Seventy Sentence Examples
She must weigh seventy pounds or more.
I hear-tell you can ski for free once you're seventy.
The structure was just under seventy feet long and about twelve feet high; said to be the height designed to accommodate a wagon fully loaded with hay.
At the Restoration, in which they heartily co-operated, there were in Ulster seventy ministers in fixed charges, with nearly eighty parishes or congregations containing one hundred thousand persons.
Of seventy only seven conformed.
Rain falls on from sixty to seventy days during the year, chiefly in the summer (December-April).
We have fully concentrated forces of nearly seventy thousand men with which to attack and defeat the enemy should he cross the Lech.
For while at New College only twenty out of seventy fellows were to study law instead of arts, philosophy and theology, at All Souls College sixteen were to be " jurists " and only twenty-four " artists "; and while at New College there were ten chaplains and three clerks necessarily, at All Souls the number was not defined but left optional; so that there are now only one chaplain and four bible clerks.
Thus began the seventy years "Babylonian captivity of the Church."
He was to seize the old city, and they were to come to his aid on the same day with seventy vessels.
AdvertisementThe growth of the oak is slow, though it varies greatly in different trees; Loudon states that an oak, raised from the acorn in a garden at Sheffield Place, Sussex, became in seventy years 12 ft.
Having become embarrassed with debt, he found it necessary, at the age of seventy, to sell his office; but the king, amused with an epigram, gave him a pension, with the title of historiographer of France.
On the three-fields system corn has been grown upon it for fifty to seventy consecutive years without manure.
There were, at the date of the Restoration, about seventy Presbyterian ministers in the north of Ireland, and most of these were from the west of Scotland, and were imbued with the dislike of Episcopacy which distinguished the Covenanting party.
I should have taken him for seventy or upwards.
AdvertisementThis, the longest of his works, added much to existing knowledge, especially as to the relations between England and the continent, but it lacked something of the freshness of his earlier books; he was over seventy when it was completed, and he was never quite at home in dealing with the parliamentary foundations of English public life.
These were hard-headed men of affairs - men who would not lightly embark on joyous ventures, or seek for an ideal San Grail; nor were the popes, doomed to the Babylonian captivity for seventy long years at Avignon, able to call down the spark from on high which should consume all earthly ambitions in one great act of sacrifice.
A copy of an epitaph originally at Valenciennes states that he died on the 10th of March 1474-5 aged seventy.
Zoologists usually reckon but an hundred and seventy species in all."
The land Molluscs; notwithstanding the unfavourable conditions of climate, number about seventy species - Siberia in this respect being not far behind north Europe.
AdvertisementA ship from Marseilles took it, and left seventy men in it as a garrison; but she was captured on her return, and carried into Lisbon, and immediate measures were taken for reoccupying the place.
Of the hundred and seventy bishops assembled, about ninety were Homousians - principally from the West - while on the other side were eighty Eusebians from the East.
This council of nine, composed only of burghers, carried on the government for about seventy years, and its rule was sagacious and peaceful.
During the following seventy years we know next to nothing of the internal history of the Magyars.
In the part covered by the books of the Bible Josephus follows them, and that mainly, if not entirely as they are translated into Greek by the Seventy (the Septuagint version).
AdvertisementThe seventy decrees of the council begin with a confession of faith directed against the Cathari and Waldenses, which is significant if only for the mention of a transubstantiation of the elements in the Lord's Supper.
He was now over seventy; his powers had deserted him, and even if they had not the public taste had entirely changed.
In April 1480 a balia was formed, and its most important act was the creation at Lorenzo's instance of the Council of Seventy; it was constituted for five years, but it became permanent, and all its members were Lorenzo's friends.
From that time until his death the city was free from party strife under a de facto despotism, but after the Rinuccini conspiracy of that year the Council of Seventy passed a law declaring attempts on Lorenzo's life to be high treason.
At his funeral obsequies the celebrated proselyte Aquila (Akylas Onkelos), reviving an ancient custom, burned costly materials to the value of seventy minae.
Addai was supposed to be one of the Seventy of Luke x.
At the age of seventy, having been accused by Pythodorus, and convicted of atheism, Protagoras fled from Athens, and on his way to Sicily was lost at sea.
Seventy years have passed, and Zion and the cities of Judah still mourn.
Throughout the 6th century Khazaria was the mere highway for the wild hordes to whom the Huns had opened the passage into Europe, and the Khazars took refuge (like the Venetians from Attila) amongst the seventy mouths of the Volga.
Since 1570 seventy violently destructive earthquakes have been recorded on the west coast of South America, but the register is incomplete in its earlier part.
After seventy years' subjection to the Medici Florence had forgotten the art of self-government, and felt the need of a strong guiding hand.
Throughout the existence of the new parliament Gladstone never relaxed his extraordinary efforts, though now nearer eighty than seventy, on behalf of the cause of self-government for Ireland.
He was succeeded by Tozawa Benshi, an old man of over seventy in 1909, who, using clay from Owari or Hizen, has turned out many porcelain statuettes of great beauty.
The enthusiasm of the allies (numbering about seventy) waned rapidly before the financial exigencies of successive campaigns, and it is abundantly clear that Thebes had no interest save the extension of her power in Boeotia.
On the 18th of October the Swedes invested the fortress-monastery of Czenstochowa, but the place was heroically defended; and after a seventy days' siege the besiegers were compelled to retire with great loss.
A humble, patient Bohemian priest, Hasak, set to work toward half a century ago to bring together the devotional works published during the seventy years immediately succeeding the invention of printing.
Owing to topography, and also to the manner in which Massachusetts ' At least seventy hills in the state, mainly in this quarter, have an elevation of 1500 ft.
A conference was held between the two powers at Tordesillas in 1494, and by common consent the line was shifted to three hundred and seventy leagues west of the Cape Verde Islands.
After the Norman Conquest the mints increased to about seventy, a greater number than now exists in the world, but they were gradually reduced and in the reign of Edward I.
In 1871 he became a member of the "Committee of Seventy" in New York City, which was instrumental in breaking up the "Tweed Ring," and later assisted in the prosecution of the indicted officials.
The Catabanes produce frankincense and Hadramut myrrh, and there is a trade in these and other spices with merchants who make the journey from Aelana (Elath, on the Gulf of `Akaba) to Minaea in seventy days; the Gabaeans (the Gaba'an of the inscriptions, Pliny's Gebanitae) take forty days to go to Hadramut.
The president's uncle, Robert Barnwell Roosevelt (1829-1906), was a New York lawyer, New York state fish commissioner in 1866-68, a member of the Committee of Seventy which exposed the corruption of Tammany in New York City, a Democratic member of the national House of Representatives in 1871-73, U.S. minister to the Netherlands in 1888, and author of works on American game birds and fish.
At a Hansetag held at Cologne on the 11th of November 1367, three groups of the towns, seventy in number, concerted to attack Denmark, and in January 1368 Valdemar's numerous domestic enemies, especially the Jutlanders and the Holstein counts, acceded to the league, with the object of partitioning the realm among them.
This was the ' Saxon period which, with occasional violent interruptions, was to drag on for nearly seventy years.
On the death of the regent Orleans in 1723 Fleury, although already seventy years of age, deferred his own supremacy by suggesting the appointment of Louis Henri, duke of Bourbon, as first minister.
Exclusive of the city of Baltimore, the state is divided into seven judicial circuits, in each of which are elected for a term of fifteen years one chief judge and two associate judges, who at the time of their election must be members of the Maryland bar, between the ages of thirty and seventy, and must have been residents of the state for at least five years.
In the course of her career she burned or brought into port seventy prizes, fought and sank the U.S.S.
Though aloe-beer or " pulque " was allowed for feasts and to invalids in moderation, and old people over seventy seem to be represented in one of the picture-writings as having liberty of drunkenness, young men found drunk were clubbed to death and young women stoned.
Seventy years afterwards it assumed the form ever since known as the Authorized Version, but its Psalter is still embedded, without any alteration, in the Book of Common Prayer.
J udges and justices are appointed by the governor and council, and with the exception of justices of the peace they hold office during good behaviour or until they have attained the age of seventy years; justices of the peace are appointed for a term of five years only, but they may be reappointed.
The income of the state, counties and towns is derived mainly from taxes levied on real estate, on male polls between the ages of twenty-one and seventy, on stock in public funds, on stock in corporations that pay a dividend and are not subject to some special form of tax, on surplus capital in banks, on stock in trade, on live-stock, on railways, on telegraph and telephone lines, on savings banks and on the stock of fire insurance companies.
A skirmish, fought the next day, opposite the west front of the present Columbia University, and known as the affair of Harlem Heights, cost the British a loss of seventy of their light infantry.
On one occasion he threw some of his prisoners, men, women and children, over a precipice, and on another he had a party of seventy shot.
In five years from the discovery of gold at Coloma on the American river, the yield from the auriferous belt of the Sierra Nevada had risen to an amount estimated at between sixty-five and seventy millions of dollars a year, or five times as much as the total production of this metal throughout the world at the beginning of the century.
In 1910 more than seventy cities were so administered.
This Period Exceeds Seventy Six True Solar Years By Fourteen Hours And A Quarter Nearly, But Coincides Exactly With Seventy Six Julian Years; And In The Time Of Calippus The Length Of The Solar Year Was Almost Universally Supposed To Be Exactly 3 6 54 Days.
He was the last of the French popes who for some seventy years had made Avignon their see, a man learned and full of zeal for the church, but irresolute and guilty of nepotism.
Over seventy varieties of seaweeds, growing in the fresh-water pools and in the waters near the coast, are used by the natives as food.
Altogether, the town probably did not contain more than seventy or eighty houses of any size, and large spaces were not built over at all.
The number of cardinals was fixed at seventy - six bishops, fifty priests and fourteen deacons.
From this time the Sakya-pa lamas became the universal rulers of Tibet, and remained so, at least nominally, under twenty-one successive lamas during seventy years (1270-1340).
The presbyter John, whom Papias quotes, says distinctly that "he neither heard the Lord nor accompanied Him" (Eusebius, loc. cit.); and this positive statement is fatal to the tradition, which does not appear until about two hundred and fifty years afterwards, that he was one of the seventy disciples (Epiphanius, pseudo-Origen De recta in Deum fide, and the author of the Paschal Chronicle).
The old man, for he was now seventy, remained in prison for eighteen months, when the government, vainly hoping to win his influence to their side, remitted the fine and released him.
In the great gale of 1799 seventy sail, including the "York," 74 guns, were wrecked off the reef, and this disaster compelled the authorities to take steps to protect shipping.
Accordingly, by the spring of 1660, he had managed to put his criticism and assertions into five dialogues under the title Examinatio et emendatio mathematicae hodiernae qualis explicatur in libris Johannis Wallisii, with a sixth dialogue so called, consisting almost entirely of seventy or more propositions on the circle and cycloid.'
His favourite exercise was tennis, which he played regularly even after the age of haracter- seventy.
The monastery was rebuilt in 720, again destroyed by the Saracens in 884, and restored seventy years later.
The letter just mentioned is the only indisputably contemporary document concerning him and was addressed to Dionysius and Maximus, respectively bishops of Rome and Alexandria, by seventy bishops, priests and deacons, who attended a synod at Antioch in 269 and deposed Paul.
The pension began at the age of seventy, the amount varying by very complicated rules, but the state paid a fixed sum of two pounds ten shillings annually in addition to the pension.
He had distinguished himself in various military enterprises and diplomatic negotiations in the course of an active career, and although over seventy years old and of very weak sight (the story that he had been made blind by the emperor Manuel Comnenus while he was at Constantinople is a legend), he proved a most energetic and capable ruler.
But, while the victory of Salamis was followed by a long war with Persia, the peace which was now granted to Carthage stayed in force for seventy years.
But before the war in old Greece was over, seventy years after the.
One hundred and seventy years later, several towns within the original province enjoyed various degrees of freedom,.
The costliest process of embalmment lasted no less than seventy days.
The number of those commonly employed in good writing is between seventy and eighty.
Four hundred and seventy Mamelukes entered the citadel; and of these very few, if any, escaped.
He limited the College of Cardinals to seventy; and doubled the number of the congregations, and enlarged their functions, assigning to them the principal role in the transaction of business (1588).
In Denmark as many as seventy deposits of burnt interments have been observed in a single mound, indicating its use as a burying-place throughout a long succession of years.
Its decrees were received in the East but long contested in the Western Church, where a schism arose that lasted for seventy years.
According to Artemidorus (whose authority is followed by Strabo), the towns that formed the Lycian league in the days of its integrity were twentythree in number; but Pliny states that Lycia once possessed seventy towns, of which only twenty-six remained in his day.
Attempts to make him the author of the "We" sections in Acts and to include him in the seventy disciples are futile.
The age at which the northern pine and Norway fir arrive at maturity is between seventy and one hundred years.
There are special reasons for thinking so in regard to certain passages, 'as for example the mission of the seventy disciples and the parable of the good Samaritan, although they are not contained in St Matthew's Gospel.
The number of species in the genus is from fifty to seventy, according to the view taken as to whether or not some of the forms, especially of those occurring in the United States, represent distinct species.
In 1896 he introduced a system of semi-enforced service whereby one man in every eight between the ages of sixteen and seventy takes his turn at military training.
In 1368 the seal of the city, a double-headed eagle, which in the 14th century took the place of the more ancient ship, was adopted as the common seal of the confederated towns (civitates maritimae), some seventy in number.
The Tughlak dynasty lasted for about seventy years, until it was swept away by the invasion of Timur, the fourth Mahommedan conqueror of India, in 1398.
For the next five years he continued to serve the emperor in various wars, in which he was generally successful and always active, although now over seventy years old; there was hardly an important event in Europe in which he had not some share.
In the later Byzantine times it was believed that Peisistratus was aided by seventy grammarians, of whom Zenodotus and Aristarchus were the chief.
A catalogue of the collections was published by the Oxford University Press in 1899.15 Since 1878 more than seventy distinct excavations have been made in Cyprus, of which the following are the most important.
Athanagild, when himself king, vainly tried to oust his late allies from the footing which they had gained in Spain, nor were the Greeks finally expelled from Spain till seventy years later.
Henceforth till her collapse, seventy years later, she was the recognized leader of Continental Protestantism.
Plantations in England are generally ready for final cutting in from sixty to seventy years, and many are cleared at a much earlier stage of growth.
The genus Ostrea has a world-wide distribution, in tropical and temperate seas; seventy species have been distinguished.
He is said to have earned the character of a wise and valiant monarch, to, have reigned eleven years, to have lived to the age of seventy, and, on his death in 1477 or (according to Krusinski and Zeno) J478, to have been succeeded on the throne of Persia by his son Yaqub.
At the age of seventy, after a reign of forty-two years, Abbas died at his favorite palace of Farahabad, on the coast of Mazandaran, on the night of the 27th of January 1628.
Lutf Ali Khan was suddenly deserted by the whole of his army, except seventy faithful followers; and when he retreated to Shiraz he found the gates closed against him by Hajji Ibrahim, who held the city for the Kajar chief, Thence falling back upon Bushire, he found that the sheikh of that town had also betrayed him.
Early in the morning of the 19th Pitcairn arrived at the green in the village of Lexington, and there found between sixty and seventy minute-men under Captain John Parker drawn up in line of battle.
For three years the undertaking went on quietly and simply, subject to few outward troubles other than financial, the number of associates increasing to seventy or eighty.
South Africans had thus after seventy years of discord agreed upon union.
In a passage quoted by Gellius, Varro himself, when over seventy years of age, estimated the number of " books " he had written at 490; but " book " here means, not merely such a work as was not subdivided into portions, but also a portion of a subdivided work.
It lingered on as applied to the Seventy 2 - by Irenaeus, Tertullian, Clement and Origenand even to Clement of Rome, by Clem.
According to Suidas, he died at the age of seventy, or in the year 200, in the reign of Septimius Severus.
In Denmark as many as seventy deposits of burnt bones have been found in a single mound, indicating its use through a long succession of years.
A legend relates how one-fourth of the European inhabitants perished in twelve months, and during seventy years the mortality was so great that the name of Calcutta, derived from the village of Kalikata, was identified by mariners with Golgotha, the place of a skull.
No fewer than seventy rivers enter Ladoga, pouring into it the waters of numberless smaller lakes which lie at higher levels round it.
That officer, when over seventy years, and having already nine daughters and one son, because that son was a cripple, sought an alliance with a gentleman of the Yen clan, who had three daughters.
Some seventy or eighty factories are engaged in cotton cleaning; while leather, saddlery, paper and cutlery are the principal products of the domestic industries.
He died on the 11th or 12th of October 1303, not eighty-six years old, as has commonly been believed, but perhaps under seventy, at all events not over seventy-five.
It was evidently not the author's intention to begin the second period of sixty weeks simultaneously with the first period, as some expositors have thought, because the whole passage shows conclusively that he meant seventy independent weeks.
His whole life was bathed in that sympathy, that love which suffers long and envies not, which forgives unto seventy times seven times, and as many more if need be.
Having engaged to furnish the Academy of St Petersburg with as many memoirs as would be sufficient to complete its Acta for twenty years after his death, he in seven years transmitted to the academy above seventy memoirs, and left above two hundred more, which were revised and completed by another hand.
The Pacific, hitherto free from their intrusion, showed many sail of merchant vessels, while on land opposition south of the Bay of Panama was of little avail, since few were acquainted with the use of fire-arms. Coxon and seventy men returned as they had gone, but the others, under Sawkins, Sharp and Watling, roamed north and south on islands and mainland, and remained for long ravaging the coast of Peru.
Moreover, Harold had before his eye as a precedent the displacement of the effete Carolingian line in France, by the new house of Robert the Strong and Hugh Capet, seventy years before, He prepared for the crisis that must come at the death of Edward the Confessor by bestowing the governance of several earldoms upon his brothers.
The Domestic Calendar (the first volume of which is very inadequate) extended in 19o9 in a series of more than seventy volumes nearly to the end of tbe 17th century; the mass of MSS.
How many these incarnations have been is stated variously; but seventy, one for each period of the world, seems the best-attested number.
A copy of the Book of the Testimonies to the Mysteries of the Unity, consisting of seventy treatises in four folio volumes, was found in the house of the chief Akil at Bakhlin, and presented in 5700 to Louis XIV.
According to the apocryphal fourth book of Ezra (or 2 Esdras xiv.) he restored the law which had been lost, and rewrote all the sacred records (which had been destroyed) in addition to no fewer than seventy apocryphal works.
The Islendinga must have been the work of his later years, composed at Fairey in Broadfirth, where he died, 30th July 1284, aged about seventy years.
After the battle of Kossovo Servia existed for some seventy years (1389-1459) as a country tributary to the sultans but governing itself under its own rules, who assumed the Greek title of " despot."
It is curious that Salvian shows no such hatred of the heterodox barbarians as was rife in Gaul seventy years later.
Out of several hundred stars since then examined, seventy or eighty have yielded fairly accurate, though very small parallaxes.
Among them, iron, sodium, magnesium, calcium and hydrogen are conspicuous; but it would be rash to assert that any of the seventy forms of matter provisionally enumerated in text-books are wholly absent from his composition.
About seventy analogous objects, including that in the Sword of Orion, were found by him to give light of the same quality; and thus after seventy-three years, verification was brought to William Herschel's hypothesis of a " shining fluid " diffused through space, the possible raw material of stars.
The disease having disappeared from Italy, Alberoni obtained the consent of the pope to the suppression of the hospital, which had fallen into great disorder, and replaced it by a college for the education of seventy poor boys for the priesthood, under the name of the Collegio Alberoni, which it still bears.
At seventy - five his brain was as clear as ever, arid James saw that he was no fit tool for his purpose.
At the same time the position of woman is much higher in Madagascar than in most heathen countries; and, the fact that for nearly seventy years there were (with a few months' exception) only female sovereigns, helped to give women considerable influence in native society.
Then Secundus himself with seventy of the Numidian bishops arrived at Carthage.
He pleaded his age, now close upon seventy years, his infirm health, and the obstacles to travel caused by quarantine regulations; but the pope was sternly indignant at what he held to be his ingratitude and insubordination, and no excuse was admitted.
The first, which is entirely spurious, contains, after the preface and various introductory sections, seventy letters attributed to the popes of the first three centuries, up to the council of Nicaea, i.e.
He must then have been between seventy and eighty years of age.
After Shapur's death, he was raised to the throne by the magnates, although more than seventy years old.
Seventy yards of band and bridge were swept away in 1885.
Mahommed thereupon raised the siege and returned to Constantinople, and the independence of Hungary was secured for another seventy years.
Among the flowering plants are Dewalquea, a ranunculaceous genus already mentioned as occurring in the Upper Cretaceous, and numerous living genera of forest-trees, such as occur throughout the Tertiary period, and are readily comparable with living forms. Saporta has described about seventy Dicotyledons, most of which are peculiar to this locality.
Between sixty and seventy were freed from severe physical or mental harm and in some instances murder.
The Immortal Code, rule seventy four states that my status as a former-human has no relevance, once I was made Immortal.
About seventy species of these curious, little arachnids are found in Europe, of which about twenty occur in Britain.
However, for the last seventy or eighty yards, a somewhat breathless charge with fixed bayonets was organized.
In 1997, McGregor created The Millennarium, a seventy minute vision of a futuristic dystopia.
Seventy guests attended the eventy guests attended the event on La Cote terrace.
By the time I am seventy, I will probably be too gaga to be difficult anyway!
Seventy fat hogs made in 4 months, 106 large loads of fine dung.
The slope, being inclined almost seventy degrees, the path became impracticable.
The photographic pose is held, almost unbroken, for the seventy minutes of the show.
In total police now have seventy names of suspected graffiti Vandals around the Caterham area thanks to PCSO Seymour's work.
This great emperor was now nearly seventy years old, yet age had not lessened his crusading zeal.
But the natural desire to be buried near one's relatives caused new tombs to be cut in the walls, above and around and behind the original tombs, the walls being thus completely honeycombed with loculi, sometimes as many as seventy, utterly regardless of the paintings originally depicted on the walls.
The broken and demoralized army, its ranks thinned by fever and sickness, at last began its hopeless retreat, attempting to reach Catania by a circuitous route; but, harassed by the numerous Syracusan cavalry and darters, after a few days of dreadful suffering, it was forced to lay down its arms. The Syracusans sullied the glory of their triumph by putting Nicias and Demosthenes to death, and huddling their prisoners into their stonequarries - a living death, dragged out, for the allies from Greece proper to the space of seventy days, for the Athenians themselves and the Greeks of Sicily and Italy for six months longer.
The list of Varro's writings includes over seventy treatises and more than six hundred books dealing with topics of every conceivable kind.
This catena of time-references is of course unique in the Gospels as a basis for a chronology of the ministry; and it is not reasonable to doubt (with Loisy, loc. cit., who suggests that the aim was to produce an artificial correspondence of a three and a half years' ministry with the half-week of Daniel; but many and diverse as are the early interpretations of Daniel's seventy weeks, no one before Eusebius thought of connecting the half-week with the ministry), that the evangelist intended these notices as definite historical data, possibly for the correction of the looser synoptic narratives and of the erroneous impressions to which they had given rise.
From the terrace could be seen seventy or more other temples within the enclosure, with their images and blazing fires, and the tzompantli or " skull-place," where the skulls of victims by tens of thousands were skewered on cross-sticks or built into towers.
The theory of an esoteric tradition is distinctly represented in 2 Esdras xiv., where Moses receives words which were not to be published, and Ezra re-writes seventy books which were to be delivered to the wise men of his people.
From this chapter, some seventy years after de Wette's discovery, Wellhausen with equal acumen inferred that Leviticus was not known to Ezekiel, the priest, and therefore could not have been in existence in his day; for had Leviticus been the recognized Law-book of his nation Ezekiel could not have represented as a degradation the very position which that Law-book described as a special honour conferred on the Levites by Yahweh himself.
He takes care of sixty little blind girls and seventy little blind boys.
William Gilpin, who is so admirable in all that relates to landscapes, and usually so correct, standing at the head of Loch Fyne, in Scotland, which he describes as "a bay of salt water, sixty or seventy fathoms deep, four miles in breadth," and about fifty miles long, surrounded by mountains, observes, "If we could have seen it immediately after the diluvian crash, or whatever convulsion of nature occasioned it, before the waters gushed in, what a horrid chasm must it have appeared!
The doctors were of use to Natasha because they kissed and rubbed her bump, assuring her that it would soon pass if only the coachman went to the chemist's in the Arbat and got a powder and some pills in a pretty box for a ruble and seventy kopeks, and if she took those powders in boiled water at intervals of precisely two hours, neither more nor less.
Dron was one of those physically and mentally vigorous peasants who grow big beards as soon as they are of age and go on unchanged till they are sixty or seventy, without a gray hair or the loss of a tooth, as straight and strong at sixty as at thirty.
Seventy years later Penguin is still one of the most recognizable brands in the world.
Several training days in surveying techniques have been held for over seventy people.
Created in nineteen seventy six, Raymond Weil had twenty seven years experience working within the watch industry creating high quality timepieces.
This has led to the discovery of many weird and wonderful substances, undreamed of seventy years ago, but now filling our life.
We unyoked the oxen; we had about seventy pounds of flour; we took it out and divided it into four packs.
In total police now have seventy names of suspected graffiti vandals around the Caterham area thanks to PCSO Seymour 's work.
With ice walls just inches away, seventy mph feels like warp factor nine.
Seventy members spare two days in a month toward the management of apex body and Zonal cluster.
Other parents, just like you, bring their children's good, used clothing to sell, and they'll make typically sixty to seventy percent.
They can live up to seventy years; however, and it is important to note that these birds can be very demanding.
Also, Scientific Professional's mineral composition is significantly lighter in weight, in fact seventy percent lighter, than clay-based cat litter brands.
In fact, conventional medicine began saying many of the same things over seventy years later.
Over seventy years ago, a young man's passion for color led him to create this revolutionary nail enamel - a creative nail polish designed by Charles Revson that used true pigments for a stronger nail color.
Knowing that seventy percent of the customers using tanning beds are girls and women, the American Academy of Pediatrics and American Medical Association are warning their patients against using these devices.
There are over seventy designs in this year's prom dress collection.
The prices range between seventy to over one hundred dollars per centerpiece.
Research from the American Veterinary Dental Society has found that more than eighty percent of dogs and seventy percent of cats develop periodontal disease by the age of three.
Not since the Boston Terrier hit the top nearly seventy years ago has a small breed worked its way to such a high spot on the list.
Over one-hundred and seventy tab versions are available here, with the most popular being Before I Forget, Duality, Wait and Bleed, Vermillion, Left Behind and Purity.
The lenses are formed using lightweight polycarbonate for high impact resistance and are distortion free, protecting against up to seventy percent of infrared heat.
Instead, there are seventy different mini-games to be enjoyed.
Seventy to ninety percent of adults test seropositive (present in blood serum) for HSV-1.
Seventy percent of individuals with epilepsy can be expected to go into remission, which is defined as five or more years without seizures while on medication.
Seventy percent of the cases of PWS are caused when a piece of material is deleted, or erased, from the paternal chromosome 15.
With a choreography career spanning over seventy years, it is no wonder Martha Graham achieved such great success in the creative world.
Approximately sixty-five to seventy percent of the New Jersey population is homeowners, according to the United States Census Bureau.
The New York Giants called Harlem and the Polo Grounds home for almost seventy years, and during their stay there, the early seeds of what would become the San Francisco Giants' logo began to take root.
It's scary to think that over three hundred and fifty children die in swimming pool drownings each year, with sixty to seventy percent of those drownings coming from ground-level residential pools.
Often, discounts run as deep as seventy percent off the original retail price.
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Any package weighing less than seventy pounds can be shipped by express mail within one to two days, and your tracking number and up to $100.00 worth of insurance are included in the shipping costs.
Surprisingly, only eight automakers are responsible for just over seventy percent of all vehicles produced and purchased worldwide.
When counting french numbers, the cases of seventy (70) and ninety (90) divert from the norm. - offers quote comparisons for roughly seventy insurance providers.
It's estimated that up to seventy percent of women don't know their correct bra size.
Bob Dylan was born Robert Allan Zimmerman on May 24, 1941 in Duluth, Minnesota to Abe and Beatty Zimmerman, Russian Jews who soon moved, when Bob was five about seventy miles north to the mining town of Hibbing, Minnesota.
The future looked very much like Earth's present (it is humorous to note that the Marines' dress uniforms are presumed not to change in seventy years), with certain key differences.
Stranded on the far side of the galaxy and seventy years' travel from home, there was no Starfleet to watch her back or come to the rescue in the nick of time.
In the 21st century, a new Star Trek franchise began, this one set more than seventy years before the time of Kirk.
There are over five-hundred guest rooms and seventy suites, as well as three ballrooms, a fitness center, lap pool, sauna and business center.
As a result only eight companies out of over seventy that had applied obtained or accepted licences.
The Oriental Subregion comprises all the countries and numerous islands between the Palaearctic and Australian areas; it possesses upwards of seventy families, of which, however, only one is peculiar, but this family, the Eurylaemidae or broadbills, is of great importance since it represents all the Subclamatores.
An attempt to obtain possession of the promontory was made by Peter the Great, but it was not definitely annexed by the Russians until seventy years afterwards (1769).
Though Howe was now nearly seventy, and had been trained in the old school, he displayed an originality not usual with veterans, and not excelled by any of his successors in the war, not even by Nelson, since they had his example to follow and were served by more highly trained squadrons than his.