Seventh Sentence Examples
She continued up Seventh Street and turned south on Main and drove toward the mountains.
I already have the seventh and eighth books of the "Aeneid" and one book of the "Iliad," all of which is most fortunate, as I have come almost to the end of my embossed text-books.
Here is one I got at Wagram" (he touched his side) "and a second at Smolensk"--he showed a scar on his cheek--"and this leg which as you see does not want to march, I got that on the seventh at the great battle of la Moskowa.
Each of the four faces of each rod contains multiples of one of the nine digits, and is similar to one of the slips just described, the first rod containing the multiples of o, I, 9, 8, the second of o, 2, 9, 7, the third of o, 3, 9, 6, the fourth of 0, 4, 9, 5, the fifth of I, 2, 8, 7, the sixth of I, 3, 8, 6, the seventh of I, 4, 8, 5, the eighth of 2, 3, 7, 6, the ninth of 2, 4, 7, 5, and the tenth of 3, 4, 6, 5.
At a later period he was one of the leading contributors to the Encyclopaedia Britannica (seventh and eighth editions), the articles on Electricity, Hydrodynamics, Magnetism, Microscope, Optics, Stereoscope, Voltaic Electricity, &c., being from his pen.
The accumulation of debt upon it was prevented by the prohibition of interest, the release of debts every seventh year, and the reversion of the land to the proprietor, or his heirs, at each return of the year of jubilee.
On the seventh morning-- if there were such a thing in space-- she lay in bed and stared at the dark grey ceiling.
The whole mass lies in the seventh or eighth segment.
Having left Petersburg on the seventh of December with his suite--Count Tolstoy, Prince Volkonski, Arakcheev, and others--the Emperor reached Vilna on the eleventh, and in his traveling sleigh drove straight to the castle.
Like the seventh and last wave that shatters a ship, that last irresistible wave burst from the rear and reached the front ranks, carrying them off their feet and engulfing them all.
AdvertisementThe seventh day of rest was parallel to the seventh year of release and of the fallow field.
The general coincidence of the Sabbath or seventh day with the easily recognized first quarter and full moon established its sacred character as lunar as well as planetary.
Astarabad owes its origin to Yazid ibn Mohallab, who occupied the province early in the 8th century for Suleiman, the seventh of the Omayyad caliphs (715-717), and was destroyed by Timur (Tamerlane) in 1384.
It comprises seven large volumes and a geographical appendix; but the seventh volume, the history of the sultan Husain (1438-1505), together with a short account of some later events down to 1523, cannot have been written by Mirkhond himself, who died in 1498.
He superintended every step of the progress of the building and of the purchase of the very valuable collection of apparatus with which it was equipped at the expense of its munificent founder the seventh duke of Devonshire (chancellor of the university, and one of its most distinguished alumni).
AdvertisementThere are five churches in Tonga - the Free Wesleyans, embracing the great majority of the inhabitants, Wesleyans, Roman Catholics, and Seventh Day Adventists.
An early secession from the general body of Dunkers was that of the Seventh Day Dunkers, whose distinctive principle was that the seventh day was the true Sabbath.
The monastic feature was gradually abandoned, and in 1814 the Society was incorporated as the Seventh.
The day after his son's funeral Taylor caught fever from a patient whom he visited, and, after a ten days' illness, he died at Lisburn on the 13th of August 1667, in the fifty-fifth year of his life and the seventh of his episcopate, and was buried in the cathedral of Dromore.
The seventh year's fallow prevented the exhaustion of the soil, which was further enriched by the burning of the weeds and spontaneous growth of the Sabbatical year.
AdvertisementIn his last number, the seventh, which his publisher refused to print, he had dared to attack even Robespierre, but at his trial it was found that he was devoid of physical courage.
The female genital opening usually lies between the seventh and eighth segments, the male on the ninth.
The seventh order, Proceres, is divided into 2 " cohorts " - Veri with 2 families, ostriches and emeus; and Subnobiles, consisting of the genus Apteryx.
The Indian corn crop was 67,501,144 bushels in 1870; 152,055,390 bushels in 1899 and 153,062,000 in 1909, when it was grown on 3,875,000 acres and the state ranked seventh among the states of the Union in the production of this cereal.
The seventh part of the Opus Majus (De Morali Philosophia), not given in Jebb's edition, is noticed at considerable length in the Opus Tertium (cap. xiv.).
AdvertisementThe adjoining Quincy market may be mentioned because its construction (1826) was utilized to open six new streets, widen a seventh, and secure flats, docks and wharf rights - all without laying tax or debt upon the city.
For the Crusades of St Louis the chief authorities are Joinville's life of his master (whom he accompanied to Egypt on the Seventh Crusade), and de Nangis' Gesta Ludovici regis.
The insular government, however, has created a seventh administrative department - that of health, charities and corrections - and requires that the head of this shall be chosen by the governor from among the five members of the Executive Council who are not heads of the other departments.
This was fixed in the Priestly Code at the 15th of the seventh month, and an eighth day of solemn assembly -added after the return from the exile.
The elder, Eleanor, was given in 1374 to Thomas of Woodstock, seventh son of Edward III.; the younger, Mary, to Henry, earl of Derby, son of John of Gaunt and afterwards Henry IV., in 1380 or 1381.
But he does not indulge, like Papias, in sensuous descriptions of this seventh millennium; to Barnabas it is a time of rest, of sinlessness, and of a holy peace.
This was the Dissertation on the Progress of Ethical Philosophy, prefixed to the seventh edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica.
He contributed largely to the seventh edition of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, and also wrote several scientific papers for the Edinburgh Review and various scientific journals.
Here are buried the seventh and ninth of the successors of Ali, recognized by Shi`as, namely Musa Ibn Ja`far el-Kazim, and his grandson, Mahommed Ibn Ali el-Jawad.
First-born sons to be redeemed; none to appear before the Lord empty; six days' work, seventh day rest, in the harvest; the sacrifice of the Passover shall not remain until the morning.
Six days eat unleavened bread, on the seventh a solemn assembly.
First and seventh days shall be holy assembly, but a re-offering for seven days.
The first month on the 14th day of the month is the Passover; the 15th day of this month shall be a feast; seven days unleavened bread to be eaten; first day a holy assembly with fire offering, two young bullocks and one lamb and seven firstling he-lambs without blemish, with appropriate meal offering and one he-goat for sin-offering; on the seventh day another hol assembly.
In the Yahwist and Deuteronomist a solemn assembly is to be held on the seventh day, but in the Holiness Code and in the secondary sources of the Priestly Code both the first and the seventh day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread are to be solemn assemblies.
The seedlings rapidly developed and in most places in which they were planted grew into large trees which furnished satisfactory latex when tapped in their sixth or seventh year.
Many of these plantations have not yet reached the productive stage - that is, the sixth or seventh year.
In 1893, some years after the identification of the somites of Limulus with those of Scorpio, thus indicated, had been published, zoologists were startled by the discovery by a Japanese zoologist, Kishinouye (8), of a seventh prosomatic somite in the embryo of Limulus longispina.
When the praegenital somite or traces of it are present it should not be called " the seventh prosomatic " or the " first mesosomatic," but simply the " praegenital somite."
But it is necessary to remember, in the light of recent discoveries, that the sixth prosomatic pair of appendages is carried on the seventh somite of the whole series, there being two prosthomeres or somites in front of the mouth, the first carrying the eyes, the second the chelicerae; also that the first mesosomatic or genital somite is not the seventh or even the eighth of the whole series of somites which have been historically present, 1 See the article Arthropoda for the use of the term " prosthomere."
The seventh, VII, is anterior to the genital operculum, op, and is the cavity of the praegenital somite which is more or less completely suppressed in subsequent development, possibly indicated by the area marked VII in fig.
The seventh, and sometimes the eighth, leg-bearing somite is present and has its leg-like appendages fully developed.
It is the third or fourth longest river in Asia and the seventh or eighth in the world.
As a god who gave victory, he was prominent in the official cult of Persia, the seventh month and the sixteenth day of other months being sacred to him.
The particular problem - a heap (hau) and its seventh makes 19 - is solved as we should now solve a simple equation; but Ahmes varies his methods in other similar problems. This discovery carries the invention of algebra back to about 1700 B.C., if not earlier.
A wave of military enthusiasm arose throughout the empire, and as the formation of a seventh division practically drained the mother-country of trained men, a scheme for the employment of amateur soldiers was formulated, resulting in the despatch of Imperial Yeomanry and Volunteer contingents, which proved one of the most striking features of the South African campaign.
He was still reigning in Babylonia in his seventh year, as a contract dated in that year has been discovered at Erech, and an inscription of his, in which he speaks of restoring the ruined temples and their priests, couples Merodach of Babylon with Assur of Nineveh.
Thus the six days of the world's creation, followed by a seventh of rest, were regarded as at once a history of the past and a forecasting of the future.
When oxidized this aldohexose is first converted into the monobasic galactonic acid, and then into dibasic mucic acid; the latter is optically inactive, so that its configuration must be one of those given in the sixth and seventh columns of the table.
The seventh article provided that bountied sugars (sucres primes) must be excluded from import into the territories of the signatory powers, by absolute prohibition of entry or by levying thereon a special duty in excess of the amount of the bounties, from which duty sugars coming from the contracting countries, and not bountyfed, must be free.
In the division of Italy by Augustus it formed the seventh regio and extended as far north as the river Macra, which separated it from Liguria.
There is a body of Seventh Day Adventists who observe the old Sabbath (Saturday) rather than the Christian Sunday.
From 1796 to 1800 he was sub-editor of the Encyclopaedia Britannica, in succession to his elder brother, JAMES THOMSON (1768-1855), who filled that position in 1795-1796, and who in 1805 was ordained to the parish of Eccles, Berwickshire; and the chemical and mineralogical articles which he contributed to the supplement to the third edition formed the basis of his System of Chemistry, the first edition of which was published in 1802 and the seventh in 1831.
He went to Queen's College, Cambridge, and graduated as seventh wrangler in 1789.
Sir Isaac Newton, in his Opticks (1704), explains the principle of the camera obscura with single convex lens and its analogy with vision in illustration of his seventh axiom, which aptly embodies the correct solution of Aristotle's old problem.
The seventh book, De Vita Beata, discusses, among a variety of subjects, the chief good, immortality, the second advent and the resurrection.
Extremely pertinacious in this respect, the poet went on attempting to storm the theatre, with assault upon assault, all practically failures until the seventh and last, which was unfortunately posthumous.
The seventh is to hammer gold into the outlines of the diaper; the eighth, to hammer it into the pattern filling the spaces between the lines, and the ninth and tenth to complete the details.
He was blind from his seventh year, for which various causes were alleged.
He was the seventh and last king of the family of Herod the Great.
According to Pindar (apud Plutarch), the brothers built the temple of Apollo at Delphi; when they asked for a reward, the god promised them one in seven days; on the seventh day they died.
A minor composition, the Prophecies of Merlin, was written before 1136, and afterwards incorporated with the Historia, of which it forms the seventh book.
On the first ballot he stood third (with 134 votes); on the seventh ballot second (with 2951 votes); on the twelfth ballot first (with 404 votes); on the thirtieth ballot he dropped to second (with 4002 votes); on the thirty-ninth vote he again stood first (with 4682 votes); and continued to gain thereafter until he was nominated on the forty-fourth ballot.
The seventh, Friesland, had for stadtholder William's brother, John "the Old," and his descendants.
Porcius Cato places it in the first year of the seventh Olympiad, that is, in 3963 of the Julian period, and 751 B.C. (4) Verrius Flaccus places it in the fourth year of the sixth Olympiad, that is, in the year 3962 of the Julian period, and 752 B.C. (5) Terentius Varro places it in the third year of the sixth Olympiad, that is, in the year 3961 of the Julian period, and 753 B.C. A knowledge of these different computations isnecessary, in order to reconcile the Roman historians with one another, and even any one writer with himself.
It is divided into eight books (parts of the sixth and seventh are lost), and originally contained nine hundred anecdotes, of which eight hundred and thirty-three are extant.
A few months after his arrival (seventh year of Artaxerxes, 458 B.C.) he instituted a great religious reform, viz.
Accordingly later exegetes 1 hold that the seventh in each series is unfolded in the series of seven that follows.
But between the sixth and seventh seals and the sixth and seventh trumpets the connexion is more or less disturbed by the insertion of certain interludes containing material foreign in certain aspects to the Apocalypse.
They recount the six partial judgments which followed the opening of the seventh seal and the blasts of the six trumpets.
This new commission explains his departure from the plan pursued in the earlier chapters of developing the seventh in each series into a new series of seven.
The figure of the first beast presents many difficulties, owing to the fact that it is not freely invented but largely derived from traditional elements and is by the writer identified with the seventh wounded head.
In the value of live stock on farms and ranges, Texas ranked seventh among the states in 1880 and second in 1900, with a value of $240,576,955.
Meat packing is the most important, the product of this industry amounting in 1900 to $ 2 5,695, 0 44, and in 1905 to $30,074,070, an increase of 17% in this period; in 1900 the state was seventh, in 1905 sixth, among the states in the value of this industry, producing in each year 3.3% of the total.
He proposed founding a new sect with the help of Franklin, who after leaving his shop ridiculed him for his long square beard and for keeping the seventh day.
Peter Lombard (c. r r 50) added as a seventh that of ordination, and to this number the Latin Church adhered at the councils of Florence and Trent.
In 1871 William, the seventh king, took the title of German emperor.
The whole work was in the hands of the writer of the seventh book of the Apostolic Constitutions, who embodies almost every sentence of it, interspersing it with passages of Scripture, and modifying the precepts of the second part to suit a later (4th-century) stage of church development; this writer was also the interpolator of the Epistles of Ignatius, and belonged to the Syrian Church.
So, from the first, France was faced with another war against an affrighted and infuriated Europe, a war in which the big battalions would be on the side of the Seventh Coalition; and to oppose their vast armies, Napoleon only had in March the 150,000 men he had taken over from Louis XVIII when the Bourbon hurriedly quitted the throne.
Jay was elected in 1795 and re-elected in 1798, but in 1801 the brief Federalist regime in the state came to an end with the election of George Clinton for a seventh term.
Of the latter we can determine twenty-six characters, while a twenty seventh probably corresponds to Arabic z (.).
But Sauveur fixed the limiting number of beats for the discord far too low, and again he gave no account of dissonances such as the seventh, where the frequency of the beats between the fundamentals is far beyond the number which is unpleasant.
Thus, suppose a fundamental 256 has present with it overtone harmonics 512, 768, 1024, 1280, &c., and that we sound with it the major seventh with fundamental 480, and having harmonics 960, 1440, &c. The two sets may be arranged thus c 256 512 768 1024 1280 h 480 960 1440, and we see that the fundamental of the second will beat 32 times per second with the first overtone of the first, giving dissonance.
The very marked dissonance of the major seventh is thus explained.
When two sources emit only pure tones we might expect that we should have no dissonance when, as in the major seventh, the beat frequency is greater than the range of harshness.
Thus, take the major seventh with frequencies 256 and 480.
The example we have given above of the major seventh must serve here.
By the end of the fourth week it had run up a circulation of 6000, and by the seventh reached rr,000, which was then the full capacity of its press.
Calculating from the present rate of deposit of alluvium at the head of that gulf, Eridu should have been founded as early as the seventh millennium B.C. It is mentioned in historical inscriptions from the earliest times onward, as late as the 6th century B.C. From the evidence of Taylor's excavations, it would seem that the site was abandoned about the close of the Babylonian period.
In the elections to the Convention, Marat was elected seventh out of the twenty-four deputies for Paris, and for the first time took his seat in an assembly of the nation.
He had himself elected consul for the seventh time, in fulfilment of a prophecy given to him in early manhood.
At the election in November 1887 the question of the division of the Territory into two states at the " seventh standard parallel " was submitted to the people, and was carried at the polls.
The history of the seventh sign is somewhat complicated.
The earlier Greek writers - Eudoxus, Eratosthenes, Hipparchus - knew of only eleven zodiacal symbols, but made one do double duty, extending the Scorpion across the seventh and eighth divisions.
In respect of population it occupies the tenth place among European countries; in respect of size the fourteenth place; in density of population the seventh.
They usually flower in about the seventh year.
The solar eclipse of 1748 made a deep impression upon him; and having graduated as seventh wrangler from Trinity College, Cambridge, in 1754, he determined to devote himself wholly to astronomy.
Magnesia continued under the kings of Pergamum to be one of the most flourishing cities in this part of Asia; it resisted Mithradates in 87 B.C., and was rewarded with civic freedom by Sulla; but it appears to have greatly declined under the Roman empire, and its name disappears from history, though on coins of the time of Gordian it still claimed to be the seventh city of Asia.
The Antiquities also place his death in the seventh year of his reign, which would be A.D.43-44.
In religion the islanders are Seventh Day Adventists.
General Lee had thus on the seventh day concentrated his army of ten divisions in the enemy's front; but Jackson's dispositions were unfortunate and General Lee's plan of attack was thus upset; and while seeking a route to turn the enemy's right the Confederate commander was apprised that a battle had been improvised by the divisions in advance.
In the seventh book of his Confessions he has recorded how much he owed to the perusal of Neoplatonic works.
His regard for the young nobleman' last named dictated the omission in the later editions of his Moral Sentiments of the name of the celebrated ancestor of the duke, whom he had associated with Mandeville as author of one of the "licentious systems" reviewed in the seventh part of that work.
In 1823, after eight years of work at high pressure, he was glad to accept the chair of moral philosophy at St Andrews, the seventh academic offer made to him during his eight years in Glasgow.
The question has been hotly debated whether, in addition to these six grades, there be not a seventh answering in some degree to the tertiaries of the Franciscan and Dominican orders, but secretly affiliated to the Society and acting as its emissaries in various lay positions.
As compared with other states of the Union, New Hampshire in 1905 ranked fifth in the manufacture of factory-made boots and shoes, and in woollen goods, sixth in cotton goods, and seventh in paper and wood pulp, in hosiery and knit goods, and in the dyeing and finishing of textiles.
The seventh (Compline, Completorium) was added by Benedict.
In the decade1850-1860it was seen that almost a seventh of the population of the country consisted of persons born abroad.
More than half the shipping entering and leaving the ports of the United States in 1908 was British; Germany, the Scandinavian countries, France, Holland and Italy ranking next in order; the United States, although ranking after Great Britain, contributed less than a seventh of the total.
Halley added in his edition (1710) a restoration of Book viii., in which he was guided by the fact that Pappus gives lemmas "to the seventh and eighth books" under that one heading, as well as by the statement of Apollonius himself that the use of the seventh book was illustrated by the problems solved in the eighth.
The work consists of seventeen books, of which the seventh is imperfect.
He Had Ordered That The First, Third, Fifth, Seventh, Ninth And Eleventh Months, That Is January, March, May, July, September And November, Should Have Each Thirty One Days, And The Other Months Thirty, Excepting February, Which In Common Years Should Have Only Twenty Nine, But Every Fourth Year Thirty Days.
For The Sake Of Greater Generality, The Days Of The Week Are Denoted By The First Seven Letters Of The Alphabet, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, Which Are Placed In The Calendar Beside The Days Of The Year, So That A Stands Opposite The First Day Of January, B Opposite The Second, And So On To G, Which Stands Opposite The Seventh; After Which A Returns To The Eighth, And So On Through The 365 Days Of The Year.
The Following Table, Taken From Woolhouse'S Measures, Weights And Moneys Of All Nations, Shows The Dates Of Commencement Of Mahommedan Years From 1845 Up To 2047, Or From The 43Rd To The 49Th Cycle Inclusive, Which Form The Whole Of The Seventh Period Of Seven Cycles.
The rank of Georgia among the cotton manufacturing states was seventh in 1900 and fourth in 1905.
The deed is mentioned by Dante, who put Guy de Montfort in the seventh circle of hell.
The tenure by which lands were held before 1838 was strictly feudal, resembling that of Germany in the 11th century, and lands were sometimes enfeoffed to the seventh degree.
Then, at the command of God, on the ninth day of the seventh month, 1643, I left my relations and broke off all familiarity or fellowship with old or young."
The kings of U greatly patronized them, as for instance in the case of the celebrated Sakya Pandita by the seventh of these kings.
Jerusalem was only allowed to rank as a patriarchate in 451, and the seventh canon of Nice subordinated the see to that of Caesarea in Palestine.
The mother church of Armenia was established by Gregory at Ashtishat in the province of Taron, on the site of the great temple of Wahagn, whose festival on the seventh of the month Sahmi was reconsecrated to John the Baptist and Athenogenes, an Armenian martyr and Greek hymn writer.
John, catholicus, denies to Ezr's meeting the name of council, and so makes his own the seventh.
In 1749 was published Apollonii Pergaei locorum planorum libri II., a restoration of Apollonius's lost treatise, founded on the lemmas given in the seventh book of Pappus's Mathematical Collection.
In the following month he resigned to accept an appointment as United States Judge for the Seventh Judicial Circuit.
Nor do the proselytizing enterprises of Seventh Day Adventists, Christian Scientists, Mormons and other American bodies rightly find a place here.
About 578 he was ordained "seventh deacon" (or possibly archdeacon) of the Roman Church, and in the following spring Pope Pelagius II.
The second period includes the Genoese crusading exploits in the East, and extends to their victory over the Pisans (c. 1130), while the third reaches down to the days of the author's archbishopric. The sixth part deals with the constitution of the city, the seventh and eighth with the duties of rulers and citizens, the ninth with those of domestic life.
His servant, sent repeatedly to search the sky for signs, returned the seventh time reporting a little cloud arising out of the sea "like a man's hand."
Marie's one attempt to interfere in politics, an effort to prevent the disgrace of the duke of Bourbon, was the beginning of her husband's alienation from her; and after the birth of her seventh child Louise, Marie was practically deserted by Louis, who openly avowed his liaison with Louise de Nesle, comtesse de Mailly, who was replaced in turn by her sisters Pauline marquise de Vintimille, and Marie Anne, duchess de Chateauroux, and these by Madame de Pompadour.
The terrible plague of 1348, wars with Genoa, against whom the great naval victory of Lojera was won in 1353, many treaties, and the subjugation of the seventh revolt of Zara, are the chief events of his reign.
His Hebrew New Testament reached its eleventh edition in 1891, and his popular devotional work Das Sakrament des wahren Leibes and Blutes Jesu Christi its seventh edition in 1886.
In the seventh month occur the Molid of the sayyida Zenab, and the commemoration of the Miarag, or the Prophets miraculous journey to heaven.
In 1892 the Congo State expedition established posts up to the seventh parallel of north latitude.
Every child is bound to attend the parish school at least from the seventh to the thirteenth year, unless the parents can prove that it receives suitable instruction in other ways.
Vengeance was taken upon Jerusalem, and, on the seventh day of the fifth month, 586 B.C., Nebuzaradan sacked the temple, destroyed the walls and houses, and deported the citizens, only the poorest peasantry of the land being left behind.
A committee on grievances was appointed, as chairman of which Mackenzie presented the admirable Seventh Report on Grievances, largely written by himself, in which the case for the Reformers was presented with force and moderation, and the adoption of responsible government advocated as the remedy.
Right Effort is closely connected with the seventh stage, Right Mindfulness.
In a MS. of 102 quarto sheets, of which the first three and the seventh are wanting, there is preserved the original sketch of the Hegelian system, so far as the logic and metaphysics and part of the philosophy of nature are concerned.
Thus the first and second definitions represent the founders of the sophistry of culture, Protagoras and Prodicus, from the respective points of view of the older Athenians, who disliked the new culture, and the younger Athenians, who admired it; the third and fourth definitions represent imitators to whom the note of itinerancy was not applicable; the fifth definition represents the earlier eristics, contemporaries of Socrates, whom it was necessary to distinguish from the teachers of forensic oratory; the sixth is framed to meet the anomalous case of Socrates, in whom many saw the typical sophist, though Plato conceives this view to be unfortunate; and the seventh and final definition, having in view eristical sophistry fully developed, distinguishes it from SfµoXoyuci, i.e.
In 1611 Captain Hippon in the seventh separate voyage essayed a landing at Pulicat, but was driven off by the Dutch, who were already settled there, and sailed farther up the coast to Pettapoli, where he founded the first madras English settlement in the Bay of Bengal, which ments.
The faintest stars visible to the naked eye on clear nights are of about the sixth magnitude; exceptionally keen, well-trained eyes and clear moonless nights are necessary for the perception of stars of the seventh magnitude.
On the 15th of March it was of the fourth magnitude; during the next three months it oscillated many times between magnitudes 4 and 6, and by the end of the year it had faded to the seventh magnitude.
These stars include most of the brighter ones visible in the latitude of Greenwich, ranging down to about the seventh magnitude.
The stars composing this all have equal and parallel motions; about 40 stars brighter than the seventh magnitude are known to belong to it.
Upon the seventh day after the birth an astrologer is invited to cast the nativity of the child.
On the sixteenth day of the seventh month a feast is held in honour of Mithra, the deity presiding over and directing the course of the sun, and also a festival to celebrate truth and friendship. On the tenth day of the eighth month a festival is held in honour of Farvardin, the deity who presides over the departed souls of men.
About two-thirds of the increase between 1890 and 1900 was in the lumber industry, which was of slight importance before the former year; it represented more than half the total value of the manufactures of the state in 1905 (output, 1905, $28,065,171 and of mill products $3,786, 7 72 additional); in the value of lumber and timber products the state ranked sixth among the states of the United States in 1900, and seventh in 1905.
Blaine withdrew his name there was a movement, begun by Republican congressmen, to nominate McKinley, who received 16 votes on the seventh ballot, but passionately refused to be a candidate, considering that his acquiescence would be a breach of faith toward Sherman.
The English settlements in Virginia, New England, New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Delaware, South Carolina, North Carolina, and Georgia had, between the first decade of the 17th and the seventh decade of the 18th century, developed into a new nation, the United States of America.
In the Phoenician alphabet Zain was the seventh letter, occupying the same position and having the same form approximately (i) as the early Greek Z, while in pronunciation it was a voiced s-sound; Samech () followed the 'symbol for n of and was the ordinary s-sound, though, as we have seen, e it is in different Greek states at the earliest period as well as E; after the symbol for p came Zade (v), which was a strong palatal s, though in name it corresponds to the Greek Nra; while lastly Shin (W) follows the symbol for r, and was an sh-sound.
Steamboats ply daily from the foot of Seventh Street to Alexandria, Mt Vernon, Old Point Comfort and Norfolk, and at Old Point Comfort there is connexion with boats for New York.
The seventh link AF is equal in length to hair the distance EA when the mechanism is in its central position.
And when in the third book Priam asks Helen about the Greek captains, or when in the seventh book nine champions come forward to contend with Hector, the want of the greatest hero of all is sufficiently felt.
The various and widely-differing portraits of him find exhaustive treatment in the seventh volume of Justin Winsor's Narrative and Critical History of America.
In 1907 Colorado ranked seventh among the coal-producing states of the Union, yielding 10,790,236 short tons (2'2% of the total for the United States).
Another pathway to reputation was suggested by some remarks he saw in the seventh number of the Foreign Review, in an article on Damiron's French Philosophy in the igth Century.
The Sufi or Safawid (Safawi) Dynasty (149g1736).Sheikh Saifu d-Din Izhak lineally descended from Musa, the seventh Sb Ikh imamwas a resident at Ardebil (Ardabil) southS,,ffi,.d.DIfl.west of the Caspian, some time during the I4th century.
The fourth, which alone has any political significance, and reflects on the emperor as a frivolous 1 This is especially noticeable in the seventh satire, but it applies also to the mention of Crispinus, Latinus, the class of delatores, &c., in the first, to the notice of Veiento in the third, of Rubellius Blandus in the eighth, of Gallicus in the thirteenth, &c.
The date of the publication of Book III., containing the seventh, eighth and ninth satires, seems to be fixed by its opening line to the first years after the accession of Hadrian.
The fifth, sixth and seventh books give Varro's views on the etymology of Latin words.
In the seventh year of his reign (839 or 841) he took advantage of the effects of a Danish invasion of the Pictish kingdom to attack the remaining Picts, whom he finally subdued in 844 or 846.
Ammonium Ferrous Sulphate May Also Be Used; It Contains One Seventh Of Its Weight Of Iron.
In the next stage of complication, seen in the supernumerary (seventh) ocellus of Charybdaea, the patch of pigmented and sensory epithelium is pushed in to form a little pit, in the T Aurelia aurita.
The first three joints are much longer than thick; the four following are shorter, and the seventh not longer than thick.
The Brethren, generally known, from their place of origin, as the Plymouth Brethren, have " rooms " and adherents throughout England; the Catholic Apostolic Church ("Irvingites ") have some 80 churches; the New Jerusalem Church(Swedenborgians) had (1908) 75 " societies "; the Christian Scientists, the Christadelphians, the British Israelites and similar societies, such as the New and Latter House of Israel, the Seventh Day Baptists, deserve mention.
For example, of the seventh nask, which " before Alexander " had as many as fifty chapters, there then remained only thirteen; and similar allegations are made with regard to the eighth, ninth, tenth and other nasks.
In 1490, the seventh year of his residence at Milan, after some expressions of impatience on the part of his patron, he had all but got his model ready for display on the occasion of the marriage of Ludovico with Beatrice d'Este, but at the last moment was dissatisfied with what he had done and determined to begin all over again.
To the ordinary pilgrim the omra has become so much an episode of the hajj that it is described by some European pilgrims as a mere visit to the mosque of Ayesha; a better conception of its original significance is got from the Meccan feast of the seventh month (Rajab), graphically described by Ibn Jubair from his observations in A.D.
As a result of quarrels with his unworthy wife, and the unwelcome intervention of Henry III., he undertook the seventh war of religion, known as the "war of the lovers" (des amoureux), seized Cahors on the 5th of May 1580, and signed the treaty of Fleix on the 26th of November 1580.
In the suburbs there are three denominational schools, the Nebraska Wesleyan University (Methodist Episcopal, 1888) at University Place; Union College (Seventh Day Adventists, 1891) at College View; and Cotner University (Disciples of Christ, 1889, incorporated as the Nebraska Christian University) at Bethany.
In a small commonplace book, bearing on the seventh page the date of January 1663/1664, there are several articles on angular sections, and the squaring of curves and " crooked lines that may be squared," several calculations about musical notes, geometrical propositions from Francis Vieta and Frans van Schooten, annotations out of Wallis's Arithmetic of Infinities, together with observations on refraction, on the grinding of " spherical optic glasses," on the errors of lenses and the method of rectifying them, and on the extraction of all kinds of roots, particularly those " in affected powers."
In 1769 he returned to America for the seventh and last time, and arranged for the conversion of his orphanage into Bethesda College, which was burned down in 1 773 .
As compared with the other states of the United States in value of manufactured products, Indiana ranked second in 1900 and in 1905 in carriages and wagons, glass and distilled liquors; was seventh in 1900 and fourth in 1905 in furniture; was fourth in 1900 and seventh in 1905 in wholesale slaughtering and meat-packing; was fifth in 1900 and sixth in 1905 in agricultural implements; and in iron and steel and flour and grist mill products was fifth in 1900 and eighth in 1905.
The rank of the state in manufactures in 1900 was sixteenth and in farm products seventh in the Union.
Risings like that of the Percies in 1403 were not the things which the seventh Henry had to fear.
He had his fathers faculty for gauging public opinion, and estimating dangers, and though his more venturous temperament led him to press on far beyond the point at which the seventh Henry would have halted, he always stopped short on the hither side of the gulf.
The seventh book consists largely of the discussion of various physiological questions.
In 1907 and 1908 Wisconsin ranked seventh among the states in the value of limestone quarried.
Obedience is required to the seven commandments of Hamza, the first and greatest of which enjoins truth in words (but only those of Druse speaking with Druse); the second, watchfulness over the safety of the brethren; the third, absolute renunciation of every other religion; the fourth, complete separation from all who are in error; the fifth, recognition of the unity of "Our Lord" in all ages; the sixth, complete resignation to his will; and the seventh, complete obedience to his orders.
The button which distinguishes the first grade is a transparent red stone; the second grade, a red coral button; the third, a sapphire; the fourth, a blue opaque stone; the fifth, a crystal button; the sixth, an opaque white shell button; the seventh, a plain gold button; the eighth, a worked gold button; and the ninth, a worked silver button.
The sixth grade, for civilians an egret, for the military a tiger-cat with a mother-of-pearl clasp. The seventh grade, for civilians a mandarin duck, for the military a mottled bear with a silver clasp. The eighth grade, for civilians a quail, for the military a seal with a clear horn clasp. The ninth grade, for civilians a long-tailed jay, for the military a rhinoceros with a buffalo-horn clasp.
This hypothesis, however, requires us to suppose that Xerxes had returned from Sardis to Susa by the tenth month of the seventh year of his reign, which is barely credible.
Tyre revolted in the seventh year of his reign, and was besieged for thirteen years; a contract-tablet dated in his fortieth year shows that at that time it was under Babylonian officials.
He was a faithful supporter of Webster's policy as declared in the latter's famous "Seventh of March Speech" (1850) and laboured to secure for him the presidential nomination at the Whig national convention in 1852.
With the same instrument, he further detected, on the 19th of September 1848, Hyperion, the seventh of Saturn's attendants, and, on the 24th of October 1851, Ariel and Umbriel, the interior moons of Uranus.
Accordingly, in the seventh book of the Republic, where Plato propounds his scheme of Academic education, he directs the attention of studious youth primarily, if not exclusively, to the concurrence of inconsistent attributes; and in the Phaedo, 102 B-103 A, taking as an instance the tallness and the shortness simultaneously discoverable in Simmias, he offers his own theory of the immanent idea as the solution of the paradox.
The neural laminae are broad, the spines almost obsolete, except in the seventh, and the transverse processes not largely developed.
The seventh son, Ange (1537-1623), seigneur du Luat, was secretary to Henry IV., and enjoyed the esteem of Sully.
After this "morrow after the Sabbath" seven weeks are to be reckoned, and when we reach the morrow after the seventh Sabbath fifty days have been enumerated.
This elaborate ceremonial connected with the wave-offering (developed in the post-exile period) took place on the morrow of the seventh Sabbath called 1 On the critical questions involved in these ritual details of Lev.
The fifth book contains properties of normals and their envelopes, thus embracing the germs of the theory of evolutes, and also maxima and minima problems, such as to draw the longest and shortest lines from a given point to a conic; the sixth book is concerned with the similarity of conics; the seventh with complementary chords and conjugate diameters; the eighth book, according to the restoration of Edmund Halley, continues the subject of the preceding book.
And three hundred years after Hipparchus, the Alexandrian astronomer Ptolemy adopted a very similar scheme in his uranometria, which appears in the seventh and eighth books of his Almagest, the catalogue being styled the "EKOfois Kavovud7 or " accepted version."
Katie's mind went to Gabe's words about needing to leave before the seventh day. It was day six. She wasn't sure they'd make his timeline – or even why it still mattered that she reached wherever he was taking her. There had to be something to what he told her, and she wished once more he'd told her why.
The seventh commandment is Thou shalt not admit adultery.
Jars of Clay is readying to release its seventh studio album Good Monsters on 5th September.
By British appeasement of the usa over to broadcast wilshire and seventh.
Raise that center armrest to make the back of a slender seventh seat.
The Six Long Years The seventh extract from the naval autobiography of George John Sallet.
Starting at hoop 2 Richard scored 5 points using his last bisque, but failed to get position in front of the seventh hoop.
He finished tied for 16th place as his game suddenly left him after double bogeying the par five seventh hole.
Made from silver and bronze in the seventh century, it is the inspiration for this handsome pendant and brooch set with garnet cabochons.
Guided by a higher power Sam and Linda's experience illustrates the way of the seventh chakra, the way of faith.
Huxtable's challenge then came from Clark, who dived into fourth position approaching the chicane on the seventh of ten laps.
The seventh, chrysolite The seventh foundation, chrysolite, is similar in color to gold.
The seventh commandment is, " Thou shalt not commit adultery " .
James was the son of Sir James Graham and Lady Catharine Stewart, daughter of John, seventh earl of Galloway.
Traces of a Saxon settlement have been found from the seventh century, and in the tenth century the Danes constructed defensive earthworks here.
Offered the chance to travel with the group, talk to Sun Ra, and attend the concerts, I rocket into seventh heaven.
Big Brother Big Brother Finally, for its seventh series, Big Brother has a disabled housemate - Pete Bennett.
Was the seventh century ' the golden age of female monasticism '?
She was shipwrecked here in the seventh century and was granted land to build a nunnery by the Lord of Egremont.
The seventh millenium outpouring has begun and will continue to grow in breadth and depth and height in the days ahead.
Also obvious is the key of the hypothetical seventh partita.
By the end of the Seventh Century, the Scots had spread from the western periphery to the center of Caledonia.
The seventh seeds now face Canada's 11th seeds Runa Reta & Matthew Giuffre for a place in the quarter-finals.
Others said that " sept mois " meant the original seventh month - sept mois " meant the original seventh month - September.
She then joined the exclusive sub 35 second club in finishing seventh in the 500m Time Trial.
The retailer was also ranked seventh out of the 76 FTSE 100 companies surveyed.
The 20-year-old from Cannock was taking part in her first World games and surprised everyone after qualifying seventh for the event.
At that point they were lying seventh in the Eurocup in a field of 23 international sidecar outfits.
We currently come seventh out of fifteen in the implementation stakes.
In January of the following year he was placed seventh in the advanced papers of the Tripos.
Last year we ranked sixth, two years ago seventh, and in 2000 we ranked tenth in the world.
Simply put, we pray that things move ahead until that seventh trumpet is sounded.
In the second edition appeared the seventh - objections from Pere Bourdin, a Jesuit teacher of mathematics in Paris; and subsequently another set of objections, known as those of Hyperaspistes, was included in the collection of Descartes's letters.
In this form a law prescribing one year's fallow in seven may have been anciently observed, but it scarcely originated from the analogy of a seventh day of rest.
The additions consisted of the duchy of Saxe-Hildburghausen, founded in 1680 by Ernest, the sixth son of Ernest the Pious; the duchy of Saxe-Saalfeld, founded by John Ernest, the seventh son of Ernest the Pious, which had been united with Saxe-Coburg in 1735; and the districts of Themar, Kranichfeld and Kamburg.
For those which are grouped under the second to the seventh of these classes, respectively, have a clear significance on the hypothesis of evolution, while they are unintelligible if that hypothesis be denied.
In 1349 a great part of Maimand and of three little villages belonging to it became wakf (pious endowment) of the shrine at Shiraz of Mir Ahmed, surnamed Shah Chiragh, a son of Musa Kazim, the seventh imam of the Shiahs, and the remainder of the Maimand grounds was given to the shrine by Mir Habbib Ullah Sharifi and by Shah Ismail in 1504; the administration of the Maimand property as well as the guardianship of the shrine is still with the descendants of Mir Habbib Ullah.
The Babylonian Nebuzaradan was sent to take vengeance upon the rebellious city, and on the seventh day of the fifth month 586 B.C. Jerusalem was destroyed.
The whole matter had, therefore, to be adjusted by Congress, and as the growing intensity of the quarrel revealed the depth of the chasm between the sections, Clay came forward with the famous compromise of 1850, and Webster's last great speech - "The Constitution and the Union," or as it is more commonly known "The Seventh of March Speech" - was in support of this Compromise.
The abdomen consists of ten segments; at the end are either two or three long multi-articulate tails; in the male the ninth joint bears forcipated appendages; in the female the oviducts terminate at the junction of the seventh and eighth ventral segments.
The convention of 1888 was never ratified, and it is doubtful whether its ratification was urged, for a bill introduced by the British government in 1889 to give it effect was not pressed, and it was manifest that there was hesitation - which presently became refusal - to uphold the policy of the penalties on the importation of bountied sugar imposed by the seventh article, without which the convention would be so much waste paper.
In an " Adm onitio " on the seventh page Napier states that, although in that place the mode of construction should be explained, he proceeds at once to the use of the logarithms, " ut praelibatis prius usu, et rei utilitate, caetera aut magis placeant posthac edenda, aut minus saltem displiceant silentio sepulta."
The kings he sacrificed to Ammon and hanged six bodies on the walls, while the seventh was carried south to Napata and there exposed as a terror to the Ethiopians.
There is, however, good embryological evidence in some Hexapods of the existence of a seventh somite, the supra-lingual, occurring between the somite of the mandibles and the somite of the first maxillae (4).
Backup quarterback Matt Cassel was a seventh round pick by the New England Patriots.
And radiology nurse the effort if village ohio seventh bodies and various.
Forecourts were ranked seventh out of 14 retail sectors supermarkets were 12th in the new Are You Being Served?
The senior Girls ' finished seventh in the quadruple sculls event with a very strong race, an improved result from last year.
The seventh seeds now face Canada 's 11th seeds Runa Reta & Matthew Giuffre for a place in the quarter-finals.
Others said that " sept mois " meant the original seventh month - September.
On Saturday he scored a late goal as Harriers won 2-0 at Wrexham, his seventh of the season from 14 appearances.
That leaves him seventh on the grid ahead of Australian visitor Laurie Bennett.
The seventh century is the most glorious period in the history of the Irish Church.
The theme finally reappears in the pedals in the original key with a succession of diminished seventh chords above.
Seventh day adventist no major media has progressive online auto insurance quote allowed it they 're good to.
In 2003, recorded some impressive kilo times on the way to seventh in the world championships and a silver at the Olympic trials.
The theme of this year 's workshop, the seventh in the series, is Supporting Our Users.
When Lincoln beat the Clarets on 3 rd January they went seventh in the league with 34 points from 23 games.
In Pre 90, Rory Farrell is really out to prove something after only finishing seventh in the Classic race at Oulton last week.
Faye Palmer finished second in the 80m hurdles in 16secs and seventh in the shot with a putt of 4.31m.
Cambridgeshire 's performance in stripping the wealth from drugs dealers and other major lawbreakers has put it seventh in a national league table.
The isthmus usually lies over the second and third tracheal rings opposite the fifth, sixth and seventh cervical vertebrae.
They also employ four part minor and major seventh chords compared to the triads used exclusively in the previous section.
I learned about the hydrosphere in seventh grade, when I studied the earth.
The site recommends purchasing one maternity or nursing bra in the first pregnancy trimester, with at least two more bra purchases after resizing in the seventh month of gestation.
Germany covers the seventh largest area in Europe and stretches from the North Sea down to the Alps in the south.
Perhaps in an attempt to set themselves apart from competitors and carve out their own niche, Seventh Avenue's buy now pay later program operates under a different name.
Seventh Generation is the largest manufacturer of earth friendly products and their brands are stocked in many stores.
And for other needs, look to green supplies like those made by Seventh Generation.
Sister Ellen White, a leader in the Seventh Day Adventist Church, founded the Health Reform Institute in the late 1800's.
Middle schools usually host students in sixth, seventh and eighth grades, or around the ages of 11 to 13.
Some schools include fifth grade or ninth grade, and some, usually called junior high schools, house seventh and eighth-graders or grades seven through nine.
For example, the sixth grades are red; the seventh are black, and so on and so forth.
If your teen boy is heading into the seventh to twelfth grade, you can apply for consideration of acceptance.
Birth certificates must be presented for seventh, eight and ninth graders before they are allowed to play.
Donald Trump told Variety a seventh season is in the bag and he's hoping it will be shot in Las Vegas or Miami.
This tour coincides with the release of his seventh album, Hits 25.
Jennifer Hudson's exit from the show, as the seventh of the finalists to be voted off, was met with criticism.
Radcliffe will also appear in the sixth and seventh installments of the film, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
Even though ratings have dropped since the show's inception, a seventh season is already in the works.
The show, which would be entering its seventh season later this year, has seen a decline in ratings since it first aired in 2004.
Sources close to NBC and The Apprentice told Reuters that the show, which dropped considerably in ratings since it first aired 2004, will be renewed for the seventh season, with an option to renew for one additional.
The seventh season of the series will feature celebrities competing to raise money for their favorite charities.
Sanjaya Malakar knows a thing or two about being on American Idol - despite often being the joke of the reality talent competition, Sanjaya hung on as a finalist, making it to seventh place.
Neil Patrick was significantly smaller than older brother Brian's seventh grade classmates, making him perfect for the part of Toto.
For those who can't get enough of the dancing reality series, expect that Dancing with the Stars will return for a seventh season, igniting the dance floor with more raw talent and a season full of suspense.
Biel was cast as Mary Camden on the show Seventh Heaven, which ended up being the longest running and the highest rated show on the WB network.
Creators for the show confirmed that the seventh season will be the last.
After the major chords are mastered, players typically move on to minor chords followed by seventh chords, ninth chords and so on.
Seventh chords are full of tension and love to be resolved to major chords.
While this list is by no means all inclusive, major seventh chords are especially known for their role in jazz.
If you love Christian rock, you'll need to find Seventh Day Slumber guitar chords to play some of the genre's most popular music.
Seventh Day Slumber has been playing Christian-themed rock music since 1996, and they have two very popular hits, Oceans in the Rain and Surrender.
There are plenty of resources on the Internet where you can find free guitar chords, and even some guitar tabs, for Seventh Day Slumber songs.
Guitare Tab - While mainly a tab site, Guitare Tab also has chord versions of some popular Seventh Day Slumber songs available like Do You Hear What I Hear?
There are enough great Seventh Day Slumber guitar chords available on the Internet to keep you busy for a long time.
The three most important chords in this family for bossa nova guitar players are the A major seventh, the C major seventh and the F major seventh.
For example, the A includes an extra G sharp, while the F needs an extra E note to form the major seventh.
Start with the most important chords, and then add the entire repertoire of major seventh chords to your personal chord inventory.
Begin bylearning your major seventh chords sincethese are key components of Brazilian styles of music such as samba, cha cha and bossa nova.
You can also find the Seventh Generation products online.
Like Seventh Generation, Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day is concerned for the environment and is involved in numerous projects that benefit the environment.
Named after the Seventh Earl of Cardigan, a military leader during the Crimean War, the cardigan quickly gained popularity in the British Isles and France.
Toccara Jones first appeared on America's Next Top Model where she came in seventh.
Toccara Jones - Toccara Jones is an American model who participated on the third season of America's Next Top Model, where she placed seventh.
Presented by the Bicycle Transportation Alliance, Bike Safety Education Classes are given to students in the fourth through seventh grades in Oregon.
Alzheimer's disease is the seventh leading cause of death in the United States.
Fast forward to this seventh offering, and now gamers will be able to choose from every character from every incarnation of Mortal Kombat.
It may be officially the seventh generation of smartphone OS for Microsoft, but it is very much the "first version" of this platform.
Diabetes, a serious health problem among Americans and ethnic groups, is the seventh leading cause of death in the United States.
The vaccine is normally given to children somewhere between the ages of two months and seven years of age (prior to their seventh birthday).
While the customary age for the first dose is two months, it may be given as early as six weeks of age and up to the seventh birthday.
Swelling of the glands reaches a maximum on about the second day and usually disappears by the seventh day.
The National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), a part of the National Institute of Health (NIH), defines Bell's palsy as "a form of facial paralysis resulting from damage to the seventh (facial) cranial nerve."
The seventh cranial nerve enters the facial region through a small opening in the bony area behind the ear called the stylomastoid foramen.
Seventh cranial nerve endings control neck, eyelid, and forehead muscles; are responsible for facial expression, the secretion of saliva, the volume at which sound is perceived; and a myriad of other functions.
The taste sensations for the front two-thirds of the tongue are sent to the brain via the seventh cranial nerve.
As noted previously, Bell's palsy occurs as a manifestation of the body's reaction to microbial infection of the structures surrounding the seventh cranial nerve.
In Bell's palsy, this process typically occurs after the seventh cranial nerve's passage through the stylomastoid foramen into a tiny bony tube called the fallopian canal.
If the inflammation within the fallopian canal is severe enough, it will exert sufficient pressure on the seventh cranial nerve to make it impossible for the nerve to carry messages to and from the brain.
Though most nerve compression in Bell's palsy is mild and temporary for children, the primary goal is to assure that no further damage to the seventh cranial nerve occurs.
At around the seventh week of gestation, the gonads (sex organs) begin to change, or differentiate, into the characteristic genitalia of males and females.
Bell's palsy-Facial paralysis or weakness with a sudden onset, caused by swelling or inflammation of the seventh cranial nerve, which controls the facial muscles.
By the seventh week the embryo is about 2 cm (1 in) long and facial features are visible.
Burke is a television personality who quickly rose to the top of the seventh season of the show.
The center also features a youth dance program for children enrolled in grades kindergarten through seventh.
The DVD distance learning program is available as an inclusive grade package, kindergarten through sixth grade and seventh through twelfth grade or by individual grade levels.
Your baby has sex organs by the seventh week and by the eighth week your baby is actually moving.
Most women prefer to get the portraits done at some point in the seventh or eighth month.
Women typically begin taking Lamaze classes in the seventh month of pregnancy.
The first row will have one card, the second row two cards, and so on, finishing with a seven-card seventh row.
Since you are not in seventh grade, there probably isn't an appropriate strictly workplace conversation that includes, "by the way we're dating."
Her career began in 1938 when she started as a sketcher on Seventh Avenue.
On December 21st, Jupiter is set to move into your seventh house, the house of marriage and legal partnerships of all kinds.
Beware of Uranus when it travels through your Seventh House because this planetary movement can impact your love life, either positively or negatively.
The Seventh House is the "The House of Partnerships."
The second part of the Celtic cross is cards seven, eight, nine and ten laid in a vertical line with the seventh card at the bottom and the tenth card at the top.
For Aquarius, these eclipses are falling in the first (house of self) and seventh houses (house of marriage).
The seventh house of one's chart relates specifically to serious of romantic relationships such as partnerships and marriages.
For example, having a communicative planet like Mercury in your seventh house can show a person who is easily accessible in a relationship.
In romantic matters, it's the fifth house of romance and the seventh house of marriage that plays a large role in why two people may feel an inexplicable pull towards one another, even if everything else in the chart seems "off".
This may be because either the fifth house or seventh house of your chart is in a water sign.
If your Venus falls in your seventh house, partnerships of all kinds will prove particularly beneficial.
For you love purposes, you'll want to focus on the time when the moon lights your fifth house of romance or your seventh house of partnerships.
An easy way to remember this is that when the moon is in your opposite sign's first house, it's in your seventh house of partnerships.
Aries' first house moon (usually in April) is Libra's seventh.
Taurus' first house moon (usually in May) is Scorpio's seventh house moon.
Gemini's first house moon (usually in June) is Sagittarius' seventh.
Cancer's first house moon (usually in July) is Capricorn's seventh house moon.
Leo's first house moon (usually in August) is Aquarius' seventh house moon.
Virgo's first house moon (usually in September) is Pisces' seventh house moon.
Libra is quite compatible with Aquarius because the seventh sign is the only one that is represented by an inanimate object -the scales.
In the seventh and final installment in the widely popular Saw series, a group of Jigsaw's survivors seek help from another survivor, but he has his own secrets that will cause a fresh wave of panic.
In a Midwestern town, at a small middle school, a large seventh grade bully named Thurston relentlessly harassed a small fourth grade kid named Tim.
For example, some hotels may offer a fourth night free when you book for three nights, or a seventh night free when you book for six nights.
Initially, the show revolved around the hospital's seventh floor.
The cast grew gradually, always radiating out from the seventh floor with doctors, nurses and their partners and children allowing viewers to invest in their lives.
Over the course of the next few years, they would lead GH away from the seventh floor of the hospital and begin one of Daytime's most enduring romances.
If the story details the relationship between Luke and Lorelai, particularly their dating or private moments, then setting it during the sixth season is a better choice than the seventh.
The series ran for seven years, six on the WB with the seventh and final series airing on the CW Network.
The Palladinos left the show prior to the launch of the seventh season, leaving it to Executive Producer Dan Rosenthal.
Many of the regular characters from the first season departed after the seventh allowing a new generation of students at Degrassi Community School to take center stage.
By the end of the seventh season, Bobby recovered and wanted to reunite with Pam.
Although she was billed as a special guest star throughout the run of the series, she was a regular cast member from the second through seventh seasons.
By season five, Grey's Anatomy celebrated one hundred episodes and by the end of the seventh season, the series will be over to one hundred and fifty episodes.
The seventh season debuted in September of 2010.
In the sixth and seventh seasons, new characters brought conflict, drama and more to the long-running drama.
In the 2010-2011 season, One Tree Hill began airing its seventh season paired with sophomore series Life Unexpected.
Haunted - In the series seventh episode, storylines collide as Damon and Stefan must work together to deal with Vicki Donovan's turn and the danger she poses Elena and Mystic Falls.
The Celtic Cross and Tree of Life are both examples of a tribal art form that emerged with the Christian church as it melded with Celtic culture in the seventh century.
Don't book a room above the seventh floor.
Most fire departments lack rescue ladders capable of reaching above the seventh floor.
Seventh Generation also makes a "green" trash bag composed of recycled plastic.
A seventh grade athlete who has never lifted weights before will have a very different routine than a third-season professional football player.
Today, the company owns multiple inspection centers, drive-in claim centers, and 14 division offices. 21st Century Insurance Company is the seventh largest auto insurance company in California.
In May 2004 Polly released her seventh album Uh Huh Her, and once again was received with high praise.
That album went platinum twice, and what followed was a prolific outpouring of 6 albums in 6 years, with a seventh on the way.
We'll sip grog and sing sea chanteys to celebrate his seventh birthday."
CariDee English won the seventh season of ANTM.
Jennifer Hudson finished the third season in seventh place, but in November of 2005 she was cast in the feature film Dreamgirls.
Angela Anderson has also only been one film (Golden Elliot) and was eliminated on the seventh episode.
They are instructed only to look for him if he calls and requests rescue using his satellite phone or if he is not at the arranged pick-up spot on the seventh day.
Steven Seagal is a Seventh Dan Aikido master.
She has appeared on several other television shows, including 90210 and Fashion Police, and competed in the second season of Celebrity Apprentice where she was the seventh candidate fired.
He was the first person voted out after the two tribes merged, finishing the game in seventh place.
After their engagement, Rob and Amber appeared on the seventh season of The Amazing Race.
On the seventh season of Dancing with the Stars, Kim Kardashian participated as a contestant.
The seventh and final season of Buffy found the Slayer coping with a being known as the First Evil.
During the two-part season finale for Stargate SG-1's seventh season, the team uncovered an Ancient outpost in Antarctica.
Rosenbaum left Smallville at the end of the seventh season, but remained deeply missed.
Dave Duncan's The Seventh Swordsman trilogy, comprised of The Reluctant Swordsman, The Coming of Wisdom, and The Destiny of the Sword, form a geekboy's dream come true.
The body he inhabits is that of a Seventh Rank Swordsman.
One of his ongoing series, the Alvin Maker series, features a 'seventh son of a seventh son' in an alternate version of our 19th century, and the magical powers he learns to control.
If you are a roleplayer then you need to visit the Seventh Sanctum web site because it is a clearing house for generators from anime, being and characters to spells and equipment.
Seventh Sanctum is a large website with many name generators as well as character creators, organizations builders, and magic creation.
Seventh Sanctum is a popular fantasy name generator that offers a wide variety of options when choosing fantasy names.
Wil Wheaton, who played the gifted but young Wesley Crusher on Star Trek the Next Generation also decided to leave the show early in the seventh season.
In the seventh season finale, Hammond captained the ship as she shielded the SG-1 team drilling through the ice, fending off Anubis armada long enough for the team to activate the ancient weapon.
Seventh Sanctum allows you to generate up to 25 names at a time in 5 name increments.
The epic series completed with the seventh and final Harry Potter adventure Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
In April 2011, Supernatural was renewed for a seventh season.
Girls between the ages of twelve and fourteen, or in seventh to ninth grade, are generally Cadette Girl Scouts.
Jake Weller presented it to Dean one sunny afternoon while the two were sharing a diet-breaking ice cream on the stoop of a Seventh Avenue candy store.
There were three then five voices with a sixth calling the police and the seventh hugging the sobbing kid.
The pair drove down Seventh Street, crossed over the Uncompahgre River and followed the dirt road to the small cluster of mobile homes.
No, but most of the business was done down on Second street, between Seventh Avenue and Eighth.
Dean continued to hold Martha's hand as they walked uptown and found a place open on Seventh Avenue, a couple of blocks from Bird Song.
Until the seventh day after she drowned herself, assuming Darkyn doesn't catch you first.
Byrne was in Scranton on the sixth and seventh of April.
His father, also named Rainer, the seventh son of the Emperor Leopold II.
But a careful study of the seventh poem of the last book, in which Propertius gives an account of a dream of her which he had after her death, leads us to the belief that they were once more reconciled, and that in her last illness Cynthia left to her former lover the duty of carrying out her wishes with regard to the disposal of her effects and the arrangements of her funeral.
His eldest son was Archibald, seventh of Merchiston, and the father of John Napier, the subject of this article.
Proceedings of Seventh General Council of the Alliance of Reformed Churches holding the Presbyterian System (Washington, 1899).
In this form the seventh day's rest was one of the few outward ordinances by which the Israelite could still show his fidelity to Yahweh and mark his separation from the heathen.
The difference between this and the later law is that the seventh year is not called a Sabbath, and that there is no indication that all land was to lie fallow on the same year.
Of the above the first is the best general sketch and is rich in notes; the second somewhat chauvinistic but excellently written; the third the best work for scholars; the seventh; eighth and eleventh are valuable as being by contemporaries.
The seventh region consisted of Etruria, which preserved its ancient limits, extending from the Tiber to the Tyrrhenian Sea, and separated from Liguria on the north by the river Macra.
Francis, seventh Lord Howard of Effingham, was created earl of Effingham in 1731, a title extinct in 1816 with the fourth earl, but revived again in 1837 for the eleventh baron, who had served as a general officer in the Peninsular campaign, the great-grandfather of the present peer.
From this point backwards the successive abdominal segments, as far as the seventh or eighth, can be readily made out.
The couple strolled down Seventh Street to the bridge that crossed the Uncompahgre River as it spilled its way down from the mountains.