Shimmies Sentence Examples
When the lure is working properly, the tip will vibrate quickly as the plug shimmies through the water.
Just a glimpse of stocking, of ankle and perfectly formed calf before she shimmies away into the night for another rendez-vous without vous.
He belly crawls to the door and shimmies up to the door frame.
Ribs - Although there aren't as many official variations, the ribs are used in movements that are very similar to those of the hips, including circles, shimmies, lifts, and drops.
Shoulders - Shoulders can also be used for lifts, drops, thrusts, or shimmies.
The International Academy of Middle Eastern Dance sells dozens of instructional DVDs, including titles focusing on finger cymbals and shimmies.
After that the moves head much more towards the world of hip hop, with many hip thrusts, contractions, shimmies, and the like.
Step your right foot to the right side, two more shimmies.
Step your left foot to the left side, two shimmies, and then close your right foot in next to your left.
It operates by wireless remote and not only moves forward and backward, but shimmies up and down, spins and has independent left and right rear-wheel drive for quick pivoting.