Sheep-like Sentence Examples
It is represented by a nearly complete skeleton, and has doublycurved horns and sheep-like teeth.
The sheep-like saiga, Saiga tatarica, of the Kirghiz steppes stands apart from all other antelopes by its curiously puffed and trunk-like nose, which can be wrinkled up when the animal is feeding and has the nostrils opening downwards.
These are medium-sized or large antelopes with naked muzzles, narrow sheep-like upper molars, fairly long tails, rudimentary or no face-glands, and pits in the frontal bones of the skull.
The Theban goat, of the Sudan, which is hornless, displays the characteristic features of the last in an exaggerated degree, and in the form of the head and skull is very sheep-like.
The painting was interpreted as symbolizing Britain 's undefended coastline and her perilous, sheep-like disregard for the threat of invasion by Napoleon.