Shock Sentence Examples
Does that shock you?
The shock nearly put me to the floor.
His shock wore off, replaced by anger.
Carmen refrained from looking at Alex or displaying the shock she felt at the introduction of two more siblings he had never mentioned - an entire family.
Unable to function from shock, he sat down on a rock overlooking the lake.
It bounced around her head, first in disbelief, then in shock, and finally, in anger.
But the idea was shock therapy.
Edith Shipton looked up in shock, mouth agape.
When her shock wore off, she responded timidly.
The shock of the shake accompanying the shout flung her deadened senses awake.
AdvertisementHis head hurt from the shock of the baton, and he couldn't help hoping she was a better shot than she was figuring out the baton.
The shock of red hair on the top of his head was unruly, as if he had been running his fingers through it.
As if reading her intentions, Hannah forced herself out of her shock and hurried to the low-burning hearth.
Slowly the facts were beginning to seep through the layer of shock.
Carmen felt the shock of it as if she had been slapped.
AdvertisementRainy, a brooding Guardian with striking green eyes and a shock of dark hair, was his youngest station chief at a youthful two thousand years old.
They gazed at each other for a long moment, her shock and exhaustion too deep to fear the man who radiated power and control, even in a simple T-shirt.
All at once a sudden shock passed through my whole being, my eyes swam, and I seemed wrapped in a dazzling white mist.
Well, he'd be in for a shock if we posted it.
It was a shock for David Dean to see Fred O'Connor sitting on a wooden stool behind bars at the Ouray County jail.
AdvertisementI'm sure a woman with intelligence will shock you.
Jackson took a step back in shock, then noticed Connor and Sarah across the room laughing hysterically.
Wouldn't that have been a shock?
Even when she was angry with him and numb with shock, she didn't consider asking for a divorce.
You can adjust the amount of shock your dog receives by starting on the lowest setting, and only moving up one notch until the shock is strong enough to get his attention and stop him in mid-bark.
AdvertisementI've also been thinking about investing in a shock collar.
Furthermore, while this dog training collar can be an effective training aid for many big dogs, it's important to note that some dogs should never be exposed to any type of shock stimulation collar.
Be sure to harden off seedlings grown indoors so they don't go into shock once they're outside.
If he hadn't hid it from her all this time, it wouldn't be such a shock.
Elise released her, sitting back in shock.
It's just such...such a shock.
He stepped into the room and removed his hat, running a hand through an unruly shock of red hair.
She'd best begin now so it wasn't such a shock later.
Thus, by the avoidance both of toxaemia and of shock, peritonitis and other dangers of the abdomen, such as strangulations or intussusceptions of the bowels, formerly desperate, can in many cases be dealt with safely and effectively.
He averted open rupture until England was strong enough to stand the shock.
An external shock was needed to overcome that shame, and this shock came in due time.
The collar is designed to deliver a small electrostatic shock whenever your dog barks.
The warm soil, warm days and cool nights provide a great way to ease plants through that first shock of moving from the pot to the garden.
It isn't a good idea to repot a new gardenia because it will probably go into shock and drop all its buds.
This will give them a chance to develop some cold tolerance so the permanent move outdoors will be less of a shock.
It's best to plant strawberries on a cloudy day or in the late afternoon to avoid transplant shock.
The shorter the time the plant is in transit the less shock it will experience before it can grace your garden.
Staphylococcal toxic shock syndrome (TSS) is caused by the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus.
So it's not as much of a shock?
Once the shock wore off, rational thinking set in and he calmed down, feeling this might be an advantage.
His leg was hurt, and only his stubbornness kept him from surrendering to shock.
Carmen left the room in a state of shock.
When it didn't, he looked to the remaining two Others, who stared at him in shock.
If he had hit her, it wouldn't have been a bigger shock.
On the 6th of February 1658 he lost his favourite daughter, Elizabeth Claypole, and he was much cast down by the shock of his bereavement and of her long sufferings.
It has been said that his battles were decided by shock action; the real emphasis should be laid upon the word "decided."
When they might have won national independence, after their warfare with the Swabian emperors, they let the golden opportunity slip. Pampered with commercial prosperity, eaten to the core with inter-urban rivalries, they submitted to despots, renounced the use of arms, and offered themselves in the hour of need, defenceless and disunited to the shock of puissant nations.
The dispute was fought out in Flanders; but Spanish Lombardy felt the shock, as usual, of the French and Austrian dynasties.
Still, it is not certain that the shock of Copernicanism on supernatural Christianity is exhausted.
So great was the shock that for the rest of his life he spent most of his time at a villa at St Veran, near Avignon, returning to his Blackheath residence only for a short period in each year.
In Europe a number of " long-snouted " beetles, such as the raspberry weevils (Otiorhynchus picipes), the apple blossom weevil (Anthonomus pomorum), attack fruit; others, as the " corn weevils " (Calandra oryzae and C. granaria), attack stored rice and corn; while others produce swollen patches on roots (Ceutorhynchus sulcicollis), &c. All these Curculionidae are very timid creatures, falling to the ground at the least shock.
In any case exile, and death in the prisons of Cayenne, now awaited the timid champions of law and order; while parliamentary rule sustained a shock from which it never recovered.
As this cover fits very well it must have required a quite violent shock to remove it.
This was almost certainly the shock of an earthquake, and the same shock probably caused the split in the stone lid of the coffer itself.
By the strain of anxiety and hard work his health and strength were seriously impaired, while the death of his wife was also a great shock to him; in the hope that rest in his native land might restore him, he left India, reaching England in April 1862.
The purpose of this was doubtless to resist by a strong internal consolidation the shock of the invasions, to secure public order, to enforce industrious habits, and to guarantee the financial resources of the state.
The first shock was repulsed, but a French column penetrated in the dark between two regiments of the British and a confused fight ensued in the ruins, in which the 42nd (Black Watch) captured a colour.
They pass through a viscous stage in cooling from a state of fluidity; they develop effects of colour when the glass mixtures are fused with certain metallic oxides; they are, when cold, bad conductors both of electricity and heat, they are easily fractured by a blow or shock and show a conchoidal fracture; they are but slightly affected by ordinary solvents, but are readily attacked by hydrofluoric acid.
The surface of the vessel may be hard, but the vessel is liable to fracture on receiving a trifling shock.
The true sati is she who dieth from the shock of separation from her husband.
Great damage was done by a seismic wave following the shock.
Fortunately he was rescued, and the shock did not stay his return to mental soundness.
A great shock of rough, dusky, dark hair; bright, laughing, hazel eyes; massive aquiline face, most massive yet most delicate; of sallow brown complexion, almost Indian-looking, clothes cynically loose, free-and-easy, smokes infinite tobacco.
The earthquake occurred early in the morning of December 28, and so far as Messina was concerned the damage was done chiefly by the shock and by the fires which broke out afterwards; the seismic wave which followed was comparatively innocuous.
The Conservative party gained strength from the alarm raised by this incident and still more from the shock caused by the assassination of the duc de Berri.
Thus it was that a great South Land appeared on the maps, the belief in the prodigious extension of which certainly received a severe shock by Abel Tasman's voyage of circumnavigation, but was only overthrown after Cook's great voyages had proved that any southern land which existed could not extend appreciably beyond the polar circle.
These machines, which are driven by compressed air, are very handy in use, as the height and direction of the cut may be readily varied; but the work is rather severe to the driver on account of the recoil shock of the piston, and an assistant is necessary to clear out the small coal from the cut, which limits the rate of cutting.
This subject he was led to study by the experience of a colliery engineman, who noticed that he received a sharp shock on exposing one hand to a jet of steam issuing from a boiler with which his other hand was in contact, and the inquiry was followed by the invention of the "hydro-electric" machine, a powerful generator of electricity, which was thought worthy of careful investigation by Faraday.
The shock was too great; the Prussians gave way immediately and were chased back into the woods by cavalry.
The Turks, still reeling from the shock of Lepanto, could with difficulty hold their own 1572-4573.
For the shock of the first partition was so far salutary that it awoke the public conscience to a sense of the national inferiority; stimulated the younger generation to extraordinary patriotic efforts; and thus went far to produce the native reformers who were to do such wonders during the great quadrennial diet.
It is usual to speak of the English burgagetenure as a relic of Saxon freedom resisting the shock of the Norman conquest and its feudalism, but it is perhaps more correct to consider it a local feature of that general exemption from feudality enjoyed by the municipia as a relic of their ancient Roman constitution.
The maximum shock is given when the head and tail of the Gymnotus are in contact with different points in the surface of some other animal.
These years of shock and conflict could not fail to have marked effect upon the shaping of definite Christian doctrine.
The general's supremacy received a shock when the eleventh general congregation appointed Oliva as vicar, with the right of succession and powers that practically superseded those of the general Goswin Nickel, whose infirmities, it is said, did not permit him to govern with the necessary application and vigour; and an attempt was made to depose Tirso Gonzalez, the thirteenth general, whose views on probabilism diverged from those favoured by the rest of the Jesuits.
The pope, a man of eighty-two, died of apoplexy, brought on by the shock, early in 1769.
In Acapulco a tidal wave followed the shock.
The change, wrote General Walker, which produced this falling off from the traditional rate of increase of about 3% per annum, was that from the simplicity of the early times to comparative luxury; involving a rise in the standard of living, the multiplication of artificial necessities, the extension of a paid domestic service, the introduction of women into factory labor.2 In his opinion the decline in the birth-rate coincidently with the increase of immigration, and chiefly in those regions where immigration was greatest, was no mere coincidence; nor was such immigrant invasion due to a weakening native increase, or economic defence; but the decline of the natives was the effect of the increase of the foreigners, which was a shock to the principle of population among the native element.
It is not, however, obvious that the sudden change of direction in the translatory motion, which is commonly called a molecular shock, necessarily also affects the phase of vibration.
The convulsions from which he suffered so much in later years must he partly attributed to this violent shock.
The magnetism of these two needles is never reversed, and they are as much as possible protected from shock and from approach to other magnets, so that their magnetic state may remain as constant as possible.
In practice it is found that a magnet can be prepared which, when suitably protected from shock, &c., retains its magnetic moment sufficiently constant to enable observations of H to be made comparable in accuracy with that of the other elements obtained by the instruments ordinarily employed at sea.
It has also proved to be the most trustworthy compass under the shock of heavy gun fire at present available.
The Hohenstaufen succumbed to it, and the papacy itself received a terrible shock, which shook its vast empire to the foundations.
Nicholas had scarcely recovered from the shock, when news came of the capture of Constantinople by the Turks; and his efforts to unite the Christian powers against the Moslem failed.
The failure of his candidature for the Academy in 1830 is said to have been a shock to his enfeebled health.
The shameless profligacy of the emperor's life was such as to shock even a Roman public. His popularity with the army declined, and Maesa, perceiving that the soldiers were in favour of Alexander Severus, persuaded Heliogabalus to raise his cousin to the dignity of Caesar (221), a step of which he soon repented.
Railway car springs, which are exposed to great shock, have typically about 0.75% of carbon; common tool steel, which is exposed to less severe shock, has usually between 0.75 and 1.25%; file steel, which is subject to but little shock, and has little demanded of it but to bite hard and stay hard, has usually from 1.25 to 1 5 o %.
These two classes of properties tend to exclude each other, for, as a general rule, whatever tends to make iron and steel hard and strong tends to make it correspondingly brittle, and hence liable to break treacherously, especially under shock.
Vanadium in small quantities, 0.15 or 0.20%, is said to improve steel greatly, especially in increasing its resistance to shock and to often-repeated stress.
Of these several qualities which cast iron may have, fluidity is given by keeping the sulphur-content low and phosphoruscontent high; and this latter element must be kept low if shock is to be resisted; but strength, hardness, endurance of shock, density and expansion in solidifying are controlled essentially by the distribution of the carbon between the states of graphite and cementite, and this in turn is controlled chiefly by the proportion of silicon, manganese and sulphur present, and in many cases by the rate of cooling.
Second, though the brittleness should be lessened somewhat by the decrease in the extent to which the continuity of the strong matrix is broken up by the graphite skeleton, yet this effect is outweighed greatly by that of the rapid substitution in the matrix of the brittle cementite for the' very ductile copper-like ferrite, so that the brittleness increases continuously (RS), from that of the very grey graphitic cast irons, which, like that of soapstone, is so slight that the metal can endure severe shock and even indentation without breaking, to that of the pure white cast iron which is about as brittle as porcelain.
Fortunately its embrittling effect on cast iron is very much less than on steel, so that the upper limit or greatest tolerable proportion of phosphorus, instead of being o.10 or better 0.08% as in the case of rail steel, may be put at 0.50% in case of machinery castings even if they are exposed to moderate shocks; at 1.60% for gas and water mains in spite of the gravity of the disasters which extreme brittleness here might cause; and even higher for castings which are not exposed to shock, and are so thin that the iron of which they are made must needs be very fluid.
Probably the most successful one has been a rotary engine invented by Mr Arthur Rigg.1 In this engine the stroke, and therefore the amount of water used, can be varied either by hand or by a governor while it is running; the speed can also be varied, very high rates, as much as 600 revolutions a minute, being attainable without the question of shock or vibration becoming troublesome.
The very homely looks of his wife were thought by observers to cause the prince a visible shock when he was first presented to her.
Little can be said of this degenerate son of Suleiman, who during the eight years of his reign never girded on the sword of Osman, and preferred the clashing of wine-goblets to the shock of arms, save that with the dissolute tastes of his mother he had not inherited her ferocity.
A revolt broke out, and an officer named Nicholas Canabus was placed on the throne; Prince Alexius was strangled by order of Murzuphlus, Isaac died of the shock, Murzuphlus imprisoned Canabus and made himself emperor (Alexius V.).
Mechanism is provided whereby the speed of the paper is doubled on receipt of a shock, an electric bell ringing at the same time to summon an attendant.
The immediate cause was the shock of an accident to her dog.
Here for the first time the highlanders were under heavy fire of grape and roundshot, to which they could not reply, and though the right wing and centre, Camerons, Atholl men, Macleans, Clan Chattan, Appin Stewarts, under Lord George and Lochiel, fought with even more than their usual gallantry and resolution, the Macdonalds on the left, discouraged by the death of Keppoch, Scotus and other officers in the advance, never came to the shock.
During his administration also occurred the mutiny of the Madras sepoys at Vellore, which, though promptly suppressed, sent a shock of insecurity through the empire.
The early months of their stay were saddened by the death of Walter in Rome, and by the news of the illness of Lowell's father, who had a slight shock of paralysis.
His diary shows that in the outward journey Scott's mind was full of care and anxiety, while the disappointment of finding by Amundsen's record that he was not first to reach the Pole was a shock from which his spirits seemed never to recover.
When the shock of his son's death incapacitated him from lecturing during the session of 1809-1810, his place was taken, at his own request, by Dr Thomas Brown, who in 1810 was appointed conjoint professor.
Though Clarke can thus be defended against this and similar criticism, his work as a whole can be regarded only as an attempt to present the doctrines of the Cartesian school in a form which would not shock the conscience of his time.
The allies, feeling there the weight of the French attack, gradually drew upon the reserves of their left and right to sustain the shock.
If the person holding the bottle subsequently touched the nail, he experienced an electric shock.
In 1812 great destruction was wrought by an earthquake that affected all the southern part of the state; in 1865 the region about San Francisco was violently disturbed; in 1872 the whole Sierra and the state of Nevada were violently shaken; and in 1906 San Francisco (q.v.) was in large part destroyed by a shock that caused great damage elsewhere in the state.
On the other hand the stability of the known oxygen compounds increases with the atomic weight, thus iodine pentoxide is, at ordinary temperatures, a well-defined crystalline solid, which is only decomposed on heating strongly, whilst chlorine monoxide, chlorine peroxide, and chlorine heptoxide are very unstable, even at ordinary temperatures, decomposing at the slightest shock.
It is extremely unstable, decomposing with extreme violence on the slightest shock or disturbance, or on exposure to sunlight.
But, though largesses and thanksgivings celebrated the suppression of the conspiracy, and the round of games and shows was renewed with even increased splendour, the effects of the shock were visible in the long list of victims who during the next few months were sacrificed to his restless fears and resentment.
The insular position of England, combined with the nature of the English people, has allowed us to feel the vibration of European movements later and with less of shock than any of the continental nations.
Hence the cause of the shock and spark when the jar is discharged, or when the superabundant or plus electricity of the inside is transferred by a conducting body to the defective or minus electricity of the outside.
The observation that certain animals could give shocks resembling the shock of a Leyden jar induced a closer examination of these powers.
He made many measurements of the electric conductivity of different solids and liquids, by comparing the intensity of the electric shock taken through his body and various conductors.
There was a severe earthquake in Cachar on the Toth of January 1869, a severe shock in Shillong and Gauhati in September 1875, and one in Silchar in October 1882; but by far the severest shock known is that which occurred on the evening of 12th June 1897.
He affronts every canon of taste, more by a radical absence, it would seem, of the sense of proportion than by any desire to shock.
The prosperity of Chile was to suffer a rude shock.
The fire which broke out after the earthquake shock had subsided added to the horror of the catastrophe.
A few weeks after the Letter was written, Fenelon met with a carriage-accident, and the shock proved too much for his enfeebled frame.
The heaviest shock began at 12 minutes 6 seconds past 5 o'clock a.m., Pacific standard time, and lasted 1 minute 5 seconds.
The damage by earthquake to buildings in San Francisco was, however, small in comparison to that wrought by the fire which began soon after the principal shock on the morning of the 18th.
The supposed constancy of forms in Cohn's species and genera received a shock when Lankester in 1873 pointed out that his Bacterium rubescens (since named Beggiatoa roseo-persicina, Zopf) passes through conditions which would have been described by most observers influenced by the current doctrine as so many separate " species " or even " genera," - that in fact forms known as Bacterium, Hicrococcus, Bacillus, Leptothrix, &c., occur as phases in one life-history.
At that period the Agapemonites counted their adherents at 600, and it was no doubt a grievous shock to them when their deathless founder died on the 8th of March 1899, four years after he had opened a branch church at Clapton, London, which is said to have cost f,20,000.
He was killed on the 19th of July 1873, by the shock of a fall from his horse near Dorking, Surrey.
The revolution of July 1830 had just given a strong shock to the existing settlement of Europe.
But his health had been long undermined by excesses, and his end was probably only hastened by the shock of his arrest.
In Cambridgeshire and on the Norfolk coast it is known as Shuck or Shock.
The marked curvature of the vertebral column, by breaking the shock to the neck and head in running and leaping, likewise favours the erect position.
It crystallizes readily from benzene or acetic acid and explodes when subjected to shock or when heated.
All this country was comprised in classical times under the title of the Phlegrean Fields, and was certainly then more actively volcanic than it now is, although the severe shock of earthquake which occurred in the island of Ischia in 1883 completely destroyed Casamicciola, and did serious damage to Forio, Lacco Ameno and Serrara Fontana, shows that there is great seismic activity in the locality.
It was long before he recovered from the shock caused by this terrible event, and in his subsequent published poems he never ventured even to allude to it.
The shock to the public, to the House of Commons, to his party, and to Mr. Lloyd George was great; and genuine expressions of regret were heard on every side.
The charges of coal fall into the hopper with a heavy shock, and in order to save the knife-edges there is a strong pin in each side of the hopper below the knife-edge, which, before the charge of coal is dropped into the hopper, is acted on by a strong horizontal flitch - plate, which heaves the hopper off the knife-edges and relieves them from the shock.
But his friendship for Elizabeth had received a shock, and henceforth his finger maybe traced in most of the plots against her, of which the Ridolfi conspiracy was the first.
The Anglo-French alliance had been already strained by the language of the French colonels in 1858 and the Franco-Austrian War of 1859; it never fully recovered from the shock which it received by the evidence, which the annexation of Savoy and Nice gave, of the ambition of the French emperor.
This may have been a proper thing to do if their distrust of Shelburne was incurable, but the next step, coalition with Lord North against him, was not only a political blunder, but a shock to party morality, which brought speedy retribution.
The shock threw her into a trance, and these trances, accompanied by visions, recurred frequently in the subsequent part of her life.
His father bore the shock of his temporary absence, and the following year Octave ventured to make the same experiment on occasion of the performance of Un Jeune Homme pauvre.
Gratitude, in the tsar's opinion, should have made her neutral if not friendly; the revelation of her ingratitude came upon him with the shock of a painful surprise.
The lifestyle would be culture shock enough, but there were so many other things... family squabbles, gender commitments... things he had been foolish enough to believe he could escape so many miles away and in such a different lifestyle.
Probably getting over the initial shock.
After she got over the shock, she was delighted at the idea of having a living father-in-law, for some reason.
Shock did much to humans, he knew, but she was either crazy or incredibly stupid to challenge someone like him.
The young angel's face was streaked with blood from where branches had struck him. He was pale and terrified – and staring in shock at Deidre.
But all indications are that the effects of the nervous trauma of battle vis à vis shell shock was equally prevalent in all ranks.
Normally, the largest aftershock is about one magnitude unit smaller than the main shock.
Novelist Sean is up against a serious case of writer's block and a shock announcement from his " perfect " new girlfriend.
Outpatient electric shock aversion therapy lasted for weeks or in some cases up to two years.
It was a huge shock to the system and a hushed awe set upon us out of fear of jinxing it.
Press Reviews " .. I must register a certain shock at the sheer brilliance of his playing.
The symptoms are similar to lactose intolerance but can also include bronchospasm, itching, hives, shock or hypertension.
What did shock me was when he got his own business started.
The new probe follows the shock by-election victory of SNP councilor Billy McAllister in the Labor stronghold.
Powell Picks Addicks Striker Teenage Charlton women's team striker Ann-Marie Heatherson has earned a shock call-up to the England squad.
Shock the first weigh over poundsmanatees tourcall captain cook had been with.
The only way to remove chloramines without a UV treatment is to shock treat the pool, this is discussed later in this guide.
In the hands of experienced clinicians, shock wave therapy may well prove to be a valuable tool in dealing with chronic tendon pain.
Anaphylactic shock, however, is a much more serious reaction, which can cause swelling, circulatory collapse and even heart failure.
Things were on the move and the shock of change found its Artistic parallel in the advents of the movement called cubism.
It wasn't a complete culture shock moving from journalism to marketing either.
The first few days were a major culture shock.
The RCD will automatically disconnect the power supply to help prevent the risk of a fatal shock.
The news will send out shock waves among Bluebirds ' fans who are still disgruntled at City's slip from play-off contention.
Much to the shock and, in some cases, outright disgust of friends and colleagues I opted for Blackpool.
Without it, the ancient and imposing edifice opposes to the shock of revolution nothing but the dead weight of its loose parts.
Septic shock is caused by the release of large amounts of bacterial endotoxin (LPS) in the body.
He stomps across the stage, as well as shouting expletives, which now days just doesn't shock anyone.
Lower bound solutions are obtained for the maximum thermal shock that the plate can sustain without catastrophic failure according to two distinct criteria.
Typically it presents as cyanosis, shock, cardiac failure or a murmur on routine check.
Suppose father doesn't like shock wave flash object download him!
If you choose to repot, do n't fertilize at the same time or the plant might go into shock.
Side panels, shock absorber covers, seat, rear mudguard, tail light and even the rider footrests have been restyled.
The muscular sling that holds the forelimb onto the body serves as a shock absorber during locomotion.
He continues to explain that for hard gainers you must shock your body into growth.
The shock of losing her beloved grandmother at the age of fourteen made her start to question what life was really all about.
Some pool owners make the mistake of using these stabilized chlorine granules for " shock " treatment!
We got the shock of our lives as a huge hippopotamus stampeded through before veering off into the night.
A direct hit on the breast plate will give your opponent a shock through the handle of the gun.
This is a sample which shows the compressive, shock absorbing strength of an aluminum honeycomb panel.
However, apart from a few rehearsed lines, Tom Delonge actually seemed reasonably humble, which was a bit of a shock.
It was a shock move, not least because Futcher had cited ambition as the reason for leaving The imps.
Sometimes a mere belfryman will be elected to the chair, but no indication of shock at such impropriety may be given.
The shock for both her family and friends must have been quite indescribable.
Eric Bogosian plays a shock jock who thinks that his ship is coming when his show is to become nationally syndicated.
The opening monolog features a Welsh radio shock jock who stirs controversy by saying the word " sod " on the air.
Each disk sent a little jolt of anticipation through his arm, an electric shock of promise.
If this also fails a third shock using 360 joules is employed.
The sturdy shock cord compression lacing allows you to reduce the pack volume so it still carries the load tightly for shorter trips.
Tony, who had never before seen a Scottish laird on his native heath got rather a shock.
The route in this picture climbs a stunning limestone gorge and shows well the use of the Via Ferrata shock absorbing lanyards.
Our fall arrest lanyards have a built-in shock absorber to reduce the impact forces during a fall.
It is called extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL ), and was introduced in the mid-1980s.
The role of extracorporeal shock lithotripsy is in the management of salivary calculi is at present unclear.
A peaceful application of shock waves is the use of focussed shocks to shatter kidney stones, a procedure known as shock wave lithotripsy.
A shock absorbing midsole and footbed round off the comfort features.
In for a shock insurance dm include the mini to efficient delivery of services.
So it is a shock when the two men euphorically accept a suicide bombing mission in Tel Aviv.
That which is based on shock eventually becomes mundane.
Units under the inner engine nacelles, each consisting of one wheel and two shock absorber struts.
The Shock of the Neo The Neo 64 has some really nifty tricks up its sleeve.
The ground shock and left everyone open-mouthed and I heard someone say " Wow!
Clothing should be clean and tidy and not outlandish and designed to shock.
It may be appropriate to shock so long as the lighting does n't overplay itself.
Even here they have Shock Brigade workers who display red pennants with their records on them.
The recipient (58 year old male) suffered fatal septic shock after transfusion with a 2-day old unit of pooled platelets.
Once the mental shock of moving unsupported through the air was over, his sensations ceased to be unpleasant, became very speedily pleasurable.
Shock flyers & full range off accessories now in stock inc lithium polymer batteries click on shock flyer to view.
Our already poverty-stricken country will now have to recover from a double shock.
It, however, is the necessary precursor for the two week dose of shock therapy that follows.
This involved receiving an electric shock every single time we screwed on the cap of a bottle of chemical reagents through the static build-up.
Shock Absorber; The WP shock is connected directly to the swing arm and features adjustable rebound and low and high speed compression damping.
The deficit of the NHS and the shock resignation of the Chief Executive, Sir Nigel Crisp, was also a top story.
The shock revelation is likely to break the hearts of many of his female fans.
Hares that escape the savagery may die later, from sheer shock and terror.
This is above all a series which tries to shock, and it sometimes loses force through sheer self-indulgence.
Patients with severe sepsis or septic shock should be admitted to ICU or a high dependency unit.
The US is more obviously in this situation than the UK, but is better placed to withstand a currency shock.
This is your chance to absorb the full shock of magnificant graphics engine put to stunning use.
The modern automated external defibrillators will not administer a shock to a patient who does not need one.
Pests can also cause fear in the home with wasp stings responsible for anaphylactic shock in some people.
And the 2003 European Under 19 champion also got a nasty shock.
With a sudden shock, he realized one was Jack.
The solar wind is thus slowed and deflected around this cavity at the bow shock.
Being used to the odd culture shock I settled in quicker than most.
The duration of the heat shock is indicated to the right of the graph.
However the women recovered from the opening shell shock and performed admirably throughout the rest of the match.
I make a daily inspection of springs, shock absorbers, engine and body mountings, U bolts and shackles to allay my fears.
The latex sole is flexible, naturally non-slip and features a shock absorber in the heel.
Later models apart from GTA's and turbos didn't use shock absorbers.
Two double acting shock absorbers with 4 spring preload settings.
Suspension changes include retuned shock absorbers, adjustments to the bushes in the rear suspension and changes in anti-roll bar thickness.
At the rear the new Vespa LX has a dual effect hydraulic single shock absorber.
The SACHS single rear shock absorber has also been reviewed, with changes made in terms of the internal components.
A single centrally mounted spring over an adjustable shock absorber provides the front suspension.
Rear Suspension alternative material bushes; lowering blocks; telescopic shock absorbers using any design of bracket; spring rates may be altered.
New front shock absorbers, up rated by 25 %, a SS sports exhaust with extractor manifold.
Bilstein and De Carbon are heavy duty, non-adjustable gas shock absorbers offering vastly superior damping abilities and extended life compared to original equipment.
New spring hanger rubber shock absorbers also needed to be made.
Effectively dampens vibrations through polymer shock absorbers, allowing active camcorder use.
Shock Absorber Air Conveyor No plastic cover around rear shocker, designed to increase the amount of cooling for the rear shock.
Reversion creates resonance shock waves inside the tubes which exit the open end of the tube at various rates depending on engine speed.
Waves move across the oceans, earthquakes produce shock waves and light can be thought of as traveling in waves.
In the work presented here, three slow shock candidates are identified from a survey of 130 interplanetary shock waves observed by Ulysses.
To my shock and horror it was n't spinning.
Sharon, a keen sportswoman, died of Toxic Shock Syndrome two months after giving birth to her second child.
Choose between a lightweight air shock or bomber duty coil spring.
It was more of a shock that my Dad accepted cos he was a very staunch hindu.
Two of the best candidates are a shock wave from a nearby supernova or from the passage through a spiral arm.
The radiator and front shock absorbers have been fitted, and work on the front tinwork has commenced.
It neither supports, guides or absorbs shock, but makes surfaces feel uneven.
Both models share premium suspension components with 43mm upside down forks and single shock rising rate rear suspension.
The body armor of the new uniforms will absorb the shock of a bullet much better than current bulletproof vests.
The Vortex dampens the vibration caused by the rapidly spinning motors in the hard drive, reducing noise and shock.
Send shock waves through your senses as you run, jump, fly, ride, water ski and.. .
It's arm wrestling with an electric shock for the loser.
Messianic zeal, nationalism and myth came together to justify the savagery of the colonial shock troops let loose in the country.
Seward's wife, an invalid, received such a shock that she died within two months, and his only daughter, who witnessed the assault, never recovered from the effects of the scene and died within the year.
Of Marston Moor he writes, "we never charged but we routed them"; and thereafter his battles were decided by the shock of closed squadrons, the fresh impulse of a second and even a third line, and above all by the unquestioning discipline and complete control over their horses to which he trained his men.
Wien's method of impact excitation by employing a form of spark gap which quenches the primary discharge instantly and excites the free oscillations in the antenna by impact or shock.
The bold criticism of Middleton's recently (174.9) published Free Enquiry into the Miraculous Powers which are supposed to have subsisted in the Christian Church appears to have given the first shock to his Protestantism, not indeed by destroying his previous belief that the gift of miraculous powers had continued to subsist in the church during the first four or five centuries of Christianity, but by convincing him that within the same period most of the leading doctrines of popery had been already introduced both in theory and in practice.
But, when the zeal of Epiphanius was kindled against him, when Jerome, alarmed about his own reputation, and in defiance of his past attitude, turned against his once honoured teacher, and Theophilus, patriarch of Alexandria, found it prudent, for political reasons, and out of consideration for the uneducated monks, to condemn Origen - then his authority received a shock from which it never recovered.
The shingle therefore stood some feet higher than it does now, and it is supposed that a shock or jar, such as that of an earthquake, broke up the stalagmite, and the pebbles and sand composing the shingle sunk deeper into the fissures in the limestone.
Not only in its bacteriological relations are the conditions of peritonitis recognized in its various kinds, but also the state known as "shock" turns out to be quasi-mechanical, and avoidable by measures belonging in considerable part to this category.
Transfusion of blood directly from the vein of a healthy person to the blood-vessels of the patient, and infusion of saline solution into a vein, may be practised (see Shock).
Archaeological evidence points clearly now to the conclusion that the splendid but overgrown civilization of the Mycenaean or " late Minoan " period of the Aegean Bronze Age collapsed rather suddenly before a rapid succession of assaults by comparatively barbarous invaders from the European mainland north of the Aegean; that these invaders passed partly by way of Thrace and the Hellespont into Asia Minor, partly by Macedon and Thessaly into peninsular Greece and the Aegean islands; that in east Peloponnese and Crete, at all events, a first shock (somewhat later than i soo B.C.) led to the establishment of a cultural, social and political situation which in many respects resembles what is depicted in Homer as the " Achaean " age, with principal centres in Rhodes, Crete, Laconia, Argolis, Attica, Orchomenus and south-east Thessaly; and that this regime was itself shattered by a second shock or series of shocks somewhat earlier than boo B.C. These latter events correspond in character and date with the traditional irruption of the Dorians and their associates.
They, moreover, tried the effect of shock upon the liquid, and found that the repeated dropping of the cylinder from a height of nearly 20 feet upon a large steel anvil gave no explosion, but that when the cylinder was crushed under a heavy blow the impact was followed, after a short interval of time, by an explosion which was manifestly due to the fracture of the cylinder and the ignition of the escaping gas, mixed with air, from sparks caused by the breaking of the metal.
Such endothermic bodies are nearly always found to show considerable violence in their decomposition, as the heat of formation stored up within them is then liberated as sensible heat, and it is undoubtedly this property of acetylene gas which leads to its easy detonation by either heat or a shock from an explosion of fulminating mercury when in contact with it under pressure.
You must be ill to shiver like that, he added, noticing that Prince Andrew winced as at an electric shock.
Something like that is like a punch in the gut, not so much in a negative way but a big shock.
Tension is created by the shock of sudden animation or a repeated phrase that punctuated long silences.
Three years ago, the shock of 9/11 provided a ready-made excuse to close down debate.
The pit has been closed and the defeated community recoils in shock.
In this excellent Concentration Camp we are fast recovering from the shock of coming to England.
This was exactly what was expected as the shock pushed into the red giant 's wind and slowed down.
India is still reeling from the shock of the massive explosion that shook the country 's commercial capital.
The retarding force is caused by the compression of the air in the shock wave.
It was argued that printing the words might give a salutary shock to skeptical readers.
I do n't know if anyone has had skeptic shock?
Two thirds of patients who suffer septic shock will die.
Concrete is the hardest surface and provides little shock absorption.
Without using shock tactics, pills, patches or other gimmicks !
He proceeded to pick Smith, Kleberson and Fortune in midfield and people still called it a shock defeat.
Later models apart from GTA 's and turbos did n't use shock absorbers.
The spring must be removed using a compressor to replace the top shock absorber bush.
Coaxial coil spring shock absorber units were normally fitted all round.
The lanyard is fitted with a standard shock absorber pack, even tho the rope itself has some shock absorbing capacity.
Just ask any of the more than 80 world champions who won their titles on Öhlins shock absorbers.
The fight put up by the courageous Palestinians sent shock waves through israel.
Shock waves dissipate within the confines of the plenum without interfering with the shock waves emitted from an adjacent stack.
The study shows the visualization of shock wave propagation in an underwater explosion scenario.
The short-run impact of an adverse supply shock is a fall in output combined with a rise in the general level of prices.
Most of these high energy nuclei are thought to be hurled at us by supernova shock fronts, perhaps from collisions with dust grains.
When I heard Mr Jenkins had been arrested on suspicion of murder, the shock was profound.
This applies both to high speed low noise and to low speed tapered roller and spherical roller bearings subject to shock or vibration loads.
It did n't help Van Zandt 's state of mind that as a tearaway youth he was spuriously subjected to electric shock treatment.
By know I was visibly trembling with the shock of this sudden revelation.
Monetary policy would respond, but a large negative demand shock might result in an undershoot of the inflation target for some considerable time.
Urethane bushes should be fitted and the original lever arm shock should be checked for wear in the spindle.
After experiencing the shock of an earthquake and a volcano eruption they will return to the futuristic Atrium for their reception or dinner.
Send shock waves through your senses as you run, jump, fly, ride, water ski and...
It 's arm wrestling with an electric shock for the loser.
She was in shock after the attack, and it showed in the flat affect on her face.
To prevent shock from such a major change, the school made the abolishment of junk food gradual.
If you can get past initial sticker shock, you'll end up with a high-quality, durable product that will last for several years.
Trees can be planted any time the ground is not frozen, though spring and fall are the most popular times for tree planting (probably because mild weather is less of a shock to the plant).
Container grown plants will suffer the least shock because all their roots stay intact.
The bushings found inside the trucks act like shock absorbers.
It will be less stress and shock on the fish if there are no extreme changes in the chemical balances of the water.
Downhill mountain biking is different than cross-country, due to the amount of shock you'll encounter as you travel along the trails.
Perimeter weighting absorb shock so that your swing isn't affect from the impact of the ball and beyond.
In addition, since memory foam absorbs movement and shock, the individual you are sharing a bed with would not be able to feel you move.
What makes the prime outlet malls so popular is that they offer a variety of items that many people will avoid purchasing in regular retail locations because of sticker shock.
One of the most popular systems involves a small electric shock, similar to what you might get from walking across the carpet, when the dog attempts to cross the perimeter.
Other systems -- generally wireless ones -- provide warnings in the form of vibration or sound before the dog reaches the edge of the perimeter where she will receive a shock.
Other systems don't use the static shock system at all.
This is considered to be the most effective alternative to a static shock.
Scat mats and shock collars can be used as a last resort.
There are other signs as well that can vary from something as simple as lethargy to something as life threatening as shock.
With current technology, it wouldn't be a shock to see this sort of card very soon.
Getting a look at the real cost of debt is one of the best ways to shock yourself into setting goals to pay off your debt.
The colors for a children's zone might shock you into the realization that color is everything when you're young.
Choose lighting sources such as recessed fixtures or wall sconces and install dimmers to avoid a shock to your eyes when the film is over.
Although he believes everything in a room should work together - nothing should be added simply for the shock value - he does like to think outside the box.
Whether the photos are taken for shock value or to emphasize the beauty of the human form, these photographers all evoke emotional responses from fans and critics alike.
While the price tag may induce sticker shock, if you are an avid scrapper who uses die cut shapes made from paper frequently, then you can likely justify the cost.
A more flexible boot provides more shock absorption for skiers who like to pound through the bumps, or need a more reactive boot in the trees.
It's perfectly natural to go through the stages of grief (shock, denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance) when you lose a job.
Shock is always the first because you can't believe it's happening to you, even if you wanted it to happen and you wanted that impetus to do something else.
It's a shock to be told "we don't need you anymore."
For this reason, they often go for the "shock factor" by purchasing ghetto prom dresses and suits that are considered totally out of the box for their school's demographic.
Not all vegetarians choose the diet because of animal exploitation, but those that do may be in for a shock when they learn all of the food items that contain hidden meat products.
Starting a raw food diet can be a shock to the system, especially for a person that has underlying health problems.
Whether they're dressing for comfort, formality, or shock value, these celebrities have made an impression on the fashion world.
While Lady Gaga aims for shock value, Duchess of Cambridge Kate Middleton and her sister Pippa are at the opposite end of the celebrity fashion spectrum.