Sharply Sentence Examples
Josh turned his head sharply and snorted.
His attention came sharply back to her.
Hence the Mediterranean region is characteristically one of winter rains, the distinctive feature becoming less sharply defined from south to north, and the amount of total annual fall increasing in the same direction.
Her voice trailed off when he glanced up sharply, obviously stung by her words.
All the peaks remained snow-capped, giving sharply defined contrast to the green of their slopes and the blue of the summer sky.
Dean asked sharply, tired of Weller's game playing.
A brisk step in the hallway brought her attention sharply back to the present.
He glanced up sharply, his gaze searching her face.
These were very numerous, for the place was thickly inhabited, and a large group of the queer people clustered near, gazing sharply upon the strangers who had emerged from the long spiral stairway.
The wild dog cried out sharply once and dropped.
AdvertisementLong dislocations have sharply defined its northern and southern margins.
Lathum glanced up sharply, his expression unreadable.
He glanced up sharply and a shadow passed over those warm eyes.
The result is that no trace of " fiddling " exists, and the movable and fixed webs come sharply together in focus with the highest powers.
Canines large and sharply pointed.
AdvertisementGiddon glanced at her sharply over the top of the paper.
He glanced up sharply, his brows furrowed.
From the corner of her eye, she saw Yancey look sharply at Len.
Cassie glanced sharply at Bordeaux.
He glanced up at her sharply and then frowned.
AdvertisementThe edge of the highway to Dean's left, absent any guardrails, was a drop of thousands of feet but the roadway suddenly leveled and then climbed sharply over a rise before continuing downward.
A thick limb jutted up sharply, as if throwing an arm out for help.
He glanced up sharply and eyed her critically.
She glanced up sharply, but his terse tone and sober expression were belied by the twinkle in those gray-green eyes.
Alex asked sharply, his brows drawing down.
AdvertisementLisa glanced sharply at Sarah, a slow flush invading her face.
Both Fritz and Royce laughed, but Davis and Pete glanced sharply at Bordeaux.
His pupils were contracted by the bright sunlight and his light green eyes contrasted sharply with his bronze tan.
He glanced around sharply.
He glanced at her sharply and regarded her thoughtfully for a few moments.
Betsy pirouetted sharply and continued up the stairs.
Jade glanced sharply at Ileana, then at Kris.
Kris looked at him sharply, suspecting his brother was trying to play on his emotions.
He glanced at her sharply.
As the whip came across the grass, it lay over neatly, cut sharply by the whip.
It is picturesquely situated at the head of the valley of a small tributary of the Derwent, at an elevation exceeding 500 ft., and is almost encircled by sharply rising hills.
Giddon exclaimed sharply and clawed a spider web from his face.
Davis glanced sharply up at her and then at Bordeaux.
He paused when she turned sharply.
He glanced up sharply.
She caught her breath and sat up sharply.
His question brought her to the present and she glanced up sharply, warmth crawling up her neck again.
He glanced up sharply, his lips thinning down and his face paling.
Her bare feet made no noise as she moved across the room toward him, so when she reached his side he glanced up sharply.
He glanced up sharply at her statement and regarded her sourly for a moment.
He slammed the tray on the counter and Chet glanced up sharply, eyeing Cade suspiciously.
Cynthia spotted him as he crossed the living room and started down the hall, his boot heels clicking sharply on the hardwood floor.
After the first several feet, the angle of the slope dropped more sharply and he was forced to move to his left to avoid falling.
The Dexter Creek Road departed from the highway a few miles north of town and climbed sharply up the eastern escarpment of the valley.
She said it sharply.
He glanced at her sharply and then shook his head.
He eyed her sharply.
She glanced up sharply.
He glanced up sharply and noted the color in her cheeks.
He glanced up sharply and then grinned.
The tip of the towel snapped sharply only inches from his shoulder and she gasped at her accuracy.
She glanced up sharply and let her gaze rest on his split lip.
She turned her head sharply to study his face.
As the doctrine of two kingdoms, one of this world and one of the world of the dead, becomes crystallized, the dominions of the two sisters are sharply differentiated from one another.
Molars in general characters resembling those of Sarcophilus, but of more simple form, the cusps being less distinct and not so sharply pointed.
Crystals have the form of small, sharply defined cubes of an oliveor grass-green colour, and occur together in considerable numbers on the matrix of the specimens.
He showed that not only as regards beasts, but also as regards birds, these regions are thus sharply limited.
He was the twelfhynde man of the laws, sharply divided from the twyhynde man or ceorl.
In most countries where religious opinion is sharply divided the procession of Corpus Christi is therefore now forbidden, even when Catholicism is the dominant religion.
Geologically considered, the country may be divided into three regions - a central, and the largest, comprising the whole width of the Aravalli system, formed of very old sub-metamorphic and gneissic rocks; an eastern region, with sharply defined boundary, along which the most ancient formations are abruptly replaced by the great basin of the Vindhyan strata, or are overlaid by the still more extensive spread of the Deccan trap, forming the plateau of Malwa; and a western region, of very ill-defined margin, in which, besides some rocks of undetermined age, it is more or less known or suspected that Tertiary and Secondary strata stretch across from Sind, beneath the sands of the desert, towards the flanks of the Aravallis.
The transmitted signals or electric impulses, which on a land line are sharply defined when received, become attenuated and prolonged in the case of a long cable, and are unable to actuate the.
He rode across one of the swaying pontoon bridges to the farther side, turned sharply to the left, and galloped in the direction of Kovno, preceded by enraptured, mounted chasseurs of the Guard who, breathless with delight, galloped ahead to clear a path for him through the troops.
This portion of the law, designed to reassure foreign Catholics, met with little opposition; but the second portion, regulating the relations between state and church in Italy, was sharply criticized by deputies who, like Sella, recognized the ideal of a free church in a free state to be an impracticable dream.
In forms with a compact coenosarc such as Velella, Physalia, &c., the separate cormidia cannot be sharply distinguished, and such a condition is described technically as one with " scattered " cormidia.
Just as Kant thus sharply marks off the regions of the inorganic and the organic, so he sets man in strong opposition to the lower animals.
Taking into account existing animals and plants alone, it became obvious that they fell into groups which were more or less sharply separated from one another; and, moreover, that even See the " Historical Sketch " prefixed to the last edition of the Origin of Species.
What characterizes a tadpole is the conjoined globular head and body, so formed that it is practically impossible to discern the limit between the two, sharply set off from the more or less elongate compressed tail which is the organ of propulsion.
The periblem, one cell thick at the apex, produces the cortex, to which the piliferous layer belongs in Monocotyledons; and the plerome, which is nearly always sharply separated from the periblem, gives rise to the vascular cylinder.
The difficulty of sharply delimiting edaphic and climatic factors is seen in the case of temperature.
The north temperate region is more sharply separated from the other two than the south temperate region from the tropical.
In the Old World the boreal zone is almost sharply cut off and afforded no means of escape for the Miocene vegetation when the climate became more severe.
The sub-region is probably sharply cut off from the Intermediate.
Maximowiczfinds that 40% of the plants of Manchuria are common to Europe and Asia, but the proportion falls sharply to i6% in the case of Japan.
In the temperate zone, where the seasons are sharply contrasted, but follow each other with regularity, foresight and self-denial were fostered, because if men did not exercise these qualities seed-time or harvest might pass into lost opportunities and the tribes would suffer.
Here the river turns quite sharply eastward.
At this point the river turns sharply a little north of east, continuing on that course somewhat over 40 m.
The upper surface of the elytron is sharply folded inwards at intervals, so as to give rise to a regular series of external longitudinal furrows (striae) and to form a set of supports between the two chitinous layers forming the elytron.
The American railways do not have to face this situation; but, after a long term of years, when they were allowed to do much as they pleased, they have now been brought sharply to book by almost every form of constituted authority to be found in the states, and they are suffering from increased taxation, from direct service requirements, and from a general tendency on the part of regulating authorities to reduce rates and to make it impossible to increase them.
The truth probably lies somewhere between these two sharply contrasted traditions.
But now as we enter the Greek period (320 B.C. and onwards) there is a gradual change from prophecy to apocalyptic. " It may be asserted in general terms that whereas prophecy foretells a definite future which has its foundation in the present, apoca lyptic directs its anticipations solely and simply to the future, to a new world-period which stands sharply contrasted with the present.
The Ego he considers not an entity sharply distinguished from the Non-ego, but merely, as it were, a medium of continuity of sensory impressions.
The most significant canons are those directly affecting the clergy, wherein the clergy appear as a privileged class, far above the laity, but with sharply differentiated and carefully graded orders within itself.
Its streets, sloping sharply, contain many old houses.
In the latter, the segmentally arranged ganglia are more sharply marked off from the connectives than in other Chaetopods, where nerve cells exist along the whole ventral chain, though more numerous in segmentally disposed swellings.
Among the burrowing and tubicolous forms it is not uncommon for the body to be distinguishable into two or more regions; a "thorax," for example, is sharply marked off from an "abdomen" in the Sabellids.
The Egri-dagh possesses a sharply defined crest, ranges at a general elevation of 8000 ft., is bare of timber, scantily supplied with water, and rugged and deeply fissured.
Fechner's position in reference to predecessors and contemporaries is not very sharply defined.
Camille sharply replied that he would answer with Rousseau, - "burning is not answering," and a bitter quarrel thereupon ensued.
Oecolampadius welcomed him to Basel, where in 1524 he put forth thirteen theses sharply antagonizing Roman doctrine.
The views of neither of these systematizers pleased Temminck, who in 1817 replied rather sharply to Vieillot in some Observations sur la classification methodique des oiseaux, a pamphlet published at Amsterdam, and prefixed to the second edition m i nd.
Kretschmer goes further and divides the Illyrian language into two sharply defined dialects, the northern dialect being represented by the Heneti.
Akhma, over the northern end of which runs a single easy pass (Beilan) to the north-east angle of the Levant coast (Alexandretta), while at the southern end is a gap through which the Orontes turns sharply to the sea.
The mammals of Syria are rather sharply to be distinguished into those which range only north of Mt Carmel, and those which pass that limit.
The site of the old town slopes sharply upward from the harbour, to the west of which there extends an esplanade and modern residential quarter; for Penzance, with its mild climate, is in considerable favour as a health resort.
But the staunch Federalists of the senate, who had begun to draw the party lines rather sharply, found the presence of the young Genevan highly distasteful.
In the centre of the plain extends from north-east to south-west a series of low heights, now known as Turcovuni, culminating towards the south in the sharply pointed Lycabettus (1112 ft.), now called Hagios Georgios from the monastery which crowns its summit.
It is also known as the " Eastern Horn of Africa," because it projects somewhat sharply eastwards into the Indian Ocean, and is the only section of the continent which can be spoken of as a peninsula.
The Una rises on the Croatian border, and, after skirting the Pljesevica Planina, in Croatia, turns sharply to the north-east; serving as a frontier stream for 37 m.
Its situation is fine, the lake-shore here rising sharply, while at this point the lake narrows and is studded with islands.
The family has very sharply defined characters, which separate its members at once from all other neuropterous (or pseudo-neuropterous) groups.
Henry was sharply criticized for his ingratitude to Anselm (q.v.), in spite of the marked respect.
The subject of ecclesiastical vestments is not only one of great interest from the point of view of archaeology and art, but is also of importance, in so far as certain "ornaments" have become historically associated with certain doctrines on which the opinion of the Christian world is sharply divided.
When the curve after its steep descent has almost reached the axis, it bends aside sharply and becomes a nearly horizontal straight line; the authors suggest that the critical temperature should be defined as that corresponding to the point of maximum curvature.
From its most southern point the Orange turns sharply N.W.
They are faulted but not sharply folded.
The winds are more variable, and the seasons are more sharply defined.
To the north the town is sheltered by hills rising sharply to heights of 400 to 500 ft., on several of which, such as Sugarloaf and Castle Hills, are ancient earthworks.
On the other hand, the biological sciences are sharply marked off from the abiological, or those which treat of the phenomena manifested by not-living matter, in so far as the properties of living matter distinguish it absolutely from all other kinds of things, and as the present state of knowledge furnishes us with no link between the living and the not-living.
If absorption be not complete the mass undergoes caseation and becomes surrounded by a capsule of fibrous tissue - being sharply cut off from the healthy tissue.
Fatty accumulations in the tissues of the body are found in health and in pathological conditions; these are usually recognized and described as fatty infiltrations and fatty degenerations, but there are intermediate conditions which make it difficult to separate sharply these processes.
Albany is attractively situated on a series of hills rising sharply from the river.
If the blowing iron is held vertically with the bulb uppermost the bulb becomes flattened and shallow, if the bulb is allowed to hang downwards it becomes elongated and reduced in diameter, and if the end of the bulb is pierced and the iron is held horizontally and sharply trundled, as a mop is trundled, the bulb opens out into a flattened disk.
The human type is always very brachycephalic, with brow receding sharply and long nose making almost one line with the sloping forehead.
Cheroots differ from ordinary cigars only in shape, being either in the form of a truncated cone, or of uniform thickness throughout, but always having both ends open and sharply cut across.
It was often the policy of kings to increase the social privileges and legal exemptions of the nobility while taking away all political power, so that it is necessary in the history of institutions to distinguish sharply between these nobilities and the feudal baronage proper.
They extend between the rivers Waag, Arva, Dunajec and Poprad, and form a sharply defined and isolated group, rising abruptly like a gigantic wall to an altitude of over 8400 ft.
The anterior third of the body is attenuated and sharply marked off from the bulbous trunk in Didymozoon.
In some species the abdomen is of a paler colour and marked with sharply defined, dark brown bands, which are interrupted on the middle line.
The population, which numbers about 3000, is sharply divided into five castes, of which the three highest are pure Maldivians, the lower two the same as in the Laccadives.
Towards the Fossa Magna the folds bend sharply round until they are nearly parallel to the Fossa itself.
Farther to the east it receives the Kusi, and then, skirting the Rajmahal hills, turns sharply to the southward, passing near the site of the ruined city of Gaur.
After the death of Queen Philippa he fell entirely under the influence of a greedy mistress named Alice Perrers, while the Black Prince and John of Gaunt became the leaders of sharply divided parties in the court and council of the king.
He criticizes sharply (pp. 173 sqq., 233 sqq.) former methods of interpretation, and with the ardour of a discoverer of a new truth seeks to establish its currency throughout the entire field of apocalyptic. To such an extreme does he carry his theory that he denies obvious references to historical personages in the Apocalypse, when these are clothed in apocalyptic language.
In 1763 the great constitutional questions arising out of the arrest of Wilkes began to be sharply canvassed.
The philosophy of Fichte, worked out in a series of writings, and falling chronologically into two distinct periods, that of Jena and that of Berlin, seemed in the course of its development to undergo a change so fundamental that many critics have sharply separated and opposed to one another an earlier and a later phase.
The anti-Jewish tone of the second part suggests the neighbourhood of Jews, from whom the Christians were to be sharply distinguished.
Bruce sharply contrasts " dogmas of theology " with " doctrines of faith."
In the later period of the republic they are confounded with the Penates (and other deities), though the distinction between them was probably more sharply marked in earkor times.
It is most beautifully situated, for though the lake is hardly visible from the town, the bare, sharply rising hills surrounding the richly wooded valley of the Rothay afford a series of equisite views.
The dialect of the Minaeans is sharply distinguished from the Sabaeans (see above).
If one end is sharply pressed in, a compression can be seen running along the spring.
On the 14th ands 5th, attacking sharply on the Russian front and lapping round both its flanks, Oku won an important and handsome victory, at a cost of 1200 men out of 35,000 engaged, while the Russians, with a loss of at least 3600 out of about 25,000 engaged, retired in disorder.
Had the two divisions still kept in Japan been present Kuroki would have had the balance of force on his side, the Russian retreat would have been confused, if not actually a rout, and the war would have been ended on Japan's own terms. As it was, after another day's fighting, Kuropatkin drew off the whole of his forces in safety, sharply repulsing an attempt at pursuit made by part of the 12th division on the 4th of September.
The native fauna is not sharply distinguished from that of the surrounding states.
It is Only surprising that in 1912 the reaction already showed itself sharply in Austria.
The abdomen is usually sharply bent between the third and fourth segments and has a characteristically humped appearance when straightened out.
He was assisted by Chateaubriand, but soon sharply differed with him on many questions.
The emperor on several occasions sharply rebuked Fesch for what he thought to be weakness and ingratitude.
The seasons are sharply demarked; both winter and summer come suddenly.
Of great length, the Arka-tagh, which is a mountain-system rather than a range, varies greatly in configuration in different parts, sometimes exhibiting a sharply defined main crest, with several lower flanking ranges, and sometimes consisting of numerous parallel crests of nearly uniform altitude.
The most sharply contested of the changes was in regard to silks, which had been completely prohibited, and were now admitted at a duty of 30 per cent.
The societies were distinctly understood to be part of the established church, as Wedgwood's were, and every attempt at estranging them therefrom was sharply reproved; but persecution made their position anomalous.
Jackson's first blow fell on part of Fremont's corps, which was sharply attacked and driven into the mountains (McDowell, May 8).
In the end the Federals were sharply pursued, but McClellan had gained a long start and, fighting victoriously almost every day, at length placed himself in a secure position on the James, which was now patrolled by the Federal warships (June 26 - July I).
Early sharply followed them up, his men infuriated by the devastation of the "Granary of the Confederacy."
With the provisos that if Lee turned upon Sherman, Grant must follow him up sharply,'and that Thomas could be left to deal with Hood (both of which could be, and were, done), the scheme might well be decisive of the war.
The foot is very large and powerful; it can be protruded from the anterior aperture between the mantle edges, and its outer part is bent sharply forwards and terminates in a point.
The line of demarcation cannot be very sharply drawn, as the zones everywhere overlap each other and local climatic conditions greatly modify plant types.
The work of the revisers has been sharply criticized from the standpoint of specialists in New Testament Greek.
But the consistency of his conduct, especially in voting for Prince Louis Napoleon as president, was often and sharply criticized, one of the criticisms leading to a duel with a fellow-deputy, Bixio.
This decision was subsequently sharply criticized by Clinton as unmilitary, and as having been made contrary to his instructions.
This older classification, which has little support except that which is traditional, is still adhered to by many geologists; hut the fact seems to be that the system is set off from the Pennsylvanian (Upper Carboniferous) more sharply than the Cambrian is from the Ordoviciao, the Silurian from the Devonian, or the Devonian from the Mississippian.
Tertiary Systems.The formations of the sevefl Tertiary peripds have many points of similarity, but in some respects they are sharply differentiated one from another.
In the west the Quaternary deposits are not, in all cases, sharply separated from the late Tertiary, but the deposits of glacial drift, referable to two or more glacial epochs, are readily differentiated from the Tertiary; so, also, are certain lacustrine deposits, such as those of the extinct lakes Bonneville and Lahontan.
The Cleveland hills rise sharply southward, to elevations sometimes exceeding 1000 ft., and are scored with deep and picturesque glens.
At Canyon City it passes out of the Rockies through the Grand Canyon of the Arkansas; then turning eastward, and soon a turbid, shallow stream, depositing its mountain detritus, it flows with steadily lessening gradient and velocity in a broad, meandering bed across the prairies and lowlands of eastern Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma and Arkansas, shifting its direction sharply to the south-east in central Kansas.
But his conduct after the battle was sharply criticized in England, and its negative results were used as a weapon against the ministry.
The rice plant is an annual grass with long linear glabrous leaves, each provided with a long sharply pointed ligule.
There is further an important piece of evidence which connects together all the Safine tribes and distinguishes them sharply, at least in the 5th and following centuries B.C., from the earlier strata of population in Italy.
He holds, like Hume, that nothing is real except our sensations and complexes of sensory elements; that the ego is not a definite, unalterable, sharply bounded unity, but its continuity alone is important; and that we know no real causes at all, much less real causes of our sensations; or, as he expresses it, bodies do not produce sensations, but complexes of sensations form bodies.
But while thus sharply distinguishing the physical and the psychical in appearance, he follows Fechner in identifying them in reality; except that Fechner's identification is noumenal, Wundt's phenomenal.
The surface of the ground is sharply undulating, an elevated spur extending south-west from the neighbourhood of Highgate, and turning south through Hampstead.
He favoured immediatism, but he differed sharply from the Garrisonian abolitionists, who abhorred the federal Constitution and favoured secession.
Among Lessing's chief friends during his second residence in Berlin were the philosopher Moses Mendelssohn (1729-1786), in association with whom he wrote in 1755 an admirable treatise, Pope ein Metaphysiker 1 tracing sharply the lines which separate the poet from the philosopher.
Morphologically considered, spores are marked by peculiarities of form, size, colour, place of origin, definiteness in number, mode of preparation, and so forth, such that they can be distinguished more or less sharply from the hyphae which produce them.
The sporophore is obsolete when the spore-bearing hyphae are not sharply distinct from the mycelium, simple when the constituent hyphae are isolated, and compound when the latter are conjoined.
The ascus is thus one of the most sharply characterized structures among the fungi.
The Erysiphaceae are a sharply marked group of forms which live as parasites.
Although in the forms without aecidia the two generations are not sharply marked off from one another, we may look up the generation with single nuclei in the cells as the gametophyte and that with conjugate nuclei as the sporophyte.
It has been shown especially in the Uredineae and Erysiphaceae that many forms which can hardly be distinguished morphologically, or which cannot be differentiated at all by structural characters, are not reall y homogeneous but consist of a number of forms which are se se s g sharply distinguishable by their infecting power.
The form Tritici is the least sharply marked and will grow on wheat, barley, rye and oat but not on the other grasses.
It lies on and above the small river Bollin, the valley of which is flanked by high ground to east and west, the eastern hills rising sharply to heights above l000 ft.
It lies on high, sharply rising ground which affords a view of a large part of the island.
On the western side these highlands terminate with a more or less sharply defined edge, the country sloping gradually up to their bases in gentle undulations with open, ill-defined valleys; on the eastern side they send out broad spurs enclosing deep-cut valleys, and the whole country retains more of an upland character.
The government was, however, sharply criticized for not first consulting the Reichstag in a matter involving the first military expedition since the foundation of the empire.
In the Coalition cabinet itself opinion was sharply divided, but in the end the views of the Independence party prevailed, and Dr Wekerle laid the proposal for a separate Hungarian Bank before the king-emperor and the Austrian government.
These sand-beds are sharply distinguished by their color from the overlying Nile deposit, and are of considerable thickness.
Not only were the magnates sharply reminded that they held their lands on military tenure, but the towns were also made to contribute both men and ships, and peasant levies, especially archers, were recruited from every parish.
Generally, however, the flower-bearing portion of the plant is sharply distinguished from the foliage leafbearing or vegetative portion, and forms a more or less elaborate branch-system in which the bracts are small and scale-like.
He liked good eating and drinking, although even here the cost was sharply looked after, the expenses of his kitchen mounting to no higher figure than 1800 a year.
Near Alcira the Jucar turns south-eastward, and then sharply north, curving again to the south-east before it enters the Mediterranean Sea at Cullera, after a total course of 314 m.
Of these the first and last are relatively small and sharply defined families, distinguished from the second family, which forms the bulk of the group, by characters so diverse that their inclusion with them in one larger group can only be justified on the ground of convenience.
The most noteworthy point of distinction is in the skull, in which the facial portion is sharply bent down on the posterior basal axis in the fashion characteristic of the hollow-horned ruminants (oxen, antelopes, &c.), and the American prongbuck, instead of running more or less nearly parallel to the same, as in deer.
To the east Cloud Hill, and to the south Mow Cop, rise sharply to heights exceeding l000 ft.
The drainage has therefore to make its way across India to the eastwards, now turning sharply round projecting ranges, now tumbling down ravines, or rushing along the valleys, until the rain which the Bombay sea-breeze has dropped upon the Western Ghats finally falls into the Bay of Bengal.
The Vindhyan series is generally sharply marked off from older rocks; but in the Godavari valley there is no well-defined line between them and the Transition rocks.
The colour of the buck is a deep brown-black above, sharply marked off from the white of the belly.
In both groups, for instance, the lower part of the hind-leg is formed by a long, slender cannon-bone, or metatarsus, terminating inferiorly in triple condyles for the three long and sharply clawed toes, the resemblance being increased by the fact that in both cases the small bone of the leg (fibula) is fused with the large one (tibia).
The spectrum, which closely resembles that of a sunspot, is marked by flutings or bands of lines sharply bounded on the violet side and fading off towards the red.
On these the belt of greatest density can be easily traced, and it follows very closely the course of the Milky Way; but, whereas the latter is a belt having rather sharply defined boundaries, the star-density decreases gradually and continuously from the galactic equator to the galactic poles.
Imagine this stratum to be uniformly filled with stars (of course in the actual universe instead of sharply defined boundaries AB and CD, we shall have a gradual thinning out of the stars) it follows that in the two directions SP and SP' the fewest stars will be seen; these then are the directions of the galactic poles.
A glance at the Milky Way, with its sharply defined irregular boundaries, its clefts and diverging spur, is almost sufficient to assure us that it is a real cluster of stars, and does not merely indicate the directions in which the universe extends farthest.
Lauriston, at the head of the column, had been sharply engaged on the 19th, but had spent the 20th in calculated inaction.
The two volumes are distinguished even more sharply by the exclusion, in the larger one, of certain details, such as the enumeration of the live stock, which would have added greatly to its size.
When detached clouds are drifting rapidly across the sun, we often see the shadows of the bars of the window on the walls or floor suddenly shifted by an inch or two, and for a moment very much more sharply defined.
Erosion buttes and mesas occasionally rise as picturesque monuments above the general level of the plains, and in the vicinity of the mountains the plains strata, elsewhere nearly horizontal, are bent sharply upward and carved by erosion into " hogback " ridges.
Evidences of shallow water conditions arc abundant; very frequently on the bedding surfaces of sandstones and other rocks we find cracks made by the sun's heat and pittings caused by the showers that fell from the Cambrian sky, and these records of the weather of this remote period are preserved as sharply and clearly as those made only to-day on our tidal reaches.
The town, with its Perpendicular church and its picturesque market-cross, lies below the south-western face of the Mendip Hills, which rise sharply from 600 to Soo ft.
But these leaders restrained their followers sharply whenever the suggestion of secession was made, and the question of what was meant by arresting the course of Federal legislation was left in doubt.
In the Gulfs of Suez and Akaba, almost the only part of the Red Sea in which tidal phenomena are well developed, a sharply defined tidal circulation is found.
They possess a characteristic flavour which differentiates them somewhat sharply from the Medoc wines.
After a rapid course westwards down the whole length of the Assam valley, the Brahmaputra turns sharply to the south, spreading itself over the alluvial districts of the Bengal delta, and, after several changes of name, ends its course of 1800 m.
The older rocks are like those of Bengal, and the newer beds show no sign of either the Himalayan or the Burmese folding - on the top of the plateau they are nearly horizontal, but along the southern margin they are bent sharply downwards in a simple monoclinal fold.
The condition for the reproduction of a surface element in the place of a sharply reproduced point - the constant of the sine relation - must also be fulfilled with large apertures for several colours.
As is well known to zoologists, and as has been very lucidly set forth by Mdbius, the location of oyster banks is sharply defined by absolute physical conditions.
Consequently, it is at once a product of, and a main factor in civilization; and is thereby sharply differentiated from the Israelite religion, with whose moral precepts it otherwise coincides so frequently.
His impulsive objection to some of Bishop Carroll's instructions was sharply rebuked, and he was recalled to Baltimore.
He recognized that he was a "mediator between German and Anglo-American theology and Christianity"; his theology was broad rather than definite, though he sharply dissented from Nevin's mystical doctrine of the union in the eucharist of the believer with Christ's glorified body as well as His glorified soul.
It was delivered on St Thomas's day (1609) before the feast of Christ's nativity, and in it he rebuked sharply "lusory lotts" and the "heathenish debauchery" of the students during the twelve days ensuing.
Similarly we are unable to divide Schizomycetes sharply into parasites and saprophytes, since it is well proved that a number of species - facultative parasites - can become one or the other according to circumstances.
He can speak sharply with authority to them.
Many of these differ widely from the parent race, but all the Melanesian peoples have certain common characteristics which distinguish them sharply from the inhabitants of Polynesia and Micronesia.
The fact that the Scyphomedusae have a number of well-marked peculiarities of form and structure is not incompatible with placing them in the Hydrozoa as a distinct sub-class, contrasting sharply in many ways with the Hydromedusae.
The Devonian rocks at Yalwal are sharply folded and are associated with a series of rhyolites and basic lavas.
It is highly characteristic of the Malacostraca, however, that the trunk-limbs are divided into two sharply defined tagmata corresponding to the thoracic and abdominal regions respectively, the limit between the two being marked by the position of the male genital openings.
The narrow, pointed leaves are spirally arranged and persist for four or five years; the cones are small, globose and borne at the ends of the branchlets, the scales are thickened at the extremity and divided into sharply pointed lobes, three to five seeds are borne on each scale.
The coal-fields on the eastern side, from the Tyne nearly to the Trent, are sharply marked off on the east by the outcrop of Permian dolomite or Magnesian limestone, which forms a low terrace dipping towards the east under more recent rocks, and in many places giving rise to an escarpment facing westward towards the gentle slope of the Pennine dales.
Five natural regions may be distinguished in the Eastern Division of England, by no means so sharply marked off as those of the west, but nevertheless quite clearly characterized.
The system is sharply defined on the north and less so on the south.
He supported the church in its conflicts with the civil powers in Venice, France and England, and sharply criticized James I.
Several species of Triodia cover large areas of the interior of Australia, and from their stiff, sharply pointed leaves are very troublesome.
Moreover, the two main divisions of the order, which were as sharply differentiated then as they are now, have existed practically unchanged from that remote epoch., ' ' In spite of the untold ages they have been in existence, the Pedipalpi are more restricted in range than the scorpions.
Conifers are not infrequently seen in which a lateral branch has bent sharply upwards to take the place of the injured main trunk.
Trafalgar Square is an open space sloping sharply to the north.
A small part of the main line of the Chilterns is included in the south of the county, the hills rising sharply from the lowland to bare heights exceeding 600 ft.
He wrote sharply against the Quakers, whom he seems always to have held in utter abhorrence.
This envelope is also sharply defined, but its normal appearance is compared to the serrations which blades of grass show on the skyline of a hill, and it is disturbed by the outbursts, called prominences, of which details are given below.
The temperature gradient at the confines of the photosphere must certainly ascend sharply at first.
The conclusion is that the photosphere is very sharply defined and shows no definite departure from a truly spherical shape.
The Cascade Mountains divide the state topographically into two sharply contrasted parts.
These upper and lower limits of the timber belt are sometimes very sharply defined, so that tall mountains may be marked by a dark girdle of forest, above and below which appear walls of bare rock.
The Briefe fiber die Lehre Spinozas (1785; 2nd ed., much enlarged and with important Appendices, 1789) expressed sharply and clearly Jacobi's strenuous objection to a dogmatic system in philosophy, and drew upon him the vigorous enmity of the Berlin clique, led by Moses Mendelssohn.
The philosophy of Jacobi is essentially unsystematic. A certain fundamental view which underlies all his thinking is brought to bear in succession upon those systematic doctrines which appear to stand most sharply in contradiction to it, and any positive philosophic results are given only occasionally.
If then we place these groups in a single class, it is not on account of a few anomalous genera, but because the characters set forth above sharply distinguish them from all other echinoderms, and because we have good reason to believe that the ophiurans did not arise independently but have descended from primitive starfish.
This minor official nobility was the strength of the crown, and was sharply divided in spirit and ambition from the older feudal aristocracy which descended from the original adventurers who had followed William the Conqueror.
Those who rose up in any way against the established order were sharply punished.
Stephen's pretensions to authority as "bishop of bishops" were sharply resented, and for some time the relations of the Roman and African Churches were severely strained.
He found it necessary to think clearly and define sharply; but Athanasius found it necessary to believe in a divine redemption.
Again, the Reformation had drawn a line round the canon - sharply in Calvinism, less sharply in Lutheranism (which also gave a quasi normative position to its Confessions of Faith).
In the lowlands the Aral-Caspian deposits, which it is difficult to separate sharply from the later Tertiary, cover the whole of the area.
In the next session (1843) he and his Young England party took up a definitely independent role, which became more sharply critical to the end.
The simple, uni-nerved leaves have a ligule near the base; the base of the ligule is somewhat sharply marked off from the other tissues of the leaf.
Three neuromeresa proto-, deutero-, and trito-cerebrum - corresponding to those three prosthomeres are sharply marked in the embryo.
In the hard wheats the outer glumes are keeled, sharply pointed, awned, and the seed is elongated and of hard glassy texture, somewhat translucent, and difficult to FIG.
The inclusion of deacons in the "three orders" which were regarded as essential to the existence of a true Church sharply distinguished them from the lower ranks of the ministry, and gave them a status and position of importance in the ancient Church.
We sharply distinguish that freedom which is the prerogative of human action from the necessary causation discoverable in nature.
It is clear then that the complexity of the subject-matter of ethics is such that no sharply defined boundary lines can be drawn between it and other branches of inquiry.
The women Hallgerda, Bergthora and Ragnhild are as sharply contrasted as the men Gunnar, Skarphedin, Flosi and Kari.
The Terskei Ala-tau forms a sharply accentuated, continuous, snow-clad range.
It connects the moral world by a deductive process with the fundamental idea of knowledge and being; it offers a view of the entire world of human action which at all events aims at being exhaustive; it presents an arrangement of the matter of the science which tabulates its constituents after the model of the physical sciences; and it supplies a sharply defined treatment of specific moral phenomena in their relation to the fundamental idea of human life as a whole.
The effects of a protectionist policy verging upon prohibition were soon sharply felt in.
The palate is long and narrow; its mucous surface has seventeen pairs of not very sharply defined oblique ridges, extending as far back as the last molar tooth, beyond which the velum palati extends for about 3 in., having a soft corrugated surface, and ending posteriorly in an arched border without a uvula.
The arid portion, as compared with the eastern portion, of the state has alike the advantages and disadvantages of a climate more sharply characterized.
After about 1890 the national tendencies towards a re-alignment of political parties on socialeconomic issues were sharply displayed in Nebraska.
It is true, as was pointed out by Sedgwick, that the species from the same part of the world resemble one another more closely than they do species from other regions, but recent researches have shown that the line between them cannot be so sharply drawn as was at first supposed, and it is certainly not desirable in the present state of our knowledge to divide them into generic or subgeneric groups, as has been done by some zoologists.
Thence the channel turns sharply westward, beginning the great zigzag mentioned.
The adoption of Islam by the latter, and by many Armenians, divided the people sharply into Christian and Moslem, and placed the Christian in a position of inferiority.
Only points lying on the plane focused for can be sharply reproduced in the retina, which acts as object-plane to the retina.
Very powerful simple microscopes have hardly any depth of definition so that in fact only points lying in one plane can be seen sharply with one focusing.
In the case of the dispersive eyepiece, on the contrary, no sharply limited field can arise, but vignetting must occur.
So long as the object is not sharply focused two separate dispersion figures will be seen.
A diaphragm with a very narrow hole is placed on the stage, and the microscope sharply focused on the edges of the hole.
Through this hole the points of the metal plates b can be observed by total reflection on the surface c. The apertometer is laid on the stage, so that the hole lies in the axis of the microscope, and the hole is sharply focused.
In Sphenophyllum majus, where the cones are less sharply defined, the forked bract bears a group of four sporangia at the bifurcations, but their mode of insertion has not yet been made out.
The cones, more or less sharply differentiated, terminated certain of the branches.
The stem is in all cases monostelic; in most of the forms the central cylinder underwent secondary growth, and the distinction between primary and secondary wood is very sharply marked.
The cortex, often sharply differentiated into sclerotic and parenchymatous zones, is bordered externally by the persistent leaf-bases.
As few substances are absolutely identical in action, but only broadly similar, it is often difficult to divide sharply one group from another.
So far as the latter task was concerned, he again sharply divided the issues which Alexander had confused.
She stopped, sucking her breath in sharply and glanced around.
He glanced sharply in the direction of the drive and swore under his breath.
If Dusty's phone hadn't rung, he would've retorted sharply enough to piss off even the Watcher.
But that since he lost his books much too well, so God had sharply chastised him by this sore affliction ' .
On takeoff it rolled sharply and away from the crowd, the flickering afterburner adding to the effect.
After the sharply angular esthetic of the exterior of the church the visitor is surprised by the curves that everywhere meet the eye inside.
Bürger distinguishes quite sharply between modernism, and what he terms the historical avant-garde or, elsewhere, the revolutionary avant-garde.
However this analysis excludes aviation, where emissions are rising sharply and would be responsible for 1/3 of all carbon emissions by 2050.
But, please do not bathe here; the beach shelves sharply and the currents are very strong at the point.
He has a quick eye & sharply curved beak.
The Growing Up proposals in 1999 put this sharply into context for the United Reformed church in relation to the Five Marks of Mission.
He had to brake sharply to avoid what he thought would be a head-on collision.
What is the revolutionist worth who leaves his party simply because someone has sharply criticized his ideas?
The Popular Party's government also managed to sharply curtail the terrorist activities of the Basque pro-independence ETA group.
In other words, cultures do not have sharply delineated boundaries.
The borders between man and machine, especially between mind and computer, are no longer so sharply demarcated.
Certainly he did not sharply distinguish between literature and philosophy.
The ridge itself is sharply etched - almost an arête - by a shallow rockslide which has taken away the original north top.
The film then cuts sharply to a sterile mortuary and the rough face of ranch foreman Pete Perkins (Tommy Lee Jones ).
Demand is expected to fall further in the next four months, tho less sharply than in the past four months.
Grail of any pop music collection and prices will continue to rise sharply in the years to come.
As stun grenades exploded, he was grabbed sharply by the arm.
Holy Grail of any pop music collection and prices will continue to rise sharply in the years to come.
After 5.00pm, activity falls off sharply and becomes minimal between 8.00pm and 8.00am.
This may sound esoteric but it feeds through into fixed-rate mortgage rates, which have fallen sharply, thus helping support the housing market.
Brown's staging occasionally slid toward camp, but elsewhere was sharply observant of the vagaries of human nature.
One Good Turn Kate Atkinson Jackson Brodie returns in this sharply intelligent read that is also percipient, funny and totally satisfying.
A sharply pointed toe caught her under the ribs, rolling her onto her back.
From its peak, the share price of AOL - Time Warner declined sharply.
The resemblance not having been flattering, the artist was sharply rebuked by his patron.
Many people believe house prices started to fall sharply from 1989 onwards, precipitating recession.
A sharply satirical look at our attitude to politics and politicians, this is a hilarious play and well worth seeing.
I was soon rebuked by him and was sharply reminded that status and rank is alive and well in civvy street, too.
She would also make sudden, unpredictable moves and call sharply on a number of students in turn to answer the same question.
Lesley pointed out the striking architectural Eryngium agavifolium which forms rosettes of sword shaped sharply toothed rich green leaves.
As you enter the water bring both legs sharply together giving maximum upthrust.
Brown looked sharply back at the road behind him; the man with the barrow had suddenly vanished.
This has the effect of forming the image of the latter farther from the observer's eye, and so it becomes necessary to turn the handle of the rack-pinion V in such a way as to move the prisms P3 and P4 nearer to P2 till the lines of the stellar spectrograph are again sharply in focus.
In the case of the Gulf Stream, which is not much impeded by the land, this descending motion is relatively slight, being perhaps largely due to the greater specific gravity of the water; it ceases to be perceptible beyond about 500 fathoms. On the European-African side the descending movement is more marked, partly because the coast-line is much more irregular and the northward current is deflected against it by the earth's rotation, and partly because of the outflow of salt water from the Mediterranean; here the movement is traceable to at least 1000 fathoms. The northward movement of water across the Norwegian Sea extends down from the surface to the IcelandShetland ridge, where it is sharply cut off; the lower levels of the Norwegian Sea are filled with ice-cold Arctic water, close down to the ridge.
The gaps, are, however, often filled as they are formed by the development of external conjunctive tissue immediately above the points at which the bundles begin to bend out of the stele, so that sharply defined open gaps such as occur in fern-steles are but rarely met with in flowering plants.
This takes account of - (I) the ArcticAlpine zone, including all the vegetation of the region bordering on perpetual snow; (2) the Boreal zone, including the temperate lands of North America, Europe and Asia, all of which are substantially alike in botanical character; (3) the Tropical zone, divided sharply into (a) the tropical zone of the New World, and (b) the tropical zone of the Old World, the forms of which differ in a significant degree; (4) the Austral zone, comprising all continental land south of the equator, and sharply divided into three regions the floras of which are strikingly distinct - (a) South American, (b) South African and (c) Australian; (5) the Oceanic, comprising all oceanic islands, the flora of which consists exclusively of forms whose seeds could be drifted undestroyed by ocean currents or carried by birds.
That following the northern slope is the Nahr al-'Asi (see Orontes) into which, when it has turned sharply towards the sea, flow some tributary streams from the Commagenian divide on the north.
All the advantages wan were hastily surrendered, and Montecucculi, sharply following up the retreat of the French, drove them over the Rhine and almost to the Vosges.
The order thus defined (see Giesbrecht and Schmeil, Das Tierreich, 1898), with far over a thousand species (Hansen, 1900), embraces forms of extreme diversity, although, when species are known in all their phases and both sexes, they constantly tend to prove that there are no sharply dividing lines between the free-living, the semi-parasitic, and those which in adult life are wholly parasitic and then sometimes grotesquely unlike the normal standard.
The relief of symptoms in whoopingcough is sharply to be distinguished from any influence on the course of the disease, since the drug does not abbreviate its duration by a single day.
Or, again, a dominant action in any three of the estates might enact laws highly detrimental to the interests of the remaining estate - a danger the more to be apprehended as in no other country in Europe were class distinctions so sharply defined as in Sweden.
Miloradovich wheeled his horse sharply and stationed himself a little behind the Emperor.
Turning the horse sharply, he again jumped the ditch, and deferentially addressed the horseman with the white plumes, evidently suggesting that he should do the same.
Curving her arms, Natasha held out her skirts as dancers do, ran back a few steps, turned, cut a caper, brought her little feet sharply together, and made some steps on the very tips of her toes.
It's high time for you to be married, answered the countess sharply and sarcastically.
The verdure had thickened and its bright green stood out sharply against the brownish strips of winter rye trodden down by the cattle, and against the pale-yellow stubble of the spring buckwheat.
His plump white neck stood out sharply above the black collar of his uniform, and he smelled of Eau de Cologne.
Our right flank is over there"--he pointed sharply to the right, far away in the broken ground--"That's where the Moskva River is, and we have thrown up three redoubts there, very strong ones.
Having descended the hill the general after whom Pierre was galloping turned sharply to the left, and Pierre, losing sight of him, galloped in among some ranks of infantry marching ahead of him.
They, those strange men he had not previously known, stood out clearly and sharply from everyone else.
That very young woman seemed to Pierre the perfection of Oriental beauty, with her sharply outlined, arched, black eyebrows and the extraordinarily soft, bright color of her long, beautiful, expressionless face.
The saddle-backed bush-cricket (Ephippiger ephippiger) can be identified from the sharply defined black line at the back of the head.
From Factory Junction the canal swings sharply under a road bridge and enters a scene dominated by the Beans Foundry ahead of us.
More color and atmosphere was added with their clinging sharply patterned dresses, their bodies and arms rolled in a sensuous rhythm.
She gives her a stinging slap on the cheek, saying sharply Tarot !
Go through a stile in the corner of the field, where the hedge bends sharply to the left for a short distance.
There are types of swords with straight backs yet curved edges, and others that widen toward the point but then taper sharply.
Theta power decreased sharply 240 ms before movement ended at the rewarded end, but not at the unrewarded end of the track.
Canada also veered sharply to the right during the eighties.