Shorter Sentence Examples
You're shorter than I expected.
It was shorter but rough and steep.
That should make for a shorter list.
Darkyn said Hell would do what she asked, so she willed her hair shorter and blonde.
Darkyn was a head shorter than Kris and wider, his steady gaze and roughly hewn features reminding him of Rhyn.
Maria was a wee bird of a woman—probably a teenager, Hispanic, and even shorter than Cynthia, who barely topped five feet.
It is said that tall people live shorter lives than short people.
When the ponds were firmly frozen, they afforded not only new and shorter routes to many points, but new views from their surfaces of the familiar landscape around them.
This way will be shorter.
Her hair was shorter and the smile on her face made her all the more attractive.
AdvertisementShe was shorter, yet had the same hair and moved with the same self-assured serenity as her daughter.
Hippocrates has even left directions how we should cut our nails; that is, even with the ends of the fingers, neither shorter nor longer.
He was shorter than the seven-foot giants around him, standing right at Romas's height.
His lifemate was tiny, standing a full head shorter than the average woman and a head and shoulders shorter than him.
But seriously, there are a lot of women who love men shorter than them.
AdvertisementLooking up into his face, it occurred to her that he was considerably shorter than Josh, and yet he didn't seem short.
The man was about Dean's age, shorter, with dark hair and moustache and dressed in full biking attire.
She was shorter, for one, toned and shapely, with round hips and large breasts, and a tucked waist.
She saw the camera in the sand, one of the tripod legs two feet shorter than the other two.
But this latter term of office was destined to be even shorter than his former one had been.
AdvertisementThe course of the Tigris is much shorter than that of the Euphrates, about 1150 m.
Some of his shorter essays on medicine, logic, &c., take a poetical form (the poem on logic was published by Schmoelders in 1836).
The Confession of Faith and the Larger and Shorter Catechisms are recognized and venerated standards in all the lands where British Presbyterianism, with its sturdy characteristics, has taken root.
Fore-feet with five distinct toes, each furnished with a long, strong and slightly curved nail, the first and fifth considerably shorter than the other three.
Another shorter valley began near the present Jaffa gate and, taking an easterly direction, joined the Tyropoeon; while a third ravine passed across what is now the northern part of the Haram enclosure and fell into the valley of the Kidron.
AdvertisementIndeed, she remembers HELIOTROPE and CHRYSANTHEMUM more readily than she does shorter names.
Half a head shorter than Xander, Jule was speaking quietly to the vamp, whose arms were crossed and head tilted in consideration.
Before she could say a word, Lydia too stood up and looked down on Cynthia, who was ten inches shorter.
Her bucket list was getting longer while her time was getting shorter.
But there would have been a shorter severed piece, wouldn't there?
The first rise in the lower Senegal is due to the rains in the source region of the Faleme, the flood water passing down that stream more quickly than down the Bafing owing to its shorter course.
It is also darker in colour, has less of the frontal crest, shorter legs, a longer tail, and the markings beneath take the form of bars rather than stripes, while the bill, eyes and legs are all black.
Hind foot long and narrow, mainly composed of the strongly developed fourth toe, terminating in a conical pointed nail, with a strong pad behind it; the first toe represented by a rudimentary metatarsal; the remaining toes completely developed, with claws, but exceedingly slender; the united second and third reaching a little way beyond the metatarso-phalangeal articulation of the fourth; the fifth somewhat shorter.
After a longer or shorter period it enters the alimentary canal of its proper host with drinking-water, or it bores through the skin and reaches the bloodvessels, and is so conveyed through the body, in which it becomes sexually mature.
The lifting speed of electric travellers is generally less, because the lift is generally much shorter, and may in ordinary cases be taken as V=3+85/T.
These trains are produced by pressing the key in the primary circuit of the induction coil for a longer or shorter time' and generating a long or short series of oscillatory electric sparks between the spark balls with a corresponding creation of trains of electric waves.
The agitation had begun some fifteen years before, and the men had at various times demanded better pay and shorter hours, often with success.
The head is short and conical, the ears large, round and mostly bare, and the tail shorter than the body.
Even the longer pipe may be effectively shorter than the corrected shorter pipe when sounding alone.
Salt Lake City is served by the Denver & Rio Grande, the Union Pacific, the Western Pacific, the Oregon Short Line, and the San Pedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake railways; it is also a terminus of shorter roads to Ogden, to Los Angeles and to Mercur, a mining town in the Oquirrh mountains 1 The early Mormon missions in England were very successful, and many of the leaders of the church and those otherwise prominent in Salt Lake City have been of English birth.
For a longer or shorter period of their lives ticks are parasitic upon vertebrate animals of various kinds; but although the belief that the bite of certain tropical species is poisonous has long been held by the natives of the countries they infest and has been recorded with corroborative evidence by European authors in books of travel, it is only of recent years that accurate information has been acquired of the part played by these Arachnids in transmitting from one host to another protozoal blood-parasites which cause serious or fatal diseases to man and other animals.
Hind-feet with a very short nailless first toe, the second, third and fourth toes partially united by integument, of nearly equal length, the fifth distinct and rather shorter; all four with long and curved nails.
The neck is thicker and shorter than that of most Europeans.
Starch, indeed, wherever it appears in the plant seems to be a reserve store of carbohydrate material, deposited where it is found for longer or shorter periods till it is needed for consumption.
Of these Palaelodus was an ancestral flamingo, but with shorter legs; Limnatornis is referred to the hoopoes.
This treatise is shorter than the first, occupying only two or three pages, and the conclusion of the argument is the same.
The short reign of Paul (1796-1801) resembled in many points the still shorter one of his father, Peter III.
Over shorter distances still more rapid running is occasionally arranged, and in Great Britain, France and the United States there are instances of trains scheduled to maintain an average speed of 60 m.
In North America there is a second distinct smaller species, called the coyote or prairie-wolf (Canis latrans), and perhaps the Japanese wolf (C. hodophylax) may be distinct, although, except for its smaller size and shorter legs, it is scarcely distinguishable from the common species.
But her day of triumph was destined to be even shorter than that of her predecessor.
In the female of Culex the palpi are much shorter than the proboscis; in Anopheles they are of the same length.
Between the publication of the collected edition of his poems and his settling down in the Luckenbooths, he had published a few shorter poems and had issued the first instalments of The Tea-Table Miscellany and The Ever Green (both 1724-1727).
Ramsay wrote little afterwards, though he published a few shorter poems, and new editions of his earlier work.
A moderate and judicious presbyterian, he prepared with others the " Shorter Catechism " in 1647, and was one of the" Triers," 1654.
He recommends the practice of setting up corn in shocks, with two sheaves to cover eight, instead of ten sheaves as at present - probably owing to the straw being then shorter.
In the cattle classes, aged beasts of huge size and of considerably over a ton in weight used to be common, but in recent years the tendency has been to reduce the upper limit of age, and thus to bring out animals ripe for the butcher in a shorter time than was formerly the case.
This kind is sometimes seen in plantations, where it may be recognized by its shorter, darker leaves and longer cones.
Of the shorter poems, besides the greeting to Pippin on his return from the campaign against the Avars (796), an epistle to David (Charlemagne) incidentally reveals a delightful picture of the poet living with his children in a house surrounded by pleasant gardens near the emperor's palace.
The government accordingly resolved to reopen the Lido entrance to the lagoon, and thus to afford a shorter and more commodious access from the sea.
The probable reason for the wall-lines being concentric is that lines passing over the radii as nearly as possible at right angles are the shortest that can be laid on; they therefore use up a smaller quantity of silk and take a shorter time to spin than threads crossing the radii in any other direction; and at the same time they afford them the greatest possible support compatible with delicacy and strength of construction.
In these spiders, too, the newly-hatched young shift for themselves as soon as they emerge from the cocoon; in others that guard the cocoon the young stay for a longer or shorter time under their mother's protection, those of the wandering Lycosidae climbing on her back to be carried about with her wherever she goes.
If a limb be lost at an early stage it may be re-grown in perfection; but at later stages it is only imperfectly reproduced and is shorter and thinner than the other limbs.
Its modern history has been very much the same as that of the other Ionian islands; but it was subject to Venice for a much shorter period - from 1717 to 1797.
Besides the short kris, the Malays use long straight kris with very narrow blades, shorter straight kris of the same form, short broad swords called sundang, long swords of ordinary pattern called pedang, somewhat shorter swords curved like scimitars with curiously carved handles called chenangkas, and short stabbing daggers called tumbok lada.
Physa is smaller than Limnaeus and has the upper part of the spire much shorter.
Direct nitration gives (principally) m-nitrobenzoic acid, also pseudotetragonal with a much shorter principal axis.
In addition to th e se residents or natives of the locality, Shelley, Scott, Nathaniel Hawthorne, Clough, Crabb Robinson, Carlyle, Keats, Tennyson, Matthew Arnold, Mrs Hemans, Gerald Massey and others of less reputation made longer or shorter visits, or were bound by ties of friendship with the poets already mentioned.
Holtzmann's elaborate and very ingenious theory (1872) that Colossians has been expanded, on the basis of a shorter letter of Paul, by the same later hand which had previously written the whole of Ephesians, has not met with favour from recent scholars.
These orthodromic distances are of course shorter than those measured along a loxodromic line, which intersects all parallels at the same angle.
The Midgan, who are of slightly shorter stature than the average Somali, are the most numerous of these peoples.
The appearance of the prairie section of the province is that of undulating meadows, with rounded sloping ridges covered with shorter grasses, which serve for the support of great herds of cattle and horses.
The skull, which is probably that of a female, differs from the ordinary musk-ox by the much smaller and shorter horn-cores, which are widely separated in the middle line of the skull, where there is a groove-like depression running the whole length of the forehead.
The strips (inae, philyrae), which were cut with a sharp knife or some such instrument, were laid on a board side by side to the required width, thus forming a layer (scheda), across which another layer of shorter strips was laid at right angles.
The incisors are chisel-shaped, and the canines tend to become isolated, so as in the more specialized forms to occupy a more or less midway position in a longer or shorter gap between the incisors and premolars.
The facial portion of the skull is generally shorter than the cranial; the orbit is freely open behind; and the premaxillae tend to be reduced and fused with the nasals.
Three editions of his Welsh catechism were published for the use of his schools (1789, 1791 and 1794); an English catechism for the use of schools in Lady Huntingdon's Connexion was drawn up by him in 1797; his shorter catechism in Welsh appeared in 1799, and passed through several editions, in Welsh and English, before 1807, when his Instructor (still the Connexional catechism) appeared.
Both the eastern and the western part of the city were formerly enclosed by brick walls, with large round towers at the principal angles and smaller towers intervening at shorter distances, the whole surrounded by a deep fosse.
Further extensions of this meaning are to an explanation, comment or addition, added in the margin or at the foot of the page to a passage in a book, &c., or to a communication in writing shorter or less formal than a letter.
Their hinder limbs are shorter than in the true kangaroos, and their fore limbs are longer and more robust, and have very strong curved and pointed claws.
There are three distinct and large thoracic segments, whereof the prothorax is narrower than the others; the legs are much shorter and stouter than in the winged insect, with monomerous tarsi terminated by a single claw.
For these reasons he marched by land; and as the roads north of the Tagus were deemed impassable for guns, while transport and supplies for a large force were also difficult to procure, he sent Sir John Hope, with the artillery, cavalry and reserve ammunition column, south of the river, through Badajoz to Almaraz, to move thence through Talavera, Madrid and the Escurial Pass, involving a considerable detour; while he himself with the infantry, marching by successive divisions, took the shorter roads north of the Tagus through Coimbra and Almeida, and also by Alcantara and Coria to Ciudad Rodrigo and Salamanca.
The lesser orders wear a shorter sticharion and an orarion wound round it.
The Latin text is much shorter than the Welsh, but we do not know whether this abridgment was made on purpose, or whether the translation is an imitation of an earlier text.
The simple siphon is used by filling it with the liquid to be decanted, closing the longer limb with the finger and plunging the shorter into the liquid; and it must be filled for each time of using.
A volume entitled Opera posthuma (Leiden, 1703) contained his "Dioptrica," in which the ratio between the respective focal lengths of object-glass and eye-glass is given as the measure of magnifying power, together with the shorter essays De vitris figurandis, De corona et parheliis, &c. An early tract De ratiociniis tin ludo aleae, printed in 16J7 with Schooten's Exercitationes mathematicae, is notable as one of the first formal treatises on the theory of probabilities; nor should his investigations of the properties of the cissoid, logarithmic and catenary curves be left unnoticed.
At shorter distances the magnetism induced in the weaker magnet will be stronger than its permanent magnetism, and there will be attraction; two magnets with their like poles in actual contact will always cling together unless the like poles are of exactly equal strength.
In 1885 it was shown by Bidwell, in the first of a series of papers on the subject, that if the magnetizing force is pushed beyond the point at which Joule discontinued his experiments, the extension of the bar does not remain unchanged, but becomes gradually less and less, until the bar, after first returning to its original length, ultimately becomes actually shorter than when in the unmagnetized condition.
Foxes are likewise distinguished by their slighter build, longer and bushy tail, which always exceeds half the length of the head and body, sharper muzzle, and relatively longer body and shorter limbs.
During the next two years he published five shorter satires, all of which were well received by the public. The great event of 1721 was the erection of the first Danish theatre in GrOnnegade, Copenhagen; Holberg took the direction of this house, in which was played, in September 1722, a Danish translation of L'Avare.
His genuine simplicity as a lyrical writer is shown by the fact that several of his shorter pieces have passed into popular song.
If a character of much longer standing (certain properties of height, length, breadth, colour, &c.) had not become fixed and congenital after many thousands of successive generations of individuals had developed it in response to environment, but gave place to a new character when new moulding conditions operated on an individual (Lamarck's first law), why should we suppose that the new character is likely to become fixed and transmitted by mere heredity after a much shorter time of existence in response to environmental stimulus ?
It adds many new features to the shorter form of the story as given by Eusebius, among which is the noteworthy promise of Christ about the impregnability of the city - " Thy city shall be blessed and no enemy shall ever henceforth obtain dominion over it.
But whether in its longer or its shorter form, the whole narrative must be pronounced unhistorical.
He is scarcely of middle height and is shorter and less vigorous than his neighbours.
He is always and everywhere sentimental, though very frequently, as in his shorter prose tales (The Stone Mason of Saint-Point, Graziella, &c.), he is graceful as well as sentimental.
Dunbar works on the same theme in a shorter poem, known as Beauty and the Prisoner.
Except, indeed, for its relatively shorter limbs Megatherium americanum rivalled an elephant in bulk, the total length of the skeleton being 18 feet, five of which are taken up by the tail.
The second genus, Dorcatherium (or Hyomoschus), is African, and distinguished chiefly by the feet being stouter and shorter, the outer toes better developed, and the two middle metacarpals not welded together.
Early in his ministry he was "brought to a stand" while lecturing on the "Shorter Catechism" by the question "How doth Christ execute the office of a king ?"
The Peruvian chinchilla (C, brevicaudata) is larger, with relatively shorter ears and tail; while still larger species constitute the genus Lagidium, ranging from the Andes to Patagonia, and distinguished by having four in place of five front-toes, more pointed ears, and a somewhat differently formed skull.
In some instances the result has been an additional and unnecessary expenditure of high-pressure steam, and in all the weld-known fact - of the highest importance in this connexion - appears to have been disregarded, that the shorter the time the juice is exposed to heat the less inversion will take place in it, and therefore the less will be the loss of sugar.
They were published in shorter form with the omission of the names of authorities and of most of the poems cited; some passages quoted by later writers are not found even in the aeiden edition.
The fast-growing activity of the port of Trieste and the new and shorter railway line constructed between it and Vienna also contribute to the same effect.
The wings in the male are shorter than the body; in the female they are rudimentary.
C. atlantica, the Atlas cedar, has shorter and denser leaves than C. Libani; the leaves are glaucous, sometimes of a silvery whiteness, and the cones smaller than in the other two forms; its wood also is hard, and more rapid in growth than is that of the ordinary cedar.
In addition to many shorter articles, reports, &c., he published Western America, including California and Oregon (1849) and Theory of the Winds (1856).
From the same usage is derived the shorter political term "cave" for any body of men who secede from their party on some special subject.
The fact that the full form Yahweh appears, whereas in Hebrew proper names only the shorter Yahu and Yah occur, weighs somewhat against the interpretation, as it does against Delitzsch's reading of his tablets.
The shorter forms may well have had a purely secular reference, signifying ` who is like this child' ?"
It is true that the Japanese are shorter in stature than either the Chinese or the Koreans.
Simms in defence of the politics and finance of the South, enjoyed a shorter career.
The fangs of the bungarums are shorter than those of the cobras, and cannot penetrate so deeply into the wound.
Under his name two fragments are extant - the longer from his work on orthography (De orthographia), the shorter (chiefly on the use of prepositions) from another grammatical work.
It was put out in 1534 and must be distinguished from the First and Second Helvetic Confessions, its author being Oswald Myconius, who based it on a shorter confession promulgated by Oecolampadius, his predecessor in the church at Basel.
The Siberian roe (C. pygargus), which is common in the Altai, is larger and paler than the type species, with shorter and more hairy ears, a larger white rump-patch, and small irregular snags on the inner border of the antlers.
The Manchurian roe (Capreolus manchuricus) is about the size of the European species, with antlers of the type of those of the Siberian roe, but more slender, and the coat shorter.
On the other hand, the version of Onkelos affords just the supplementary material that is required to restore sense to the shorter text.
The plants are apparently stemless, bearing a rosette of large, thick, fleshy leaves, or have a shorter or longer (sometimes branched) stem, along which, or towards the end of which and its branches, the generally fleshy leaves are borne.
It may be applied to the end of a tube much shorter than its focal distance, by having another convex glass within the tube, to shorten the focal distance of that which is cut in two.
In this method a third drum is used to receive a heavy flat link chain, shorter than the main drawing-ropes, the end of which hangs down a special or balance pit.
This included A Priest to the Temple; or, The Country Parson, his Character, and Rule of Holy Life, in prose; Jacula prudentum, a collectioia,of proverbs with a separate title-page dated 1651, which had appeared in a shorter form as Outlandish Proverbs in 1640; and some miscellaneous matter.
A fanciful explanation of his lameness is that it alludes to the elegiac couplet, one verse of which is shorter than the other.
The skull is shorter and lower than in Megatherium, without any vertical expansion of the middle of the lower jaw, and the teeth also extend nearly to the front of the jaws; both these features being sloth-like.
These railways, with the shorter lines radiating from the city, connect it with nearly all the state capitals and principal ports.
In larger or smaller numbers of cognate kindred, for shorter or longer periods of time, near or far from home, the aborigines developed their legislatures, courts, armies, secret societies and priesthoods.
His date, according to Petrie, is 3969-3908 B.C., but in the shorter chronology of Meyer, Breasted and others he reigned (23 years) about a thousand years later, c. 2900 B.C.
The West Shore railway, which follows closely the route of the New York Central & Hudson River, was also the result of a consolidation, completed in 1881, of several shorter lines.
This approaches most nearly to the wild stock, from which it is distinguished by the non-jointed axis and somewhat shorter awns.
In both the fruits fall out freely from the glume, and in the latter the awns are three-pronged and shorter than the grain.
Regnault also set up a shorter length of pipes of diameter o 108 m.
The whisper seems to creep round the gallery horizontally, not necessarily along the shorter arc, but rather along that arc towards which the whisperer faces.
The irregularities send back a scattered reflection of the different incident trains, and this scattered reflection becomes more copious the shorter the wavelength.
Hence the forward waves are shorter and the backward waves are longer.
But we may also have a shorter wave-length such that the length AK occupies the tube.
With a still shorter wave-length we may have the length.
Reorganizing his southern defences on a shorter front, so as to regain possession of the reserves that he had so liberally given away to his subordinates, he began to collect large bodies of troops opposite Kuroki, while Stakelberg and Zarubayev, before withdrawing silently into the lines or rather the fortress of Liao-Yang, again repulsed Oku's determined attacks on the south side.
Each chain over a shore span consists of two segments, the longer attached to the tie at the top of the river tower, the shorter to the link at the top of the abutment tower, and the two jointed together at the lowest point.
The greatest shear at C' of the opposite sign to that due to the loading of the longer segment occurs with the shorter segment loaded.
A large number of children's hospitals throughout the country give regular training in the nursing of children; they take probationers at a somewhat earlier age than the general schools; the course is usually shorter (one or two years), and the salaries slightly lower.
The period of training appears to be considerably shorter than in Great Britain and America.
The older, which is the richer in design, forms the left side of the building and dates from 1410, while the right, less rich and shorter, was begun in 1443.
Luther's Catechisms, especially the shorter of the two, have been almost universally accepted, but the Form of Concord was and is expressly rejected by many Lutheran churches.
From sheer weariness and disgust the king refrained from any intervention in public affairs for nearly ten years, looking on indifferently while the ever shorter and stormier diets wrangled perpetually over questions of preferment and the best way of dealing with the extreme dissenters, to the utter neglect of public business.
The long connective of the single stamen is hinged to the short filament and has a shorter arm ending in a blunt process and a longer arm bearing a half-anther.
As an alternative to the second cycle, which normally ends in the examination for the baccalaureat, there is a shorter course, mainly founded on modern languages or applied science and ending in a public examination without the baccalaureat.
A decree of 1857 granted to the Paris-Lyons Company the right to construct a line linking Algiers with Oran (266 m.) and Constantine (290 m.) and shorter lines joining the seaports to the trunk line, notably Philippeville to Constantine (54 m.).
There are also now two more genera, Paranebalia (Claus, 1880), in which the branchial feet are much longer than in Nebalia, and Nebaliopsis (Sars, 1887), in which they are much shorter.
In the trade-wind region we find the characteristic heavy rainfall on the weather sides of the islands, and a shorter rainy season at the season of highest sun on the lee side.
For instance, Lepsius (3) supposed two primitive cubits of 13.2 and 20.63, to account for 28 digits being only 20.4 when free from the cubit of 20.63--the first 24 digits being in some cases made shorter on the cubits to agree with the true digit standard, while the remaining 4 are lengthened to fill up to 20.6.
The Larger Catechism is " for such as have made some proficiency in the knowledge of the Christian religion," but is too detailed and minute for memorizing, and has never received anything like the reception accorded to the Shorter Catechism, which is " for such as are of weaker capacity."
Being uncatechetical in form and addressed to the clergy rather than to the people, it missed its intention, and was superseded by others of less exalted origin, especially by those of the Jesuit Peter Canisius, whose Summa Doctrinae et Institutionis Christianae (1554) and its shorter form (1556) were already in the field.
Even when (as in the Shorter Westminster Catechism and the School Catechism) the Creed is simply printed as an appendix, or where (as in the Free Church Catechism) it is not mentioned at all, its substance is dealt with.
Following upon the stomach there is a longer or shorter intestine, which ends in the cloaca.
On the Franconia, a much shorter range, are Mount Lafayette, 5269 ft.; Mount Lincoln, 5098 ft.; and four others exceeding 4000 ft.
Such bodies show strong absorption bands in those colours which they reflect, while of the transmitted light that which is of a slightly greater wave-length than the absorbed light has an abnormally great refrangibility, and that of a slightly shorter wave-length an abnormally small refrangibility.
The twigs are densely clothed with flat spreading linear leaves of a fine glossy green above and glaucous beneath; in the old trees they become shorter and more rigid and partly lose their distichous habit.
In addition to its inferior size, the coyote is also shorter in the leg than the wolf, and carries a more luxuriant coat of hair.
The western coast has fewer and shorter off-shore reefs; much of it is of minutely irregular outline, which seems to be determined less by the work of the sea than by the forward growth of mangrove swamps in the shallow salt water.
The rest of the rivers flowing into the Pacific pass through British Columbia and are much shorter, though the two southern ones carry a great volume of water owing to the heavy precipitation of snow and rain in the Cordilleran region.
The Fraser, next in size but farther north, follows a similar course, entering the sea at Vancouver; while the Skeena and Stikine in northern British Columbia are much shorter and smaller, owing to the encroachments of Peace and Liard rivers, tributaries of the Nelson, on the Cordilleran territory.
Between them are many other ranges shorter and less regular in trend, such as the Selkirk Mountains, the Gold Ranges and the Caribou Mountains.
Though Halifax and St John are open in winter, much of the winter trade eastwards is done through American harbours, especially Portland, Maine, owing to the shorter railway journey.
The census and statistics office, reorganized as a branch of the department of agriculture in 1905, undertakes a complete census of population, of agriculture, of manufactures and of all the natural products of the Dominion every ten years, a census of the population and agriculture of the three North-West Provinces every five years, and various supplemental statistical inquiries at shorter intervals.
Lyrodesmidae.-Extinct; shell inequilateral, posterior side shorter; hinge short, teeth in form of a fan.
Maxims of criticism to which we may here refer are that "harder readings are better than easier" and that "the shorter reading is generally the truer."
Voles, as typified by the water-rat and the tailed fieldmouse, are stouter built and shorter-nosed rodentsthan the typical rats and mice, with smaller ears and eyes and shorter tails; all being good burrowers.
In the Liu-Kiu rabbit (Pentalagus furnessi) the coat is equally harsh, but the ears and hind-feet are shorter, and there are only five (in place of the usual six) pairs of upper cheek-teeth.
The terms of elective officers are shorter; and as there are also more offices to be filled, the number of persons to be voted for is necessarily much greater.
Residence is also necessary, but for a shorter period, in the county, city or town, or voting precinct.
Schuppe, who, in his Erkenntnistheoretische Logik (1878), and in his shorter Grundriss der Erkenntnistheorie and Logik (1894), gives the view a wider scope by the contention that the real world is the common content or object of common consciousness, which, according to him, as according to Fichte, is one and the same in all individual men.
The regular form of the buildings was rectangular, the gable sides probably being shorter than the others.
It is much shorter than the typical instruments described, so that the maximum brightness of image is obtained.
There are several obscure points as to the relation of the longer and shorter ceremonies, as well as the origin and original relation of their several parts.
The mooruk, or Bennett's cassowary (Casuarius Bennettii), is a shorter and more robust bird, approaching in the thickness of its legs to the moas.
It is to him we owe the commentaries on seven of the shorter canonical books, consisting almost entirely of verses, and also the commentary on the Netti, perhaps the oldest Pali work outside the canon.
It should always be borne in mind that in the Western and Central Alps there is but one ridge to cross, to which access is gained by a deep-cut valley, though often it would be shorter to cross a second pass in order to gain the plains, e.g.
On the whole, the form of a parallelogram with its longest sides in the proportion of about five to three of the shorter, and running east and west, may be considered the best form, since it affords a greater extent of south wall than any other.
It is probable that the distinction of Greater and Lesser Panathenaea dates from this period, the latter being .a shorter and simpler festival held every year.
The mountain chain immediately overhanging it, the high temperature of the sea washing it,,the frequent thunderstorms to which it is subject, the moist atmosphere of its equatorial situation, and the shorter regime of the dry south-east wind are the principal causes of the heavier rainfall on the west coast.
Yet the use of an open-hearth furnace of very great capacity, say of 200 tons per charge, has the disadvantage that such very large lots of steel, delivered at relatively long intervals, are less readily managed in the subsequent operations of soaking and rolling down to the final shape, than smaller lots delivered at shorter intervals.
Chinchilla, La Plata, incorrectly named and known in the trade as "bastard chinchilla," size 9 X4 in., in a similar species, but owing to lower altitudes and warmer climatic conditions of habitation is smaller, with shorter and less beautiful fur, the underwool colour being darker and the top colour less pure.
Skins from Germany and China are smaller, and shorter in the wool.
Vicuna is a species of long-necked sheep native to South America, bearing some resemblance to the guanaco, but the fur is shorter, closer and much finer.
The petiole varies in length, being usually shorter than the lamina, but sometimes much longer.
This is due to the fact that the components of shorter period are more rapidly propagated.
For instance, the velocity of propagation of a wave having a period of a day is nearly twenty times as great as that of a wave with a period of one year; but on the other hand the penetration of the diurnal wave is nearly twenty times less, and the shorter waves die out more rapidly.
His legs grew weaker; his breath grew shorter; the fatal water gathered fast, in spite of incisions which he, courageous against pain but timid against death, urged his surgeons to make deeper and deeper.
The versions of Leland and Duchesne, though much shorter, each contain many names found in neither of the other lists.
They are shorter in the heads and legs, and fuller at the jowl, thicker and more compact in the body.
It is a diamond-shaped peninsula jutting out from the mainland in a north-easterly direction, the longer axis, from Muir of Ord station to the South Sutor at the entrance to Cromarty Firth, measuring 20 m., and the shorter, from Ferryton Point to Craigton Point, due north and south, 12 m., and it has a coastline of 52 m.
The Tarnak is much the shorter (length about 200 m.) and less copious.
By modifying the hypothesis as to the size and density, times appreciably longer or shorter than the above would be obtained.
His shorter style is " His Majesty the Emperor and King," and " His Imperial and Apostolic Royal Majesty "; the lands over which he rules are called " The Austrian-Hungarian Monarchy " or " The Austrian-Hungarian Realm."
With pendulums of shorter length, say metres, it is necessary to have a multiplication 80 to too fold by a double system of very light levers, in order to render the extremely slight tilting of their support perceptible.
The pieces were accordingly arranged in indiscriminate order, the only rule observed being to place the long suras first and the shorter towards the end, and even that was far from strictly adhered to.
It appears that the principle of putting the longer suras before the shorter was more consistently carried out by him than by Zaid.
Over all is worn a long cloth robe, the gibbeh (or jibbeh) somewhat resembling the kaftan in shape, but having shorter sleeves, and being open in front.
In Greek times the iron chisels are shorter and merge into wedges (39).
It is, however, iuite possible that by the side of the year of 365 days a shorter year of 360 was employed for some purposes.
In colour the Cape aard-vark is pale sandy or yellow, the hair being scanty and allowing the skin to show; the northern aard-vark has a still thinner coat, and is further distinguished by the shorter tail and longer head and ears.
The drug is often replaced in ophthalmology by homatropine - an alkaloid prepared from tropine - which acts similarly to atropine but has the advantage of allowing the ocular changes to pass away in a much shorter time.
The okapi (Ocapia), which is also African but restricted to the tropical forest-region, in place of being an inhabitant of more or less open country, represents a second genus, characterized by the shorter neck and limbs, the totally different type of colouring, and the restriction of the horns to the male sex, in which they form a pair on the forehead; these horns being more compressed than FIG.
The petaloid perianth consists of two series, each with three members, which are joined below into a longer or shorter tube, followed by one whorl of three stamens; the inferior ovary is three-celled and contains numerous ovules on an axile placenta; the style is branched and the branches are often petaloid.
The Shorter Catechism was taught; the liturgy was not brought in; the sole change was in kirk government.
Dunbar often, and at times deliberately, recalls the older verse-habit, even in his vigorous shorter poems; and Douglas, in his Palice of Honour and King Hart, and even in his translation of Virgil, is unequivocally medieval.
The next is the Majjhima Nikaya, the "Collection of the suttantas of Medium Length" - medium, that is, as being shorter than the suttantas in the Digha, and longer than the ordinary suttas preserved in the two following collections.
The natives are Micronesians, and are darker and shorter than their kinsmen, the Caroline Islanders.
In 1872 appeared Love is Enough, structurally the most elaborate of his poems for its combination of the epic and dramatic spirits; and in the autumn he began to translate the shorter Icelandic sagas, to which his enthusiasm had been directed by two inspiring journeys to Iceland..
From the Mid-Miocene to the Oligocene of France are known several species of Palaelodus, Elornis and Agnopterus, which have relatively shorter legs, longer toes and a complicated hypotarsus, and represent an earlier family, less specialized although not directly ancestral to the flamingos.
The nasal bones are shorter and broader, and are joined by the premaxillae.
In the Oreodontinae or typical section of the family, which includes several genera nearly allied to Oreodon, the skull is shorter and higher than in the camels, with a swollen brain-case, a preorbital glandpit, the condyle of the lower jaw transversely elongated, the tympanic bulla hollow, and the orbit surrounded by bone.
During this year he published a book When Labour Rules, in which he, speaking, of course, only for himself, depicted the kind of policy which Labour in power would favour - such as the right to work, development of nationalization, better homes, shorter hours, state endowment of motherhood, great extension of university facilities and a national theatre and opera.
The sepals are leafy and persistent; the corolla is generally divided into a longer or shorter tube and a limb which is spreading, as in primrose, or reflexed, as in Cyclamen; in Soldanella it is bell-shaped; in Lysimachia the tube is often very short, the petals appearing almost free; in Glaux the petals are absent.
The preacetabular portion of the ilium is shorter than the posterior half.
The stamens are shorter than the cup,.
Some of them are as light-skinned as Europeans, tall, robust, thin-lipped, straight-nosed, with straight black hair; others are shorter and darker in complexion, with round heads, long noses, thick lips, and scraggy limbs, indicating perhaps the commingling of more than one Semitic people.
The roan antelope is a larger animal, with shorter horns, whose general colour in both sexes is strawberry-roan.
The other treatise is a shorter and more popular work, the Encheiridion (" Handbook").
Penal codes depended rather upon shorter and more cruel methods; the scaffold was in constant use, with all manner of physical pain, torture before and after sentence, shameful exposure, hideous mutilation, exile, selling into bondage as slaves.
Accordingly, in 1853 the first Penal Servitude Act was passed, substituting certain shorter sentences of penal servitude for transportation.
There are also several shorter railways in the state, and various stage lines reach the more inaccessible regions.
The feet have broad, naked, tuberculated soles; the forefeet with five distinct toes, each furnished with a long, strong and slightly curved nail, the first and fifth considerably shorter than the other three.
In general form and action wombats resemble small bears, having a somewhat similar shuffling manner of walking, but they are still shorter in the legs, and have a broader and flatter back.
The disease, while reappearing in the seats of the terrible earlier epidemics, was more limited in its range and of shorter duration.'
The further question, however, remains, What shorter narrative piece fulfilling the conditions of an independent poem has Lachmann succeeded in disengaging from the existing Iliad?
Consequently the type of epic poem which would be produced by an aggregation of shorter lays is not the type which we have in the Iliad.
It seems clear, however, that the hypothesis of epics such as the Iliad and Odyssey having been formed by putting together or even by working up shorter poems finds no support from analogy.
It must suffice here to state that the most certain difference, as it is the most easily recognizable, is to be found in the tarsus, which in the arctic tern is a quarter of an inch shorter than in its kinsman.
A southward extension taps the Southern Pacific at El Paso, Texas, and Deming, New Mexico, and there are numerous shorter branches.
This was also the duty of " commissioners " who .were superintendents over smaller territories and for a shorter term.
The committee of the Commons were then informed that the crisis demanded a triple subsidy to be collected in a shorter time than usual, that the Lords could not assent to less than this, and that they desired to confer on the matter.
Otto Ribbeck attributes to him one of the shorter poems usually assigned to Virgil.
A shorter process (the so-called " direct process ") converts the fine-metal into refined copper directly.
The tigers which inhabit hotter regions, as Bengal and the south Asiatic islands, have shorter and smoother hair, and are more richly coloured and distinctly striped than those of northern China and Siberia, in which the fur is longer, softer and lighter-coloured.
Besides editing the memoirs of Fernow, she published Notes on Travels in England, Scotland and Southern France (1813-1817); Johann van Eyck and his Successors (1823); three romances, Gabriele (1819-1820), Die Tante (1823) and Sidonia (1828), besides some shorter tales.
A local increase of the ice period naturally takes place in the upper parts of the Smaland highlands; and in the case of the great lakes of Norrland, the western have a rather shorter ice period than the eastern.
His life by his confessor, Ralph Bocking, is published in the Acta Sanctorum of the Bollandists, where a later and shorter life by John Capgrave is also to be found.
If a collective system be corrected for the axis point for a definite wave-length, then, on account of the greater dispersion in the negative components - the flint glasses; - over-correction will arise for the shorter wavelengths (this being the error of the negative components), and under-correction for the longer wave-lengths (the error of crown glass lenses preponderating in the red).
The Scotch fir is a very variable tree, and certain varieties have acquired a higher reputation for the qualities of their timber than others; among those most prized by foresters is the one called the Braemar pine, the remaining fragments of the great wood in the Braemar district being chiefly composed of this kind; it is mainly distinguished by its shorter and more glaucous leaves and ovoid cones with blunt recurved spines, and especially by the early horizontal growth of its ultimately drooping boughs; of all varieties this is the most picturesque.
The foliage much resembles that of the Scotch fir, but is shorter, denser and more rigid; the cones are smaller but similar in form.
The military and official classes and the various servants wear it short, to the knee, while fops and sharpers wear it even shorter.
If all the trade between Russia and Teheran were to pass over this road, the tolls would no doubt pay a fair dividend on the capital, but much of it goes by way of the TeherAnMeshed--i-Sar route, which is much shorter and has no tolls.
The same author published a shorter Compendium theologiae dogmaticum in 1669.
His frame is shorter and more spare and wiry than that of his neighbour to the north, though generations have given to him too a bold and manly bearing.
In Bettongia, on the other hand, the head is shorter and wider, with smaller and more rounded ears, and more swollen auditory bullae.
It not unfrequently happens, however, that groups of cells break away from their former connexion as longer or shorter straight or curved filaments, or as solid masses.
It is used in two forms, a shorter revised by Chrysostom, and a longer called the liturgy of St Basil.
The work exists in a longer and a shorter recension, the former in a Syriac version (published with English translation by Cureton, 1861), the latter in the original Greek attached to the Church History in most MSS.
Dr John Davy, Memoirs of Sir Humphry Davy (1836); Collected Works (with shorter memoir, 1839); Fragmentary Remains, Literary and Scientific (1858).
Its rostrum is unusually long, being five-sixths of the body length in the female, and slightly shorter in the male.
The first three joints are much longer than thick; the four following are shorter, and the seventh not longer than thick.
The Life by Lloyd Sanders (1888) is an excellent shorter work.
The numerous streams of the region carry off the rainfall down long valleys or dales to the east and the south, and by shorter and steeper valleys to the west.
The other rivers are shorter, and flow either to the North Sea on the east, or to the English Channel on the south.
Of these the first is that the owner may be rated instead of the occupier, at the option of the urban authority, where the value of the premises is under Rio, where the premises are let to weekly or monthly tenants, or where the premises are let in separate apartments, or the rents become payable or are collected at any shorter period than quarterly.
It is, therefore, suggested that Theon formed the shorter collection of Theocritean poems, furnished them with scholia, and wrote the second epigram quoted at the beginning of this article.
The gorilla's brain-case is smaller, its trunk larger, its lower limbs shorter, its upper limbs longer in proportion than those of man.
Comparing the lengths of the extremities, it is seen that the gorilla's arm is of enormous length, in fact about one-sixth longer than the spine, whereas a man's arm is one-fifth shorter than the spine; both hand and foot are proportionally much longer in the gorilla than in man; the leg does not so much differ.
The hand of the gorilla corresponds essentially as to bones and muscles with that of man, but is clumsier and heavier; its thumb is " opposable " like a human thumb, that is, it can easily meet with its extremity the extremities of the other fingers, thus possessing a character which does much to make the human hand so admirable an instrument; but the gorilla's thumb is proportionately shorter than man's.
The pedicles are always covered with skin well supplied with blood-vessels; and in young deer, or those in which the antlers have been comparatively recently shed, the covering of skin extends over their summits, when they appear as longer or shorter projections on the forehead, according to the species.
The tail, too, is shorter than in the red-deer; while in winter the under parts become very dark, and the upper surface often bleaches almost white.
It differs from the true crocodile principally in having the head broader and shorter, and the snout more obtuse; in having the fourth, enlarged tooth of the under jaw received, not into an external notch, but into a pit formed for it within the upper one; in wanting a jagged fringe which appears on the hind legs and feet of the crocodile; and in having the toes of the hind feet webbed not more than half way to the tips.
On the other hand, those Antinomians for whom his Calvinism is not strong enough, may study the Pilgrimage of Hephzibah, in which 1 He had resumed his pastorate in Bedford after his imprisonment of 1675, and, although he frequently preached in London to crowded congregations, and is said in the last year of his life to have been, of course unofficially, chaplain to Sir John Shorter, lord mayor of London, he remained faithful to his own congregation.
The droughts are longer, and the rain, when it falls, especially along the Mediterranean coast, is often concentrated into shorter periods.
Such a saltwater saucer of fresh water is maintained full to overflowing by the rainfall, and owing to the frictional resistance of the sand and to capillary action and the fact that a given column of fresh water is balanced by a shorter column of sea water, the fresh water never sinks to the mean sea-level unless artificially abstracted.
Constant pressure being granted, constant leakage is inevitable, and being constant it is not surprising that its total amount often exceeds the aggregate of the much greater, but shorter, draughts of water taken for various household purposes.
When the load is complete the shorter brush also is stopped while the compartment of the drum is emptied.
Each outgrowth contains a single tube or solenium, and at a longer or shorter distance from the mother zooid a daughter zooid is formed as a bud.
In addition to the enactment of canons (strictly so-called) the English provincial synods since the Henrician changes have legislated - in 1570 by the enactment of the Thirty-Nine Articles, in 1661 by approving the present Book of Common Prayer, and in 1873 by approving shorter forms of matins and evensong.
This margin is normally furnished with a perpendicular spine (virgella) and occasionally with two shorter lateral spines or lobes.
Fine passenger steamers run nightly between Buffalo and Cleveland and Detroit, and there are many shorter passenger routes.
To the west of the Casiquiare there is a much shorter and more facile connexion between the Orinoco and Amazon basins, called the isthmus of Pimichin, which is reached by ascending the Terni branch of the Atabapo affluent of the Orinoco.
But although we thus arrive by projection at the notion of a circuit, it is not necessary to go out of the plane, and we may (with Zeuthen, using the shorter term circuit for his complete branch) define a circuit as any portion (of a curve) capable of description by the continuous motion of a point, it being understood that a passage through infinity is permitted.
The younger Whigs had begun to press for shorter parliaments, for the ballot, for redistribution of political power.
Nearly all these border ranges rise abruptly and to great heights from the plains on the north or north-west, but have a much shorter and easier descent on the south or southeast.
Moreover, the Szechuen jumping-mouse differs from the typical Zapus by the closer enamel-folds of the molars, the shorter ears, and the white tail-tip, and is therefore made the type of another sub-genus.
Some ferns have a longer or shorter erect stem often clothed by the persistent bases of the leaves; in others the stem creeps on the surface of the substratum or is subterranean.
In the common wheats the chaffscales are boat-shaped, ovoid, of the consistence of parchment, and shorter than the spikelet; the seed is usually floury, opaque, white, and easily broken.
Among the Lapps, as among other lower races, the index is shorter than the ring finger.
It is most probable that he also compiled shorter Kings' Books relating to Denmark and perhaps to England.
The stature and features of the Serbs vary in different regions; but the northern peasantry are generally fairer and shorter than the mountaineers of the south.
That of his successor, though shorter, was vastly more productive.
They are crowded together and therefore rendered shorter and more frequent by the advance of their source, but drawn apart and lengthened by its recession.
A photograph of the spectrum of Tebbutt's comet, taken by him on the 24th of June 1881, showed radiations of shorter wave-lengths but identical source, and in addition, a percentage of reflected solar light marked as such by the presence of some well-known Fraunhofer lines.
The typical Papuan is distinctly tall, far exceeding the average Malay height, and is seldom shorter, often taller, than the European.
Mahan, though shorter, has a greater value from the professional point of view, by reason of the critical appreciation of Farragut's services.
Its bill is shorter than its head; its tarsi are reticulated instead of scutellated in front, with the upper part feathered instead of being bare; and the plumage of its body and wings is very different, each feather being tipped with a distinct whitish band, while that of the head and neck is greyishbrown.
Of his shorter religious and polemical works a catalogue is given in vol.
The destruction of their crops starved the people into submission, and the contest was only less terrible than the first Desmond war because it was much shorter.
The city is the seat of Shorter College (for women), which was established in 1873 as the Cherokee Female College, and received its present name in 1877, when it was rebuilt and endowed by Colonel Alfred Shorter; and of the Berry Industrial School (1902), for mountain boys.
The same phenomena were repeated in Spain under the Mahommedan rulers of Andalusia and Morocco, with this difference, that the time of philosophical development was shorter, and the heights to which Spanish thinkers soared were greater.
On the southern half of the table-land a shorter series of sierras, consisting of the Montes de Toledo in the east (highest elevation Tejadillas, 4567 ft.) and the sierras of San Pedro, Montanchez and Guadalupe in the west (highest elevation Cabeza del Moro, 5100 ft.), separates the basins of the Tagus and Guadiana.
The interval of advance in the reconquest would have been shorter than it was but for the results of a most unfortunate attempt on the part of Alphonso VI.
The fact that the fore-legs are somewhat shorter than those behind enables the ibex to ascend mountain slopes with more facility than it can descend, while its hoofs are as hard as steel, rough underneath and when walking over a flat surface capable of being spread out.
A shorter route to the sea than that through Egypt being essential for the 3 At first Suakin was excepted from some of the provisions of this agreement, but these exceptions were done away with by a supplementary agreement of the 10th of July 1899.
The mane is also longer and more flowing, and the ears are shorter, the limbs longer, and the head smaller.
It consists of a compressed intermolar portion with a flat upper surface, broad behind and becoming narrower in front, and of a depressed anterior part rather shorter than the former, which is narrow behind and widens towards the evenly rounded apex.
The pancreas has two lobes or branches, a long one passing to the left and reaching the spleen, and a shorter right lobe.
He taught medicine and philosophy at Cairo and at Damascus for a number of years, and afterwards, for a shorter period, at Aleppo.
When the shortest distance obtained by the highest strain of accommodation is insufficient to recognize small objects, distinct vision is possible at even a shorter distance by placing a very small diaphragm between the eye and the object, the pencils of rays proceeding from the object-points, which otherwise are limited by the pupils of the eye, being thus restricted by the diaphragm.
With increasing magnification the depth of definition diminishes, because the circles of confusion are greater in consequence of the shorter focall length.
The aberration of rays in which the outer rays intersect the axis at a shorter distance than the central rays is known as " undercorrection."
They have also a shorter FIG.
Examples from the south of Spain differ slightly from those inhabiting the rest of Europe, and in some points more resemble the P. mauritanica of north-western Africa; but that species has a patch of bare skin of a fine blue colour behind the eye, and much shorter wings.
Besides the "Lake of Rama's deeds," Tulsi Das was the author of five longer and six shorter works, most of them dealing with the theme of Rama, his doings, and devotion to him.
When the stamens are in two rows, those opposite the petals are usually shorter than those which alternate with the petals.
Consequent upon this, after a longer or shorter period, those changes commence in the embryo-sac which result in the formation of the embryo plant, the ovule also undergoing changes which convert it into the seed, and fit it for a protective covering, and a store of nutriment for the embryo.
The ovary enlarges, and, with the seeds enclosed, constitutes the fruit, frequently incorporated with which are other parts of the flower, as receptacle, calyx, &c. In gymnosperms the pollen-tubes, having penetrated a certain distance down the tissue of the nucellus, are usually arrested in growth for a longer or shorter period, sometimes nearly a year.
Watson has shown, is hardly distinguishable; (2) Eudyptes, in which the bill is much shorter and rather broad; and (3) Spheniscus, in which the shortish bill is compressed and the maxilla ends in a conspicuous hook.
In all cases there is a longer or shorter period of excitement, followed by intoxication or narcosis, and with large doses this passes into paralysis and death from depression of the respiratory centre or of the heart.
In the latter country occurs Hippidium, in which the cheek-teeth are shorter and simpler, and the nasal bones very long and slender, with elongated slits at the side.
Maria was a wee bird of a woman—probably a teenager, Hispanic, and even shorter than Cynthia, who barely topped five feet.
Half a head shorter than Wynn, the demon lord nonetheless commanded any space he was in.
The goal is to analyze more data, from a wider variety of sources, in a shorter amount of time.
Figure 2. Atmospheric carbon dioxide mirrors plankton abundance over much shorter timescale of hours in the Atlantic.
As well as the shorter chained alkanes, alkenes are also formed.
A longer PR implies first degree block, a shorter PR may indicate a vulnerability to supraventricular arrhythmias.
Puzzles tend to be much smaller in the number of pieces, but this matches modern shorter attention spans.
Molds & die have its own problems for collision avoidance & using shorter tool length.
Rorqual whales such as the fin and minke whales have much shorter, firmer baleen and feed by gulping.
He nonetheless continued to compose shorter ballads based primarily on Border traditions.
The lower jaw of the haddock is slightly shorter than the upper jaw and the fish has a small single barbel.
For cutting the shorter edge I used a piece of slate batten.
Other series of shorter length, carried out from the 1920s to the 1980s, measured dissolved nutrients, phytoplankton production and infaunal benthos.
I also have a bowing in the left arm where the radius is shorter than the ulna bone.
This shorter part of the L is made up of a pine bunk bed frame, which has given me a second floor!
Once the programs dictionary has been updated to include cactus specific terms, the translation process is a much shorter one.
If protein turnover rates are measured in growing meat animals, the half-life for protein synthesis is shorter than the half-life for protein catabolism.
Female plants have shorter catkins, which are followed by small dark purple berries.
Demolition followed soon after and a local chimney sweep, named Mr Shorter, built a house on the vacant site.
It was a shorter journey from here to the cathedral city than that afforded by the somewhat circuitous route of the 97.
If you have a dual flush cistern, use the shorter flush whenever possible.
Shorter pay scales, which accurately reflect the time needed to become fully competent at a job, are a positive step.
But, anything shorter than 400mm will fail to show the corona and other phenomena.
We have observed that Nickel thin films may be partially demagnetized on time scales shorter than 300 fs.
These can be shorter than your axon and you can twist more pipe cleaners to make more dendrites.
I'd ridden a shorter version on the same bike before it was changed from an 8-speed derailleur to the Rohloff 14-speed hub.
The side benches were shorter and it was in this form that the temple was finally abandoned, but not before suffering desecration.
For muon pairs the initialisation time is shorter by a factor of about 3 and the event generation rate is roughly doubled.
This new drivetrain creates a shorter front overhang and a more rearward center of gravity giving the Bengal better handling on curves.
Diamond is the best eggplant that we can recommend to gardeners in cooler climates with shorter growing seasons.
The system also allows for driving shorter distances with just electrical power and therefore zero emissions.
I could have made this soooo much shorter, but i am very bored and this is mildly entertaining.
As you become more experienced, you can use shorter strokes and begin to move together, since each rower needs less space.
Equivalent enzymes for shorter chain fatty acids are soluble proteins of the mitochondrial matrix.
Wednesday, 10th March 2004 Added the ' shorter ' quick finder.
If you have a dual flush cistern, use the shorter flush cistern, use the shorter flush whenever possible.
The summer season was also shorter, which meant that less crops could be grown for animal fodder to last over a longer winter.
The overall length of the cochlea is shorter in Down's syndrome and the spiral ganglion cell population is reduced.
Flowers and foliage can be threaded into long hair or secured to a shorter hairstyle with combs.
The female urethra is shorter than the male urethra.
This is more common in women, given the increased vulnerability of a shorter urethra.
Why should the presence of the shorter gene variant make such a difference?
Shorter waves are ultra violet; longer waves are infrared.
Over the shorter term, the recovery at present seems well-balanced among the regions.
It was soon followed by the popular F12 model on the shorter 150 inch wheelbase.
They led the struggle for the shorter workday, and these struggles were recognized by Marx and Engels as having great historical importance.
In the case of medium risk projects a shorter half-day planning workshop is usually more appropriate.
At a few hundred degrees above absolute zero, objects radiate strongly in the shorter wave infrared.
Of the numerous shorter studies may be mentioned those of SainteBeuve in the Causeries du lundi and in Portraits contemporains; Jules Lemaitre in Les Contemporains, vol.
The great p g object of these early struggles being attained, Labour directed its attention mainly to securing shorter hours.
All the histories of the Reformation in Germany and all the lives of Luther deal at greater or shorter length with Tetzel; in the index to vol.
In the primary circuit of the induction coil I he placed an ordinary signalling key K, and when this was pressed for a longer or shorter time a torrent of electric sparks passed between the balls, alternately charging and discharging the elevated con-.
The effect was to print a dash or dot on a strip of telegraphic paper, according as the incident electric wave train lasted a longer or shorter time.
We have in them evidence of two factors, a perception of some features of the environment and following this, after a longer or shorter interval, a response calculated to secure some advantage to the responding organ.
For instance, fourwheeled bogie third-class corridor carriages employed on the Midland railway at the beginning of the 10th century weighed nearly 25 tons, and had bodies measuring 50 ft.; yet they held only 36 passengers, because not only had the number of compartments been reduced to six, as compared with seven in the somewhat shorter carriage of 1885, by the introduction of a lavatory at each end, but each compartment held only 6 persons, instead of 10, owing to the narrowing of its width by the corridor.
The hair much resembles that of a beaver, but is shorter; it consists of a thick soft underfur, interspersed with longer stiff, glistening hairs, which overlie and conceal the former, on the upper surface and sides of the body.
But the appendage of the official was shorter than that of the king, and the gods had a distinctive shape for themselves; if it appears upon the dead it is because they in their death had become identified with the god Osiris (Erman, 59, 225 sq.).
Though the Shorter Catechism, closely associated as this has been from the first with Scottish public elementary education, has had very great influence in forming and training the character of Presbyterians in Scotland, America and the British colonies, it is, like most other catechisms drawn up by dogmatic theologians, more admirable as an epitome of a particular body of divinity than as an instruction for the young and the unlearned.
It is not defined by rock structure, but appears to result from the retrogressive erosion of the shorter Atlantic rivers, whereby the highlands, drained by much longer rivers, are undercut.
A shorter form of this name is Khani, which it is difficult not to connect with Khana, the capital of which at one time was Tirqa, on the Euphrates, below the Khabur (see § 4).
Parton prepared a shorter biography for the "Great Commanders Series" (New York, 1893), which emphasizes Jackson's military career.
More distinct are the bisons, forming the sub-genus Bison, represented by the European and the American species (see Bison), the forehead of the skull being much shorter and wider, and the horns not arising from a crest on the extreme vertex, while the number of ribs is different (14 pairs in bisons, only 13 in oxen), and the hair on the head and neck is long and shaggy.
Fragments shorter than 2.5 cm do not always regrow but segments 5-6 cm in length or longer regenerate readily.
Sealants based on fat however have a shorter lifespan and must be renewed periodically.
Quadratic residue diffuser In this case, the longest wells in the diffuser were replaced by shorter, active equivalents.
The reflections prompts were replaced by shorter reworded versions.
If possible the shorter acting sedative agents should be used.
However, loops visible for shorter periods are associated with solar flares.
One woman 's broken thighbone had been badly set, leaving her left leg at least three inches shorter than her right.
Fitted to cranks to shorten distance between pedals, making a shorter turning circle for short legs.
Running shorter trains but at increased regular frequency and aiming toward a clockface timetable hitherto unthought of for such long distance services.
A shorter version of this article first appeared in the February 2005 edition of Business XL, the magazine for fast-growing companies.
Please note; Linings are designed to be 3cm shorter in drop than our voile curtain panels.
You look for a withered limb, a shorter leg, different size feet, a caliper.
This may be broken into three to four hour stretches before waking to eat, or it may be in shorter one to two hour spurts.
By four months of age, your baby will consolidate her sleeping into much longer stretches at night and shorter naps during the day.
For those who are willing to adopt minority infants and special needs infants, the wait may be considerably shorter.
Minority adoptions can take a shorter amount of time to facilitate, and they may also cost less than traditional adoptions.
Breastfeeding your baby will shrink your uterus back to its original size in a shorter amount of time than if you didn't breastfeed.
If the first name you like is long, choose a shorter middle name.
Corner posts should be 1/16 inch or shorter.
Fast vaginal births can also lead to excess fluid in the lungs because the baby has a shorter duration of pressure during delivery.
If he falls into the 80th percentile for height, it means that 80 percent of America's six month-old boys are the same length or shorter than your son and 20 percent are longer.
Babies who are especially active or prone to separation anxiety may nap for shorter periods of time, but parents still need to ensure they get enough rest.
For shorter trips out, a sling extinguishes the need for bulky strollers that may feature difficult opening and folding methods.
This one comes with shorter rails near the head of the bed.
While it is true that a toddler's attention span is shorter than an adult's or a school age child's attention span, many children lose interest in toys not because they are bored but because they are frustrated.
Remember that cheaper alternatives will ultimately cost you more in the long term because they will have a shorter lifespan and you will incur periodic repair and maintenance costs.
While it produces shorter threads than Egyptian cotton, it is a bit more durable and does not cost quite as much.
You can buy bookcases that extend all the way to the ceiling, or shorter units that reach waist-high.
Do not wear cut-offs if you are short, as they will only make you look shorter.
The more organized your paperwork is, the shorter amount of time it takes the tax professional to do your taxes (this ultimately means your fee won't be as high!).
Also, clam shell phones bring the earpiece closer to your ear and the mouthpiece closer to your mouth than the shorter candy bar designs.
Faster-growing trees have a shorter life than slow-growing ones.
Shorter trucks mated with smaller wheels make kick flips the easiest, but taller trucks allow for bigger wheels, and thus faster speeds.
Most people choose the 3 or 5 wood to tee off with because they are shorter and easier to manage.
Students will need a longer battery life while other people who only occasionally leave home with their computer can get by with batteries with a shorter life.
The ends are more upturned than on other kayak types and they're shorter than other types of kayaks.
Tip three is to buy a shorter plastic kayak if you're a beginner.
Sailing under low bridges will require a shorter boat.
No matter what your height, sometimes you may want to downplay it and give the illusion that you're shorter or taller.
Shorter barrels are lighter, but best in situations where you'll be aiming for targets that close.
Recreational. Almost like touring kayaks, recreational kayaks tend to be shorter, which is the main difference between the two.
The shorter the club, the higher the ball is likely to go; the longer the club, the farther (and closer to the ground) the ball is likely to travel.
Long faces need lenses with height whereas shorter faces can benefit from the elongating effect of shorter frames.
The fur is shorter on the back and shoulders, probably to avoid entanglement in the underbrush.
A shorter cat tree will stand about three to eight feet tall, although this varies based on style and number of platforms.
When choosing a more unusual cat name it is worth remembering that shorter names, or at least names that can be shortened, are easier for your cat to learn.
He will likely hate it, but you may want to consider taking him to a groomer and having some of the fur around his rear end shaved down shorter.
This breed also tends to be heavier in the body and has shorter legs.
The neck is shorter in proportion to the rest of the body than most other breeds of cat.
The fabric is thick, and shorter pins get lost easily.
Because they are shorter than traditional books, comics are less intimidating to struggling readers.
Stop taking baths or take shorter showers.
Choosing a different term will change the monthly payment; a shorter term will result in a higher monthly payment and a longer term will make your monthly payment smaller.
Down and feather have the tendency to cave and lose their fluffiness in a much shorter period of time, and wool can flatten out when used often.
Install low-flow shower heads - An inexpensive low-flow showerhead, combined with shorter showers, will result in major water savings.
Local goods have a shorter distance to travel before they reach consumers, so they use less fuel.
On the other hand, biodegradable bags offer a partial solution to municipal solid waste with a much shorter decomposition period.
Recess lighting into the soffit for unobtrusive light, or hang pendants from the soffit on slightly shorter cords for a more intimate look.
A dark, warm color at the end of a long room will make the room appear shorter.
This can be done by arranging a couch so it moves across the shorter space in the center of the room, arranging a tall table in the center of the room, or using a screen.
If you're using an inexpensive metal rod, it's better to purchase a longer rod and not fully deploy it than to buy a shorter rod and extend it as far as it will go.
More natural looking than the strips, they tend to be smaller and shorter.
Touch-up sessions are typically much shorter and are also less painful.
Mid tone brushes have flat, shorter bristled tips.
Clumpy mascara looks bad on any lashes, but it is especially unflattering on short lashes because it makes them look even shorter.
The very large, full brushes don't grab on to shorter lashes and fully coat them.
To even out heights, use chairs or posing blocks to make family members appear taller or shorter.
Since larger, heavier lenses require more stability than shorter lenses, you should also pack a tripod before heading out to photograph the moon.
Whether you choose a setting with a low ISO and longer exposure or a high ISO with shorter exposure, there will be some image noise.
Implementing a philosophy of simple scrapbooking lets you get more pages done in a shorter amount of time.
For those just starting out, a shorter ski length will be much easier to control than a longer one.
Those who enjoy performing tricks in the terrain park usually choose skis that are 10 centimeters shorter than the basic all-mountain ski.
Beginners should choose skis that are one to two inches shorter than the top of their head.
Shaped or parabolic skis were first made by Elan and featured a deeper sidecut and shorter length.
According to SkierNet, the average man requires shaped skis at a length of about 170 centimeters, while the average woman fits shaped skis a little shorter at about 150 centimeters.
In general, since women are shorter than men and have a lower center of gravity, they are usually best served by a shorter ski length.
Young children under the age of five should choose skis that are at least one centimeter shorter than chin height.
Beginner adults should choose skis that are at least 15 centimeters shorter than the top of their head.
Intermediate adults should select skis that measure five centimeters shorter than their head height.
A person who weighs more may need a longer ski whereas a lighter person will need a shorter ski that they can easily control.
Shorter skis are preferred by those who do tricks and ski the half pipe since they are easy to control.
Because of this camber, shaped skis are more efficient at shorter lengths.
A shorter ski has a lighter swing weight, which makes it easier to maneuver.
In general, powder conditions and steeper terrain require a longer ski, whereas twin tips, which are used in the terrain park and half pipes, tend to be shorter.
While the runs are significantly shorter than what you might find out west, the managers of many Northern Michigan ski resorts claim that this allows them to pay more attention to details, such as grooming and safety conditions.
The skis used for cross country skate skiing are shorter and lighter than classic skis.
A shorter board gives more maneuverability.
Those starting out in the sport may want a shorter ski that is easier to control whereas advanced skiers prefer longer skis that can pick up speed and handle more aggressive skiing.
Beginners should choose skis at the shorter range and those who are more advanced can choose a longer length.
Children should use skis that are shorter so that they can have more control and less speed.
Certain brands will perform better at either shorter or longer lengths.
Old-school skiers often find it difficult to subscribe to the shorter ski philosophy.
Children ages two to five should use skis that reach, or are one centimeter shorter than, the child's chin height, but keep in mind that a child who is quickly growing will soon need a longer ski.
Adult beginners should usually select skis that are 15 centimeters shorter than the top of their heads.
Adult intermediates need skis that are five centimeters shorter than their head height.
While you probably won't want to choose your ski destination based on location alone, the shorter the drive, the faster you can hit the slopes and the more fun you can have.
When you're stressed, you're apt to take shorter breathes.
You completed the task in the shorter amount of time by using efficient time management skills.
Shorts Shorts - Just as the skirts are short, so are the shorts, and the shorter the better.
Flairs will make hips look slimmer, but legs will look shorter.
Extra big or long pants make you look shorter.
Most Tiffany designs are traditionally full-length, but teens will also find dresses that are much shorter and semi-formal and can be used for homecoming or dances other than the prom.
Most part time jobs for teens under age 16 require shorter hours, so it should not interfere too much with academic abilities.
The shorter you are the more you run the risk of getting "lost" in that fabric.
A common critique about shorter types of poems are that there cannot be enough emotion in a poem if it is short.
Some of the shorter poems can often say the most.
There are several types of shorter lessons that can be utilized by youth groups.
Shorter dresses are good for less formal events or for younger teens who aren't ready yet for formal events, yet still want a festive party dress.
Wondering whether you should choose a floor-length zebra look or a shorter style?
Longer styles are fancier and classier, but shorter styles are flirty and fun.
Remember, if you choose a shorter dress, be sure not to go too short.
Prom dresses shouldn't be much shorter than the knee area.
If you're on the shorter side, a long poufy gown can overwhelm your small size, especially if you're sporting pink and black zebra print head to toe.
Although many of the more affordable dresses are on the shorter side, don't automatically count them out.
Roman sandles with gold laces up your legs can set off a shorter skirt.
However, not all schools organize an after-prom event, and some of those that do plan events that are shorter than many teens wish.
They may feel shorter than their peers or even some of the girls in their classes, which can cause anxiety.
If you need to make the noodles shorter, use a pair of kitchen shears or scissors and snip them to the desired length.
Also take note that buckwheat seeds require a much shorter soak time than other seeds, so you may want to set a timer for them!
While floor length informal dresses are common, even shorter tea or knee length dresses are equally popular as informal styles.
She and another of my sisters, who is quite a bit shorter, had accidentally taken each other's dress.
What is still funny is the taller sister is about two cup sizes larger than the shorter sister and should not have even been able to fit in that sister's dress.
Many informal wedding gowns are shorter in length, but the choice is really up to you.
Shorter styles can still be very classy, but fitting for a casual wedding.
Alternately, you could wear a more formal gown for the ceremony and change into a shorter gown for the reception.
Typically beach wedding dresses are shorter, however, either short, knee-length, or tea length.
If you're sure your bridesmaid dress won't be worn again in its present state, you might bring it to an alterations expert to have it cut down into a shorter "dressy" dress.