Severely Sentence Examples
Her dark hair was pulled back severely from a narrow face.
In 1855 it suffered severely from yellow fever.
The whole family, whom he had formerly judged severely, now seemed to him to consist of excellent, simple, and kindly people.
At that moment Anna Pavlovna came up and, looking severely at Pierre, asked the Italian how he stood Russian climate.
In 1851 it suffered severely from an earthquake.
Though severely tried by disappointments and defeats he never lost hope, and when he died in 1584 he was preparing to renew the struggle and endeavouring to form for that purpose an alliance with England; his great idea, however, was not to be realized till more than a century later, and meanwhile the tsardom of Muscovy had to pass through a severe internal crisis in which its existence was seriously endangered.
Although he was severely criticized there were good reasons for his decision.
I hadn't considered that having a house guest would severely limit our chances for candid conversation.
The siege was long and costly; the army suffered severely; and only the tenacity of the tsar kept it in camp for six weeks.
Megara suffered severely during the Civil War of 48 B.C., but seems at some later period to have received new settlers.
AdvertisementDon Romolo Murri, the Christian Democratic leader, who exercised much influence over the younger and more progressive clergy, having been severely censured by the Vatican, made formal submission, and declared his intention of retiring from the struggle.
The town suffered severely during the civil wars, the castle being besieged by the parliamentary forces in 1642 and 1645.
His son Jean Antoine served with distinction through all the later campaigns of the reign of Louis XIV., and especially distinguished himself in 1705 at the battle of Cassano, where he was so severely wounded in the neck that he had ever after to wear a silver stock; yet he never rose above the rank of colonel, owing to an eccentric habit of speaking unpleasant truths to his superiors.
Her hair was drawn back severely into a bun and she had black eyes that could render a lie detector machine obsolete.
The crisis was felt in the large cities more keenly than in the country districts, and in Melbourne more severely than in any other capital.
AdvertisementThe Malays formerly suffered severely from smallpox epidemics, but in the portion of the peninsula under British rule vaccination has been introduced, and the ravages of the disease no longer assume serious dimensions.
Should the young die or be removed during this period, the parents are liable to die, suffering severely from the turgid congestion of the hypertrophied walls of the crop.
Indianapolis suffered severely from the business panic of 1837, and ten years later, when it received its first city charter, it had only about 6000 inhabitants; in the same year a free public school system was inaugurated.
Peking suffered severely during the Boxer movement and the siege of the legations in the summer of 1900.
In two peasants' cottages in the Campagna, protected with wire netting by Professor Celli, all the inmates-10 in number - escaped, while the neighbours suffered severely; and three out of four persons living in a third hut, from which protection was removed owing to the indifference of the inmates, contracted malaria.
AdvertisementHis conduct of the Government during the campaign was also severely blamed, as he acted as though the war were merely an affair of internal politics and party combinations.
In the upper part of the river the reservoirs are partially protected by curtains of verdure from the effects of the evaporation which makes itself so severely felt on the treeless seaboard.
The galleys of the Order of Malta, which were stationed at this point, suffered severely, and their flagship was taken with great slaughter.
The Long Parliament had ordered a strict observance of Sunday, punished swearing severely, and made adultery a capital crime; Cromwell issued further ordinances against duelling, swearing, racemeetings and cock-fights - the last as tending to the disturbance of the public peace and the encouragement of "dissolute practices to the dishonour of God."
The vilayet suffered severely during the Russian occupation of 1878, when, apart from the natural dislocation of commerce, many of the Moslem cultivators emigrated to Asia Minor, to be free from their alien rulers.
AdvertisementCaptain Barclay, after a hot engagement - the Battle of Lake Erie - in which Captain Perry's flagship the "Lawrence," a brig, was so severely shattered that he had to leave her, was completely defeated.
How severely strict medieval abstinence was may be gauged from the fact that armies and garrisons were sometimes, in default of dispensations, as in the case of the siege of Orleans in 1429, reduced to starvation for want of Lenten food, though in full possession of meat and other supplies.
The town suffered so severely from the Indians in 1676 that it was deserted until 1678.
In theory all religions may be freely professed, except that certain restrictions, such as domicile,' are laid upon the Jews; but in actual fact the dissenting sects are more or less severely treated.
Of all the various races the Jews were the most severely treated.
Howe next served in the West Indies in the "Burford," and was present in her when she was very severely damaged in the unsuccessful attack on La Guayra on the 18th of February 1742.
Lorrain, pursing up his lips, waved a severely negative finger before his nose.
He was bitterly denounced by slaveholders and also by such non-slaveholders as disapproved of all antislavery agitation, and in January 1827 he was assaulted and seriously injured by a slave-trader, Austin Woolfolk, whom he had severely criticized in his paper.
Finally, it may be noted that many immoral acts, such as the use of false weights, lying, &c., which could not be brought into court, are severely denounced in the Omen Tablets as likely to bring the offender into " the hand of God " as opposed to " the hand of the king."
He punished the rebellious clergy severely, and ruled the church with an absolute hand till his departure from England in 1218.
During the revolutionary outbreak of 1848, the Jews suffered severely in Hungary, but as many as 20,000 Jews are said to have joined the army.
Some of them were talking (he heard Russian words), others were eating bread; the more severely wounded looked silently, with the languid interest of sick children, at the envoy hurrying past them.
Excited and vexed by the failure and supposing that someone must be responsible for it, Toll galloped up to the commander of the corps and began upbraiding him severely, saying that he ought to be shot.
He also posed as an author and patron of literature; his poems, severely criticized by Philoxenus, were hissed at the Olympic games; but having gained a prize for a tragedy on the Ransom of Hector at the Lenaea at Athens, he was so elated that he engaged in a debauch which proved fatal.
The famine of 1899-1900 was severely felt.
The state has suffered severely from plague.
Though he rejected the demand of the pope, who wished him to consent to the abolition of the compacts, he endeavoured to curry favour with the Roman see by punishing severely all the more advanced opponents of papacy in Bohemia.
Unfortunately several of these fertile tracts suffer severely from malaria (q.v.), and especially the great plain adjoining the Gulf of Tarentum, which in the early ages of history was surrounded by a girdle of Greek cities—some of which attained to almost unexampled prosperity—has for centuries past been given up to almost complete desolation.
Kassala was relieved on the 1st of April, and Stevani a few days later severely defeated the dervishes at Jebel Mokram and Tucruff.
It has passed through a far greater number of editions than any other work on natural history in the whole world, and has become emphatically an English classic - the graceful simplicity of its style, the elevating tone of its spirit, and the sympathetic chords it strikes recommending it to every lover of Nature, while the severely scientific reader can scarcely find an error in any statement it contains, whether of matter of fact or opinion.
The battle of Mohacs, however, severely shook the faith of the Hungarians.
The citizens of Tarsus who were involved in the plot were severely punished.
This propaganda was severely discouraged.
She sang something mournfully, addressing the queen, but the king waved his arm severely, and men and women with bare legs came in from both sides and began dancing all together.
Violations, especially by those supplying alcohol to minors, should be dealt with severely.
On the 13th of February 1880, the minister of war, Dr Carlos Pellegrini, summoned the principal officers connected with the Tiro Nacional, General Bartolome Mitre, his brother Emilio, Colonel Julio Campos, Colonel Hilario Lagos and others, and warned them that as officers of the national army they owed obedience to the national government, and would be severely punished if concerned in any revolutionary outbreak against the constituted authorities.
The lack of employment in factories naturally affected the coal mining industry, and indeed every industry in the states, except those connected with the export trade, was severely affected.
These powers were, however, severely restricted by the emperor Alexander III.
During the reign of Michael (1613-45) the new dynasty came to be accepted by all classes, and the country recovered to some extent from the disorders and exhaustion -4 f r om which it had suffered so severely; but it was not 1613-45.
Many of the public buildings, including the college, suffered severely from the earthquake of the 12th of June 1897; and great damage was done by tornadoes in April of 1888 and 1902.
New Haven's commerce suffered severely during the war, but by the close of the first decade of the 19th century it had regained its former importance.
The second, led by Peter himself, passed safely through Hungary, but suffered severely in Bulgaria, and only attained Constantinople with sadly diminished numbers at the end of July.
Syria suffered severely from the Mongol invasions (1260), and it never recovered its former prosperity.
In 1586 St Augustine was almost destroyed by Sir Francis Drake and it also suffered severely by an attack of Captain John Davis in 1665.
It was severely tried in the Thirty Years' War and in the Seven Years' War, and in 1720 it was burned down.
Under his administration the Church was severely taxed for the prosecution of Henry's foreign wars; and the chancellor incurred the reproach "of plunging his sword into the bowels of his mother."
During the decade 1891-1901 the Central Provinces suffered from famine more severely than any other part of India.
It suffered severely from a conflagration in 1870.
Below the castle is All Saints church, which suffered severely during the siege of the castle, but still retains some work of the 12th century.
In 1236 and at various subsequent dates in the same century this town suffered severely from encroachments of the sea, and in 1266 it paid the penalty for its adherence to the cause of Simon de Montfort.
It was severely attacked in 1835 by James Mill in his Fragment on Mackintosh.
These Personal Liberty Laws forbade justices and judges to take cognizance of claims, extended the habeas corpus act and the privilege of jury trial to fugitives, and punished false testimony severely.
The competition of the sugar-beet has been felt severely.
At length in the afternoon they suddenly fell upon Dupont's isolated division at Albeck, which was completely surprised and severely handled.
Augereau himself was severely wounded, and the remnant of his corps was subsequently distributed amongst the other corps.
This project was persisted with, until on the 18th Murat was himself attacked and severely handled (action of Tarutino or Vinkovo).
In spite of this misfortune, Napoleon could claim a brilliant success for himself, but almost at the same moment news reached him that Oudinot at Grossbeeren near Berlin, and Macdonald on the Katzbach opposed to Blucher, had both been severely defeated.
About noon the 2nd of February Napoleon attacked them, but the weather was terrible, and the ground so heavy that his favourite artillery, the mainstay of his whole system of warfare, was useless and in the drifts of snow which at intervals swept across the field, the columns lost their direction and many were severely handled by the Cossacks.
His estate seems to have suffered severely from the Persian invasions, for apparently he did not leave enough money to defray the expenses of his burial, and it is known that his descendants even in the 4th century received state pensions.
The islanders had enjoyed some measure of exemption from the worst excesses of the Turkish officials, but suffered severely from the conscription raised to man the Turkish ships; and though they seemed to be peculiarly open to attack by the Sultan's forces from the sea, they took an early and active part in the rising.
The state was admitted to the Union with its present boundaries on the 12th of May 1858, and the federal census of 1860 showed that the population had increased to 172,023, despite the fact that the financial panic of 18J7 had severely checked the state's growth.
Scott restored the present cathedral, 1866-1875, after it had been burned in the time of Owen Glendower, destroyed in 1211, and, in 1102 and 1212, severely handled.
The city suffered severely by fire in April 1910.
During the later years of this war Bavaria, especially the northern part, suffered severely.
It suffered severely from earthquake in 1880 and 1901.
He was liberal to the poor; it was his custom to comment severely in his preaching on the public characters of his times; and he introduced popular reforms in the order and manner of public worship. It is alleged, too, that at a time when the influence of Ambrose required vigorous support, he was admonished in a dream to search for, and found under the pavement of the church, the remains of two martyrs, Gervasius and Protasius.
I was severely anorexic and had been for about a year.
Traders holding high levels of stock are understood to have been severely bruised by the price drops.
The interior districts of Ceara, Pernambuco and Bahia have suffered severely from these seccas.
They were now to suffer severely for their past misdoings, but unfortunately the innocent nation was forced to suffer with them.
The Pemberton mills, built in 1853, collapsed and afterwards took fire on the 10th of January 1860; 90 were killed and hundreds severely injured., Lawrence was chartered as a city in 1853, and annexed a small part of Methuen in 1854 and parts of Andover and North Andover in 1879.
Palo Alto suffered severely in the earthquake of 1906.
On the 6th of November he was severely handled and his guns and wagons captured at Bothaville.
Their railway communication ended abruptly at the Austrian frontier; the roads were few and bad, the country sparsely cultivated and inhospitable, and the troops suffered severely.
Cetywayo's party (who now became known as Usutus) suffered severely at the hands of the two chiefs, who were aided by a band of white freebooters.
Both sides had suffered very severely in the furious encounters that had been in progress since the evening of the 6th, and the troops were completely worn out by their efforts.
In the action which followed the whole force was destroyed, and Baird, severely wounded, fell into the hands of the Mysore chief.
Determinism thus became a leading characteristic of Jewish apocalyptic, and its conception of history became severely mechanical.
Donati and Vieri de' Cerchi, were becoming more powerful, and Charles had increased their number by creating a great many knights; but their attempts to interfere with the administration of justice were severely repressed, and new laws were passed to reduce their influence.
At the same time Bestuzhev resisted any rapprochement with France, and severely rebuked the court of Saxony for its intrigues with that of Versailles.
The township suffered severely during the War of Independence on account of the frequent quartering of American troops within its borders, the depredations of bands of lawless men after the occupation of New York by the British in 1778 and its invasion by the British in 1779 (February 25) and 1781 (December 5).
The treaty of 1772 between France and Spain was concluded at Aranjuez, which afterwards suffered severely from the French during the Peninsular War.
It suffered severely from an earthquake in 1819, which destroyed a large number of houses, and occasioned the loss of several lives.
It suffered severely in the invasion of Attila, by whom it was laid waste, and in subsequent incursions.
On the fall of Napoleon he took part in Murat's campaign against Eugene Beauharnais, and later in that against Austria, and was severely wounded at the battle of the Panaro (1815).
Since prehistoric remains must be studied where they are found, the difficulty in the way of exploration makes itself severely felt.
In 1894 the town suffered from an earthquake, though less severely than in 1783.
On the 19th of April 1251 Innocent left Lyons, which had suffered severely from his presence, and returned to Italy.
The famine of 1878 was severely felt.
Even before it fell from its high estate as the social centre of the German-speaking world, it had suffered severely by the crushing defeats of 1859 and the consequent exodus of the Austrian nobles.
While directing a fire of hot shot to burn the "Congress," Commodore Buchanan of the "Merrimac" was severely wounded and was succeeded in the command by Lieutenant Catesby ap Roger Jones.
Padua, in common with north-eastern Italy, suffered severely from the invasion of the Huns under Attila (452).
During the war of 1812 the Nantucket fleet was the only one active; it suffered severely during the war, and in the decade1820-1830Nantucket lost its primacy to New Bedford, whose fleet in 1840 was twice as large.
In 1901 the population was 353, 410, showing a decrease of II% in the decade, due to the famine of 1899-1900, which was severely felt in the district.
It has suffered severely from political disorders, and in 1894 was nearly destroyed by an earthquake.
During the Vdlkerwanderung Mainz suffered severely, being destroyed on different occasions by the Alamanni, the Vandals and the Huns.
A pestilence drove Otto to Germany in 965, and finding the Romans again in arms on his return in 966, he allowed his soldiers to sack the city, and severely punished the leaders of the rebellion.
His features were strongly marked; the nose trenchant and hawk-like, and the mouth severely lined.
To many Japanese observers i seemed that the restoration of 1867 had merely transferred the ad ministrative authority from the Tokugawa Shogun to the clans c Satsuma and ChOshC. The KOko Shimbun severely attacked th two clans as specious usurpers.
During the Mexican war he was twice severely wounded in a reconnaissance at Cerro Gordo, 1847, was engaged in the siege of Vera Cruz, the battles of Contreras, Churubusco, and Molino del Rey, the storming of Chapultepec, and the assault on the city of Mexico, and received three brevets for gallant and meritorious service.
He commanded in the battle of Fair Oaks (May 31, 1862), and was so severely wounded as to be incapacitated for several months.
Baden suffered severely during this struggle, and both branches of the family were exiled in turn.
While severely condemning, both Irenaeus and Tertullian distinguished schismatics from heretics."
In the last action he was severely wounded by the explosion of a powder-wagon and he was soon after shut up in Devizes by Waller, where he defended himself until relieved by the victory of Roundway Down on the 13th of July.
But before marching south he led another expedition across the Balkans into the country now called Bulgaria, and returned to Pella with much spoil but severely wounded in the thigh.
In 1461 it was taken by Roberto Orsini, and suffered severely.
Although Carus severely avenged the death of Probus, he was himself suspected of having been an accessory to the deed.
In the ensuing "Corinthian War" the city suffered severely, and the war-party only maintained itself by the help of an Argive garrison and a formal annexation to Argos.
The 6th Corps only was severely shaken, the 4th (the best in the whole army), though it had fought hard twice within fortyeight hours, losing nearly 30% of its strength, was still well in hand, and the 3rd, 2nd and Imperial Guards were almost intact.
Conde's pretensions to scholarship have been severely criticized by Dozy, and his history is now discredited.
He became lieutenant towards the end of April, and took part in a skirmish at Kitzen near Leipzig on the 7th of June, when he was severely wounded.
The English fleet had suffered severely, Blake himself was seriously wounded, and his colleague Deane was also hurt.
The Dutch now sought peace, and Cromwell offered better terms. During the fighting in the North Sea the Mediterranean trade of England had suffered severely.
Thus the allies were at once divided into two widely separated bodies, and the Dutch admiral was able to concentrate nearly his whole force on the centre division, which suffered severely.
A foolish attempt was made to claim his retreat as a victory, but the allies were too severely damaged to attempt an attack on the Dutch during the rest of the year.
Their leading ships were severely mauled, and their whole force so crippled that they could make no pursuit of the Dutch when they drew off, their injured ships being towed by the Spanish galleys, in the late afternoon.
His administration of the war department during the Spanish-American War was severely criticized for extravagance in army contracts, for unpreparedness, and for general inefficiency, charges which he answered in his The Spanish-American War (1901).
The book was first taken in a severely literal sense, and particularly in its chiliastic doctrine.
Jagerndorf suffered severely during the Thirty Years' War, and was the scene of engagements between the Prussians and Austrians in May 1745 and in January 1779.
In the Matamoras expedition the Texan forces were severely crippled on account of a quarrel between Governor Smith, who desired independence, and the majority of his council, who favoured union with the Mexican Liberals.
This district suffered very severely from the famine of 1896-1897, in 1897 the death-rate being as high as 73 per 1000.
In the meanwhile the first line of Marlborough's infantry had crossed lower down, and the first line of cavalry, following them across, had been somewhat severely handled by Tallard's cavalry.
The government sent him to the front, directly the Carlist War broke out, as commandant of the province of Biscay, where he severely defeated the Carlists in many encounters.
They remained severely orthodox in the doctrines of the Fathers - the Trinity, the Incarnation, the plenary inspiration of the Bible - and they condemned those who rejected their teachings to a hell whose fires they were not tempted to extenuate.
After a cannonade in which it suffered more severely than its entrenched enemy, the French centre furiously attacked the village of Allerheim; the fighting here was very heavy, and on the whole in favour of the Germans, although Mercy was killed.
Konigsberg suffered severely during the war of liberation and was occupied by the French in 1807.
Farther south came the turn of Ascalon, Lachish and Libnah; Judah under " Hezekiah suffered severely, and its western cities were transferred to the faithful vassals of Ekron, Ashdod and Gaza.
The marquises being opponents of the house of Savoy, and taking part in the struggles between France and the empire, the city often suffered severely from the fortunes of war.
The cold sometimes is severely felt by the poor classes owing to want of proper fuel, for which a great part of the population has no substitute except dried cowdung.
This severely classical spirit inspired his first important painting, "Date obolum Belisario," exhibited at Paris in 1780.
His style is severely academic, his colour lacking in richness and warmth, his execution hard and uninteresting in its very perfection.
During the Mandia most of these tribes suffered severely at the hands of the dervishes.
In the 10th century it suffered severely, being repeatedly pillaged in the wars of the Fatimite caliphs Al-Qaim and Abu Tahir Ismail el Mansur with the Sunnite leader Abu Yazid and the Zenata Berbers.
The buildings and the roads suffered severely from the earthquake of the 12th of June 1897.
They were not unscathed, but the Russians were suffering far more severely.
The system of regulation by central boards was severely .criticised for incompetence and even for corruption, and sometimes justly; but on the whole it was amply justified by the urgent necessities of the times and by its results.
As he was a Federalist he was severely criticised and censured for this defeat and resigned from the army.
During the wars of the Fronde it was pillaged in 1652; and in the campaign of 1814 it suffered severely.
Although severely criticised for his conduct of the expedition, he received, in October 1779, the thanks of Congress.
As an official and a man of non-Russian extraction he had to be extremely reticent, but to his intimate friends he condemned severely the ignorance and light-hearted recklessness of those around him.
In the second half of the 17th century the monopoly system and the employment of slaves and forced labour gave rise to many abuses, and there was a rapid decline in the revenue from sugar, coffee and opium, while the competition of the British East India Company, which now exported spices, indigo, &c. from India to Europe, was severely felt.
Brussels suffered severely in 1695 from the bombardment of the French under Villeroi, who fired into the town with red-hot shot.
The fortifications of Anklam were dismantled in 1762 and have not since been restored, although the old walls are still standing; formerly, however, it was a town of considerable military importance, which suffered severely during the Thirty Years' and the Seven Years' Wars; and this fact, together with the repeated ravages of fire and of the plague, has made its history more eventful than is usually the case with towns of the same size.
Thus, he engages in combat with Heracles on two occasions to avenge the death of his son Cycnus; once Zeus separates the combatants by a flash of lightning, but in the second encounter he is severely wounded by his adversary, who has the active support of Athena; maddened by jealousy, he changes himself into the boar which slew Adonis, the favourite of Aphrodite; and stirs up the war between the Lapithae and Centaurs.
The church of Our Lady, a late Romanesque building, has two ancient crypts and a 13thcentury choir of exceptional beauty, but the nave suffered severely from a restoration in 1764.
Even the peasants, who had suffered severely from the wholesale establishment of prisoners of war as serfs on the estates of the nobles, still preserved the rights of personal liberty and free transit from place to place, whence their name of lazigi.
The next ten years severely tested the stability of his great work, but it stood the test triumphantly.
This constitutional reform was severely criticized by contemporary political experts.
Occasionally he is didactic, as in Worek Judaszow (The Bag of Judas) and Victoria deorum, where, under the allegory of the gods of Olympus, he represents the struggles of parties in Poland, not without severely satirizing the nobility and ecclesiastics.
After a very severe struggle he was repulsed with the loss of a quarter of his men, Jackson's divisions suffering even more severely and losing nearly all their generals and colonels.
He showed great hostility to the Puritan sabbath and supported the reissue of the Book of Sports, especially odious to that party, and severely reprimanded Chief Justice Richardson for his interference with the Somerset wakes.
In its earlier years this frontier town suffered severely from the forays of the Indians, and in 1690 the abandonment of the settlement was contemplated.
Johnston fell severely wounded, and in the end a properly connected and combined advance of the Army of the Potomac drove back his successor into the lines of Richmond (May 31 - June 1).
Lee had lost fewer, but could ill spare them, and Longstreet had been severely wounded (May 5-6).
There are three families, two of which form companies rather severely limited.
A force of 12,500 British troops traversed the country of the tribes, and severely punished them.
The Romanov family in especial suffered severely from these delations.
It suffered severely from the earthquake of the 16th-17th of January 188g, It is a prosperous place with an enlightened Greek element in its population (hence the numerous families called "Spartali" in Levantine towns); and it is, in fact, the chief inland colony of Hellenism in Anatolia.
They are most violent from San Blas southward to the Guatemala frontier, and some of the Spanish towns on or near this coast have suffered severely.
The earthquake shocks of the 30th and 31st of July 1909 were unusually severe throughout southern Mexico, reducing Acapulco and Chilpancingo to ruins and shaking the city of Mexico severely.
But in heading an attack on Harran, in 1104, he was severely defeated at Balich, near Rakka on the Euphrates.
British commerce therefore suffered severely, even as far off as the Irish coasts, where it was found necessary to supply convoy to the Belfast linen trade.
Although Pierce during his term in the Senate had severely criticized the Whigs for their removals of Democrats from office, he himself now adopted the policy of replacing Whigs by Democrats, and the country acquiesced.
The miserable condition of his country, and his own very precarious situation, weighed heavily upon his sensitive soul, and he suffered severely both in mind and body.
The state suffered severely from famine in 1868-1869, and again in 1896-1897.
Gandhi's policy of noncooperation was, however, severely condemned by him as perverted nationalism, " which was making of India a prison," in a letter addressed to the principal of his school at Bolpur in June 1921.
During the Greek War of Independence it suffered severely, and was the scene of several conflicts, in which the ultimate success was with the Turks.
It suffered severely in the famine of 1899-1900.
The extensive additions and alterations made by Wren according to the taste of the King resulted in a severely plain edifice of brick; the orangery, added in Queen Anne's time, is a better example of the same architect's work.
As a cavalry subaltern he distinguished himself by his gallant conduct in actions with the Comanches in Texas, and was severely wounded in 1859.
As one of the largest proprietors in the Ukraine he suffered severely from Cossack depredations and offered many concessions to them.
The Armenian population suffered severely during the massacres of 1895.
The "six towns" were severely punished for their share in the war of the league of Schmalkalden, and about this time the reformed teaching made very rapid progress in Lusatia, the majority of the inhabitants becoming Protestants.
There remain many public edifices and dwellings of the colonial period, severely plain in appearance, with heavy stone walls and tile roofs.
Africa had passed to Rome, and Cyrenaica itself, bequeathed by Apion, the last Ptolemaic sovereign, was become (in combination with Crete) a Roman province (after 96 B.C.), this competition told more severely than ever, and the Greek colonists, grown weaker, found themselves less able to hold their own against the Libyan population.
The town suffered severely during the Seven Years' War, being bombarded in 1760.
Dresden again suffered severely during the revolution of 1849, but all traces of the disturbances which then took place were soon effaced.
He voted for Johnson's conviction on his trial for impeachment, and for this was severely criticized, since, in the event of conviction, he would have become president; but Wade's whole course before and after the trial would seem to belie the charge that he was actuated by any such motive.
For three days after this the armies lay in position without fighting, the French well supplied with provisions and comforts from Breisach, the Bavarians suffering somewhat severely from want of food, and especially forage, as all their supplies had to be hauled from Villingen over the rough roads of the Black Forest.
Enghien's pertinacity had not achieved a decision with the sword, but Mercy had been so severely punished that he was unable to interfere with his opponent's new plan of campaign.
It suffered severely during the Hussite war, during the Swedish invasion in 1631 and 1647, and in the War of the Austrian Succession in 1742.
On the 18th of September of that year he was severely defeated by the Italian army at Castelfidardo.
A commission appointed to inquire into the disturbances caused by his preaching in Bristol severely censured the conduct of his opponents; and, when the bishop prohibited him from preaching in his diocese, he obtained from Cranmer a special licence to preach throughout the province of Canterbury.
The hardships of his imprisonment, and the long disputations at Oxford, told severely on his health, but he endured all with unbroken cheerfulness.
At the outbreak of this conflict in 1420 they gave ready support to their king Sigismund against the Bohemian rebels, whom they regarded as dangerous to their German nationality, but by this act they exposed themselves to a series of invasions (1425-1435) by which the country was severely devastated.
In spite of these reforms the Silesians, who felt severely the financial exactions of Matthias, began to resent the control of the Bohemian crown.
But in 1909 Chinese troops were sent to operate on the Sze-ch`uen frontier against certain insurgent lamas, whom they handled severely.
He was a Democratic representative in Congress from Illinois in 1875-1877 and again in 1879-1881; was first assistant postmaster-general in 1885-1889, and was severely criticized for his wholesale removal of Republican postmasters.
The ancient electoral palace is another of the buildings that suffered severely in 1760; it now contains archives.
In the Roman period it was favoured by Caesar, and took the name of Julia; and, though it suffered severely when the fugitive Dolabella stood his last siege within its walls (43 B.C.), Strabo describes it as a flourishing port, which supplied, from the vineyards on the mountains, the greater part of the wine imported to Alexandria.
Norman Finch, who though severely wounded continued to fight his gun singlehanded till the top was wrecked by another shell.
Lieutenant-Commander Harrison, severely wounded in the head, arrived about this time and took charge.
But the combination failed; they were severely harassed on the St Lawrence, and the invasion was given up.
His management of the war, more especially on Lake Champlain, was severely criticized, and he was threatened with a court-martial, but died before the trial came on.
Thus he rewarded the Orthodox upstart, Prince Constantine Ortrogski, for his victory at Orsza by making him palatine of Troki, despite determined opposition from the Catholics; severely punished all disturbers of the worship of the Greek schismatics; protected the Jews in the country places, and insisted that the municipalities of the towns should be composed of an equal number of Catholics and Orthodox Greeks.
In 1891 he was made civil and military governor of French Indo-China, where his administration, which involved him in open rupture with Admiral Fournier, was severely criticized.
Gibbon speaks of his learning as "immense," and says that his "skill in employing facts is equal to his learning," although he severely criticizes his method and style.
In 167 the country suffered severely from the intrigues of a philo-Roman party, which caused a series of judicial murders and the deportation of many patriots to Italy.
Some plants, like pelargoniums, can only be kept handsomely formed and well furnished by cutting them down severely every season, after the blooming is over.
The sultan of Achin opposed by force of arms the efforts of the Dutch to make their occupation effective, and has succeeded in maintaining a vigorous resistance, the Dutch colonial troops suffering severely from the effects of the insalubrious climate.
The statement that he issued an edict of toleration, to the effect that, while the exercise of magical rites would be severely punished, his subjects should enjoy full liberty of conscience, rests on insufficient evidence.
Besides coloured troops, there were employed in this campaign about 2400 Europeans, who suffered severely from fever and otherwise, though the mortality among the men was slight.
The Dutch were unprepared, and suffered severely through the loss of their carrying trade, and De Witt resolved to bring about peace as soon as possible.
The population in 1901 was 5,540,702, showing a decrease of 4% in the decade due to the famine of 1896-1897, which was severely felt throughout the division.
The coast scenery near Boscastle is severely beautiful, with abrupt cliffs fully exposed to the sea, and broken only by a few picturesque inlets such as Crackington Cove and Pentargan Cove.
They appear to catch what is called the "boat-cold" caused by the arrival of strange boats, and at one time the children suffered severely from a form of lockjaw known as the "eight days' sickness."
He stood forward with a noble resolution to maintain the freedom of the press, and severely censured the rigorous measures of the police department.
In a later rebellion, Thebes was captured after a three years' siege and severely punished by Lathyrus (Ptolemy X., Soter II.).
Sappho wrote an ode, in which she severely satirized and rebuked him.
Against the Siamese, who were also suspected of having abetted the Peguan rebels, he proceeded more openly and severely.
It was besieged and taken by Gustavus Adolphus in 1632, and in 1635 it surrendered to the imperial forces; in 1703 it was bombarded by the electoral prince of Bavaria, and forced to pay a contribution of 400,000 dollars; and in the war of 1803 it suffered severely.
It is, however, certain from the existing remains that both this portico and the adjacent buildings had suffered severely from the earthquake of 63, and that they were undergoing a process of restoration, involving material changes in the original arrangements, which was still incomplete at the time of their final destruction.
This temple appears to have suffered very severely from the earthquake, and at present affords little evidence of its original architectural ornament; but we learn from existing remains that its walls were covered with slabs of marble, and that the columns of the portico were of the same material.
He commanded a volunteer company under Garibaldi in 1859 and 1860, being wounded slightly at Calatafimi and severely at Palermo in the latter year.
This district suffered severely in the famine of 1877-1878, and the irrigation works were started in consequence.
He was severely wounded at Blois and pensioned.
It suffered severely during the French Revolution, especially from Joseph Lebon, who, like the brothers Maximilien and Augustin Robespierre, was a native of the town.
The difficulties arising to Prussia from this source were experienced in a still greater degree by the seaports of Bremen and Hamburg, which were severely hampered by the particularism displayed by Hanover.
Meanwhile Germany was suffering severely from internal disorders and from the inroads of her rude neighbors; and when in the year Iooo Otto visited his northerfl kingdom there were hopes that he would smite these enemies with the vigour of his predecessors.
During this reign the first crusade took place, and the German king suffered severely from the pious zeal which it expressed and intensified.
The Liberal ministries of 1848 were dismissed, the constitutions were changed or abolished, and new chambers were elected under a severely restricted suffrage.
They completed the work by the end of 1887; the draft which they then published was severely criticized, and it was again submitted for revision to a fresh commission, which reported in 1895.
It was made after Bismarck had retired from office, and he, as did the colonial party, severely criticized the details; for the surrender of Zanzibar and Witu cut short the hopes which had been formed of building up a great German empire controlling the whole of East Africa.
One of his first acts was severely to reprimand Puttkammer for misusing government influence at elections.
A revolt of the city against the royal authority was severely punished in 1262 by the expulsion of its principal inhabitants, who were, however, permitted to take up their quarters on the other side of the river.
Zara was taken and pillaged, for which the Venetians were severely reprimanded by the pope.
These measures,` though severely criticized by the Opposition, were introduced to remedy obvious, and in some cases terrible social evils.
The Nationalists therefore stormed the platform, and the president and ministers had to fly into their private rooms to escape personal violence, until the Czechs came to their rescue, and by superiority in numbers and physical strength severely punished Herr Wolf and his friends.
The first mentioned of these was severely criticised by Pascal in the fifth and sixth of his Provincial Letters, as tending to inculcate a loose system of morality.
The fact that during the period under review Egypt suffered very severely from the general fall in the price of commodities makes the prosperity of the country the more remarkable.
The prevailing feeling is a noble spaciousness both in scale and in form, an equanimity based upon knowledge and character, a grandeur of conception expressed by severely simple execution, There is nothing superfluous, nothing common, nothing trivial.
These tribes were twice brought to account severely for their misdoings, but not effectually checked.
They offered an heroic resistance, but were overpowered, and iiome killed, some made prisoners; among the last was Osman Bey al-BardIsI, who was severely wounded.
Cairo was itself in a state of tumult, suffering severely from a scarcity of grain, and the heavy exactions of the pasha to meet the demands of his turbulent troops, at that time augmented by a Turkish detachment.
Stewart, became involved in a charge against an unbroken enemy, and suffered somewhat severely.
Kitchener unsuccessfully endeavoured to capture Osman Digna on the 17th of January 1888, but in the attack was himself severely wounded, and was shortly after invalided.
Darfur and Kordofan.On the outbreak of the mahdis rebellion Slatin Bey was governor of the province, and when Madibbo, the insurgent sheikh of Rizighat, attacked and occupied Shakka and was following up his success, Slatin twice severely defeated him, and, having concentrated his forces at El Fasher, repulsed the enemy again at Om Shanga.
Enfins mutinous troops kept the dervishes at bay between Wadelai and Rejaf, and eventually severely defeated them, driving them back to Rejaf.
The ship was nearly wrecked in the autumn, and the party had to spend most of the winter on shore, the duke of Abruzzi suffering severely from frost-bite.
In 1619 it was captured by the imperialist general, Karl Bonaventura de Longueval, Graf von Buquoy, and suffered so severely that the citizens opened their gates to his opponent, Ernst von Mansfeld.
Such defection was formerly often punished severely.
The city suffered severely in 1874 from a fire started by a fire-cracker on the 4th of July and from a flood caused by a great rain-storm on the 26th of the same month, but these calamities were followed by years of great prosperity and rapid growth.
Congleton suffered severely from the plagues of 1603 and 1641, and by the latter was almost entirely depopulated.
So in his warfare, though he kept strict discipline and allowed no wanton violence, he treated severely all who had in his opinion transgressed.
Catholics were equally or more severely persecuted; and though the Borderers were brought into tranquillity, it was by measures of indiscriminate severity.
Thus, except in the case of the west coast trade with the colonies, Scotland had reaped little commercial benefit from the Union, and the loss of business caused by the abolition of the parliament, and the rush of noble families to London, was severely felt in Edinburgh.
Wool in Chihuahua, and under General Winfield Scott in the southern campaign; he was breveted major-general for gallantry at Cerro Gordo, where he was severely wounded, and he was again wounded at Chapultepec. In1849-1855he was a United States senator from Illinois; and in1858-1859was a senator from Minnesota.
Ibarra on the northern flanks of the volcano has suffered severely from its eruptions.
After this our Lord was visited secretly by a Pharisee named Nicodemus, whose advances were severely met by the words, " Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God."
Laibach suffered severely on the 14th of April 1895 from an earthquake.
In 1634 and 1635 it suffered severely from the Swedes.
In recent years it has suffered severely from drought.
Like the rest of Cuba, Havana has frequently suffered severely from hurricanes, the most violent being those of 1768 (St Theresa's), 1810 and 1846.
As Hamilton was somewhat officious and very combative, and Jefferson, although uncontentious, very suspicious and quite independent, both men holding inflexibly to opinions, cabinet harmony became impossible when the two secretaries had formed parties about them and their differences were carried into the 1 It was at this period of his life that Jefferson gave expression to some of the opinions for which he has been most severely criticized and ridiculed.
Measured by the records of other men equally successful as political leaders, there seems little of this nature to criticize severely.
Wherever the English went they were met by the hostility of the Portuguese; and on the 29th of November 1612 the Portuguese admiral with four ships attempted to capture the English vessels under Captain Best at Swally, off the mouth of the Tapti river; but the Portuguese were severely defeated, to the great astonishment of the natives, and that action formed the beginning of British maritime supremacy in Indian seas.
When his perfidy became known a civil war ensued, in which he was twice severely defeated - first near Cibalae in Pannonia (October 8th, 314), and next in the plain of Mardia in Thrace; the outward reconciliation, which was effected in the following December, left Licinius in possession of Thrace, Asia Minor, Syria and Egypt, but added numerous provinces to the Western empire.
In the Wars of the League it suffered severely, and in 1632 its castle was destroyed by Richelieu.
Both suffered severely from the insufficient and loathsome food, and Mertz collapsed on Jan.
In 5900 this district suffered severely from famine owing to the complete failure of the monsoon, and the cultivated area decreased by 50 or 60 70; but, on the whole, trade has improved of late years owing to the new railways, which have stimulated commerce and created fresh centres of industry.
It suffered severely during the Thirty Years' War.
During the Thirty Years' War Baden suffered severely from the various combatants, but especially from the French, who pillaged it in 1643, and laid it in ashes in 1689.
Both the foreign concessions and the native city suffered severely during the hostilities resulting from the Boxer movement in June - July, 1900.
These two prefects compelled the refugees to return to Irak, where many of them were severely treated and even put to death by Hajjaj.
Sometimes severely handled by the British, sometimes escaping only by the narrowest margin of safety from the columns which attempted to surround him, and falling upon and annihilating isolated British posts, De Wet continued to the end of the war his successful career, striking heavily where he could do so and skilfully evading every attempt to bring him to bay.
The Wang dynasty perished in 1392, an important epoch in the peninsula, when Ni Taijo, or Litan, the founder of the present dynasty, ascended the throne, after his country had suffered severely from Jenghiz and Khublai Khan.
Augustus, however, was now seventytwo, the Dalmatian outbreak had severely tried his nerve, and now for the second time in three years the fates seemed to pronounce clearly against a further prosecution of his long-cherished scheme of a Roman Germany reaching to the Elbe.
In March the Egyptians were severely defeated by the revolted Arabs of the Hauran; and the Porte, though diplomatic pressure kept it quiet, hurried on preparations for war.
It is estimated in various parts of Europe at two-thirds or three-fourths of the population in the first pestilence, in England even higher; but some countries were much less severely affected.
In the first quarter it was very destructive in Italy, in Spain (especially Barcelona and Seville), in Germany and in England, where London was severely visited in 1400 and 1406, and again in 1428.
Italy suffered severely (Venice, in 1576, lost 70,000); North Europe not less, though later; London in 1580-1582.
In Prussia and Lithuania 283,000 persons perished; Dantzig, Hamburg and other northern cities suffered severely.
In 1849-1850, and again in 1852, the disease raged very severely and spread southward.
Hong Kong was severely affected, and has never since been entirely free from plague.
It suffered severely through various wars of the 17th and 18th centuries, and in 1734, having declared in favour of Stanislus Leszczynski, was besieged and taken by the Russians and Saxons.
Further, that the former (Roman) is the more original of the two, being related to the latter (Antiochene) as fuller first draft to severely pruned copy.
In the desperate battle under the walls of the city, he was severely wounded by Melanippus, but managed to slay his adversary.
Under these circumstances, Nathaniel Bacon (1647-1676), whose grandfather was a cousin of Francis Bacon, took up the cause of the borderers and severely punished the Indians at the battle of Bloody Run.
In the final judgment of the famous libel case of the Bombay Maharajas, before the Supreme Court of Bombay, in January 1862, these improprieties were severely commented upon; and though so unsparing a critic of Indian sects as Jogendra Nath seems not to believe in actual immoral practices on the part of the Maharajas, still he admits that "the corrupting influence of a religion, that can make its female votaries address amorous songs to their spiritual guides, must be very great."
Returning to Germany towards the close of 1162, Frederick prevented a conflict between Henry the Lion, duke of Saxony, and a number of neighbouring princes, and severely punished the citizens of Mainz for their rebellion against Archbishop Arnold.
Its real object is to attack such professedly Catholic governments as have fallen in with modern ideas - as for instance, by allowing freedom of worship to their Protestant subjects, or by refusing to punish brawling in Catholic churches more severely than other breaches of the peace.
His conduct upon that legation was afterwards severely criticized; for his political antagonists accused him of betraying the true interests of the commonwealth, and using his influence for the restoration of the exiled house of Medici to power.
Considerable losses were caused by the famines of 1897-1898 and 1899-1900, which were severely felt, especially in Bhopal and Malwa.
At the latter period the town suffered severely from the excesses _of a popular commission.
In a very offensive and quite unjustifiable tone, which is severely commented on by Sigwart and Fischer, he attacks the Baconian methods and its results.
It is unadvisable to ripple the flax so severely as to break or tear the delicate fibres at the upper part of the stem.
In the party meetings of 1890 and 1891 his policy was severely attacked, first by the extremists, the "young" Socialists from Berlin, who wished to abandon parliamentary action; against these Bebel won a complete victory.
Guilty officials having been severely punished, the fraudulent creditors of the government remained to be dealt with.
The church was severely persecuted, the members being frequently imprisoned and fined and denied the use of a building they had erected as a meeting-house.
These were severely persecuted by the dominant party and were denied even the scanty privileges that Baptists had succeeded in gaining.
When the United States entered the World War in 1917 he was entrusted with an economic mission to that country, and certain of his utterances and acts in this connexion were severely criticized.
Into this fight Guy's reserve, charged with holding back the Saracens in Acre, was also drawn, and, thus freed, 5000 men sallied out from the town to the northward; uniting with the Saracen right wing, they fell upon the Templars, who suffered severely in their retreat.
The Americans were badly handled, one of their number being killed and others severely hurt.
These disturbances severely affected the borders of Iran.
The Babylonian towns, especially Seleucia (q.v.), were handed over by Phraates to his favorite, the Hyrcanian Himerus, who punished them severely for their resistance.
His kingdom was distracted by intestine divisions and rebellion, and the foe i Creasy says that Suliman led his armies against the Persians in several campaigns (1533, 1534, 1535, 1548, 1553, 1554), during which the Turks often suffered severely through the difficult nature of the countries traversed, as well as through the bravery and activity af the enemy.
New York merchants, who had suffered so severely, determined to organize a headquarters where reports regarding the standing of customers could be exchanged.
But this is exceptional, and generally one part gives way before another, either on account of one part being naturally weaker or of one part having been overtaxed or more severely attacked by some injurious external influence, or by some undue preponderance of another part of the body itself.
It suffered from the establishment of Chalcis as the chief fortress of central Greece, and was severely handled by the Roman conquerors Mummius and Sulla.
Though severely plundered by the Normans in 1146 it recovered its prosperity and was selected by the Frankish dynasty de la Roche as its capital.
This duty was successfully performed until 1863, when, during the temporary absence of Major Malcolm Green, the then political agent, Khodadad Khan was, at the instigation of some of his principal chiefs, attacked while out riding by his cousin, Sher dil Khan, and severely wounded.
For this independence he was severely scourged by the 'Abbasid governor, who, apparently, did not dare to go beyond scourging with a man of his standing with the people.
It suffered severely from the invasions of the Northmen in 845 and the succeeding years, and of the English in the 12th and 15th centuries; the Huguenots took it in 1585, and the Vendean royalists were repulsed near it in 1793.
The English under Sir Ralph Abercromby took possession of the town in 1799, and in 1811 it suffered severely from the French.
The town suffered severely during the Peasants' War and also during the Thirty Years' War.
On the other hand he dealt very severely with the towns - Prague in particular.
The Bohemian Brethren were also severely persecuted, and their bishop Augusta was imprisoned for many years.
The reaction that now ensued was felt more severely than in any other part of the monarchy; for not only were all attempts to obtain self-government and liberty ruthlessly suppressed, but a determined attempt was made to exterminate the national language.
In consequence troubles broke out in Prague, and were severely repressed by the Austrian authorities.
These changes in population reveal the effects of famine, which was very severely felt in 1876-1878 and again in 1899-1900.
An attempt to avenge her death was made by her brothers Ammius (Hamoir) and Sarus (Sorli) by whom Hermanaric was severely wounded.
This statement was incorporated in the bill declaring war, and although severely criticized during the Senate debate, passed both houses of Congress by overwhelming majorities.
Although wounded in the engagement of the 30th of April, he at once resumed his place in the ranks, but on the 3rd of June he was again wounded much more severely, and died in the Pellegrini hospital on the 6th of July 1849.
It suffered severely from the disastrous financial enterprise of the National Railway of Switzerland which it promoted.
Many of them devour seed, as the corn weevils, Calandra granaria and C. oryzae, and in this way vegetation is severely injured, and its spread seriously checked.
In 379 Theodosius, after reorganizing the army at Thessalonica, carried on a successful campaign of skirmishes along the Danube and induced numerous Gothic bands to give in their allegiance; his lieutenant Modares, a Gothic refugee, defeated the invaders severely in Thrace.
The defence of the Danube against the Ostrogoths under Alatheus and Safrax was entrusted to the general Promotus, who severely defeated the enemy in an attempt to cross the river.
Extremes of temperature are not so great as farther inland in the same latitude; for the summer heats are tempered by the sea and the cool north winds, and the winter cold is so constant as to be less severely felt than the changing temperature of more southern districts.
Professor Cattier in a later work, Etude sur la situation de l'etat independant du Congo (Brussels, 1906), severely criticized the Congo administration.
Delegates from Allegheny, Westmoreland, Washington and Fayette counties met here on the 7th of September 1791, and passed resolutions severely denouncing the excise tax; and a similarly constituted gathering, on the 24th of August 1792, voted to proscribe all persons who assisted in the enforcement of laws taxing the manufacture of liquor.
His devotion to his work in a trying climate told severely on his health.
The duchy suffered severely in the Russo-Swedish wars of 1700-9.
At the battle of Ball's Bluff (1861) he was severely wounded; he was again wounded at Fair Oaks (1862) and at Chancellorsville (1863), where he commanded a division.
After the fall of the Roman Empire, Neapolis suffered severely during the Gothic wars.
After the Second Punic War (203 B.C.) these tribes were severely punished by the Roman generals for the assistance they had rendered to Hannibal.
Damoh suffered severely from the famine of 1896-1897.
At the same time the Parliamentary infantry had mostly crossed the lane and was fighting at close quarters and suffering severely, Newcastle's north-country "White-Coat" brigade driving back and finally penetrating their centre.
In 1702, 1718 and 1767, it suffered severely from fires; in 1719 was plundered by the Persians; and in 1830 the cholera swept away a large number of its people.
Again, the death duties are in a distinct category, these duties falling each year not on a particular class of the community, or a particular kind of property, but on a few individuals only, who are in some cases treated severely, while others may have no cause of complaint.
In all the large towns the masonry buildings were severely damaged or totally wrecked.
Johnston being severely wounded, Lee came to command on the Southern side.
In the civil war of Stephen's reign the county suffered severely; the great Roll of the Exchequer of 1165 proves the shire receipts had depreciated in value to two-thirds of the assessment for the Danegeld.
Kerch suffered severely during the Crimean War.
The French were now severely pressing the Russian left, and one-third of Menshikov's forces was drawn into the fight in that quarter.
On the 30th of April 1802 it suffered severely by the bursting of the reservoir known as the Pantano de Puentes, in which the waters of the Sangonera were stored for purposes of irrigation (1775-1785); the district adjoining the river, known as the Barrio de San Cristobal, was completely ruined, and more than six hundred persons perished.
The Amatola mountains were stormed; and the paramount chief Kreli, who all along covertly assisted the Gaikas, was severely punished.
A severe drought, affecting almost the entire colony for several years, caused great depression of trade, and many farmers suffered severely.
Severely harassed during the barbarian invasions and by the Saracens, it was, in later times, attached successively to the kingdoms of Burgundy and of Arles and to the domains of the counts of Provence and of Toulouse and of Forcalquier.
At the height of the season the town is much overcrowded, and the entire want of a drainage system is severely felt.
Experience shows, in fact, that if a different distribution of the assumed rainfall occurs, that distribution will not try the reservoir more severely while the hitherto assumed uniform rate of demand is maintained.
In 1514, the year after the battle of Flodden, in which the burghers had suffered severely, a number of young men surprised an English force at Hornshole, a spot on the Teviot 2 m.
Laurens displayed bravery even to rashness in the storming of the Chew mansion at Germantown; at Monmouth, where he saved Washington's life, and was himself severely wounded; and at Coosahatchie, where, with a handful of men, he defended a pass against a large English force under General Augustine Prevost, and was.
The city suffered severely from plague in 1899 and 1900.
The church suffered severely at the Reformation, but is still used as the parish church.
The great cities of Bombay, Karachi and Poona suffered most severely.
Moreover, it was reputed one of the best-governed states in Greece, for although it was governed alternately by oligarchs and democrats neither party persecuted the other severely.
He had not fought for two months when he fell, severely wounded, into the hands of the Spanish Royal troops.
Of this widespread belief the plotters now took advantage; they held that much more could be accomplished with such a claim than by using that of the unfortunate Edward of Clarence, whose chances were so severely handicapped by his being still the prisoner of Henry VII.
His armada was severely handled in a weeks fighting on its way up the Channel, and was driven off the English ports into the German Ocean; there a south-west gale drove it far from its rendezvous, and completed the havoc which the English ships had begun.
The allied armies, imperfectly organized, and badly equipped for such a campaign, suffered severely from the hardships of a Crimean winter.
It suffered in the famine of 1896-1897, and yet more severely in 1900.
At the battle of Poitiers on the 19th of September 1356 he took his stand in front of the English army, and after fighting for a long time was severely wounded and carried from the fight.
Herod the Great was a native of the city, and added greatly to its beauty; but it suffered severely in the later wars of the Romans and Jews.
They had a fight in their delirium, and one was severely wounded.
In the time of the first crusades the main power was in the hands of the Arslan family, which, however, suffered so severely in wars with the Franks, that it was superseded by the Tnuhs, who, holding Beirut and nearly all the Phoenician coast, came into conflict with the sultans of Egypt.
Stephen's pretensions to authority as "bishop of bishops" were sharply resented, and for some time the relations of the Roman and African Churches were severely strained.
For this step he was severely attacked in parliament, and was accused of fomenting rebellion by means of his spies.
His son reigned at Samarkand, but was overthrown by Timur (Tamerlane), the Mongol sovereign of Samarkand, who, to put an end to the attacks of the wild Tianshan tribes, undertook in 1389 his renowned march to Dzungaria, which was devastated, East Turkestan also suffering severely.
The large expenditures of the French canal company made the department singularly alluring to corrupt officials of the central government, and Panama suffered severely before the liquidation of the company in 1889.
During the Scottish wars of the reign of Henry V., Bamburgh again suffered severely, so much so that in 1439 the burgesses had decreased in number from 120 to 13.
During this reign, which ended in July 1628, Wurttemberg suffered severely from the Thirty Years' War, although the duke himself took no part in it.
His subordinate Kellermann repulsed the Prussians at Valmy (September 20, 1792), and he himself severely defeated the Austrians at Jemappes (November 6).
Bilston suffered severely from an outbreak of cholera in 1832.
The epistles of Pope Siricius (who wished to stand well with the people) are full of scorn for these ascetics, and the Leonine sacramentary contains prayers which severely denounce them.
The northern province, which so severely taxed the energies of Elizabeth, has since been the most prosperous and loyal part of Ireland.
For refusing to receive rents at figures fixed by the tenants, Captain Boycott (1832-1897), Lord Erne's agent in Mayo, was severely " boycotted," the name of the first victim being given to the new system.
The League interfered in every relation of life, and the mere fact of not belonging to it was often severely punished.
The state suffered severely during the War of Independence, the numbers and influence of the Loyalists serving to embitter the conflict.
This, however, only served to show in a very remarkable manner the courage and faith of the Christian Malagasy, of whom about two hundred suffered death in various cruel forms, while many hundreds were punished more or less severely by fine, degradation, imprisonment and slavery.
On the east is the Johanniskirche, round which raged the last conflict in the battle of 1813, when it suffered severely from cannon shot.
Thus, in the 6th century before Christ, Xenophanes of Colophon severely blamed the poets for their unbecoming legends, and boldly called certain myths " the fables of men of old."
It suffered severely in the Hussite wars and in the Thirty Years' War, and was bombarded and burnt by the Austrians in 1757 during the Seven Years' War..
The district suffered very severely from the famine of 1896-1897.
Meanwhile Brasidas joined Perdiccas in a campaign against Arrhabaeus, king of the Lyncesti, who was severely defeated.
This revolutionary outbreak was swiftly and severely repressed.
The onerous duties his work at the Mint entailed severely tried his energies, and in quitting a purely scientific career he was subjected to the cares of official life, for which he was not fitted by temperament.
They were eventually disowned by the more reputable Jansenists, and were severely repressed by the police.
During the Mandia the country suffered severely from war and disease.
Luciano Doria fell in the battle, and the Genoese, who had suffered severely, did not at once follow up their success.
It suffered severely from the famine of 1896-1897.
It suffered no less severely in 1900, when in May the number of persons relieved rose to onefourth of the total population.
The clergy were freed from taxation and from lay jurisdiction, the ban of the Empire was to follow the ban of the Church, and heretics were to be severely punished.
The town suffered severely during the Civil Wars, undergoing two sieges, firstly in 1644 when the parliamentarian, Colonel Laugharne, took the place by storm, and secondly in 1648 when it capitulated to Colonel Horton.
After the fall of Rome he fled to Piedmont, where he organized the expedition to Sapri in 1857, but shortly after his arrival there he was defeated and severely wounded by the Bourbon troops.
He appeared more than sixty times before the commissioners and was examined most severely upon the whole course of his official life, and was, most unjustly, allowed neither to consult papers nor to put his defence in writing.
Like Marshal Concha, marquis del Duero, he would have preferred to let events develop enough to allow of the dynasty being restored without force of arms, and he severely blamed the conduct of the generals when he first heard of the pronunciamiento of Marshal Campos at Sagunto.
He severely censured the higher classes for their neglect of it.
Most of the buildings are of comparatively modern date, the city having suffered severely from the Hussites in 1430 and from a conflagration in 1621.
All of them injected into the blood in large doses act as muscle and nerve poisons, and during their excretion by the kidney usually irritate it severely, but only a few are absorbed in sufficient amount to produce similar effects when given by the mouth.
For this reference to logic he has been severely blamed, but the precise nature of the debt due to the commonly accepted logical classification is very generally misconceived.
It was in the midst of that awful obscurity that Gustavus met his death - how or where is not absolutely certain; but it would seem that he lost his way in the darkness while leading the Smaland horse to the assistance of his infantry, and was despatched as he lay severely wounded on the ground by a hostile horseman.
Benedetti was severely attacked in his own country for his conduct as ambassador, and the duc de Gramont attempted to throw upon him the blame for the failures of French diplomacy.
In June of 1629 he brought the Dunkirkers to action, and they were severely beaten, but Piet Heyn did not live to enjoy his victory.
An aggressive accent by US protectionism on pushing US trading interests overseas would be severely detrimental to the economies of the south.
The majority of severely abnormal babies miscarry by the end of the second six months.
David Wise David Wise, Treasurer, was born severely deaf and has qualified as a chartered certified accountant.
On occasion, a child who is severely afflicted may need to special or unusual accommodations.
At other times (e.g. agoraphobia, social phobia) avoiding the feared situation limits their life severely.
However, being severely allergic to certain foods, I can never afford to experiment with dishes that I am unfamiliar with.
While linear methods have proven invaluable over many years in generating first-order approximations, they are severely limited in both qualitative and quantitative predictions.
Picture by Merlin Massara Jack was severely asphyxiated during the last 19 minutes of his birth at Chelsea & Westminster Hospital.
Severely damaged, total burnout or flood damage with no serviceable parts, or already a stripped out shell.
It only take fractions of a second for a child to get severely burnt.
The editor of Tablet severely censured A Handful of Dust on moral grounds.
Peter White reports that the single hound in the pen was severely chastised by the huntsman tho there is no video of this.
The bedroom was severely damaged by the fire which was caused by a discarded cigarette.
Today the powers of the majority of nations are severely circumscribed by the need to attract inward investment.
Further advice should include the culling of severely affected birds and special attention to the ventilation in order to maximize bird comfort.
It is clear, however, that the flow is severely perturbed by the enhanced ionospheric conductivity caused by particle precipitation into the E-region.
Bingham Town Center The Market Place area is severely congested due to lack of enforcement of illegal parking.
Private sector investment is severely constrained by limited returns on products for markets with low purchasing power.
Transplantation of preserved human amniotic membrane for surface reconstruction in severely damaged rabbit corneas.
Only severely corroded areas are replaced with new metal.
She did not burn like her sister ship but was severely crippled.
They were severely criticized for taking some of the grains to eat.
These factors severely curtailed plans to explore on foot.
This is of military significance because stopping this flow of information will severely debilitate the function of any such system.
Two of the killed were severely mangled, whilst another was almost decapitated.
Growing fish can become severely and permanently deformed due to vitamin deficiencies.
The boundary data for these data sets has been severely degraded.
His 11-month-old son is severely dehydrated from diarrhea, which should be easily treated.
In addition, the severely demented patients spent less time exposed to bright light.
Still - I was there in the ditch, up against a tree, with a severely dented backside.
Fish stocks, already severely depleted around the UK, have also been affected by tests, according to the industry itself.
Mr Speed was in trouble with the police during the time that he was severely depressed.
Once they realize that they face a serious threat of deportation, many become severely depressed.
My wife and I, both severely disabled and aged 86 have lived with my daughter Jean in Bar Hill since 1972.
Big silence on the big freeze Labor's failure to introduce winter fuel payments for severely disabled adults has been a blow to many.
The incomes of ethnic minorities Some minority groups have prospered in Britain, but others remain severely disadvantaged.
Who had been severely disfigured in a car accident that was the fault of a drunken driver.
Occupation of the villa, however, was severely disrupted at the end of the 3rd century.
The Pig Veterinary Society believes that the true cost of veterinary medicines is severely distorted by this anomaly.
Emma was severely injured in a car accident caused by Ed Grundy's careless driving.
Most English teachers would deny that this offers anything other than a severely dysfunctional literacy.
Sally's own childhood was severely affected by undiagnosed dyslexia.
This policy was known as " scorched earth " and it was not expected by the Germans and severely hindered their armies.
They are important, often dominant elements of many wetland ecosystems, which today are severely threatened by the human activity.
Small thin birds would tend to run away, unless severely emaciated or dehydrated.
Despite being severely embarrassed he insisted on still wearing his weight belt for the rest of the journey.
Your right to privacy has already been severely eroded.
Women of child bearing age should not use this drug due to the severely damaging effects it can have on unborn male fetuses.
Mr Flint was severely injured in the incident suffering a broken fibula - the bone which runs from the knee to the ankle.
If they are found by the patrol after the time to which their pass extends, they are severely flogged.
Meanwhile, in school the use of regional dialects was severely frowned upon.
With each successive generation more people are becoming more severely depressed at a younger age.
In going up such places the saddle girths were severely tried, but the mane kept one from slipping down one's perpendicular animal.
Worse, the need to supply waste to keep the incinerators going would severely hinder the proper development of the recycling and reuse industries.
The pattern of tribal grouping in Gabon was severely disrupted by slave raiding which continued well into the nineteenth century.
However, birding was severely hampered by hoards of huge Horse Flies.
To the north west a half hexagon contains a half circle and a severely damaged interior.
Many people do, but are severely hindered from putting their intentions into practice.
A dwelling only occupied by a severely mentally impaired person or persons.
Many people whose hearing is not severely impaired are still able to hear a conventional smoke alarm.
Even the survivors would be severely incapacitated, many for a long time, some permanently.
A severely inflamed small intestine cannot absorb vitamins and minerals efficiently, which can result in a deficiency.
Probenecid can severely inhibit renal excretion of methotrexate, and so is contraindicated.
Last year's rain shortages and locust invasion severely affected agricultural production and grasslands reserved for cattle.
To illustrate human rights jurisprudence, let me mention a case involving two young severely disabled sisters in their twenties.
Latimer was severely lacerated by some of the barbed wire in the well.
In a severely paralyzed larynx, the airway actually gets smaller rather than bigger during strenuous exercise as the paralyzed side collapses inwards.
Scope for flexibility or using the money in different ways is severely limited.
And in summer the surface waters can be too warm so the sections of water in which it can survive have become severely limited.
Normal doses in the severely malnourished may lead to toxicity.
A further strong clue that genes are not the key comes from studies of children who have been removed from severely maltreating parents.
The cowed battalion duly went into battle, only to be again severely mauled in the German killing zone.
In the autumn of 2001, two isolates were collected from a severely blighted pear melon field near the town of Baños.
Correspondingly, there is severely questionable recovery when being prescribed regular methadone while working a Twelve Step program.
Unlike optical microscopy SEM does not suffer from a severely limited depth of field.
This included animals which had been blinded, severely mutilated, or with open wounds.
An example might be an exceptionally severely disabled neonate who would derive no benefit from her continued existence.
For the severely obese, the reduction in life span may be five to 10 years.
Should you store a backup off-site in case the building is severely damaged?
The council is also working with the 16 most severely overcrowded council tenants in the boro who are lacking three or more bedrooms.
For people in good health who are not severely overweight 5 the benefits in terms of improved appearance are usually greater than the disadvantages.
A severely handicapped teenager who cannot walk, talk, or hold a paintbrush has won a place at Oxford to study fine art.
We are working to restore 300 hectares of eroded peat, which is severely eroding.
Witnessing Rasmus being severely pelted with mud, rocks, firecrackers and urine.
Most search engines do come together in agreement and can severely penalize accordingly.
However, during the 1970s Buddhists were severely persecuted by the Khmer Rouge.
The severely phobic person is then ' sensitized ' to fear.
The University regards deliberate plagiarism as a serious disciplinary offense, and if discovered it is penalized severely.
This was severely limited until an A0 Color inkjet plotter was purchased.
Two days later the patient was severely unwell with aspiration pneumonia.
In 1986 the river was severely polluted by a chemical factory fire.
In orthodox history Henry VIII is regarded as a great king, yet he was a tyrant who severely damaged the nation's psyche.