Shade Sentence Examples
The old Apple tree spread a blanket of shade in the grass beside the pond.
He paused, his face turning a darker shade of red.
Carmen turned and lifted a hand to shade her eyes from the sun.
Darian looked around, expecting to see her again beneath the shade of an apple tree, as beautiful as she was deadly with the daggers she wore at her waist.
Her eyes were the same shade as Darkyn's, her skin pale.
Green trees in every shade clumped together like heads of overripe broccoli.
Or perhaps it's a subtle shade of gray.
They were feeding in the shade of the shrubbery in the garden.
His eyes had changed color to a deep violet-blue, a beautiful shade of tanzanite.
Large shade trees and bamboo cabanas provided seating and protection from the sun.
AdvertisementEvelyn handled it all with cheerfulness while Kiera stressed over the shade of flowers clashing with the décor, and the cake containing nuts, which Romas was allergic to.
He was much older with a full head of silver hair, a similar shade of dark eyes, and a lean build.
The camping area was a riot of color, with thousands of bodies wrapped in every tone and shade of tight-fitting Lycra, each an individual fashion statement on a rock-hard frame.
After this agreement, there is a shade of difference.
You belong to the gentry? he concluded with a shade of inquiry in his tone.
AdvertisementGeese and cranes, chicory, mildew, thistles, cleavers, caltrops, darnel and shade are farmer's enemies.
It is rich, ornate, yet hardly florid, distinguished by splendid effects of light and shade, obtained by a far bolder use of projections than had hitherto been found in the somewhat fiat design of Venetian façades.
They require only such shade as will shut out the direct rays of the sun, and, though abundant moisture must be supplied, the atmosphere should not be overloaded with it.
In colour they range from a pale stony or yellowish shade to a rich dark brown, almost black with a bluish tone.
They require only such shade as will shut out the direct rays of the sun, and, though abundant moisture must be supplied, the atmosphere should not be loaded with it.
AdvertisementOr perhaps it 's a subtle shade of gray.
The margin of rhododendron beds, where there are sheltered recesses amongst the plants, suits many of the more delicate species well, partial shade Lily of the Valley (Convallaria majalis).
On the other hand, there are broad quays along the river, while public gardens afford grateful shade.
It is a handsome mausoleum faced with blue and white glazed tiles, standing under the shade of some magnificent silver poplars.
Presently reformers of every shade of opinion, even those who were tolerated nowhere else, poured into Poland, which speedily became the battle-ground of all the sects of Europe.
AdvertisementAlbinos seem to be rather common; and as in other fishes (for instance, the tench, carp, eel, flounder), the colour of most of these albinos is a bright orange or golden yellow; occasionally even this shade of colour is lost, the fish being more or less pure white or silvery.
The charm of the Orkneys does not lie in their ordinary physical features, so much as in beautiful atmospheric effects, extraordinary examples of light and shade, and rich coloration of cliff and sea.
Plato's theory of the soul and its immortality was not the ordinary Greek view derived from Homer, who regarded the body as the self, the soul as a shade having a future state but an obscure existence, and stamped that view on the hearts of his countrymen, and affected Aristotle himself.
On the other hand, Osiris with Isis and Horus was everywhere honoured and popular, and while the artificer Ptah, the god of the great native capital of Egypt, made no appeal to the imagination, the Apis bull, an incarnation of Ptah, threw Ptah himself altogether into the shade in the popular estimation.
The natural colour of tussur silk is a greyish fawn, and that shade it was found impossible to discharge by any of the ordinary bleaching agents, so as to obtain a basis for light and delicate dyes.
All these forms are put into the shade by that which was introduced by Ritz, led thereto apparently by theoretical considerations.
Tobacco of a high grade, especially for wrappers, has been grown at the Agricultural Experiment Station's farm at Hamakua, on the island of Hawaii, where the tobacco is practically " shade grown " under the afternoon fogs from Mauna Kea.
Nor can we find any difference, except the minute shade that Pearson takes up a position of agnosticism between Clifford's assertion of " mind-stuff " and Mach's denial of things in themselves.
Examples are subject to much variation in colour and shade, and in some the lower parts are deeply tinged with yellow.
The long pontificate of the Franciscan Francesco della Rovere, under the title of Pope Sixtus IV., displays striking contrasts of light and shade; and with him begins the series of the so-called " political popes."
Besides the blue and purple of the spectrum he was able to recognize only one colour, yellow, or, as he says in his paper, "that part of the image which others call red appears to me little more than a shade or defect of light; after that the orange, yellow and green seem one colour which descends pretty uniformly from an intense to a rare yellow, making what I should call different shades of yellow."
The brightest belongs to those species which grow near low-water mark, or under the shade of larger algae at higher levels; species which grow near high-water mark are usually of so dark a hue that they are easily mistaken for brown seaweeds.
The politicians hoped that Elizabeth might convert Mary to her own invisible shade of Protestantism if the sister sovereigns could but meet, and for two years the promise of a meeting was held up before Mary.
But Reid soon came to see that such work was inherently false, painted as the picture was day after day under varying conditions of light and shade.
The colour of the cut wood is a very light yellowish or brownish white, the hard parts of the annual rings being of a darker shade.
In Sozomen everything is a shade more ecclesiastical - but only a shade - than in Socrates.
Technically speaking, he had much finish and harmony of composition and colour, without corresponding mastery of light and shade, and his knowledge of the human frame was restricted.
Almost the whole surface of the Banda Islands is planted with nutmeg trees, which thrive under the shade of the lofty Canarium commune.
On the other hand the summer temperature is exceedingly high, especially in the Oxus regions, where a shade maximum of 110 to 120 is not uncommon.
Growing under the shade of these are several varieties of rose, honeysuckle, currant, gooseberry, hawthorn, rhododendron and a luxuriant herbage, among which the ranunculus family is important for frequency and number of genera.
After underlaying, and to emphasize the respective degrees of light and shade in the illustrations, a separate and careful overlaying is required for the blocks before anything is done to the main forme.
One which is not ten hands high, one which has not three walls, or which has more sun than shade is disallowed.
It is customary to mix these colours together, thus producing a curious ginger-coloured yarn, which upon being dyed black in the piece takes a fuller and deeper shade than can be obtained by piecedyeing a solid-coloured wool.
When the fibre is intended for goods in the natural colour it is essential that it should be of a light shade and uniform, but if intended for yarns which are to be dyed a dark shade, the colour is not so important.
All the working parts of the instrument were supported on the base, so that on removing a glass shade which serves as a Leyden jar they can be got at and adjusted in position.
The leaves are large, with finely acute and serrated lobes, affording abundant shade.
The wood, like that of other species, is applicable to many purposes - as for the seats of Windsor chairs, turnery, &c. The grain in very old trees is sometimes undulated, which suggested the name of curled maple, and gives beautiful effects of light and shade on polished surfaces.
In general, the sub-tropical (valle) and temperate (cabezera de valle) regions of Bolivia are healthy and agreeable, have a plentiful rainfall, moderate temperature in the shade, and varied and abundant products.
Physically they fall into two loosely-divided groups, which shade off into each other.
It is generally introduced near mansion-houses for ornament and shade, and the celebrated avenues at Richmond and Bushey Park in England are objects of great beauty at the time of flowering.
The residual mass is then exposed to the air in the shade, and regularly turned over every few days, until it has reached the proper consistence, which takes place in about three or four weeks.
At the same time it will be conceded that he possessed a copious vocabulary, a fine ear for cadence, and the faculty of expressing every shade of thought or feeling.
Their colour is light brown or grey, and generally spotted with a darker shade.
It has become naturalized in North America, where it is known as orchard grass, as it will grow in shade.
He was the first painter to recognize the play of light and shade as among the most significant and attractive of the world's appearances, the earlier schools having with one consent subordinated light and shade to colour and outline.
The laws of light and shade, the laws of "perspective," including optics and the physiology of the eye, the laws of human and animal anatomy and muscular movement, those of the growth and structure of plants and of the powers and properties of water, all these and much more furnished food almost from the beginning to his insatiable spirit of inquiry.
Meanwhile he was filling his note-books as busily as ever with the results of his studies in statics and dynamics, in human anatomy, geometry and the phenomena of light and shade.
The richness of colouring on which Vasari expatiates has indeed flown, partly from injury, partly because in striving for effects of light and shade the painter was accustomed to model his figures on a dark ground, and in this as in his other oil-pictures the ground has to a large extent come through.
The mere attempt to conquer the kingdom of light and shade for the art of painting was destined to tax the skill of generations, and is perhaps not wholly and finally accomplished yet.
The nutmegs are grown, in accordance with natural conditions, under the shade of other trees, usually the canari.
But the re-opening of the Eastern Question was destined to bring to a climax the great struggle of Rumania for existence and independence, and temporarily to throw into the The shade all domestic questions.
This is not a uniform shade over the whole length of the spectrum, but shows in bands or flutings of greater or less darkness, which in places and at intervals have been resolved by Young, Duner and other unquestionable observers into hosts of dark lines.
In due time she started with the intention of being confined at her parents' home, but the party halting on the way under the shade of some lofty satin-trees, in a pleasant garden called Lumbini on the river-side, her son, the future Buddha, was there unexpectedly born.
Soon after, if not on the very day when his followers had left him, he wandered out towards the banks of the Neranjara, receiving his morning meal from the hands of Sujata, the daughter of a neighbouring villager, and set himself down to eat it under the shade of a large tree (a Ficus religiosa), to be known from that time as the sacred Bo tree or tree of wisdom.
The government in which Disraeli was again financial minister lasted for less than eighteen months (1858-1859), and then ensued another seven years in the cold and yet colder shade of Opposition.
Under this shade the inmates spend much of their time; here their meals, which are cooked on the ground beneath the house, are served.
The old Irish gods in the poetic romances appear to have the same origin and shade away into the fairies.
The oak of Vincennes, under which the king would sit to mete out justice, cast its shade over the whole political action of Louis IX.
His genius, assisted by the impoverishment of two generations, was like the oak which admits beneath its shade none but the smallest of saplings.
In 1881 the Dynastic Liberals began to show impatience at being kept too long in the cold shade of opposition.
As spring merges into summer, sunny days become more frequent; the ever-increasing breadth of beeforage yields still more abundantly, and the excitement among the labourers crowding the hives increases, rendering room in advance, shade and ventilation, a sine qua non.
The popular colour is bay, particularly if of a dark shade, or dappled.
The setting of shade trees was early encouraged, and large elms and maples abound.
The play of brilliant colours and of ever-changing contrasts of light and shade on those rugged mountain-sides and on the surface of the sea itself might have been expected to appeal to the most prosaic. The surface of the sea is generally smooth (seldom, however, absolutely inert as the pilgrims represented it), but is frequently raised by the north winds into waves, which, owing to the weight and density of the water, are often of great force.
His skin was the shade of melted chocolate, his features too exotic to discern his ethnicity, and his long, straight hair was braided down his back.
Several giants with Romas's shade of blond hair and similar blue eyes seated themselves across from them.
In the center was a massive console surrounded by a circular bench beneath the shade of a ledge.
Emotions consist of subtle shade, and are never absolute.
And, for millennia, real legendary lovers have pledged adoration in the sun and shade of these slopes.
All tolerate a mildly alkaline soil and partial shade tho they thrive best on a neutral, sandy soil in full sun.
His great skill and showmanship endeared him to fans while his off-field antics would have put George Best in the shade.
I have taught my parents the benefits of growing trees and now we have 50 avocado, orange and shade trees at our farm.
Shade here is provided under a big canvas awning.
Her color palette mixes muted natural tones with juicy, sometimes brash accents and she succeeds in making tricky shade combinations work together.
But once transferred onto the moist cotton wool, they'll dissolve and turn a lighter shade of red.
Dry shade is always a problem, and it suggests 21 good solutions, including bugle, bergenia and dusky cranesbill.
Competitors came out of the shade of the trees to be greeted by a sizeable crowd of spectators clustered around a cleverly prepared re-start.
With a texture like wood you can use the eye dropper to select the lightest shade in the texture.
This deciduous fern makes the perfect addition to moist margins of a pond or stream in sun or partial shade.
The small fingerlings are swimming in crystal clear water in inflated oxygenated bags hanging up in the cool shade of a tree.
There are pages listing thread colors and shade numbers for cotton embroidery floss and sewing threads - his main tying materials.
The price of the ring will be higher as the tanzanite gemstone gets to a darker color shade.
Only Nimira came down to greet the guests, everyone else keeping to the shade.
We sat waiting for the bride in a room painted in a cool shade of blue with tapestry wall hangings on each wall.
Showing two men in pith helmets seated in the shade of some trees.
They prefer a well drained humus rich soil in a sunny position or light shade.
It likes a fertile, humus rich, well drained soil and is happy in sun or partial shade.
It fares best in moist, humus rich, acid soil in deep or partial shade.
He is also a shade tree blacksmith who can often be seen beating red-hot iron into shape in his driveway.
This worked well and gave me an exposure of about half a second, But the release was still a shade too jerky.
Take a sunset cruise aboard a Siamese sailing junk or enjoy a massage in the shade of a palm tree.
The crown is broad and densely leafy - casting a refreshing but rather somber shade.
He put Richard, his backward brother, in the shade and hogged the limelight for the rest of his life.
Coventry streetcars, and subsequently busses, were painted maroon and cream with variations in shade and layout for many years.
The cover and shade provide a damp, cool, sheltered microclimate in which certain species thrive.
Shade, one of the best ground covers for deep shade, yellows in sun; prefers moist, well-drained, acid soil.
From their armchairs, these middle class moralists see fit to lecture the shade of Connolly on revolutionary strategy and tactics.
Beginning in 1979, he persuaded a number of American prisons to paint their cells a camp, but supposedly pacifying shade.
Add prestigious style and shade to your garden and patio with our ` easy up ` cantilever parasol.
Take a sheet of thin layout or typing paper and with 2b pencil heavily shade an area large enough to cover your whole sketch.
One of the gardens has a pergola, covered with climbing plants, providing restful shade.
We then went to find somewhere in the shade so we could have our lunchtime picnic.
All the species of gerbil kept in captivity are a shade of agouti normal in wild rodents.
Act 8 Tonase and Konami resting under the shade of a large tree overlooking the seashore, and admiring the fine view of Fuji.
Sit in the shade, and take inspiration from a bubbling fountain and a neat semicircle of noble Belgian statuary.
The midday sunshine can be a mixed blessing look for dappled shade for best results.
Plants, which tolerate dry shade, were then carefully chosen.
Mine is a rather fetching shade of Mr. Blobby - pink!
They prefer well-drained soil, sun or semi shade.
The way he holds it changes during the shots, and the lamp shade changes position.
Within its shade we'll live and die, Tho cowards flinch and traitors sneer, We'll keep the red flag flying here.
The first section runs southbound through the New Forest, with plenty of shade on a hot day.
Japanese spurge is excellent groundcover for areas of full or partial shade.
The many yellow stamens are the most conspicuous feature of the flowers, varying in shade from bright to very pale.
For Spring 2001, we add a lighter shade of blue called Memphis to our traditional threesome - Ecru, Black and Nashville blue.
Hedges burst with color and the estuary turns a shade of pink in June as sea thrift blooms.
Lying in the inadequate shade of some high grass tussocks was an enormous old lion.
They provide a lovely shade of bright yellow flowers in star-like loose umbels good for naturalizing and cutting, and are attractive to butterflies.
Guests will enjoy swimming, sunbathing on the tranquil beach or simply relaxing under the welcome shade of white umbrellas.
Wood is a natural product and the grain or shade will vary form piece to piece possibly causing the stain to look uneven.
It helped to answer many of my questions about why plants that were supposed to flourish in shade seemed unhappy in certain shaded areas.
The covers are finished in selected Chieftan goatskins, dyed the exact shade of the RAF wartime uniform.
And don't forget to protect them from harmful UV rays with some sort of car window shade.
In the wild state it is gregarious, associating in herds of ten, twenty or more individuals, and, though it may under certain circumstances become dangerous, it is generally inoffensive and even timid, fond of shade and solitude and the neighbourhood of water.
Still, Descartes has marked idealist traits, as when he refurbishes the ontological argument with clearer emphasis on the perfect being as " necessarily " existent 5 - reasoning a shade less quantitative or a shade more subtle than Anselm's.
Probably a mere variety of the black poplar, its native land appears to have been Persia or some neighbouring country; it was unknown in Italy in the days of Pliny, while from remote times it has been an inhabitant of Kashmir, the Punjab, and Persia, where it is often planted along roadsides for the purpose of shade; it was probably brought from these countries to southern Europe, and derives its popular name from its abundance along the banks of the Po and other rivers of Lombardy, where it is said now to spring up naturally from seed, like the indigenous black poplar.
In Lombardy and France tall hedges are sometimes formed of this poplar for shelter or shade, while in the suburban parks of Britain it is serviceable as a screen for hiding buildings or other unsightly objects from view; its growth is extremely rapid, and it often attains a height of Too ft.
It is rich, ornate, yet hardly florid, distinguished by splendid effects of light and shade, obtained by a far bolder use of projections than had hitherto been found in the somewhat fiat design of Venetian façades.
The " gatherer " approaches one of these openings, removes the shade and introduces his previously heated " pipe."
Beck, however, was held to be a shade more Slavophil, Bienerth Germanophil,, Gautsch dynastic, Stiirgkh a Conservative Socialist; Korber and Seidler were mere officials, Clam-Martinitz an old aristocrat, Hussarek and Lammasch Clericals.
The reputation of all preceding poets in Poland was now destined to be thrown into the shade by the appearance of Mickiewicz (1798-1855), the great introducer of romanticism into the country (see MICKIEwicz).
Many derivatives of pararosaniline and rosaniline are known, in which the hydrogen atoms of the amino groups are replaced by alkyl groups; this has the effect of producing a blue or violet shade, which becomes deeper as the number of groups increases (see Dyeing).
It is one of the most imposing forms. As a rule the higher portion is visibly made up of rays, the light tending to become more continuous towards the lower edge; the combination suggests a connected whole, like a curtain whose alternate portions are in light and shade.
Under these influences the older stories of Lycurgus bringing Homer to the Peloponnesus, and Solon providing for the recitation at Athens, were thrown into the shade.
The fate of humankind cannot be left to the reactionary bourgeoisie of any shade, their political parties or representatives.
It is often a relict of former woodland vegetation, surviving woodland clearance despite being a shade lover.
Thanks Shade - it is just a little scary to think about doing more things.
The foliage is best in partial shade - the delicate variegated leaves may scorch in full sun.
The flat overlooks the pool area and the sea but is secluded by trees and the gardens ensuring privacy and shade.
Mine is a rather fetching shade of Mr. Blobby - pink !
Below the dado rails, it is painted a rich shade of burgundy, complemented by cream paintwork elsewhere.
Avoid the dangers of sun exposure by slipping into the shade, slapping on a hat and slopping on the sun cream.
Barney tails him and his socialite friend to that den of iniquity, the Purple Shade Club, where Carol sings.
Planting near to mature trees which naturally remove a great deal of moisture from soggy soil is a clever ecological solution for shade lovers.
Like my own shade She followed after me, And from her stabbing, stinging sword No moment was I free.
They will thrive in sun or light shade, but they do prefer slightly damp and sticky soil.
Problem is I have n't seen a tiffany lamp shade on a marble base.
Will grow 30cm tall in sun or shade, and is tolerant of drought too !
Plants are quite tolerant of shade tho do not fruit so well in such a position.
Grow in moist, fertile well drained soil in full sun will tolerate light shade.
Ideal in shade, its large variegated leaves will lift the gloom.
For this reason, shade houses and well ventilated greenhouses are frequently used for orchid growing.
And do n't forget to protect them from harmful UV rays with some sort of car window shade.
We were lucky enough to see a huge pride of lions lazing in the shade on our safari.
For example, make the stroller light pink and use white frosting to line the stroller and the sun shade, as well as make spokes in the wheels.
Top a crib-side lamp with the Pink Rose Swag Lamp Shade from Rosenberry Rooms.
Many people forget that installing a blackout pull-down shade or curtains can provide a good way to ensure a nap during the daytime.
If you plan to travel by car, it's important to bring along a shade for the window so your baby is not riding in direct sunlight for long periods of time.
While pink is still the popular shade for girls, modern style adds black or chocolate brown to the pink mix for a more sophisticated and edgy vibe.
From lamp shade to lightswitch, finding just the right amount of paraphernalia will keep your nursery room fresh and irresistible.
Select a fabric for the chair that picks up either a darker shade of the wall color of the accent color in the room.
Casual dinnerware tends to be more colorful, while fine dinnerware has a more formal design and is often white or a light shade.
Choosing the ideal shade for your table lamp also provides you with a great many choices.
Another important factor to consider when choosing a decorative shade for a table lamp is the width of the lower brim.
If the shade has a wide lower brim, then a greater amount of light will be cast on the table where it sits and on the surrounding area.
Always choose colors that compliment the shade of your lips and your skin.
All you have to do is experiment by blending different colors on your lips till you create a shade that fits you!
Desk lamps can be of the swivel head type or the fixed shade type.
The fixed shade lamps have a shade portion that it usually fixed on a straight arm above the bulb and base unit.
The swivel-head type of lamp will normally have an adjustable front shade portion that usually swivels along the horizontal and the vertical axis and allows you to control the direction of the light source.
Decide which is right for you, and then find a shade that works best with your natural complexion.
The shade should compliment your natural skin tone.
Trees are a wonderful addition to any property, providing shade, privacy or blocking an unpleasant view while adding to your home's property value.
They create dense shade and a good for places with long growing seasons.
Water the tree well and get ready to enjoy yeas of shade, flowers and pretty leaves.
Sculptured combines looped and non-looped tufts in more than one shade.
Finding that perfect location can also be determined if you want shade or close access to changing areas or if you want it near patio furniture.
All you need to do when you need sun protection is flip the shade down over your frame.
If you have a pair of glasses that you would like to add a clip-on shade to, but you want to ensure a custom fit, consider ordering custom clips.
The darker the shade of pink, the more serious the problem may be.
Add 1/4 teaspoon of a favorite essential oil, 2/3 cup boiling water and a few drops of a food coloring to create a desired shade.
The color of a seal point Siamese cat is various shades of cream on the body with a rich beautiful shade of brown on the points, nose and pads of the feet.
The cat's nose and the pads of its feet are a lovely shade of lilac.
The wood furniture might be painted antique white or some other light pastel shade in blue or green.
If you are buying a dining set, make sure you browse through the umbrellas and bases to find the perfect shade accessory for your outdoor table.
Adding a leafy shade tree on the south or west side of your home can significantly reduce your cooling costs.
Bamboo has a natural attractive color and this ages over time giving more depth to the shade.
Homes need to have a south facing roof or other suitable spot to site the solar water heater and this needs to be free from shade.
Compost bins are best sited in the shade.
Partial shade is ideal, as direct sunlight all day will dry out the pile, which needs some moisture to develop properly.
Full sun is best for most, and in many cases, if the base of the plant is in the shade, they grow long offshoots reaching toward the sunlight.
This should not be a color that factors largely into the painting, such as a blue sky, but a more subtle shade like the color of small flowers placed in the foreground, or the shadows at the base of the clouds.
You may find that you are continuously drawn to a specific color or shade, or that a specific style or theme is repeated again and again.
Pick up a light color from the counters in dark kitchens, or choose a dark shade for kitchens that get lots of light and which have a counter with a bold hue to offset it.
Her first sage green color looked silver in the light, so she had to repaint with a new, slightly darker shade of green.
Paint the walls a light color or a neutral shade.
When sponging, it is best to choose colors that compliment each other or are in the same shade family - going for contrasting colors will be overwhelming.
The original lamps have an intricately carved base and equally complex stained glass lamp shade design.
In a recent auction, an original Tiffany stained glass lamp shade and base were sold for $8 million.
Most community colleges offer art classes in stained glass techniques that you can take for a very small fee that will teach you the basics you need to churn out your own personalized lamp shade designs.
Stained glass is an extremely popular medium, and you may be able to commission a lamp shade in your local area with an artist who can produce a unique piece for you for very little.
Also, a geometric shade might be more at home in a contemporary style room and floral with country or cottage themes.
For a more light, consider art shade lamps which feature artwork or decorative motifs worthy of a gallery.
Accessorize your furniture with accents such as a vase of flowers, a lace tablecloth or a lamp with a vintage shade.
The arched porchways along the exterior walls serve as an asthetic and functional purpose by providing shade in the warmer months.
For a no fuss approach to covering bay windows, you can install the same blind or shade on each window.
If you have leftover paint from the walls and don't want to purchase additional colors, add a little white to your leftover until you get the right shade.
This not only speeds up the time it takes for you to choose the right colors, it also helps ensure that your chosen hue will work well with your interior or exterior light and shade.
This doesn't mean keeping one color, shade, tone or design throughout the space, but merely ensuring that each decision made works well with others.
Paint a darker color on the lower levels of a wall, and a lighter shade of the same color above to break up tall walls.
You want to pay close attention to the type of shade you select so it goes well with the lamp finish.
White sounds like such a simple option, but finding the perfect shade of white can be a challenge.
Many woods darken when exposed to sunlight; to avoid a curtain rod which is too dark for the room, select a lighter shade of stain.
Umbra is a home design company formed in 1979 with the first product, a window shade, giving the company its name; "umbra" is "shade" in Spanish.
Choose a background wall color in a creamy but warm shade to offset deeper golds and browns in the sunflower itself.
Go for a more masculine look with exposed rods and curtain rings on your window treatment, or keep it simple but classy with a crisp, linen Roman shade.
You may choose to paint your walls in one shade, while darker and lighter versions of the same color go into the drapes, rugs and throw pillows.
Use a contrasting color for the trim in either a lighter or darker shade than the wall color.
Swag style lamps originating in the 50s and 60s were frequently covered in a fabric shade, rather than glass, and used a chain to hang them across an area.
The lamps themselves can be very large, including up to five or six light bulbs inside one shade.
This lightweight metal frame helps give the lamp a decorative element with shape and size, while it holds the shade itself up above the lamp.
These lamps have a pine or cedar drum with rawhide lacing as a base and are topped with a rawhide shade.
Wrought iron lamps are very rustic looking especially when paired with a rawhide or parchment lamp shade.
You can use them straight as eye shadow, mix them to make new colors, brush them lightly onto your cheeks as highlighter or even mix with clear lip gloss to create a new shade for your lips.
Concentrate the darkest color at the lashes, then apply a medium shade to the lid, extending slightly above the crease.
Apply the darkest color along the lower lashes, then blend that out with the medium shade along the edges.
To counteract all the dark shadow around your eyes and brighten them back up, try a light pearlescent shade in the inner corner.
If you would like to highlight for a wide-eyed, awake look, choose one that is a shade lighter than your skin tone and apply it to the brow bone and tear duct area.
Line the eyes (above, below, or both) with a bright shadow or apply one to the lid and then apply a neutral shade in the crease for balance.
It can also play double duty if you don't have several brushes on hand and need something to shade below the lower lashes.
With a container of blush mineral powder in your chosen shade, use the same technique to load the brush and begin lightly dusting your cheeks, being sure to follow your natural bone structure.
Apply the lightest shade just under your brow line.
Apply the medium shade to your main eyelid and use your finger to blend where the two colors meet.
If it seems to even your tone without looking like a coat of paint, you've found the right shade for your face.
Once your liquid foundation is properly blended, you may wish to brush some loose powder in a complimentary shade over your face to help reduce shine and give your foundation a little extra staying power.
Use a bronzer or a liquid, cream, or powder in a shade or two darker than your foundation.
Highlighting and contouring will add the 3-D appearance back to your face; one shade of foundation all over can give your face a flat, lifeless look.
Apply the lighter shade to the entire cheek area you want to enhance, then blend a small amount of the darker color along the bottom line of the cheekbone.
Lip gloss or a neutral shade of lipstick to match most wardrobes.
Apply a light to medium shade of eye shadow to your entire lid area.
Then, using a darker, complimentary color, apply this shade to the outer third of your main lid area, extending slightly beyond the outer corner of your eye.
Use a light to medium shade of eye shadow on your main lid area.
Apply a slightly darker, but complimentary shade of shadow just in the inner corner of your lids, and then draw it out in a fine line along your lid crease, just to the outer corners of your eyes and blend slightly.
The darker shade adds a bit of depth, and tends to draw focus, creating the illusion that your eyes are closer than they actually are.
Apply a light shade of shadow just below your brow line for a highlight effect.
Apply a medium shade of shadow to your main lid.
Apply a medium shade of shadow to the lids and skip highlighting the brow line.
Use a darker shade of shadow or pencil liner to draw a line along the lash line of your top lids, then apply mascara to your lashes.
You can also apply a thin line of a similar shade of eye shadow along your lash lines, and then glide a thin line of liquid liner over the top of it.
Lip Color Stain goes on lighter than it appears in the package, but offers a major commitment as the shade lasts a long time.
Since all women don't share the same color skin tone, spot concealers can be mixed and matched until a suitable shade is achieved.
This shade will help to make that double chin disappear, shorten the forehead and offer a more contoured appearance.
This interesting shade is used to shape and define the nose and to reduce around-the-eye puffiness.
By matching the makeup to the brush and following the application tips in the brochure or on the DVD you won't have to worry about applying the wrong shade to the wrong area using the wrong brush ever again.
Cream or matte lip color is best for a strong red shade.
Even if red lip color is definitely not your shade, keep a small tube around to seal your love notes with a kiss of red.
Select a freshly sharpened lip pencil a shade as close to your natural lip color as possible.
If you need to fill in your brows, pick a pencil that is one shade lighter than your hair and blend with short strokes using a brow brush.
Start with one that is a shade lighter than your skin and top off with a second that is the same color.
Blend a concealer in a color close to the shade of your skin, after this step.
At this time, your dentist should help you select the best product, clean your teeth, and then record your tooth shade before treatment.
Teeth may need to be bleached many times for several months before reaching the desired shade of white.
In order to create a basic smoky eye impression, you will need only two colors of eye shadow, a deeper contour shade and a highlighter.
Next, you will use the contour shade starting at the outer corner of only the eyelid.
Use a mid shade as the blending agent between the highlighter and contour, right at the crease line.
The contour shade should be a deep color, but it does not have to be overly dark or smoke colored.
Also, one advantage of a powder foundation is the ability to mix colors creating your own unique shade.
As sunlight does change the shade and undertones of many dark skins, some will need two different foundation colors, one for the summer and another for the winter (and don't forget to protect against harmful UV rays as well).
By utilizing a translucent powder, the actual color is less important, and finding a compatible shade is easier.
Using an eye shadow color that doesn't clash terribly with your outfit, shade the upper eye lids.
Some ladies like to put a touch of the dark shade beneath their eyes as well, acting sort of as eyeliner.
The BeautyGuide asks you to select a skin type, eye color, and favorite lip shade.
The look of the 80s employed blue eye shadow in a tacky way, applied heavily and mostly in just one shade.
Pale, iridescent eye shadows or those in pastel tones can create a beautiful eye without the intensity of a darker shade.
Rather than use the blue or teal eyeliner that was popular in the 80s, try using a blue or green shade of eye shadow applied under the lower lashes with a tapered liner brush.
First, the tattoo is covered up with a orange tint shade of thick concealer.
Then the foundation is set with a face powder that is lighter than the previously used shade and dampened slightly with a sponge.
Customers first select the shade based on the online guide.
The color should either match your lipstick shade or your natural lip color.
I have a terrible time getting the right shade of makeup.
Can you give me any advice as to what shade I should get in the Bare Natural makeup?
With your eye color, you can wear practically any shade of eye shadow so experiment and embrace your uniqueness!
Start with a concealer that is one shade lighter than your natural skin tone.
For your brows, choose a pencil or brow powder one shade lighter than your natural brows.
They have been described as dark green or yellowish brown, or as a lighter shade of brown.
Choose a shade slightly darker than your natural skin tone.
Use the lightest shade under your brow, a darker one close to your lashes and the darkest on the crease and blend them properly.
For your eyebrows, I would try a shade that is not too dark or too greenish, staying with warmer tones there.
Whatever the shade you use should eventually match your neck.
Follow with any shade of brown either matte or one with shimmer and apply to the crease.
Try using a light shade, yellow-based shadow all over your lid.
As a middle shade for the mixer, try using something with an orange shade (that's right, I said orange...give it a try) mixed with a warm gold tone, maybe with a slight shimmer, it will give your eyes life and brighten them up.
Follow with any shade of brown, either matte or one with shimmer, and apply to the crease.
Viva Glam II was introduced in 1997, and is a muted pinkish brown shade.
This warm terracotta plum shade has a subtle pearl shine that looks good on almost everyone.
Previously known as a shade primarily for those who are fair-skinned, pink is now an acceptable color of choice for women of all ethnicities.
Pink is a great fit when it comes to finding a shade that is able to get the job done.
In between the girlish innocence of pink and the seductiveness of red, coral was recently promoted by Oprah as a makeup shade you can count on.
The first step is to apply the lightest shade from your quad, or trio compact.
You want to apply this shade to the brow bone; the highest part of the eye that sits right under the brow.
Lastly, apply the deepest shade on the lowest part of the eyelid.
Brow color should match the natural shade of the brow area, not the color of the hair on the head.
People with graying eyebrows may even consider having the gray replaced with a color matching their natural brow shade.
Select a long-lasting lip color in a neutral shade that will complement your eyes and your wedding outfit.
Lips should also stay pink and romantic, however use a darker shade if your skin tone is deeper than Duff's.
In the crease, you'll put the next-to-darkest shade.
On the outer corner (partially in your crease, partially on your top lashline, in a "vee" shape), you'll apply the darkest shade.
Choose one in a coordinating shade ( Almay has a whole collection of shadow/liner/mascara combinations for different eye colors), or just go with black, black-brown, or brown to be on the safe side.
You can have very light skin or very dark skin and wear just about any shade, as long as it compliments your true skin undertones and also if you can really "own that look" when you leave the house.
Covergirl states that these shades, if used in tandem, can take one from day to night, or if you prefer, you can use one shade for all-over color.
Although, if I have an important lunch date, I may use the highlighter shade in the quad on my brown bone.
For lips, it's best to use a concealer in a shade that matches your skin tone (or your face makeup, if different from your skin tone).
If you do go for the smoky look, don't forget to line your bottom lash line with a deep, sultry shade.
Grab a bright wig (think Wilma Flintstone-red for an ideal shade) or have some fun with colored spray paints for a wilder look.
If you're currently a Studio Fix Fluid foundation wearer, for example, you may not wear the same shade in Select Sheer Pressed Powder.
In some cases, you may use a combination of powder and liquid to create your perfect shade (mixing NC and NW shades together, for example).
One product I've found after trying so many on the market that really combats creasing eye shadows without fail from MAC Cosmetics is called Paints, and the shade I prefer because it works on almost every skin-tone is, "Untitled."
Gals with olive skin tones should go with a shade of red that has an orange/warm undertone.
If you purchase the shade Forever Pink, a portion of your purchase will be donated to Breast Cancer Awareness.
However, following the age-old beauty advice that green eyes benefit from browns and lavenders, I selected Expert Wear Eye Shadow Trio in the shade Crown Jewels for my review.
The color is outstanding on the lips, particularly for anyone who's constantly searching for the famous "lips but better" shade with little success.
As mentioned previously, the shade I'm working with is called bone and I've deliberately chosen this color because it works well with my honey-beige skin tone without looking garish.
Try a darker shade in the crease and a complementary light shade all over the lid for a clean, everyday look.
However, it may take some serious trial and error to find a shade that makes him melt.
Pick a shade that suits your passion, and send some love his way!
I was almost immediately struck by how flattering each shade was on my relatively fair skin.
This is truly a shade I never imagined I'd be able to pull off.
It's a cross between mauve and pink and is by far the most "girly" shade of the bunch.
At the time, it was available in one relatively diverse shade, bronze.
A Shimmer Brick compact offers five coordinating shades, while a bronzer typically offers me one rather muddy shade.
One look at the brownie shade might turn some people off; it's quite dark to the naked eye.
Grab a brush and dust it on, though, and you'll see a different side to this enigmatic shade.
The following guide will help you choose the right shade to make your eyes brown eyes pop.
Use an eye shadow color a shade or two away from your natural skin color, and use a slightly darker neutral shade to contour the eyes up or towards the outward corners, depending on your eye shape.
Then blend an eye shadow in a similar shade all over the lid.
Choose a dark shadow - one that's a stark contrast to your base shade - and apply it deftly to the inner crease.
Follow up with a shade somewhere in between the two (for example, if your base is cream and your dark shade is rich chocolate, think golden peach or shimmery copper) and use it over the entire crease for added definition.
Employing the dark shade you used earlier, wet a liner brush and run it over the upper lash line.
Do the same on the bottom lash line, but blend it with your middle shade for a less harsh effect.
Highlight your brow bone with a light shade (any cream or taupe that you regularly use works well).
Select a shade at least two or three steps darker than your base (if it's taupe, consider a stony-bronze hue) and apply it to the inner and outer corners of the lid.
Women wearing foundation should seek a color suited for their tone, and follow application with a powder one shade lighter.
Apply the darkest shade in the crease and blend.
Using your eye shadow brush, lightly brush on the deeper shade into the crease of the lid.
A third shade of eye shadow may be added, but this should be a slightly shimmery shade (a highlighter) that is then applied just under the eyebrows.
This highlighter shade serves to enlarge the entire eye area and it will soften any leftover demarcation lines.
If in a pinch where no highlighter shade can be found, reach for normal facial powder; this will produce a sophisticated look.
Repeat these steps with the contour color as many times as need to achieve a deep shade, but remember to blend again with brushes after every application.
Follow up with a light shimmery shade under the brow bone.
Today, it's as easy to opt for a sheer, shimmery, silver-flecked green eye shadow with blue undertones as it is to seek out a simple matte brown shade.
After you've applied your base, follow up with your first shade, or the neutral base color.
Next, follow up with a darker shade, or crease shade.
Start at the center of the lid and blend a shade one step lighter than your crease shade outwards, using a flat shadow brush.
In less than a minute, it gave me the rundown on which brushes to use for each shade, wear to apply the respective colors and even how to apply them.
If, by chance, the shade you're searching for is not on the list, this means that Avon does not have a recommended replacement product for it.
Brown Sugar is a delightful pinkish-brown shade that tends to fall more on the nude end of the spectrum.
Choose the right foundation shade for your skin tone - most spray types have several shades to choose from.
This shade is touched by a generous hint of plum, making it the perfect shade for fall.
Try Clinique Touch Tint for Eyes Shimmer Formula in Pink Sheen as a base shade and finish with a dab of e.l.f.
Your lips will then be ready for a healthy coating of lip gloss in a berry, wine or pink shade.
This sheer, shimmery shade allows me to do so because it's blended with a touch of rosy brown.
The result is a very wearable, versatile shade.
Benefit suggests that it can be used to line, shade and contour the eyes.
As such, it acts as the perfect base shade and will brighten up the eye area, neutralize dark lids and perk up your look without effort.
Of course, it's easy to build up and can take on a very striking shade of pink if applied with a heavy hand.
Try a deep shade of lipstick and couple it with equally deep shades of shadows and blushes.
Techno Kiss is a feminine, girly shade that has a pinky pearl shimmer.
Perfect for day or night, this versatile gloss works on all skin colors and is the most popular shade in the Lip Injection line.
That brings us to the other disadvantage; there are really no guidelines, save for looking" at the color and making and educated guess, to decide which shade will look best on you.
What would be really great is if Bobbi Brown would provide a little more information (on her website) about choosing the right shade.
Finding the right shade of red lipstick that flatters and suits your skin tone is key.
If you're just not into sporting a full red pout throughout the day, yet crave the distinct glamour of the shade, simply apply your red lipstick and gently pucker your lips on a tissue until the color is a transparent wash.
Another option is to check out the versatility of a lip stain, which will gently stain your pout the perfect shade of red without the need of high maintenance application.
For your eyelids, opt for a liquid to powder eyeshadow such as Shiseido's Hydro-Powder eyeshadow in a neutral shade such as Lemon Sugar.
When choosing a blush to compliment the rest of her makeup style, look for a peachy pink shade that will instantly perk up your complexion without imparting too much color.
A translucent shade or a whitening powder will help you capture the fabulous, chic and old Hollywood look that Gwen is famous for.
Use a deeper shade of brown or taupe to lightly fill in the crease of the eyelid.
For a universally flattering shade, check out Nars blush in Orgasm.
Just as you probably have a favorite color to wear and a lipstick shade that flatters your skin tone perfectly, you likely also have a few scents that respond best to your chemistry.
With this look, there's much talk about having a base shadow or a highlighter shade.
With the base shadow, you'll want to apply this color first before you apply the liner or the contour shade.
A highlighter shade is optional, but it really isn't necessary, so feel free to skip it.
Be sure to check the recommendations when choosing color - even if you wear one shade in a loose mineral powder, you may need a lighter or darker foundation shade of pressed makeup.
If it's summertime, you may find yourself needing a new blush, as tanned gals will demand a different color, usually some shade of peach or coral.
This product will compliment your eye color while also helping it to "pop" with a contrasting shade.
Thankfully, redheads were made for this shade!
Rather than fear the process of choosing the right lipstick, go ahead and take a stroll down the cosmetic aisle and find the brightest, boldest, sexiest shade of red.
Seocnd, lip gloss in a pinkish shade would also work well.
My shade was number 575, Really Red, and let me tell you, that's no misnomer.
Some mineral lines do not have the perfect shade for everyone and mineral makeup can make ladies of color look ashy.
Gold is a very warm color that has the tendency to add a dirty or ruddy tone to the skin if the shade or underlying pigments are off.
Rather than go with just any metallic shade, find the gold that enhances your skin.
Once you've found a flattering shade, you can use the shadow to create special effects all over your face, not just your eyes!
If you need to add liner, choose a russet shade such as a dark red-brown or black.
If you want to veer away from adding depth and contour, you can keep your makeup routine simple by brushing on a simple, one base eye color in a neutral highlighting shade.
Some women with very dark skin have trouble finding the right shade for them, but can usually find a deep enough color within these specialty brands.
There is no reason to be afraid to wear red lip color, because you can find a shade of red lipstick that flatters women of color.
When looking for a deeper red shade for everyday, search for shades with red and purplish undertones.
Colors range from a hot scarlet shade to a dramatic cranberry.
This line has a deep brownish red shade, called Opal that makes brown nutmeg complexions look exotic and regal.
Use a matching lip liner to keep the shade from bleeding, and apply a base on the lips to keep lipstick on longer.
Cover the dark areas by using a lightweight creamy concealer that is a shade lighter than the natural skin color.
Blend in foundation that matches your shade.
Use the middle shade from the crease up.
A bit of concealer under the brows can help define them, if you choose not to add a lighter shade of shadow there.
A woman's skin changes with the seasons, so mine might be an ivory shade in fall, winter, and spring, but then late spring, summer and early fall it might be a darker shade.
While a dark red eye shadow isn't the most universally flattering shade, the following maroon eye makeup tips will help you wear this bold color choice beautifully!
If you have dark skin, opt for a bronze highlighter and blend the look with a copper shade of maroon.
Rather than fear this bold and fiery hue, get creative with maroon eye shadow and explore the many ways this vibrant shade can flatter you!
For lips, apply a blood red shade in the center of the lips, creating an exaggerated pursed lip.
Even so, the color purple seems to beckon women more than any other shade.
Select the lightest eye shadow shade (champagne, bone, shell, or any other similar color) and sweep it across the entire eye (including up to the brows and the lower lid).
If using a contouring shade, apply it now (if not, don't worry, it's not entirely necessary).
Once these steps have been completed, it's time to apply the deepest (purple) shade of eye shadow.
Cher's high cheekbones have long been a source of envy for many women, and combined with elaborate eye colors and pursed lips in a berry-tinged shade; she often turned heads as soon as she walked in the room.
Intensify those dramatic eyes by applying a neutral cream or linen shade all over the lid.
Instead, I choose to mix it with my foundation to essentially create a "new" shade of foundation that is just about one step darker.
I decided to purchase the Blushed Rose color, so that will be the shade that this review is based on.
Although I thought that my lips were left a little too bare by this particular shade, I could definitely see myself employing this technique- especial on those day's when I'm pressed for time.
The Bobbi Brown gel liner shade I'll be using today is called Indigo Ink, and as you'll see, this is one makeup product that's aptly named!
Some might argue that blue eye shadow is best left in the 1980s, but a grayed-down shade of blue can really enhance blue gray eyes.
Instead, try a deeper shade that matches the rim of your eyes.
Each shade is a combination of 3 colors that blend for a hint of blush unique to your look.
Most cheek stains offer the same great glow that Bella rocks, so choosing a shade will require zero guesswork.
If you want to try to copy exactly what Van Phue did for the movie, after preparing your lids with Smashbox Lip and Lid Primer, sweep three neutral shades of MAC eye shadow onto your lid starting with a nude shade.
One shade should be a low-shimmer color that is light.
Use the brush to blend the shade in while pulling the color out towards the outside corner of your eyes.
Combine this with your favorite shade of lipstick, or even try a new shade that you normally would not try just to be daring.
If so, you may want to try a light shade of brown as it may be a bit more flattering.
From there, you'll want to try each shade and determine for yourself which ones work and which are better left behind.
Regardless, by utilizing the color palette that works best with hazel eyes, you'll be able to ensure that your eyes sparkle no matter what shade you happen to be wearing!
To achieve this look, use a cream foundation in a shade slightly paler than your skin.
However, if you want to be more creative, you can try a blue, green or purple shade and coordinate your lipstick with your outfit.
It is packaged in a tube with a clear bottom so you can clearly see what shade of Painted Love Lipstick is inside.
This unique application technique allows you to mix colors or finish your look with a shimmery shade as your final layer.
It is available in 10 versatile colors designed to blend or complement any Lipsense lipstick shade you choose.
How do you know which shade will look best on you?
They key to having sparkly lips that look good is to choose the shade of sparkle lipstick that is right for you.
If you are looking for a more natural look, you should pick out a sparkle lipstick that is only a shade or two away from your actual lip color.
If that lip is merely a shade or two shades darker than your lip that it is not wearing any lipstick, then this is the appropriate shade for you and his is the shade that you should buy your sparkle lipstick in.
Pink shades are a more inherently a "fun" lip color, so a pink shade that works with your skin tone is a great choice for a sparkly makeup look.
Once you've chosen the perfect shade, you need to apply it correctly to achieve the look you desire.
Choose a concealer that is one shade lighter than your natural skin tone.
Use a makeup brush or your finger to apply the neutral shade first.
If you are trying to create a shimmery look, use a matte eyeshadow on your brow bone, and if you are creating a matte look, use a shimmery shade on your brow bone.
Apply the next darker shade of MAC eyeshadow across the entire lid from the lash line to just above the crease.
To create contour with the darkest shade of shadow, start at the outer corner of the eye just above the top lashes, and then sweep your finger or brush along the eyelid where the brow bone hits the crease.
The medium purple shade features an iridescent finish that makes eyes pop.
Using an angled brush, sweep the lightest shade across the lid from lash line to brow.
Use the darkest shade on the lash line and outer corners of the eye.
Use a small eyeshadow brush to really work in the darker shade.
To finish, apply a light highlighter shade to the brow bone to give eyes an extra sparkle.
The foolproof formula provides the precision of a liquid eyeliner, minus the smudge factor in a versatile dark chocolate shade.
Alternately, apply Dipdown as your base eyeliner, then use a kohl pencil in similar shade (like Costa Riche) to create the smudged, smoke look.
Be sure the shade coordinates closely enough with your hair color to ensure it doesn't look out of place.
A lipliner in a color that closely matches your lips and a lipstick in a matching shade, covered by a thin layer of clear gloss, will finish off your face nicely.
Lipcolor in a shade that closely matches your lips, topped with a light coat of clear gloss, looks subtle, natural and sexy in a low-key way.
Dust your entire face with a fluffy powder brush in a mineral or translucent shade that closely matches your skin tone.
To make a dark lipcolor last longer, line and color your lips in first with a lipliner in a matching shade.
Just a hint of black or a very deep shade of the color you've chosen at the lash line or the outer corners can deepen any color palette into a seductively smoky look.
Use a barely-there shade on the cheeks and stick with a nude or color that slightly intensifies the color of your own lips for gloss or lipstick.
By adding a pearlescent white or shell shade to the inner V of the eye, blending over so that it barely crosses into the dark eye shadow, you'll bring light back to the eyes.
Ego is a shimmery, pale pink shade that goes with many other colors of MAC eye shadow, especially purples and browns.
When paired with a smoky blue shade such as Nehru, Ego eye shadow will make brown eyes pop.
To make blue eyes stand out, apply Ego on the lid and accent with a MAC brown eye shadow shade such as Cork or Brun in the crease.
If a person with green eyes chooses a pinkish purple shadow shade (or any color with red undertones), for example, her eyes will stand out even more thanks to the contrast of the tones in the shadow.
Similarly, choosing a shade or colors found next to your eye color on the chart (this is called an analogous color scheme) will enhance the eyes without such dramatic contrast.
Stila's Silk Eye Shadow Wash is available in a single color, Kitten, which is one of the best-selling shades in the Stila line (the Kitten shade is available in gloss and powder shadow forms).
The shimmering Kitten shade will do just that when placed slightly above the lip, in the middle.
You can use the shade from lashes to the brow bone because it's light and sheer.
Apply a medium green shade to your eyelids only.
What is neat about these sets is each shade has the directions imprinted in the powder.
For more emphasis, after the line is dry, you can go over it with liquid liner in a matching shade.
Apply a light, neutral shade of shadow from lash line to brow.
To brighten blue eyes, use a light, shimmery shade in the inner corners of the eyelids.
Test which colors and techniques work for your particular shade of blue, skin, and hair for a beautiful, confident you.
You can use a lighter, darker, or more intense green, but just not the same shade.
Don't use purple as the base shade, or you might look like you have two black eyes!
Use a medium shade, such as apricot, tan, or taupe on the eyelid.
Using an eyebrow pencil one shade darker than your brows will frame your face and create a dramatic border for your eyes.
Apply a light eye shadow shade from lash line to eyebrow and a dark shade in the crease.
For more vivid color, apply a medium shade on the lid and over the crease.
Use liquid liner or an angled liner pencil dipped in a deep shade of eye shadow, lining the eye from the middle of the lid to the outer corner.
Choose a slightly brighter shade than natural to add a little extra glow to your skin.
Choose a concealer that is one shade lighter than your foundation, and dot in on lightly, taking time to blend it thoroughly.