Shadowy Sentence Examples
The shadowy figure disappeared into an alcove.
She watched as the creature neared in the shadowy darkness.
Silver is too shadowy a figure to evoke any understanding or empathy.
At ease with the half-demon friend of Gabriel, she entered the shadowy land.
Yet despite the recent biopic staring Salma Hayek - a long-standing fan of Kahlo - she remains somehow shadowy.
Those who form this cabal operate in a network of shadowy organizations that proselytize the demise of western democracy.
A small shadowy group of people are huddling together among the large stones which form an enclave toward the center of the circle.
A shadowy, seemingly faceless monk who appears in the darkness without warning is just one of the delights that awaits unsuspecting visitors.
At night, swirling mist reveals glimpses of its shadowy past.
But the issue did not have heft, did not wrap itself in the shadowy shroud of the father.
AdvertisementHmmm, was it cardio, the mysterious shadowy figure on the grass knoll on that fateful day is Dallas, that shot Kennedy?
The shadowy outline of the vessel exactly corresponds to the phantom percepts which were the subject of the previous section.
The new characters in this novel are beginning to make themselves felt, tho they are still somewhat shadowy.
His history is rather shadowy, which accounts for the many rumors regarding him.
The Curate, enacted by Mr. Thomas Thorne, was very shadowy.
AdvertisementThe goal so shadowy seems and dim, Yet plod on through the dark, brave heart, With all thy might and main.
And what about how they're always mysteriously shadowy, viewed from the back, and have deep commanding voices?
Both are intended as illustrations of doctrines taught in the schools of Babylonia; the former to explain that only the favourites of the gods can hope under exceptional circumstances to enjoy life everlasting; the latter to emphasize the impossibility for ordinary mortals to escape from the inactive shadowy existence led by the dead, and to inculcate the duty of proper care for the dead.
More than all, perhaps, since his conception of ancient Roman story made laws and manners of more account than shadowy lawgivers, he undesignedly influenced history by popularizing that conception of it which lays stress on institutions, tendencies and social traits to the neglect of individuals.
This weakness was due not to attacks from without - for orthodox Protestantism had long since lost its aggressive force - but to disruptive tendencies within the Church; the Enlightenment of the 18th century had sapped the foundations of the faith among the world of intellect and fashion; the development of Gallicanism and Febronianism threatened to leave the Holy See but a shadowy pre-eminence over a series of national churches, and even to obliterate the frontier line between Catholicism and Protestantism.
AdvertisementFurther negotiations ripened into the peace of Constance signed on the 25th of June 1183, which granted almost all the demands of the cities, and left only a shadowy authority to the emperor (see Italy).
Among the southern Sla y s the " Illyrian " movement, voiced from 1836 onward in the Illyrian National Gazette of Ljudevit Gaj, was directed in the first instance to a somewhat shadowy Pan-Slav union, which, on the interference of the Austrian government in 1844, was exchanged for the more definite object of a revival of " the Triune Kingdom " (Croatia, Slavonia, Dalmatia) independent of the Hungarian crown (see Croatia, &c.).
No European power exercised sovereignty, though shadowy claims were from time to time put forward by Portugal (see Africa, § 5).
The representatives of this race in the Tain Bó Cualgne play a somewhat similar part to the gods of the ancient Greeks in the Iliad, though they are of necessity of a much more shadowy nature.
And he scuttled up the moonlight floor, Where and owl glided over the shadowy trees.
AdvertisementNotice how the yearly, shadowy sabbaths are clearly separated from and distinguished from the seventh-day Sabbath of the Lord.
He appears to work for a shadowy figure called The Queen.
Their search for the truth will lead them to shadowy realms where very few dare to go.
The Monster Under My Bed by Charlotte Allen (aged 11) There is a monster under my bed a mysterious shadowy monster.
In a shadowy corner, the Master relaxed back in his chair.
We need to throw light on the shadowy presence of race.
And what about how they 're always mysteriously shadowy, viewed from the back, and have deep commanding voices?
The ferocious persecution in the lands of the Elector of Cologne remains particularly shadowy, despite some tantalizing hints about what was going on.
This creates a gradient-and more believable shadowy appearance.
It plays off of the shadowy shades of the eye makeup for an overall intoxicating look.
With an addiction to ecstasy and crystal methamphetamine, it seemed she was destined to go down the shadowy path that so many child stars travel.
Use spotlights and track lighting to illuminate dark, shadowy corners, and hang pendant lights over seating areas to provide appropriate task lighting.
Since colored contact lenses don't alter the vision of your pupil, they have no way of altering or "shading out" the shadowy shapes of the floaters that enter your vision as they float through your eye's vitreous.
The worlds created for your explorative pleasure may seem similar in many respects, but the storylines are completely separate.In Final Fantasy 7, you play the main character Cloud Strife, a mercenary with a shadowy past.
Evaporation lines usually show up as a shadowy line.
Instead, they're shadowy, faint lines that are simply the result of evaporated urine and don't indicate pregnancy one way or the other.
When shopping for your marquise diamond wedding band, make sure that the diamonds you select do not have this shadowy effect.
Can such powerful emotions leave a shadowy mark on the soul that is transferred from life to life?
Behind all of the scary stuff going on is The Mastermind, who is never really shown outside of shadowy figures and never formally introduced.
The TAPS members set out to discover the odd sounds, temperature changes, shadowy figures, and other oddities that have been reported by the owner.
Gotham is a cold and shadowy place, full of crime and greed and if there are good citizens in Gotham, the only ones you see are the rich and important - hardly a community an audience can connect with no matter how hard they strain.
Instead of the dark and shadowy realms of Burton's Batman world, the Schumacher versions in this movie are loud, in your face with bright colors and are so over-the-top that it's hard to take any of the characters seriously.
Many people are unaware of the existence of the deep state, let alone what influence this shadowy group may hold in Washington.
As a novel Valentine has little to commend it; the plot is feeble and the characters shadowy.
On 21st April the Spanish troops entered the gates; thereupon many patriots abandoned the city and, taking refuge at Montalcino, maintained there a shadowy form of republic until 1559.
For six months in 1470-1471 he emerged to hold a shadowy kingship as Warwick's puppet.
In 1889 he published The Wind among the Reeds, containing some of his best lyrics, and in 1900 another poetical drama, The Shadowy Waters.
The authority of the last king of the XXth Dynasty, Rameses XII., was shadowy.
Goethe's classic principles, when applied to the swift, direct art of the theatre, were doomed to failure, and Die natiirliche Tochter, notwithstanding its good theoretic intention, remains the most lifeless and shadowy of all his dramas.
He had induced Peter to make good his somewhat shadowy claims to the crown of Sicily, but while preparations were being made for the expedition, the popular rising known as the Sicilian Vespers, which resulted in the massacre of nearly all the French in the island, broke out at Palermo on Easter Day 1282.
Side by side with this public life, which wearied her with its shadowy power, occasionally crossed by a desire to be recognised as queen, she passed a nobler and sweeter private existence as the foundress of St Cyr.
The authority of the new king was quickly recognized in his kingdom, which covered the greater part of France north of the Loire with the exception of Brittany, and in a shadowy fashion he was acknowledged in Aquitaine; but he was compelled to purchase the allegiance of the great nobles by large grants of royal lands, and he was hardly more powerful as king than he had been as duke.
The representatives of this race in the Tain Bó Cualgne play a somewhat similar part to the gods of the ancient Greeks in the Iliad, though they are of necessity of a much more shadowy nature.
Irish records preserve the names of three shadowy pre-Patrician saints who were connected with south-east Ireland, Declan, Ailbe and Ciaran.
The heroic but foolhardy attempt of the brothers Bandiera, Venetians who had served in the Austrian navy against the Neapolitan Bourbons in 1844, was the first event to cause an awakening of Venetian patriotism, and in 1847 Manin presented a petition to the Venetian congregation, a shadowy consultative assembly tolerated by Austria but without any power, informing the emperor of the wants of the nation.
Some English merchants had violated the shadowy claim of Spain to the whole west coast of America by founding a settlement at Nootka Sound.
Prince Bismarck looked upon the rights of Spain over the Caroline Islands in the Pacific as so shadowy that he sent some German war-ships to take possession of a port in the largest island of the group. The action of Germany caused great indignation in Spain, which led, in Madrid, to imposing demonstrations.
At various times France, Denmark, Austria and Great Britain all had more or less shadowy rights to the islands, the Danes being the most persistent in their efforts to occupy the group, until in 1869 they relinquished their claims in favour of the British, who at once began to put down the piracies of the islanders, and established a penal settlement, numbering in all about 350 persons, in Nancowry harbour.
Brunhild drops out, becoming a figure altogether subordinate and shadowy.
Ghostly, veiled ladies of exceptional height passed in somber silence past an empty bier while a shadowy figure looking like a cross between Hercule Poirot and Fred O'Connor lurked behind a pillar, watching.
Here there is no shadowy Mr Big playing the puppet master, no sinister criminal conspiracy, serial killers or drug-crazed hitmen.
From the Riesengebirge to the Vistula, and from the Moldau to the Drave, extended the shadowy empire of Moravia, founded by Moimir and Svatopluk (c. 850-890), which collapsed so completely at the first impact of the Magyars that, ten years after their arrival, not a trace of it remained.
Quite often the images will look a bit shadowy and washed out.
The single cone of light flickered on the dripping stone, casting yellow dancing goblins in its shadowy glow as the pair stumbled forward.
Curiously, Buddhism itself is ruled by the ghost or shadowy remainder of belief in transmigration - Karma.
Taxation was somewhat reduced, the censorship was made less severe, political amnesties were granted, humaner officials were appointed and the Congregations (a sort of shadowy consultative assembly) were revived.
We pass from the extremely shadowy personality of Jordanes to the more interesting question of his works.
At that period the Georgians were divided into various petty principalities, the chief of which were Imeretia and Georgia (Kharthlia), owing at times a more or less shadowy allegiance to the sultan of the Ottoman Turks at Constantinople.
The boughs and their side-branches, as they increase in length, have a tendency to droop, the lower tier, even in large trees, often sweeping the ground - a habit that, with the jagged sprays, and broad, shadowy, wave-like foliage-masses, gives a peculiarly graceful and picturesque aspect to the Norway spruce.
No doubt they all agreed in saying that they were prosecuting Y g Y g Y P g a search for what they called the true system of nature; but that was nearly the end of their agreement, for in what that true system consisted the opinions of scarcely any two would coincide, unless to own that it was some shadowy idea beyond the present power of mortals to reach or even comprehend.
In Chanda and Deogarh the Gond rajas were suffered by Raghoji Bhonsla and his successor to carry on a shadowy existence for a while, in order to give them an excuse for avoiding the claims of the peshwa as their overlord; though actually decisions in important matters were sought at Poona.
Such figures as these make no human impression, and criticism has busied itself in tracing them to one or other of the shadowy divinities of the Celtic pantheon.
However this may be, remnants of their primitive superhuman qualities cling to the Celtic heroes long after they have been transfigured, under the influence of Christianity and chivalry, into the heroes of the medieval Arthurian romance, types - for the most part - of the knightly virtues as these were conceived by the middle ages; while shadowy memories of early myths live on, strangely disguised, in certain of the episodes repeated uncritically by the medieval poets.
In the shadowy age which preceded the Stone age and hardly ended later than 10,000 B.C., the cave-dwellers of the Dordogne could draw elks, bisons, elephants and other animals at rest or in movement, with a freshness and realism which to-day only a Landseer can rival.
The records of kings whose names hitherto were known to us only through Bible references have been found in the ruins of Nineveh and Babylon, and personages hitherto but shadowy now step forth as clearly into the light of history as an Alexander or a Caesar.
Thus the emperor's dominions now stretched from the Eider to the Ebro, and from the Atlantic to the Elbe, the Saale and the Raab, and they also included the greater part of Italy; while even beyond these bounds he exercised an acknowledged but shadowy authority.
Latinus was a shadowy personality, invented to explain the origin of Rome and its relations with Latium, and only obtained importance in later times through his legendary connexion with Aeneas and the foundation of Rome.
The alternative view, advocated by Weber, that the lunar zodiac was primitively Chaldaean, rests on a very shadowy foundation.
Matthew of Vendome, abbot of St Denis, an old servant of Louis IX., acted as Philip's counsellor, so the chroniclers state, throughout the reign; but he is only a shadowy figure, and it is difficult to reconcile the statement that "everything was done according to his will" with the known facts.
It is an image - though a shadowy image - of the upper world, and the degrees of better and worse in it are essential to the harmony of the whole.
Under the Carolingians the functions of the dukes remained substantially the same; but with the decay of the royal power in the 10th century, both dukes and counts gained in local authority; the number of dukes became for the time fixed, and finally title and office were made hereditary, the relation to the crown being reduced to that of more or less shadowy vassalage.
The old General Baptists "still keep up a shadowy legal existence."
The Abbasid caliphs, who still enjoyed a precarious and shadowy authority at the pleasure of Turkish viziers, gladly surrendered themselves to the protection of the Mahommedan Seljuks, who paid them all outward respect.
It has been well remarked that, while all his other friendships are shadowy and dim, this one alone stands out with clearness.
There were no more De la Poles who could advance even the most shadowy pretensions to disturb the Tudor dynasty.
Bordeaux's shadowy form materialized out of the darkness.