Shirts Sentence Examples
Other manufactures are knit goods, shirts and collars and papermaking machinery.
You care which shirts I pack for you?
The closet contained a second suit and three shirts, each on its own hanger with a necktie looped over it.
The walls were lined with blouses, formal wear, business wear, jackets, and other kinds of clothing, while displays of knit shirts, sweaters, jeans, and slacks spanned out before her.
The town's promenaders were clothed in sweaters at most, with only tee shirts adequate in the brilliant sun.
He rarely bought anything except jeans and causal shirts off the rack.
One of his shirts would certainly be unattractive on her body.
One of my most expensive shirts with the pants that went out of season five years ago.
Other distinctive manufactures are shirts and base-balls.
I have a couple of polo shirts, but no light shirts.
AdvertisementGive me one of those polo shirts and I'll go wash up.
Look what he dreamt; a woman ironing shirts, a child playing, a cat and a farmer pitching hay.
Dean sent two dress shirts with neckties and a card of congratulations but did not attend the ceremony.
In the course of 1842 an attack of illness led to his making a journey in Italy, where he spent some time in a monastery belonging to one of the strictest of all the monastic orders, the Passionists, brethren addicted to wearing hair shirts and scourging themselves without mercy.
In the vicinity there are many coal mines, and among the manufactures are bricks, furniture, veneered doors, and shirts.
AdvertisementOxford is a plain-woven cloth usually with a coloured pattern, and is used for shirts and dresses.
Soldiers scattered over the whole place were dragging logs and brushwood and were building shelters with merry chatter and laughter; around the fires sat others, dressed and undressed, drying their shirts and leg bands or mending boots or overcoats and crowding round the boilers and porridge cookers.
When he had ascended the hill and reached the little village street, he saw for the first time peasant militiamen in their white shirts and with crosses on their caps, who, talking and laughing loudly, animated and perspiring, were at work on a huge knoll overgrown with grass to the right of the road.
I found myself in a farm house living room where a woman who looked maybe in her thirties was ironing shirts.
The four of us were put to shame in jeans and sweat shirts.
AdvertisementThe last century Ouray sold flesh, this century it's tee shirts.
You can wear one of my shirts.
Camden describes the wonder with which O'Neill's wild gallowglasses were seen in the English capital, with their heads bare, their long hair falling over their shoulders and clipped short in front above the eyes, and clothed in rough yellow shirts.
Shirt-cloth is the term more commonly applied to what is actually used in the manufacture of shirts, and it may be used for either plain or fancy goods.
It was originally made in blue and white stripes and was used largely and is still used for men's shirts.
AdvertisementThe purchase of ready-made shirts, underclothing, &c., corresponds to a change in the habits of the people.
In the United States there has been an arduous struggle over this question, and combinations of merchants have sometimes compelled favourable terms. In England, though the merchant has maintained a great part of the trade with shopkeepers, the developing trade with makers of shirts, underclothing, &c., is mainly done by the manufacturers directly, and perhaps the simplification of relations by direct dealing in the cotton trade has now reached a point of fairly stable compromise.
The valley is a part of the anthracite coal region of Pennsylvania, fire clay abounds in the vicinity, and .the borough's principal industries are the mining and shipping of coal, and the manufacture of shirts and foundry products.
In 1900 Nebraska City ranked third among the manufacturing cities of the state, the manufactures including canned fruits and vegetables, packed pork, flour, oatmeal, hominy, grits, meal, starch, cider-vinegar, agricultural implements, windmills, paving bricks, concrete, sewer pipe, beer, over-ails and shirts.
Kingston's principal manufactures are tobacco, cigars and cigarettes, street railway cars and boats; other manufactures are Rosendale cement, bricks, shirts, lace curtains, brushes, motor wheels, sash and blinds.
Being frequently under the necessity of wearing shabby coats and dirty shirts, he became a confirmed sloven.
Flour is the principal product; among others are woollen goods, foundry and machineshop products, wooden ware, sash, doors and blinds, caskets, shirts, wagons and packed meats.
Silk shirts are now seldom seen on men.
Consequently, only a few distinguished warriors wore shirts of mail.
Baltimore is also a well-known centre for the manufacture of clothing, in which in 1905 ($22,684,656) it ranked fourth among the cities of the United States; for cigar and cigarette-making (1905, $4,360,366); for the manufacture of foundry and machine shop products (1905, $6,572,925), of tinware (1905, $5,705,980), of„shirts (1905, $5,710,783), of cotton-duck (the output of sailduck being about three-fourths of the total for the United States), bricks (about 150,000,000 annually), and fertilizers; it also manufactures furniture,malt liquors,and confectionery, and many other commodities in smaller amounts.
Among Elgin's manufactures are watches and watch-cases, butter and other dairy products, cooperage (especially butter tubs), canned corn, shirts, foundry and machine-shop products, pipe-organs, and caskets and casket trimmings; in 1905 Elgin's total factory product was valued at $9,349, 2 74.
Content with a no-sweat life made up of V-necks and corduroys and flannel shirts and music no one else listened to anymore?
At the house, she abandoned the towel and put her arms into the sleeves of one of his shirts while he held it for her.
Any logo stitched leather biker jackets or D&O footy shirts?
Black Shirts in the 1930s including the notorious headline ' Hurrah for the Blackshirts ' .
It supported Mosley's fascist Black Shirts in the 1930s including the notorious headline ' Hurrah for the Blackshirts ' .
Black Shirt to get black T shirts to provide a good color contrast to the Club's colors.
Short sleeve shirts, shorts and trousers for men and short sleeve blouses, slacks and skirts are sufficient.
The men wore thick corduroy trousers, thick black jackets and black hats, gray flannel shirts, black thick socks and hobnailed boots.
They wear maroon and green rosettes with black breeches and white shirts.
In addition they stock a comprehensive range of 100% wool or cotton knitwear including cardigans and gilets, and handsome French Breton shirts.
A professional approach Our distinctive yellow polo shirts emblazoned with ' Ask me about Scouting ' prove a real hit.
Both teams wore shirts specially embroidered for the day with The Royal British Legion's famous symbol, the poppy.
The new V-neck jumpers are popular and best worn over the V-neck shirts.
Sporting some dodgy old mullets and wearing some truly hideous skinny ties and fetching shirts these guys were the REAL DEAL!
Jermyn Shirts Jermyn Shirts offers a range of high quality Men's Shirts, designer silk neckties and hand made cuff links.
The line also included nightwear, from traditional striped pjamas for boys to embroidered kaftan shirts for girls and fine needlecord dressing gowns.
The photographers (Tempest) will be identifiable by their gold polo shirts.
Balmoral has helped the Scotland team for many years and is supplying the specially designed commemorative polo shirts for the 6 Nations.
Savile Row Company Luxury womens shirts in herringbone, colored, plain poplin or pastel stripes with feminine detailing.
Winter wear for boys in the kindergarten was roll-neck blue pullovers, changing to gray shirts with blue ties higher up the school.
Rugby shirts adorned with CA logos.
A pub for all those who wear rugby shirts in spirit, if not body.
We have a range of products for the cruising sailor, ranging from the Cruising Almanac to rugby shirts adorned with CA logos.
You had me at " the only scots who paint themselves blue wear rangers shirts.
We offer a large selection of over 20 tennis skirts, tennis dresses, tennis shirts.
I made some really cool shirts for Hilken and I to wear that had all these cool patches sewn into them.
They will be wearing purple tee shirts with the Lowry logo.
The temperature in May is not too bad but long sleeved shirts or tops are mandatory.
If you are having a Hawaiian theme party, ask your caterer to have the wait staff where Hawaiian shirts.
The Cowards are a four-man sketch troupe who write smart, funny sketches and perform them in jeans and pumps and short-sleeved shirts.
Click on any of the t shirts to see a close up of the design.
We have a range of products for the cruising sailor, ranging from the Cruising Almanac to Rugby shirts adorned with CA logos.
We pass a washing line of black tee shirts strung across overgrown shrubbery.
The Cowards are a four-man sketch troupe who write smart, funny sketch troupe who write smart, funny sketches and perform them in jeans and pumps and short-sleeved shirts.
So to reduce the risk of sunburn and skin cancer use a high factor sunblock, long sleeved shirts or a wide brimmed hat.
But fascism, Adams warned, would not return wearing swastikas and brown shirts.
Optional - in cold weather students may wear plain tracksuit bottoms and school sweat shirts.
The new club tracksuit, training t-shirts and social shirts have now be released and can be seen below.
Others with shirts tucked in tight, thrust into smart trousers, hidden under shiny belt buckles.
Of the makers of paper boxes, of shirts, collars and cuffs, of hosiery and knitting mill operatives, of glove-makers, silk mill operatives and book-binders they are more than half; so also of other textile workers, excluding wool and cotton mill operatives (these last the second largest group of women workers in manufactures), in which occupations males arc in a slight excess.
Children come a-berrying, railroad men taking a Sunday morning walk in clean shirts, fishermen and hunters, poets and philosophers; in short, all honest pilgrims, who came out to the woods for freedom's sake, and really left the village behind, I was ready to greet with--"Welcome, Englishmen! welcome, Englishmen!" for I had had communication with that race.
They beat the tattoo, called the roll, had supper, and settled down round the fires for the night--some repairing their footgear, some smoking pipes, and some stripping themselves naked to steam the lice out of their shirts.
By the time the Town joined the Southern League in 1894, Swindon were wearing red and black quartered shirts.
Replica shirts will be flying off the shelves at the moment.
Rugby from Lovell Rugby A fantastic range of official rugby replica shirts, boots, equipment, training gear and leisurewear.
Scoop neck camisole goes with jeans and skirts or under shirts and suits.
You had me at the only scots who paint themselves blue wear rangers shirts.
Long sleeve shirts recommended in the highlands to prevent from sun burn.
No vests, sleeveless t-shirts, football shirts, torn denim or dirty work wear permitted.
Designer shirts and slinky dresses were the clubbers ' main choice and the majority of the crowd seemed to be on the pull.
Striped pjamas & herringbone shirt are a small selection from the Austin Reed range which also includes italian stripe shirts & cufflinks.
Dazzling white shirts surveyed the flower-bedecked chapel from behind the lapels of swallowtail coats.
Sporting union jacks and team uniform, team GBR mingled with all other teams swapping t shirts and getting signatures.
Meanwhile, come June, look out for cool Alta Vista sweat shirts.
If the sixties were that good, why are n't we all wearing tie-dye shirts and flowers in our hair?
But more recently they have acquired a splendid set of patterned tuxedo jackets, which they wear with proper dress shirts and black tie.
The staff may wear tuxedo shirts with bow ties and blank pants or skirts.
I have a plethora of shirts, so I will donate some.
Not only do they offer unique baby shirts, onesies and other clothing, they offer unique tutus, headbands, and big-flower adorned hats that are sure to attract attention wherever you go.
You can personalize sleep clothes, bedding, tiny baseball caps, shirts or anything else you like.
Personalized gifts can be cloth items, such as pillows, blankets, quilts, sheets, baby girl panties, jackets, diaper bags, shirts and dresses.
There are many tops, shirts, and dresses designed with nursing moms in mind.
Blow some small sized balloons up and have guests try to stuff their shirts with the balloons.
If so, look for personalized gifts, like embroidered diaper bags, bibs, burp rags, bloomers, shirts, or jackets.
If so, look for personalized gifts, like embroidered diaper bags, bibs, burp rags, shirts, or jackets.
Place a variety of monogrammed items into the basket, such as bibs, hats, socks, shoes, shirts, cloth diaper covers, burp cloths, blankets, towels, and washcloths.
It's simple for mothers to unhook the flap, lift up their shirts, and nurse their babies wherever they happen to be.
That's why it is best to purchase pants and shirts that can be matched with one another.
A sound wardrobe of boys' clothes for a child that attends some sort of school every day of the week would include five pairs of pants and 10 shirts.
The pants should be in basic colors and each pair of pants should be able to go with at least four of the shirts.
Target offers all sorts of baby clothes, from onesies to rompers to shirts.
Clothes dryers have come a long way since the days of those noisy square white boxes that shrunk your shirts.
Men's dress shirts are available off the hanger in stores, from catalogs and from tailors who make them to order.
Stores and catalogs usually offer shirts in standard sizes and you will need to really experiment to determine the brand and size that fits you best, aside from the other factors mentioned above.
There are many manufacturers of dress shirts.
Execshirts offers very good deals on custom made shirts.
Forzieri offers premium Italian brands with a very wide selection of men's dress shirts.
You can find a "middle budget to premium" range of men's dress shirts here.
Many nightshirts, also called sleep shirts, are essentially oversized t-shirts.
Choose shirts that fall to below the problem area, usually around mid-hip.
If you're the apple type who doesn't have broad shoulders but does have a round midsection, give empire-waist shirts a try.
Finally, if you're an apple type mainly because of a large bust, there are ways to make it look smaller-boatneck shirts or short or patterned bottoms with solid-colored tops.
Don't call attention to the waist area with belts, tucked-in shirts, or details near the waist/hips.
Flared skirts, ruffled shirts, thin straps, and layers do the same thing.
Jackets, pants and shirts for hunting have thick materials that provide protection from rain, snow and other harsh elements.
Now you get to decide the color of the pants, shirts, and evening gowns they wear.
Guys can also choose from a wide array of pants, cords, shorts, tops, jackets, shirts, and accessories.
Men's styles come in regular and tall, from small to XXXL for shirts and waist sizes 28-50 (inseams 30-36) for pants.
Buckle specializes in denim, while also offering shirts, shoes, and accessories.
The only limits on shirts are your own personal tastes.
There are also lots of things you can do with skirts (pencil skirts, tulip and A line) oxford style, shirts, and vests.
Too small polyester button-ups in dark colors look great, or try children's size tee shirts with random slogans.
The most popular look for Emo girls at the moment are tight tee shirts or tanks with random slogans.
Among their looks are Girls Skinny Fit T Shirts.
Silvein clothing has nine different tee shirts you can choose from.
Additionally, you can find skinny jeans, zip jackets and work shirts on this site.
To prevent unwanted attention, and in the wake of recent school shootings, check you school's policy on wearing tee shirts with violent messages and/or images.
We also found out that button down shirts, distinctive belts and an all over laid back or emo look is popular with young men.
In the past, we've seen rocker chic in the form of ripped jeans (although there is some of that style this season), painters' hats and ripped shirts.
This time around, the look is centered on tee shirts.
Whether it's a patterned vest, tee shirts that sport totems, or turquoise jewelry, this is an eye-catching trend that looks great on just about everyone.
Christian t shirts for teens are a fun way to express your faith - without even saying a word.
While in past decades Christian teens were relegated to either a simple piece of cross jewelry or making their own shirts, today there are a tremendous amount of options in Christian t shirts for teens and young adults.
One of the most popular and fun ways for teens to don Christian shirts is buy those that reinvent popular logos, slogans, pictures, and iconic pop-culture phrases.
Vintage teen clothing is popular, and Christian teens can wear vintage t shirts to show off their faith, too.
These shirts typically have a faded look and vintage style and may be designed with either modern logos or recreations from eras past that have a Christian spin.
Another popular type of Christian t shirt for youths is interest based Christian shirts.
Many teens love these types of shirts because it refutes the notion that Christians are 'boring' and don't know how to have fun.
Living an abundant life in Christ means pursuing all types of interested and activities, and interests based Christian t shirts express exactly that.
In addition to an image or depiction of an activity (guitar playing, racing, etc), these shirts often use a pun or play on words and a touch of humor to add interest.
While some of these t shirts are light-hearted and humorous, some are very strong in their messages.
Christian t shirts, especially strong issue-based messages or shirts that infuse humor, are sometimes considered controversial, particularly among certain sects and older generations.
Most teens that wear Christian t shirts have sincere belief systems and feel their apparel is a relevant, contemporary way to show their faith.
Whether lighthearted and fun or a bold message against what a teen feels is wrong, these shirts undoubtedly hold provocative messages for readers.
Christian t shirts for teens are sold at Christian bookstores, online retailers, and specialty t shirt companies.
You can also customize your own shirts from many online vendors.
Make sure you find out sizes for shirts and jeans so you don't buy something too small or too large.
The tees and tank shirts at Wet Seal have been conveniently separated from the tops category, so if you're just searching for something causal, this is where you need to look.
In addition to bedding featuring their emblem, try tacking team shirts, baseball caps and other memorabilia on the walls.
You'll need a chunky accessory just like this to take in the waist of long tunic shirts or to wear low slung on the hips for a rocker appeal.
What good would a wardrobe be without a ton of white shirts?
An expensive pair of the newest sneakers, a baseball cap bearing his favorite team's logo, funny graphic tee shirts, jackets, skull caps and more are all useful and practical.
You'll find a wide assortment of jeans, sweaters, shirts, and accessories for a reasonable price.
Picking out men's silk shirts for beach weddings is an important part of dressing the groom and his men.
For example, have the men wear silk shirts in lilac and then add a deep plum tie.
For the ultra-casual couple, have the men in the wedding party wear shorts with short-sleeved silk shirts, un-tucked.
To care for your silk men's shirts, be sure to tell the groom and groomsmen not to wear them before the ceremony.
Keep the shirts out of the sun until the day of the wedding so fading of the fabric does not occur.
Layers of heavy shirts, cummerbunds/vests, tie, and jacket can look fussy and be uncomfortable for little ones.
Alternatively, you may look for shirts with a built-in half vest and clip on tie.
If you are planning an informal wedding, want a modern feel, or simply just love the color, you can rest assured that red tuxedo shirts can be found.
You can find red formal tuxedo shirts at the same places you shop for other tuxedo wear.
If your tuxedo rental does not offer colored shirts, consider buying them for the groomsmen.
Gitman Tuxedo Shirts-With four different tuxedo shirts to choose from, you are sure to find one you like.
To get red shirts, call them at 1-800-259-7283.
Couples planning a theme wedding can also incorporate mens red tuxedo shirts.
Vintage ruffled shirts would be perfect for a Renaissance themed wedding.
A tuxedo rental company may not offer children's shirts in colors, as their boys' selection is often much smaller than the men's selection.
Department stores may also have red dress shirts that can be worn underneath a ring bearer tux, or if the ceremony is less formal, consider a red collared knit shirt instead and opt for the ring bearer to forgo the jacket.
Picking mens red tuxedo shirts to wear with classic tuxes will look contemporary and stylish.
Unless the invitation specifically states "casual", men should wear collared shirts such as button downs or polos beneath their sport jackets.
Men should always wear collared shirts and shoes that cover the toe.
Aside from the more formal wear required for the ceremony, the men's wardrobe should consist largely of khakis, polo shirts, golf shorts, and loafers or boating shoes.
A wedding is a place to look your best, and one of the ways men can keep their options in check is by always wearing shirts that feature a collar.
Outfit the entire group in matching shirts as a way to express your gratitude for their love and friendship.
For an elegant take, consider having the shirts monogrammed with the bridal party members' initials.Another way to personalize the tees is to include the date of the wedding and the bride and groom's names.
Add some graphics to the tee shirts that tie them to the wedding.
Men's shirts sometimes have a marriage joke, usually relating to the "ball and chain."
Shirts like these are perfect for the couple with fun-loving, easy-going personalities.
There are many other products constructed of this fine fiber, including sheets, dress shirts, casual tops, and much more.
Timberlake is most often photographed in button-down shirts, often with a vest and tie.
He designed many of the shirts he wore on American Idol.
Matthew McConaughey is more well known for not wearing shirts then he is for wearing them.
Then again, the items that are going to make up her entire collection don't seem very difficult to design, just a matter of finding a few cool graphics for t-shirts and choosing a couple of bright colors for other shirts and dresses.
He is widely known for his bright blue shirts, impeccably trimmed beard, and his habit of shouting at the camera.
Children never tire of cowboys, Indians, bows and arrows and the whole western theme, and because of this, little girls western shirts continue to be popular attire.
From cowboy boots to western shirts and even patchwork jeans, your little angel can dress like a cowgirl whenever she likes.
Although you might associate western wear with plaids or blue chambray, little girls western shirts can actually be found in virtually any pattern or style.
Stars and stripes, colorful shirts with brilliant flames or flowers, solid color shirts, and checkered patterns are just a few of the choices you can find.
While your daughter might choose to dress like a cowgirl for Halloween, she can also incorporate little girls western shirts into her everyday wear as well.
Western shirts are so versatile in their style, that even the pickiest dresser can find something that suits her.
From dressy shirts with pearl snap buttons, to casual flannels that are warm and comfy, the choices are numerous.
Where can you find western shirts for your little girl?
Local department stores like Wal-Mart or Target often carry western style shirts for boys and girls.
Choose from long-sleeved shirts to t-shirts with western logos.
They also offer monogramming, and if you want to choose matching shirts for you and your daughter, they can help you out with that as well.
The boys' shirts are also available at major department stores, such as Macy's and leading sporting good stores, such as Sports Authority.
Last names are rare for monogrammed kids clothes; however sometimes items like soccer T shirts are monogrammed with a last name, or, more often, the name of the team or the team's sponsor.
While the shirts were typically designed for boys and men, with broad stripes and a button-up style, more tailored designs are geared for girls and women.
You can also find petticoat dresses, pink bowling shirts, vintage polka dot dresses, mini-swing skirts, and more at Gypsies Do It Better.
Bebemonde also features adorable dresses and super soft shirts, which kids can't resist.
It is recommended that when your son is the appropriate age for the Wolf rank, you purchase short sleeved shirts instead of the traditional long, as boys grow quickly at this age and you will be more cost efficient.
Baby boy clothes in the summer include polo shirts, tank rompers, hats and shoes.
Girls T Shirts are great for any occasion - from casual to an evening out with family or friends, little girls should have a T shirt for all phases of life.
T shirts are usually known for what we wear when we are feeling casual and desire to be comfortable, and this is true with young girls as much as it is with teens and adults.
The best part about T shirts is that they are inexpensive and versatile, meaning girls have plenty of options.
Even though it may seem like an odd concept, some T shirts go well at special occasions such as weddings or church events.
Even major celebrities like Oprah have profiled the various dressy T shirts out there on her website, and many of these can be found in girls sizes simply by visiting your local department store or online shop.
Allow the girls to design their own shirts, and then have a debut fashion show where each one gets a chance to proudly show off her creation.
Shirts designed and created at home can also make fantastic gifts.
Since there are so many different types of T shirts out there, chances are you'll also run across those that aren't always deemed appropriate for young girls.
Those with exceptionally snarky phrases printed on the front, those carrying a well known adult logo (such as the Playboy bunny), and shirts that expose a midriff may not be allowed at your child's school.
Encourage your daughter to enjoy the only time she'll have to be young, and steer her toward all of the great, age-appropriate shirts available to her.
The teen idol made a habit of pairing her low rise jeans with cropped shirts to expose her torso and back.
More than three decades after the original movie was released, kids Star Wars shirts are still in high demand.
Kids Star Wars shirts, hats and shoes flew off store shelves when they first came out and their appeal has not diminished over the years.
Vintage Star Wars shirts for kids allow your children to display their dedication to the fictional forces of a far off galaxy.
Unfortunately, kids Star Wars shirts are not always easy to find.
The famous department store does not regularly carry Star Wars shirts for kids in its retail shops.
However, they do stock kids Star Wars shirts online.
One of their most popular shirts features a screen printed Star Wars design with Lando Calrissian on the front.
In addition, the site also carries Return of the Jedi and The Empire Strikes Back shirts for kids that can be paired with jeans or shorts.
Instead, stick to basic jeans,T-shirts, polo shirts, etc. You'll also want to throw in a few more pricey duds to balance out the wardrobe and make things fair.
Look for jeans, sweats, cotton pants and shirts - anything that will compliment and coordinate with other articles of clothing you already have.
Check jeans and shirts for any loose buttons or stitching before you buy . Some clearance items will have a no return policy, so once you buy it, you must keep it.
He can wear his pants with tee shirts, dress shirts, sweaters, vests, turtlenecks and much more.
Try a bright red or purple for fun, or pick up a few pairs of dark and light jeans to pair with shirts, sweaters and short skirts.
Having a selection of kids' polo shirts in a child's wardrobe makes it easy to grab a casual top whenever the need arises.
The beauty of polo shirts is that they're casual, but still dressier than tee shirts.
Polo shirts come in a wide range of price points, from inexpensive designs to designer labels that cost quite a bit more.
Kids' polo shirts are available in just about any color you commonly find in shirts, as well as striped and patterned styles.
Your biggest decision when it comes to choosing polo shirts for kids may be color.
Parents will find polo shirts for around $10.00 and up.
If you plan to keep these shirts for other children to wear, it's worth spending the extra money as higher-end brands contain quality details, such as better construction and fabrics, that make clothes last longer.
Polo tops are associated with preppy wear, but even kids who don't consider themselves preppies can enjoy slipping into one of these versatile shirts.
Girls have the option of wearing their polo shirts with skirts or slacks.
Polo shirts lend themselves easily to year-round use.
These shirts layer well for cold weather; add a pullover sweater or cardigan to a long-sleeved polo shirt for added warmth.
Kids tee shirts are a wardrobe staple for kids of all ages.
Whether you're looking for specialty items, or you just need to refurbish your children's supply of kids tee shirts, the choices are endless.
There are boys' and girls' tee shirts for every occasion.
While kids are often satisfied with a drawer full of shirts in a variety of colors, others only want particular brand names, such as Aeropostle, American Eagle, Gap, and Justice for Girls.
However, a lot of what goes into a kid's closet is based on what works best for a family's budget, and tee shirts are often some of the most economical clothing items you can buy.
Spring and summer see an abundance of short-sleeved shirts that work with jeans, khakis, shorts, skirts, and skorts for every occasion.
On the other hand, colder weather usually calls for long-sleeved tee shirts that again can be dressed up or down, depending upon the rest of the outfit and accessories.
Just because the weather has turned cold, however, doesn't mean you have to pack away your children's short-sleeved shirts.
One of today's hottest styles involves layering shirts in a variety of colors and patterns.
Plus, layering shirts helps you save money on buying an entirely new winter outfit.
Your child's short-sleeved shirts can last through spring, summer, fall, and winter, and you'll finally see a piece of clothing that wears out before he grows out of it!
You can typically find tee shirts for a fraction of the original price, and many of these may be like new or new-without-tags.
Add embellishments like buttons, glitter, sequins, ribbons, and small jewels to tee shirts to create a unique shirt that your kids will love designing and wearing.
Create tee shirts that work for every fun holiday, such as Halloween, Christmas, Valentine's Day, and more, using paints and other fun items, like feathers, lace, ribbons, and glitter.
Two piece pajamas are an excellent choice for potty training children as well, since they can quickly pull pants up and down, without removing their shirts.
Consider purchasing flannel pants and pairing them with a long-sleeved or short-sleeved T-shirt, or purchase sweat pants and sweat shirts as toasty alternatives.
Easy to wear and accessorize, they can be worn alone or over other shirts for added warmth.
These sleeveless sweaters are perfect for slipping over long-sleeved tee shirts, button-down shirts and turtlenecks.
They have girls personalized shirts, as well as other items customized to your daughter's own pretty name.
Choice Shirts has countless graphics that can be intertwined with a girl's name to give them a shirt for every occasion.
If you are looking to get personalized shirts for a girls dance team, sports team or school event, you can order them through your local screen printer or a website such as Custom Ink.
Shirts are always popular when it comes to character clothing.
Some shirts are customizable, giving you the option to choose your color, size and name.
You can also buy Thomas the train clothing such as shortall sets, tee shirts, glow in the dark shirts, pajamas and engineer caps.
With a wide selection of pajamas, underwear, plenty of shirts, sweatshirts and sets available, anyone who loves this helpful little engine will be excited to get dressed in his favorite Thomas duds every day.
Around the late 1980s, the Junior uniform was converted to a vibrant Kelly green design, and girls got more options with shirts and badge display styles.
Sweatshirts can also be hand decorated with fabric paints, so children can design their own holiday shirts.
Stores are typically in most suburban malls around the US and are shirts also available at their online store.
Boys traditionally wear suits or dress slacks, dress shirts and white ties, and girls are outfitted in white dresses and veils.
Shorts, tee shirts, bathing suits, flip flops and sundresses are all appropriate for this time of year.
The selection doesn't stop there, though; Chasing Fireflies children's clothing for boys also extends into the dressier range, offering argyle sweater vests and button front shirts that look startlingly similar to Dad's.
Standard soccer wear includes brightly colored team shirts with numbers, soccer shorts that hit right around the knee, cleats, shin guards and special soccer socks that can be worn over the shin guard.
Basketball tear-away pants, team shirts (usually sleeveless) and special tennis shoes, such as Air Jordans, make up this type of sports clothing.
These items can be purchased online through sites like Team Cheer or Cheer Zone.These sites also offer a wide choice of cheer clothing, including athletic pants, tee shirts, jackets and even accessories.
In addition to padding, shirts and heavy pants, your little hockey player will also need a mask, gloves, skates and padding.
Casual shirts featuring dinosaurs are a popular clothing item, especially for younger kids.
Whether you have a toddler that doesn't mind what you dress him in or you have a four year-old daughter who loves a specific dinosaur, there are numerous casual shirts featuring dinos.
In addition to casual shirts, this store also has some really unique items, like dinosaur tennis shoes, flip flops and hats.
They have a special section for animal tee shirts and among those are several choices for dinosaur shirts.
Girls' polo shirts can add a crisp preppy effect to pants, shorts and skirts, but more and more parents are seeking out these items for the sake of school uniforms.
Fortunately, polo shirts have long been a fashion staple, so they are relatively easy to find during every season.
Running an online search for girls' polo shirts can incur very broad results since, at any given time in the fashion world, there are hundreds of different polo shirt styles.
Polo shirts can have cropped sleeves, no sleeves, long sleeves, and ¾ sleeves.
Polo shirts are always a popular item because they can be made to look both dressy or casual, though they almost always look neat due to their pert little collar.
So, if you are conducting an Internet search for polo shirts because they are a required school uniform item, you will want to avoid the trendier stores and seek out places that sell the basics.
Every school has its own preferred color scheme, though most allow simple white polo shirts to remain at the forefront of their uniforms.
Target is amongst the less expensive stores that sell girls' white polo shirts alongside many other colors.
For school uniforms you will need polo shirts that are long enough to be tucked into either pants or skirts.
The Nordstrom uniform polo shirts are about twice the price of your Target versions, but the material will be softer, more pliable, and yet less likely to lose shape over time.
Macy's also sells polo shirts at prices comparable to Nordstrom.
A great way to save money when purchasing your uniform polo shirts is to buy a year in advance and conduct your purchases more towards the end of the school year when such items tend to go on sale.
Of course, you might be hunting down polo shirts simply because you like the sharp look of collared shirts on your daughter, or you enjoy the preppy appeal of such clothing.
Though Lacoste shirts can be purchased at stores nationwide and upscale department chains such as Saks and Neiman Marcus, the online site is an excellent place to find sale items.
Though the pique polo also comes in uniform friendly colors such as white and navy, the presence of this darling crocodile often goes unappreciated by school systems, and so these shirts remain absent from the uniform circuit.
Sadly, the signature polo player decal, again, renders these shirts inappropriate for uniform standards.
Clothing styles range from tee shirts and shorts to skirts, jeans, and even spring dresses and formal dresses.
Whether you want a polo shirt for a cute family picture or your child just likes to look his best when going to school or playing, Ralph Lauren polo shirts are both timeless and classic.
The style of Ralph Lauren clothing tends to be classic and on the preppy side, with an emphasis on collared shirts, v-neck sweaters, tweeds, blues and reds and other classic patterns.
The materials are thick and the shirts themselves can stand up to wear.
Like most retail shops, at the end of the season or at back-to-school and Christmas time, the polo shirts may go on sale.
Ralph Lauren outlet stores can often offer the best prices on the shirts, sometimes allowing you to find a polo at well-below retail.
When you go shopping for Ralph Lauren polo shirts, remember that you are buying more than just a piece of clothing - you are buying the brand identity and the reputation and quality.
For the goth or alt or just generally cool kid in your life, a good selection of kids' rock tee shirts are a must.
As with adult tees, the shirts can either be specific to a band and a concert, or they can be an alt shirt in either a long or short-sleeved version.
You will predominately find a lot of shirts for kids with bands that are now retro, at least to them.
Unless you live in a major city, you will have to buy kids' rock tee shirts online.
Some shops will have shirts that approximate the look, but there is no point in buying a rock shirt for a kid that is anything less than authentic.
Psycho Baby Online also has a good selection of kids' rock tee shirts, with Johnny Cash and the Ramones being among the favorites.
Wolfgang's Vault, which has an enormous selection of retro and even vintage shirts for the whole family, as well as posters, photography and tickets so you can really trip down memory lane, is serious about its kids' shirts.
The shirts are all designed in retro colors and prints, so that they look like the exact rock tees bought in the day.
Rock, which keeps the music alive, has a lot of kids' tee shirts in both modern and retro designs.
Looking for kids' bowling shirts can seem like a pretty simple thing to put on your to-do list.
You might think that shopping for these tees is easy, considering that team colors and perhaps font might be your only initial consideration, but what if your child decides that they like bowling shirts for everyday wear?
These shirts are often available in traditional color combinations.
Pique polo bowling shirts are a cute choice for younger kids who don't want to deal with button-down designs.
Shop online for bowling shirts at any of these locations.
Many offer options for matching adult shirts, and bulk orders are quite often discounted.
Be sure to know the exact amount of shirts required for the team before you order!
Their shirts come with vibrant designs on the back that are both fun and funky.
Some shirts are simple, with a few lines and details, while others take the two-toned styling to another level.
Sports shirts are also available for the kid on the go.
Shopping for kids' bowling shirts is the perfect pastime to enjoy with your kids, and you probably noticed that you have more options than you thought.
Looking for bowling shirts doesn't have to be a chore, and it can be a great way to bond with your children.
These shirts sold very well and were rapidly grabbed up by celebrity stylists whose clients would later be seen photographed all over the world wearing colorful Splendid T-shirts.
For something that's at once simple and stands out, Advantage Bridal also sells shirts for the young set.
Sure, boys typically compete in the formal portion of a pageant dressed in suits or tuxes, but there is plenty of room for variation in the colors of the vests, shirts, and ties to accompany the suit.
This keeps shirts from riding up and exposing little bellies to the chilly nighttime air.
Two piece pajama tops may be in pull-over style or feature buttons or snaps on the front of the shirts.
If you shop for a boy regularly, you're probably already familiar with his interest in boys western shirts.
You may also find shirts that combine one or two western shirt trends, and that's fine, too.
Now that you know what different shirt styles are available to buy for boys, you'll need some good places to shop for these shirts.
Kitson offers a ton of funky children's shirts with western flair.
From bold black and white to intricate plaid, the shirts on this site are young and fresh.
They may not be the most traditional western-style shirts, but they are trendy and draw inspiration from traditional sources.
If your child likes to wear corduroy and other heavy slacks, denim western shirts keep the look rugged.
Old Navy plaid shirts are affordable and simple, and if you need to buy several for a busy kid who might rip or stain them, you will save money.
True Religion plaid shirts are available in complex patterns that look great with denim.
If you are still looking for boys western shirts, you're sure to find one soon.
Individuals who claim that there is no difference between a ten dollar shirt and a sixty dollar shirt should investigate the manufacturing, tailoring, and composition of the shirts in question to see if such claims hold any truth.
They have an excellent selectio