shots in Constantinople, the residence of the caliph, and the centre of security."
AdvertisementThe final shots were fired about 1.30 P.M.
A few shots were fired - it is not known who fired first - on the 15th, the Swiss regiments 'stormed the barricades and street fighting lasted all day.
In 1813 he exchanged shots with Thomas Hart Benton and his brother Jesse in a Nashville tavern, and received a second wound.
This crime, originally confined to runaway convicts, was now committed by young men born in the colony, familiar with its mountains and forests, who were good horsemen and excellent shots.
Shots were fired, and a riot occurred in which many Armenian and some Moslem lives were lost.
I was sixteen and pregnant and my mother tossed me out of the house and then I was a street smart seventeen year old mother without a pot to piss in and no options to get one then if I screw this guy I can maybe get a million dollars and feed my baby and not listen to gun shots outside my door and I been standing here at the window a long, long time, begging for a ticket to fly out of here and no one has handed me anything but shit and now this guy is holding this first class pass and all I have to do is reach out and grab it but I know I might hate myself for tacking it because this ticket clerk is kind of a jerk sometimes but an okay guy most of the time and he's nice to me and he listens to me, and he loves me and I know if I take it and fly it will kill him.
He was reluctant to pore over mug shots as he assumed the car would be located momentarily, and hopefully his assailants.
Two shots rang out – one right after the other.
You may not disparage Corel or any of its products in your use of Corel product screen shots.
The longbow archers from Aquarius were not as successful this time round, but some excellent shots on gold ensured that everyone kept smiling.
His front double biceps and lat spread shots are just majestic, and he was a great winner.
Six shots are required for full protection, plus an annual booster.
Vie Shots are available in the chilled cabinets of supermarkets and retail at £ 1.89 for a three pack.
The shots showing Iraqis being brutalized by their American captors must have shocked the locals in Land of the Free.
The Second Class fired at 150 yards with three shots off-hand and three from a rest for an all green cockade.
In the following days she would pose, immaculately coiffed and made-up, for glamor shots of her horribly bruised face.
Since the birds were so confiding or at least tolerant while at display I was able to take a number of shots.
He says a small coterie of unelected powerful people calling the shots has to stop on all fronts.
With close focus wide-angle (CFWA) shots even a small crinoid can be made to dominate the picture.
Shooting from a hide often involves taking shots at birds approaching the decoys at or near ground level.
Then dissimilarity between two shots is defined based upon the dissimilarity indices for all image pairs in the two shots.
Parke controls most of the rallies, but Jonathan succeeds to place a few lethal backhand drop shots to equalize at 6/6.
There are seemingly endless shots of the inside of bars, which pan around to show people dancing.
Inside there's some wonderful shots from the Val Wilmer archives, which are so incredibly evocative.
Terry West also displays a fine knack for composition, most of the camera shots are quite exquisite.
Approach Shots may be played short and right as the sloping fairway will direct the ball to the green.
The only really good shots are obvious fakes, even obvious to ufologists.
Our work has all been shot by local photography studio Ginger Photography - great shots, nice work fella!
They cater for antique firearms (or modern reproductions) of various types such as flintlock, percussion, single shots and revolvers.
The firing of shots may ignite firedamp in breaks or cracks in the shot holes, or it may ignite outside the shot holes.
Continue reading " Is digital cinema fixated with wide shots?
Soon after, the Alexander ' s raking shots started a fire in the stern chain of the French flagship.
A few shots do flirt with realistic monitor images but it's not consistent enough to work.
These next shots demonstrate the severe power of the tidal flows on the Severn Estuary!
Flare does a low-level flyby at a distance to try and get shots of the fieldworker's faces.
He has a good forehand which he used to effect in the first, but I took care of his shots in the second.
Neil, at 14, already had a powerful forehand, clever deception shots and a prodigious appetite, especially for crepes.
Alarmingly, the vast majority of the forward's shots went wide or were easily saved by goalkeeper Jamie Ashdown.
The IRA fired several shots at Lowry who was not injured but a lecturer at the university was wounded by the gunfire.
There was sporadic gunfire at this stage - bursts of automatic gunfire, from time to time, interspersed with single shots.
I'd rather take a few shots here than endure an eternal hell.
However South's defense proved impenetrable with keeper Tim Poole stopping various shots in the last 15 minutes.
But apart from printing a few shots on the old inkjet, mostly we look at them on screen.
They can do this by capturing keystrokes or taking screen shots.
Side on shots showing squadron markings are a useful variation.
Mr. Kennedy, " said a young midshipman, with envious eyes, " what splendid shots you'll have!
Shots that were even only slightly misplaced were gobbled by the very penal rough or huge bunkers.
The manager professed to believe that shots might lawfully be fired at any time unless gas was observable at the actual time of blasting.
A larger catapult called an onager fired stone shots weighing about 50kg and could hit a target 270 meters away!
For added oomph, there are also shots of their buttocks.
The three shots were photographed in the slightly overexposed, hot look Soderbergh had designed for the movie.
The color scheme is pale pastel interspersed with shots of color.
Woods, who began the final round only two shots back of the leader, was the very personification of a curious day.
While your main photographer is directing your posed shots your reportage photographer will be covering impromptu moments of the day.
Rapid flash function enables up to three shots per second, enabling high speed flash photography.
After I had taken all my tank shots I found loads of marine life including pipefish, crab and lobsters inhabiting the wreck.
The number of full profile shots are particularly pleasing.
He never really hurt me with his shots because he is not a big puncher, but he is a brilliant boxer.
He made birdie but I holed the eagle putt to increase my lead to two shots.
The data is compiled what will continue shots and hurrying putts differently about things.
Also near here is where the first shots of the Jacobite rebellion of 1745 were fired.
Sharon has plenty of muscle - superb back and outstanding side chest and triceps shots - even an abdominal retraction.
All the way through The Sixth Sense you eagerly await revelation; shots of the depression pills and the cellar door demand explanation.
Quickly pumping five shots into Marshall's body, Wallace fled the scene.
The way he holds it changes during the shots, and the lamp shade changes position.
However, there has been a seismic shift in recent years and it is now the consumer that calls the shots.
Harte 7 - Couple of well hit shots - got forward well.
But the main hazards on this course are the many trees which line the fairways and have been home to many wayward tee shots.
We took several screen shots of all the tools involved.
During the attack two security guards were slightly wounded by shots from a sawn-off shotgun.
Alistair filmed the opening shots for the movie playing a soldier performing sleight of hand with ancient coins.
These serious messages were enlivened by introductory shots of Progress crossing the Channel and closed with Chris Coburn sporting his now notorious yellow sou'wester!
Tim had a very clear view from the outset so the final shots are very close to the original storyboards.
I heard cries, supplications, moaning, and shots.
The point of view shots make these scenes unbearably tense.
Four consecutive foul shots and two, all too rare, long distance three-pointers from Ben Livingston closed the game up to 82-84.
With the latter, although the 9-point AiAF set-up is generally top-notch, the macro setting made focusing problematic on some of my shots.
For sure, the side chest and side triceps shots proved difficult to score, but all that changed dramatically as they turned around.
Spielberg intended the film to look dreamy and somewhat unfeeling, leaving only certain shots to be dynamic.
In this bedlam no shots were fired and no punches were thrown, but New Orleans seemed like a city unhinged.
You feel uninhibited; you play some shots, you experiment a bit.
A number of shots were fired at him, but he wasn't hit, and walked away unscathed.
For composing shots you can choose to use the viewfinder or the 2 " LCD screen.
For lining up shots there is an optical viewfinder or a large 2.5 " LCD screen.
The Swedish player is very tall as well, and we saw some pretty good volley drop shots and volley drop shots and volley kills from both players.
Lee emphasizes this point simply through angles or painfully slow, yet often wistful shots.
The first shots fired were outside Potchefstroom, which was then occupied by a small British garrison (see Potchefstroom).
These revolvers are good for six shots each, but when those are gone we shall be helpless.
Not a cure, but it sure beats insulin shots.
From the study, like pistol shots, came the frequent sound of the old man angrily blowing his nose.
Two of the enemy's shots had already flown across the bridge, where there was a crush.
Bagration rode up to the ranks along which shots crackled now here and now there, drowning the sound of voices and the shouts of command.
Suddenly one shot after another rang out from the French, smoke appeared all along their uneven ranks, and musket shots sounded.
Shots could be heard, but some way off.
On the eighteenth and nineteenth of November, the army advanced two days' march and the enemy's outposts after a brief interchange of shots retreated.
But no more shots came.
The French, who had ceased firing at this field strewn with dead and wounded where there was no one left to fire at, on seeing an adjutant riding over it trained a gun on him and fired several shots.
Several times parts of the Pavlograd regiment had exchanged shots with the enemy, had taken prisoners, and once had even captured Marshal Oudinot's carriages.
Our advanced line, already in action, could be heard briskly exchanging shots with the enemy in the dale.
Trap-ta-ta-tap! cracked the shots, now together, now several quickly one after another.
The first shots had not yet ceased to reverberate before others rang out and yet more were heard mingling with and overtaking one another.
On entering the earthwork he noticed that there were men doing something there but that no shots were being fired from the battery.
The sound of three more shots came from the gate.
Probably a word of command was given and was followed by the reports of eight muskets; but try as he would Pierre could not afterwards remember having heard the slightest sound of the shots.
In an instant the tramp of horses galloping forward was heard, shouts came from various sides, and then more shots.
The shots came from the yard of the landowner's house he had visited the night before with Dolokhov.
Port Vale, MK Dons, Colchester and Blackpool are unfancied 40-1 shots, with Chesterfield rank outsiders at 66-1.
A few of my shots have been included, and they 've a neat system to request permission.
In the course of the struggle a number of revolver shots were freely used.
Quickly pumping five shots into Marshall 's body, Wallace fled the scene.
Three or four shots rang out from the direction of the scullery door.
Continuous shooting mode approx 3 frames per second for up to 9 consecutive shots.
If you give away liberal shots of tequila at the door you'll end up with a few ' technical ' problems.
And he slammed pub bosses for trying to boost business by offering double shots of spirits for just 10p.
Took screen shots to be able to show how the site design came together Sliding doors and faux columns.
From the steps leading down to the path, shots of southbound trains can be taken.
These serious messages were enlivened by introductory shots of Progress crossing the Channel and closed with Chris Coburn sporting his now notorious yellow sou'wester !
Marriott steadied the innings with some classy shots and his partnership with Egre restored some belief.
Being able to hold the camera steadier can lead to better shots.
Three elderly people in Pittsburgh died on the same day within hours of getting swine flu shots.
The shots are strong and have been tamped hard enough and the foam is adequate.
Both players hit their tee shots into the rough.
But soon he was drinking brandy after his lunch and then he was doing tequila shots before he left the house.
Use the lower toggle switch to step through the shots you have taken.
Stuart responded by upping the tempo, producing some magnificent attacking topspin shots which even Peter was struggling to return.
Group 3 did surface with an impressive haul of sunken treasure tho, including lead shots, a weight belt and a rechargeable flashlight.
If Fran learned a tight drop shot and trickle boast once every ten shots or so, it would improve her game 30 %.
It is seen in many shots in both gray and green undercoat paint.
Hampstead were in no mood to be sympathetic, unleashing 34 shots on Purley stopper Paul Terry.
A number of shots were fired at him, but he was n't hit, and walked away unscathed.
However vain to attempt counting her guns - some heavy metal - a great many shots, the noise enough to deafen one.
Vertiginous shots of campaigners perched on the top of old-growth trees set to powerful music made this film much more than mere radical reportage.
For composing shots you can choose to use the viewfinder or the 2 LCD screen.
For lining up shots there is an optical viewfinder or a large 2.5 LCD screen.
The Swedish player is very tall as well, and we saw some pretty good volley drop shots and volley kills from both players.
He said shots were being fired over the protesters ' heads from an Israeli watchtower nearby.
There is even a built-in flash for shots as close as 15cm that highlights objects while protecting against any unwanted whiteout effects.
Shots fired at guys hiding around corners never whiz past; they always strike the edge of the building near the character 's face.
In the wide-angle shots, you see the woman walking under a scaffolding where a cement mixer is about to topple off.
Shots rang out, as shots are wont to do.
The deer was obviously moving in a zigzag course to escape the shots of hunters.
The more shots you take, the more of a chance you have of scoring.
The parents can ask the visitors to snap shots of baby as he grows.
For example, you may want to have one album for everyday pictures and place all of your holiday shots into another album.
Be sure your pet is up-to-date on all of its shots.
You'll probably need to take several shots of your children before you settle on the perfect one.
Snap shots of your child holding his new baby sister, kissing her, watching as you diaper or feed her, and laying beside her.
If your child is able to sit up on his own, let him play with the stuffed animal while you take the shots.
An older child might kick off the blanket, so snap those shots quickly!
Search for sales that feature not only basic pictures but also shots of the designer labels to ensure you really are purchasing the real deal.
Take as many pictures before the event as possible, then discreetly take more shots when the opportunity arises.
The more shots you take, the more shots the parents can choose from.
Make sure you receive the pedigree papers for the kitten, as well as a list of the shots it has received and those it will need in the coming months.
Breeders usually maintain a record of what shots were given and when.
Digital cameras that are 2 megapixels or less will give you fine shots, especially for sharing via email and for smaller prints.
Essentially, you can cut out the bad shots, put the events in the order you want them, add music or voice over and then transfer your new movie to a CD, DVD or videotape.
Once approved, an adoption fee is charged to cover the costs of shots etc for the health care of your bird friend.
Isometric or square heads are gaining in popularity among those starting out in the sport, because they provide a larger sweet spot and thus allow novices to have fewer missed shots.
Lighter rackets allow you to swing faster (and thus harder) and have more powerful shots, but heavier rackets are more stable and are less likely to result in missed shots.
Megapixels and higher are used for those professional shots like modeling poses, headshots, or poster size pictures of people or landscapes.
Depending on how the head is weighted, you can either focus on lower shots or higher shots.
Shelters and humane societies screen their animals for infectious diseases and make sure they have their baby shots.
Make sure to take him to the vet's for a checkup and all shots before you allow him to associate with your other household pets, just in case he might have an infectious disease.
The kitten will need shots like rabies and distemper.
Some of the best kitten pics are candid shots caught on the fly, but studio shots can be just as interesting and entertaining.
Many shelters, pet stores and breeders will have already started a kitten on his or her first set of shots, but it is the responsibility of the owner to follow up.
The shots your vet prescribed are necessary to help your cat's hormonal system remain in balance and able to fight off immune reactions that produce the typical allergy symptoms.
I have a fourteen-year-old male cat who has diabetes for which I give him insulin shots twice a day.
The vet gave him shots for three consecutive days, and sold us cat food, a mix of chicken and fish.
We took the kitten back to the place where we purchased him from and the man told us that we should not give the kitten any sea food, and that the doctor should not have given it any shots because he is still too young.
Do you know exactly which shots your kitten received for three days?
I can't advise any further on this aspect until I have that info, but some vets prefer to break up combination shots into separate vaccinations because they are easier on sick or elderly pets.
Unfortunately there's nothing written on the vet bill, so I do not know what those shots were.
After they gave Spider the shots, he started rejecting his food and became lazy.
They have received their shots, had their ears cleaned and have shown no sign of any other illness so far.
Each kitten receives at least its first shots, and is dewormed and micro-chipped.
Thank you for your prompt answer on sneezing after shots.
My Ragdoll cat has received all of her shots on a regular schedule, and she has never had such a reaction before.
Since you are trying to avoid medications, there are a few other things you can try before you have to resort to shots or medicine for OCD.
If your concern is the cost of the vaccinations, I would contact some local clinics and see if you can find a less expensive way to get her and her brother up to date on their shots.
There are usually flat rate costs for a wellness visit, yearly shots and worming.
Again, I can't stress enough, this is why you go for your yearly wellness check up for shots and get to know your vet.
An ill cat will purr when being examined by a vet even when they are getting shots or having blood drawn.
These fees cover the costs of shots, checkups and spay and neuter services.
If you're lucky, the kitten will already have his first round of shots and will have been dewormed.
Below is a table that shows when kittens should have which shots as well as how many are required to achieve at least temporary immunity.
Cats typically need annual vet checkups for booster shots, teeth cleanings and general physical examinations.
Booster shots are typically given annually after the second installment has been given.
In a highball glass, add ice and two shots of tequila.
To make one, pour a couple of shots of light rum into a blender along with two ounces each of cream of coconut, such as Coco Lopez, and pineapple juice.
A traditional Daiquiri includes two shots of light rum, an ounce of lime juice and a teaspoon of powdered sugar.
Staging a house to sell is similar to going to Glamour Shots (where professionals dress you up and make you over) to get your picture taken.
You want shots that evoke emotion and movement.
It rained almost everyday, and many of the scenes were outside shots.
This changed over time, but at one time, it was the matrons and dowagers who called the fashion shots.
You don't need to pay someone to take a professional photograph, just have a friend who knows their way around a camera take some nice, flattering shots of you.
This is a problem for some men as well who think it's a good idea to post their no-shirt shots.
While some find this attractive, once again, there's an equal number of perfectly nice available women out there rolling their eyes at the topless guy shots.
Use pictures, taking shots from multiple angles if necessary.
You can store thousands of digital photos on your computer, create CDs and slideshows and email your favorite shots to friends and family, but sometimes you want a picture you can hold in your hands and frame.
Order wallet-sized shots to pass out to all your friends and family, order a 16x20 poster, so you can see your family from the far reaches of the living room, or pick something in-between, like the classic 8x10 print.
Within private photos, you can even select whether pictures are visible to friends or family, so your mom doesn't have to endure shots of your bachelorette party.
Valuable shots and cherished moments can be lost forever if the camera and operator are not up to task.
Having modes that allow the user to optimize shots will create the best photos.
Check to see whether cameras offer widescreen angle shots to be taken in landscape mode.
Experiment with the shots and settings when it comes to each point.
While the automatic setting can get good shots, most beginners will get the hang of the features quickly with a little practice.
Take the camera everywhere and try to take at least a few shots every day.
Take two or three shots in a row, especially when taking photographs of people.
These can give you the opportunity for plenty of experimentation for action shots.
Heavily saturated colors may not be appropriate for a soccer game, per se, but the strong colors can do wonders for "moving" cityscapes and other action shots.
If you constantly marvel at stunning shots taken of rainbow colored fish darting around exquisite coral reefs, you might have wondered what equipment is used for underwater photography.
With the vast amount of underwater photo equipment on the market today, even inexperienced divers can capture vibrant shots under the sea.
These days everyone from snap happy parents to photography students are choosing to display their prize-winning digital shots in fantastic photo projects.
This will give you the best odds of getting several great shots.
Take a few test shots with a digital camera to see where the shadows fall, where his or her features are blown out, etc. If you don't consider lighting, you may find some annoying surprises in your final proof sheet.
Sometimes you'll end up with some great impromptu shots that result from your model playing around with a nearby object.
Nature shots are very different from other kind of photos you will take.
When it comes to scenic shots, it's all about ISO.
In addition, the 1030 SW's 10.1 megapixel sensor provides excellent detail, which gives users the flexibility to crop shots later and still retain high quality images.
In addition, the 850 SW also features a LED Macro Illuminator, which helps enhance shots taken of close-up subjects in macro mode.
The cameras are loaded with innovative technology, which allows you to snap incredible underwater shots without drowning in debt to do so.
This annoying delay is often the cause of spoiled shots.
This speed advantage is even more obvious in low light conditions and when you are trying to capture a sequence of shots of a moving subject.
Doing so will show in your shots, and your ignorance could cost you jobs.
Once you find subjects you have a passion for, use your talent to create a portfolio of your best shots to send to various editors, publishers or studio owners.
Consequently, you need to consider the Rule of Thirds when framing your shots.
In order to produce quality shots, you need to hone your color skills.
In addition, take time to test out multiple lenses, different lighting equipment and other photo accoutrements that will help you improve your shots.
This article lists some of the best places on the Internet to view in the game action photography and offers suggestions for photographers who are looking to take great action sports shots.
The action shots here are some of the most artfully composed photographs ever taken.
You can also browse through the millions of historical sports photos to find classic action shots.
If you are using a 35mm camera, you are going to need one with a fast shutter speed and a high quality auto focus system so your shots stay in focus.
The better your position to the action, the more likely you will be to capture memorable shots.
However, in action photography, you take many more shots than you can use, so if anything, you will learn how to be patient as you practice your craft.
It should also include samples of other images, such as still life, portraits or action shots.
Some of these sites prefer still life or portraits, while others are looking for celebrity or nature shots.
There are four main types of sexy photos which include glamour shots, boudoir pictures, suggestive shots and fully nude photos.
These shots don't necessarily have to be erotic, but the models often look sexy and elegant.
Parents love having images of their young sports stars in action, and most are willing to pay top dollar for exceptional shots.
You can avoid taking busy wide shots by simply taking a few steps closer to your subject.
For example, portrait photography is a specific genre that relies on people to form the compositional material in the shots.
Models are obviously going to have more experience in front of the camera, but if they haven't done sensual shots before they might still be a bit nervous.
Other photographers use more explicit shots to express the concept of sensuality.
Whether the shots are of seductive women in bikinis or close-ups of a girl's sultry eyes, every aspect of female photography is in huge demand.
This in turn generates interest in female photography and the people responsible for snapping the shots.
While some pin-up shots leave very little to the imagination, there are some photographers who know how to make tasteful glamour shots even more appealing to the masses.
Today, you can find hundreds of pin-up photographers who specialize in taking shots of scantily clad women in your local yellow pages.
The same is true for intimate glamour shots in which women have the option of posing with a friend or spouse in an effort to produce private boudoir shots.
Female photography is not all about distasteful shots of half-clothed women in raunchy poses.
A good photojournalist knows the value of combining talent and training to take stunning shots of newsworthy events from world wars to local flooding.
Once you get your gear and start taking shots, it's vital that you begin compiling a portfolio that showcases your expertise with a wide range of subjects.
You can also supplement your portfolio with shots taken during internships or other freelance jobs.
Timing is also important when shooting candid shots of children.
Another way to snap cute photographs of children is to incorporate different props into your shots.
While it is beneficial to have external lighting, backdrops, and filters, it is not necessary to drop a bundle of money on these photo extras to capture cute shots of kids.
Natural light will also produce a softer, more realistic look in your shots.
Once you've captured incredibly cute shots of kids, there are several ways for you to display them.
You simply visit the website, upload your shots and begin editing.
There is also a tool that allows you to add customizable frames to your shots and a touch-up tool that lets you erase wrinkles, blemishes or scars on your photo subject's face.
Most women looking to get glamour shots taken do so to give as a gift to a loved one.
For some women, shooting a series of glamour shots is a daunting proposition, while others see it as a fun way to express themselves.
If you're trying to capture pictures of your own family, use a self-timer to make sure you're in some of the shots.
They'll feel more relaxed and your shots will look more natural.
While you won't be shooting action sports shots or landscapes or abstract art pieces, you can expect to be working with people of all ages from all walks of life to create a variety of portraits.
The photos come in various sizes from small wallet shots to 8 x 10s.
Most seniors like to have a mix of indoor and outdoor shots, with both casual and formal attire.
If you will be using backlighting for outdoor shots, you'll want to remember to bring along a reflector or fill-in flash.
Some photographers welcome the challenge of getting frame worthy shots of camera-shy kids, while others try to avoid shooting youngsters all together.
When taking action shots, remember to set your camera to the fastest shutter speed with a high ISO.
Another way to get stellar candid shots is to blend into the background.
When a child is oblivious to your presence, you can snap spectacular shots.
In order to capture engaging shots of children you need to shoot at their level.
Newborns can easily be lost in a large image, so closely cropped shots make for better compositions.
Macro shots of body parts, such as tiny hands or feet, are good shots to take when other shots won't work, since they are easy to compose and light.
Put your macro shots into scale by putting the baby's hand into the hand of his parent, or by using a prop which highlights size, such as a basket or cushion.
If you take a lot of candid shots and not fussy about settings, then a point-and-shoot camera will suit you best.
The key to capturing stunning group shots is to flex your creative muscle.
Just remember to switch your camera to manual focus if you are using large framing items to avoid blurry shots.
Sure, there are some magical photos taken with a disposable 35mm or with a point-and-shoot digital, but those are more random luck than the product of a skilled photographer expertly manipulating the shots.
You'll need this kind of control if you really want to get frame worthy shots.
The DIGIC III image sensor relays crisp, sharp colors and has a nearly instant start up time, so this makes the EOS 40D the perfect camera for fast action shots taken at sporting events.
By applying a few simple tricks and tips, however, just about anyone can take awe-inspiring shots of this breathtaking celestial object.
Moon shots can be taken during the day or night, though most photographers aim to shoot the bright orb after the sun goes down.
For crystal clear shots of the moon, consider investing in a remote shutter or cable release, so you don't have to manually press your camera's shutter release.
When taking shots of the moon at night you will get far better results if you manipulate the flash yourself and manually set ISO, shutter speed, and aperture.
The SD-Series offers intuitive features, gorgeous aesthetics, and high resolution shots without sacrificing the company's commitment to compact designs.
You may think that your camera's flash will aid in taking stellar shots of fireworks, but it is unlikely that a built-in flash or even an add-on will be powerful enough to further illuminate the night sky.
Your best option is to disable your camera's flash and use natural light sources to illuminate your shots.
Find landmarks or other interesting secondary subjects that you can include in your fireworks shots to make your compositions more intriguing.
You don't want to set up your camera in an area where the smoke from the fireworks will obscure your shots.
Take a few sample shots using the specialty mode.
For manual users, take a series of test shots beforeshooting the final image in order to test the lighting. Also, use a tripod particularly in low-light situations.
If you plan to use it for family events, holidays, and candid shots, then an easy-to-use point and shoot camera might be a wise choice.
To capture posed portraits and shots of children, a high-end SLR with optical stabilization features and center point autofocus will render crisp, clear images.
The results of such ingenuity translate into sharper shots despite variable light sources and improved overall color balance in the final product.
Canon continues to make sure everyone can capture fantastic shots no matter their skill level by expanding its line of high-end digital SLRs.
Having the right tools is essential to capturing frame worthy shots.
Nothing impresses a crowd quite like stellar water shots.
Slow motion water shots are breathtakingly beautiful and can be achieved by forcing the camera's shutter to remain open for a couple of seconds to create a subdued, flowing effect.
Advanced shooters working with SLR cameras should not be without this versatile filter that does wonders for landscape and outdoor shots.
However, if you are an advanced photographer working with a SLR camera with interchangeable lenses, then you could opt to add a specialized macro lens and manipulate light sources to snap super shots.
Amateur shutterbugs typically rely on the camera's built-in flash to light their shots, advanced shooters should avoid using flash and instead, manipulate natural light to bring out the details and texture in a photo.
The nature of the genre is to snap stunning shots of females with distinctive looks.
Give your model creative license to work the items into her poses while you capture great shots.
A modern day approach to taking old world black-and-white glamour shots includes a girl carrying a surfboard while the sunsets behind her.
Making the model feel as comfortable as possible will go a long way in helping you to snap stellar glamour figure shots.
The first step to creating a personal style and shooting frame-worthy shots is to practice basic photo techniques.
Instead of shooting straight-on static shots, squat down, climb a ladder or lean against a tree to switch your perspective and achieve a boldly composed photo.
Instead, familiarize yourself with the basic functions and use them to capture simple shots, such as a single flower.
This will allow you to experiment with close-up shots and help you test out different genres of photography.
Numerous studios, including ones in New York and Massachusetts have made room for Nimoy’s photos to be displayed on their walls, while many of his other prize-winning shots are featured on his website.
Known for his seductive and intimate shots of the world’s most famous supermodels, actors and singers, Testino is often the photographer of choice for A-list celebrities, such as Madonna, Kate Moss and Gwyneth Paltrow.
For example, if you have a pregnant pal, who is looking for someone to document her growing belly, then offer to take tasteful nude shots of her to place in an album.
You can also keep your shots simple by having your subject turn her face away from the camera.
What’s more, not seeing a subject’s face can add mystery to the shots.
Instead of taking a series of full-frontal shots that expose everything on your model, consider having her use her hands and arms to strategically cover parts of her torso.
As the session continues, swap out your lens and take more close-up shots of individual body parts.
Jell-o shots add fun to your party and a freezer filled with wormy Jell-o shots will definitely get your guests in the Halloween mood.
Let the wormy shots firm up, overnight is best.
Be sure to include before and after photos, as well as candid shots of the work in progress.
Try to include some great action shots, especially if you can attend the game in person.
Busy prints can be very distracting in portrait shots.
This fun and festive project has a retro-inspired look that works well for kids' photos, party layouts, or simple everyday candid shots.
Some of the topics covered include editing purchased digital scrapbooking paper, creating a faux stitching effect on your photos, removing red eye from portrait shots, and colorizing a black and white photo.
A balance of close up shots and wide shots adds interest to the album.
Whether your child plays baseball, soccer, or football, you are sure to have an abundance of action shots you wish to display.
Take a series of shots showing him at bat, shots on goal, or a run to the end zone.
Another idea is to glue a series of cardstock cut-outs together to serve as the background for a collage of action shots.
In the case of the latter layout, your photos will likely consist mostly of tailgating activities and a few shots from inside the stadium.
Take lots of series shots, since these make great layouts.
Take shots of your child sitting on the suitcase to help you zip it or your bed covered with piles of items you plan to pack.
You can easily add some sizzle to your scrapbook by including colorful photos of the finished recipes, plus some fun shots of family members and friends chowing down on the tasty treats.
This makes for a much more meaningful layout than static shots of the cooking process or boring images of the finished product sitting alone on a plate.
Action shots are great for beach layouts, and series photos are also very useful.
Get photos of everyone picking up shells, and take a few close-up shots of the shells on the sand.
You can have make-up on for the headshot, but don't wear make-up in the other two shots.
While the high caliber glamour shots often still go to women, male models are now required in the fashion industry to model everything from perfumes in print ads to skateboards.
A portfolio is a collection of headshots, and full body shots that will show off your daughter's talents as a model.
Be sure to include natural-looking shots as well as the more glamorous ones.
You'll need to create a professional portfolio with both head and body shots of yourself that you can submit to modeling agencies.
Make sure your body shots show how your body looks.
Vitamin B12 shots are an alternative to those who suffer from a lack of B12 vitamins.
For vegans, some type of supplement, such as vitamin B12 shots, can be necessary if the vitamin is lacking for a long period of time.
Vitamin B12 shots are perfect for this type of condition.
Vitamin B12 shots are normally prescribed and administered by a physician.
Shots are often preferred to other supplements because of how quickly, efficiently, and completely they are processed once given.
The only other method of administering B12 that is as effective as the shots is vitamin B12 nasal spray.
When a doctor prescribes a course of vitamin B12 shots, usually several shots will be given over the course of a few days.
After that, the shots are given monthly.
Since it is a water-soluble vitamin, these shots are delivered into the muscle, usually in the upper arm, rather than into your veins.
Vitamin B12 shots will increase the number and health of red blood cells, and treat the underlying anemia in the process.
The only people who would benefit from the shots or supplements are those who suffer from a deficiency.
If you have not been taking any sort of vitamin B12 supplement or fortified foods, and are suffering from any of the symptoms listed above, see your doctor as soon as possible to determine if you will need vitamin B12 shots.
The huge size is combined with luxury appeal and eye-catching chrome that will have your limo the perfect background for post wedding photo shots.
If you really do need to save money, consider hiring the professional photographer for the ceremony and the formal shots, but have your friends and family snap pictures of getting ready and at the reception.
Make a list of the various kinds of shots you want your photographer to take.
Is it important that you have formal shots in front of the ocean?
You may want to save certain shots for after the formal ones and after the ceremony, in case water covers the bottom of your dress, or you end up covered in sand.
If your wedding is too late in the evening, your formal shots and ceremony may be too dark.
Whatever the symbolism, a favorite spot on the beach will provide you with special memories and great shots for the photo album that you'll cherish for a lifetime.
It is not uncommon to find wedding photo albums with shots of the bride and groom in both western and eastern attire.
Make sure they know what type of photos you want taken, such as only posed traditional shots or more candid moments.
Consider hiring two photogrpahers, one for traditional wedding poses, and one for more creative or candid shots.
A martini or other cocktail can have two or three shots of liquor.
Sheen has mastered the technique of comedic acting, appearing in such films as Major League and Hot Shots, but he can also shine in dramas, as shown in Platoon and Wall Street.
Comedy Central is rerunning the episode of South Park in which the writers took a few shots a Scientology, outraging Tom Cruise and leading to Issac Hayes departure from the show.
The less desirable shots, Coluccio says, are not her friend.
When celebrities get in trouble with the law, there is no more embarrassing celebrity oops pictures than mug shots.
While the grainy pictures don't make the drug use evident, it does appear to be Lohan in some shots.
Most of these photos are taken from outside the front of the building, but there are also a couple of aerial shots.
However, it wasn't until the uber-popular pair started adding kids to the mix that stock in fake shots skyrocketed.
These sites are updated several times a day and often include paparazzi shots that may not be found at other sources.
Check out the site's "Star Shots" and "Star Style" sections. - Here you'll find lots of celebrity photos, as well as a collection of still shots from movies that are often steamier than regular pictures.
Many of the sites are innocent enough, featuring publicity photos, screen shots from movies and television, or widely available pictures with the celebrities fully clothed.
Didn't she drink a few shots on her show?
People - People has a large collection of Pattinson images, ranging from candid shots, to photos of him with Kristen Stewart, to publicity pictures from his movies and other projects.
If they're all publicity shots from films or magazines, the celebrity may not be real.
None of the photos contain nudity, however there are lots of bikini shots and other revealing images.
While there's no actual nudity, there are many bikini shots and "come hither" looks.
Several other TV movie roles followed, including Little Shots and Who Will Love My Children?
There are many websites with impressive collections, covering recent shots as well as blasts from the past.
Web-savvy celebrity watchers know all about fake celebrity photos, and mug shots are no exception.
Why do fans of celebrities love to look at mug shots?
His later ventures including Hot Shots and Major League demonstrated a cheeky sense of humor in the actor.
Views of students studying may indicate a serious academic culture, while shots of kids playing games on the lawn during class time may hint at a more open, party-friendly culture.
He is up to date on his shots, but he has a brother and sister.
Pets are routinely given their first shots between six and eight weeks old, followed by two boosters given three to four weeks apart to help them build up their immunities.
A free puppy isn't likely to come with shots as it normally would from a breeder.
Shots taken from overhead sometimes make your dog seem out of proportion.
If your dog is one of those who wiggles and whines with anxiety when the camera is pointing right at him, why not consider snapping some shots on the sly while he's occupied doing something else?
For every great dog picture, there are probably ten more shots that didn't turn out.
At this age, the puppy has received all of its shots, been neutered or spayed, is most likely housebroken, trained and socialized.
Killed Parvovirus is included in most combination shots, and by the age of three months your pup should have received at least two boosters that would have provided some immunity against the disease.
She is otherwise healthy and playful, and has had all her shots.
Veterinarians can give shots to induce a bitch into season, but they are not guaranteed to work.
There are abortive shots available, but may vets are refusing to offer this service because there are possible complications involved.
Maybe you even have a dog photo album of your own, filled with candid shots of your dog's best and sometimes most humorous moments.
Have the puppies had any of their shots and been examined by a vet?
Even if you find a free puppy, remember that you'll need to pay for booster shots, spaying or neutering and regular vet check ups.
If they have rabies, being bit can lead to a series of rabies shots that are not pleasant.
Humans get a series of shots injected into the abdomen until the series is finished.
You should have a fresh stool sample checked for any parasites when taking your puppy in for booster shots and check-ups.
Be sure your dog is up to date on his shots and, should there be a fight, know how to break it up.
I had been trying for 45 minutes to get my three well-behaved (or so I thought) dogs and one out of control 17-week-old puppy into the car to go to the vet's for baths and shots.
For some dogs, it may be necessary to administer daily shots.
If you bought your puppy from a pet store or breeder, there should be a record of which shots she was given and which vet treated her.
If you got your puppy from a shelter or an individual, you may want to confirm whether she has received her necessary shots.
The vet can determine the approximate age of your pet and which shots are required.
Keep in mind that several of the vaccinations are done as a series, so you will need to return every few weeks for an additional round of shots until your puppy is approximately 16 weeks old.
Typically the adoption fee covers the cost of spaying or neutering and the current set of shots.
For puppies, there may be additional shots required soon after bringing the pet home since puppies can be adopted around eight weeks old, but first year shots run through 16 weeks of age.
If you see a litter on the vet's bulletin board you may be interested in, contact the vet to determine if the dam and sire were patients of the vet and whether the dogs were up-to-date on their shots.
Flu shots may also be part of the services available at senior centers.
There may be a mobile unit from a hospital with nurses on hand to test blood glucose and cholesterol levels, check blood pressure, and administer flu shots.
Even better is the fact that golf glasses also keep harmful UV rays and glare out of your eyes, and this will allow you to focus on your shots, not squinting and shielding your eyes from light.
The service allows you to pose for photos in the park with your favorite Disney characters, and then you can view the shots on
The service is available to park guests regardless of whether or not they bring their own camera along to snap personal shots of their Disney adventure.
Again, use the shotgun for the best results as you'll only need 4 or 5 shots to kill him.
Make sure you're aiming for the underside because the outer shell will defect your shots.
You may be able to get one or two shots off before you have to dodge away and come back.
Then you can sprint in there, get a few shots on the underside before he starts moving again.
For example, shots to different parts of an opponents body do more or less damage depending on the location.
With a pistol, it will take two shots; with any other weapon, one.
Blood Vision also helps you with head shots by defining the head a little bit more.
The Power Shots add an interesting spin on the game, with Bowser, for example, rocketing the ball across in a large flame.
Use a shotgun that has twelve shots and no clips.
Complete any level by yourself on Legnendary or online without firing shots or using grenades. 25 points.
The "Power Shots" add an interesting twist to an already fun game.
This basketball game gives players control over video game versions of the NBA's best ball players as they perform passes, dunks, rebounds, shots and steals.
When you play hunting games online, you will find realistic looking first-person shooter type titles to goofy simple cartoon versions that are more for basic fun than strategy and improving your precision shots.
It is best to find a good hiding spot, popping out for a few shots at a time.
Then you would try to score points based on how accurate your shots land.
For console and handheld games, use a digital camera with adequate lighting, then transfer the shots to your PC.
Many good sprite and screenshot websites will have some beautiful shots free for download.
You can even direct your shots based on the direction of your wrist-flicking.
By twisting and rotating the controller during your swing, you can add spin to your shots.
Not only does it setup your shots for you, it also makes it impossible to scratch.
This doesn't change the difficulty much though, as if you remain in close quarters with all of your shots you can clear the table in no time.
If you're bored, training mode allows you to move all of the balls around, and you can try to set up some cool trick shots.
Also, be careful when you are aiming to shoot at a specific ball while it is in one of those turns, as missed shots are quite common.
Rebecca told Claudia to get down low, but the next four shots all struck Claudia, once even in the head.
Line up your shots, chalk up your cue, and sink those balls.
But what about a squirt gun that shots water or a Nerf gun that shoots foam balls?
Because these diseases can pose a severe problem in early childhood, the shots should be given as early in life as possible.
Allergy shots, also called immunotherapy, are a form of treatment that reduces a person's allergic reaction to a particular allergen.
Allergy shots can reduce symptoms of allergic rhinitis (hay fever) and allergic asthma.
Allergy shots are less effective against molds and are not a useful method for treating food allergies.
Allergy shots are not recommended for food allergies.
Parents considering allergy shots for their child should be referred to a board certified allergist.
An allergist will follow specific steps to determine if allergy shots are necessary.
If the child's deterioration in health and the cost of allergy drugs outweigh their benefits, allergy shots may be appropriate.
Allergy shots are also effective in treating allergic asthma.
Allergy shots can help relieve the allergic reactions that trigger asthma episodes and decrease the need for asthma medications.
Older children can also receive shots in the upper arm and in the upper outer part of the thigh.
Children who receive allergy shots may develop serum sickness or other problems in reaction to the treatment.
There is an increased risk of a reaction with a variation of allergy shots which "rushes" the first phase of the treatment.
The children should also periodically receive pneumococcal pneumonia shots as recommended by their doctors.
Because of the basal infusion, pumps can offer many children much tighter control over their blood glucose levels and more flexibility with their diet than insulin shots afford them.
Removal of dead and damaged tissue (under local, regional, or general anesthetic) may be required after the wound has been washed, and any child whose tetanus shots are not up-to-date should receive a booster injection.
Children who are suspected of being allergic should consult an allergist about shots that can reduce reactions to bee and wasp venom (venom immunotherapy).
In 1960 there were only five vaccines in eight shots.
As of 2004, children receive 11 different vaccines given in up to 20 shots by age two years.
Vitamin B12 deficiency anemia requires a life-long regimen of B12 shots to maintain vitamin levels and control symptoms of pernicious anemia.
For reactions to insect stings or allergy shots, a tourniquet should be placed between the puncture site and the heart; the tourniquet should be released every 10 minutes.
The allergist may also be able to give allergy shots to children with wasp, yellow jacket, hornet, honey bee, or fire ant allergies.
These shots provide 90 percent protection against the first four insect reactions, but less protection against fire ant reactions.
Injections, or allergy shots, are also sometimes used to treat allergic rhinitis.
The shots are given frequently at first, but when a maintenance level of the allergen is reached, they are given less frequently.
These shots have been found to be very effective in some cases, but there are often problems with compliance.
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) required Merck to follow several thousand children for 15 years, to determine the long-term effects of the vaccine and whether additional booster shots of VZV would be necessary.
It is usually the last time immunizations are given before the pre-kindergarten shots.
The meningococcal meningitis vaccine is given by injection (shots) to provide immunization against meningococcal disease and meningitis caused by the bacterium Neisseria meningitides.
Allergy shots for insect stings, also known as venom immunotherapy, can be an effective treatment for children who experience a severe reaction to insect stings.