Short Sentence Examples
Life's too short as it is.
His stunt tonight was nothing short of jealousy.
In short, she had a cushion job.
After a short silence he rose.
I just need a short break.
Hard life is a short life, for most folks around here.
His laugh was short and humorless.
After what seemed like a short wait, they boarded another plane.
Mrs. Graves is making short dresses for Natalie.
Then he noticed when he bred tall pea plants with another tall plant, he occasionally got a short offspring, but usually tall ones.
AdvertisementShe may be out of the loop for a short time.
His laugh was short and harsh.
Naw. I'm a short timer with mostly circulars on my desk.
Dad had taken a short cut then.
Even she would have had trouble working with something so little, but his big hands dispensed with the job in short order.
AdvertisementShe cut her explanation off short as Cade pulled into the drive.
He would fly to Los Angeles, then transfer for the short hop north to Santa Barbara.
If it were a person, it still couldn't even order a beer to toast itself for all it has done in such a short time.
Twenty-five days later, while she was on a short visit away from home, she wrote to her mother.
We meet at very short intervals, not having had time to acquire any new value for each other.
AdvertisementA short man was saying something, but when Pierre entered he stopped speaking and went out.
He had a habit of stopping short in the middle of his talk and gazing intently with his laughing, kindly eyes.
After a short silence the countess spoke again but this time no one replied.
But, noticing his mistake, he broke off short and, with a frown, greeted Dolokhov as a stranger, asking what he could do for him.
Dolokhov, as if he had not heard the question, did not reply, but lighting a short French pipe which he took from his pocket began asking the officer in how far the road before them was safe from Cossacks.
AdvertisementWith a short coat and his hair cropped; just as if, well, just as if he had come straight from the bath...
Sarah glanced up with a short laugh.
I have plans too, you know - and they don't include dropping out three months short of graduation.
She stopped short at the wagon.
He led her down a short hallway and opened the first door.
I'm in another country, if only for a short while to see if the pickings here are to my liking.
Any conversations I had with Martha were short, bordering on abrupt.
There is no excuse for short play on his part, and his bowls would be better off the green than obstructing the path of subsequent bowls.
For a short period the day was changed to Tuesday, but the market was given up before 1888.
At the Restoration in 1660 he was arrested for preaching, and after a short period of freedom he was again seized, and he remained in prison for seven years.
A short distance south of the city is Red Mountain, 25 m.
It was based on a short confession drafted by Calvin in 1557, and may still be regarded, though once or twice revised, as the confession of the French Protestant Church.
He noticed that when he bred a tall one with a short one, sometimes he got tall offspring and sometimes a short offspring.
He then noticed that when he bred short ones with short ones, he always got short ones.
Dictators, in short, are the scourge of the earth.
We were sitting together in a hammock which swung from two solemn pines at a short distance from the house.
Sometimes she tries to spell very short words on her small [fingers] but she is too young to remember hard words.
Did I tell you in my last letter that I had a new dress, a real party dress with low neck and short sleeves and quite a train?
Since I wrote you, Helen and I have gone to live all by ourselves in a little garden-house about a quarter of a mile from her home, only a short distance from Ivy Green, the Keller homestead.
As we were passing a large globe a short time after she had written the questions, she stopped before it and asked, "Who made the REAL world?"
The newcomer was a short, large-boned, yellow-faced, wrinkled old man, with gray bushy eyebrows overhanging bright eyes of an indefinite grayish color.
When her hair was done, Natasha, in her short petticoat from under which her dancing shoes showed, and in her mother's dressing jacket, ran up to Sonya, scrutinized her, and then ran to her mother.
Early in the morning of the sixth of October Pierre went out of the shed, and on returning stopped by the door to play with a little blue- gray dog, with a long body and short bandy legs, that jumped about him.
We're short handed so you wind up taking care of your own team and wagon.
It was in her mind to tell Claudette to take a long walk off a short pier, but a cool voice interrupted them at that moment.
Several more men entered the library, all staring at her in nothing short of total surprise.
She didn't recognize them from her short stay there.
Even for a short time to try to relax.
The crack of the wooden door registered a short second before his hand gripped her throat.
Unlike Darkyn, whose hair was short, Zamon's long hair was captured in a braid.
She was enthralled with the lengthy explanation and they were surprised in the telling how much had happened in the short time she was away.
Sheet-covered, her remains lay in Dean's office, only feet from where she had lain naked against him so short a time before.
You've come a long way in a short time.
Hilden took her arm quickly and led her a short distance away into a darkened alley.
This one wore a short sleeved shirt, jeans and white sneakers.
It grows in short grass in the temperate regions of all parts of the world.
For a short while he was at the head of the new Hessian administration; but his ambition was to share in the creation of a united Germany.
The Territorial Army and its reserve (members of which undergo two short periods of training) are, however, allocated to local service.
Here, after a short illness, he died on the 23rd of October 1893.
He became a member of parliament, and was sent in 1562 as ambassador to France, where he remained till 1566; and in 1572 he again went to France in the same capacity for a short time.
He produced the first edition in 1861, and a fourth, revised and enlarged, was only completed a short time before his death.
I was in haste to buy it, before the proprietor finished getting out some rocks, cutting down the hollow apple trees, and grubbing up some young birches which had sprung up in the pasture, or, in short, had made any more of his improvements.
Near the end of May, the sand cherry (Cerasus pumila) adorned the sides of the path with its delicate flowers arranged in umbels cylindrically about its short stems, which last, in the fall, weighed down with good-sized and handsome cherries, fell over in wreaths like rays on every side.
Ashley stood a short distance away, between two vamps.
Only the bulls have horns, and these are short and insignificant.
Except on Charles Island, where settlement has existed longest, little or no influence of the presence of man is evident in the group; still, the running wild of dogs and cats, and, as regards the vegetation, especially goats, must in a comparatively short period greatly modify the biological conditions of the islands.
He died, after a short illness, in his seventy-sixth year, on the 15th of September 1781.
However, when ravaging the country near Alnwick, William was taken prisoner in July 1174, and after a short captivity at Richmond was carried to Normandy, where he soon purchased his release by assenting in December 1174 to the treaty of Falaise.
In the winter coat the hair is long and pendent, elongated into a short beard on the sides of the lower jaw behind the chin; and it is also longer than elsewhere on the neck and the chest; at the base of the long hair is a thick growth of short and woolly under-fur.
In summer the coat becomes comparatively short.
The muzzle is hairy, the ears are of moderate size, and the tail is short, and partially buried among the long hair of the rump. There are no glands on the face; but there is a large globular one at the base of each horn of the size of half a small orange..
The black horns, which are ringed in their basal portion, are comparatively short and not unlike those of the Asiatic serows in general characters, being subcylindrical, and curving slightly backwards.
Whether a pouch is present or not, the young are born in an exceedingly imperfect state of development, after a very short period of gestation, and are immediately transferred by the female parent to the teats, where they remain firmly attached for a considerable time; the milk being injected into their mouths at intervals by means of a special muscle which compresses the glands.
The short period of this evolution is at least one factor in the primitive grade of even the most specialized members of the group. In the advance of their molar teeth from a tritubercular to a grinding type, the author traces a curious parallelism between marsupials and placentals.
Tail of moderate length, thick at the base and tapering towards the apex, clothed with short hair_ First hind toe (including the metacarpal bone) absent.
Tail rather short, clothed with short depressed hairs.
Fore feet with the functional toes reduced to two, the second and third, of equal length, with closely united metacarpals and short, sharp, slightly curved, compressed claws.
Tail not quite so long as the body, and covered with short hairs.
A separate family, Notoryctidae, is represented by the marsupial mole (Notoryctes typhlops), of the deserts of south Central Australia, a silky, golden-haired, burrowing creature, with a curious leathery muzzle, and a short, naked stumpy tail.
The tympanic process of the alisphenoid bone of the skull is short, not covering the cavity of the tympanum, nor reaching the paroccipital process.
Hind-feet with a very short nailless first toe, the second, third and fourth toes partially united by integument, of nearly equal length, the fifth distinct and rather shorter; all four with long and curved nails.
Hind-feet short and broad, with five welldeveloped toes; the first large, nailless and opposable; the second and third slender and united by a common integument as far as.
Tail longer than the body and head, scantily clothed with short hairs, prehensile.
Definitely incorporated with this country in 1853, it experienced another change of fortune after the short war of 1864 between Denmark on the one side and Prussia and Austria on the other, as by the peace of Vienna (30th of October 1864) it was ceded with Schleswig and Holstein to the two German powers.
Xerxes II., who reigned for a very short time, could scarcely have obtained so splendid a monument, and still less could the usurper Sogdianus (Secydianus).
On the arrival of Amadeus in Spain, Ruiz Zorilla became minister of public works for a short time, and resigned by way of protesting against Serrano and Topete entering the councils of the new king.
Flowing into the Pacific Ocean on the east coast there are some fine rivers, but the majority have short and rapid courses.
These run in wet seasons, but in every instance for a short distance only, and sooner or later they are lost in sand-hills, where their waters disappear and a line of stunted gum-trees (Eucalyptus rostrata) is all that is present to indicate that there may be even a soakage to mark the abandoned course.
The rock wallabies again have short tarsi of the hind legs, with a long pliable tail for climbing, like that of the tree kangaroo of New Guinea, or that of the jerboa.
The census of Western Australia included only those aborigines in the employment of the colonists; and as a large part of this, the greatest of the Australian states, is as yet unexplored, it may be presumed that the aborigines enumerated were very far short of the whole number of persons of that race in the state.
Messrs Hamilton Hume and Hovell set out from Lake George, crossed the Murrumbidgee, and, after following the river for a short distance, struck south, skirting the foothills of what are now known as the Australian Alps until they reached a fine river, which was called the Hume after the leader's father.
After resting in Perth for a short time, he commenced the return journey, which was made for the most part between the 24th and 25th parallels, and again successfully traversed the desert, reaching the overland telegraph line in about seven months.
The Labour party held power in the Commonwealth for a short period, and has had the balance of power in its hands ever since the formation of the Commonwealth.
He died on the 18th of May 1807, and a volume of Miscellaneous Works, prefaced by a short biography, was published in 1820.
A short time afterwards Artabanus was deposed again, and a certain Cinnamus was proclaimed king.
Finance, commerce, the national armaments by sea and land, judicial procedure, church government, education, even art and science - everything, in short - emerged recast from his shaping hand.
Driven from Strassburg by the authorities, after a short imprisonment in December 1531, he tried to make a living in 1532 as a soapboiler at Esslingen, removing in 1533 for a better market to Ulm, where (October 28, 1 534) he was admitted as a burgess.
Large quantities of fruits - apples, pears, quinces, peaches, nectarines, apricots, grapes and melons - were exported by special trains to central Europe, where the Turkestan crop was received a short time before the south European supplies ripened.
The liver being regarded as the seat of the blood, it was a natural and short step to identify the liver with the soul as well as with the seat of life, and therefore as the centre of all manifestations of vitality and activity.
If, for example, the porta hepatis was long on the right side and short on the left side, it was a good sign for the king's army, but if short on the right side and long on the left, it was unfavourable; and similarly for a whole series of phenomena connected with any one of the various subdivisions of the liver.
Only an insignificant fraction of these forests has ever been visited by human beings, the Malays and even the aboriginal tribe having their homes on the banks of the rivers, and never, even when travelling from one part of the country to another, leaving the banks of a stream except for a short time when passing from one river-system to another.
The number of rainy days throughout the peninsula varies from 160 to over 200 in each year, but violent gusts of wind, called " Sumatras," accompanied by a heavy downpour of short duration, are more common than persistent rain.
He graduated from Union College in 1820, having taught school for a short time at Savannah, Georgia, to help pay his expenses; was admitted to the bar at Utica, N.Y., in 1822, and in the following year began the practice of law at Auburn, N.Y., which was his home for the rest of his life.
The catkins appear soon after the young leaves, usually in England towards the end of May; the acorns, oblong in form, are in shallow cups with short, scarcely projecting scales; the fruit is shed the first autumn, often before the foliage changes.
The leaves are frequently irregular in outline, the lobes rather short and blunt, widening towards the end, but with setaceous points; the acorns are nearly globular.
Ilex, usually a smaller tree, frequently of rather shrub-like appearance, with abundant glossy dark-green leaves, generally ovate in shape and more or less prickly at the margin, but sometimes with the edges entire; the under surface is hoary; the acorns are oblong on short stalks.
Although they held the town but a short time they inflicted very great damage, destroying many churches, further damaging the castles and carrying off much treasure.
At an early age he entered the cloister; and in 423 he became bishop of Cyrrhus, a small city in a wild district between Antioch and the Euphrates, where, except for a short period of exile, he spent the remainder of his life.
For a short time he was a Privatdozent at Bonn, but in 1859 he was appointed director of the Mannheim Observatory.
Fichte, in short, advocates an ethical theism, and his arguments might easily be turned to account by the apologist of Christianity.
A dock-side crane unloading cargo with high lifts following one another in rapid succession will require a higher load factor than a workshop traveller with a very short lift and only a very occasional maximum load; and a traveller with a very long longitudinal travel will require a higher load factor for the travelling motor than for the lifting motor.
During the short reign of Valentinian there were wars in Africa, in Germany and in Britain, and Rome came into collision with barbarian peoples of whom we now hear for the first time - Burgundians, Saxons, Alamanni.
The great storm of the Mutiny of 1857, though dangerous while it lasted, was short.
Hence for sending both a dot and a dash, reverse currents of short duration are sent through the line, but the interval between the reversal is three times as great for the dash as for the dot.
For the dot the armature is deflected by the first current, the ink-wheel being brought into contact with the paper and after a short interval pulled back by the reverse current.
The Murray automatic system is not regarded as suitable for short telegraph lines or moderate traffic, printing telegraphs on the multiplex principle being considered preferable in such circumstances.
After a very short interval of time, the length of which depends on the inductive retardation of the cable, the condensers corresponding to C 1 and C3 at the other end begin to be charged from the cable, and since the charge of C3 passes through the receiving instrument I or G the signal is recorded.
The short leg of the siphon tube dips into an insulated ink-bottle, so' that the ink it contains becomes electrified, while the long leg has its open end at a very small distance from a brass table, placed with its surface parallel to the plane in which the mouth of the leg moves, and over which a slip of paper may be passed at a uniform rate, as in the spark recorder.
Hence, by inserting a break-and-make key in the circuit of the battery, coil or dynamo, the uniform noise or hum in the telephone can be cut up into periods of long and short noises, which can be made to yield the signals of the Morse alphabet.
By the use of a key in the battery circuit as well as an interrupter or current reverser, signals can be given by breaking up the continuous hum in the telephone into long and short periods.
If a battery on the mainland is connected through a key with the shore end of the main cable, and a speaking galvanometer is in circuit with the short cable crossing the Fastnet rock, then closing or opening the battery connexion will create a deflection of the galvanometer.
Owing to the rough seas sweeping over the Fastnet, the conditions are such that any ordinary submarine cable would be broken by the wearing action of the waves at the rock boundary in a very short time.
The signals were sent by cutting up the continuous hum in the telephone into long and short periods in accordance with the Morse code by manipulating the key in the primary circuit.
These trains are produced by pressing the key in the primary circuit of the induction coil for a longer or shorter time' and generating a long or short series of oscillatory electric sparks between the spark balls with a corresponding creation of trains of electric waves.
When electric waves fell on the antenna they caused the mercury-steel junction to become conductive during the time they endured, and the siphon recorder therefore to write signals consisting of short or long deflexions of its pen and therefore notches of various length on the ink line drawn on the strip of telegraphic tape.
This creates a short sound in the telephone.
Hence according as the trains of oscillations are long or short so is the sound heard in the telephone, and these sounds can be arranged on the Morse code into alphabetic audible signals.
By the middle of 1905 a very large number of vessels had been equipped with the Marconi short distance and long distance wireless telegraph apparatus for intercommunication and reception of messages from power stations on both sides of the Atlantic, and the chief navies of the world had adopted the apparatus.
He showed that if an antenna were constructed with a short part of its length vertical and the greater part horizontal, the lower end of the vertical part being earthed, and if oscillations were created in it, electric waves were sent out most powerfully in the plane of the antenna and in the direction opposite to that in which the free end pointed.
The condenser method of making oscillations is analogous to the production of air vibrations by twanging a harp string at short intervals.
This only answers, however, for telephoning musical sounds to short distances.
It was soon found that it could only be used to advantage in this way when the total resistance of the circuit, exclusive of the microphone, was small compared with the resistance of the microphone - that is, on very short lines worked with FIG.
As subscribers' lines are invariably short, the smallest gauge of wire possessing the mechanical strength necessary to withstand the stresses to which it may be subjected can be employed, and bronze wire weighing 40 lb per mile is commonly used.
Attempts have been made to improve submarine cables in this respect, and in 1906 a short cable " loaded " with Pupin coils was laid across Lake Constance.
The problem, however, of constructing a deep-sea cable satisfactorily, with suitable inductance coils inserted at short distances apart, is a difficult one, and one which it cannot be said has been solved.
In short, all-round competition was authorized, and the Post Office decided to establish a telephone system in London in competition with the company.
The leaf has a broadly sheathing base succeeded by a short stalk bearing the pitcher, which represents a much enlarged midrib with a winglike lamina.
The central range here approaches much nearer to the sea, and hence, with few exceptions, the rivers that flow from it have short courses and are of comparatively little importance.
From the neighborhood of Potenza, the main ridge of the Apennines is continued by the Monti della Maddalena in a direction nearly due south, so that it approaches within a short distance of the Gulf of Policastro, whence it is carried on as far as the Monte Pollino, the last of the lofty summits of the Apennine chain, which exceeds 7000 ft.
Heavy falls of snow in June are not uncommon, and only for a short time towards the end of July are the nights totally exempt from light frosts.
Physical characteristics differ widely; but as a whole the Italian is somewhat short of stature, with dark or black hair and eyes, often good looking.
The horse had stopped short, and stood firm as a rock.
A nearby steeple had been broken off short and the fragments lay heaped beside it.
He called to one of his officers and bade him sit down and write a short order for him.
He had had a short illness, there had been a brief time of acute suffering, then all was over.
Then my teacher went to visit some friends in Boston, leaving me for a short time.
He has on short dresses now.
By signs she made me understand that she wished another story, and I gave her a book containing very short stories, written in the most elementary style.
It could readily ascend the sides of the room by short impulses, like a squirrel, which it resembled in its motions.
The princess said nothing, but suddenly her short downy lip quivered.
Nicholas was short with curly hair and an open expression.
The length of her body was strikingly out of proportion to her short legs.
Pierre concluded that this also was essential, and after a short interval followed her.
The unknown general looked disdainfully down at Kozlovski, who was rather short, as if surprised that anyone should not know him.
Late that night, when all had separated, Denisov with his short hand patted his favorite, Rostov, on the shoulder.
After a short period of adapting himself to the old conditions of life, Nicholas found it very pleasant to be at home again.
During Rostov's short stay in Moscow, before rejoining the army, he did not draw closer to Sonya, but rather drifted away from her.
Only on horse back and in the mazurka was Denisov's short stature not noticeable and he looked the fine fellow he felt himself to be.
The near side horse, arching his head and breaking into a short canter, tugged at his traces.
Balaga was a fair-haired, short, and snub-nosed peasant of about twenty- seven; red-faced, with a particularly red thick neck, glittering little eyes, and a small beard.
His short hair had evidently just been brushed, but one lock hung down in the middle of his broad forehead.
He was still lying on the bed as before, but the stern expression of his quiet face made Princess Mary stop short on the threshold.
Two girls of about ten and twelve, dressed in dirty short frocks and cloaks, were staring at their mother with a look of stupefaction on their pale frightened faces.
The woman's husband, a short, round- shouldered man in the undress uniform of a civilian official, with sausage-shaped whiskers and showing under his square-set cap the hair smoothly brushed forward over his temples, with expressionless face was moving the trunks, which were placed one on another, and was dragging some garments from under them.
He sat in his short overcoat leaning against a birch tree.
The shadow made her long legs look short.
I closed my eyes and swallowed my sobs on the short trip to the police facility.
She felt his body heat from the short distance between them and recognized his scent from the sheets.
It was too short for her to see clearly, and she crossed to the mirror on the other side of the room.
She looked up at Darian a short distance away, watching his dark-light power streak around the room.
The drive home was too short, and she reached the large manor at noon.
Jule lay on the ground a short distance away.
The familiar path down the coastline passed the Cliffs of Moher and continued for a short distance.
There were few things in life she was certain about, and one of them was that she'd felt safer with Jule during their short time together than she ever did with her father.
As she hopped the short distance from rocks to the ground leading up to the compound, she caught the silhouettes of two men against the cloudy sky.
Lacy wore a skirt too short and tight for office wear, but when you're the boss … "I noticed you've been taking a lot of sick time lately," Lacy said as Sofia entered the room.
To the three of them, the drastic changes that occurred over such a short time span after thousands of years of no change were a warning sign.
Nothing short of miraculous!
A short time later, she sagged against the toilet, ignoring Pierre as he tsked and held her hair.
Her breaths came in short gasps, but she refused to back down.
His gaze was direct, just short of demanding.
Her chest was tight and her breath short, but she knew there was one way to find out what happened to Damian.
Just under six feet tall, wide-shouldered and lean, Darkyn's youthful appearance was framed by short, dark hair.
A short time later, when she was too exhausted to move, she lay still and silent on her side.
She crossed the short distance to her mate and paused in front of him, breathing in his dark scent.
Poor Martha lacked even a minimal paper trail on her short, disjointed life.
Martha didn't answer but after a short time she asked to be excused.
Bird Song's managerial pair tried to present a breakfast happy face over coffee cake and muffins, but their efforts continued to fall short as they waited for Martha to make an appearance.
The inn, not large by city standards, was constantly in need of attention, especially in this, the short but hectic high season.
Paulette Dawkins was a short but massive chunk of good living who didn't know how to dress.
He knew Cynthia wanted to update him on her talk with Martha, but both realized time was short as they planned to take Martha to dinner for her last night under Bird Song's wing.
After a short wait, the four were seated in a booth and began to work on chips and salsa as the adults ordered drinks.
Your bosom buddy Jake's on a short leave.
It was the short haul that needed work.
Dean acknowledged he was still there and started to make an excuse for Cynthia's exit but Randy cut him short.
Cynthia asked, cutting the game short as Mrs. Lincoln leaped into her lap, purring like a buzz saw.
He turned and without hesitation, began the short ascent to the mine without even inquiring about directions.
There remained a short but muddy and drenching hike, only partially covered by the inadequate umbrella.
After the requisite comments on the beauties of Ouray and the surrounding mountains, Faust explained he was from California, here on business—for a short stay, he added.
I would have called you in to talk with her but she cut the conversation short.
David Dean was hanging patriotic bunting by dawn's early light when Cynthia finished setting out the usual assortment of pastries for the guests and joined her husband for the short walk to the Community Center.
I was checking out a point guard who proved to be too short.
The Deans drove the short distance to the Beaumont to pick up their guest, who was standing outside at the curb waiting for them.
I have few opportunities like this and the season is so short.
He began first a short ascent, then a drop to a sharp curve he nearly missed, causing him to reduce his speed further.
You don't print up those signs and take out newspaper ads on that short notice.
Her side of the conversation consisted of a short series of no's.
Dean's victory was short lived.
Dean left Bird Song on foot, passing up the temptation to drive his Jeep the short distance to the Main Street delicatessen.
But his trip was of short duration.
It was dark as he peddled, headlamp on, down the side streets of the now-quiet town and out the back road the short distance to Lydia's place.
She took short breaths, as if it hurt to talk.
Look Jake, you're a short timer.
Towels were in short supply, rooms needed quick cleaning, and Cynthia, Maria, and Dean had their hands full.
Life is too short to spend it with repetition of old dreams that never happened.
Short, dark hair framed a face with plain features that showed the signs of a lifetime of battle.
Landon waited for him a short distance away.
Her fingers ran through his short hair.
Any pain she caused was going to be short lived and quickly fixed, when she revealed herself to Gabriel once more and told him they could be together.
Deidre crossed the short distance to her mate and paused in front of him.
A teenage girl with a scarred face framed by short dark hair and tiny fangs marking her as a demoness trailed her.
The suit jacket had not been altered to accommodate Jonathan's short arms.
For her, the last fourteen months had been nothing short of heaven on earth.
And yet, in spite of her comment about only being there for a short time, Lori came back several times to visit Destiny.
He cut her scream short with a wet kiss planted over her lips.
Lori's laugh was short and humorless.
Short of fighting him off as she would an attacker, there was nothing she could do but submit.
He typed a short sentence, and then stopped.
Because I was short with you?
Entertained by her pep talk with the flowers, Deidre reached her towering apartment building a short time later and paused to collect the mail.
Life's too short to waste a night like this.
Her time was too short to turn away a tall, dark, handsome, intriguing, dangerous stranger she met on the beach in the moonlight who smelled good.
Gabriel stood a short distance away.
His tone was matter-of-fact, his answers short.
Crossing through, she emerged outside, in the forest, a short distance outside the low walls around the massive fortress.
The brothers were standing beside each other a short distance away.
He strode through more corridors than she was able to count, down several flights of stairs and finally to a short, dead end hallway with a ceiling that towered ten stories above.
Andre was dressed in cashmere and wool, his hair kept short and neat, his loafers more expensive than Kris's conference room had cost to build.
The voice sounded like the sultry growl of a woman, but it had short hair and no breasts.
She swung the boulder up, ducking as it slapped the side of the cliff just short of the ledge and fell back to her.
She rested on her back for a short time before forcing herself up to sit up and look around.
They were in a burnt-out room…with the Arc de Triomphe a short distance away.
She wrote Kris a short message and folded the paper, presenting it to Gabriel.
His conversation was short and curt before he tossed it.
He trailed Kiki out of the castle to the boulders a short distance from the walls.
Hannah returned a short time later, the only thing that interrupted Giovanni's ramblings.
The distance to the beach was short in her dream, her body full of fear and adrenaline.
She paused a short distance from him, sensing something wrong.
She rubbed the lumpy scar on her arm, her attention caught by the sight of a jaguar dropping from a tree branch to the edge of the park and the forest a short distance away.
Wings, short fur, fangs the size of her forearm … she moved farther into the bathroom, lest she draw his attention.
His long wings beat the air as he rose, and it took him a short two minutes to soar over the castle.
And your time is running short.
She was pacing the hall in front of the dining area when Hannah emerged a short time later carrying a large tote.
The tallest looked a great deal like Andre, the deceased Immortal she.d met a short time before he was killed.
A lot has changed in so short a time.
The window of her weakness was short, only a week in mortals. time, but long enough for him to act.
He moved a short distance away to more level ground and lowered himself into a fighting stance.
She doubted the back way was more dangerous than a short cut.
She trailed her fingers down a wall, smiling when she saw soft glimmers light up beneath her touch, trail her fingers a short distance, and blink out.
They stopped a short time later and surrounded a metal door.
The two women had just called her short and fat.
She thinks everyone here views her as short and fat.
They waited a short time longer before the prisoner shifted to rise.
He stood a short distance from her, watching her intently.
His lifemate's expressive eyes prevented her from appearing composed; she had looked either frightened or confused during their short interaction.
The youngest skittered away in excitement, crowding each other and whispering a short distance away.
They walked a short distance to an open atrium in the center of the house, complete with a small oasis rising up from white stone and curved benches.
Kiera would never agree to marry someone in so short of a time, but to agree in any amount of time to a man as lethal in appearance as this?
She imagined the conversation was nothing short of torture for a warrior.
There was a short silence.
When she could focus again, she stopped short.
In the short time since he left, she had forgotten how buff he was.
The short time together had been enough to remind her just how strong the bond was between them.
He approached and stood a short distance behind her, watching once more.
He gave Talal a short bow she took as dismissal, then waited for her to pad out of sight.
He stood outside a closed door down a short hallway lined with warriors.
The sun brightened up the studio a short time later, her reminder it was time for her midmorning walk.
Dean started to protest but his wife began carrying the packed ornaments from the room and asked in her sweetest tone if he could remove the now-dried Christmas tree and finish a short list of Bird Song chores she'd drawn up earlier.
I'm far too short myself or I'd try it on.
And there are 'teddy' guys, you know, guys who drool over those short little outfits that leave nothing to the imagination.
He kissed Cynthia good-bye and strolled the sun-lit streets the short distance to Sheriff Jake Weller's office behind the courthouse.
However, winter locked the mountain jeep roads beneath yards of snow for all but a few short summer weeks.
The foursome rode the gondola the short distance down from the parking area to the central village complex, with Donnie looking down, wide-eyed from the swinging car.
He then added, "But when your sister was so snooty about the coins and other items and short changed Fred O'Connor, we decided to keep the notebook."
A short distance further, he was surprised for the second time when he caught sight of Janet O'Brien.
And just where was Mrs. Dean when Jerome found himself on the short end of a cut rope?
Not only was he miffed at Weller's attitude, but at the short length of his own fuse.
Give me your short list.
Here's my short list Fred, for what it's worth.
He himself could have cut the rope—the short end they found tied up top— set up a second rappel at a nearby spot and gone down on it.
Dean knew he was being foolish beyond any measure of reason to venture even the short distance that would allow him to see beyond the overhang.
Shipton cut a short section of rope and left it up there so it would look like someone cut it when he was part way to the bottom.
She also said you were lovers for a short time many years ago.
No… there is some discomfort for a short time, I wouldn't call it pain.
He put his head back and closed his eyes for a short time, but the pounding headache and the burning in his throat only intensified.
I just don't want our kids to go through life being teased about being short.
I mean, look at Alex and I. We're both short, and both Mom and Dad were average height.
No doubt Katie was going to say something about short people and thought better of it for fear of hurting feelings.
Still, there must have been someone in the family who was short.
She wished she could share Katie's faith in her brother, but the only picture she could summons was a short, pale, overweight man with more brains for business than aptitude in mechanics.
His black curly hair was cut short, every hair in place, and his angular jaws were freshly shaven.
Looking up into his face, it occurred to her that he was considerably shorter than Josh, and yet he didn't seem short.
As her fingers closed around the doorknob, Alex brought her up short.
The sharp command brought the dog up short.
A quick count indicated they were still one goat short.
The muscular woman, with short blond hair and clad in black tactical gear, stood in a stark white hallway.
She reached the command hub to find the general pacing in front while three guards waited a short distance from him.
Most were short phrases that looked like orders.
Her gaze went to the laser gun he'd tossed a short distance away.
If the flares going up short distance away were any sign, the five men were part of a larger force between them and their destination.
A short brunette waved her over.
The dream was sweet and short.
The dream seemed so short, but the sky had begun to lighten on the horizon. The dream faded as he sat up. Toby stood nearby, his young face solemn.
Andre ran beside them a short distance away.
She had short brown hair and kind hazel eyes.
When they entered the living room, they stopped short when they saw me.
On the far side of the roadway, the man walked the short distance to the pathway that led to the beach.
Her hair was short and dark and worn in an easy style that seemed to require little care.
The 32-year-old detective with bright red crew cut and opened-collar sports shirt looked as if nothing short of a catastrophe would cause him a lick of concern.
Hunter and Dean exchanged information during the short drive to the Ocean Shore Motel.
He was a loner and no one could recall him having contact with anyone else during his short stay.
Finally Dean stumbled up the stairs for a short nap.
Dean tucked the list in his pocket and walked the short distance around the corner to Police Headquarters.
He briefly explained the situation to Winston, who had no problem detouring for the short time it would take to question the youth.
Just a short pleasure trip on his day off, Dean lied to himself.
After showering and dressing, he wrote a short note explaining he would be at police headquarters until midmorning and slipped it under her door.
Billie—it was official now, identified or guessed at by the weeping Ida Wasserman, accompanied to the mortuary by Andy Sackler, who drew the short straw.
Jenny Nachman pulled the short straw to carry the news to Ida Wassermann.
It was an unforgettable day and Dean never once thought of the missing Mr. Byrne until mid-afternoon while they were taking a short break and Cynthia mentioned his name.
A short, balding man, who looked as if a haircut was more a social event than a necessity, rose to leave, and with a glance at the back room said, "Ol' Ralph always was a bit weird."
Randy cut the call short, telling the young lady his mother hadn't returned and he was awaiting her call.
After a quick stop at home to change clothes and to leave a short note to Fred, Dean was on the road.
Cynthia was there, seated alone in a cramped corner, looking beautiful in something summery, short and yellow, unsmiling but nodding in acknowledgment of his greeting.
At first he didn't spot her and cursed the fact that Cynthia was so short.
Dean walked a short distance down the hall.
After a series of phone calls to Denver and some monstrous lies, Dean managed to finagle a slot on the bike tour, not an easy accomplishment given the short time before the popular event.
He hadn't mentioned anything earlier about cutting the evening short so I figured it was an excuse.
Unfortunately, the trip to dreamland was short in duration.