Shield Sentence Examples
She lifted her hand to shield her eyes from the sun.
She lifted a hand to shield her eyes from the evening sun while she talked to him.
In the details of construction the shield was the novelty.
He maintained a shield around it that made it invisible to those who didn't know where it was.
Fit overs literally shield your existing glasses.
She bears the aegis, the awful shield of Zeus.
While helmets provide little protection in a serious fall, they're a must to shield you from junk dropped or dislodged from above you.
There he sat with his arms forming a protective shield around her.
In his seventieth year, as lieutenant-general of the North, he led the English host on the great day of Flodden, earning a patent of the dukedom of Norfolk, dated 1 February 1513/4, and that strange patent which granted to him and his heirs that they should bear in the midst of the silver bend of their Howard shield a demi-lion stricken in the mouth with an arrow, in the right colours of the arms of the king of Scotland.
Cephalic shield short, truncated posteriorly; eyes deeply embedded; three calcareous stomachal plates; shell external, with reduced spire.
AdvertisementThe shield, helmet and saddle, which formed part of the original funeral equipment, still hang above it.
The mouth is anterior, terminal and crescentic, and beneath it is a rounded ventral shield.
At the same time the size of the shield was increased, the more completely to cover the body of the warrior.
They had, besides, the lance, the club, sometimes studded with pebbles, and the javelin, and they seem to have known the shield.
The Solomon Islands are, in the Pacific, the eastern limit of the use of the shield.
AdvertisementA natural consecration also hallows objects fallen from heaven, like the holy shield of the Sabii, or the holy ikons or pictures "not made with hands" which abound in Russia.
The most common article of defensive armour was the shield, which was small and circular and apparently of quite thin lime-wood, the edge being formed probably by a thin band of iron.
Here, in 1784, was found a brass Roman shield.
The weapons are the spat ha, or double-bladed German sword, the sax (a short sword, or long knife, semispathium), the knife, shield, and the favorite German axe, though this latter is not found in Bavaria.
In the centre of the shield, in order to protect the hand which held it, was a strong iron boss, some 7 in.
AdvertisementThe skeleton is laid out at full length, generally with the head towards the west or north, a spear at one side and a sword and shield obliquely across the middle.
The Work To reform the Church in every grade and purge of Gregory the priesthood in order to shield it from feudal VII.
The people of the district to which the candidate belonged were called together; his qualifications for the privileges about to be conferred upon him were inquired into; and, if he were deemed fitted and worthy to receive them, his chief, his father, or one of his near kinsmen presented him with a shield and a lance.
He now became a " squire of the body," and truly an " armiger " or " scutifer," for he bore the shield and armour of his leader to the field, and, what was a task of no small difficulty and hazard, cased and secured him in his panoply of war before assisting him to mount his courser or charger.
The bit of wood e must be gently withdrawn, care being taken that the bud adheres wholly to the bark or shield, FIG.
AdvertisementThe bark on each side of the perpendicular slit being then cautiously opened, as at b, with the handle of the knife, the bud and shield are inserted as shown at c. The upper tip of the shield is cut off horizontally, and brought to fit the bark of the stock at the transverse incision.
In about a month or six weeks the ligatures may be removed or slit with the knife to allow for the swelling stem, when, if the operation has been successful, the bud will be fresh and full, and the shield firmly united to the wood.
The union is effected as in grafting, by means of the organizable sap or cambium, and the less this is disturbed until the inner bark of the shield is pressed and fixed against it the better.
They raised him on a shield and acclaimed him as a king; leader and followers both resolving (says Jordanes the Gothic historian) "rather to seek new kingdoms by their own labour, than to slumber in peaceful subjection to the rule of others."
On that occasion, apparently by way of protest against the decree of the diet of Vesteras (r 5th of January 1 544), declaring the Swedish crown hereditary in Gustavus's family, the Danish king caused to be quartered on his daughter's shield not only the three Danish lions and the Norwegian lion with the axe of St Olaf, but also "the three crowns" of Sweden.
Olaf leapt into the sea holding his shield edgeways, so that he sank at once and the weight of his hauberk dragged him down.
At Argos, his native place, during the festival of Athena, his shield was carried through the streets as a relic, together with the Palladium, and his statue was washed in the river Inachus.
They carried double-edged swords and short daggers for use hand to hand, the steel of which was hardened b y being buried underground; their defensive armour was a light Gallic shield or a round wicker buckler, and greaves of felt round their legs.
Polemarchus occupied a house in Athens itself, Lysias another in the Peiraeus, near which was their shield manufactory, employing a hundred.
The discussions of the next few years served to make clearer than before the practical workings of the constitution of the United States as a shield and support of slavery; and Garrison, after a long and painful reflection, came to the conclusion that its pro-slavery clauses were immoral, and that it was therefore wrong to take an oath for its support.
So, although the warlike character of Hera was not elsewhere prominent, she assumed a militant aspect in her two chief cities; a festival called the Shield (iuriris, in Pindar ay Wv X6XKEos) was part of the Argive cult, and there was an armed procession in her honour at Samos.
On the earliest monuments she is represented by a shield transfixed by arrows.
A case in point is the employment of hydraulic lime in place of Portland cement as grouting outside the cast-iron tubes used for lining tunnels made by the shield system.
Mrs Carlyle had to pass many hours alone, and the management of the household and of devices intended to shield him from annoyances was left entirely to her.
The origin of this is the Old High German scirman, to fight behind a shield, scirm, Modern German Schirm.
Homer's description of the shield of Achilles, made of bronze, enriched with bands of figure reliefs in gold, silver and tin, could hardly have been written by a man who had not some personal acquaintance with works in metal of a very elaborate kind.
They were rivalled by Elkington of Birmingham, who secured the permanent assistance of at least one fine artist, Morel Ladeuil, the producer of the Elcho Challenge Shield.
As early as the 8th century the laws of the Langobard King Aistulf distinguished three classes of merchants (negotiantes), among whom the majores et potentes were required to keep themselves provided with horse, lance, shield and a cuirass.
In heraldry a "pale" is a band placed vertically in the centre of a shield, hence "in pale" or "to impale" is used of the marshalling of two coats side by side on a shield divided vertically.
The technicalities of justice he never allowed to interfere with his plans; but he did not hesitate to shield his friends.
The chief cause of dispute was the quartering by the Danish king of the three crowns of Sweden on the Dano-Norwegian shield, which was supposed to indicate a claim of sovereignty.
Fleury, Rabelais is a sober reformer, an apostle of earnest work, of sound education, of rational if not dogmatic religion, who wraps up his morals in a farcical envelope partly to make them go down with the vulgar and partly to shield himself from the consequences of his reforming zeal.
When, in 1154, Aquitaine passed to the English crown, this counterseal disappeared, and eventually in subsequent reigns a fleur-de-lis or the shield of arms of France took its place.
In the German royal seals the imperial eagle or the imperial shield of arms was the ordinary counterseal.
The mouth is overhung by a large labrum or upper lip, and the integument of the dorsal surface of the body forms a more or less definite dorsal shield.
With the elongation of the body, the dorsal shield begins to project posteriorly as a shell-fold, which may increase in size to envelop more or less of the body or may disappear altogether.
The men scarcely ever appear without a long curved knife, generally they carry shield and spear as well.
The original arms were a sickle-shaped sword, spear and shield.
Lion skins belong to the emperor, but the slayer keeps a strip to decorate his shield.
At the end of the first year of training, the ephebi were reviewed, and, if their performance was satisfactory, were provided by the state with a spear and a shield, which, together with the chlamys (cloak) and petasus (broad-brimmed hat), made up their equipment.
Here also are kept the sword and shield of Edward III., still used in the coronation ceremony.
In 1747 he decreed the abolition of serfdom, but this enactment was not carried 1 One of these, with the legend " Constantinvs Bassaraba De Brancovan D.G.Voevoda Et Princeps Valachiae Transalpinae," and having on the reverse the crowned shield of Walachia containing a raven holding a cross in its beak between a moon and a star, is engraved by Del Chiaro.
Laidlaw afterward repeatedly sued Sage for damages, claiming that Sage had used him as a shield at the moment of the explosion, but his suits were unsuccessful.
In 1852 his interest in questions of reform led to his becoming the editor of the Lambton Shield, a local Liberal paper.
The crescent is employed as a charge in heraldry, with its horns vertical; when they are turned to the dexter side of the shield, it is called increscent, when to the sinister, decrescent.
Along the straight edge there is usually a broad band, and at the neck is attached the "hood" (in Latin, the clypeus or shield), i.e.
In 627 Heraclius built the wall along the west of the quarter of Aivan Serai, in order to bring the level tract at the foot of the 6th hill within the city bounds, and shield the church of Blachernae, which had been exposed to great danger during the siege of the city by the Avars in that year.
For this exploit he received, in 1774, the honorific epithet Chesmensky, and the privilege of quartering the imperial arms in his shield.
A character of great diagnostic value in the more primitive Arachnida is the tendency of the chitinous investment of the tergal surface of the telson to unite during growth with that of the free somites in front of it, so as to form a pygidial shield or posterior carapace, often comprising as many as fifteen somites (Trilobites, Limulus).
A characteristic, comparable in value to that presented by the pygidial shield of Arachnida, is the frequent development of a pair of long appendages by the penultimate somite, which with the telson form a trifid, or, when that is small, a bifid termination to the body.
Again the mob invaded the Convention, murdered a deputy named Feraud who attempted to shield the president, and set his head on a pike.
He instituted the flamens (sacred priests) of Jupiter, Mars and Quirinus; the virgins of Vesta, to keep the sacred fire burning on the hearth of the city; the Salii, to guard the shield that fell from heaven; the pontifices and augurs, to arrange the rites and interpret the will of the gods; he also divided the handicraftsmen into nine gilds.
Their occupation was hunting and war; their arms the bow, spear, axe, a half shield, nearly in the shape of a crescent, called pelta, and in early art a helmet, the model before the Greek mind having apparently been the goddess Athena.
There are also fragments of poems in Half's Saga, Asmund KappaBana's Saga, in the Latin verses of Saxo, and the Shield Lays (Ragnarsdrapa) by Bragi, &c., of this school, which closes with the Sun-Song, a powerful Christian Dantesque poem, recalling some of the early compositions of the Irish Church, and with the 12th-century Lay of Ragnar, Lay of Starkad, The Proverb Song (Havamal) and Krakumal, to which we may add those singular Gloss-poems, the Pulur, which also belong to the Western Isles.
The head, which had the power of turning into stone all who looked upon it, was given to Athena, who placed in her shield; according to another account, Perseus buried it in the marketplace of Argos.
The karwar is about a foot high, with head disproportionately large; the male figures are sometimes represented with a spear and shield, the female holding a snake.
Each person who had a seat in the king's house had his shield suspended over him.
The principal weapons of the Irish soldiers were a lance, a sword and a shield; though prior to the Anglo-Norman invasion they had adopted the battle-axe from the Scandinavians.
This latter type scarcely goes back to the round shield of the Bronze age.
The constant enemies of the gods, the giants, could also assume animal forms. Thus in Thiodolf's Haust-long (composed after the settlement of Iceland) we read about a shield on which events from mythology were painted; among these was the flight of " giant Thiazzi in an ancient eagle's feathers."
Behind that shield of waste the Christian kingdom developed; from the death of Alphonso I.
The men who raised Pelayo on the shield believed themselves to be electing a successor to Roderic, and indeed they were.
The priestesses by whom she was served are depicted in early art as armed with the double-headed axe, and the dances they performed in her honour with shield and bow gave rise to the myths which saw in them.
Having obtained a ministry in which he could trust, having as members the duc de Richelieu and Decazes, the king now gave it his loyal support and did his best to shield his ministers from the attacks of the royal family.
All the influence he possessed was freely spent in endeavouring to shield his countrymen from the worst consequences of their rashness.
The hero sprang up and, finding that his sword had been removed, attacked Hagen with his shield.
Though to death he was wounded he struck so strong a stroke That from the shattered shield-rim forthwith out there broke Showers of flashing jewels; the shield in fragments lay.2 Then reproaching them for their cowardice and treachery, Siegfried fell dying "amid the flowers," while the knights gathered round lamenting.
It is Hagen, too, who after the 2 This last fight with the shield seems to have belonged to the common stock of heroic story.
He flew in a specialist, she responded, pulling the blanket over her head to shield her further from the sunlight.
Pain roared through her, and she sought both to shield her eyes from a crystal chandelier blinding her and to grab her burning leg.
The petite woman started to run, ignoring the demons that swiped at her with talons large enough to take off her head with one swipe. She seemed immune to the demons' strikes. They fell away, as if hitting an invisible shield. The bizarre display drew more than Katie and Toby's attention. A ripple went through the demons, and they turned to watch the tiny woman sprinting towards them with flashing blue eyes.
The woman professing to shield and heal her people had blood on her hands?
The Fyrd who had left the shield wall were then ambushed and slaughtered by Norman cavalry.
You may dodge arrows or bolts or use your shield to block them.
A further augmentation was added to the shield in 1807 in honor of Trafalgar.
The Knights Shield displayed an heraldic blazon which identified the Knight.
The original Bradford shield featured a red and blue per pale field bearing an engrailed gold chevron between three hunting horns.
The owl is shown on its rock rising from a gold circlet charged with the three red rings from the Shield.
Liz tells Larry that she has claustrophobia so Larry agrees to blow the fuse controlling the shield.
They wore a red cloak with a shield of the arms of St George on the left shoulder.
A second, lockable storage compartment is housed in the rear of the leg shield.
This shield also bears a crescent in middle chief.
Captain Rhian Williams duly received the League Shield from RFU President Gill Burns before an appreciative crowd on the pitch after the match.
Reverse Both types of reverse show a crowned lion bearing a sword and arrows on a large shield surmounted by a large crown.
It seems curious that an SCCU trophy in this mold, however deplorable its condition, should be replaced by a wooden shield.
I will shield myself from any fire-breathing dragons with this pebble.
The shield incorporates elements symbolic of the three original wards constituted in 1879.
The shield is made of burr elm, rich in color with lots of features throughout the grain.
A mini excavator working in the jacking shield, just ahead of the first pipe, removed 290 cubic meters of spoil.
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At first sight the shield seems to show A fess between three?
The Great Shield was fatally flawed; in time the tiny fracture would grow into a gaping wound.
A similar clasp knife handle from South Shields Roman fort, made in ivory, depicts a gladiator with rectangular shield standing en garde.
These include a dough hook, beater, wire whisk, a 4.8 liter stainless steel bowl and a pouring shield.
Even if you could do that, and could shield yourself from the effects and enter hyperspace, alarming things would happen to you.
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Stand close to the cash machine and always shield the keypad to avoid anyone seeing you enter your PIN.
The blue shield, gold cross and four rampant lions come from the Arms of the Bishopric.
One added extra is a shield which can be used if the ship is about to be hit by a meteor.
Green shield stamps are coming in at a steady rate and we only want another 999 books for a new minivan.
You have termed the claim of influence by " The Bellero Shield " a " mere nit " elsewhere.
The principle danger of the Van Allen belts is high-energy protons, which are not that difficult to shield against.
The round-headed rampion, commonly called " the Pride of Sussex " has been used as the main charge on the shield.
Recently remounted onto an oak shield made to suit.
Shield This man carries a large rectangular shield called a scutum.
Is the protective shield established for the benefit of the young person themselves?
Foreign stories this week - The Americans conduct an experiment in the development of an anti-missile shield in Space.
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Eight of the 10 were either once an integral part of the USSR or constituted its defensive shield against Nato and the capitalist west.
Shield volcanoes are low or almost flat, which makes them look like a big shield volcanoes are low or almost flat, which makes them look like a big shield.
Political momentum to build a missile shield for the entire United States is now strong.
The warrior tried to get the sharp iron spearhead under the enemy's shield to stab him.
The backs shaped in a classical Hepplewhite shield shape with centrally carved wheat ears, over a central lire shaped splat.
To penetrate this shield, the person has first to bring to the surface his psychological stratagems by identifying with them.
The sports exhaust tailpipes, housed within a heat shield, fit into the rear bumper for good ground clearance plus a racy look.
The Mistress of Ceremonies, Crystal, opened the day with the play-off of the Annual Unity Shield 5-a-side football tournament.
Stratospheric ozone acts as a shield by absorbing potentially harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation which would otherwise reach the earth's surface.
McClure, chairman of Swansea's owner Silver Shield and the club's vice-chairman, added his support for Hollins.
Shield volcanoes are low or almost flat, which makes them look like a big shield.
Brazilian traffic warden saws woman in half Trusted computing a shield against worst attacks?
Alexander himself first visited the site of Troy and there went through those dramatic acts of sacrifice to the Ilian Athena, assumption of the shield believed to be that of Achilles and offerings to the great Homeric dead, which are significant of the poetic glamour shed, in the young king's mind, over the whole enterprise, and which men will estimate differently according to the part they assign to imagination in human affairs.
Cephalic shield broad, thick and simple; shell wholly internal, thin, spire much reduced, aperture very large.
He then sent for his bow, quiver, arrows, shield and sword, and arrayed himself in martial style, so that, as the Sikh chronicler states, his splendour shone like the sun.
The athletic side of the movement has been represented in national and international races by vegetarians winning the Berlin and Dresden walking match (125 m.), the Carwardine Cup (too m.) and Dibble Shield (6 hours) cycling races (190t and 1902), the amateur championship of England in racquets and in tennis (held by Mr Eustace Miles for a series of years), the cycling championship of India (3 years), half-mile running championship of Scotland (1896), world's amateur cycle records for all times from 4 hours to 13 hours (1902), too miles championship Yorkshire Road Club (1899, 1901).
From the chaplain and his mistress and her damsels he learnt the rudiments of religion, of rectitude and of love, 3 from his master and his squires the elements of military exercise, to cast a spear or dart, to sustain a shield, and to march with the measured tread of a soldier; and from his master and his huntsmen and falconers the " mysteries of the woods and rivers," or in other words the rules and practices of hunting and hawking.
The Hallstatt culture is that of the Homeric Achaeans (see Achaeans), but as the brooch (along with iron, cremation of the dead, the round shield and the geometric ornament) passed down into Greece from central Europe, and as brooches are found in the lower town at Mycenae, 1350 B.C., they must have been invented long before that date in central Europe.
The top of Pentelicus commands a view over the plain of Marathon, and from it the Athenian traitors gave the signal to the Persians by a flashing shield on the day of the battle.
Siegfried readily agreed, and though handicapped by carrying shield, sword and spear, easily reached the goal first, but waited, with his customary courtesy, until the king had arrived and drunk before slaking his own thirst.
Saying that the gfx in games like raven shield are top notch and that sorta runs... sort of.
Shield Reverse The shield reverse was last used for Queen Victoria from 1838 to 1887 inclusive.
The central head is held aloft by female ' Victories ', on a shield ringed with oak leaves.
As shield bosses are different then the wings, bolts and tridents are all going to be slightly different in exact positioning.
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Stratospheric ozone acts as a shield by absorbing potentially harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation which would otherwise reach the earth 's surface.
McClure, chairman of Swansea 's owner Silver Shield and the club 's vice-chairman, added his support for Hollins.
The shield seemed to waver for a moment, but the spell ended, and the shield recovered.
Medium to lightweight car seat covers can be used in the warmer months to help shield your baby from the sun, cool winds, and even rain.
Blue Cross/Blue Shield allows you to get health insurance purchase information straight from their home page.
The Shield Pro is in the little league of antivirus protection as far as name recognition and resources, but its popularity has grown by word-of-mouth.
The Shield Pro, like McAfee, includes a firewall, and is reputed to consume little computer resources, its foremost praise.
The Shield's easy-to-use interface is appreciated by novices and the company is also lauded for offering one-year of free technical support.
Riders are encouraged to wear sturdy eye wear to shield from the wind and debris.
Finally, make sure you are on a secure Web site, usually signified by a shield with an informational link somewhere on the home page.
Although it may be difficult to completely protect yourself from this crime, there are things you can do to shield yourself.
Endless War 3 - If you enjoy shootouts, try this action-packed title - as long as you don't mind using your buddy as a human shield.
A simple wrap that complements your dress can help shield you from wind, a chill in the air, or sea spray.
This was important because their attendants would often share a room with them, so the bed's draped curtain provided a certain shield between the two.
Jackson tried to use her hand to shield herself but she wasn't fast enough, and this moment of celebrity nudity was broadcast for millions to see.
Larger plants may be used to shield plants from heavy winds or strong sun and prevent the more tender plants from being uprooted or from wilting.
Halogen bulbs burn very hot; so take care to choose lighting systems that shield the bulb to help prevent fires.
The shield makes a stunning ring design.
Most natural fabrics shield the skin from sunburn anyway, but if you're out in the sun all day, you'll want as much extra protection as you can get.
The classic orange, black and white "Bar & Shield" logo is still widely available on a variety of merchandise as well as skull motifs and the Mile High logo.
Prices from $14.99 (the Worldwide Sportsman Key West Shorts from Keys Kayak Fishing, for example) to $79.00 (the Ex Officio Convertible Pants with Insect Shield ® from L.L. Bean).
The brim is designed to shield your eyes and face from the sun.
When shopping for a boonie hat, be sure to get a style that has a brim wide enough to shield your face from the sun and one done in a lightweight material that will keep you cool in the summer months.
Stay behind a safety shield or screen if an experiment you are watching could result in an implosion, explosion or fire flash.
Not only do they protect your face from falling snow, they also shield your eyes against the glare created when bright sunglight hits pure white snow.
Consider experimenting with wraparound or shield frames.
Glasses with a gray lens are going to shield you the most from the elements.
This unique shield lens look is available for $369.00.
Whether you're searching for a rimless pair, a shield pair or classic aviators, you'll be able to find it here!
The wraparound shield lens provides UV400 protection for your eyes while the sporty look comes in eight different colors.
Some people have jobs or are into activities that require a bit more protection than just a shield from sunlight.
There's often a shield on both sides as well as the top and bottom.
Why should you trust Solar Shield to keep your eyes happy?
You can't order directly from the Solar Shield website but you can visit it to find a list of dealers near you.
Just because the sun isn't bright, that doesn't mean there's nothing to shield yourself from.
Unless your job requires you to wear a full-face shield, there's a good chance there is laser protection out there that will mesh well with your personal style.
You could need the full-face shield, or you could be fine with a wrap style of frames.
One popular style was worn by actor Michael Chiklis who portrays character Vic Mackey in the drama The Shield.
In short, this means that you get to see more clearly and don't have to shield your eyes with your hand when you encounter a flat surface.
For Rainbow Six 3, you have Raven Shield, Black Arrow and Iron Wrath.
The Rogue is a treasure-hunting Dwarf with strengths in the Crossbow and foiling traps, but cannot wear a shield or heavy armor without training.
New modes were introduced like no shield fighting and enemy health regeneration.
One is the Blood shield, which depletes as you get hit.
Block with the shield is important in melee combat.
Black Eye is in Crow's Nest and when activated, melee tactics replenish your shield energy.
When you find an overshield and pick it up, you become temporarily invincible as the shield charges up to full green.
Collecting all of the Spell Arts will help in obtaining Goofy's Dream Shield from Merlin.
Animate one of them by destroying their shield, and find a way to get him near the edge by the waterfall area you just crossed.
Board the vehicle, and when the Hawk returns to you, press the RB button to activate the shield.
Use Crassus Medusa shield and activate its power to turn him into stone.
The village blacksmith asks him to deliver a sword and shield to Hyrule Castle in his stead.
The human Link is the traditional Legend of Zelda hero who uses the boomerang, sword, shield, bow, and so on.
The larger shield reflects more than just rocks and arrows.
The giant will ask if he can eat your shield.
Don't buy a replacement, just come talk to him a bit later and he'll present you with the Mirror Shield.
With your sword and shield at the ready, Link can easily target and take on baddies that step in his way.
The Invisible Shield line from Zagg is a popular choice, as it does not have a big impact on the look and feel of your phone.
A protective shield or bandage may be placed over it while the fracture heals.
To reduce risk of radiation exposure, anyone remaining in the scanning room during x-ray delivery will have to wear a lead apron on shield.
Pacifiers consists of a latex or silicone nipple with a firm plastic shield and handle.
The nipple should be knotted around the back of the handle and the shield and handle should be one piece.
The shield should be at least 1.5 inches (6 cm) across so that it will not fit in the baby's mouth.
The shield should have air holes or vents to prevent saliva from collecting behind it and causing an irritation or rash.
Making weapons means that an "attack" is often imminent, so protect yourself or your soldiers by creating a paper shield and wearing Lisa Shea's origami helmet.
The suits shield the skin from the harsh effects of salt water and the cold, as well as protecting the wearer from jellyfish stings and bites.
Lenses are shatter-resistant polycarbonate plastic and come equipped with ultra violet protection to shield childrens' delicate eyes.
They are never a substitute for complete sun protection and it's vital to always shield your skin from harmful UVA/UVB rays.
Longer dresses add a touch of casual elegance while helping to shield your legs from pesky mosquitos.
The mixing bowl is a five-quart stainless steel with an attached handle and detachable pouring shield.
Some mixers in the series, such as the KitchenAid Artisan Series, come equipped with a pore shield.
This shield makes it easier to pour batter out of the mixing bowl and into baking pans.
Since the pour shield is made of thin plastic, it can warp or break after several uses.
The wire whisk, mixing bowl, pour shield, feet, and accessory knob are a simple switch.
The ProShield Plus has the Helios Shield feature, which is a permanent smell and VOC removing filter.
The ProShield Plus model also has a Helios Shield, which uses ultraviolet light to reduce volatile organic compounds and kill odors.
Oreck's optional Helios Shield permanent odor absorber captures and removes unpleasant odors, aerosol vapors and chemical fumes, making the air safer and more pleasant to breathe.
It also comes with a pouring shield and has a tilt-head design.
Separate the cutting wheel from the shield screen and clean both parts using the brush and running water.
Snap the screen shield back over the blades and return the cutter to its place in the holder and then remove the next cutter.
A hurricane globe is a glass sleeve that fits around a taper or pillar candle to shield it from breezes that can either blow out the candle or cause it to burn unevenly.
A candle holder may shield the flame and stop it from blowing out or burning unevenly.
A character costume might include a hooded jumpsuit, black and white tunic with embroidered patch, brown belt, boot covers, a sword, shield and a crown.
Before you access them, be sure there isn't anyone else around that you want to shield from the computer screen!
This will shield your inbox from a possible flurry of unwanted email requests.
Closed settings, such as bezel settings or channel settings, are less suitable because they shield more of the gem and may dull its color, but they can be used to conceal slight flaws if necessary.
While it's unrealistic-- and undesirable-- to shield kids from every family squabble, it is a mistake to put them front and center.
The Fingershield is a shield that fits over the hinge of almost any door.
Test how different materials such as steel, iron and aluminum block radio waves using a remote controlled vehicle and kitchen pots and pans as a shield.
Tanning is the body's natural response to protect it from UV radiation; a shield, if you will, to avoid absorbing more of those rays.
The look varies, but the emblem resembles a Maltese cross and has the words individually inked on the west, north and east compass points of the shield.
He is often dressed in attire similar to Roman armor, and he wields a large sword and a heavy shield.
The Tattoo Camo website introduces a product they claim to be smudge-free when applied with the Magic Shield setting spray.
Do note that the Magic Shield spray is sold separately, as is the Remover Tonic.
Six years after launching, Victorinox began supplying items for the Swiss army but its iconic cross and shield symbol didn't appear until 1909.
The unique shield shape of the case remains in place accompanied by a cool rubber strap and futuristic styling.
Parents should try to shield the children from their financial worries, if possible, to prevent feelings of insecurity.
Resident Shield scans every file opened, executed, or saved and prevents the opening or executing of infected files.
A Nevada incorporation provides a nearly impenetrable corporate veil, or shield, which protects businesses that incorporate there.
You can also use the bag as an emergency rain shield if needed.
Or, you can check on individual company websites like Blue Cross Blue Shield.
The Blue Cross Blue Shield name is one of the most recognized brands in the health insurance industry.
This may be because Blue Cross Blue Shield provides insurance coverage for one of every three Americans.
The Blue Shield concept began growing around the same time in lumber and mining camps across the Pacific Northwest.
These pioneering insurance programs provided the basis for what would become the Blue Shield Plans that we know today.
When the Blue Cross and Blue Shield organizations finally merged in 1982, they were both quite popular in their own right.
The Blue Cross Blue Shield Company is primarily a health insurance provider.
As a member of the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Plan, you will have access to doctors and hospitals almost everywhere across the country and around the world.
To get a quote or to learn more about obtaining Blue Cross Blue Shield Health Coverage, you should contact your local Blue Cross and Blue Shield Plan.
Though the beginnings were humble, the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association has grown to become the most recognized brand of insurance in the industry and now provides coverage to more than 94 million people in all regions of the country.
Blue Cross Blue Shield also has contracts with more hospitals and physicians than any other insurer.
Your Choice Count - In an effort to promote consumer awareness, Blue Cross Blue Shield provides their customers with information about health care basics and choices that can be made to help keep health care affordable.
To learn more about the different Global Travel Shield options, visit the Global Travel Shield website.
Terms and restrictions apply as stated by Global Travel Shield.
Blue Cross Blue Shield offers a dental policy that does not require a waiting period as long as claims come from a dentist within the insurance network.
Blue Cross/Blue Shield - Many think of Blue Cross and Blue Shield as a company that only covers groups.
Blue Cross/Blue Shield does quote family policies that can be tailored to the type of insurance you want and they can make it affordable for you and your family.
You will then be directed to your state's Blue Cross/Blue Shield division.
Perhaps the largest health care provider in the United States, Blue Cross/Blue Shield offers online quotes for both individuals and families.
Blue Cross/Blue Shield offers both HMO and PPO plans with varying deductibles including prescription and vision coverage.
Low monthly premiums, even from companies such as Blue Cross and Blue Shield, are especially attractive to these individuals.
However, Americans should keep in mind that the familiar Blue Cross Blue Shield of the United States is not the same company.
While cost is always an important determinant when shopping for insurance, it is also necessary to keep in mind just what type of financial risk you're attempting to shield yourself from.
Speaking to a few large nationwide companies such as United Health Care and Blue Cross Blue Shield is a good place to start.
Many major insurance companies such as Aetna, Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield, Kaiser Permanente, and United Healthcare, to name a few, offer competitive health insurance rates to citizens of Virginia.
This top has breast forms and is made to shield your chest while it drains, a frequent occurrence after breast surgery.
A camisole acts a shield against chafing and sweating, and you won't need to worry about staining or damaging your finest cashmere.
Accessorize with a sword, shield and helmet.
The long-running CBS show Survivor, is a great example, as producers shield cast offs from the media until their episode airs.
The emergency klaxon or "Red Alert" was also developed during the series creating an automatic process of polarizing the shield plating while also bringing the ships phasers and photon torpedos online.
Eowyn - The niece of Theoden, Eowyn is a shield maiden and longs to battle at her father's side, but Theoden tries to send her away for protection.
Keri Lynn makes her Smallville debut on the episode "Shield."
Covering your baby or his car seat with a blanket can shield the little one's skin from wind and cold when entering or exiting the car.
Neutrogena Age Shield Hand Cream provides SPF 30.
If you are a male who works outdoors, it is vital you shield your skin every day with a decent SPF.
Not only does it help shield the skin from harmful ultraviolet rays, it keeps the skin continually hydrated and helps eliminate the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
Once the process has begun, age spots will continue to appear unless you shield you skin from the sun's rays.
An eye shield is worn to protect the eyes from overexposure to the laser.
The uniforms of the two military branches were distinguished by the insignias and the Coast Guard shield.
Up until 1972, the US Coast Guard uniforms were the same as those worn by the US Navy except for the Coast Guard shield insignia.
For example, the shield worn on the new US Coast Guard uniforms will be displayed on the shirt pocket and the back flap of the trousers.
While many fire uniform patches have been adopted by fire stations to resemble police shield badges, many have stayed with the shape of the Maltese Cross with any of the above-mentioned symbols in combinations impressed upon them.
You can attach a face shield to many of Bullard's hats, and the hats are also designed to allow you to wear items such as goggles or earmuffs, all while enjoying the protection that a Bullard hat provides.
The standard model comes with a flannel lining, Nomex ear flap, Bourke eye shield, silk screened eagle shield holder, and Reflexite trim.
The deluxe is similar, featuring a PBI ear flap instead of Nomex, carved eagle shield holder instead of silk screened, and a leather inner liner instead of flannel.
This simply describes whether the helmet's shield will move.
One of the best options for this is to choose a helmet that has a curved clear spatter shield over the optics region.
Jared motioned him away from the door. Rhyn stepped aside warily. The full-demon tried to walk through, only to be thrown to the ground by an invisible shield.
The louvres 1, 1, l are placed to shield the central region occupied by the blast-pipe.
The true Baggara tribesmen employ oxen as saddle and pack animals, carry no shield, and though many possess firearms the customary weapons are lance and sword.
It represented the goddess, standing in the stiff archaic style, holding a spear in her right hand, in her left a distaff and spindle or a shield.
Shield Nicholson's Principles of Political Economy (3 vols.) not only gives a survey of economic principles since Mill's time, but contains much suggestive and original work.
Cephalic shield continuous with neck; twelve to fourteen stomachal plates; a posterior pallial filament passing through a notch in shell.
George Low (1747-1795), the naturalist and historian of Orkney, who made a tour through Shetland in 1774, described a Runic monument which he saw in the churchyard of Crosskirk, in Northmavine parish (Mainland), and several fragments of Norse swords, shield bosses and brooches have been dug up from time to time.
They protected themselves in battle with a large wooden or wicker shield, the centre of which was ornamented with an iron boss (umbo).
These require constant shifting because the objects are in contact at many points, and because the top ones shield those below from the depositing action of the current.
The usual attributes of Athena were the helmet, the aegis, the round shield with the head of Medusa in the centre, the lance, an olive branch, the owl, the cock and the snake.
But most important of the evidences presented by the trilobites of affinity with Limulus, and therefore with the Arachnida, is the tendency less marked in some, strongly carried out in others, to form a pygidial or telsonic shield - a fusion of the posterior somites of the body, which is precisely identical in character with the metasomatic carapace of Limulus.
A telsonic tergal shield of greater or less size is always present, which may be imperfectly divided into well-marked but immovable tergites indicating incompletely differentiated somites.
The form of the middle and lateral regions of the prosomatic shield has been used, and an excessive importance attached to the demarcation of certain areas in that structure.
The dorsal aspect is presented showing the prosomatic shield with paired compound eyes and the prosomatic appendages II.
The fault of the controversialists on both sides has been that each party has only seen "one side of the shield."
Another variety has a red back, with pairs of black crossbars, the bands of each pair being separated by a narrow yellow space; sides brown, dotted with black; belly dark green, the outer portion of each ventral shield being yellow,.
From this fact it follows that we can shield any conductor entirely from external influence by other "charged conductors by enclosing it in a metal case.
According to the story, during the reign of Numa a small oval shield fell from heaven, and Numa, in order to prevent its being stolen, had eleven others made exactly like it.
On the 1st, they marched in procession through the city, dressed in an embroidered tunic, a brazen breastplate and a peaked cap; each carried a sword by his side and a short staff in his right hand, with which the shield, borne on the left arm, was struck from time to time.
The Pentatomidae (shield bugs), some of which are metallic or otherwise brightly coloured, are easily recognized by the great development of the scutellum, which reaches at least half-way back towards the tip of the abdomen, and in some genera covers the whole of the hind body, and also the wings when these are closed.
The crown which strangely enough surmounts the shield with the arms of the Commonwealth on the coins of Oliver Cromwell (as distinguished from those of the Commonwealth itself, which have no crown) is a royal crown with alternate crosses and fleurs-de-lys round the circlet, and is surmounted by three arches, which, though somewhat flattened, are not bent.
They are closely arrayed, capable of depression or elevation, and form a shield to the front of the breast impenetrable by the bill of a rival.
Their arms comprise two short swords, a longer spear, a round shield, and they sometimes wear a coat of mail; a curious feature is their tactics of fighting in a circle of protecting shields.
Shield sights were introduced for disappearing mountings to admit of continuous laying for line, and a disk engraved for yards of range duly corrected for height, and called an " elevation indicator," replaced the index plate and reader.
To prevent his going to the siege of Troy, Thetis disguised him in female apparel, and hid him among the maidens at the court of King Lycomedes in Scyros; but Odysseus, coming to.the island in the disguise of a pedlar, spread his wares, including a spear and shield, before the king's daughters, among whom was Achilles.
In a war which the Parian colonists waged with the Saians, a Thracian tribe, the poet Archilochus threw away his shield.
The Branchiopoda have a very variable number of body-segments, with or without a shield, simple or bivalved, and some of the postoral appendages normally branchial.
In the outward appearance of the adults there is great want of uniformity, one set having their limbs sheltered by no carapace, another having a broad shield over most of them, and a third having a bivalved shell-cover within which the whole body can be enclosed.
Apus australiensis (Spencer and Hall, 1896) may rank as the largest of the Entomostraca, reaching in the male, from front of shield to end of telson, a length of 70 mm., in the female of 64 mm.
There is, therefore, every likelihood that he retained for some years enough influence to shield his brother.
On the Wealth of Nations, see the prefaces to M'Culloch's, Rogers's, Shield Nicholson's and Cannan's editions of that work; Rogers's Historical Gleanings (1869); the art.
After the birth of a child, the tonalpouhqui or;sun-calculator drew its horoscope from the signs it was born under, and fixed the time for its solemn lustration or baptism, performed by the nurse with appropriate prayers to the gods, when a toy shield and bow were provided if it was a boy, or a toy spindle and distaff if it was a girl, and the child received its name.
The mid-region of the body, composed of jointed segments, is followed by a larger or smaller region consisting of fused segments and termed the pygidium or caudal shield, which in some cases is as large as the head-shield itself, in other cases much smaller.
In Paradoxides, for example, there are about twenty freely movable segments followed by a very short and small pygidium, whereas in Agnostus the freely movable segments are reduced to two and the pygidium is as large as the cephalic shield.
They are also well marked on the cephalic shield, the tergal elements being represented by a median axial elevated area showing indistinct signs of segmentation, and a lateral unsegmented plate, the gena, which carries the eyes.
Under the pygidium or caudal shield the appendages were much shortened, and their main branch consisted of broader and flatter segments than those of the preceding limbs.
The use of the fleur-de-lis in heraldry dates from the 12th century, soon after which period it became a very common charge in France, England and Germany, where every gentleman of coat-armour desired to adorn his shield Middle Ages.
This interior plain of the continent represents the area of the ancient sea by which it was occupied in Mesozoic times, with a more ancient margin towards the north-west against the Archean, where undisturbed limestones and other rocks of the Silurian and Devonian rest upon the downward slope of the Laurentian Shield.
His daring is illustrated by the story that he came by night to the temple of Athene "of the Brazen House" at Sparta, and there set up his shield with the inscription, "Dedicated to the goddess by Aristomenes from the Spartans."
This shield if shaped in such a manner as to resemble closely the body of an ant, the median portion of the shield being deeply constricted in imitation of the waist and the terminal portion sub-globular like the abdomen of the ant.
The badge is a gold oval bearing in gold a crowned and collared bear on a crenellated wall; below the ring by which the badge is attached to the ribbon is a shield with the arms of the house of Anhalt, on the reverse those of the house of Ascania.
For purposes of defence the rank and file merely carried a light hide-covered shield; which the infantry, in shooting, planted before them as a sort of barrier against the enemys missiles.
Again, a peasant of Vinci having in his simplicity asked Ser Piero to get a picture painted for him on a wooden shield, the father is said to have laughingly handed on the commission to his son, who thereupon shut himself up with all the noxious insects and grotesque reptiles he could find, observed and drew and dissected them assiduously, and produced at last a picture of a dragon compounded of their various shapes and aspects, which was so fierce and so life-like as to terrify all who saw it.
We see him full of tenderness to animals, a virtue not common in Italy in spite of the example of St Francis; open-handed in giving, not eager in getting- "poor," he says, "is the man of many wants"; not prone to resentment - "the best shield against injustice is to double the cloak of long-suffering"; zealous in labour above all men - "as a day well spent gives joyful sleep, so does a life well spent give joyful death."
The warrior tried to get the sharp iron spearhead under the enemy 's shield to stab him.