Shops Sentence Examples
Everything you needed was right here, shops and businesses of every description.
And I have my dress shops.
Columbus is situated in a fine farming region, and has extensive tanneries, threshingmachine and traction and automobile engine works, structural iron works, tool and machine shops, canneries and furniture factories.
An esplanade faces the sea along nearly the entire front of the town, and is lined with hotels, shops and dwelling-houses.
The Stoa consisted of a series of 21 chambers, probably shops, faced by a double colonnade, the outer columns being of the Doric order, the inner unfluted, with lotus-leaf capitals; it possessed an upper storey fronted with Ionic columns.
It consisted of a large open rectangular space surrounded by an Ionic colonnade into which opened a number of shops or storehouses.
The level of the roadway is considerably lower than the ground-floors of the houses, which have generally arched rooms in front, with little shops behind them; and above these they are richly embellished with verandahs, galleries, projecting oriel windows, and very broad overhanging eaves supported by carved brackets.
Of practical instruction there was none other than that to be gained in a few private laboratories and in the shops of apothecaries.
Modern Eregli had grown from a large village to a town since the railway reached it from Konia and Karaman in 1904; and it has now an hotel and good shops.
The Wabash and the Chicago, Peoria & St Louis railways have large repair shops here.
AdvertisementIt has woollen mills, cotton compresses, clothing, furniture, and spoke and stave factories and machine shops, and is a cotton market.
It has its own shops, bazaars, mosques, &c., and constitutes a quarter by itself.
Its railway car repair and construction shops, belonging to the Norfolk & Western railway, employed in that year 66.9% of the total number of factory wage-earners; pig-iron, structural iron, canned goods, bottles, tobacco, planing-mill products and cotton are among the manufactures.
The city is situated in an agricultural and cotton-raising region, and has cotton compresses and gins, cotton mills, cotton-seed oil refineries, foundries and machine shops, and furniture and wagon factories.
There are, owing perhaps to the proximity of Lima, few industrial establishments in the city; among them are a large sugar refinery, some flour-mills, a brewery, a factory for making effervescent drinks, and a number of foundries and repair shops.
AdvertisementAlong the southern end of the Binnen Alster runs the Jungfernstieg with fine shops, hotels and restaurants facing the water.
Among the manufactures of the township are carriages and products of planing mills, foundries and machine shops; and grapes and fruits are raised in the surrounding country.
Huntington is served by three railways - the Wabash, the Erie (which has car shops and division headquarters here) and the Cincinnati, Bluffton & Chicago (which has machine shops here), and by the Fort Wayne & Wabash Valley Traction Company, whose car and repair shops and power station are in Huntington.
Among Bristol's manufacturing establishments are machine shops, rolling mills, a planing mill, yarn, hosiery and worsted mills, and factories for making carpets, wall paper and patent leather.
Oxford Street, with its handsome shops, bounds the borough on the south, crossing Regent Street at Oxford Circus; Edgware Road on the west; Marylebone Road crosses from east to west, .and from this Upper Baker Street gives access to Park, Wellington, and Finchley Roads; and Baker Street leads southward.
AdvertisementHannibal is the trade centre of a rich agricultural region, and has an important lumber trade, railway shops, and manufactories of lumber, shoes, stoves, flour, cigars, lime, Portland cement and pearl buttons (made from mussel shells); the value of the city's factory products increased from $2,698,720 in 1900 to $4,442,099 in 1905, or 64.6%.
They produced the first pharmacopoeia, and established the first apothecaries' shops.
This beautiful street, with its northward branches, Park Lane, from which splendid houses overlook Hyde Park, and Bond Street, lined with handsome shops, may be said to focus the fashionable life of London.
The direct line of the thoroughfare is interrupted after Piccadilly Circus (the term " circus " is frequently applied to the open space - not necessarily round - at the junction of several roads), but is practically resumed in the Strand, with its hotels, shops and numerous theatres, and continued through the City in Fleet Street, the centre of the newspaper world, and Ludgate Hill, at the head of which is St Paul's Cathedral.
The inhabitants are chiefly natives, but the shops are kept by Chinese merchants.
AdvertisementIt is served by the Baltimore, Chesapeake & Atlantic (which has shops here), and the New York, Philadelphia && Norfolk railways, and by steamers on the Wicomico river, which has a channel 9 ft.
Florence was in the 14th century a city of about 100,000 inhabitants, of whom 25,000 could bear arms; there were Ito churches, 39 religious houses; the shops of the ante della lana numbered over 200, producing cloth worth 1,200,000 florins; Florentine bankers and merchants were found all over the world, often occupying responsible positions in the service of foreign governments; the revenues of the republic, derived chiefly from the city customs, amounted to some 300,000 florins, whereas its ordinary expenses, exclusive of military matters and public buildings, were barely 40,000.
Yet within recent years great alterations have been effected; in the newer quarters are several handsome streets and public buildings; in the centre many insanitary dwellings have been swept away, and their place occupied by imposing blocks of shops and business premises, and a magnificent new town-hall, erected in a dominant position.
There are a good many buildings, shops, pleasure grounds, a handsome military parade and exquisite beaches.
At the corner of the Graben, one of the busiest thoroughfares, containing the most fashionable shops in Vienna, is the Stock im Eisen, the stump of a tree, said to be the last survivor of a holy grove round which the original settlement of Vindomina sprang up. It is full of nails driven into it by travelling journeymen.
The first thing done at his instance was to relieve the starving populace within and without the walls; shops were opened to give work to the unemployed; all taxes, especially those weighing on the lower classes, were reduced; the strictest administration of justice was enforced, and all men were exhorted to place their trust in the Lord.
It had come to fill only part of its ancient circuit, but of recent years it has revived considerably, and, since the railway reached it, has acquired a semi-European quarter, with a German hotel, cafes and Greek shops, &c.
The station is to a considerable extent a commercial depot for the country behind, and there are many universal supply shops of most nationalities (except British) - Austrian, Chinese and Indian.
Baths, lunch-rooms, restrooms, clubs, lectures, schools and kindergartens have been supplied, and the company has also cultivated domestic pride by offering prizes for the best-kept gardens, &c. From April to July 1901 there was a strike in the already thoroughly unionized factories; complaint was made of the hectoring of union men by a certain foreman, the use in toilet-rooms of towels laundered in non-union shops (the company replied by allowing the men to supply towels themselves), the use on doors of springs not union-made (these were removed by the company), and especially the discharge of four men whom the company refused to reinstate.
Coal is mined in the vicinity; the city has a large trade with the surrounding agricultural district (whose distinctive product is beans); the Michigan Central railway has car and machine shops here; and the city has many manufacturing establishments.
Among its manufactures are machine-shop products (the Wheeling & Lake Erie has shops here), iron and steel, pianos and automobile fittings.
Albert Lea is a railway and manufacturing centre of considerable importance, has grain elevators and foundries and machine shops, and manufactures bricks, tiles, carriages, wagons, flour, corsets, refrigerators and woollen goods.
In these thoroughfares and in several of the streets which intersect them are the offices of the mining companies, the banks, clubs, newspaper offices, hotels and shops, the majority being handsome stone or brick buildings, while the survival of some wooden shanties and corrugated iron buildings recalls the early character of the town.
Lake Charles is the chief centre of lumber manufacture in the state, and has rice mills, car shops and an important trade in wool.
It is served by the Evansville & Terre Haute and the Southern railways (the latter of which has shops here), and by the Evansville & Southern Indiana traction line (electric).
At the beginning of the 18th century Belfast had become known as a place of considerable trade, and was then thought a handsome, thriving and well-peopled town, with many new houses and good shops.
Among the leading products are those of the furnaces, foundries and machine shops, flour and grist mills, planing mills, creameries, bridge and iron works, publishing houses and a packing house; and brick, tile, pottery, patent medicines, furniture, caskets, tombstones, carriages, farm machinery, Portland cement, glue, gloves and?hosiery.
Both these species are extensively cultivated for their fruit in Southern Europe, the Canaries and northern Africa; and the fruits are not unfrequently to be seen in Covent Garden Market and in the shops of the leading fruiterers of the metropolis.
The principal street runs from the south or Kandahar gate to the market in front of the citadel, and is covered in with a vaulted roof through its entire length, the shops and buildings of this bazaar being much superior to those of the other streets, and the merchants' caravanserais, several of which are spacious and well built, all opening out on this great thoroughfare.
The principal industry was the manufacture of iron and steel products, which, including steel and rolling mills, car, foundry and machine shops, and shipyards, represented more than 30% of the total capital, and approximately 25% of the total gross product of the manufactures in the state.
There are ship-yards, iron foundries and forges, machine shops, shirt factories, a pottery for the manufacture of sanitary earthenware, a woollen mill and canning factories.
Nearly all the stucco-fronted brick houses, with flat roofs and cornices and wide spreading stoeps, of the early Dutch settlers have been replaced by shops, warehouses and offices in styles common to English towns.
The leading manufacturing industries in 1905, with the product-value of each in this year, were slaughtering and meat-packing ($4,040,162), foundry and machine shop work ($3,146,914), flour and grist milling ($ 2, 79 8, 74 0), lumber manufacturing and planing ($2,519,081), printing and publishing (newspapers and periodicals, $2,097,339 and book and job printing, $1,278,841), car construction and repairing ($1,549,836) - in 1910 there were railway shops here of the Southern Pacific, Pacific Electric, Los Angeles Street, Salt Lake and Santa Fe railways - and the manufacture of confectionery ($953,915), furniture ($879,910) and malt liquors ($789,393).
It is served by the Southern Pacific railway, which has car shops and terminal yards here.
Tyrone is served by the main line and three short branches of the Pennsylvania railway (which has repair shops here), and is connected with Altoona by an electric line.
Close by are the old church of the Jesuits and the mechanics' school (arres y oficios) with its large and well-equipped shops.
The better residences of the old style were commonly of two storeys - the ground-floor being occupied by shops, offices, stables and servants' quarters.
To these should be added the foundries and iron-working shops which add so much to the prosperity of modern Mexico.
At Spring Point is Fort Preble, established in 1808 and now a coast artillery station; and at Portland Head is Fort Williams. The city has steel-rolling mills, car shops of the Boston & Maine railway, and ship-building interests, and manufactures marine hardware and varnish.
The shops consist of small cubes, open in the front, in which the trader squats cross-legged amidst his wares.
These laws deal with truck, employers' liability, contractors' workmen, the recovery of workmen's wages, the hours of closing in shops and merchants' offices, conspiracy amongst trade unionists, and with factories, mines, shipping and seamen..
Among Davenport's manufactures are the products of foundries and machine shops, and of flouring, grist and planing mills; glucose syrup and products; locomotives, steel cars and car parts, washing machines, waggons, carriages, agricultural implements, buttons, macaroni, crackers and brooms. The value of the total factory product for 1905 was $13,695,978, an increase of 38.7% over that of 1900.
Besides machine shops and shipbuilding facilities, the important industries are the weaving of hats and hammocks, and the preparation of salt fish; and there is a considerable export of rubber and straw hats.
The shops are few and poor.
There are various important manufactures, such as soap and candles, subsidiary to the packing industry; and the city has large flour mills, railway and machine shops, and foundries.
The manufacture of felt hats (product, 1905, $4,586,040, Newark ranking third in this industry among the cities of the United States), carriages, chairs and jewelry (an industry established about 1830; product, 1905, $9,258,095), developed rapidly early in the 19th century, and there are extensive manufactories of malt liquors (product, 1905, $10,917,003), and of clothing (product, 1905, $3,937,138), foundries and machine shops (product, 1905, $6,254,153), and large establishments for smelting and refining lead and copper, the product of the lead smelters and refining establishments being in 1905 the most valuable in the city.
The city is an important railway centre, has extensive railway repair shops and stock-yards, and exports large quantities of live-stock, hides and wool.
Birney established here his anti-slavery journal, The Philanthropist, but his printing shops were repeatedly mobbed and his presses destroyed, and in January of 1836 his bold speech before a mob gathered at the court-house was the only thing that saved him from personal violence, as the city authorities had warned him that they had not sufficient force to protect him.
Before the rebellion Yun-nan Fu had a prosperous aspect; the shops were large and well supplied with native silken goods, saddlery, &c., while English cotton, Russian cloths and raw cotton from Burma constituted the main foreign merchandise.
The value of its factory products in 1905 was $ 1 7, 1 4 6, 33 8 (1 4.3% more than in 1900), the more important being those of steel works and rolling mills ($4,528,907), blast furnaces, steam railway repair shops, cigar and cigarette factories ($1,258,498), foundries and machine shops ($953,617), boot and shoe factories ($922,568), flouring and grist mills, slaughtering and meat-packing establishments and silk mills.
Sioux City is the see of a Roman Catholic bishop. The Chicago, Milwaukee & Saint Paul, the Great Northern, and the Chicago, Saint Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha have shops here; meat packing is an important industry, and the city has large stock yards.
In former times large quantities of it were imported in a dry state into Europe for officinal purposes, the drug having the reputation of being efficacious in diseases of the skin and lungs; and even now it may be found in apothecaries' shops in the south of Europe, country people regarding it as a powerful aphrodisiac for cattle.
The Delaware, Lackawanna & Western railway has since built large machine and car shops.
The number of factories reported for 1899 was 743, but as the consumption of leaf, tobacco increased from 5,546,677 to 8,587,356 kilogrammes, it may be assumed that the decrease in factories is due to the absorption or disappearance of the small shops using old-fashioned methods.
A conflict broke out, the Guerrerists Guerrero, were victorious, and the pillage of foreign shops in 1825-1831..
The French claims set up by the pillage of foreign shops in Mexico had, however, remained unsatisfied, 1837.
It is a shipping and transfer point and has paper mills, machine shops, flour mills, sash, door and blind factories, a launch and pleasure-boat factory, and knitting works, cheese factories and dairies, brick yards and grain elevators.
Other important manufactures were furniture, ships and boats, railway cars (the Chicago, Milwaukee & Puget Sound and the Northern Pacific systems having shops here), engines, machinery, shoes, water pipes, preserves and beer.
There are large shops of the Philadelphia & Reading railway here.
The total value of factory products in 1905 was $30,848,175 (in 1900 it had been $32,682,061), and the most important of these were the products of steel-works and rolling-mills; the products of railway repair shops; foundry and machine-shop products; hardware, hosiery and knitted goods; cigars and cigarettes, and felt hats.
It has flour and grist mills (the products of which ranked first in value among the city's manufactures in 1905), wholesale slaughtering and meat-packing establishments, cooperage works, railway repair shops, cotton compresses, lumber yards, salt works, and manufactories of cotton-seed oil and cake, boots and shoes and cotton and agricultural machinery.
The manufacture of lumber and timber gave employment to the largest total number of workers; and this industry, together with those of foundry and machine shops (including locomotives, stoves and furnaces), cotton goods (including small wares), railway car and repair shops, and iron and steel, were (in order) the five greatest employers of labor.
In each of four other industries the products exceeded in value five hundred millions of dollars, namely, those of foundry and machine shops, flour and grist mills, iron and steel, and lumber and timber.
Further notable buildings in Kensington are the town-hall and free library in High Street, which is also much frequented for its excellent shops, and the Brompton Consumption Hospital, Fulham Road.
A steam heating plant pipes heat to many shops, offices and residences.
Trinidad has railway shops, foundry and machine shops, and coking ovens, ships large quantities of coal, has a woolscouring mill, and various manufactures.
Chillicothe is served by the Baltimore & Ohio South-Western (which has railway shops here), and other railways.
There are no markets, and only a few poor shops.
The establishments include slaughtering and meat-packing houses, whose product is by far the most valuable in the city, bleacheries, finishing factories, glassworks, machine shops, tube works, jewelry factories, and a desk factory.
Rio de Janeiro has manufactures of flour from imported wheat, cotton, woollen and silk textiles, boots and shoes, readymade clothing, furniture, vehicles, cigars and cigarettes, chocolate, fruit conserves, refined sugar, biscuits, macaroni, ice, beer, artificial liquors, mineral waters, soap, stearine candles, perfumery, feather flowers, printing type, &c. There are numerous machine o nd repair shops, the most important of which are the shops of the Central railway.
Marshall is served by the Texas & Pacific and the Marshall & East Texas railways, which have large shops here.
Huntington has extensive railway car and repair shops, besides foundries and machine shops, steel rolling mills, manufactories of stoves and ranges, breweries and glass works.
Though we cannot apportion the rooms to their precise uses, the great hall was plainly the basilica, for meetings and business; the rooms behind it were perhaps law courts, and some of the rooms on the other three sides of the quadrangle may have been shops.
Shops are conjectured in the forum and elsewhere, but were mot numerous.
It is a trading and shipping centre of an extensive farming territory devoted to the raising of live-stock and to the growing of cotton, Indian corn, fruit, &c. It has large cotton gins and compresses, a large cotton mill, flour mills, canning and ice factories, railway repair shops, planing mills and carriage works.
Of course the partial loss of the piece-goods trade by the shops is not a loss in aggregate trade, as they are the ultimate distributors of the made-up garments, which are probably at least as profitable to retail as calico or flannelette sold in lengths.
In the southern part of the city is a United States navy yard and station, officially the Norfolk Yard (the second largest in the country), of about 450 acres, with three immense dry docks, machine shops, warehouses, travelling and water cranes, a training station, torpedoboat headquarters, a powder plant (20 acres), a naval magazine, a naval hospital and the distribution headquarters of the United State Marine Corps.
It is served by the Chicago & North-Western (which has construction and repair shops here), the Chicago, Milwaukee & St Paul, and the Newton & North-Western railways, and by the Fort Dodge, Des Moines & Southern (inter-urban) railway, of which it is the headquarters.
Aurora is an important manufacturing centre; among its manufactures are railway cars - the shops of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy railway being 927 here - flour and cotton, carriages, hardware specialties, corsets, suspenders, stoves and silver-plate.
This is the " Iceland moss " of the druggists' shops, which is undoubtedly an excellent demulcent in various dyspeptic and chest complaints.
The most remarkable feature of Laraish is its fine large market-place inside the town with a low colonnade in front of very small shops.
In some of the older streets European shops have replaced the picturesque native cupboards; drinking dens have sprung up at many of the corners, while telephones and electric light have been introduced by private companies, and European machinery is used in many of the corn-mills, &c. The main thoroughfare leads from Bab el Marsa (Gate of the Port) to the Bab el Sok (Gate of the Market-place) known to the English as Port Catherine.
Its chief industries are iron foundries, machine shops, salt works and breweries - other articles of manufacture being bricks and cement.
Some of the more popular annuals, hardy and half-hardy, have been very much varied as regards habit and the colour of the flowers, and purchases may be made in the seed shops of such things as China asters, stocks, Chinese and Indian pinks, larkspurs, phloxes and others, amongst which some of the most beautiful of the summer flowers may be found.
Shawnee is situated in a fine agricultural region, is a shipping-point for alfalfa, cotton and potatoes, is an important market for mules, and has large railway repair shops, and cotton-gins and cotton compresses; among its manufactures are cotton-seed oil, cotton goods, lumber, bricks and flour.
Groningen is the most important town in the north of Holland, with its fine shops and houses and wide clean streets, while brick houses of the 16th and 17th centuries help it to retain a certain old-world air.
From this church the KjObermayergade runs south, a populous street of shops, giving upon the HOibro-plads, with its fine equestrian statue of Bishop Absalon, the city's founder.
Pine Bluff has shops of the St Louis South-Western railway.
The city is served by the Chicago & North-Western railway, which maintains here an engine house and extensive machine shops, and of which it is a division headquarters.
Salisbury is served by the Southern railway, which has repair shops here.
In the foundries and machine shops small engines, boiler§ and church bells are made, and the government maintains an ice and cold-storage plant.
These streets are wide and bordered with trees, and are flanked by shops with open fronts and verandas.
It is reckoned that there are 'boo shops and 182 mosques in the city.
Hornell has extensive car shops of the Erie railroad, and among its manufactures are silk goods (silk gloves being a specially important product), sash, doors and blinds, leather, furniture, shoes, white-goods, wire-fences, foundry and machine shop products, electric motors, and brick and tile.
The view of the cathedral has been much improved by a clearance of the old houses on the Domhof, including the archiepiscopal palace, but the new Hof, though flanked by many fine buildings, is displeasing owing to the intrusion of numerous modern palatial hotels and shops.
In some instances indeed the monotony of their external appearance was broken by small shops, occupying the front of the principal houses, and let off separately; these were in some cases numerous enough to form a continuous façade to the street.
Great as is the interest attached to the various public buildings of Pompeii, and valuable as is the light that they have in some instances thrown upon similar edifices in other ruined cities, far more curious and interesting is the insight afforded us by the numerous private houses and shops into the ordinary life and habits of the population of an ancient town.
Not only have the shops of silversmiths been recognized by the precious objects of that metal found in them, but large quantities of fruits of various kinds preserved in glass vessels, various descriptions of corn and pulse, loaves of bread, moulds for pastry, fishing-nets and many other objects too numerous to mention,, have been found in such a condition as to be identified without.
Bakers' shops are also frequent, though arrangements for grinding and baking appear to have formed part of every large family establishment.
The number of utensils of various kinds found in the houses and shops is.
His taste in cookery, formed in subterranean ordinaries and a la mode beef shops, was far from delicate.
The three entrances to the old and new harbours are sheltered by long and massive moles; and the whole complex of docks, building slips, machine shops, &c., forms the government dockyard, which is enclosed by a lofty wall with fourteen iron gates.
The industries of the place are almost exclusively connected with the requirements of the dockyard, and embrace machine shops, iron foundries and boiler works.
It is served by four divisions of the Baltimore & Ohio railway, which maintains extensive car shops here.
It is served by the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific (which has repair shops here) and the Quincy, Omaha & Kansas City railways.
The city is the see of a Protestant Episcopal bishop. The principal industrial interests are trade in leaf tobacco and cotton raised in the vicinity, and the manufacture of cotton goods, phosphate fertilizers, foundry and machine-shop products, wooden-ware, &c. The Seaboard Air Line and the Raleigh & Southport railways have repair shops here.
Some of the principal European shops are still to be found in this street.
The shops of the merchants are small and open to the street.
In the oriental quarters of the city the curious shops, the markets of different trades (the shops of each trade being generally congregated in one street or district), the easy merchant sitting before his shop, the musical and quaint street-cries of the picturesque vendors of fruit, sherbet, water, &c., with the ever-changing and many-coloured throng of passengers, all render the streets a delightful study for the lover of Arab life, nowhere else to be seen in such perfection, or with so fine a background of magnificent buildings.
Some of them keep small shops, and all fetch water, make fuel, and cook for their households.
The citizens of Cairo, accustomed to such occurrences, immediately closed their shops, and every man who possessed any weapon armed himself.
The shops were closed, and the unfortunate people assembled in great crowds, crying Y Latif!
As a manufacturing centre Allegheny was outranked in 1905 by only two cities in the state - Philadelphia and Pittsburg; among the more important of its large variety of manufactures are the products of slaughtering and meat-packing establishments, iron and steel rolling mills, the products of foundries and machineshops, pickles, preserves and sauces, the products of railwayconstruction and repair shops, locomotives, structural iron and plumbers' supplies.
With the exception of bricks and tiles, carriages and wagons, agricultural implements, and the products of its railway shops, its manufactures are relatively unimportant, the factory product in 1905 being valued at only $1,924,109.
The dirty streets full of petty traders, the gloomy bazaar with its multitude of tiny shops, the market squares, the blind alleys, the little gates in the dead courtyard walls, all give the place the stamp of a Tatar or Turkish town.
The city has important interests in lumber, besides foundries, machine shops, granite works - there are several granite (notably red granite) quarries in the vicinity - a tannery, and manufactories of shoes and calcined plaster.
The principal manufactures are machineshop products (the Delaware & Hudson has repair and machine shops at Oneonta), knit goods, silk goods, lumber and planing mill products, &c. The first settlement was made about 1780.
Extensive locomotive and car shops of the Grand Trunk railway are here.
It has cotton and knitting mills, cotton-seed oil factories, machine shops, and wagon, stove, plough and fertilizer factories; and is a market and jobbing centre for a fertile agricultural region.
Laconia is served by two divisions of the Boston & Maine railway, which has a very handsome granite passenger station (1892) and repair shops here.
Peru is served by the Chicago Cincinnati & Louisville, the Lake Erie & Western and the Wabash railways (each of which maintains shops here), and by electric lines to Indianapolis, Warsaw and other cities.
The village has woollen mills, knitting mills, stereoscope, box, and collar and cuff factories and machine shops.
The newer kinds of art metal-work have, until recently, reached the purchaser direct from the producer's workshop; but they may now also be seen in the shops of silversmiths, jewellers, and general dealers, who are thus helping to transfer production from large commercial manufactories to smaller ateliers under artistic control.
The government edifices, large retail shops and most of the fine urban residences are in the ciudad nueva, while most of the urban industries, the railway stations and the dwellings of the poorer classes are in the ciudad novisima.
Seoul has some wide streets of shops, hundreds of narrow alleys, and is very fairly clean.
The other industries of the town, notably dyeing, stuff-printing and stamping, are very considerable, and there are also engineering and machine shops, chemical, cellulose, soap, and other factories, breweries, distilleries and tanneries.
The principal occupation of the members is farming, although they also have woollen mills (their woollens being of superior quality), a cotton print factory, flour mills, saw mills and dye shops.
In the old town, with its partly demolished fortifications, houses, shops and warehouses are more closely packed and the streets are narrower than in most East Indian towns, and, although a considerable number of Europeans live in this quarter, the outlying quarters, such as Simpang (where is the government house) and Tuntungan, are preferable for residence.
The city has large cement works, foundries and machine shops (stone-working machinery being manufactured), and the repair shops of the Southern Indiana railway.
There are large railway car construction and repair shops here, and Way - cross is a commercial centre for the forest products (naval stores and lumber) and the cotton, sugar cane, sweet potatoes, melons and pears of the surrounding country.
The shops of the fair, 4000 in number, built of stone in regular rows, are surrounded by a canal, and cover half a square mile.
Outside this inner fair are nearly 4000 more shops.
The situation, however, being in many ways inconvenient, and a conflagration having destroyed the shops at Makaryev, the fair was transferred in 1817 to its present locality at Nizhniy-Novgorod.
It is served by the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy (which has extensive construction and repair shops here), the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific, and the Toledo, Peoria & Western (Pennsylvania system) railways; and has an extensive river commerce.
The city is in a rich sugar-cane and fruit country, is a large cotton and mule and horse market, and has division shops of the Seaboard Air Line railway.
There are railway repair shops here, and various manufactures.
Helsingfors was without tramcars, cabs, gas and electricity; no shops except provision shops were open; public departments, schools and restaurants were closed.
The city has large machine shops of the Missouri Kansas & Texas railway and various manufactures.
The port, which has regular communication with all the Norwegian coast towns - Hull, Newcastle, Hamburg, &c. - carries on an extensive trade in timber, oil, fish, copper, &c. The industries include shipbuilding, sawmilling, wood-pulp and fish-curing works and machine shops.
It is served by the Baltimore & Ohio, South-Western (which has repair shops here), the Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Chicago & St Louis, and the Southern Indiana railways, and by the Indianapolis, Columbus & Southern and the Indianapolis & Louisville interurban electric lines.
Among the manufacturing establishments are foundries and machine shops, including the large shops of the Chicago & Alton railway, slaughtering and meat-packing establishments, flour and grist mills, printing and publishing establishments, a caramel factory and lumber factories.
Foundries and machine shops have been established, especially for the manufacture of railway material.
There is a military port at Talcahuano, in Concepcion Bay, strongly fortified, and provided with arsenal and repair shops, a large dry dock and a patent slip. The naval school, which occupies one of the noteworthy edifices of Valparaiso, is attended by 90 cadets and is noted for the thoroughness of its instruction.
This is of great breadth, and had a Horologion half-way down and fine porticoes and shops.
The principal streets are broad and contain good shops.
The industries include machine shops, breweries, and the manufacture of spirits, linen, damask, cloth, hosiery, beads and leather.
Skilful copies of Moorish metal-work may be purchased in the goldsmiths' and silversmiths' shops of.
It has a variety of manufacturing establishments, among which are cotton and woollen mills, rolling mills, steel mills, foundries, boiler shops, tube works, and works for making surgical instruments and artificial stone.
By means of a canal abundant water power is furnished by the Congaree, and the city has some of the largest cotton mills in the world; it has, besides, foundries and machine shops and manufactories of fertilizers and hosiery.
There are shops of the Ohio Central railway here, and manufactories of hardware.
The Pennsylvania railway has repair shops here, and among Columbia's manufactures are silk goods, embroidery and laces, iron and steel pipe, engines, laundry machinery, brushes, stoves, iron toys, umbrellas, flour, lumber and wagons; the city is also a busy shipping and trading centre.
The city has electric car and steam car shops and various manufactures, including stoves and furnaces (the most important), bottles, table glass-ware, cigars, rope halters, machine furniture and bent wood.
Atchison's situation and transportation facilities make it an important supply-centre, its trade in grains and live-stock being particularly large; it has large railway machine shops, and its principal manufactures are flour, furniture, lumber, hardware and drugs.
Its chief thoroughfare is Sloane Street, containing handsome houses and good shops, running south from Knightsbridge to Sloane Square.
There are engineering shops producing railway stock and motors, jute spinning and weaving mills, and match and joinery works.
Facing the Maidan for a couple of miles is the Chowringhee, one of the famous streets of the world, once a row of palatial residences, but now given up almost entirely to hotels, clubs and shops.
The industrial establishments of the city include flour, planing and saw mills, the machine shops (of the St Louis division) of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy railway, ice factories, pearl button factories and a shoe factory.
They contain the principal public buildings, warehouses and shops, the Berea being a residential quarter.
The income which the Cossack voiskos receive from the lands which they rent to different persons, also from various sources (trade patents, rents of shops, fisheries, permits of gold-digging, &c.), as also from the subsidies they receive from the government (about £712,500 in 1893), is used to cover all the expenses of state and local administration.
It is served by the Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St Louis (which has large shops here) and the Ohio Central railways; also by the Dayton, Springfield & Urbana electric railway.
The houses near the hotel Adler bear the name of Gydisdorf, but there is no village of Grindelwald properly speaking, though that name is usually given to the assemblage of hotels and shops between Gydisdorf and the railway station.
In 1905 the value of Pittsburg's foundry and machine shop-products was $9,631,514; of the product of steam railway repair shops, $3,726,990 (being 424.8% more than in 1900); of malt liquors, $3,166,829; of slaughtering and meat-packing products, $2,732,027; of cigars and cigarettes, $2,297,228; of glass, $2,130,540; and of tin and terne plate, $1,645,570.
The Galleria Principe di Napoli is in a smaller arcade opposite to the National Museum, mainly occupied by shops where reproductions from the museum are sold.
It is in great part occupied by offices and shops.
Plans were at once made to pull down all the worst slums, and as these lay between the centre of the town and the railway station, a wide street was constructed from the centre of the town to the eastward, and on each side of it wide strips of ground were cleared to afford building sites for shops and offices.
It is served by several railways, including the Pennsylvania, the Wabash, the Chicago Terminal Transfer (whose shops are here), the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern, the Chicago, Indiana & Southern, and the Indiana Harbor railways.
The steel used throughout the entire structure should be subjected to the most thorough chemical and mechanical tests and inspection, first at the mill and subsequently at the fabricating shops and the building, ensure that Used.
In American practice the use of steel in buildings of ten or more storeys, or in manufacturing plant where the floor loads are heavy and frequently " live " in the sense of causing vibration, has led to more careful specifications as to the quality of materials and character of workmanship, and it is the custom of the leading architects to have the structural frame inspected and tested during manufacture at the foundries, rolling-mills and shops by a firm of engineers making a speciality of such inspections.
In many places they have the monopoly of the wine and spirit shops, and retail trade generally; and as they are always willing to advance money on usury, and are more intelligent and better educated than the ordinary peasant, there is little doubt that in a country where the large landowners are proverbially extravagant, and the peasant proprietors needy, the soil would soon fall into the hands of the Jews were it not for the stringent laws which prevent them from owning land outside the towns.
Saginaw is served by the Grand Trunk, seven divisions of the Pere Marquette (which has repair shops here) and four divisions of the Michigan Central railways, by interurban electric railways to Detroit and Bay City, and by steamboat lines to several of the lake ports.
Lima contains railway shops of the Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton and the Lake Erie & Western railways.
The McDonogh farm school, with a farm of more than Boo acres, a printing-office, and carpenter and machine shops prepares poor boys to enter any college in the country.
At Port Jervis are situated the extensive shops of the Erie railway.
There are three large steam-car repair shops in the city.
After this so rapid was the progress of this new mode of illumination that in the course of a few years it was adopted by all the of gas principal towns in the United Kingdom for lighting streets as well as shops and public edifices.
The town, which is famed in Persian legend, consists now of only a couple of streets, containing many Hindu shops and a small garrison.
In the canal zone there are great shops for the manufacture and repair of machinery.
Galata is the chief business centre of the city, the seat of banks, postoffices, steamship offices, &c. Pera is the principal residential quarter of the European communities settled in Constantinople, where the foreign embassies congregate, and the fashionable shops and hotels are found.
It is served by the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific and the Chicago Great Western railways, the latter having large repair shops here, where four lines of its road converge.
The central parts of the city have broad streets and squares, bordered with fine buildings and mansions in the Italian style, and with good shops.
The first place is occupied by the iron industries, embracing foundries, furnaces, engineering and machine shops, &c. Next come cotton spinning and weaving, calico printing, yarn-spinning, dyeing and similar textile branches, besides a variety of other industries.
Mercury became the god, not only of the mercatores and of the grain trade, but of buying and selling in general; and it appears that, at least in the streets where shops were common, little chapels and images of the god were erected.
The principal industrial works are iron foundries and machine shops, paper factories and flour mills; the town has, moreover, an active trade in agricultural and other products.
Graduates of technical schools are received as special apprentices and are directed in a course of four years through the erecting shops, vice shop, blacksmith shop, boiler shop, roundhouse, test department, machine shop, air-brake shop, iron foundry, car shop, work of firing on the road, office work in the motive power accounting department, and drawing room; the most competent may be admitted through the grades of inspector, in the office of the master mechanic or of the road foreman of engines, assistant master mechanic, assistant engineer of motive power, master mechanic and superintendent of motive power.
In 1905 the city's factory products were valued at $14,349,963, and in this year the railway shops gave employment to 83.7% of all wage-earners employed in manufacturing establishments.
Hardy, a railway official, who planned a town at the intersection of the New Orleans & NorthEastern (which built a round house and repair shops here in 1885) and the Gulf & Ship Island railways.
Here, too, are a plant (covering more than Boo acres) of the Standard Oil Company and a large establishment for the manufacture of the "Singer" sewing machine - according to the U.S. census the largest manufactory of sewing machines in the world - employing more than 6000 workmen in 1905; among the other manufactures of Elizabeth are foundry and machine shop products (value in 1905, $3,887,139), wire, oil (value in 1905, $2,387,656), refined and smelted copper, the output of railway repair shops, edge tools and lager beer.
The Texas Midland railway has shops and general offices here.
This is intersected first by the Quai Gambetta, and farther back by the rue Victor Hugo and the rue Nationale, which contain the principal shops.
A sum of 50,000 was collected to build " New Tipperary," and the fine shops and flourishing concerns in the town were deserted to avoid paying small ground-rents.
It has also numerous manufactures and railway shops.
The passages with gates at each end within which most Frank shops in modern Smyrna lie, are a survival of the semi-fortified residences of the European merchants.
There are shipbuilding yards, with foundry, engineering shops, &c.; the chief export is agricultural produce; imports, iron, coal, cereals and yarn.
The state fish-hatchery is on springs at South Bend; at Long Pine springs of large flow supply the town and railway shops with water, and led to the establishment here of Chautauqua grounds.
It is served by the Gulf, Colorado && Santa Fe, and the Missouri, Kansas & Texas railways (the former has repair shops here), and is connected with Belton (pop. in 1900, 3700), the county seat, about 10 m.
The attacks on the bazars were made without warning, during business hours, when the men were in their shops and the women in their houses.
Explicit promises were given, in some instances, that there would be no danger to those who opened their shops, but they were deliberately broken.
It contains five mosques and the Turkish government offices and barracks, and in the business quarter several cafes and shops kept by Greeks.
The industrial prosperity of Cheyenne is largely due to the extensive railway shops of the Union Pacific situated here; but the city is also an important cattle market and has stock-yards.
It contains large railway shops, several breweries, and saw and shingle mills.
The foundries and machine shops of the state had a capital of $5,516,453, they gave employment to over 4000 persons, and the value of their products was $6,946,567.
These figures are exclusive of the numerous and large railway repair shops, the value of whose products was $5,839,445.
It contains several breweries, carriage factories, boat-building and railway shops, and manufactories of woollens, stoves and leather.
Have someone check out the bicycle shops in the area and see if that half receipt you found in the car came from one of them.
There were many curiosity shops on the street.
She gave a furtive look at the deserted shops on the opposite side of the road.
This long awaited album is finally in the shops and will soon be in your heart forever.
Situated at Atlantico Commercial Center where there is a variety of shops, bars, restaurants, cinema and ten-pin bowling alley.
Quaint little alleys and yards off the steep main street house many interesting shops offering a wide range of unusual gifts and mementos.
Carruthers gave evidence of finding the man begging alms at various shops in Church Street at noon on the previous day.
Winchester A paradise for shopping connoisseurs, Winchester boasts a tempting array of independent shops, boutiques and art galleries in scenic settings.
Plenty of shops, look out for woolens, jewelry, fudges, cheeses and bere bannocks.
In spite of their jovial banter they are aware that each food has a season in spite of its continual availability within our shops.
There's also a smart, modern marina graced with chic shops and eateries and a bustling bazaar.
A few bars, restaurants and shops dot the village, with most of the tourist facilities lining the beachfront.
Streets and shops are now bedecked with Christmas bunting and full of goods being offered as suitable presents.
Jump on women, and ride through shops on a motor bicycle, and no-one could stop us because we were a cow.
Evidently, stray dogs are being used as mobile billboards by rival shops in a Russian city.
Port D'Andraitx offers excellent bistros, restaurants and shops only minutes walk from the apartment.
From corporate boardrooms to village shops, women in Russia are drinking more.
Coffs Harbor has beautiful botanic gardens with a mangrove boardwalk; other enticements include art, crafts and antique shops.
Bet Fred are the world's biggest independent bookmakers, with upwards of 500 betting shops in the UK.. .
You can buy books and stationery from our campus bookstore and Student Union shops.
Good seating and a pleasing ambiance well away from the crushing boredom of the Tottenham Court Road furniture shops.
Stroll along palm tree-lined boulevards, take a look at the great range of shops, or head for the beach.
Shopping has itself become a leisure activity, geared as much to browsing boutiques and coffee shops as stocking up on baked beans.
There are many shops on Oldham Street - from Oxfam Originals to small independent record shops and clothing boutiques.
There is no budgie sand in the shops in Briare - perhaps no-one keeps budgies here.
Equally entertaining is a stroll through the old village downtown area, with its quaint shops and sidewalk cafes.
Boys ' were trained in small ' shops ' in the trades of bootmaking, tailoring, carpentry, baking and gardening.
There's time to explore the town and browse the many craft shops selling ornate wood carvings and locally produced clothes.
Yet more large chain stores would not persuade me to spend more in town but small shops with character certainly would.
But there are other shops, too, from jewelers to boat chandlers if you explore.
In The Potteries, over 40 factory shops offer beautiful china at bargain prices.
Its major new shopping complex, the Chimes Center, boasts a wide range of shops, cafes and a nine-screen multiplex cinema.
Most recently by the success of its shops which are steadily attracting a growing clientele.
The Market Place has interesting shops, many with original Georgian facades, and large areas of free parking with original cobblestones.
The number of branded coffee shops trebled from 778 in 1999 to 2,299 and is expected to top 3,000 in two years.
No wonder there're so many coffee shops too!
The shops were all shut, and some rollicking boon companions came shouting along from the public-house.
Tuck shop condom proposal slammed A Cheshire businessman's plan to sell cut-price condoms in school tuck shops has provoked condemnation.
Instead, try exploring unusual food shops, whether a really good deli or a Chinese supermarket.
Local shops include two good delicatessens, a health food shop, a quality butcher and a supermarket.
The town of Modbury is a short drive away, with its antique shops and wonderful delicatessen.
Let's have a balance of shops which satisfies all demands.
You should receive proof of purchase in the form of either a delivery docket or receipt from each of the Shops you purchase from.
Shops are filled with gorgeous silken saris, exotic spices and all the jewelry essential for an Indian bride's dowry.
T his architectural drawing of the Hackney branch shows how the shops were laid out.
Many items can be picked up in local charity shops or in dedicated vintage clothing emporiums.
Its fine seafront esplanade and extensive sands are perfect for a stroll or a picnic after a browse around Broughty's wonderful small shops.
Gin Shops The 18th century saw a huge growth in the number of drinking establishments, primarily due to the introduction of gin.
We saw people which wore Victorian clothes, shops and a Victorian fairground.
Beware - some of the shops lower down sell low quality fakes.
This year no fewer than five books dedicated to manners, and our apparent lack of them, have hit the book shops.
Saturday 1 January 1994 The Irish Republican Army (IRA) planted a 11 firebombs in shops and other premises in and around Belfast.
As its name implies it was a green, surrounded by shops, including a fishmongers, bakers and post office.
Anyway, which bloody shops are they going to that don't take scottish fivers?
The nearest shops and pubs, both of which serve food, are in these villages.
Three shops down, and my decision not to pre-order Twilight Princess suddenly looked a little foolhardy.
As four large shops fronts replaced six smaller old ones, the numbers 53 and 54 High Street disappeared for ever in the process.
You won't find shops galore either, just a couple of small boutiques.
Burnham Market has an attractive range of unusual shops gathered around its village green.
But it lacks important core shops and services, such as baker, butcher, specialist greengrocer, hardware store and bank.
The village had a two or three shops then, including the grocers ', run by elderly twin brothers in white coats.
Opposite the shops on the village green, is a Victorian church, standing on the windswept headland.
Our shops are staffed by volunteers and we would really appreciate extra help at this very busy time of year.
Why did the mirrors in shops always make you look so hideous?
There is a vast range of baby highchairs available in the shops to purchase.
Two rather hippy dippy shops for gifts, bits and pieces for the house and general treats include Timbuktu and Curiosity Killed The Cat.
I slip twice in Niederau going to the shops exacerbating my ankle, and then hobble back to the hotel.
Rural services from affordable housing to shops to doctors to busses are in decline.
The plan is to demolish the shops and build a new hypermarket in their place.
There is also a danger of schools becoming like those big out-of-town hypermarkets which suck the life away from other shops " .
Many shops, with the exception of the larger hypermarkets, have a midday break for two hours.
Along its dark aisles innumerable little shops sold everything imaginable, from matches to precious stones.
The new town is right up there with the 21st century with familiar shops intermingled with cosmopolitan bars and international restaurants.
You want to emigrate when the shops start playing jingle jangle carol music in November.
Why are they filling the shops with wooly jumpers?
Shopping offers an endless choice from lively markets to designer label shops.
The Romà ntic is ideally lo cat ed on a street with ready access to transportation, shops and entertainment.
To further terrorize ethnic Albanians, Serbs reportedly looted and burned their homes and shops throughout the town.
Steve spent a whole lunchtime scouring likely shops in Southend High St to no avail.
Things like going to the shops, which would in practice be perfectly manageable with relatively modest amounts of lifting, then become impossible.
He added other shops and cellars in the area and he bought Clarks Hall, like Dyers ' Hall another 'former great messuage ' .
Opposite, the former hotel mews has been converted into shops, a Highland Heritage Center and a Tourist Information Center.
Today there is a more pleasing deli, a few antique shops and a rather good milliner, selling some interesting ladies hats.
Pet shops cause utter misery to animals during their short - or long - stay in a pet shop.
Relaxing days on the beach, an afternoon browsing designer shops or visiting fascinating museums?
The last two years has seen a dramatic increase in the number of shops selling magic mushrooms from only a handful to over 400.
Can I buy Palmtop User magazine in the shops, or at my local newsstand?
He stole from shops and from other boys, absconded at nights to visit a night club and to tout for night club clients.
They treasure stride at a time the all-suite oceanfront shops and a. To settle into in a cart.
They then decided to walk to North Parade (the row of shops off Greyfriars) to visit the off-licence.
People can place bets on the races at legal off-track betting shops.
Many Universities and student unions now have one-stop ' job shops ' which advertize jobs specifically for students.
With a debut EP in the shops now, this melodic hardcore punk outfit are showing great promise.
Then there was the General Post Office and next to the Grand were some shops, a ladies outfitters and a sweet shop.
Oxfam shops will have special window displays for the Fortnight.
Oxfam bookshops - for secondhand books via High Street shops.
Not surprisingly, it has inspired painters, potters and jewelers to set up studios and shops here.
Shops warned about drug equipment bbc 13/5/05 Police are warning shopkeepers of the consequences of selling drug paraphernalia.
All shops and public houses closed and muffled peals on the church bells.
The main shopping area, within the beautiful historic walled City makes it a truly pleasurable experience to walk between the shops.
The name is a deliberate ploy to avoid being hidden in the World Music or New Age racks of record shops.
Chipping Campden is another impossibly pretty place with lots of nice little shops, tea-rooms and pubs to while away an hour or two.
The Welshman had lived in a capitalist State where the shops and the factories the mines and the railroad were run by private enterprise.
In some places of work and in certain shops, and on the London Underground, smoking is altogether prohibited.
Rummaging Through London's Best Record Shops Funk soul brother or hardcore punker?
When high street shops widen their aisles so twin pushchairs may be navigated around with ease.
Good sources for peacock quills are bird sanctuaries, zoos, tackle shops, or craft centers.
Or a useful bottle of professional spot remover you can't get in the shops?
A peaceful retreat for painters & writers yet only 2 minutes walk from the local shops of Newport.
We knew we had reached heaven when we saw that even the airports had saddlery and polo shops!
The shops that we have in London around our cathedrals that sell plaster saints and souvenirs are not present here.
Private gardens become public tea shops as Brighton residents mingle and admire the sculptures.
The long beach, bustling seafront and chic shops of Les Sables d'Olonne have earned it the name ' mini Nice ' .
Falmouth is a bustling seaport with plenty of restaurants, shops, Art theater, Castle and the National Maritime Museum.
The boro boasts a huge selection of shops - Romford town center alone draws over 250,000 regular shoppers.
In addition to school dinners, guidance and directives have been announced to cover breakfast clubs, tuck shops and vending machines.
There is also a large number of people who arrive in one-stop shops with official forms from every possible source in unopened brown envelopes.
Lucy and I were walking through a local village at the week end and found this beauty between the antique shops.