Short-of Sentence Examples
His stunt tonight was nothing short of jealousy.
Kiera would never agree to marry someone in so short of a time, but to agree in any amount of time to a man as lethal in appearance as this?
She imagined the conversation was nothing short of torture for a warrior.
He returned her kiss with equal passion, pulling away only when they both were short of breath.
The Cid of history, though falling short of the poetical ideal which the patriotism of his countrymen has so long cherished, is still the foremost man of the heroical period of Spain - the greatest warrior produced out of the long struggle between Christian and Moslem, and the perfect type of the Castilian of the 12th century.
The 32-year-old detective with bright red crew cut and opened-collar sports shirt looked as if nothing short of a catastrophe would cause him a lick of concern.
The coffee cup paused short of his lips as he met her gaze.
He kept his voice low, lethal, and stopped just short of their bodies touching.
His expression was barely short of pleading.
It worked, but it stopped a foot short of her floor, which made her load even more precarious.
AdvertisementThe census of Western Australia included only those aborigines in the employment of the colonists; and as a large part of this, the greatest of the Australian states, is as yet unexplored, it may be presumed that the aborigines enumerated were very far short of the whole number of persons of that race in the state.
Physical characteristics differ widely; but as a whole the Italian is somewhat short of stature, with dark or black hair and eyes, often good looking.
Anything short of this is merely descriptive and empirical, and affords no rational basis for inquiry into the mode in which the distribution of plant-life has been brought about.
The goods station is approached by a siding or fork set off from the main line at a point short of the passenger station.
Though a busy colliery may send off its product by the train-load to an important town, the wagons will usually be addressed to a number of different consignees at different depots in different parts of the town, and therefore the train will have to be broken up somewhere short of its destination and its trucks rearranged, together with those of other trains similarly constituted, into fresh trains for conveyance to the various depots.
AdvertisementBut in Judaism monotheistic conceptions reigned supreme, and the Satan of Jewish belief as opposed to God stops short of the dualism of Persian religion.
More than once he escaped, in a manner that seemed little short of marvellous, out of the hands of the Russians when they held him closely invested in some mountain fastness, as at Himry in 1831.
Going back to 1869, it is found that the extent of wheat in that year was 3,981,989 acres or very little short of four million acres.
Latimer wrote to him in that year urging him not to fall short of the expectations which had been formed of his ability.
G, The acrecbolic snout of a proboscidiferous Gastropod, arrested short of complete eversion by the fibrous band b.
AdvertisementThis fell far short of his desires, and he now dexterously referred the whole question to the nation at large.
But so long as we treat Wagner like a prose philosopher, a librettist, a poet, a mere musician, or anything short of the complex and many-sided artist he really is, we shall find insuperable obstacles to understanding or enjoying his works.
Calvus was very short of stature, and is alluded to by Catullus (Ode 53) as Sala-.
Thus it is explained in the preface to the budget that the revenues " proceeding from the deposed sultan " are not classed together under one heading, but that they have been apportioned to the various sections under which they should fall " whether taxes on house property or property not built upon, tithes, aghnam, forests, mines, cadastre, sport, military equipment, private domains of the state, various receipts, proceeds of sales, rents " - a truly comprehensive list which by no means set a limit to the private resources of Abd-ul-Hamid II., who looked upon the customs also as a convenient reserve on which he could, and did, draw when his privy purse was short of money.
The strength of the army lay in its infantry, for both cavalry and artillery were short of horses, and the latter had not yet acquired mobility and skill in manoeuvring.
AdvertisementBy nightfall upwards of 100,000 men, encumbered with at least 20,000 wounded, were crowded together on the little island scarcely a mile square, short of provisions and entirely destitute of course of all hospital accessories.
Upon the expulsion of the Jesuits in 1767 the Chiquitos became decadent, and now number short of 20,000.
Formally to legalize the minimum enjoined by the rubrics of 1549 would, on the other hand, offend the "Protestant" section of the Church, without reconciling those who would be content with nothing short of the Catholic maximum.
The southern parts of Tobolsk, nearly all the government of Tomsk (exclusive of the Narym region), southern Yeniseisk and southern Irkutsk, have in an average year a surplus of grain varying from 35 to 40% of the total crop, but in bad years the crop falls short of the actual needs of the population.
On only three articles was there a majority against Judge Chase, the largest, on article viii., being four short of the necessary two-thirds to convict.
According to the best determinations the value of elm does not exceed 1.8X Io', and T is of the order of Io 15 second, the period of luminous vibrations; hence OM/M must always be less than 109 H, and therefore the strongest fields yet reached experimentally, which fall considerably short of Io %, could not change the magnetic moment M by as much as a ten-thousandth part.
The supreme tribunal has original and appellate jurisdiction, but its power to pass on the constitutionality of federal laws and executive acts seems to fall short of that of the United States Supreme Court.
Kossuth and Justh, on the other hand, competitors for the leadership of the Independence party, declared themselves not prepared to accept anything short of the full rights of the Magyars in those matters.
His success in both respects fell little short of his lofty ideal.
Their contents falls far short of the writer's great reputation.
As a result of disease, and of casualties in action and from bombardment, the British divisions recruited in the United Kingdom were constantly far short of establishment, no proper provision having been made for keeping them up to strength.
The stirring process is begun when the glass is perfectly fluid at a temperature little short of the highest attained in its fusion, but as the stirring proceeds the glass is allowed to cool gradually and thus becomes more and more viscous until finally the stirring cylinder can scarcely be moved.
Owing to the slender resources of the Confederacy, the prison was frequently short of food, and even when this was sufficient in quantity it was of a poor quality and poorly prepared on account of the lack of cooking utensils.
The annual aggregate output of cane and date sugar in India was short of 4,000,000 tons.
The Mosquito Indians, of whom there are several tribes, are an unusually intelligent people, short of stature and very dark-skinned.
When it was over the Liberal party was just short of the numerical strength which was requisite to defeat the combination of Tories and Parnellites.
It is not to be supposed, however, that because the Japanese is short of stature and often finely moulded, he lacks either strength or endurance.
It is produced now in considerable quantities, but the modern ware falls far short of its predecessor.
The greatest size to which some species attain, according to positive observation, is about 12 ft., and therefore far short of the statements as to the length of the so-called sea-serpents (q.v.).
By this time, however, the alliance between Thebes and Athens was growing weaker, and Athens, being short of money, concluded a peace with Sparta (probably in July 374), by which the peace of Antalcidas was confirmed and the two states recognized each other as mistress of sea and land respectively.
He was only in part successful, and there was great difficulty in raising the chartermoney among those who had actually assembled (in 1202) at Venice, the sum collected falling far short of the stipulated amount.
Halting just short of this analysis, the Assyrian ascribed syllabic values to the characters of his script, and hence, instead of finding twenty odd characters sufficient, he required about five hundred.
But it falls short of idealism as above defined in that it recognizes only one side of the antithesis of subject and object, and so falls short of the doctrine which takes its stand on the complete correlativity of the two factors in experience.
In a gigantic system embracing hundreds of monasteries and thousands of monks, and spread over all the countries of western Europe, without any organic bond between the different houses, and exposed to all the vicissitudes of the wars and conquests of those wild times, to say that the monks often fell short of the ideal of their state, and sometimes short of the Christian, and even the moral standard, is but to say that monks are men.
In this particular the execution on June 15 fell short of the original conception, for at nightfall about one-third of the French army was still on the right bank of the river.
The execution had again fallen short of the conception; Blucher though beaten was not destroyed, nor was his line with Wellington cut.
This, while far short of theoretic Congregationalism, was a prophecy of it.
Here he, first of known English writers, sets forth a doctrine which, while falling short of the Anabaptist theory that the civil ruler has no standing in the affairs of the Church, in that religion is a matter of the individual conscience before God, yet marks a certain advance upon current views.
It shortened fitfully by eight seconds between 1790 and 1879; soon afterwards, restoration set in, and its exact length in 1903 was 2 d 20h 48' n 568, being only two seconds short of its original value.
On the north-east a double range, the Kaikouras, scarcely fall short of the Southern Alps in height and beauty.
Hence sound rays, in passing from one medium into another, are bent in towards the normal, or the reverse, according as the velocity of propagation in the former exceeds or falls short of that in the latter.
Even then, however, the results fell far short of anticipation, and the armies settled down into equilibrium again.
It is still more at variance with the facts in these days when a few great states predominate, and when the contact of western states with African and Asiatic states or communities gives rise to relations of dependence falling short of conquest.
She was piquante rather than pretty, short of stature, and her chief beauty was her reddish-brown hair.
They now contain not far short of 100,000 pupils.
At Austerlitz he had the satisfaction of witnessing the actual results of his artillery reforms. The commissariat scandals which came to light after the peace of Tilsit convinced the emperor that nothing short of the stern and incorruptible energy of Arakcheev could reach the sources of the evil, and in January 1808 he was appointed inspector-general and war minister.
The latter begin to oxidize before the ley has come up to the traditional strength of specific gravity 1.333 when cold, while nickel is not attacked so long as the percentage of real KHO is short of 60.
This is a fairly strong case, but it falls short of demonstration because it cannot be shown that the MS. corrected by Pamphilus was still at Caesarea when it was used by x, and because it is not certain either that the chapter divisions in Acts were added by the original scribes, or that x and B were at that time in their original home, or that the chapter divisions were necessarily only to be found at Caesarea.
He pushes the claim even further, requiring, besides entire outward submission to command, also the complete identification of the place of God, without reference to his personal wisdom, piety or discretion; that any obedience which falls short of making the superior's will one's own, in inward affection as well as in outward effect, is lax aect; that going beyond the letter of command, even in things abstractly good and praiseworthy, is disobedience, and that the "sacrifice of the intellect" is the third and highest grade of obedience, well pleasing to God, when the inferior not only wills what the superior wills, but thinks what he thinks, submitting his judgment, so far as it is possible for the will to influence and lead the judgment.
Nevertheless, her cleverness, volubility, energy and will-power enabled her to maintain her ground, and when she died on the 8th of May 1891 (White Lotus Day), at the theosophical headquarters in the Avenue Road, London, she was the acknowledged head of a community numbering not far short of 100,000, with journalistic organs in London, Paris, New York and Madras.
He Fell Short Of Being A Truly Great Poet, Inasmuch As Great Poetry Must, Which His Does Not, Touch Life At Many Points, But His Verses Are Marked By The Qualities That Belonged To The Man Sincerity, Purity, Seriousness.
The Lunar Year, Therefore, Contained 354 Days, Falling Short Of The Exact Time Of Twelve Lunations By About 8.8 Hours.
To Compute The Times Of The New Moons Which Determine The Commencement Of Successive Years, It Must Be Observed That In Passing From An Ordinary Year The New Moon Of The Following Year Is Deduced By Subtracting The Interval That Twelve Lunations Fall Short Of The Corresponding Gregorian Year Of 365 Or 366 Days; And That, In Passing From An Embolismic Year, It Is To Be Found By Adding The Excess Of Thirteen Lunations Over The Gregorian Year.
Thus the turning movement came to a standstill far short of Uffingen, the village on Mercy's line of retreat that Turenne was to have seized, nor was a flank attack possible against Mercy's main line, from which he was separated by the crest of the Schonberg.
The actual church is always falling short of its profession; but its successive reformations witness to the strength of its longing after the beauty of holiness.
Not by any means an argument to be despised, but stopping short of the truth through an inadequate analytic of knowledge."
The example of Nicholas I., two centuries before, had shown the position which a pope could occupy in Christendom; but for a long time past the man had come short of the institution, the workman of his tool.
The famines of the 'forties, with their subsequent political and economic difficulties, transferred to America millions of the Irish, whose genius for organization in politics has not fallen short of their zeal for religion.
The number of speakers of Tibetan dialects is probably not far short of eight millions.
Her renowned toleration stopped short of allowing the dissenters to build chapels, and her passion for legislative reform grew cold when she found that she must begin by the emancipation of the serfs.
The scheme of his great work is vast and comprehensive, being nothing short of an encyclopaedia of learning and of art so far as they are connected with nature or draw their materials from it.
In any case the front trellis should stop conveniently short of the top of the sashes if there are trees against the back wall, in order to admit light to them.
On the great day of the feast there was a procession of the priests, the sacrificial assistants of every kind, the representatives of every part of the empire with their victims, of the cavalry, in short of the population of Attica and 1 So named from a note (1902) directed by Dr Don Louis Maria Drago, the Argentine minister of foreign affairs, to the Argentine diplomatic representative at Washington at the time of the difficulties of Venezuela incident to the collection of debts owed to foreigners by that country.
Voluntary enlistments of men who desired to become non-commissioned officers were most frequent in the provinces of the old Prussian monarchy, but in Berlin itself and in Westphalia the enlistments fell far short of the number of non-commissioned officers required for the territorial regiments.
But the Hohen Oermany staufen family, like their Saxon and Franconian settled, predecessors, would be content with nothing short of universal dominion; and thus the crown which had once been significant of power and splendour gradually sank into contempt.
Frederick had excited the envy of surrounding sovereigns, and had embittered them against him by stinging sarcasms. Not only France, therefore, but Russia, Saxony and ultimately Sweden, willingly came to terms with Austria, and the aim of their union was nothing short of the partition of Prussia.
The ends of arcs frequently extend to the horizon, but often one or both ends stop short of this.
The troops under Colonel Parsons, Royal Artillery, who beat the Dervishes at Gedaref, were so short of British officers that all orders were necessarily given in Arabic and carried to commanders of units by Arabs.
The advance guard had now outrun its communications and was actually short of food, while a considerable force was distributed at intervals along the line Ismailia-Kassassin.
Early in November the force from Khartum was caught by the mahdists short of water at Kashgil, near El Obeid, and was almost totally destroyed, Colonel Hicks, with all his European officers, perishing.
In September of that year Luptons captain, Rufai Aga, was massacred with all his men at Dembo, and Lupton, short of ammunition, was forced to retire to Dem Suliman, where he was completely cut off from Khartum.
After several reconnaissances in which fighting took place with Mahmuds outposts, it was ascertained from prisoners that their army was short of provisions and that great leakage was going on.
The land under grain crops is not far short of one-half the remainder, the principal crops being oats, followed by barley and rye in about equal quantities, with wheat about one-sixth that of barley and hardly one-tenth that of oats.
The loss of Norway necessitated considerable reductions of expenditure, but the economies actually practised fell far short of the requirements of y P q after 1815.
In certain scholarship examinations held formerly by the London County Council a percentage was added to the marks of each candidate proportionate to the number of months by which his age fell short of the maximum age for entry.
As the chief pastor of the Hungarian church Pazmany used every means in his power, short of absolute contravention of the laws, to obstruct and weaken Protestantism, which had risen during the 16th century.
It may, like the Stoic, assert freedom by holding aloof from the entanglements of real life, or like the sceptic regard the world as a delusion, or finally, as the " unhappy consciousness " (Ungliickliches Bewusstseyn), may be a recurrent falling short of a perfection which it has placed above it in the heavens.
He was a vigorous Protestant, though willing to grant Roman Catholics "every degree of toleration short of political power and establishment."
The fodder famines that accompanied the great famines of 1897 and 1900 proved little short of disastrous to the cattle in the affected provinces.
Sir George Barlow and Lord Minto had remonstrated in vain, and nothing was left to Lord Moira but to take up arms. The campaign of 1814 was little short of disastrous.
But it was reserved for James Short of Edinburgh to give practical effect to Gregory's original idea.
But all these philosophic discussions, belonging for the most part to an author less than secondary among the Epicureans, fall short of the high expectations excited by the first discovery of the library.
They are very short of stature, 4 ft.
But, though beliefs that things of some sort are (or are not) determined, these secondary judgments fall short of primary judgments of existence.
When Bosanquet says that in " Heat is a mode of motion " there is no reference to individual objects, but " a pure hypothetical form which absolutely neglects the existence of objects," he falls far short of expressing the nature of this scientific judgment, for in his Theory of Heat Clerk Maxwell describes it as " believing heat as it exists in a hot body to be in the form of kinetic energy."
The kind of warrant that intelligence can give to specific principles falls short of infallibility.
Mehemet Ali replied diplomatically; for, though these offers fell far short of his ambitions, a studious moderation was essential in view of the doubtful attitude of the European powers.
For Conrad saw a chance, and, though he was short of troops, he struck at once, while calling for reenforcements to be sent to him for the eastern armies.
Let e denote the quantity by which the energy exerted in each cycle of the working of the machine alternately exceeds and falls short of the work performed, and which has consequently to be alternately stored by acceleration and restored by retardation of the flywheel.
Consumption.-It is only natural that the consumption of wine should be greatest in the countries where it is produced on the largest scale, but the discrepancy between the consumption of different countries is little short of astonishing.
The most effective cure, short of destruction and replantation, appears to be spraying with finely divided sulphur.
Whereas in 1850 the production amounted to little more than a million gallons, the output to-day is, in good years, not far short of 50 million gallons.
The small-livings fund aims at bringing up to £200 a year all stipends which fall short of that sum, of which there are nearly 400.
But when, in the crusading age, the Greek Church and state were alike in danger from Lat n encroachments, Photius became a national hero, and is at pres nt regarded as little short of a saint.
This picture was rejected and exists no longer, for Millet, short of canvas, painted over it "Oedipus Unbound," a work which during the following year was the object of violent criticism.
It takes a brilliant polish, is in a high degree malleable and ductile, and in tenacity it only falls short of iron, exceeding in that quality both silver and gold.
In the early days of 1813 sympathy with the national enthusiasm against the French carried him so far as to buy a set of arms; but he stopped short of volunteering for active service, reflecting that Napoleon gave after all only concentrated and untrammelled utterance to that self-assertion and lust for more life which weaker mortals feel but must perforce disguise.
In 428 or 429 the whole nation set sail for Africa, upon an invitation received by their king from Bonifacius, count of Africa, who had fallen into disgrace with the court of Ravenna Gunderic was now dead, and supreme power was in the hands of his bastard brother, who is generally known in history as Genseric, though the more correct form of his name is Gaiseric. This man, short of stature and with limping gait, but with a great natural capacity for war and dominion, reckless of human life and unrestrained by conscience or pity, was for fifty years the hero of the Vandal race and the terror of Constantinople and Rome.
Sulla, after his victory over Mithradates, brushed away their pretexts, and inflicting a very heavy fine told them that the punishment fell far short of their deserts.
And his happiness, since length of time cannot increase it, falls in nothing short of that of Zeus.
When the stream consists of drops following one another in single file, no such increase of section is possible; and then the constancy of the total stream requires a gradual approximation of the drops, which in the case of a nearly vertical direction of motion cannot stop short of actual contact.
This being the case, and having regard to the minuteness and ubiquity of these organisms, we should be very careful in accepting evidence as to the continuity or otherwise of any two forms which falls short of direct and uninterrupted observation.
But it appears to be true that the Thracian army had no more than half of its nominal strength of 226,000 men, while the Macedonian army short of the VIII.
No definite step was taken to set him aside, probably because nothing would be effective short of putting him to death, and Catherine shrank from the extreme course.
It does not, like Villehardouin, give us a picture of the temper and habits of a whole order or cast of men during a heroic period of human history; it falls far short of Froissart in vivid portraying of the picturesque and external aspects of social life; but it is a more personal book than either.
His father intended him for surgery, and he began the study of medicine on ist October 1833, when he was a few days short of seventeen.
Beyond this no wise man will go, and short of it hardly any unprejudiced man will stop.
The voyage had fallen short of Hudson's expectations, but it served many purposes perhaps as important to the world.
In 1900 the total area under cultivation was 2,439,639 acres, and in 1906 it had risen to 2,838,081 acres, which is a little short of 2 acres per inhabitant.
There were considerable losses of sheep in 1902 owing to the drought of that year, but the flocks in 1906 were of better quality than at any previous period and little short of the number of 1898.
Certain waterfleas (Cladocera) fall short of one-hundredth of an inch in total length; the giant Japanese crab (Macrocheira) can span over Io ft.
General Baldissera advanced with a large body of reinforcements to avenge this defeat, but the Abyssinians, desperately short of supplies, had already retired, and beyond the peaceful relief of Adrigat no further operations took place.
A detachment had been left in the Alam Bagh, which was short of provisions; some attempts were made to open up communication with it, but without success.
He had it, in fact, fully in his own power to determine his relations with the ministry, and he would be satisfied with nothing short of familiar and ostentatious equality.
It appeared in Blazh (1 793-95) It falls short of the older version of 1688; it was modernized in its language, and no doubt a careful examination would reveal differences in the translation of those passages in which the Catholic tradition differs from the Eastern.
But the character of Rodogune herself, which has not escaped criticism, comes hardly short of these.
Never short of silver and gold, but often in want of the necessaries of life, they continued their practices for a little longer; then, evading the risk of recrossing the isthmus, they boldly cleared Cape Horn, and arrived in the Indies.
Sand filtration, even when working in the best possible manner, falls short of the perfection necessary to prevent the passage of bacteria which may multiply after the filter is passed.
He was certainly a very good soldier, and is said to have excelled in all athletic exercises, but he fell short of being a first-rate general.
Immediately after the sack of Lawrence, John Brown and a small band murdered and mutilated five pro-slavery men, on Pottawatomie Creek; a horrible deed, showing a new spirit on the freestate side, and of ghastly consequence - for it contributed powerfully to widen further the licence of highway robbery, pillage and arson, the ruin of homes, the driving off of settlers, marauding expeditions, attacks on towns, outrages in short of every kind, that made the following months a welter of lawlessness and crime, until Governor Geary - by putting himself above all partisanship, repudiating Missouri, and using Federal troops put an end to them late in 1856.
He fell short of Edward I.
He would be satisfied with nothing short of the absolute ruin of France.
Chatham, who was ready to make any concession to America short of independence, and especially of independence at the dictation of France, died in 1778.
Burke would be content with nothing short of a crusade against France, and war to the death with her rulers.
Moreover, these secondary products cannot be successfully reduced, by further heating, to simpler hydrocarbons of any high illuminating value, and such bodies as naphthalene and anthracene have so great a stability that, when once formed, they resist any efforts again to decompose them by heat, short of the temperature which breaks them up into methane, carbon and hydrogen.
The future prime minister was then short of thirteen years old, and there was yet time to provide the utmost freedom which his birth allowed for the faculties and ambitions he was born with.
He stopped short of the catastrophe of the king's execution, and it seems likely that his subservience to Cromwell was not quite voluntary.
Locke's asthma was aggravated by the air of London; and the course of public affairs disappointed him, for the settlement at the Revolution fell short of his ideal.
His " latitudinarianism " was the result of extraordinary reverence for truth, and a perception that knowledge may be sufficient for the purposes of human life while it falls infinitely short of speculative completeness.
Although his report might show that our knowledge at its highest must be far short of a " universal or perfect comprehension of whatsoever is," it might still be " sufficient " for us, because " suited to our individual state."
In September he had foretold that it would not stop short of the death of both king and queen.
The fortresses were in bad condition and short of supplies.
We have a curious relic of this in the later times of ecclesiastical persecution, when the heretic was doomed to the stake that he might be punished in some manner " short of bloodshed."
Still the utmost point that this development reached fell considerably short of the standard of Christian charity.
Of later poets, down to more recent times, perhaps the best was Sigurd of Broadfirth, many of whose prettiest poems were composed in Greenland like those of Jon Biarnisson before him, c. 1750; John Thorlaksson's translation of Milton's great epic into Eddic verse is praiseworthy in intention, but, as may be imagined, falls far short of its aim.
Salvian was a 5th-century socialist of the most extreme type, and a zealous ascetic who pitilessly scourged everything that fell short of an exalted morality, and exaggerated, albeit unconsciously, the faults that he desired to eradicate.
Its culnunating point, the Plaza de Almanzor, attains the height of 8730 ft., not far short of that of the highest Cantabrian summits.
Spain is, on the whole, a country whose production falls far short of her own requirements.
In the place of Maura he found a more pliant minister for the colonies, Seor Abarzuza, who framed a Cuban Reform Bill so much short of what his predecessor had thought an irreducible minimum of concessions, that it was censured in Havana by all the colonial Liberals and home rulers, and by their representatives in Madrid.
Silvelas position in the country had been much damaged by the very fact of his policy having fallen so much short of what the nation expected in the shape of reform and retrenchment.
In all this he treated French finance rather as a banker than as a profound political economist, and thus fell far short of Turgot, who was the very greatest economist of his day.
Some drugs given in excess are poisons to all forms of protoplasm, but when given in doses much short of the lethal they usually exhibit a distinct tendency to affect specially, and at an early period, certain organs or tissues, and hence result differences in action; others may act only on certain organs, leaving the others practically untouched.
Which would've been fine, for an Anshan woman, but appeared to be nothing short of torture to her.
Nishani had a tongue and habits that shocked all three sisters and did nothing short of aggravate Ne'Rin.
I chased him down this bluff but then I started getting pains in my chest and short of breath until I just had to stop.
While the rest of Ethel's wardrobe was nothing short of spectacular, her underwear was a throwback to another era.
Nothing short of an encounter with the risen Christ has remotely explained his major about-face.
The new Furious Records HQ is cool without being self-consciously arty, trendy yet short of showing off.
If that seems to fall short of outright atheism, well, they have to start somewhere.
Payne said there were no immediate plans to use reverse auctions, but fell short of ruling them out completely (see News ).
On the opening title track he does everything to draw attention to his alleged musical genius short of hiring a fairground barker.
Only in Japan did the brand's sales fall short of the double digits.
Why does one Victorian murderer still exert such world-wide fascination in an age hardly short of its own violent crimes?
What we didn't expect was a total gridlock on the motorway about 6 Km short of Murcia.
The board believes that operating margins will run significantly short of last year's level for much of 2005.
The dives I made were relatively modest to just short of 20m with the second morning dive only 10m, maximum.
The Statute of Autonomy fell short of the self-rule that basque nationalism demanded.
The next ball is tipped off outside edge but drops inches short of Strauss's outstretched paws.
Nunn stopped short of adding peroxide to Whishaw's hair, but the temptation must have been unbearable.
Many of the oddest sightings were, he believed, hoaxes often perpetrated by journalists short of copy in the silly season.
My best plaice weighed 3 lbs 15 ozs - just short of the magic 4 lbs barrier.
A hundred yards short of the summit and the central cairngorm plateau came into view.
The bird was first ringed in mid-May 1957, just one month short of 46 years ago.
According to Hi-Fi News, 'the wonderfully fluid images and deeply saturated colors painted by this Fujitsu combination are little short of mouth-watering.
The world almost divides into two, but stops short of the split as Descartes reverts back to the comfort of medieval scholasticism.
And as we will see next month, many of these decisions have stopped short of granting wide ranging rights to employees.
I am not your judge, but the bible says that all men have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
Your business will lag far short of its potential unless your site is optimized and re-optimized for search engine results.
Yesterday they were content to rediscover the art of holding leads by beating Leeds in a match not short of flying shrapnel.
We have fallen short of the glory of God and we find it difficult to remain sinless.
Many drivers are seen taking chances, including speeding, overtaking etc⦠which under these conditions is nothing short of sheer lunacy.
On our particular party, we were never short of authorized bird spotters.
Beware; a shot short of perfection will suffer the consequences of a deep swale to the left or water to the right.
You may at times be short of cash; I know you are very thoughtless in that respect.
With so much happening around the county town, you'll never be short of something to do.
The number of deployed troops was at least 40% short of the required levels.
I would not recommend vegetarianism to anyone who would go short of food or suffer ill health.
However this falls considerably short of practice among large American companies, where nine in ten encourage voluntarism.
Unless the insulation is perfect, the potential recorded falls short of that at the spot where the radium is placed or the water jet breaks.
Thus in 1902 (51) the percentage of cases in which q fell short of I was 30 at Trieste, 33 at Vienna, and 35 at Kremsmunster; at Innsbruck q was less than I on 58 days out of 98.
The first player's bowl has come to rest just in front of the jack; the second has delivered his bowl and is following after it with one of those eccentric contortions still not unusual on modern greens, the first player meanwhile making a repressive gesture with his hand, as if to urge the bowl to stop short of his own; the third player is depicted as in the act of delivering his bowl.
As has already been stated, the heat of formation of a compound is the amount (expressed in thermal units) by which its intrinsic energy exceeds or falls short of that of the elements which enter into its composition.
After even the finest things in Tannhauser, the Vorspiel to Lohengrin comes as a revelation, with its quiet solemnity and breadth of design, its ethereal purity of tone-colour, and its complete emancipation from earlier operatic forms. The suspense and climax in the first act is so intense, and the whole drama is so well designed, that we must have a very vivid idea of the later Wagner before we can see how far the quality of musical thought still falls short of his ideals.
Still they fell far short of the requirements of the district for in 1865 the Taff Vale Railway Company opened a dock of 26 acres under the headland at Penarth, while in 1884 a group of colliery owners, dissatisfied with their treatment at Cardiff, obtained powers to construct docks at Barry which are now 114 acres in extent.
The breaking short of the shaft of the assegai when the weapon was used at close quarters was already a common practice among the Ama-Zulu, but Chaka had the shaft of the assegais made short, and their blades longer and heavier, so that they could be used for cutting or piercing.
Thus, if the time of flight of a shell is 5 sec., the height of the vertex of the trajectory is about loo ft.; and if the fuse is set to burst the shell one-tenth of a second short of its impact at B, the height of the burst is 7.84, say 8 ft.
Certainly all this brings us face to face with much ambiguity and demands increased skill in interpretation, but anything short of it falls short also of strict critical method.
They were, however, fated to fall far short of such a consummation; and at all times orthodox Brahmanism has had to wink at, or ignore, all manner of gross superstitions and repulsive practices, along with the popular worship of countless hosts of godlings, demons, spirits and ghosts, and mystic objects and symbols of every description.
He was short of stature, swarthy and broadchested, with a large head which early turned grey, snub nose and deep-set eyes.
The gun rang out with a deafening metallic roar, and a whistling grenade flew above the heads of our troops below the hill and fell far short of the enemy, a little smoke showing the spot where it burst.
The pond profile which is best for wildlife is a short of shallow saucer shape with gently shelving sides.
The Shi'a coalition, closely linked to Iran, won just short of half the seats in the new parliament.
Japanese financial institutions, loaded down with bad debts and therefore short of cash, sold dollars heavily.
Flimby were agonizingly held up three runs short of victory on 132-3, despite a 58 from Steve Ditchburn.
In July 1822, just short of his thirtieth birthday, Shelley was drowned in a boating accident.
Probably also this is true of a condition short of panic, in the case of women or timorous men suddenly confronted with danger.
Now every two-bit comedian running short of ideas invents some sort of adventure for themselves, and hey presto, a show.
Amber and vermilion tints block blue light at the upper end of the visible range, just short of ultra violet.
This plan is nothing short of a win-win for everyone.
There is little short of five years left during which to bridge what is a yawning gap.
Day of the Dead, chapter three of George Romero 's mighty zombie trilogy... the Dead was nothing short of epic.
While most startup founders fear running short of cash, few worry about having an overabundance of funds.
Some of her designs are more basic, but the prints and patterns will be nothing short of adorable and the designs are sleek and intimate.
Retail shopping is pure bliss for some, while others consider it nothing short of drudgery.
So short of declawing, you should try training.
However, the descent poses nothing short of poetic trepidation that will lead a cat to freeze in its lofty position and howl into the night.
If you prefer to stop short of the brow area, sweep the shadow only up to the crease.
Despite being bold and memorable, it veers just short of being too strong.
In addition, the color is nothing short of spectacular; it's sheer, so it offers "buildable coverage".
For the serious amateur or budding professional, nothing short of an SLR will do for creative purposes.
You've got the talent and the equipment, so why are your photographs falling short of perfection?
There are over 60 styles in this category that are nothing short of beautiful.
Months After Butting Out - During this time, the non-smoker will find that he or she is less short of breath and that the incidents of "smoker's cough" decrease.
Members of the band have come forward in Ashlee's defense, claiming that she is "nothing short of awesome" and her relationship with Pete has in no way contributed to their lack of Grammy nods, calling the very thought "(expletive) absurd."
Sheen's 1995 marriage to Donna Peele was short lived, lasting just short of one year.
The spell-casting fashions of designers like Luna Luna Copenhagen and Isobella and Chloe are nothing short of what an actual princess would wear.
Not every dress in the catalogue will be party appropriate, but those that are party-suitable will be nothing short of perfection.
For some children, knee high socks will actually measure over the knee, while others will stop short of reaching the knee.
The vessels are nothing short of floating hotels.
He did, and he eventually had a very successful career that began late in his life.As for Hurt's guitar playing, it is nothing short of astounding.
Even the best designed home theaters fall short of the overall theater feel if the speakers aren't properly placed.
It is believed that attitude is everything and that the power of positive thinking is nothing short of miraculous.
In short, Thorlos men's quarter socks are nothing short of amazing.
Or else the top stops short of waist level.
Ankle-length cocktail dresses are also referred to as tea-length dresses and dresses that fall just short of the ankle are known as ballerina-length dresses.
The boyfriends weren't always too pleased, as it meant they were often short of jeans, but a good man likes to please his girlfriend and will appreciate that she looks as good or better in his jeans than he does.
The sleeves can either be short of full sleeve lengths depending on the piece of lingerie.
Taken separately, any one of these technologies is impressive, but when you add them all together, the result is nothing short of astonishing!
The simple truth is, short of having a lens replaced, it is very difficult to get rid of scratches on an eyeglass lens.
You can use this power to transform into something more than just the drug-induced stuporous being that Duchovny portrays your character to be, but the ability really falls just short of being useful.
Since it's release earlier this year, Guild Wars has seen nothing short of success in the shadow of Blizzard's eight-hundred pound gorilla, The World of Warcraft.
The graphics, the sound, the atmosphere, and the sheer fun that I was having was nothing short of amazing.
The drama and complexities of the story proceeded for a number of months, but the long and the short of it was that Favre wanted to play.On the cover of Madden NFL 09, you'll see that Brett Favre is in a Green Bay Packers jersey.
The battle music is nothing short of catchy.
But with Call of Duty and other war games pushing the graphical envelope, Socom 3 falls dramatically short of being an equal.
The Grim Reaper has a post-it with everyone's name on it and nothing short of the "Elixir of Life" will save them from Death.
While these are handy if you are short of hard disk space or wary of downloads, they are generally simpler and less graphically interesting than their larger downloadable cousins.
It fell short of that and came in 5th place.
While falling short of telling you how much to spend or not, I would just recommend that you not spend over $30 or so if this is your first attempt at trying to nail down some Pinot Noir descriptions.
Generally speaking, there are two primary ways that you can get a cell phone for free, short of receiving one as a gift.
There are signal boosting accessories that may help, but short of switching networks or switching handsets, you are largely left with whatever coverage you can get.
Many people, however, associate the word with punishment, which falls short of the full meaning of the word.
Parents must take care to insure the child gets enough food for growth, since a vegetarian diet relies heavily on bulk foods that are filling but usually short of calories.
Anemic patients feel tired and weak, are short of breath, and may have a rapid heartbeat.
As a result of the narrowed airways, the individual may cough, wheeze, feel short of breath, or make a high-pitched, harsh sound (called stridor) with each breath.
If water intake continues to fall short of water loss, dehydration worsens and a child may become critically ill.
Some children with asthma are free of symptoms most of the time, but may occasionally experience brief periods during which they are short of breath.
The results are nothing short of miraculous.
If you get light-headed or short of breath you should stop exercising immediately.
At first, you might think you're getting your period, but when the bleeding stops short of becoming a real menstrual period, it may be implantation bleeding.Implantation bleeding, or a complete lack of it, are both normal.
For the same reason, avoid tops that fall well short of the waistband of your bottoms; this will reveal more bare skin and call attention to that area.
Still, if you really want to be noticed at a private pool party, short of going nude, this swimsuit will ensure that.
If you're just looking for a general, catchall kind of insurance against falling short of some vital nutrient, go for something with close to 100 percent of RDA of everything.
If you think you're falling short of your daily requirements, there are high fiber supplements available that may help.
Within this segment, Dr. Sinclair describes resveratrol as nothing short of a breakthrough.
Not overstocking is also important if you are short of space in your workshop.
Or perhaps you are only interested in one or two particular products that would fall far short of 75 dollars.
This falls just short of spam, because it is actually giving you free ebooks, and you are voluntarily putting in your name in the subscription box.
As a writer, wife, and mother of three girls, Erika Krull leads a central Nebraskan life that is nothing short of full.
Juicy couture bags come in every material imaginable, and the colors are nothing short of sensational.
Keep bold accents and wild prints to a minimum; short of necessities like zippers and pockets, a classic bag does not affiliate itself with trends.
The Sprouse and LV collaboration is nothing short of enigmatic.
You'll agonize over what you believe to be a lack of loyalty and internalize what you deem is nothing short of outright betrayal.
Some schools have found the answer through compromise-a school dress code that stops short of requiring uniforms.
Bollywood Movies are nothing short of a unique experience when first viewed by someone who has only ever seen traditional American movies.
While in many other chains, the screens are getting smaller to permit a larger number of auditoriums, the Marcus Theater chain has introduced some of the largest screens short of an IMAX screen.
Even though video, photo and forensic evidence has been captured by researchers through the years, nothing short of an actual body of a Sasquatch is likely to convince a highly skeptical public.
Damon's own skateboarding career ended short of going pro due to a severe head injury.
The effect is nothing short of mesmerizing, particularly since the shoes are available in both gold and silver glitter finishes, along with purple, pink and navy blue.
He's extreme - over the top - just short of being slapstick in his delivery.
If you're panting or short of breath, you're pushing yourself too far and not benefiting from the relaxing effects of the various asanas.
Secretin therapy for autism appears to fall short of its promises.
The Autism Treatment Center of America (ATCA) promises miracles for families dealing with autism, but the approach may fall short of its claims.
With the mid sized sedan and full tread depth tires, we stopped just short of 200 feet.
Climb the ladder and stop short of the three top rungs.
While you can perform some exercises to firm up the muscles in your chest, short of surgery, there's no miracle treatment.
On a side note, the use of a male example is no coincidence, as most women choose to stop just short of getting actually ripped for aesthetic reasons.
Cooling down for too short of a time is almost as bad as skipping the cool down section altogether.
This corset leaves the breasts free for a nursing bra and stops just short of the hips so that your lower body can still move with ease.
Satin gowns are a great buy for curvy women--sultry tops accentuate your assets while the flowing gown hides flaws, making you look like nothing short of a goddess!
The results were nothing short of disastrous.
Joel's first solo album - Cold Harbor, released in 1971, was nothing short of a disaster.
However, if you are short of seating, you should only serve small finger foods, such as those items appropriate for a cocktail party.
So anything short of a barbecue would be ok.
The dress code is just short of formal, so you'll need to make sure you're dressed appropriately or you won't be seated.
From beautiful sunsets to swimming dolphins to dramatic flames, you can get practically anything that you can imagine airbrushed onto your nails, leaving your hands nothing short of an impressive miniature art gallery!
There are basically three ways to acquire a medieval helmet, short of paying exorbitant amounts of money at a high-end antiques auction.
While they run short of CrystalTech with disk space of 1000MB and 80GB bandwidth, they more than make up for it with features and service.
The homemade specialties here are nothing short of total comfort food.
His lips covered hers in a long warm kiss that left her short of breath.
That still left her a good five inches short of his six-foot-two.
I have plans too, you know - and they don't include dropping out three months short of graduation.
Several more men entered the library, all staring at her in nothing short of total surprise.
Nothing short of miraculous!
His gaze was direct, just short of demanding.
For her, the last fourteen months had been nothing short of heaven on earth.
She swung the boulder up, ducking as it slapped the side of the cliff just short of the ledge and fell back to her.
His curly brown hair stopped somewhere short of being unruly, but it was clean and clipped short.
In spite of this, however, his heroic attempt at a synthesis of all scientific knowledge could not but fall short of its aim.
From the beginning the number of women living the Benedictine life has not fallen far short of that of the men.
Although he was still short of part of the 6th division, he was in superior force.