Sex-partners Sentence Examples
This can cause a user to engage in risky behavior such as criminal activity, driving under the influence or having multiple sex partners without using protection.
Among the sexually experienced high school students responding to the YRBSS, 14.4 percent reported having four or more sex partners.
Multiple sex partners were noted more frequently among African-American students (41.7% of males and 16.3% of females), compared to Hispanic (20.5% of males and 11.2% of females) and Caucasian (11.5% of males and 10.1% of females) students.
Having one sex partner who does not have other sex partners.
People who are attracted to same-sex partners may seek heterosexual relationships for a variety of reasons, but it will not preclude their attractions to same sex partners.
Not only is promiscuous behavior dangerous when it comes to contracting a sexually transmitted disease, unplanned pregnancies are numerous amongst young mothers who have had multiple sex partners.