Shares Sentence Examples
We were each given shares of stock, fully paid for, that would provide substantial dividends for future years.
She certainly shares our opinion that the current day Dawkins are a sorry lot.
It shares with the emperor the legislative power, including the discussion and sanctioning of the budget.
She became the beneficial owner of all the shares in the Talyllyn Railroad Company.
The respective shares of the leading customs in the tfade of the country is approximately shown in the following table, which gives the value of their exports and imports (general trade) in 1905 in millions sterling.
To,the above taxes must be added the tax on Stock Exchange transactions and the tax of 4% on dividends from stocks and shares (other than state loans).
The state owned, in 1909, 30,002 shares of stock in the North Carolina Railroad Company,' with a market value (1907) of $5,580,372 (the stock being quoted at 186), and an annual income of $210,014 and 12,666 shares of stock in the Atlantic & North Carolina Railroad Company, from which the annual income is $31,665.
By agreement with the Ministry of the Interior, as soon as the reserve exceeded by io% the working capital (which was partly in shares, partly in bank advances) the company was to sell food under cost price; and this actually happened.
Vodafone will likely maintain a very small percentage of preferred shares after the hand off.
The Bank of the Republic was established in 1896 with a nominal capital of $12,000,000, and in 1899 it received the right to issue further shares amounting to $5,000,000.
AdvertisementThe Egyptian government subscribed for eighty millions' worth of shares.
Through confiscation of money, and deposits in banks removed to Russia, cancellation of shares, destruction of private and public bonds, and loss of interest, a loss of 379,- 000,000 gold rubles was caused by Russia, and 6,000,000 marks by Germany.
He shares with Daru the honour of being the hardest worker and most devoted supporter in Napoleon's service; but it has generally been considered that he carried devotion to the length of servility, and thus often compromised the real interests of France.
And, their own predominance being assured by their numerical strength and influence, they accorded equal shares of power to the other monti.
The king is the head of the executive, the supreme commander of the armed forces of the nation, and shares the legislative power with the parliament.
AdvertisementIn this respect the greatest efforts have naturally been made by Hamburg; but Magdeburg, Dresden, Meissen, Riesa, Tetschen, Aussig and other places have all done their relative shares, Magdeburg, for instance, providing a commercial harbour and a winter harbour.
Here at least the medieval system, in spite of any anomalies with respect to modern conditions, has resisted reform, and no other municipal body shares the traditions and peculiar dignity of the City Corporation.
The shares, when made of the same material, required constant sharpening; this necessity was removed by the device, patented by Robert Ransome in 1803, of chilling and so hardening the under-surface of the share; the upper surface, which is soft, then wears away more quickly than the chilled part, whereby a sharp edge is always assured.
The drug is largely employed in cases of Bright's disease and dropsy from any cause, being especially useful when the liver shares in the general venous congestion.
In his new position he was allowed, probably from regard to Aquitanian susceptibilities, to govern with an independence which was studiously denied to his brothers in their shares of the Angevin inheritance.
AdvertisementDuring such periods of excitement it is even able, by the pressure of the muscles on the poison-duct, to eject the fluid to some distance; hence it shares with the cobra a third Dutch name, that of "spuw slang" (spitting snake).
The residency shares with that of Ternate the administration of the Moluccas, the previous government of which was abolished in 1867.
By 1892 the leading mines had proved their dividend-earning capacity, and in 1895 there was a great "boom" in the shares of the mining companies.
The boundarystones between properties (termini) were also the objects of cult at the annual festival of the Terminalia, and the "god Terminus," the symbolic boundary-stone, shares with Jupiter the great temple on the Capitol.
The literary and historical criticism of EzraNehemiah is closely bound up with that of Chronicles, whose characteristic features it shares.
AdvertisementRevenues for state purposes are derived from special taxes collected from the liquor traffic, corporations, transfers of decedents' estates, transfers of shares of stock, recording tax on mortgages, sales of products of state institutions, fees of public officers including fines and penalties, interest on deposits of state funds, refunds from department examinations and revenue from investments of trust funds, the most important of which are the common school fund and the United States deposit fund.
By the 1st of January 1849 he had reduced his interest to 312 shares out of loo; by July 2nd, 1860, to 15 shares; in 1868 he owned only 9; and in 1872, only 6.
Mosul shares the severe alternations of temperature experienced by upper Mesopotamia.
Of the rest, whose personalities are less known to us, Papias shares Polycarp's qualities and their limitations, the anonymous homilist and Hermas are marked by intense moral earnestness, while the writer to Diognetus joins to this a profound religious insight.
When taken by the mouth, cod-liver oil shares with other liver-oils the property of ready absorption.
In these editions, partly texts, partly translations, it is impossible to determine the respective shares of Erasmus and his many helpers.
A constitutional provision makes each stockholder in a state bank liable to the amount of his share or shares for all the bank's debts and liabilities.
In spite of his radical opinions he made a furious attack on the admiralty for the new prize money regulations which diminished the shares of the captains to the advantage of the men.
The older part of the urban district is included in the parliamentary borough of Merthyr Tydfil, and also shares with Merthyr and Aberdare the services of a stipendiary magistrate.
Even in the spiritual labours which the Society shares with the other orders, its own ways of dealing with persons and things result from the system of training which succeeds in forming men to a type that is considered desirable.
This peculiarity the Basilidian system shares with that of Satornil of Antioch, which has only come down to us in a very fragmentary state, and in other respects recalls in many ways the popular Gnosticism.
It is true that the translation is more careful and correct than some of the renderings noticed above, but on the other hand it shares all their faults.
There is a governor's council of five members, one from each councillor district, which has advisory duties and shares with the governor most of his powers.
The latter, often also called Ox-bird, Plover's Page, Purre and Stint, - names which it shares with some other species, - not only breeds commonly on many of the elevated moors of Britain, but in autumn resorts in countless flocks to the shores.
It shares the old Schwarzburg lands with Schwarzburg-Rudolstadt.
Thus did mankind come into existence, its various members possessing very different shares of light, but the men having uniformly a larger measure of it than the women.
The shares of different nationalities in the aggregate mass of foreigners have varied greatly.
In the production of pig iron, the share of the United States seems to have been in 1850 about one-eighth and that of Great Britain onehalf of the worlds product; while in 1903 the respective shares were 38.8 and 19.3%; and Germanys also slightly exceeded the British output.
After Europe the largest shares of exports are taken by North America, Asia and Oceania, South America and Africa in order.
Rice, which shares with millet the distinction of being the principal food-stuff of the greatest number of human beings, is not grown nearly as widely as is wheat, the staple food of the white races.
In disposing of some of the stock of this company, Ames in1867-1871sold a number of shares to members of Congress at a price much below what these shares eventually proved to be worth.
As Whip the Master of Elibank earned high praise for his energy and tact; but he was somewhat unfortunately mixed up with the " Marconi Scandal " in connexion with Mr. Lloyd George and Sir Rufus Isaacs, as having invested part of the Liberal Party funds in American Marconi shares in which he, with them, was speculating - a transaction hotly debated in Parliament in 1913.
In 1798 its name was changed to Washington Academy, in recognition of a gift from George Washington of some shares of canal stock, which he refused to receive from the Virginia legislature.
A considerable business is done on the exchange, chiefly in local industrial shares, and the financial institutions number some fifty banks, among them branches of the Reichs Bank and of the Deutsche Bank.
His third position is his actualistic theory of soul, which he shares with Fichte, Hegel, Fechner and Paulsen.
Indeed, it shares with Romans the right to be styled "the first treatise of Christian theology."
It shares the roving habits of the latter, frequenting ships and by these means reaching various parts of the world.
In theory, the knight was the defender of widows and orphans; but in practice wardships and marriages were bought and sold as a matter of everyday routine like stocks and shares in the modern market.
By the provisions of the same constitution he establishes the ministerial departments, and shares the legislative power with the first and second chambers of parliament, which constitute the states-general and sit at the Hague.
It shares with the royal library the right of receiving a copy of every book published in Denmark.
Bremen also shares with Hamburg the position of being one of the two chief emigration ports of Germany.
It took the place of the Prussian Bank in 1876, and is under the superintendence and management of the empire, which shares in the profits.
It has a capital of 9,000,000 divided into 40,000 shares of I5o each, and 60,000 shares of 50 each.
Every school, public, separate or high, shares in the provincial grant, but the chief financial burden falls on the local authorities.
Of the other harbours, Porto Empedocle and Licata share with Catania most of the sulphur export trade, and the other ports of note are Marsala, Trapani, Syracuse (which shares with the roadstead of Mazzarelli the asphalt export trade).
At its initiation the proceeds were divided in approximately equal shares between the central government and the native administration, and a means was thus found of creating a legitimate revenue for the native chiefs to supersede the proceeds of slave-raiding and slave-dealing, and of oppression and extortion, by which they had hitherto supplied their needs.
In other words, Egypt was burdened with a debt of 91,000,000 funded or floatingfor which she had no return, for even from the Suez Canal she derived no revenue, owing to the sale of the khedives shares.
These charges included the services of the Privileged and Unified debts, the tribute to Turkey and the interest on the Suez Canal shares held by Great Britain, but excluded the interest on the Daira and Domains loans, expected to be defrayed by the revenues from the estates on which those loans were secured.
Tooun- problems (tooun, rising, seems to be the difference between the shares of two sets of persons dividing an amount between them ona lower and a higher scale).
The king shares his power with the parliament (Rigsdag), which consists of two chambers, the Landsthing and the Folkething, but the constitution contains no indication of any difference in their attributes.
The martyr of an impossible loyalty, Wallace shares the illustrious immortality of the great Montrose, and is by far the most popular hero of his country's history.
The relations between these two leaders, and their respective shares in the work of conquest and exploration, have been the subject of much controversy.
A belt line railway connects the several systems. Superior shares with Duluth one of the finest natural inland harbours in the world.
At all events during the last centuries of the third millennium B.C., remarkable for the high state of civilization in Babylonia, Egypt and Crete, Palestine shares in the active life and intercourse of the age; and while its fertile fields are visited by Egypt, Babylonia (under Gimil-Sin, Gudea and Sargon) claims some supremacy over the west as far as the Mediterranean.
The shares of the council were, however, paid in full.
In the case of the annexation of the territories of the Transvaal republic and Orange Free State, a rather complicated situation arose out of the facts, on the one hand, that the ceding states closed their own existence and left no recourse to third parties against the previous ruling authority, and, on the other, that, having no means owing to the de facto British occupation, of raising money by taxation, the dispossessed governments raised money by selling certain securities, more especially a large holding of shares in the South African Railway Company, to neutral purchasers.
Hertzsprung has shown that Sirius also belongs to this same system and shares its motion, notwithstanding that it is in a nearly opposite part of the sky.
Thus, behind the screen of the normal shares a number of small tenancies arise which run their economic concerns independently from the cumbersome arrangements of tenure and service, and, needless to add, all these tenancies are burdened with money rents.
The settlement is made with the landholders or zamindars, who are frequently a group of persons holding distinct shares in the land, and may be themselves petty cultivators.
The percentage of farms worked by owners fell from 69.1% in 1880 to 54.6% in 1900; the difference of the balances or 1 4.5% indicates the increase of tenant holdings, two-thirds of these being for shares.
Shares that at first represented so many dollars per foot in a tangible mine were multiplied and remultiplied until they came to represent paper thicknesses or almost nothing, yet still their prices mounted upward.
The cities were represented according to size by one, two or three delegates, and bore proportionate shares in financial responsibility.
The fishermen of north-east Scotland, when they return after a successful haul, divide the spoil into as many shares as there are men in the boat, with one share more for the boat.
It shares with SchwarzburgSondershausen the possessions of the old house of Schwarzburg, consisting of the upper barony (Oberherrschaft) in Thuringia, on the Gera, Ilm and Saale, and the lower barony (Unterherrschaft), an isolated district on the Wipper and Helbe, about 25 m.
Higham Ferrers shares in the widespread local industry of shoemaking.
In 1864 Altona was occupied in the name of the German Confederation, passed to Prussia after the war of 1866, and 1888 together with Hamburg joined the Zollverein, while retaining certain free trade rights over the Freihafengebiet which it shares with Hamburg and Wandsbek.
When the legislature of Virginia gave him 150 shares of stock in companies formed for the improvement of the Potomac and James rivers, and he was unable to refuse them lest his action should be misinterpreted, he extricated himself by giving them to educational institutions.
How is it that he shares with Descartes the honour of inaugurating modern philosophy?
In short, from the standpoint of lay society, the manipulator of the sacred is himself sacred, and shares in all the associations of sacredness.
The Iron Institute (Jdrnkontoret) was established in 1748 as a financial institution, in which the chief iron-mining companies have shares, for the advancement of advantageous loans and the promotion of the industry generally.
The king shares legislative powers with the Riksdag, (parliament or diet), possessing the rights of initiation and absolute veto.
There are also ordinary shares to the amount of 200,000 put down in the companys annual balance-sheets as of no value.
It shares in the general characteristics of the great north German plain, but, though low, its surface is by no means absolutely flat, as the southern half is traversed by a low ridge or plateau, which attains a height of 1025 ft.
It is true also that he shares in the traditional idolatry of Brutus, that he strikes at Augustus in his mention of the "three disciples of Sulla," and that he has no word of recognition for what even Tacitus acknowledges as the beneficent rule of Trajan.
The novel shares with poetry the predominant place in the modern literature of Portugal, and Camillo Castello Branco, Gomes Coelho and Eqa de Queiroz are names which would stand very high in any country.
Novaya Zemlya is colder than Spitsbergen (which lies more to the N.) as in some degree it shares in the continental conditions of northern Russia and Siberia.
The Borse, where 4000 persons daily do business, is the chief market in Germany for stocks and shares, and its dealings are of great influence upon the gold market of the world.
The orphans court may be held either by the judge of the court of common pleas or by a justice of the supreme court; and it has jurisdiction over controversies respecting the existence of wills, the fairness of inventories, the right of administration and guardianship, the allowance of accounts to executors, administrators, guardians or trustees, and over suits for the recovery of legacies and distributive shares, but it may refer any matter coming before it to a master in chancery.
Financial embarrassments a short time afterward caused Byllynge to assign his shares in trust for his creditors to three Quakers, William Penn, Gawen Lawrie and Nicholas Lucas.
In the Boole of Enoch " the four great archangels" are Michael, Uriel, Suriel or Raphael, and Gabriel, who is set over "all the powers" and shares the work of intercession.
Their chief occupation was the cultivation of the shares (KAilpot) of the Dorian aristocracy, but they lived in households of their own and were considered as subjects rather of the Cretan commonwealths than of private men.
The chief work of the Helots was to provide a certain quantity of corn, wine and oil for the lords of the shares on which they were settled (roughly 82 medimni of barley a year per share); personal services to other Spartiates were exceptional.
In the case of joint-stock companies the company pays the state, and deducts the amount from the individual owners of stocks and shares out of whose incomes the amount comes.
Middlewich shares in the salt industry common to several towns, such as Northwich and Winsford, in this part of the county; there are also chemical works and a manufacture of condensed milk.
It was not till the middle of the century that the custom of allowing the author two shares in the profits during the first run of the piece was observed, and even then revivals profited him nothing.
The operation is the converse or repetition; it is usually called partition, as representing division into a number of equal shares.
The necessities of the khedive of Egypt B had been only temporarily relieved by the sale to gyp. Lord Beaconsfields government of the Suez Canal shares.
It was purchased by De Lesseps's Compagnie Universelle de Canal Interoceanique de Panama for $25,500,000; and, with the other holdings of the French company, 68,869 shares (more than 97% of the total) passed to the 1 Christobal, the port of Colon, and Balboa, the port of Panama, lie within the canal zone and are under the jurisdiction of the United States.
The news that the khedive's Suez Canal shares had been bought by the government was received with boundless applause.
It was a courageous PP g shares.
It was suggested from without at a moment when the possibility of ever acquiring the shares was passing away.
If he inquired, and there was no such negotiation, his question might be interpreted in a very troublesome way; moreover, we should put the idea of selling the shares into the khedive's head, which would be unfortunate.
He argues that men having no free will have really no desert; therefore the divine equity must ultimately distribute happiness in equal shares to all; therefore I must ultimately increase my own happiness most by conduct that adds most to the general fund which Providence administers.
According to the constitution granted to Iceland in 1874, the king of Denmark shares the legislative power with the Althing, an assembly of 36 members, 30 of whom are elected by household suffrage, and 6 nominated by the king.
From its habit of coming to the surface in calm weather, showing its high dorsal fin above the water, it has also received the name of "sun-fish," which it shares with Orthagoriscus and the basking shark.
These aggregated funds, needed to supply the immense and fertile valley of the Mississippi, and the annuities of the treasury destined to pay for the shares, were non-transferable.
The Company of the Indies became the grantee for the farming of.tobacco, the coinage of metals, and farming in general; and in order to procure funds it multiplied the output of shares, which were adroitly launched and became more and more sought for on the exchange in the rue Quincampoix.
In the larger towns the alcalde shares his reponsihilities with several permanent officials called tenientes alcaldes.
Carbon tetrachloride would be an ideal solvent, as it is non-inflammable and shares with carbon bisulphide the advantage of being heavier than water.
Moreover, while Celebes has species which are peculiar to itself and one other of the islands just mentioned, it has none which it shares exclusively with Borneo, and thus the importance of the Macassar Strait as a biological division is indicated.
Blood monkeys are afforded no protections here, and he always shares with us.
Savings and shares raising the program income is advocated within both the financial sustainability paradigm and poverty alleviation paradigms.
Jackson shares with Greimassian semiotics a strong abhorrence against making use of the concept of reference in the analysis of language.
Since Mr Souter returned to the helm, shares in the once ailing company have leaped from 10p in July 2002 to 77p.
He is the male spirit of nature and he shares a common ancestry with Pan and Dionysus.
It seems anomalous that in our examples Betty, who has held her shares longer that Alan, pays more tax.
Such cancelation would significantly reduce the liquidity and marketability of any Molecular Sensing Shares not assented to the Offer.
Can I use spread bets to play penny shares?
By this time the shares were 3p, thanks only to a takeover bid.
Guests " go wild " as Hanna introduces unique and exotic animals, shares amazing animal stories and shows hilarious bloopers.
A domestic resident company limited by shares is usually formed for the purposes of carrying on local business.
During the period, the Group bought back 300,000 shares and we remain alert to opportunities for further buybacks in the future.
It shares with The Dentist 1 and 2 extensive use of disorientating camerawork that emphasizes the peaks of insanity the characters suffer.
The authorized share capital is the maximum number of shares a company can issue.
Capital gains relief Gifts of shares to a charity are entirely exempt from capital gains relief Gifts of shares to a charity are entirely exempt from capital gains tax.
Another interesting feature it shares with other East European bagpipes is the single reed chanter.
He shares his insights, as a hospice chaplain into the fundamental needs of human connection and how he connects with dying people.
Like elsewhere in East Asia, screw type chillers are taking market shares from reciprocating.
He set about selling shares to those members of his workforce who had been his boyhood chums.
Quoted companies often split shares when their share price gets rather chunky.
The limited voting shares will be convertible into ordinary shares at the option of the Company at any time subject to certain conditions.
Shares may be issued in any recognizable currency or in more than one recognizable currency.
In the rosy dawn of its inauguration, Mr. Charles Maxwell had persuaded some of the clergy to take up shares.
The Committee shares the concerns of some witnesses that these payments might not be completely decoupled in all Member States.
Quoted Companies UK-based companies with sterling denominated ordinary shares which have a full listing on the London Stock Exchange.
With the shares beating a swift passage south, the final denouement started at a board meeting on August 12.
Mellon controls around 65% of the company's fully diluted share capital of about 50 million shares.
Dividend payments on the preference shares are fully discretionary.
I had intended paying into our joint mortgage, as the value of stocks and shares is so dismal.
To declare a final dividend on the Ordinary shares.
If there is an enhanced scrip dividend we will ask you to decide whether to take the dividend in shares or in cash.
Good news from Haynes Publishing and Marchpole Even while the stock market remains stuck in the summer doldrums some shares produce good news.
The shares will go ex-dividend on 30th August 2006.
The shares will be declared ex-dividend on 1 October 2003.
The ordinary shares will be quoted ex-dividend on 30 October 2002.
Then the vouchers would become fully fledged shares, traded on the stock market.
Then, believing he is possessing her, he shares a bed with Mariana of the moated grange.
As he faces death by drinking hemlock, Socrates shares his vision of what happens to man upon death.
Nevada has no business income tax, corporate shares taxes, state corporation tax, franchise tax, or inheritance tax.
The big institutions that own the vast majority of the shares in Railtrack have been proven incompetent once again.
As an example, the bytecode interpreter shares argument objects between calling and called Tcl procedures to avoid having to copy objects.
Shareholders voted to approve the issuance of the shares to seven accredited investors during the company's special shareholder meeting held today in Australia.
So the relatives took nothing and the pecuniary legatees took the proceeds of the shares as part of the residuary estate.
Once a company has listed, the analysts often have a hard time trying to get fund mangers to buy the company's shares.
Shares stake in people including maple to the game.
Great shares at bargain prices now litter the global markets.
He shares the insider secrets that help songwriters make their work competitive in an overcrowded marketplace.
The total number of shares will have the same market value immediately after the reverse split as before.
Windows 2000 is a standard operating system for PCs which shares the same front-end as Windows 95/98/NT.
This exit seems to me to have been particularly opportune in the current context and will help the stability of our shares.
Wireless Designs only shares data with selected companies after providing users the ability to either opt out of or opt into the sharing.
Unit Trusts and Shares In the past two years the Unit Trusts market has been growing and expanding the outreach to the poor.
Shares on Wall Street that Bush is so anxious to prop up are still massively overvalued.
The subsequent realization by investors that these important sectors had become seriously overvalued led to sharp falls in many such shares over succeeding months.
Any CREST member who has bought inion oy shares recently and holds them through CREST should contact their counterparty to pass on the documentation.
Shares need not have a par value, and when paid up, need not have distinguishing numbers.
They are merely passive recipients of the shares or the money.
For erecting the pavilion at a cost of upwards of £ 200, the committee issued shares to be taken up by members.
Shares rise over the long term reflecting the growing prosperity of industry.
The group's shares have suffered in recent weeks with the south African rand losing more than 20% against the dollar.
SuperStream shares similar features and benefits with FatPipe Xtreme, including web based management tools, auto fail-over, and auto reboot.
Shares may be issued in any recognizable currency or in more than one recognizable currency or in more than one recognizable currency.
So finally I get some recompense - shares in the new plc.
This will include renunciation of rights for shares or debentures provisionally allotted on a renounceable allotment letter in a rights issue.
The shareholders of Galaxy View agreed to a lock- up provision restricting the resale of the shares for a period of five years.
The British Methodist Church shares the widespread revulsion at the March 11 th bombings in Madrid, and unequivocally condemns them.
Was destroyed at himself heads up chairman Rupert murdoch common shares are.
Interestingly, the converse was true in that great sell-off of shares a few years ago.
That way you scoop up plenty of shares cheaply with each market setback, ensuring you make a decent profit in the long run.
Traders have to buy shares in Standard Life given its size.
The proceeds from selling the shares go to a wide range of UK charities.
If the shares have grown in value the employees are likely to acquire the shares; otherwise they will let their options lapse.
Many employees already hold shares through their pension funds.
The New ordinary shares will, when issued and fully paid, rank pari passu in all respects with the Existing Ordinary Shares.
Travel photographer Simon Kirwan shares some tips for budding mountain snappers!
Hammam had relinquished control after his much publicized spat with the Norwegians and had sold the remainder of his shares.
I'm trying to work toward not spluttering with incomprehension because not everyone else shares my tastes.
To invest in shares is to buy a stake in the future of UK plc.
He shares this predicament with many in the UK but it has only stiffened his resolve to carry on with the trading regardless.
Investors normally use a stockbroker, bank, building society or... a similar service to buy or sell shares.
A number of private client stockbrokers also hold our shares on behalf of discretionary clients.
Every other stockholder may transfer his shares to the same trustee or trustees and thereupon shall be a party to such agreement.
In identifying companies whose shares might qualify for SSE exemption the concept of a trading subgroup is used to describe part of a group.
Left the port bow, showing the raised topsides she shares with the Eventide.
Because Allah is considered to be totally transcendent, his creation shares none of his character.
The shares were put in an " offshore vehicle " totally unconnected with the parent company.
Those of us who can do as we wish, however, can just ignore it, or be extremely underweight in the shares.
Savills mentioned a " marked upturn " in its January 2006 trading statement, another reason for its shares to ride high.
Aren't just bananas she shares her pristine wilderness five years ago.
However the move has devastated the Air Canada shares, which are now virtually worthless.
During a Stock Market ' crash ', shares can often become worthless.
Goldman sold 45 billion yen of shares in Japan's first hotel REIT in February.
Koevos, common, and (Los, life), one who shares this life of withdrawal with others in a community (see Asceticism and Monasticism).
In the early history of southwestern Asia the Semites form the most important ethnic group, which is primarily linguistic but also shares other remarkable characteristics.
Parting, then, from Kant, Paulsen resorts to a paradox which he shares with Fechner and Wundt.
The titles which he bestowed on them carried little power, and served chiefly to denote the shares of the paternal inheritance which were to be theirs after his death.
They received shares of the annual revenues of the temple in kind, consisting of linen, oil, flesh, bread, vegetables, wine, beer, &c. The divine servants or prophets had residences assigned them in the temple area In late times the priests were always shaven, and paid the greatest attention to cleanliness and ceremonial purity already implied in their ancient name.
The difficulty which arose out of the transfer of the South African Railway shares held by the Transvaal government was satisfactorily terminated by the purchase by the British government of the total capital of the company from the different groups of shareholders (see on this case, Sir Thomas Barclay, Law Quarterly Review, July 1905; and Professor Westlake, in the same Review, October 1905).
But there are cases in which the motions of both bodies are appreciable, and must be taken into accountsuch as the projection of projectiles, where the velocity of the recoil or backward motion of the gun bears an appreciable proportion to the forward motion of the projectile; and such as the propulsion of vessels, where the velocity of the water thrown backward by the paddle, screw or other propeller bears a very considerable proportion to the velocity of the water moved forwards and sideways by the ship. In cases of this kind the energy exerted by the effort is distributed between the two bodies between which the effort is exerted in shares proportional to the velocities of the two bodies during the action of the effort; and those velocities are to each other directly as the portions of the effort unbalanced by resistance on the respective bodies, and inversely as the weights of the bodies.
Man shares with the mammalia and birds the direct expression of the feelings by emotional tones and interjectional cries; the parrot's power of articulate utterance almost equals his own; and, by association of ideas in some measure, some of the lower animals have even learnt to recognize words he utters.
These aggregated funds, needed to supply the immense and fertile valley of the Mississippi, and the nnnuities of the treasury destined to pay for the shares, were non-transferable.
No one interferes with Miss Sullivan's plans, or shares in her tasks.
Its shares have more than quadrupled this year on the back of recent acquisitions.
Racehorse shares make the perfect gift for any racing fan give a gift that 's unique...
The group 's shares have suffered in recent weeks with the South African rand losing more than 20% against the dollar.
The shares will rank pari passu in all respects with the existing issued ordinary share capital of Highway.
The New Ordinary Shares will, when issued and fully paid, rank pari passu in all respects with the Existing Ordinary Shares.
Lassus ' shares became available after he resigned as chairman of Gemplus following a long battle for control of the company last year.
Was destroyed at himself heads up chairman rupert murdoch common shares are.
Shares bought in a company are without entitlement to current scrip issues.
The scrip scheme involves the issue of new shares to fulfill the dividend payments.
Bearer shares can be issued with exchange control permission.
Travel photographer Simon Kirwan shares some tips for budding mountain snappers !
I 'm trying to work toward not spluttering with incomprehension because not everyone else shares my tastes.
Investors are invited to subscribe for the shares directly with the company.
Trainees in job shares were as satisfied with their training as those in supernumerary posts or in full-time training.
But with BT shares up on takeover rumors, hold on unless you need the cash quickly.
Under the terms of the agreement $ 6 million in CAT shares was paid up-front.
Over the same period, shares with the highest forecast earnings growth underperformed the market by an average of 5% a year.
Financial Times ' Lombard column commented that Mellor had not been popular among investors and the shares had badly underperformed the sector for months.
The group, whose shares have underperformed badly, also issued a profits warning.
Value Stock (Share) Company shares undervalued by the market.
A private limited company limited by shares - members ' liability is limited to the amount unpaid on shares held by them.
Dividends will accrue on the vested shares during the life of the share plan.
I hate Standard Life but will probably hold onto the shares for a while in the hope of a takeover bid.
Goldman sold 45 billion yen of shares in Japan 's first hotel REIT in February.
If you buy the shares back at the right price, you compensate exiting and remaining shareholders fairly.
I rarely tender my stock, since companies that can buy shares back are usually doing pretty well.
You can do this quite easily even if he shares his room with a sibling.
Think how wonderful it would be if your child was able to wear a piece of clothing that features the name he or she shares with an ancestor.
Her family proudly shares the hyphenated last name Utt-Grubb, which is a combination of Kelly and Sam's "maiden" names.
Haiti is located east of Cuba in the Caribbean and actually shares the island of Hispaniola with the Dominican Republic.
Penny stocks allow investors to buy more shares of a stock without investing as much money.
If someone has $500 to spend and a stock costs $50 per share, she can only afford to buy 10 shares.
If the person buys a penny stock that costs $1, she can afford to buy 500 shares.
If an investor buys 10 shares of a stock that sells for $50 a share, and the stock goes up by $2 per share, the investor only makes $20.
If an investor buys 500 shares of a stock that sells for $1 a share, and the stock price increases by $2, the investor makes $1,000.
If someone bought 100 shares of Netegrity at $2.18 per share, he made $7,602 if she sold the shares at a high of $78.20 per share.
These opportunities include, but are not limited to, shares, debt, and commodities.
How many shares does it usually trade per day?
Penny stocks are a good investment if you want to learn the stock market, buy stocks but don't want to spend thousands of dollars for a few shares or invest in your favorite small company.
Fewer shares are bought when the price is high, and more are bought when the price is low.
Plenty of historians, archaeologists, anthropologists and other social scientists get their start by devouring historical fiction that shares specific information about past events, cultures, and ways of life.
Divorce is never a pleasant experience, but having an attorney who shares your values may help make getting through it a little easier.
You may feel more comfortable dealing with a person who shares your religious faith, but this is not the only choice available to you.
In America, some states still recognize this type of marriage, which refers to a couple who shares a home for a particular amount of time but have never had a legal ceremony.
Blogger John of My Family Loves It shares his plans of the platform bed he built.
Daniel Webb shares his free platform bed plans that he used to build his bed.
Food and Health introduces web surfers to eco-conscious recipes from Emeril and shares ideas on preparing organic produce.
Car share schemes, from lift shares to car ownership cooperatives, can be a great solution.
French country style also shares many similar elements seen in other Mediterranean decorating styles, such as Tuscan, as well as traditional and vintage elements seen in English country style design and cottage or "shabby chic" style.
Decor in the 1970s shares a lot in common with the 60s, but the colors got brighter, the shag got longer and the patterns were even bolder.
Integrate the space - If your kitchen shares a wall with an adjacent area, like a breakfast nook, dining area or family room, consider using the same color scheme throughout.
People who are day traders may purchase a large quantity of shares in a company with the hopes that the price of the stock will go up by a few cents or more in a particular day.
Day traders who are considered scalpers tend to buy a huge number of shares of a stock and then sell those shares as soon as the value goes up a few cents.
While a traditional investor would usually hold on to the shares for an extended period of time until the value of the shares rose significantly, a day trader is happy with a profit of a few cents per share.
With a large volume of shares, the profit can be significant for a day's work.
Momentum traders purchase a large volume of shares of a particular stock with the intention of selling all shares before the market closes.
If you need suggestions for ABC lists to help you get started with your scrapbook, Denny Davis shares lists for a number of different scrapbook themes on his personal website.
Everyone has a recipe, but not everyone shares the stories behind a particular dish.
The article 101 Stress Relievers shares some helpful tips so that you can combat just that.
This not only helps the person who shares his or her experience, it helps others see how they may act to similar situations.
According to, a peer is a person who shares your rank, values and abilities among other things.
Among the most rewarding pre-ceremony activities a couple shares is creating a Crate & Barrel wedding registry.
The signature drink can be a favorite drink the couple shares or one they create themselves.
Finish with a sweet, informative blurb that shares the pertinent information - date, time, and location - and dress it up with truly fairytale-worthy wording.
It can be much more special to feature a homemade cake from someone who shares a close relationship with the couple.
Other options include a family member, an officiant from a new faith the couple shares, or having friends preside over the renewal.
Here she shares her opinion on the romances of La La Land, what makes them have longevity, and which ones were bound to fail before they even got started.
Along with Wilt Chamberlain, Michael shares the NBA record for most consecutive seasons leading the league in scoring.
When she's not looking after the six children she shares with Brad Pitt, Jolie continues to make Hollywood magic in films such as In the Land of Blood and Honey, which she also directed.
Currently, the ex-couple shares custody of children Sean Preston and Jayden James, ages 23 months and 11 months, but Federline is seeking primary physical custody.
The Efron family shares their home with two Australian Shepherds, Dreamer and Puppy, and Simon, a Siamese cat.Efron caught the performing bug at an early age, and began taking singing lessons when he was 11.
For the most part, the Cyrus family shares the spotlight with Miley and Billy Ray, opting to stay out of it themselves, but Miley and Billy Ray are not the only stars in the Cyrus clan.
Police were called to the home he shares with wife Diane Lane on a domestic disturbance complaint.
In December, 2001, Stewart allegedly received a tip that her shares of ImClone stock were about to plummet and hurriedly sold off these shares.
Aretha Franklin - The legendary songstress is said to have a fear of flying, a phobia she shares with fellow artist Cher.
This phobia is something she shares with another famous blonde, Daryl Hannah.
Each contributor is a professional writer who researchers, writes and shares his or her expertise on children's clothing.
The classes are self-paced and guided with an instruction packet that shares background information and helps students organize their courses, quizzes, multimedia resources, and career information.
One visitor shares her very real concerns after her own lost dog comes home sick.
Wendy Nan Rees shares a dog treat recipe that sounds so delicious you'll be tempted to share some with your dog!
Our Two Minute Dog Advice columnist Wendy Nan Rees shares a wonderful recipe for Little Man Loaf that you'll find in our article on How to Cook for Your Dog.
Our own Wendy Nan Rees shares tips about some new dog products you may find useful for your own pet.
Guest columnist and pet lifestyle advisor Wendy Nan Rees shares a simple way to create your own homemade dog beds.
LoveToKnow guest colunist Wendy Nan Rees shares some tips that worked for her when teaching her dogs to play "Fetch".
Wendy Nan Rees shares a recipe for a quick popcorn treat that dogs will flip for.
Here, she shares another great recipe that your dog will love.
Dog expert Wendy Nan Rees shares a personal story that could happen to any dog owner.
If you've ever wondered about the benefits of massage for your dog, Two Minute Dog Advice columnist Wendy Nan Rees shares her experience with this healing art.
Two Minute Dog Advice columnist Wendy Nan Rees shares information on toxicity in pet products to help you keep your dog safe.
Two Minute Dog Advice columnist Wendy Nan Rees shares an idea for an economical gift for dog lovers that their dogs will love.
The article shares tips for planning your own similar makeover.
For more information on formal gardens, Mary Palmer Dargan shares tips on attaining a formal look on Southern Accents.
Cut One - If your tub and shower enclosure shares a wall with a utility area, like a closet or laundry room, you can buy a snap-in panel assembly to create plumbing access.
Claddagh bracelet silver Celtic jewelry makes highly symbolic, richly meaningful gifts between friends, lovers, or anyone who shares a special relationship.
This busy pastor's wife, mother of three, and business woman enthusiastically shares tips on choosing jewelry, mother's day jewelry gifts, and more in this special LoveToKnow interview.
While Soo Chow jade is not true jade, it shares many of many of jade's characteristics and symbolism.
The database allows you to search for online retailers, farmer's markets, brick-and-mortar grocers, farms, and community supported agriculture (CSA) shares.
Be sure to do some research on the company to ensure that it shares your ethics and views.
Ultimately, you have to remember that not everyone shares the same sense of humor.
Again, it's not right to make a sweeping assumption that everyone in this particular demographic shares the same concerns.
Remember, you're looking for someone who shares some common passions, so engage others' interest by talking about yours.
This is a document that shares memorable experiences, what kinds of things in your life have shaped your values, and how you would like to see your beneficiaries use their inheritance.
Remember that hobby gifts, even humorous hobby gifts such as a For Dummies book, can be useful as well as funny.As described above, not everyone shares the same sense of humor.
Many companies may offer a roommate match program, where they match you with someone of the same sex who shares your same interests and smoking preference.
Sleep studies are not done at a first appointment, but patients are encouraged to bring their completed patient paperwork and someone who has witnessed them sleep or who shares their bed.
TradeWinds 2 is officially listed as a puzzle game, but it shares many more elements with popular strategy games.
This region sits on the German border and shares a common winemaking tradition with its neighboring country.
In 2001, Justin Meyer sold his partner shares to Ray Duncan, recruited Daniel Meyer as winemaker, and departed.
His children ran the business until 1961 when they went public and sold shares of their business in order to buy the Pleasant Valley Wine Company.
Separation anxiety shares some common features with dependent personality disorder, and should be considered as a differential diagnosis.
The role of the flower girl is to show the innocence and playfulness of the love the soon-to-be newlywed couple shares, and that image is diminished by choosing a sleek updo style or otherwise formal coif.
Forums, also known as message boards, offer an active site for members to discuss, question and shares ideas about nearly any particular subject.
If not, you may want to shop around for a support group that shares your values and core beliefs.
While many families like to go it alone, there are times when having a support group that shares your unique needs can be helpful.
Armstrong shares tips regarding the types of information you should expect hiring managers to ask for as well as shares a list of common interviewing errors that you should be sure to avoid.
If a celebrity is pregnant, she must take extreme care to schedule doctor's appointments out of the public eye and be discreet with whom she shares her information.
This is where she shares her thoughts and family photos of her first child and her second pregnancy.
Should you decide to take one, the San Francisco International Airport offers a comprehensive list of providers, while community-built Yelp shares passionate opinions about the best and worst companies.
It's fun to be a member of a club that shares your interest in these loveable, furry friends.
The iPod, Blackberry, and portable video games units like the PS2, for instance, are not items one really shares.
No matter where you sit philosophically on the subject of Scrabble cheating, it will probably make for a better game if your opponent shares your views.
If you feel you have a good reason to volunteer, but don't know how to get started, search around your local community for an organization that shares your passion.
She shares her passion for interior design, her knowledge of the latest holiday decorating trends, as well as her tips for choosing the perfect tree, in this LoveToKnow Christmas interview.
Hoping to date someone who shares your religious convictions?
If you're attracted to members of your own sex, there are plenty of online dating sites to help you find someone who shares your life choice.
The great advantage to Internet dating is that you can be sure your date shares your sexual preference.
If so, you may wonder where to look for a partner who shares your views.
Humor - Keep the laughs coming by finding someone who shares your raunchy, campy, goofy, or obscure sense of humor.
Interests - Find someone who shares your hobbies and interests, whether it's reading or watching sports.
The creator of this simple site shares her own story of meeting her husband online and invites others to write in with their experiences.
When you meet someone new, ask yourself if he shares your values, interests or activity level?
Guys want to know that the woman they are pursuing shares the same level of interest.
Although your grandparents would like you to marry someone who shares the family's beliefs, they are not expecting that you should marry anytime soon.
Someone may tell you that he or she shares enjoys the same activities as you but may end up not being so interested.
When we are honest with another person, we are taking a risk that the other person shares or at least has similar interests, values and beliefs to our own.
The second is to see if she reciprocates and shares information about herself that was a little uncomfortable.
For example, if one partner shares a small apartment with several roommates, this is not the ideal spot.
There is a sense of abandon in giving a passionate card to someone, the risk of having him or her reject it - or of having his or her eyes light up and realizing that he or she shares that passion with you.
All you can do is show him you are interested and wait to see if he shares the same feelings.
This avenue could lead you to a partner who shares the same core values, which is known as being a recipe for a good marriage.
When you're looking for that special someone who shares your faith, free Christian dating sites can provide a wide variety of contacts.
All of the best Christian dating websites draw singles who are looking for someone who shares their core religious beliefs.
Using dating sites that focus on Christianity can help singles find a potential partner who shares the same core tenets such as "love thy neighbor."
A ring that matches both the occasion as well as the couple not only commemorates a special relationship but also guarantees that the love and respect the couple shares will continue for many more years.
It cannot be measured in dollars and cents, but only in the commitment the couple shares and the joy they celebrate as that glittering ring is slipped onto the bride-to-be's finger.
This meticulous process was first developed by Dr. Robert Linares, who now shares the business with his son, Bryant Linares.
This allows couples to choose wedding bands that are just as rich and stunning as the engagement ring, therefore symbolizing the strong and beautiful commitment the couple shares.
His and hers promise rings may showcase the strong bond a couple shares, but they can also cause problems.
Gluten allergy shares most of the characteristic signs and symptoms of celiac disease, but doesn't cause observable intestinal damage.
Petunia boasts the same original details, and shares the same metal handle that is used by the Lulu.
It shares the same outstanding workmanship as Nautica's other wallets and has an expandable center and card slots for storage, but doesn't take up too much room.
This site is beloved by many because besides providing teen horoscopes, it also shares some fantastic makeup and fashion tips.
However, a relationship between the two has the potential to be very strong if a partner shares the practical and utilitarian approach that makes many Capricorns so successful.
The passion that symbolizes their element is the foremost quality that Aries shares with Sagittarius and Leo.
Want to know who out there shares an Aries sun?
This sign shares the great ability to analyze situations with Gemini.
He needs a life partner that shares the same perspective, and an obvious choice for that mate is another earth sign.
That’s why, when his mask cracks and he shares his feelings of sadness and depression with you, it can feel incredibly disconcerting.
Since daycare rates have become so expensive, many parents may want to consider exploring government help with daycare, nanny shares, or other types of cost-savings methods if they are struggling to afford care for their children.
Chef Keith Snow shares this Pan Roasted Salmon recipe for a quick, easy, and healthy way to prepare this great fish.
When you search for a class in your area, be aware that the teacher could have virtually any spiritual or religious background, so if you prefer taking classes from someone who shares your spiritual beliefs, always make sure you ask.
Legend has it that the ghost of Andrew Irvine, a climber who died while scaling the mountain in 1924, visits modern day climbers from time to time where he shares their tents and encourages them to finish their journey.
This publication shares their personal money saving tips, as well as helpful advice from newsletter subscribers.
However, each food bank operates differently, even if it shares the Salvation Army name, so be sure to call the location nearest you for more information.
This community of pet owners shares a variety of tips, including ways to save money on pet care expenses.
He, along with his dog Tige, became the face of the shoe brand that shares his name.
Her son, Adam Chandler, Jr., is the biological son of Adam Chandler, Sr. (a former Erica Kane hubby) and she also shares a daughter named Kate with her true love Tad Martin.
Francis is married to director/actor Jonathon Frakes and shares two children with him.
Kroll works out of his home in Philadelphia and shares his love of the genre by watching and updating his website every day.
At the end of the OC, Autumn's Taylor shares a lingering look with Ryan Atwood.
Phyllis hated Christine for taking her son away, but Phyllis would move on to marry husband Jack Abbott and then steal Sharon's husband, Nick, with whom she shares a daughter named Summer.
She also shares the distinction of playing the longest running character in television.
He's been married five times and his most recent marriage is to Kim with whom he shares two children, Christopher and Sabrina.
Holden's older brother Seth married Angel Lange (who previous was involved with both his brothers) and his older brother Caleb married Julie Wendell (who shares a son Aaron with Holden).
He adopted Lily's son Luke (from her marriage to Damian Grimaldi) and also shares children from his previous relationships including Abigail (from his high school sweetheart Molly) and Aaron (from his affair with Julie Wendell).
Junior (Ryan Sypek) is his competition at Davis Farms, who shares Matt's desire to break away from their family obligations.
An original cast member, he plays the Chief of Surgery and shares a romantic past with Dr. Ellis Grey, Meredith's difficult mother.
Toni Helen shares the history behind her spoiler site and love for soap operas with LTK readers.
Mary Ann shares a past with Sam, she's also providing a home for Sookie's best friend Tara and Eggs (a character familiar to series readers).
The couple was married in 1985 and shares three daughters.
Joe and Ruth Martin adopted son Tad who shares son Jaime with Brooke English, daughter Kate with Dixie Cooney and daughter Jennifer with Krystal Carey.
A former football player turned cheerleader, Lewis is an aspiring architect who shares a tempestuous romantic history with Hellcats co-captain Alice (Heather Hemmen).
She married Larry Welch before she married Bo, and has only the three children and one grandchild she shares with Bo.
George and Callie get married in Vegas, and later he shares a kiss with Izzie.
Eric is heartbroken over the death of his maker, a grief that Sookie shares with him.
The Center's founder, Susan Amendola, shares instruction with a number of expert guest speakers.
Every organization shares one aspect; each wants to promote autism awareness through their conferences and in their other communicative efforts.
While the disorder shares many traits with autism, patients exhibit a wide range of unique symptoms, making appropriate treatment plans an important part of their lives.
While each of the five disorders has a unique set of criteria, the spectrum shares core characteristics.
In return, the franchisor supports the business by providing guidelines on training, marketing plans and advertising campaigns where the franchise shares coop print and broadcast ads.
Shares of stock in Delaware corporations are not taxed if the owner lives out of state.
She draws the best out of every person, promotes talent and shares successes.
The basics of what stocks are and why companies would want to issue them are covered, along with types of stock indexes, splits, preferred shares, and more.
If Susie Smith shares her login information with Jane Doe and Sarah Brown in the accounting department and someone updates Wondrous Widget's account, how will you know if it was Susie, Jane or Sarah if they're all logged in as Susie?
This option allows investors to provide the funding for a business for a stake in the business, usually as an exchange for shares in the company.
Entrepreneur Magazine shares dozens of sample business plans to help entrepreneurs write their own.
The Dodge Grand Caravan shares a mechanical platform with the Chrysler Town and Country, which means this van is also known for having reliability problems.
General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler realized automotive industry market shares between 20 and 25 percent.
The 2009 and 2010 Pontiac Vibe was recalled because it shares a platform with the Toyota Matrix.
Even better, you can rotate lists between children so everyone shares the responsibilities equally.
If everyone who shares the space with you practices these tips for how to organize your space, you'll find that getting -- and staying -- organized is easier for all of you.
You've got to love a company that shares the wealth as well as the craft tips.
Miss Anderson, hostess of over 500 episodes of the nationally viewed television show Simply Quilts, shares her love of quilting with her audience.
So if your friend shares a bit of news that's worth rejoicing over, you can say, C'est chouette!
A local New Jersey blogger shares that Paul's Gourmet Foods has become kosher certified, so all those on a kosher diet can enjoy these popular pickles as well!
Gail shares with us the history of the products, allergen information and talks a little about their quality ingredients.
Sears sold its shares of Allstate in 1995, making itan independent company.
You'll be required to meet the Tricare deductible for the year, as well as any applicable cost shares.
A domestic partnership may be recognized by an insurance company if the couple shares a residence and live together in the same way as a married couple.
All fabrics are absolutely certified organic and no facility shares equipment with conventional products.
Ross, the founder of, shares insights on common myths about men wearing feminine lingerie, the unique nature of this business, and popular undergarment styles in this LoveToKnow interview.
There is one thing, however, that The Naked Brothers Band show shares with some other shows based on child musicians - the show is a real family affair.
The whole band shares the songwriting credits for the track.
This way even moms with small children can enjoy the company of friends and everyone shares in the preparations.
She currently shares a house with her current best friend Megan Hauserman and she is expected to appear on Hauserman's 2009 show Trophy Wife.
In 2000, he was investigated for financial misconduct for reportedly buying shares of a computer company before it was published that it was a good buy.
Diane Barrino-Barber - In addition to being a former musician herself, Fantasia's mother is an ordained minister and is co-pastor of North Carolina's Mercy Outreach Church of Deliverance, where she shares the duties with her mother.
Although Denton is the central figure of this show, she shares camera time with three friends, who play major roles in the production.
He has also gone on to start The Colony website where McCarroll shares his edgy, funky designs with the masses.
His studies with the Air Force led to an intimate knowledge of pest control, and he frequently shares his insights on Billy the Exterminator.
Hoebel has studied strength training and nutrition, and shares his knowledge through Hoebel Fitness.
All the while, Bruce Wayne struggles with his dual identities having met a woman, photographer Vicky Vale, with whom he shares a romantic connection.
Kara married Sam Anders on New Caprica and shares an odd relationship with the Cylon Two Leoben Conroy.
While everyone's skin shares the same basic composition, practicing the right care for different skin tones will help your complexion to always look its best.
A person with a MySpace page shares basic personal information and can post music clips, videos, pictures, blog posts and more.
Every person within a free society shares the responsibility of standing vigilant against ignorance and bigotry.
For example, this blogger shares an excel spreadsheet via RapidShare, and this blogger provides his spreadsheet to the public for a modest $1.50 donation.
Be sure your friend shares a similar sense of humor before leaving a comment that may be funny to some but not funny to others.
Preschool Playbook - This blog is also written by a teacher, who shares ideas for crafts and activities, as well as suggestions and tips for fellow teachers and parents alike.
The Preschool Homeschool - The Preschool Homeschool is written by a homeschooling parent, who shares her experiences with her children.
By hiring a person that they know shares their beliefs, Christian clients share common ground with their designer.
In this interview, John shares some insights into marketing and offers some ideas that you can use for your own Internet business.
Since its reorganization as a joint-stock company in 1890 many of the shares have been held by the crown, philanthropic institutions and other public bodies.
While in the interests of his canal Lesseps had resisted the opposition of British diplomacy to an enterprise which threatened to give to France control of the shortest route to India, he acted loyally towards Great Britain after Lord Beaconsfield had acquired the Suez shares belonging to the Khedive, by frankly admitting to the board of directors of the company three representatives of the British government.
There was no birthright attaching to the position of eldest son, but he usually acted as executor and after considering what each had already received equalized the shares.
The London County Council, according to the statement of its comptroller, was disturbed by the hope expressed by the manager of the company, that the holders of the company's ordinary shares would obtain the par value of their shares in 1911.
Inasmuch as the debenture stocks and preference shares would have to be redeemed in 1911 at premiums ranging from 3 to 5 per cent., the state would have to pay the company £253,000 in excess of the total of the outstanding securities in order to enable the ordinary shares to receive par, and in the council's view this payment would diminish the p robability of the Post Office being able to afford a substantial reduction in the telephone charges.
But if the epithet is intended to designate an animal that takes an interest in its rider so far as a beast can, that in some way understands his intentions, or shares them in a subordinate fashion, that obeys from a sort of submissive or halffellow-feeling' with his master, like the horse or elephant, then I say that the camel is by no means docile - very much the contrary.
The amount of capital which parliament authorized railway companies to raise was about 42 millions on the average of the two years 1842-1843, 174 millions in 1844, 60 millions in 1845, and 132 millions in 1846, though this last sum was less than a quarter of the capital proposed in the schemes submitted to the Board of Trade; and the wild speculation which occurred in railway shares in 1845 contributed largely to the financial crisis of 1847.
The separate shares of the brothers in this compilation cannot be settled, but Robert is said to have edited the whole and added the section of "gude and godlie ballatis."
Venetian Gothic, both ecclesiastical and domestic, shares most of the characteristics of north Italian Gothic generally, though in domestic architecture it displays one peculiarity which we shall presently note.
Ready buyers were not found for the state lands, and the sale of the ex-sultan's securities was disputed by the German Reichsbank with which they were deposited, while the government did not consider it good policy to sell the Anatolian railway shares, which it seized at Yildiz, so that only £T450,000 were encashed by the ministry of finance from these sources.
He acquiesced in the purchase of the Suez Canal shares, a measure then considered dangerous by many people, but ultimately most successful; he accepted the Andrassy Note, but declined to accede to the Berlin Memorandum.
Kunkel shares with Boyle the honour of having discovered the secret of the process by which Brand of Hamburg had prepared phosphorus in 1669, and he found how to make artificial ruby (red glass) by the incorporation of purple of Cassius.
The difference in density which occurs between one part of the ocean and another, shares with the wind in the production of currents.
In the case of all quasi-public corporations rigid laws exist prohibiting the issue of stock or bonds unless the par value is first paid in; prohibiting the declaration of any stock or scrip dividend, and requiring that new stock shall be offered to stockholders at not less than its market value, to be determined by the proper state officials, any shares not so subscribed for to be sold by public auction.
To transfer shares, you will need to complete a stock transfer form, which we can send to you.
Unit Trust settlement is on a T+5 basis which may restrict the investment of sale proceeds into shares.
Although its tannic structure is generally stronger than Merlot, Malbec wine shares many of the characteristics of Merlot (such as the fruity, plum flavor).
The Droid X shares part of its name with the earlier device and it has some similarities, but it is still an entirely new device.
When a parent or sibling plays a board game with a child, shares a bike ride, plays baseball, or reads a story, the child learns self-importance.
In addition to siblings, another choice is bone marrow from one of the parents, who shares half the affected child's HLA antigens.
Instead, she is either left alone with her thoughts or shares them with close family and friends, carefully waiting on their reactions.
Yeah, and you're the only one he shares them with - and you won't tell.
Her actions toward Julie, her mother and to Betsy with whom she shares a special relationship are markedly different.
The man, however, who shares with Ibn Gabirol the first place in Jewish poetry is Judah Ha-levi, of Toledo, who died in Jerusalem about 1140.