Shasta Sentence Examples
The belt of ielative depression between the inner Pacific ranges and the Coast range is dhided by the fine volcano Mt Shasta (14,380 ft.) in northern California into unlike portions.
South of Mt Shasta, the Valley of California is an admirable example of an aggraded intermont depression, about 400 m.
Shasta, descends to 9500 ft.
If your favorite flower is the Shasta daisy, and you love to have a bouquet of them to brighten up your breakfast nook in the summer, you might have to look elsewhere for a little pop of color and fragrance during the winter.
If your favorites were Shasta daisies and they were available all year, you might never discover the beauty of orchids.
If you want to travel to the north of the state, your only option for skiing is the Mt. Shasta Ski Park.
Shasta - This model is Coachmen's top-of-the-line trailer, with a style and luxury that's simply unsurpassed.
Copper has risen in importance in very recent years; it is mined mainly in Shasta county; the value of the state's total product in 1905 was $2,588,111.