Short-cuts Sentence Examples
The authorities were most sympathetic and cautioned me against taking short cuts when parking in the city at night.
A company like MBM Food Distributor can offer a chef short cuts.
Don't let anyone tell you that there are no short cuts to learning guitar -- there are, and they're called tabs.
Don't take short cuts that will leave you disappointed just to save time or money.
You should also measure to determine how wide the short cuts are going to be.
They should stick to a specific route and not take short cuts.
The use of a keyboard and mouse makes these challenging titles easier to play with function key short cuts (like F1, F2 button) and simple right or left mouse clicks.
Medium hair styles are the lovechildren of long locks and short cuts.
Just Hairstyles has a section reserved just for "Outrageous Hairstyles" with ideas ranging from bangs over the eyes to misplaced rattails and on to the oddly tipped short cuts.
Modern short cuts are so versatile, fresh and flattering that they're hard not to love!
AdvertisementIn their place, find new styles that transcend the traditional short cuts and make alluring statements of their own.
If you are worried about your bottom, stay away from boy short cuts.
If you do go out at night, avoid short cuts through dark alleyways and keep a wide berth between you and alley entrances as you walk on the sidewalk.