Sharing Sentence Examples
It's as if she's sharing hers with me.
He learned his lesson about sharing information with Sofi.
Sharing their problems was a step in the right direction.
She smiled at Fred, as if sharing their little joke.
If something is upsetting you, consider sharing it.
They depended on each other, while sharing everything, and owned twelve beautiful estates around the world.
He wasn't opposed to having it, but he insisted on sharing it in fair business - and with his wife, more or less.
Thanks for sharing it with us.
The command drove him to his knees, and he grappled with the idea of sharing power with a demon.
But that has nothing to do with the anonymous sharing of data.
AdvertisementOne little girl had fewer presents than the rest, and Helen insisted on sharing her gifts with her.
You do have the choice of sharing my bed or sleeping on the couch.
The two were sharing a room and the escape was not discovered until the following morning.
Jake Weller presented it to Dean one sunny afternoon while the two were sharing a diet-breaking ice cream on the stoop of a Seventh Avenue candy store.
The two German women sharing her room ceased talking when she entered and looked her over before one said in halting English, "You're American."
AdvertisementShe shook her head, not sharing his excitement about his experiments.
But that's because I would be sharing the experience with another human being, and human beings form connections with other human beings.
They sat dutifully, sharing the pillow, and were calm for several moments before a discreet elbow match broke out between them.
It makes me most happy to remember the hours we spent helping each other in study and sharing our recreation together.
I just said I wasn't sharing anything with that Boston shrew, I didn't say I was quitting the caper.
AdvertisementSharing it with anyone else would be a betrayal to Alex, not to mention an embarrassment to herself.
She was unwittingly sharing herself with him.
The human commensals were the totem-kin, whom Robertson Smith conceived to have been in the habit of sharing a common meal in daily life, or at least of not mixing with other kins.
Here we were, caught up in the euphoria of our accomplishments, like a group of dissimilar workers sharing a winning power ball ticket, and thinking that success made us friends for ever.
It wasn't like the Magician's magic, which somehow fused with his, as if they were one person sharing one source of power.
AdvertisementDean felt ill at ease in Cynthia Byrne's bedroom, spying on her world, seeing the small rainbow of dresses hanging in her closet, sharing space with suits and shirts looking as if they were awaiting the return of Jeffrey Byrne.
Sharing in the attack on the Saxon electorate, Albert was taken prisoner at Rochlitz in March 1547 by John Frederick, elector of Saxony, but was released as a result of the emperor's victory at Miihlberg in the succeeding April.
Rostov, without waiting to hear him out, touched his horse, galloped to the front of his squadron, and before he had time to finish giving the word of command, the whole squadron, sharing his feeling, was following him.
The baby was half his and he should be sharing equally in its financial needs.
See Wakefield (disambiguation) for articles sharing the title Wakefield.
He set a new tone in the world of photography by sharing his findings openly without obtaining a patent.
Before we get to the project I have for you today, I would first like to take a moment to thank you all for the wonderful times I've had sharing my two minute cat tips with you over the last two years here at LoveToKnow.
On the other hand, if he lost them, she would be sharing the loss of lifestyle.
Dean hoped it was simply from force of habit, not because he possessed information he wasn't sharing.
See New York (disambiguation) for articles sharing the title New York.
Our compassion should be like that of God, who succours the suffering without sharing in their pain.
After an analysis of the religious consciousness, which yields the doctrine of an absolute personal and spiritual God, Rothe proceeds to deduce from his idea of God the process and history of creative development, which is eternally proceeding and bringing forth, as its unending purpose, worlds of spirits, partially self-creative and sharing the absolute personality of the Creator.
The buccaneers, in fact, constituted a mercenary navy, ready for employment against the power of Spain by any other nation, on condition of sharing the plunder; and they were noted for their daring, their cruelty and their extraordinary skill in seamanship.
By sharing her observations of the apparently mundane, a resonant potency is granted to the humble "things" that surround us.
Only a small admixture of sharing agents was required to create a reasonable quality factor for the entire population.
All locations are linked by ADSL broadband enabling cost affective, real time communication and sharing of data between the concessions and head office.
She certainly appears to be sharing the question without offering definitive, and therefore most probably misleading, answers.
Sharing agents shared information, but stealing agents did not lie, or provide disinformation about the environment or about other agents.
He found it hard sharing a dormitory with the boys!
I am sure there should be a government health warning about sharing used earplugs with some unspecified members of the Red Rose CPC.
Four people sharing a hire car wouldn't be too expensive either.
Some promoters worked in partnership sharing major artists that helped in raising the profile of the smaller fetes.
Saturday's proceedings started with some keen fundraisers for the Association sharing their experiences.
Click here global gangers have been sharing their wishes for the New Year.
My ultimate aim is to develop a workable model for sharing knowledge and stimulating innovation in development projects.
Series of PALATINE events (workshops, seminars) sharing good practice in curriculum innovation related to employability.
Her idea of human rights seems inseparable from the simple belief in the sharing of experience.
Employers must be able to thwart the sharing or selling of trade secrets and other matters of corporate intellectual property.
We're a bunch of adrenalin junkies who like sharing a good time together.
He has been sharing one Last Supper with his disciples in particular the twelve apostles.
The first wave of the program would involve fourteen leas sharing over £ 2bn (from the £ 5.1bn ).
In addition to the competition, WorldSkills provides an opportunity for sharing leading edge thinking about training.
Which takes place Bernard lewis about sharing a bed cruise is complete.
Expert advice, knowledge sharing by providing specialists, either as consultants or interim managers for your program and project management.
Once your baby is sitting up (from around 6 months) he will enjoy sharing family mealtimes in a highchair.
Electronic whiteboard - The use of desktop microcomputers for sharing screen data.
John Paton was a great pioneer missionary who devoted himself to sharing the gospel with the cannibals of the New Hebrides in the Pacific.
But will there be enough mutual interest to develop a community of interest.... and is that the best way of thinking about sharing ideas?
There were both dark- and white-phase Dimorphic egrets, Cattle egrets and Black-crowned night herons sharing the same tree.
People, especially notable people, are more likely to be motivated by sharing their message than making a few bucks.
Assessment During the program, you will progress from participant observer, via support teacher and sharing teacher, to lead teacher.
Wireless Designs only shares data with selected companies after providing users the ability to either opt out of or opt into the sharing.
And I'm again so overwrought sharing truth; The gain is sold into dispute.
Set in tranquil parkland, there are 192 en-suite study rooms grouped into clusters of six or seven each sharing a well-equipped self-catering kitchen.
Territory sharing by the Caribbean striped parrotfish The hunting success of wild dogs Issue 3.
Printer sharing July 2005 Can I access a printer sharing July 2005 Can I access a printer on an XP machine from a ME machine?
Select the Sharing tab, then under ' Local sharing and security ' check the box ' make this folder private ' .
Describe how a roaming user profile can be used to support multiple users who are sharing the same computer.
I used to think that sharing a planet with the Washington Establishment was like sitting in a room with a dangerous psychopath.
You can catch ringworm by touching people who are infected or by sharing things like combs or shoes.
Right now there's a whole slew of video sharing websites with YouTube the most popular out there.
Are not tares a hindrance, sharing the strength of the soil with the good seed, while they themselves are good for nothing?
Bonuses can be paid via employe profit sharing schemes, usually tax-free.
She would hang on the phone most all day long, sharing tidbits with anybody who would listen to her.
The desire for this can come from Mentor or Student, or may even arise unbidden from the sharing of intense magical experiences.
Responsible, loving, funny, and very uninhibited about sharing feelings, joy of good music, nature, dance, sport.
Whilst in the Bristol Channel they were navigating a busy waterway, sharing it with ocean going freighters, tankers and coasters.
The profit sharing some will call a typical weeknight.
The Roman court of cassation is the highest, and in both penal and civil matters has a right to decide questions of law and disputes between the lower judicial authorities, and is the only one which has jurisdiction in penal cases, while sharing with the others the right to revise civil cases.
Though the bulk of his confiscated estates were lost beyond recall, he did not share the resentment of the mass of the returned emigres, from whom and their intrigues he had held aloof during his exile, and was far from sharing their delusions as to the possibility of undoing the work of the Revolution.
Pierre was staying at Prince Vasili Kuragin's and sharing the dissipated life of his son Anatole, the son whom they were planning to reform by marrying him to Prince Andrew's sister.
The treaty of Campo Formio (1797) and the subsequent treaty of Luneville (1801) confirmed the conquerors in the possession of the country, and Belgium became an integral part of France, being governed on the same footing, receiving the Code Napoleon, and sharing in the fortunes of the Republic and the Empire.
See Leominster (disambiguation) for articles sharing the title Leominster.
It will help facilitate the sharing of information.
To facilitate the sharing of good practice across the institution through personal and collective advocacy.
Without profit sharing an Islamic banking makes direct investment and equity financing a must.
In providing me with accounts of particularly harrowing experiences they appeared to be creating a testament which demanded sharing.
This category includes the 13-atom icosahedron, which can be decomposed into twenty tetrahedra sharing a common vertex.
For long these schools although sharing the same site were fiercely independent.
This configuration is often referred to as " ad-hoc networking mode " with the sharing computer operating in " infrastructure mode " .
The provision in the Rules for pension sharing on divorce is also extended to former civil partners.
They will also set out the limited circumstances in which brand sharing will be legally permissible.
The K-factor only affects the SCR, and so relates only to the impact of discretionary profit sharing in the stress scenarios.
You will be working on innovative projects, breaking new ground and sharing your learning with others.
The recent Cabinet Office report Sharing the nation's prosperity had put a different perspective on the debate.
Send a review · Please help us to help our visitors by sharing your views on the Hauck infinity pushchair - Rockstar Baby.
Sharing the bill are Crisis who will be playing a one-off reunion show.
For we have seen that in the Infinite there is utter simplicity, there are no parts, therefore no possibility of sharing.
In the sharing sector, UBUK recently launched Mini Cheddars Morso's, a premium cheesy baked snack for adults in a 150g bag.
The pain of defeat was somewhat softened by the sharing around of chocolates, however.
She is currently sharing her home with three other springers.
With 12 double rooms, mostly en-suite, some sharing a bathroom, this is the perfect stopover for a few nights.
Both home-based and school-based methods had an impact but the former appeared superior in promoting book sharing.
By sharing our ideas with one another, our knowledge is made explicit, rather than remaining tacit.
DaimlerChrysler has some close operational tie-ups with the Japanese partner like joint development of engines and vehicle platform sharing.
For us time sharing meant togetherness, a chip was a piece of wood or fried potato.
Whether you're studying for a masters, PGCE od PhD, how about sharing some of your worldly wisdom with the JCR.
He will now be sharing his time between LICC, as lecturer in Contemporary Culture, and his freelance writing.
In June he was at Magdeburg, Halle and Naumburg; the elector of Saxony excluded him from his dominions, but Albrecht's brother, the elector Joachim of Brandenburg, encouraged him at Berlin in the hope of sharing the spoils, and by the connivance of Duke George of Saxony he was permitted to pursue his operations within a few miles of the electoral territory at Wittenberg.
But, excluded though they were from most trades and occupations, confined to special quarters of the city, disabled from sharing most of the amenities of life, the Jews nevertheless were gradually making their escape from the ghetto and from the moral degeneration which it had caused.
These devotees lavish large sums in indiscriminate charity, and it is the hope of sharing in such pious distributions that brings together the concourse of religious mendicants from all quarters of the country.
He believed that Christianity had existed from all eternity, and that the Greeks and Romans, sharing in God's truth, would share also in the celestial joys.
While sharing the opinion of Tycho as to the origin of such bodies by condensation of nebulous matter from the Milky Way, he attached a mystical signification to the coincidence in time and place of the sidereal apparition with a triple conjunction of Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.
St Bernard accused him of sharing the doctrines of Abelard (see Ep. 189, 195), and procured his condemnation by the council of Sens (I 140) at the same time as that of the great scholastic. This was perhaps no more than the outcome of the fierce polemical spirit of the abbot of Clairvaux, which led him to include all his adversaries under a single anathema.
It 's a win-win situation based on revenue sharing.
Juvenile rooks form long-term alliances, which are based on high levels of affiliative behavior (preening, food sharing) between partners.
Scotching the Myths During 1997 we will be sharing some events that happened in Scotland on the date the magazine comes out.
The reason I 'm being somewhat secretive about specific details is that I feel I 'm sharing someone else 's history with you.
Arrange for an occasional sermon (series) on how Christians should use their money -- earning, spending, saving and sharing.
An alternative approach examines the distortion of allele sharing among affected sibling pairs.
Right now there 's a whole slew of video sharing websites with YouTube the most popular out there.
In the sharing sector, UBUK recently launched Mini Cheddars Morso 's, a premium cheesy baked snack for adults in a 150g bag.
We have yet to find ways of sharing tacit knowledge at a distance.
Despite the unquestionable success, much still leaves to be desired by the actual service quality in file sharing networks.
The main edition has three scores and a set of viol parts, singers sharing two to a score.
Prime/target pairs sharing the vocalic melody but not the CV-Skeleton consistently failed to prime.
This is a circumspect simple track with slow plodding bass sharing main duties with a looped wailing female vocal.
Whether you 're studying for a masters, PGCE od PhD, how about sharing some of your worldly wisdom with the JCR.
My cousin would always feign excitement when we came to visit, but I knew she really didn't like sharing her room.
Her husband glanced accusingly into the kitchen, where the women were sharing secrets and giggling.
If your toddler is sharing his room, why not carve out a corner for each child with his own little desk and chair?
Other agreements may only include sharing information about the child as he continues to grow.
Sharing the cost of childcare with family and friends can also reduce the expense.
Fraternal Twins - Non-identical twins whom are actually siblings sharing the same womb become referred to as fraternal twins.
Please consider sharing it with our readers.
If your pet shows no interest in sharing sleeping quarters, don't force the issue.
One way is to determine if the babies are sharing one placenta.
In some families, an older child may be sharing a room with the new baby, and thus a gender neutral theme is a necessity.
There are websites with galleries of diaper cakes photos showcasing patterns for idea sharing.
For others, however, sharing SIDS stories is a form of therapy.
There isn't any right or wrong way to express how you are feeling, but writing down your thoughts and sharing the events of the birth and death of your child may help you deal with the incomprehensible pain you are experiencing.
If sharing the story of your little boy or girl is something you think you want to do, you have several options.
Pick a quiet time to sit and reflect on the tender moments you shared with your precious baby, then write a letter to him or her sharing memories and relating your feelings of love and sorrow.
Finally, remember that sharing your story with others may not only help you through this terrible time of loss and heartache, but it may help someone else as well.
By creating small tributes and sharing their feelings with others, they can begin the process of healing.
By attending the baptism and presenting the child with a lovingly chosen gift, you are indeed sharing in this special day with all who love the honoree.
Also, with many preschool systems being out of commission during this portion of the year, some parents are simply unprepared for the long hours they will now be sharing with their dynamic two-year-old.
Fax machines provide a safe, fast and secure method of document sharing between offices.
Digital cameras that are 2 megapixels or less will give you fine shots, especially for sharing via email and for smaller prints.
A 2 megapixel camera phone will do the job you need as long as you are simply sharing photos electronically.
In addition, since memory foam absorbs movement and shock, the individual you are sharing a bed with would not be able to feel you move.
There are also two USB ports for sharing printers and drive content.
When you have pets, celebrating the Christmas season usually means sharing some of the festivities your furry friends.
Some cats are very picky about not sharing a litter box with other cats.
Sure, some cats are willing to buddy up and share food bowls, litter boxes, and scratching posts, but some persnickety felines simply can't resign themselves to sharing the things they consider to be their own.
If you have a shy cat that tends to be reclusive, you will need to do more preparation to ease the transition of sharing life with a new baby.
Low allergen and hypoallergenic cats may be the answer for many allergy sufferers who dream of sharing their life with a feline friend, but it's clear prospective owners will have to pay a hefty price for that pleasure.
Big Universe is a website dedicated to sharing children's books - whether they be written by children or children's authors.
No object can replace the connection parents can make with their children by sharing a story in a quiet place during a very special time of year.
The Phantom Tollbooth is a classic and worth sharing with kids of any age.
This is especially important when sharing a computer with a roommate, utilizing WiFi or using public computing facilities, such as the library or university common room.
Bank of America also has a strict policy against sharing personal information with third parties that do not have customers' best interests in mind.
Avoid sharing any new information with online advertisers.
When it comes to sharing your personal information, ask yourself, "Do they need to know?" Determine what information you must provide to others, including merchants, medical providers and employers.
Sharing your experiencing with others is key to a successful divorce for you and your family.
Give each other the gift of sharing suggestions and giving each other's ideas a fair chance.
Many families prize communication and encourage sharing praise, troubles, and grievances in order to prevent tension or misunderstandings.
While sharing faith with those who have different beliefs is encouraged, condemnation of anyone's different values or forcing one's faith onto an unwilling person is unacceptable.
This is often done through tithing and church programs, but other charitable acts also demonstrate the same compassion and sharing.
Even the most casual car sharing or lift sharing arrangement will result in the reduction of miles driven.
Advice - many gardeners are happy to share their experience and this includes their experience of building and maintaining a compost area as well as sharing their knowledge of growing plants.
Helping a child to make that commitment is as simple as sharing your own life with her.
Knowing that your child will be sharing the space with others may make you hesitate to send anything of great expense.
I love sharing the tips and hearing that my words has helped my readers feel more confident and beautiful.
Internet savvy gals can have fun building their web page and chocking it full of makeup tips for teenagers, all while sharing their love and passion for the cosmetic industry.
While you can't literally earn a living from taking surveys, participating in online surveys can be a great way to pick up cash or prizes in exchange for sharing your opinion.
Most people enjoy sharing their opinions on everything from mundane topics like favorite foods to deeply-felt moral or political positions.
You're not going to get rich by filling out online surveys, but if you enjoy sharing your opinion, it can be a fun way to make a little pocket change.
Websites dedicated to sharing discount codes.
With the Internet's capacity for sharing information, it provides the perfect venue for free online encyclopedias.
Shutterfly seems to have a larger focus on the special products you can create with your images, including cards, calendars and photo books, while still offering standard digital photo sharing and printing services.
Like the other sites, they offer free picture sharing and photo tools, and like Clark, they still offer mail-in film processing for traditional film.
Others provide photo printing, so they give you free storage and sharing capabilities in the hopes you will use their printing services.
Many social networking sites like Myspace also offer space for sharing pictures.
If you want to share travel photos, a few sites like and TravelBlog offer communities specifically dedicated to posting and sharing travel journals.
One word of caution - if you come across a site offering scans of books, read the site's "About" page to make sure they have the right to do so, and aren't illegally sharing copyrighted material.
Still, the vast majority of blogs are smaller efforts for sharing thoughts and feelings with friends, family and the occasional random reader.
Mailing lists can be a great way to network with other professionals in your field while sharing ideas, resources and strategies.
Tioti requires only a free registration for discovering, downloading, streaming and sharing television shows.
While it's unlikely that you're going to get in trouble for watching illegal videos on your website, that becomes less certain if you're downloading the videos, especially if you are then sharing them.
Before video sharing websites became as common as they are today, the world of home video technology consisted of parents recording precious memories onto video tape, and then storing the VHS away in a closet for years.
Today, recording and sharing precious memories is so much faster and easier than it ever was before, thanks to the many online tools and resources that are available.
The solution for sharing such videos is hosting them on video sharing websites.
As the popularity of YouTube exploded, more and more website creators founded new video sharing websites, so that today you now have hundreds of online resources available where you can upload and store all of your family videos.
YouTube is still at the very top of the list when it comes to sharing videos.
While the site was always completely dedicated to sharing public videos, now you can set your videos to private if you want to so that only your friends and family can view them.
Sharing your DailyMotion video files with friends through your blog or your Facebook account is as easy as copying and pasting a snippet of code.
DropShots is targeted specifically for sharing family videos, and the site prides itself on its privacy and security features.
If you prefer only sharing your family videos with close friends and family, then DropShots is one of the first sites you should check out.
If you like sharing and viewing videos and photos online, don't forget to check out the following LoveToKnow Online resources as well!
Features outstanding sharing capabilities.
The Internet offers hundreds of chat rooms, community forums and specialized websites dedicated to sharing this nostalgia with like-minded people, which adds an unexpected bonus of sheer fun.
Aperture's major advantages are its various options for managing and sharing photos.
Aperture 3 receives a very good rating for its impressive photo editing, management, and sharing features.
Christmas is a time for caring and sharing, so make sure to make enough to pass around to your friends and loved ones!
Don't stress over coming up with new Thanksgiving dinner ideas; instead, be thankful for the food you're preparing and the loved once you're sharing it with.
Romantic dinners are supposed to be about sharing a romantic meal together and not about using every pot and pan in your kitchen, so these simple romantic dinner recipes should inspire cuddling not a trip to the local cooking school.
Part of the fun of scrapbooking is sharing your ideas with other crafters!
You can relive the experiences while sharing them with those who weren't on the trip.
Honoring their memory and sharing their life with others is what the memoriam album is all about.
There are numerous file sharing groups that swap their own shape files.
Also, consider lullabies or nursery rhymes in your search, especially those you enjoyed sharing with your daddy or if making a book for your child's father, those she's shared with him.
If several people from your town are going to the GASC, you may be able to save money on travel and accommodations, by sharing the cost of gas and the hotel room.
What is your preference for viewing and sharing the scrapbook?
Sharing this type of meditation in a coordinated group can increase the focus on how all life is connected, easing stress more effectively than solo meditation.
An online setting may offer one-on-one counseling so the student is only sharing their personal information with a professional.
Taking part in fun stress reducers is a great way to keep your stress levels down while sharing happy times and laughter with your family and friends.
That is, their families have trouble sharing their feelings and are less close to one another.
If it's a limousine you're after, then book it early, and consider sharing the cost with a group of friends.
Sharing your early dating experiences may also be helpful for your young person to hear.
Suggest a study group, so you can catch up in a low-stress environment while also sharing the knowledge you do have.
Sharing your dilemma with someone you look up to like a parent, teacher or school counselor can help you sort things out.
It takes girls through several questions they are likely to ask themselves as they realize they are attracted to other women, sharing thoughts from a number of teens who have faced the same thoughts.
How many people will be sharing this limo?
Or will you be lounging in a cozy corner, sharing an intimate conversation between friends?
The Internet is a great resource for finding sad poems about love and sharing your own.
Sharing your poetry with the world is also therapeutic because you can feel proud that you are helping someone else through the same distress you are feeling.
Make the memories of high school something you will both remember by sharing a special poem as a gift.
Sharing a room helps kids and teenagers learn how to cooperate with one another, pick up after themselves, and make compromises when things don't go their way.
Finding funny videos and sharing them with friends has become something that just about all teens do, and many popular teen videos will end up reposted as links on their Facebook or MySpace profiles.
LoveToKnow would like to thank Mark Reinfeld for sharing these tips for getting starting eating a raw food diet.
In order to use the snapshot announcement you'll need the help of a photo sharing website like Shutterfly.
I promise to be your faithful partner in life, respecting you, loving you and sharing with you as intended by God and our shared faith.
I love you with all my heart and stand here before all of our friends and family, sharing the happiest day of my life.
Get as creative with the note as you want, but be sure to thank everyone for sharing in your special day.
Many bakers will be unwilling or unable to create extremely unusual designs because of the labor and risk involved, and the couple also runs the risk of their guests not sharing the same personalized vision as the bride and groom.
One thing every couple wants is for their bridal party gifts to be memorable--a lasting keepsake to thank those sharing their special day.
Regardless, your guests will appreciate the extra effort you went to finding them a special "thank you" for sharing in their special day.
Sharing your vows with your officiant can also be helpful and ease your nerves.
Thank them for being so thoughtful and then thank them for sharing your special day with you.
The couple or reception host/hostess could stand up and do a short reading, thanking everyone for coming and sharing in the couple's wedding day.
Sharing this information means that the guests are fully aware of the plans for the day and that the bride and groom can concentrate on enjoying their special day without having to worry if people know what the plans are.
Wedding favors are small gifts given by the newly married couple to their guests to thank them for sharing their special day.
Understanding when to send out wedding announcements is the first step in sharing your marital joy with everyone important to you.
LoveToKnow would like to thank Eunice and Sabrina Moyle for explaining the importance of choosing wedding invatations as well as sharing a few special tips.
This is an excellent opportunity to make your guests feel involved by sharing the inside scoop on your day and recognizing those who play an important part in your wedding.
There are few such reminders that are as sweet and delicious as dessert, so enjoy sharing the resounding message of love with the people who mean the most to you on your wedding day.
Tell them how much they've meant to you or your new spouse and thank them for sharing your wedding day.
Sharing a commitment ceremony with children or family members who weren't present at the initial wedding.
There is an emphasis on peer sharing and group counseling in sessions.
Sharing needles puts the user at risk of diseases like HIV/AIDS and hepatitis.
Though all meetings operate on the premise of open sharing, joining in the discussion is completely voluntary.
Sober Recovery, a website that helps people locate local addiction treatment centers, has a forum devoted to sharing poetry, quotes and inspirational sayings about overcoming addiction.
LoveToKnow would like to thank Anna Hellman for taking time out of her busy career to participate in this Teroforma linens interview and sharing her company with LTK readers.
Valentine's Day is all about love, and since love can be so closely connected with food, it makes sense to show appreciation by baking something delicious to eat and sharing it with the people you care about most.
Marshall's heirs were less than happy about the prospect of sharing their inheritance with Anna.
Winfrey is well-known for sharing her wealth and spreading the word to people about helping others in their communities and beyond.
Sure, in the past Angelina Jolie may have been scandalous in other areas of her life, like her penchant for sharing way too much information about her, ahem…relations with ex-husband Billy Bob Thornton, but never with her children.
Oh Kendra, does it surprise you that 19-year old twins sharing an 82-year-old "boyfriend" (meal ticket?) aren't at all thankful?
An interview is not the time for sharing such information.
This allows both of you to get to know each other through the sharing of your personal experiences.
However, when couples are more similar, they spend their time sharing in the similar interests.
To build trust, start by occasionally sharing your thoughts, feelings or ideas with the person you are talking to.
That being said, when a monogamous relationship develops, the expectation is that trust develops over time and two people feel safe in sharing confidential and personal information with their partner.
It also comes from sharing personal information.
As a result you run the risk of this woman inappropriately sharing your confidential information where others may overhear.
After dating for seven months, I would expect that your relationship has reached the place where each of you is sharing personal information with the other.
Contrary to what many people think, the sharing of too much personal information during the early stages of dating, in the name of "just being honest," crosses both genders.
An intimate connection is a result of two people having developed trust, through the process of each sharing honest and later, candid opinions, values, and experiences over a long period of time.
In essence, he is sharing his time and affection with you AND another person.
This would be about the time where you would begin sharing information about the difficulties you and your mom faced when you were younger.
Sharing this very private information won't be easy.
This is a starting point for sharing what your thoughts on the topic are.
This sharing will help open the door for you to find the courage in yourself to tell your mom about the boy you like.
Right now, you are sharing your concern with your fiancé and he is responding by telling you that you are indeed ready to get married.
Relationships get going when two people spend time together getting to know each other through sharing thoughts, doing activities together, having disagreements and working through them.
Sharing those details with her will brighten her world, which is a sweet thing to do for anyone.
All too often, out of a sense of guilt or defensiveness, people sometimes make the mistake of sharing much more information than is necessary.
If you share the whole sorted past, you run the risk of sharing too much too soon.
A can guy show love in a variety of ways, by following through with the plans that are made, by sharing personal information about himself and by 'doing' things for the woman he cares about.
Trust comes when both people feel comfortable sharing feelings, dreams and their history with each other without fear of judgment or criticism.
Our purpose for sharing these techniques is to help people communicate better as well as to protect people from the effects of manipulative communication.
No matter which dating sites appeal to you, remember to use common sense when sharing your personal information.
Sharing these games also helps seal your bond and create trust.
For example, you can ask a question while sharing some relaxing time together over a meal or out shopping.
Keep going deeper and put on your best listening ears, while also sharing thoughts of your own.
Behaving differently while talking either via the Internet or phone with this other person, lighthearted, laughing and sharing of private jokes.
But sharing these sexual dreams, aspirations and yes, the fantasy portion of it, with a partner can deepen your communication, intimacy and may possibly boost your sex life and relationship.
People find some solace in sharing the ordeal of infidelity, even with total strangers.
It also means doing things together that help the relationship grow, such as sharing adventures, exchanging gifts, and being affectionate.
Also, sharing a bottle of wine is a thoughtful gift.
Also, some speed dating companies have rules against sharing where you work or where you live, so check to see if those questions are off limits.
Engagement cards are becoming more popular as families spread further apart and wish to keep in touch while sharing exciting news.
Sharing a delicate gift box that conceals the ring as the ultimate gift.
When sharing pictures of a ring, couples need to be sure they aren't swapping photos simply to prove how large or expensive the engagement ring is.
When sharing a ring picture, be sure to include engagement photos of the happy couple for a complete picture of what the ring represents.
When sharing a picture over email, be sure the file size is easy to read and let the recipient know to expect a picture attachment.
Whether a couple is sharing in the culture passed down through generations or is starting their own history with the exchanging of this ring, it is sure to be a treasured icon for many years.
A couple should focus on the joy of sharing their engagement with their friends and family members instead of agonizing over small details.
This also gives the couple a few precious days to share their new engaged status together before sharing engagement announcements with friends and family members.
A couple can easily turn this type of ring into a matching set by sharing the different stacking rings.
Opting for rings that are not strictly identical or part of a matched set can give each person leeway in their personal tastes while still sharing similar rings.
LoveToKnow Engagement Rings would like to thank Dana Stone for sharing her expertise into engagement ring style and current trends.
Free online engagement announcements can be just the thing for sharing your news with people around the world.
Social networking sites such as Facebook and microblogging sites such as Twitter mean that people are very comfortable with sharing news as it happens.
LoveToKnow thanks Minter Richter for the interview and sharing such helpful tips about titanium rings.
If a company is promising to pay you based on some complicated revenue sharing plan you don't understand, think twice before accepting the offer.
Revenue sharing offers can be legitimate, but many are just an excuse to take free work from unsuspecting writers.
Social Media Trader has compiled a list of 100 revenue sharing sites that may be useful as markets for your writing.
Some writers also saw their base compensation increase through bonuses and profit sharing, although these perks will understandably vary from year to year.
It is certainly a good way to keep in line with the feeling of the holiday by sharing some homespun cooking.
Ruled by Jupiter, Sagittarius is an expansive sign that wants everyone to enjoy themselves while sharing equal footing.
This could mean engaging in deep conversation or debate, as well as sharing a good book or listening to Mozart.
Make him feel secure and loved in return, and he'll reward you by letting down his guard and sharing his deeper emotions.
For the Libra male, sharing in beauty is one of the most romantic things he can do.
Virgo romance is a mixture of details and cautious sharing.
A Virgo matched with another Virgo may seem like an ideal match, but both will have the same flaw of being resistant to sharing inner feelings and critical of each other.
Capricorns are intelligent and thoughtful, but they aren't always forthright with their reasoning processes or with sharing their feelings.
Some partners find this frustrating and may have to coerce their Capricorns into sharing more of their thoughts and feelings.
The Aries man loves to start things, and he tremendously enjoys sharing that process with others.
If this couple can work out a sharing arrangement where they rotate with who comprises next, they can reach a harmonious existence, at least for a short time.
You can do this by first sharing a little about how you feel about a situation or topic.
This can get out of hand if they attempt to control others who may be sharing their environment.
These two love sharing their thoughts and will have many meaningful discussions.
Reading together, taking interesting classes, participating in extreme sports and activities, and sharing any experiences that can foster learning and personal growth will help keep your Aries mate comfortable.
This can be a very successful combination, especially when it comes to sharing the arts and the high social life a profession in this arena can generate.
It means you will be sharing your life with another person.
Bunk beds are very popular choices for siblings sharing a room or for the occasional sleepover.
It provides a relatively stress free environment for sharing and conversation.
There are games that allow children to help Clifford in various situations and games related to sharing.
This is a great alternative for parents who want to be more involved in their preschool child's education, while sharing a sense of community and involvement with their child.
Ironically, children seem to have an innate magnet for sharing precisely when they are not supposed to.
Sharing cups, eating utensils, straws, snacks, and any other items that have been near the mouth or other mucous membranes can be a speedy route to the illness highway.
Teach children to avoid sharing items such as the aforementioned, and wash young children's toys frequently with mild soap and warm water.
There are lots of ways to delve into the world of art, and sharing art for kids is a great way to spend quality family time.
We run to school, to work, to ballgames and music lessons, without ever really sharing our innermost thoughts with the people who mean the most to us.
Probably one of the best resources Christian parents have for sharing their faith with their child is the local church.
Keep children from sharing food and drinks.