Shells Sentence Examples
Tortoise shells are my absolute favorites.
The shells and kernels are then separated in a winnowing machine.
For a long time these shells or hulls, as they are called, were burned at oil mills for fuel, 22 tons being held equal to a cord of wood, and 43 tons to a ton of coal.
In round numbers one-third of their effectives had fallen - most of them in the first great rush forward at 5.30 p.m.; but actually they had been more or less under fire since about 2 p.m., and many were hit by French shells plunging into the turmoil about St Privat from 8 to 10 p.m.
But the remainder of the troops had to be withdrawn, and confusion breaking out in their rear, exposed to all the random bullets and shells of the French, a panic ensued, thousands of men breaking away and flying in wildest confusion through Gravelotte towards the west.
These and the gunwale are tastefully inlaid with mother-of-pearl and wreathed with shells and feathers.
The mound builders, Pueblo tribes, middle Americans and Peruvians, were potters of many schools; gorgeous colour fascinated the Amazonians, the Patagonians delighted in skins, and even the Fuegians saw beauty in the pretty snail shells of their desolate island shores.
There are post and telegraph offices, and a great export trade is done in pistachios and almonds, the latter being of the kind called Kaghazi (" of paper") with very thin shells, famous throughout the country.
Before leaving, he led his troops to the coast opposite Britain, and ordered them to pick up shells on the seashore, to be dedicated to the gods at Rome as the spoils of ocean.
At Sheppey it is rich in various kinds of fossil fish and shells.
AdvertisementThe middle series of the Lower Tertiaries, known as the Woolwich and Reading beds, rests either on the Thanet beds or on chalk, and consists chiefly of irregular alternations of clay and sand of very various colours, the former often containing estuarine and oyster shells and the latter flint pebbles.
Recently elevated marine clays, of post-glacial date, fringe the south-eastern coast, while gravels with marine shells, side by side with flint implements chipped by early man, have been lifted some 20 ft.
After this failure Tresckow once more resorted to the regular method of siege approaches, and on the 2nd of February the second parallel was thrown up. La Justice was now bombarded by two new batteries near Perouse, the Perches were of course subjected to an "artillery attack," and henceforward the besiegers fired 1500 shells a day into the works of the French.
Shaler, state geologist in 1873-1880, " When the rocks whence they flow were formed on the Silurian sea-floors, a good deal of the sea-water was imprisoned in the strata, between the grains of sand or mud and in the cavities of the shells that make up a large part of these rocks.
Successive observers in Italy, notably Fracastoro (1483-1553), Fabio Colonna (1567-1640 or 1650) and Nicolaus Steno (1638 - c. 1687), a Danish anatomist, professor in Padua, advanced the still embryonic science and set forth the principle of comparison of fossil with living forms. Near the end of the 17th century Martin Lister (1638-1712), examining the Mesozoic shell types of England, recognized the great similarity as well as the differences between these and modern species, and insisted on the need of close comparison of fossil and living shells, yet he clung to the old view that fossils were sports of nature.
AdvertisementIn Italy, where shells of the subApennine formations were discovered in the extensive quarrying for the fortifications of cities, the close similarity between these Tertiary and the modern species soon led to the established recognition of their organic origin.
These and other early monographs on the Tertiary shells of the Paris basin, of the environs of Bordeaux, and of the sub-Apennine formations of Italy, brought out the striking distinctness of these faunas from each other and from other molluscan faunas.
De Blainville added to the knowledge of the shells of the Paris basin; Giovanni Battista Brocchi (1772-1826) in 1814, and Luigi Bellardi (1818-1889) and Giovanni Michelotti (born 1812) in 1840, described the Pliocene molluscs of the subApennine formation of Italy; from Germany and Austria appeared the epoch-making works of Heinrich Ernst Beyrich (1815-1896) and of Moritz Hoernes (1815-1868).
The minute gradations observed by Hyatt, Waagen and all invertebrate palaeontologists, in the hard parts (shells) of molluscs, &c., are analogous to the equally minute gradations observed by vertebrate palaeontologists in the hard parts of reptiles and mammals.
Mother-of-pearl or abalone and other shells are also found, and, with sponges, are exported.
AdvertisementIt often feeds on fresh-water turtles; sometimes following the reptiles into the water to effect a capture, it inserts a paw between the shells and drags out the body of the turtle by means of its sharp claws.
It contains land shells, and hence cannot be attributed to marine or lacustrine submergence.
Most of the fossils of the bess are shells of terrestrial gastropods, but bones of land mammals are also found in not a few places.
These permit the eggs to be landed in Europe in a practically fresh condition as to flavour, with the shells quite full.
Many indications of ice action are found in these islands; striated surfaces are to be seen on the cliffs in Eday and Westray, in Kirkwall Bay and on Stennie Hill in Eday; boulder clay, with marine shells, and with many boulders of rocks foreign to the islands (chalk, oolitic limestone, flint, &c.), which must have been brought up from the region of Moray Firth, rests upon the old strata in many places.
AdvertisementOne of these portions is more liga mentous and serves to keep the two shells con stantly attached to one another, _.....Zunule whilst the more fleshy portion serves to close the shell rapidly when it has been gaping.
The adductor muscles placed in the concavity of the shells act upon the long arms of the lever at a mechanical advantage; their contraction keeps the shells shut, and stretches the ligament or spring h.
On the other hand, the ligament h acts upon the short arm formed by the umbonal ridge of the shells; whenever the adductors relax, the elastic substance of the ligament contracts, and the shells gape.
By this it is brought into contact with the fin of a fish, such as perch, stickleback or others, and effects a hold thereon by means of the toothed edge of its shells.
Jeans, 2 who showed that a shell-like constitution of the atom, the shells being electrically charged, 1 Proc. Roy.
Boepple, a German, the buttons being made from the shells of the fresh-water mussel found in the neighbourhood; and there are other manufactures.
Rigby had kept up a continuous fire with their pompoms and Lewis guns till two heavy shells got home on it, killing or disabling everyone there except Sergt.
Two shells struck the ship on the starboard side.
She was struck by three shells, which killed or wounded half the crew and wrecked the engines.
Some seeds require prolonged immersion in water to soften their shells; others are of so delicate a texture that they would dry up and perish if not kept constantly in a moist atmosphere.
Dorsal view of Chiton Wosnessenksii, Midd., showing the eight shells.
Brachiopods occupied an important place; most typical were the Productids, some of which reached a great size and had very thick shells.
Many fish inhabited the Carboniferous seas and most of these were Elasmobranchs, sharks with crushing pavement teeth (Psammodus), adapted for grinding the shells of brachiopods, crustaceans, &c. Other sharks had piercing teeth (Cladoselache and Cladodus); some, the petalodonts, had peculiar cycloid cutting teeth.
The appearance of northern shells in the upper divisions of the Pliocene series indicates the approach of the Glacial period, and glacial drift containing Scandinavian boulders now covers much of the country east of the Zuider Zee.
They include worsted spinning mills; collieries, ironstone mines, quarries and brickworks; the manufacture of iron and steel, both in the rough and in the form of finished articles, as locomotives, bridge castings, ships' engines, gun castings and shells, &c. The parliamentary borough returns one member.
Nearly one hundred and fifty years ago Pallas had his attention arrested by the existence of the salt lakes and dry saline deposits on the steppes to the east of the Caspian, and at great distances from its shores, and by the presence in the same localities of shells of the same marine fauna as that which now inhabits that sea, and he suggested the obvious explanation that those regions must formerly have been covered by the waters of the sea.
Blende, is also found sporadically in sedimentary rocks; for example, in nodules of clay-ironstone in the Coal Measures, in the cement-doggers of the Lias, and in the casts of fossil shells.
Ornaments of perforated teeth and shells are found.
That the level of Lake Aral was much higher in postPliocene times is proved by the discovery of shells of its characteristic species of Pecten and Mytilus in the Kara-kum Desert, 33 m.
Most of the larger species of marine Rhodophyceae are attached by means of a disc to rocks, stones or shells.
Some are perforating algae and burrow into the substance of molluscan shells, in company with certain Green and Blue-green Algae.
The Franco-German War engaged Flach's activities in other directions, and he spent two years (described in his Strasbourg apres le bonabardement, 1873) at work on the rebuilding of the library and the museum, which had been destroyed by Prussian shells.
For water-vessels, &c., they employ gourds and large coco-nut shells, in preparing which they pour in water and allow the pulp or the kernel to decay, so that it may be removed without breaking the rind or shell.
Sharks' teeth, shells and bamboo were formerly generally used as cutting instruments for shaving and surgical operations.
When thoroughly dried the shells are broken with a wooden mallet or flat board and the nutmegs picked out and sorted, the smaller and inferior ones being reserved for the expression of the fixed oil which they contain, and which forms the so-called oil of mace.
It consisted of beads made from shells, and, unlike the cowry-money of India and Africa (which was the shell in its natural state), required a considerable measure of skill in its manufacture.
The fathom was the name for a count, and the number of shells varied according to the accepted standard of exchange.
There are 67 species of birds known from Sokotra, of which 15 are endemic; of 22 reptiles, 3 genera and 14 species are peculiar; and of the land and fresh-water shells, to whose distribution great importance attaches, 44 species out of 47 are confined to the island.
It is largely arid and there are no permanent streams. Its zoology resembles that of Sokotra, but the fauna includes land shells and scorpions peculiar to Abd-elKuri.
While most of the species are of interest chiefly to the conchologist, there are a number of edible forms. The shells of Placuna placenta, L., split into thin flat plates and, cut into small squares, are almost universally used in place of window glass.
The shells of the pearly nautilus are commonly used by the Visayans for drinking cups.
Curtis (1813-1889), known by her pen name, " Mina Myrtle," and by Harriet Farley (1817-1907), who became manager and proprietor, and published selections from the Offering under the titles Shells from the Strand of the Sea of Genius (1847) and Mind among the Spindles (1849), with an introduction by Charles Knight.
The bombardment opened with a shower of gas shells, mainly directed against the artillery positions.
Next day, by a skilfully conducted attack following a liberal use of gas shells, he pinched up the Meletta-Badenecche salient, occupying both Tondarecar and Badenecche and taking Monte Fior and Castelgomberto in the rear.
However that may be, the German divisions, in spite of a great expenditure of shells, could gain no ground.
Conclusive proofs, however, of a later submergence under a post-Glacial Littorina sea (containing shells now living in the Baltic) are found up to 150 ft.
The other items of cost are labour, the quantity of which depends on the mechanical appliances provided for handling the converter shells and inserting the lining; and the blast, which in barrel-shaped converters is low and in vertical converters is high, and which varies therefore from 3 to is lb to the square inch.
The oldest is a sandstone, in which are found traces of worms, impressions of Medusae, and shells of Mickwitzia.
On the coasts of the ancient ice-sea, in which the glacial clay was deposited, there were heaped-up masses of shells which belong to species still extant around Spitzbergen and Greenland.
In the shallow lakes and enclosed bays of the sea there began to be formed and still is in course of formation a deposit known by the name gyttja, characterized by the diatomaceous shells it contains.
Ultimately they sink to the bottom and fix themselves to shells, stones or other objects, and rapidly take on the appearance of minute oysters, forming white disks 2 o in.
Oysters do not flourish in water containing less than 3% salt; and hence they are absent from the Baltic. The chief enemies of oysters are the dog-whelk, Purpura lapillus, and the whelk-tingle, Murex erinaceus, which bore through the shells.
Cliona, the boring sponge, destroys the shells and so injures the oyster; the boring annelid Leucodore also excavates the shell.
Unoccupied territory may, however, be prepared for the reception of new beds, by spreading sand, gravel and shells over muddy bottoms, or, indeed, beds may be kept up in locations for permanent natural beds, by putting down mature oysters and cultch just before the time of breeding, thus giving the young a chance to fix themselves before the currents and enemies have had time to accomplish much in the way of destruction.
If we suppose a normal v less than E to be drawn from the surface S into the liquid, we may divide the shell into elementary shells whose thickness is dv, in each of which the density and other properties of the liquid will be constant.
The volume of one of these shells will be Sdv.
The membrane may be relatively thick, and even exhibit shells or strata.
In art he is depicted as a vigorous old man with long hair and beard, his body terminating in a scaly tail, his breast covered with shells and seaweed.
It is not obvious why these fresh-water forms have been associated popularly with the Mytilacea under the name mussel, unless it be on account of the frequently very dark colour of their shells.
Unio pictorum, the common river mussel (Thames), appears to owe its name to the fact that the shells were used at one time for holding water-colour paints as now shells of this species and of the sea mussel are used for holding gold and silver paint sold by artists' colourmen, but it has no other economic value.
The oviducts may have diverticula serving as receptacles for the spermatozoa (in cases where internal impregnation takes place), and may be provided with glands secreting envelopes or shells around the eggs.
They had clothing of skins rudely stitched together with bark thread, and they were decorated with simple necklaces of kangaroo teeth, shells and berries.
In "capped quartz" these layers are thicker, and the successive shells of the crystal may be easily separated.
Three coecilians, three batrachians (including a mountain-frequenting frog) and three fresh-water crustaceans are also indigenous, and about twenty-six species of land shells.
Mussel fisheries, an industry confined to the Mississippi river counties from Lincoln to Lewis, are economically important, as the shells are used in the manufacture of pearl buttons.
The low Cordilleras of the Chocos, on the west coast, are covered by soft Quaternary sandstones and marls containing shells of extant species, such as still inhabit the neighbouring ocean.
It contains reminiscences of Frederick and of Voltaire, a few pictures by ancient masters, a theatre, and a large hall decorated with shells and minerals.
At Cambridge he obtained fossil shells from the Pleistocene deposit at Barnwell; in the Vale of Wardour he discovered in Purbeck Beds the isopod named by Milne-Edwards Archaeoniscus Brodiei; in Buckinghamshire he described the outliers of Purbeck and Portland Beds; and in the Vale of Gloucester the Lias and Oolites claimed his attention.
The great "Blue Sea" of Central Asia, the Sea of Aral, which at a recent epoch (Post-Glacial) extended south-west as far as Sary-kamysh, and the shells of which are found north and east of its present shores 50 to 200 ft.
They contain shells of molluscs now inhabiting the Sea of Aral, and in their petrographical features are exactly like those of the lower Volga.
It is commonly supposed to be capable of prizing limpets from their rock, and of opening the shells of mussels; but, though undoubtedly it feeds on both, further evidence as to the way in which it procures them is desirable.
Near Husavik in the north there have been found marine deposits containing a number of marine shells; they belong to the Red Crag division of the Pliocene.
In several places there are traces of shells; and sometimes skeletal remains of whales and walruses, as well as ancient driftwood, have been discovered at tolerable distances from the present coast.
The Papuan loves personal adornment and loses no chance of dressing himself up. His chief home-made ornaments are necklaces, armlets and ear-rings of shells, teeth or fibre, and cassowary, cockatoo, or bird of paradise feathers - the last two, or a flower, are worn through the septum of the nose.
On festal occasions he decks his wellforked-out and dyed hair with feathers and flowers, and sticks others in his ear-lobe holes and under his armlets; while a warrior will have ovula shells and various bones of his victims dangling from ringlets of his hair, or fixed to his armbands or girdle.
All sorts of jingling sounds also are music to the ear, especially the clattering in time of strings of beans in their dry shells, and so these and other rattles are found attached to the drum, leg-bands and many of the utensils, implements and weapons.
Shells may become completely silicified, or may have their cavities occupied by flint with every detail of the interior of the shell preserved in the outer surface of the cast.
There are also exported maize, vanilla and a variety of fruits in small quantities; pearl and other shells and bechede-mer.
One or two land shells, a few spiders, several Coleoptera, a small lepidopter and a few other insects are recorded, but no Orthoptera or Hymenoptera.
The characteristic shells are found at Lea, 2 m.
Guano and mother-of-pearl shells are the principal articles of export; the population of the islands is about 300.
The seeds and nuts are then decorticated (where required), the shells removed, and the kernels ("meats") converted into a pulpy mass or meal (in older establishments by crushing and grinding between stones in edge-runners) on passing through a hopper over rollers consisting of five chilled iron or steel cylinders mounted vertically like the bowls of a calendar.
These strata are homotaxial with PermoCarboniferous rocks in Europe and North America, as determined by the order of succession of the rocks, and by the occurrence of typical Palaeozoic shells in associated marine deposits.
The most important evidence on which this conclusion is based is afforded by the occurrence of European forms of Carboniferous shells in marine strata in New South Wales, which are intercalated between Coal Measures containing members of the Glossopteris flora, and.
Astonished, she stared through the shallows to the sand, shells, and critters below as she walked, admiring and uneasy with the changes in the terrain and creatures as the ocean grew opaque and deep.
When the shells are thus exposed and slightly agape, the stabbing method of opening the shell is more successful.
I have made the address available in case anybody is actually willing to buy these shells.
H.P.B., herself a clairvoyant, describes the apparitions as shells, as mere portraits.
This closeness had increased the difficulty of firing explosive shells into enemy positions before an infantry assault.
Free living barnacle larvae are chemically attracted to barnacle larvae are chemically attracted to barnacle shells and tend to settle among established adults.
They advanced behind a creeping barrage - a curtain of falling shells which crept forward just ahead of them.
It is made out of locally found materials such as quartz, blue mussel shells, black basalt and worn down colored glass.
After lunch she wanted to use the egg shells to grow cress in - no cress, so they now have basil.
Fossil sea shells can be found in the rocks, including bivalves related to modern oysters.
Opening large bivalves (shells) requires considerable force, and the Oystercatcher is well-adapted for this purpose.
Again, numerous shells broke above including some rather nice gold brocades with blue peony core.
Strewn around are numerous exposed shells and bren gun carriers among other debris.
The salver is beautifully engraved with shells, diaper work and central cartouche with monogram.
The garden was designed with further recycled resources in mind using old chimney pots, railroad sleepers and cockle shells from the local beach.
Clive generic self-testing shells was also seen as a useful tool for immediate delivery of courseware.
More commonly, coconut crabs are harvested as well as coral and shells.
Derived fossils can be collected along the foreshore including echinoid 's in flint, shells and occasional mammal bones.
Ramsgate Behind the busy Port of Ramsgate, high Chalk Cliffs yield echinoid 's and shells.
Some very large mussel shells can further be found by digging into the clay, these are extremely fragile.
Take fragrant spices; gum mastic, aromatic shells, 4 galbanum; add pure frankincense to the spices in equal proportions.
However, some types of shell make use of base fuzes, as in the case of the SAPHE shells already mentioned.
Just put 4-8 half shells in the unbleached cotton bag provided.
Customs officers at Heathrow recently seized heroin packed into the shells of live snails.
Shells are mahogany and poplar with maple reinforcing hoops, and round bearing edges.
The Boer shells proved very inefficient which was a lucky thing for us.
The beauty of them is that they are practically invulnerable, except by very large shells.
The shells were always fired via a mortar launcher.
They are usually beds containing numbers of fossils of marine mollusks, the calcareous shells of which supply calcium.
This time our shells not only neutralize the troops but also cause a landslide which buries much enemy equipment and stores.
Did Little Fell first & I didn't see any shells or other ordnance.
My business involves the creation of individually crafted gifts and decorative ornaments made from real egg shells.
The presence of shells of the pearl oyster, Pinctada radiata, in deposits at the site suggest an possible involvement in pearling.
Fierce fighting went on all evening with high explosive shells ripping into thick armor plating.
Left; Ammunition boxes still remain intact filled with shells, I shot this image just above the aft quadruple pom Pom pom guns.
Light shells with a high range using standard propellants.
Three very pretty purple shells with persistent comet trails exploded overhead (video clip 1 below ).
Atomic and ionic radius increase down both groups as can be predicted from the increasing number of shells.
Every boy had a tin or other receptacle containing jagged pieces of metal which had once been shells or even bombs.
It is designed to use the sleek, wing style rigger found on many racing shells.
The scattering between the shells is computed by matrix operations on the shell scattering matrices.
The busting shells were quite close enough to us and made a terrific din and showered pieces of metal over our little shanty.
News that depleted uranium shells were fired in Britain was announced many years ago.
Thu 18 May 2006 How can I reuse or recycle ⦠coconut shells?
Conflicts leave behind debris which can include unexploded artillery shells, anti-vehicle mines, grenades, mortars, rockets and air-delivered bombs.
Unlike some previous shells, commands run from a file of shell commands have no access to the text of the commands by default.
The hull is an entire coral reef in its own right, artillery shells now fused into the coral masses.
Some calcium is made from ground up oyster shells.
Login shells catch the terminate signal; other- wise this signal is passed on to children from the state in the shell's parent.
From snail shells to washing machines, to fingertips, to the insides of our ears.
This gun uses the standard 12 gage shotgun shells.
This material is course slightly silty sand, containing a high proportion of shells.
The soup spoons are real scallop shells, with the pointed end facing away from you.
After we went swimming we went to the sands of sound and we found two starfish and after that we started to find shells.
We managed to find some Crinoids, Corals and Shells but unfortunately found no trilobites which are much more rare.
Some birds use stones to crush animal shells, chimpanzees use twigs to extract ants.
Snails are a bit easier to find due to their shells, so inspect the undersides of objects and pick them off.
From behind the tree line two big comets soared upwards - the 12 inch shells - exploding in perfect unison.
A large amount of the fixed carbon is used by marine zooplankton to make calcium carbonate shells.
The members of the order present the same wide range of superficial appearance as do the Pectinibranchiate Streptoneura, forms carrying well-developed spiral shells and large mantle-skirts being included in the group, together with flattened or cylindrical slug-like forms. But in respect of the substitution of other parts for the mantle-skirt and for the gill which the more degenerate Opisthobranchia exhibit, this order stands alone.
Again and again, particularly on their left wing, they chased the German infantry before them, but the moment the retreat of the latter downhill uncovered the pursuing French to the Prussian guns, a tornado of shells shattered their order and compelled them to retreat.
To the evidence advanced by a great number of authors comes the clinching testimony of the existence of a number of varieties of Australian marsupials in Patagonia, as originally discovered by Ameghino and more exactly described by members of the Princeton Patagonian expedition staff; while the fossil shells of the Eocene of Patagonia as analysed by Ortmann give evidence of the existence of a continuous shoreline, or at least of shallow-water areas, between Australia, New Zealand and South America.
Motherof-pearl or abalone and other shells are also found, and, with sponges, are exported.
Translucent oyster shells are a common substitute for glass; and the walls are whitewashed, but on account of the frequency of earthquakes are not plastered.
The leaves are forwarded to the opium-factories, where they are sorted into three classes, according to size and colour, the smaller and dark-coloured being reserved for the inside of the shells of the opium-balls, and the larger and least coloured for the outside.
One lady gave me a box of shells.
It was hard, smooth sand, very different from the loose, sharp sand, mingled with kelp and shells, at Brewster.
The tang of the untainted, fresh and free sea air was like a cool, quieting thought, and the shells and pebbles and the seaweed with tiny living creatures attached to it never lost their fascination for me.
We also went nutting, and I helped them open the chestnut burrs and break the shells of hickory-nuts and walnuts--the big, sweet walnuts!
The little girls were delighted to see the lovely shells.
Where are many shells?
Finally she got up from the table and went through the motion of picking seaweed and shells, and splashing in the water, holding up her skirts higher than was proper under the circumstances.
And when he came to the nut trees, and saw the shells left by the idle fairies and all the traces of their frolic, he knew exactly how they had acted, and that they had disobeyed him by playing and loitering on their way through the woods.
I had the previous winter made a small quantity of lime by burning the shells of the Unio fluviatilis, which our river affords, for the sake of the experiment; so that I knew where my materials came from.
We talked of rude and simple times, when men sat about large fires in cold, bracing weather, with clear heads; and when other dessert failed, we tried our teeth on many a nut which wise squirrels have long since abandoned, for those which have the thickest shells are commonly empty.
All he knew was that at the commencement of the action balls and shells began flying all over his regiment and hitting men and that afterwards someone had shouted "Cavalry!" and our men had begun firing.
From different sides came whistling sounds and the thud of cannon balls and bursting shells falling on the town.
At first the noise of the falling bombs and shells only aroused curiosity.
In the disposition it is said first that the batteries placed on the spot chosen by Napoleon, with the guns of Pernetti and Fouche; which were to come in line with them, 102 guns in all, were to open fire and shower shells on the Russian fleches and redoubts.
From in front and especially from the right, in the unlifting smoke the guns boomed, and out of the mysterious domain of smoke that overlay the whole space in front, quick hissing cannon balls and slow whistling shells flew unceasingly.
At times, as if to allow them a respite, a quarter of an hour passed during which the cannon balls and shells all flew overhead, but sometimes several men were torn from the regiment in a minute and the slain were continually being dragged away and the wounded carried off.
Three very pretty purple shells with persistent comet trails exploded overhead (video clip 1 below).
The first thing is to purchase a small vial of cleaned shells from radiolarian ooze.
It is designed to fit most two hole patterns on existing shells or can be retro fitted to new drums.
The chamber running through the shells gives an almost natural reverb effect.
The artillery roars like thunder, While we wait in front of the infantry, With shells crashing all around.
Bismark had fired six salvos of 15 inch shells.
Login shells catch the terminate signal; other- wise this signal is passed on to children from the state in the shell 's parent.
They dropped 172 shells, many of which hit their target, plus several thousand shrapnel bombs.
Seven patients were injured by shrapnel from shells, grenades or rockets, and all but two were soldiers.
Be able to demonstrate the physical significance of closed shells by using plots of the spherical harmonics.
A calcareous sedimentary deposit, with recent shells, altered by the contact of superincumbent lava, its horizontality and extent.
The activist group claims to have found both products in taco shells in the United Kingdom.
The most effective vehicle theft deterrent is to leave empty.45 shells strewn across the dashboard.
Older shells have short wooden handles (knockers) on the tiller ropes.
As he watched in awe through his binoculars the town was straddled with large caliber Naval artillery shells which shook the church.
Other finds included fragments of medieval pottery and hundreds of edible winkle shells which were also used for fishing bait.
Use a clean baby jar and fill it with small shells, buttons or colored rice.
Synthetic shells can actually make the comforter too warm.
Truck camper - These shells slide into the bed of a truck for an instant portable living area.
The outer shells purpose is not to absorb impact, but to slide along the impact.
Big Fireworks offers repeaters, fountains, artillery shells, aerial assortments and much more under the stipulation that you spend at least $400.00 as a customer or $3,000 as a wholesaler.
Sometimes the iPods are just shells or sold as "parts" only, meaning they don't work. has green fireworks, finale repeaters, artillery shells, bottle rockets, firecrackers, firing systems, foundations, novelty products, Roman candles, parachutes and wedding fireworks.
The products available from Captain Boom include firing systems, novelties, parachutes, rockets, Roman candles, wedding sparklers, water lanterns, artillery shells, assorted fireworks and sparklers.
What could be more entertaining for your cat than a ball that talks to him and shells out tasty treats?
They look similar to oyster shells and come in a variety of natural colors.
It is simply a case of allowing organic matter, such as vegetable peelings, grass clippings, egg shells, coffee grounds and a wide variety of other items, to decompose.
Collect waste from the kitchen to compost including vegetable and fruit trimmings, coffee grounds and egg shells.
So a garbage bag filled with fresh egg shells and wet coffee grounds is going to begin to disintegrate almost immediately.
Simply add a few minimal seaside accessories like shells or tropical plants for an airy, relaxing room.
Visit your local arts and crafts store and you will discover that sea shells are sold in all shapes and sizes.
You can purchase beach-themed accessories and even customize some items yourself with shells found at a local beach or on your favorite vacation destination.
Since shells can be potential choking hazards, consider using shadow boxes or sealed containers to display the tiny treasures.
Beach motifs include starfish, shells, fish, sand, sailboats and the like.
Try stenciling some outlines of fish or shells on the wall.
Use lamps, vases, or decorative boxes made of shells.
Mount shells, flat coral or seaweed in frames or shadowboxes and hang them on the wall.
There are some very artistic mirror designs where the shells are adhered directly onto the mirror that remains unframed.
In this style of design, the seashell become part of the mirror with the shells attached in a specific design that creates a work of art.
Nothing looks quite like a mirror framed with natural seashells or the authenticity real shells give to your mirror and home décor.
Natural shells come in a variety of colors; many are solid while most colors are a combination of the prominent color and white or tan shell.
Some of those shells include mollusks, scallops, conical, cockle, and other several others similar in shape and size.
Many times, the molded shells are adhered to the edges of the mirror and become the frame without any backing.
The first thing you want to do is collect shells from the beach.
The latter will create a pungent, unpleasant odor, so you'll want to soak your shells to hopefully extract any dead urchins.
Next, you want to clean your shells with warm soapy water.
The sun will help to further bleach and deodorize your shells should any sea urchin be hiding in the shell.
Keep the shells in the sunshine until there is no longer any odor.
Before you start gluing the shells onto the frame, take some time to plan how you want to arrange the shells.
From choosing an organic theme with shells and sea life to picking a couple of classic nautical icons, you can probably find hundreds if not thousands of décor items, furnishings and fixtures to put a little "Ahoy Matey" into your design.
I enjoyed having a chance to learn about innovative cover, shells, speakers and stylus tools - and am excited to share what I discovered with you.
All shell designs are printed on high-quality, durable shells made by Uncommon.
The shells are compatible with Smart Covers and other similarly designed protective iPad covers.
However, the shells are top quality and your purchase will help support the work of an independent artist.
The Gripster from Native Union is a unique take on iPad shells that provides protection and additional functionality.
Like other shells, The Gripster provides a snug, heavy-duty backing for your device and will work with a Smart Cover.
Do not pour the stock directly on the napkin or the scum will clog it, but let it first run through a fine wire strainer which will catch the scum and the shells.
Tuck sand and shells into a shaped shaker box to add an interactive element to your page.
Paint a chipboard frame with texture paste, then add some sand and shells for a cute way to draw attention to the dominant photo on your layout.
Get photos of everyone picking up shells, and take a few close-up shots of the shells on the sand.
Place shell-shaped die cuts randomly on the page, and use acid-free markers to give the shells a little extra detail and dimension.
Filled with buckwheat hull- small buckwheat shells, Zafu claims that this cushion is more comfortable than the commonly filled kapok ones.
Accessories like a surfboard or a few shells from your last beach trip can really perk up the environment.
Create a hearty minestrone with fusilli, penne, or mini pasta shells.
Legendary Shells makes their own engraving with a process called sand carved engraving.
Legendary Shells are the worlds only makers of shell trophy wedding horns, with over 30 years experience!
Look for items you already have on hand, such as acorns, small pinecones, leaves, berries, shells, ribbons, etc. Either computer generate or hand write the wording on card stock paper, and decorate with whatever you have handy.
With care, wedding cakes can even be made into the shapes of initials, hollow circles, or themed items (shells, Christmas trees, etc.) for the ultimate in personalization.
Specialty chocolatiers may even offer truffles in the shape of tiered wedding cakes, or other specialized shapes such as butterflies or shells may be perfect for different wedding themes and destinations.
Shop around for the best deal or try to save money by choosing leis made from silk flowers and shells.
It is also popular to place small shells in the bottom of a glass bowl, with a floating candle and an orchid bloom.
It includes two doves, a large scallop shell, smaller shells, and pearls.
In that case, you can choose one of the more traditional settings with doves or a bride and groom set against a background of shells and pearls.
Place candy in clean craft shells and secure with tulle or other materials to keep in place.
Weddings by Dezign sells gourmet handmade chocolate sea shells and sand dollars.
Cover the table linen with a large fishing next for a nautical themed beach wedding, interspersing shells and faux sea life in the net.
Whether the centerpiece is formed from a few feature shells or an intricate design made up from hundreds of tiny shells, shell themed centerpieces remain popular.
The shell theme can also follow through to favors and guests can be given a small bag of shells to mark the day.
There are many different styles of beach wedding centerpieces available, from designs created from shells through to more traditional floral arrangements.
For a beach wedding, for example, chocolate shells, gummy fish, and salt water taffy are popular, while candy corn and caramels are perfect for a fall wedding.
Ask a decorator to make a fondant or gum paste angelfish, clownfish, or butterflyfish, and position it along with seahorses, starfish, sand dollars, sea anemones, or shells.
Some professionals specialize in beach wedding cakes adorned with fondant shells and edible sugar "sand."
Another option is to find or order your own real shells and place them on the cake.
For beach weddings, add small sea shells to a vase or hurricane and use with or without candles.
For summer months, chose a beach or water theme and add large shells such as conch or starfish along with a fish net.
The most common beach theme wedding cakes incorporate shells or waves, but there are plenty of other ways to call the setting to mind.
Bring your favorites to a decorator, and consider fleshing out the beach theme further by adding starfish or shells made with royal icing or gum paste to your cake.
Add accessories, like plants, shells, and matching bath linens.
Britney, the one who shells out for everyone's payroll, not to mention lawyer's fees (for both her and Kevin) and has to pay $25,000 for some mysterious audit at Jive Records is allowed access to a meager $1,500 per week of her own money.
The inner mattress is made from a combination of crushed egg shells and medical grade orthopedic foam that resists flattening with repeated use.
Super orthopedic dog beds provide outstanding support with completely waterproof outer shells that protect the foam layer beneath from urine saturation.
Cowry shells and brass beads ornament and give weight to the fringe.
Cowry shells originate in the Maldive Islands, off the western coast of India, indicating Kirdi linkages to long distance trade.
Shells and driftwood will add a seashore style to your water garden.
Instead of buying compost, you may opt to add your own kitchen scraps such as egg shells or coffee grounds.
Stones, especially semi-precious gemstones like turquoise, were turned into beads, as were coral and sea shells.
Hawaiian necklaces, earrings, and rings can be made with many natural materials found right on the islands, including shells, rocks and wood.
Most bracelet designs include natural images hammered into the metal, including plumeria, hibiscus and sea shells.
While this is more typically found in shells and shell items such as mother of pearl, some stones are also dyed various colors.
They are available as a single gold disc or combines with other materials such as shells or gemstones.
Avon combined a swirl design with attractive shells in the mid 1970s to create an earring style that appeals to people who want to introduce a little marine inspired fashion into their style.
Natural pearls form inside mollusk shells and are a type of calcium carbonate.
Examine the types of grain used, and avoid corn, peanut shells, and other bulk fillers.
They are made by covering roasted sunflower seeds in milk chocolate and then adding crispy candy shells in numerous bright colors.
Waterproof shells give you the best of both worlds in inclement weather.
When you are shooting a rifle, you have to deal with a number of natural and man-made elements, such as sun, wind and of course flying objects like dirt or ejected shells.
Some shells are worth a pretty bell, while others aren't as pricey.
Shells can be found along the shore line and a few of them are worth a decent amount of bells.
The less valuable shells make great gifts to send with letter to your pals in the village.
This contain a series of plastic shells that are meant to mimic the shape of a real piece of sport equipment.
You don't jump on turtle shells like Mario or frag aliens like Halo 3's Master Chief.
If you do this repeatedly, you can keep getting more shells.
Power-ups such as banana peels, Starman and turtle shells make the game all the more interesting.
It's more difficult to avoid turtle shells fired from your opponents.
Using Nintendo's popular characters such as Mario, Luigi, and Yoshi, gamers could race around tracks, nab turtle shells and banana peels to and wreak havoc on their opponents.
With innovative graphics, wacky power-ups like banana peels and turtle shells, and truly addicting multiplayer modes, it broke the mold and practically defined it's own genre.
As you zip around corners and throw turtle shells, you may be interested to learn about some of the available Mario Kart Wii cheats.
Throw turtle shells, drop banana peels, and even leave behind a bo-bomb for your opponents.
Throw those red shells, drift around those corners... and you'll be smiling the entire time.
Also, when battling enemies, you'll use famous weapons such as turtle shells and fire plants, as well as hammers from the hammer bros.
Choose from 13 different characters and drive around on 32 varied tracks as you drop bananas, throw turtle shells, and power boost your way around corners.
Learning how far Mario can jump, what bricks and coins do and what can be done with turtle shells is all a part of the game.
For a less violent means of relieving your aggression, shooting a trio of red shells at a fellow Nintendo fanboy always resulted in absolute ecstacy (Battle Mode was great).
Not to be confused with the cell phone wallpapers that go on the background of your phone's screen, custom skins are the pictures on the external shells (or in some cases, just faceplates) of your phone, designed by you.
Choose from a vast selection of exterior shells, gel skins, and homescreen themes you've never seen before.
If the insomnia appears to be associated with excess yang energy arising from the liver, the practitioner will give the patient oyster shells.
Some people like to peel the eggs before putting them into the jar of beet juice, but I like to leave the shells on.
Place the taco fillings on the table with soft and hard taco shells, bowls of shredded lettuce, diced tomatoes, shredded cheese, and a few bottles of hot sauce.
This particular dance includes percussion as well, this time played by the dancers themselves with coconut shells strapped to their bodies.
That said, you'll still want to protect your feet from excessively hot sand and broken shells that could cut your feet.
Silk flowers, and sea shells also make great add-ons for your flip flops.
Rocks, feathers, shells and mini-flags all add dimension to finished sandcastle sculptures, so use your imagination.
They provide plenty of air flow so wet feet dry off quickly, but they still offer protection from sharp shells and other hidden hazards in the sand.
Thick rubber soles cushion your feet from rocks and shells, while mesh tops keep them from slipping off your feet in the water.
While the initial idea of a homemade bikini might sound like a joke having to do with coconut shells, a person who has some sewing skills can actually make herself a great swimsuit that is guaranteed to be unique.
Select natural-style earrings employing shells or coconuts for a summertime look.
This gun resembles an automatic weapon, with its belt of "shells" hanging down from the barrel.
This will crack the shells of the individual grains of pollen and allow the bee pollen to be easily absorbed by your body.
With shells and camisoles gaining popularity, more traditional blouses for ladies have lost some ground in recent years.
Mock tops and shells are the perfect layering garments to add a professional touch to outfits.
Other good choices are trousers made from menswear fabric; combine these with blouses or shells for a casual look.
Use shells you picked up on a vacation to make the holder personalized.
The transparent nature of the gel allows for you to experiment with creative embed possibilities such as marbles, art glass, glitter, shells, metal charms, or gel cut outs.
You can also choose to use items such as marbles, sand, rocks, sea glass, and shells.
Often found in shells and other aquatic life, scalloped designs are popular for Hawaiian engagement rings or other motifs that evoke the water, such as dolphin engagement rings.
You can use add stones or shells to the letters or plan a romantic beach picnic where she can find the ring box in the picnic basket.
Corn gluten meal has traditionally been used in livestock and pet feed for its high protein content, and is even an ingredient in some taco shells and tortilla chips.
In addition to beads, shells, faux pearls, sequins, and more may be used to create designs on the handbag.
If you don't like monogramming your accessories, you can choose from an attractive plaque decorated with whales, or shells.
You'll find styles adorned with prints, embellished with shells and accented by vibrant colors.
Miche also created a large number of trendy shells that slip on right over the top of the basic bag, giving it a whole new look.
Choose from a wide variety of shells that follow the latest handbag trends.
The shells range in style from basic, conservative handbags to vibrant, colorful trendy looks.
Best of all, the shells are very affordable and run around the same amount as an inexpensive handbag from a department store might cost.
These patterns, called shells, are vividly colored and filled with attractive prints that are guaranteed to please.
Moreover, the shells that are available for purchase are not only beautiful, but very reasonably priced.
In fact, the shells are so affordable, you might just decide to splurge and buy more than one.
You can even change the look of the tote by swapping out the different shells available.
However, if the focus is on the meaning of numbers as opposed to writing the actual number itself, children can instead place the correct number of shells by each number.
For example, by the number 11, the child would glue 11 shells on the side of it.
If you live near the beach, go collect different types of shells.
There is absolutely no need for today's youth to suffer from hot sand or pavement, to get splinters from beach boardwalks or to cut their feet on sharp sea shells or sea glass.
These lightweight boots are lined with moisture-wicking material, adorned with adjustable snow collars and feature waterproof shells.
Unique features found in Rocky boots are the cushioned ankle area that adds both comfort and breathability, a footbed with an air-port cushion, Gore-Tex fabric shells, flexible soles and Thinsulate insulation.
These included sharpened rocks, sea shells and plant material such as wood or thorny bushes.
Perhaps add some shells or other embellishments.
On your walk you can pick up stones, leaves and twigs (or, if you're really lucky, shells, sand dollars or arrowheads) and incorporate them into your projects.
Each corner will have 2 shells separated by a chain-3 space.
You will add 4 shells each round, one on each side.
Make one single crochet in each double crochet and one single crochet under each chain between shells, except in corners use 3 single crochets under the chain-3.
Cut your bath tissue liners into 1 1/4" lengths and decorate them with your favorite themed items, like shells, beads, or stones.
To raise your arrangement from competent to exceptional, use something unique or unusual, like beads, shells, stones, or ribbons in the mix.
Shell beads are created from various types of natural shells and generally used to make casual looking "beach" theme jewelry.
Many people who are on a tight budget also enjoy making crafts from natural materials, such as leaves or shells.
For the ocean lover, there are sea horses and sea shells.
Silicone ice cube trays are available in a wide variety of designs, such as flowers, hearts, and sea shells.
The pastry is spooned onto parchment and baked - first at a high temperature to cause the dough to rise, puff, and hollow out, and then at a lower temperature to firm up the outsides of the shells.
After the shells have cooled, filling is added.
Reduce the oven temperature to 350 and continue cooking for 30 to 40 minutes until shells are golden.
Let shells sit in open oven for an additional ten to 15 minutes.
Some of the camis are nice enough that they can work as shells underneath sweaters, jackets or more transparent blouses.
A children's sandbox is the perfect place to build a sandcastle or other sandy creations, such as crabs, lobsters, shells and sea turtles.
While coconut shells can be used to serve drinks or soups you can also look for carved wooden plates with a tropical look and feel to them.
If coconut shells are not available look for Tropical themed glasses and mugs.
Decorations can be as simple as draping a few strands of lights around the patio tables, arranging a centerpiece of fruit and flowers, adding bright tablecloths, and scattering some sea shells across table tops.
Other signs of infestation include fecal spots and blood stains on sheets and bedding, as well as broken shells from the bugs' molting.
The crab shells turn from a dark burgundy to a bright red when cooked.
The smaller dinner menu offers more traditional choices, from stuffed shells to crab cakes.
All are built in the Doric style, of the local porous stone, which is of a warm red brown colour, full of fossil shells and easily corroded when exposed to the air.
A large variety of materials have been used in their manufacture by different peoples at different times - painted linen and shavings of stained horn by the Egyptians, gold and silver by the Romans, rice-paper by the Chinese, silkworm cocoons in Italy, the plumage of highly coloured birds in South America, wax, small tinted shells, &c. At the beginning of the 8th century the French, who originally learnt the art from the Italians, made great advances in the accuracy of their reproductions, and towards the end of that century the Paris manufacturers enjoyed a world-wide reputation.
The mineral had, however, been earlier known as a blue powdery substance, called "blue ironearth," met with in peat-bogs, in bog iron-ore, or with fossil bones and shells.
In the shallower tropical waters, especially on the central ridge, considerable areas are covered by Pteropod ooze, a deposit consisting largely of the shells of pelagic molluscs.
The fossil shells, pottery and rude stone implements, found alike at the base and at the surface of these middens, prove that the habits of the islanders have not varied since a remote past, and lead to the belief that the Andamans were settled by their present inhabitants some time during the Pleistocene period, and certainly no later than the Neolithic age.
Protohydra occurs in oysterbanks and Monobrachium also grows on the shells of bivalves, and both these hydroids probably fish in the currents produced by the lamellibranchs.
Here they were long rolled together with the bones of large mammalia, fishes, and with the shells of molluscous creatures that lived in shells.
Fine crystals occur at Conil near Cadiz; whilst in the province of Teruel in Aragon, sulphur in a compact form replaces fresh-water shells and plant-remains, suggesting its origin from sulphur-springs.
Russia, rich in salt-springs, but very poor in fossils, are now held by most Russian geologists to be Triassic. The Permian deposits contain marine shells and also remains of plants similar to those of England and Germany.
The discovery of shells (now living in the Caspian) at a distance of about 100 m.
The same, mutatis mutandis, may occur in sinistral shells.
The famous manufacture of fine muslins is almost extinct, but the carving of shells, carried on from ancient times, is an important industry in the city.
After the seed of Upland cotton has been passed through a fine gin, which takes off the short lint or linters left upon it by the farmer, it is passed through what is called a sheller, consisting of a revolving cylinder, armed with numerous knives, which cut the seed in two and force the kernels or meats from the shells.
In England the word "snail" in popular language is associated with Gasteropods which inhabit land or fresh water, and which possess large conspicuous spiral shells; terrestrial Gasteropods, in which the shell is rudimentary and concealed, are distinguished as "slugs."
The important exports are gums and resin, fibre, hides, ivory, ostrich feathers, coffee, ghee, livestock, gold ingots from Abyssinia and mother-of-pearl; the shells being found along the coast from Zaila to beyond Berbera.
The shells which have been found in them indicate that they belong for the most part to the Oligocene period.
The material is largely calcareous, and has probably been derived from the disintegration of the reefs, and from the shells of animals living in the shallows.
Numerous raised beaches and terraces, containing shells of marine mollusca, &c., occur along the whole coast of Greenland, and indicate that the whole of this large island has been raised, or the sea has sunk, in post-glacial times, after the inland ice covered its now icebare outskirts.
The source of the carbon of organic tissues is carbonic acid; that of the nitrogen in the proteids is the nitrates, nitrites and salts of ammonia dissolved in sea-water; the material of the shells or other skeletons is the silica, phosphate and calcium of the salts of sea-water (and, in rare cases, the salts of strontium).
All these animals have calcareous skeletons or shells of some form and they secrete the calcium from its solution as sulphate, converting it into carbonate.
The valves are, consequently, essentially symmetrical, which is not the case with the Lamellibranchiata, - so much so, that certain Brachiopod shells were named Lampades, or lamp shells, by some early naturalists; but while such may bear a kind of resemblance to an antique Etruscan lamp, by far the larger number in no way resemble one.
The young Brachiopod in all its species is protected by an embryonic shell called the " protegulum," which sometimes persists in the umbones of the adult shells but is more usually worn off.
In the Testicardines, where no such sliding action of the valves was necessary or possible, no muscles for such an object were required, consequently none took rise from the lateral portions of the valves as in Lingula; but in an extinct group, the Trimerellidae, which seems to be somewhat intermediate in character between the Ecardines and Testicardines, have been found certain scars, which appear to have been produced by rudimentary lateral muscles, but it is doubtful (considering the shells are furnished with teeth, though but rudely developed) whether such muscles enabled the valves, as in Lingula, to move forward and backward upon each other.
In the more recent form of the hearth process the blocks of cast iron forming the sides and back of the Scottish furnace are now generally replaced in the United States by water-cooled shells (waterjackets) of cast iron.
A magnet which can be divided into simple magnetic shells, either closed or having their edges on the surface of the magnet, is called a lamellar magnet, and the magnetism is said to be distributed lamellarly.
A magnet consisting of a series of plane shells of equal strength arranged at right angles to the direction of magnetization will be uniformly magnetized.
With regard to birds and land shells the relation is much closer to the Comoros species, and the latter, of which I have collected seven species besides Rachis aldabrae, may serve to point out more than the birds the land connexion of Aldabra with the neighbouring countries."
Therein two eggs, with white, chalky shells, are commonly laid.
Finally, in the Pontian period, the lagoons became gradually less and less salt, and the deposits are characterized especially by the abundance of shells.
Hannibal is the trade centre of a rich agricultural region, and has an important lumber trade, railway shops, and manufactories of lumber, shoes, stoves, flour, cigars, lime, Portland cement and pearl buttons (made from mussel shells); the value of the city's factory products increased from $2,698,720 in 1900 to $4,442,099 in 1905, or 64.6%.
The heavy rain, which had delayed the commencement of the action, had swollen the Bistritz so as to check their advance and thus postpone the decision, whilst the mist and driving rain hid the approaching troops from the Austrian gunners, whose shells burst almost harmlessly on the sodden ground.
It was used in windows, though by no means exclusively, mica, alabaster and shells having been also employed.
They had a taste for ornaments, necklaces of wood, bone and shells, worked in different designs.
Many other kinds of marls are described; some are of a sandy nature, others stony or full of the remains of small shells.
The blackbird feeds chiefly on fruits, worms, the larvae of insects and snails, extracting the last from their shells by dexterously chipping them on stones; and though it is generally regarded as an enemy of the garden, it is probable that the amount of damage by it to the fruit is largely compensated for by its undoubted services as a vermin-killer.
The principal differences are the complication of the ciliated band, the absence of the excretory organ, the great lateral compression of the body, the possession of a pair of shells protecting the sides, the presence of an organ known as the "pyriform organ," and the occurrence of a sucker in a position corresponding with the depression seen between (m) and (a) in fig.
Cotton yarn and cloth, petroleum, timber and furs are among the chief imports; copper, tin, hides and tea are important exports; medicines in the shape not only of herbs and roots, but also of fossils, shells, bones, teeth and various products of the animal kingdom; and precious stones, principally jade and rubies, are among the other exports.
The houses being mostly built of a white conglomerate stone of shells and coral which forms the peninsula, gives the city when viewed from a distance a clean and handsome appearance, but on closer inspection the streets are found to be very narrow, irregular, ill-paved and filthy.
There may also be mentioned the Industrial Art Exhibition of the Polytechnic Association and two conservatories of music. Among the scientific institutions the first place belongs to the Senckenberg'sches naturhistorische Museum, containing valuable collections of birds and shells.
The same law prevailing in all natures creation, in the plumage of birds, the painting of butterifies wings, the marking of shells, and in all the infinite variety and beauty of the floral kingdom, the lesson is constantly renewed to the observant eye.
Shells are obtained in great numbers and variety.
One species of Limnophilus uses small but entire leaves; another, the shells of the pondsnail Planorbis; another, pieces of stick arranged transversely with reference to the long axis of the tube.
These enclosing surfaces, therefore, cut up the space into shells of potential, and divide up the tubes of force into electric cells.
Returning to the case of the charged body with the space around it cut up into electric cells by the tubes of force and shells of potential, it is obvious that the number of these cells is represented by the product QV, where Q is the charge and V the potential of the body in electrostatic units.
He constructed two equal condensers, each consisting of a metal ball enclosed in a hollow metal sphere, and he provided also certain hemispherical shells of shellac, sulphur, glass, resin, &c., which he could so place in one condenser between the ball and enclosing sphere that it formed a condenser with solid dielectric. He then determined the ratio of the capacities of the two condensers, one with air and the other with the solid dielectric. This gave the dielectric constant K of the material.
Corps approaching, whilst the rain of shells into St Privat exceeded anything hitherto seen on any battlefield, decided to call on the whole of his force to attack.
The French artillery had already evaded the coming blow, and had changed position, "right back," to cover the flank of the rest of the army, and the Prussian and Saxon artillery trotting forward conformed to this new front, their shells sweeping the ground for 2000 yds.
It is particularly in evidence round the whole of the Antarctic Shelf, where it occurs down to depths of 2500 fathoms. It is the chief deposit, according to Nansen, of the North Polar Basin and, according to Schmelck and Bdggild, of the Norwegian Sea also, where it is largely mixed with the shells of the bottom-living foraminifer Biloculina.
Pteropod ooze is merely a local variety of globigerina ooze in which the comparatively large but very delicate spindleshaped shells of pteropods happen to abound.
These shells do not retain their individuality at depths greater than 1400 or 1500 fathoms, and in fact pteropod ooze is only found in small patches on the ridges near the Azores, Antilles, Canaries, Sokotra, Nicobar, Fiji and the Paumotu islands, and on the central rise of the South Atlantic between Ascension and Tristan d'Acunha.
This fact, together with the extraordinarily rare occurrence of such remains and meteoric particles in globigerina ooze, although there is no reason to suppose that at any one time they are unequally distributed over the ocean floor, can only be explained on the assumption that the rate of formation of the epilophic deposits through the accumulation of pelagic shells falling from the surface is rapid enough to bury the slowgathering material which remains uncovered on the spaces where the red clay is forming at an almost infinitely slower rate.
If there were strong currents at the bottom of the ocean the uniform accumulation of the deposit of minute shells of globigerina and radiolarian ooze would be impossible, the rises and ridges would necessarily be swept clear of them, and the fact that this is not the case shows that from whatever cause the waters of the depths are set in motion, that motion must be of the most deliberate and gentlest kind.
I buy my pecans from someone who picks and shells them himself.
The kernel of the large-fruited variety is of very indifferent quality, but its large shells are made use of by the French as trinket cases.