Settling Sentence Examples
The pain settling into her was of a different kind.
He didn't answer, settling in his corner.
A bee settling on a flower has stung a child.
She pulled up a chair across from him and straddled it, her direct gaze settling on him.
Deidre rose, eyes settling on the doorway leading into the neighboring kitchens.
She leaned against him, her hand trailing down his chest and settling on his crotch.
After settling it is evaporated in iron pans.
He is settling down well to the flying there.
No settling tonight, he had all the time in the world.
She mused through the kitchen cabinets, her attention settling on the can of cocoa.
AdvertisementDeidre gazed around her, eyes settling on the green glow, visible through the French doors.
The sense of calm settling inside her was unnatural, like the rest of the day.
He was in black, unaffected by the cold or the light settling over him, outlining him like glitter on black construction paper.
A clerk at World Wide thought he was taking some time off before settling in out there.
She flipped through her address book, gaze settling on the Watcher's name.
AdvertisementHe glanced around the penthouse decorated in dark colors with flashes of burgundy and brown, attention settling on the familiar skyline visible through the window.
Sasha.s gaze took them both in, his eyes settling on her bandaged arm before he forced himself to look at Toby.
Settling Kiera on a grey slab bench, the first man straightened and motioned the other over.
Her shape was firm but lush and had fit in his arms with her shoulders settling between his when he'd held her outside of the house.
She stretched again before settling into an awkward stance across from him.
AdvertisementKiera's eyes went over all her paintings, settling again on the one of A'Ran.
Katie tossed her coat at the rack and watched anxiously as the pole danced around the concrete floor before settling down.
She took in the scene, unable to explain the sense of doom settling in her stomach.
He snatched her hands and pinned them above her head with one hand, settling his weight atop her as he reached down to undo the buttons of his trousers.
Minutes later he was back and settling down at the table opposite her.
AdvertisementHer heart slowed, the realization she may not live through the night settling into her with cold clarity.
His gaze drifted over her face before settling on her eyes.
In 1669 he published his Physica subterranea, and the same year was engaged with the count of Hanau in a scheme for settling a large territory between the Orinoco and the Amazon.
Another advantage that many women appreciate is that types of foundations tend to adhere lightly to the skin, rather than sitting heavily or settling into find lines and wrinkles.
All I really wanted was the land in the first place, and they approached me about settling.
The tool lit up at Gabriel's touch, the symbols swirling around the edges then settling.
Kiera looked at them all, her gaze settling on the prisoner.
Too restless to sleep, he tossed the pillow across the bed and snatched another, his gaze settling on the book.
Hilden nodded, his eyes darting around the chamber before settling on the throne.
She ran to the kitchen and searched for a something sharp, settling for a rusty old butcher knife.
He Traveled to a quiet playground, eyes settling on the woman seated on a bench.
The air conditioning was high enough to make her shiver, the bright interior settling her fear of walking into some crazy person's house.
She sat back on her heels and looked around, gaze settling on the bed.
Jessi pretended to take her time settling on the sand, struggling to recall what Gerry said the name of Xander's show was.
Determined to swap it out for a picture of a horse or something bland, Jessi poured herself another cup of coffee and snatched the iPad, settling on the couch within view of the porch.
She managed not to start babbling nervously, even when his hands traced down her arms before settling on her hips.
Jessi looked away, gaze settling on Xander once more.
She pulled her hair up in a ponytail, gaze settling on the necklace dangling between her full breasts.
In March 1885 when the RussoAfghan Boundary Commission should have been engaged in settling the boundary-line, this portion of it was in dispute between the Afghans and the Russians.
The price of Italian consolidated 5% (gross, 4% net, allowing for the 20% income tax) stock, which is the security most largely negotiated abroad, and used in settling differences between large financial institutions, has steadily risen during recent years.
They conferred the signory upon him for life; and, had he not mismanaged matters, he might have held the city in his grasp. Italy was settling cown and turning her attention to home comforts, arts and literature.
The system of setting nations by the ears with the view of settling the quarrels of a few reigning houses was reduced to absurdity when the people, as in these cases, came to be partitioned and exchanged without the assertion or negation of a single principle affecting their interests or rousing their emotions.
When these are excited by the settling of an insect on the leaf they slowly bend over and imprison the intruder, which is detained there meanwhile by a sticky excretion poured out by the glands.
His most influential friend was Pompey, who, when settling the affairs of Asia (63 or 62 B.C.), rewarded him with the title of king and an increase of territory (Lesser Armenia).
The filtering works include 6 lime saturators, 2 mixing or softening tanks, 6 settling basins, 10 mechanical filters and 2 clear-water reservoirs.
In addition to settling the crown the act contained some important constitutional provisions, of which the following are still in force.
His pride and austerity made him unpopular at court and he left the country in 1642, settling at last in Padua, where he died in 1646.
Soon after his consecration he opened negotiations with the emperor with a view to settling the dispute over investiture.
Hadrian's policy in this respect was matched later on by the edict of the caliph Omar (c. 638), who, like his Roman prototype, prevented the Jews from settling in the capital of their ancient country.
Jews made their way to America early in the 16th century, settling in Brazil prior to the Dutch occupation.
Between the publication of the collected edition of his poems and his settling down in the Luckenbooths, he had published a few shorter poems and had issued the first instalments of The Tea-Table Miscellany and The Ever Green (both 1724-1727).
More important still were his services in settling the question of the boundary between the United States and British North America at a time when a single injudicious word would probably have provoked a war.
In 1780 he parted company with his patron, who allowed him an annuity of £150 for life, and settling at Birmingham was appointed junior minister of the New Meeting Society.
Finally settling at Northumberland, Pennsylvania, he lived there for nearly ten years, until on the 6th of February 1804, after clearly and audibly dictating a few changes he wished made in some of his writings, he quietly expired.
It later became one of the chief centres of the Reformation movement in Switzerland, so that the bishop retired in 1525 to Porrentruy, where he resided till 1792, finally settling at Soleure in 1828, the bishopric having been wholly reorganized since 1814.
Many of the freshwater algae which form a mere crust, such as Palmella cruenta, may be placed in a vessel of water, where after a time they float like a scum, the earthy matter settling down to the bottom, and may then be mounted by slipping a piece of mica under them and allowing it to dry.
Among his most satisfactory productions are some of his earlier ones, such as the full-length of the duke of Argyll, and the numerous bust-portraits of Scottish gentlemen and their ladies which he executed before settling in London.
The rapid settling of the state drove its native fauna, which comprised buffalo, deer, moose, bear, lynx and wolves, in great numbers into the northern sections, westward into Dakota, or across the Canadian border.
The liquid is now run into neutralizing tanks containing sodium carbonate, and, after settling, the supernatant liquid, termed "light liquor," is run through bag filters and then on to bone-char filters, which have been previously used for the "heavy liquor."
For this reason their interest in ethical speculations was all the keener; their great thinkers were endlessly engaged in settling what the relation ought to be between duty and self-interest.
But Constantine, exhausted by the war with the Arabs, was unable to prevent the Bulgars, a tribe of Finno-Ugrian race, from crossing the Danube and settling in the district where their name still survives.
He had some idea of settling down in Paris, and might perhaps have done so if mischief had not been the very breath of his nostrils.
This variety of opinion is due to the fact that the data available for settling the chronology often conflict with one another, or are capable of more than one interpretation.
A cistern well packed with 20 tons of char will hold, in addition, about io tons of syrup, and after settling, this can be pressed out by allowing second quality syrup, also heated to nearly boiling point, to enter the cistern slowly from the top, or it may be pressed out by boiling water.
The only other method of refining is by oxidizing and settling.
A bath, even of very impure zinc, is allowed to stand at about the temperature of the melting-point of the metal for forty-eight or more hours, whereupon the more easily oxidizable impurities can be largely removed in the dross at the top, the heavier metals such as lead and iron settling towards the bottom.
The amir was away from his capital settling the affairs of his newly acquired territory; Nolde therefore, after a short halt at Hail, journeyed on to Ibn Rashid's camp somewhere in the neighbourhood of Shakra.
Twice she returned to Sweden (1660 and 1667) in the vain hope of recovering the succession, finally settling in Rome, where she died on the 19th of April 1689, poor, neglected and forgotten.
While much that Herder produced after settling in Weimar has little value, he wrote also some of his best works, among others his collection of popular poetry on which he had been engaged for many years, Stimmen der Volker in Liedern (1778-1779); his translation of the Spanish romances of the Cid (1805); his celebrated work on Hebrew poetry, Vom Geist der hebrdischen Poesie (1782-1783); and his opus magnum, the Ideen zur Philosophie der Geschichte der Menschheit (1784-1791).
He was largely occupied in 1763 and in 1779-86 in settling the boundaries of several of the states.
Settling in Augusta, Maine, in 1854, he became editor of the Kennebec Journal, and subsequently of the Portland Advertiser.
After charging, the barrel is rotated, and when the chlorination is complete the contents are emptied on a filter of quartz or some similar material, and the filtrate led to settling tanks.
After settling the solution is run into the precipitating tanks.
The supernatant liquid is led into settling tanks, where a further amount of "gold is deposited, r and is then filtered through sawdust or sand, the sawdust being afterwards burnt and the gold separated from the ashes and the sand treated in the chloridizing vat.
On the 20th of August 1589, in spite of Queen Elizabeth's opposition, she was married by proxy to King James, without dower, the alliance, however, settling definitely the Scottish claims to the Orkney and Shetland Islands.
As the Federal Constitution contained no provision for settling a dispute of this kind the two houses of Congress agreed to the appointment of an extra-constitutional body, the "Electoral Commission" (q.v.) which decided all the contests in favour of the Republican candidates.
Settling at Leipzig, still without any fixed means of livelihood, he was again reduced to literary drudgery.
Though he took orders in 1841, ill-health prevented his settling in England till 1846, when he became warden of Sackville College, an almshouse at East Grinstead, an appointment which he held till his death on the 6th of August 1866.
The charter gave the company control over the admission of " freemen " (co-partners in the enterprise, and voters), " full and absolute power and authority to correct, punish and rule " subjects settling in the territory comprised in their grant, and power to " resist.
He was associated in practice there with his brother until 1848, and early in 1849 removed to California, settling soon afterward at Marysville, of which place, in 1850, he became the first alcalde or mayor.
In solar physics Huggins suggested a spectroscopic method for viewing the red prominences in daylight; and his experiments went far towards settling a much-disputed question regarding the solar distribution of calcium.
Many interesting experiments in settling lands have been tried.
The family emigrated to Canada in 1820, settling first at Kingston, Ontario.
Sir George Russell Clerk was sent out in 1853 as special commissioner "for the settling and adjusting of the affairs" of the Sovereignty, and in August of that year he summoned a meeting of delegates to determine upon a form of self-governrnent.
Government recommended an addition of £30,000 a year, which was voted, and before the close of the year a Civil List Bill was passed, settling £385,000 a year on the queen.
Here he had once more a chance of settling peaceably.
To those who, in order to promote the cause of international arbitration, are desirous of acquiring a knowledge of the dangers and difficulties which beset this mode of settling disputes, the account which Palmer has left of his part in this arbitration may be commended.
Settling on the banks of the Delaware, he adopted the title of comte de Survilliers, and sought to promote plans for the rescue of his brother from St Helena.
On the 15th of 1Iay 1649 he was a member of the committee for settling the succession and for regulating the election of future parliaments.
As a result the ecumenical council came into existence especially for the purpose of settling disputed questions of doctrine, and giving to the collective episcopate the opportunity to express its voice in a final and official way.
In 1600 he was sent on an embassy, with others, to Embden, for the purpose of settling certain matters in dispute between the English and the Danes.
In 1848 his father, who had been a Chartist, emigrated to America, settling in Allegheny City, Pennsylvania.
The dynasty of the Jagatai Khans collapsed in 1572 by the dismemberment of the country between rival representatives; and soon after two powerful Khoja factions, the White and Black Mountaineers (Ak and Kara Taghluk), arose, whose dissensions and warfares, with the intervention of the Kalmucks of Dzungaria, fill up the history till 1759, when a Chinese army from Ili (Kulja) invaded the country, and, after perpetrating wholesale massacres, finally consolidated their authority by settling therein Chinese emigrants, together with a Manchu garrison.
It would seem, from a somewhat obscure passage in the chronicle compiled from older the progenitors of the Poles, originally established on the Danube, were driven from thence by the Romans to the still wilder wilderness of central Europe, settling finally among the virgin forests and impenetrable morasses of the basin of the upper waters of the Oder and the Vistula.
His enemies, however, succeeded in ousting him from this post, and caused him to be entrusted with the apparently impossible task of settling the revolt and brigandage rampant in Rumelia.
Lacinularia racemovata and Conochilus form free floating aggregates, the eggs, as laid, hatching and the young settling among the approximated gelatinous tubes of the parents.
This precedent has been treated as settling the practice of parliament.
In 1868 he went to Chicago as the representative of the Wesleyan Methodist conference, and settling in Canada did much to advance the cause of his denomination.
By settling along the Syrian coast they developed a strangely un-Semitic love for the sea, and advanced on different lines from the other Canaanites who occupied the interior.
Under William III., Governors Sloughter and Fletcher worked for a law (passed in 1693 and approved in 1697) for the settling of a ministry in New York, Richmond, Westchester and Queen's counties; but the Assembly foiled Fletcher's purpose of establishing a Church of England clergy, although he attempted to construe the act as applying only to the English Church.
The Church Missionary Society came in 1804 and has worked heroically and successfully, though the largest mission now is that of the Wesleyans, who came in 1811, settling first at Sierra Leone.
Instead of settling in Italy, as he intended, Lessing accepted in 1770 the office of librarian at Wolfenbiittel, a post which was offered to him by the hereditary prince of Brunswick.
It is worthy of notice that this intercourse with Cromwell occurred when Baxter was summoned to London to assist in settling "the fundamentals of religion," and made the memorable declaration, in answer to the objection that what he had proposed as fundamental "might be subscribed by a Papist or Socinian," - "So much the better, and so much the fitter it is to be the matter of concord."
The Pascal family, some years after settling in Paris, had to go through a period of adversity.
The Burgundians made their appearance in the west shortly before the end of the 3rd century, settling in the basin of the Main, and it is probable that some portions of the north Suebic peoples, perhaps fhe ancient Semnones, had already moved westward.
Early in his reign, by settling a dispute over the crown of Denmark, Frederick brought the king of that country once more into the position of a German vassal.
Having spent Fredei,ek the year 1156 in settling the Bavarian question and in Poland in enforcing order in the Rhineland and elsewhere, and Getthe emperor marched into Poland in I 157, compelled many.
The two captive princes were released, but the main point agreed upon was that a diet should be called for the purpose of settling the religious difficulty, and that in the meantime the Lutherans were to enjoy full religious liberty.
A further law authorized the Prussian government to spend 5,000,000 in purchasing estates from Polish families and settling German colonists on the land.
The city is supplied with water drawn from the Missouri river above the mouth of the Kansas or Kaw (which is used as a sewer by Kansas City, Kan.); the main pumping station and settling basins being at Quindaro, several miles up the river in Kansas; whence the water is carried beneath the Kansas, through a tunnel, to a high-pressure distributing station in the west bottoms. The waterworks (direct pressure system) were acquired by the city in 1895.
During 1903 a great change came over public opinion on both sides of the Channel, with the result that the statesmen of both countries were enabled to complete negotiations settling many points in dispute between the two nations.
An agreement was signed on the 1st of October finally settling the frontier line.
Sometimes, to get rid of these impurities, the brine is treated in a large tub-`(bessoir) with lime; on settling it becomes clear and colourless, but the dissolved lime forms a skin on its surface in the pan, retards the evaporation and impedes the crystallization.
The thin watery "slip" or slurry flows into large settling tanks ("backs") where the solids in suspension are deposited; the water is drawn off, leaving behind an intimate mixture of chalk and clay in the form of a wet paste.
Carlyle's confession of the radical difference of religious opinion had not alienated his friend, who was settling in London, and used his opportunities for promoting Carlyle's interest.
The system of schools which prevailed till the Education Act of 1872 dated from 1696, when the Act for Settling of Schools was passed - one of the last but not the least of the achievements of the Scots Parliament - providing for the maintenance of a school in every parish by the kirk-session and heritors, with power to the Commissioners of Supply to appoint a schoolmaster in case the primary authorities made default.
In I S30 he was sent to Cambridge to procure the decision of the university as to the unlawfulness of marriage with a deceased brother's wife, in accordance with the new plan devised for settling the question without the pope's intervention.
But Judas did not lay down his arms, and added to his resources by rescuing the Jews of Galilee and Gilead and settling them in Judaea (1 Macc. v.).
On adding to this solution, after settling out the mud, a quantity of potassium chloride equivalent to the calcium chlorate, the reaction Ca(C10 3) 2 +2KC1=CaC1 2 +2KC10 3 is produced, the ultimate proportions thus being theoretically 2KC10 3 to 6CaCl2, though in reality there is rather more calcium chloride present.
The unavoidable contamination with muddy particles of vat-waste is removed by allowing the vatliquor to rest for some hours in a separate tank and settling out the mud.
The operation is finished when all the sodium sulphide has been converted into normal sodium carbonate, partly also into acid sodium carbonate (bicarbonate) NaHCO 3; at the same time a precipitate is formed, consisting of ferrous sulphide, alumina and silica, which is removed by another settling tank, and the clear liquor is now ready either for boiling down in a " fishing-pan " for the manufacture of white soda-ash, or for the process of causticizing.
Indeed, the sophists generally had a special predisposition to error of this sort, not only because sophistry was from the beginning a substitute for the pursuit of truth, but also because the successful professor, travelling from city to city, or settling abroad, could take no part in public affairs, and thus was not at every step reminded of the importance of the " material " element of exposition and reasoning.
Hislop he took a distinguished part in the victory of Mehidpur (December 21, 1817), as also in the subsequent work of following up the fugitives, determining the conditions of peace and settling the country.
He also prevented the Swedes (in 1256) from settling in South Finland.
There were even whole bodies of peasants called Molmen, because they had bought off work from the lord by settling with him on the basis of money rents.
Settling in Frankfort, he soon took high rank as a criminal lawyer, was in the Kentucky House of Representatives in 1825 and 1829-1832, acting as speaker in the latter period, and from 1827 to 1829 was United States district-attorney.
Palmerston, indeed, who did not believe that under the Bourgeois Monarchy France would translate her brave words into action, was in favour of settling the Turco-Egyptian question once for all by depriving Mehemet Ali of Egypt as well.
In 1687 a project of settling the crown on the princess, to the exclusion of Mary, on the condition of Anne's embracing Roman Catholicism, was rendered futile by her pronounced attachment to the Church of England, and beyond sending her books and papers James appears to have made no attempt to coerce his daughter into a change of faith,' and to have treated her with kindness, while the birth of his son on the 10th of June 1688 made the religion of his daughters a matter of less political importance.
The unfounded rumour that William contemplated settling the succession after his death on James's son, provided he were educated a Protestant in England, may possibly have alarmed her.
Its nomenclature, like that of many lesser streams in the plateau region, is somewhat confusing; for while the Spanish colonists were settling beside its headwaters the mid-stream was hardly known except to the native Indians, and the lower reaches were frequented by buccaneers, often of British or Dutch origin.
Before sending out, it is usually stored in settling tanks for a few weeks, during which time the uncombined dryers settle at the bottom as ” foots."
The energies of the Italian people were devoted to transcribing codices, settling.
The policy pursued was to declare the permanency of the rights existing at the time of the British interposition, conditionally upon the maintenance of order; to adjust and guarantee the relations of subordinate and tributary chiefs to their superiors so as to prevent all further disputes or encroachments; and to settle the claims of the ousted landholders, who had resorted to pillage or blackmail, by fixing grants of land to be made to them, or settling the money allowances to be paid to them.
The first parliament of the Regent Murray (1567), while confirming the establishment of the Reformed church as the only true church of Christ, settling the Protestant succession, and doing something to secure the right of stipend to ministers, reintroduced lay patronage, the superintendent being charged to induct the patron's nominee - an infringement of the reformed system against which the church never ceased to protest.
The king and his representatives at the assembly pressed hard for their reception, and in 1693 the " Act for settling the quiet and peace of the Church " was passed, which provided for their admission on taking the oaths of allegiance and assurance, subscribing the Confession of Faith and acknowledging Presbyterian government.
From these centres "Separate" Baptist influence spread throughout North and South Carolina and across the Georgia border, Marshall himself finally settling and forming a church at Kiokee, Georgia.
That from the first blow contains between 1% and 2% of copper, and is usually poured from ladles operated by an electric crane into a reverberatory, or into the settling well of the cupola.
Silver and other insoluble impurities collected at the bottom of the trough up to the level of the lower side-tube, and were then run off through a plug in the bottom into settling tanks, from which they were removed for metallurgical treatment.
These upheavals, however, are not always permanent, the upraised land sometimes settling back to its former position.
Difficulties had arisen both in arranging the preliminaries to arbitration and owing to the disordered state of Afghanistan, and it was therefore deemed advisable to commence operations by settling a frontier dispute between Persia and the Kalat state.
Many became pioneers, settling in regions beyond the limits of British jurisdiction.
The trekkers had been told by the lieutenant-governor of the eastern province (Sir Andries Stockenstrom) that he was not aware of any law which prevented any British subject from settling in another country, and in the words of Piet Retief's declaration they quitted the colony "under the full assurance that the English government has nothing more to require of us, and will allow us to govern ourselves without its interference in future."
But while the bride's family refused to hold intercourse with the pair, Mr Scott, like a prudent man and an affectionate father, set himself to make the best of a bad matter, and received them kindly, settling on his son £2000.
Smithson, which became a leading case settling a rule of law; and young Scott, having lost his point in the inferior court, insisted on arguing it, on appeal, against the opinion of his clients, and carried it before Lord Thurlow, whose favourable consideration he won by his able argument.
Settling in Paris in 1772, he became the private physician of Philip, duke of Orleans, and by his chemical work soon gained so high a reputation that in 1780 he was admitted into the Academy of Sciences.
He now showed that he had not by his charities wronged his relations by settling on his greatnephew and heir Thomas Wykeham, whom he had educated at Winchester and New College, Broughton Castle and estates, still held by his descendants in the female line, the family of Twisleton-Wykeham-Fiennes (peerage of Saye and Sele).
After graduating at Bowdoin College in 1823, he studied law, and in 1827 was admitted to the bar, eventually settling in Portland, Main, where for two years he was associated in practice with his father, Samuel Fessenden (1784-1869), a prominent lawyer and anti-slavery leader.
During the following year his father, Colonel Richard Taylor, a veteran of the War of Independence, migrated to Kentucky, settling near Louisville, and thereafter played an important part in the wars and politics of his adopted state.
It consists in wet-stamping coarsely crushed ore, settling the sands and slimes produced, and grinding and amalgamating them in steam-heated iron pans with or without the use of chemicals (salt and copper sulphate).
They are crushed to egg-size in a rock-breaker, and pulverized to pass a 40-mesh sieve in a California stamp-mill, which treats in 24 hours about 3 tons per stamp. A 10-stamp mill is fed by one rock-breaker, and discharges the liquid pulp into 10-15 wooden settling tanks, 9 by 5 by 8 ft., the settled contents of which are shovelled out and charged into the pans.
In settling, the pulp is diluted by a small stream of water, and the thinned pulp drawn off, first through the top dischargehole and then through the other two, the bottom one being about 8 in.
Settling takes about half the time required to work a charge in the pan, hence one settler serves two pans.
He travelled in distant parts of the world to receive the homage of his followers, and with the object either of settling differences or of advancing their welfare by pecuniary help and personal advice and guidance.
The quick-witted peasant lad ran away from the plough at an early age, finally settling down as a friar in the Johannite cloister of Antvorskov near Slagelse.
In 1892 he was appointed associate counsel for the United States on the Bering Sea Commission, and later was American counsel or agent before several important arbitral tribunals or mixed commissions, including the Alaskan Boundary Tribunal (1903), the Hague Tribunal for Arbitration of the North Atlantic Fisheries (1910), and the Anglo-American Commission (1911) for settling outstanding claims between Great Britain and the United States.
It is evident, however, that if logic deals with conceptions which may be considered constitutive of knowledge as such, and if ethics deals with the harmonious realization of human life, which is the highest known form of existence, both sciences must have a great deal of weight in the settling of the general question of metaphysics.
Several allotropic forms of phosphorus have been described, and in recent years much work has been done towards settling their identities.
A year later, April 1851, Livingstone, again accompanied by his family and Oswell, set out, this time with the intention of settling among the Makololo for a period.
The then governor, Lord Charles Somerset, whose treaty arrangements with the Kaffir chiefs had proved unfortunate, desired to erect a barrier against the Kaffirs by settling white colonists in the border district.
Here the straining of the original horizontal puddle in settling down is indicated in a purposely exaggerated way by the curved lines.
This steel septum was protected on either side by a thin wall of asphaltic concrete supported by rubble stone embankments, and owing to irregular settling of 'the embankments became greatly distorted, apparently, however, without causing leakage.
After this year the flow of immigrants steadily increased, about 1400 arriving in 1844, and 3000 in 1845.1 Signs of hostility to the Hudson's Bay Company now began to appear among the American population, and in 1845 the provisional government sought to extend its jurisdiction north of the Columbia river, where the Americans had hitherto refrained from settling.
The office of chancellor of the kingdom of Italy was at this period regarded as an appanage of the archbishopric of Cologne,and this was probably the reason why Anno had a considerable share in settling the papal dispute in 106 4.
The machine of government was beginning to work in a satis4actory fashion, and the realm was already settling down.
Gascony being, as usual, out of hand, he crossed to Bordeaux in 1286, and abode in Guienne for no less than three years, reducing the duchy to such order as it had never known before, settling all disputed border questions with the new king of France, Philip IV., founding many new towns, and issuing many useful statutes and ordinances.
The land seemed for a time to be settling down, and indeed the baronage were to such a large extent English in both blood and feeling, that there was no insuperable difficulty in conciliating them.
The presence of the British fleet, however, at the Dardanelles suggested to him the possibility of settling another long-standing controversy.
The next year he was at Frankfort settling the future condition of Germany, but was summoned to London in the midst of his work, and in 1818 had to attend the congress at Aix-la-Chapelle.
Settling at Greenwich he threw himself with ardour into the work of social reform, devoting himself especially to the cause of the children.
After his return to England in 1808, he still took an active part in matters connected with India, and by his book entitled Colonial Ecclesiastical Establishment (London, 1813), he assisted in settling the controversy of 1813, which ended in the establishment of the Indian episcopate.
He enjoyed the favour of Conrad's successor, Frederick I.; was probably instrumental in settling the dispute over the duchy of Bavaria in 1156; was present at the famous diet at Besancon in 1157, and, still retaining the dress of a Cistercian monk, died at Morimond on the 22nd of September 1158.
He was counsel for Mark Twain in settling the affairs of the publishing house of Chas.
Burnet now travelled in Italy, Germany and Switzerland, finally settling in Holland' l at the Hague, where he won from the princess of Orange a confidence which proved enduring.
The plan of settling Leix and Offaly by dividing the country between colonists and natives holding by English tenure failed, owing to the unconquerable love of the people for their own customs. But resistance gradually grew fainter, and we hear little of the O'Connors after this.
The emperor dismissed Persigny, and summoned moderate reformers such as Duruy and Behic. But he was still possessed with the idea of settling his throne on a firm basis, and uniting all France in some glorious enterprise which should appeal to all parties equally, and "group them under the mantle of imperial glory."
The upper basin of the Benue was also traversed by the French expeditions of Mizon (1892) and Maistre (1892-1893), the latter passing to the south of the Tuburi marsh without definitely settling the hydrographical question connected with it.
As the French refused to comply, Dinwiddie secured from the reluctant Virginia assembly a grant of £io,000 and in the spring of 1754 he sent Washington with an armed force toward the forks of the Ohio river "to prevent the intentions of the French in settling those lands."
The oil flowing from the presses is caught in reservoirs placed under the level of the floor, from which it is pumped into storage tanks for settling and clarifying.
If care be exercised in the process of rendering animal oils and fats or expressing oils in the cold, the products are, as a rule, sufficiently pure to be delivered to the consumer, after a preliminary settling has allowed any mucilaginous matter, such as animal or vegetable fibres or other impurities, and also traces of moisture, to separate out.
There he had scarcely a week's rest when the khedive summoned him to Cairo to assist in settling the financial affairs of Egypt.
Just at the same time the Cape ministry telegraphed to him to ask if he would go to the Cape to consult with the government as regards settling affairs in Basutoland.
Not long afterwards Lauzun, for another cause, was imprisoned in Pignerol, and it was years before Mademoiselle was able to buy his release from the king by settling no small portion of her estates on Louis's bastards.
Madness was settling into her at the scent and sight of his blood.
The immortals in the cell block threw out their best offers, and she couldn't help the sense of terror settling into her gut.
He auditioned several black actors and even musicians (including Billy Dee Williams) until finally settling on Glynn Turman.
The dust was finally settling, but already he could feel a small aftershock, taking place beneath his feet.
In fact it seems more akin to settling down with a good paperback.
The story begins with his settling happily into a lower berth couchette and falling asleep.
He actually could hear the creaks of the walls settling.
Facts, logic, and science should be the means of settling disagreements.
This is a card of settling down; it is very heavy, wholly lacking in imagination, yet somewhat dreamy.
But for karmic reasons, settling for strictly factual solutions should be seen as a last resort.
He left school at 15 and did a number of different jobs before settling on joining the fire brigade.
He is not marrying, not fitting in, not settling down, not sticking around to organize funerals.
The mobile greengrocer left a note blaming his death on us, his customers, for not settling our bills quickly enough.
He said monitors would be installed to keep a check on how the new chalk infill was settling in.
Planes brought others of the privileged, settling on the new airstrip, which was ablaze with landing and fairy lights.
Go, the national game of Japan The national game of Japan, Go is sometimes likened to two armies settling an unpopulated land.
Finally, don't think that English is settling down and becoming more orderly.
There must be no room for shallow religiosity, or settling for the mediocre.
The weather outlook for the next week is remaining more seasonal with temperatures settling around 8/9 degrees with no frosts forecast.
After settling, the heave value remained essentially static.
Until 1675 he experimented with different types of pottery before settling down to make stoneware tankards, bottles and other household items.
One of the first view from the hide was the arrival of two Common terns settling on the newly repaired tern raft.
The sun shone thinly through the window, settling on the wardrobe with its thin layer of dust over shiny polished wood veneer.
In 1655 he and Davenport drew up the code of laws, popularly known as the "Connecticut Blue Laws," which were published in London in 1656 under the title New Haven's Settling in New England and some Lawes for Government published for the Use of that Colony.
Milan was at first his headquarters for settling the affairs of northern Italy; next year (365) he was at Paris, and then at Reims, to direct the operations of his generals against the Alamanni.
As lieutenant of the Marches he was employed in settling disputes on the border, but used his power to instigate thieving and disorders, and is described by Cecil's correspondents as "as naughty a man as liveth and much given to the most detestable vices," "as false as a devil," "one that the godly of this whole nation hath a cause to curse for ever."
His pride and austerity made him unpopular at court and he left the country in 1642, settling at last in Padua, where he died in 1646, impoverished by the sequestrations of the parliament, whose forces had taken and retaken his castle of Arundel.
Contemporary with him was Neill Mor O'Neill (see below), lord of Clanaboy, from whose son Brian was descended the branch of the O'Neills who, settling in Portugal in the 18th century, became prominent among the Portuguese nobility, and who at the present day are the representatives in the male line of the ancient Irish kings of the house of O'Neill.
Lastly, the high contracting parties have agreed that in questions of a legal nature, and especially in interpretation or application of international conventions, arbitration is recognized as the most effective, and at the same time the most equitable, means of settling disputes which diplomacy has failed to adjust.
Before entering on this, however, he wisely took the preliminary step of settling the more important of the legal questions as to which the older jurists had been divided in opinion, and which had therefore remained sources of difficulty, a difficulty aggra 1 See, for an account of the instructions given to the commission, the constitution Haec quae, prefixed to the revised Codex in the Corpus juris civilis.
At least as early as the beginning of the rrth century, but probably long before that date, mercantile communities claimed the right, confirmed by the emperors, of settling mercantile disputes according to a law of their own, to the horror of certain conservative-minded clerics.& Furthermore, in the rapidly developing towns, opportunities for the exercise of self-administrative functions constantly increased.
At some works treating ores containing sulphides which do not yield their silver to quicksilver, concentration apparatus (see ORE-Dressing) is inserted between the stamps and the settling tanks to remove the sulphides, which are worked by themselves; at other works they are recovered from the sands after these have left the settlers.
Gradually the balloon grew bigger, which was proof that it was settling down upon the Land of the Mangaboos.
If not it is merely a question of settling where the preliminaries of the new Campo Formio are to be drawn up.
From all sides were heard the footsteps and talk of the infantry, who were walking, driving past, and settling down all around.
A tall, beautiful woman with a mass of plaited hair and much exposed plump white shoulders and neck, round which she wore a double string of large pearls, entered the adjoining box rustling her heavy silk dress and took a long time settling into her place.
Some of this dust was kneaded by the feet and wheels, while the rest rose and hung like a cloud over the troops, settling in eyes, ears, hair, and nostrils, and worst of all in the lungs of the men and beasts as they moved along that road.
When Rostov approached her she was standing settling up for the game.
The conversation flagged, and the soldiers began settling down to sleep.
One of the first view from the hide was the arrival of two Common Terns settling on the newly repaired tern raft.
Only a thousand years ago Greenland was a verdant pasture, grazed by the flocks of the settling Vikings.
Baby sleep patterns frequently change, and your baby will go through several different iterations before settling into a long term routine.
He may be settling into a more definite sleep pattern, and the times between feedings may be getting a little longer.
He should be settling into a more structured sleep pattern, and he'll probably be taking two or three naps during the day.
Shopping for Christmas baby gowns is as easy as opening up the browser on your computer and settling in for a shopping extravaganza.
A baby that is overly stimulated may have a difficult time settling down.
Knowing where to buy Christmas trees can help holiday revelers find the perfect tree for their seasonal celebrations instead of settling for any conifer they can find.
Those with an interest in electronics and video will clearly have an interest in knowing the difference between the two, whether it be for purchasing used discs or settling arguments with other armchair audio-visual enthusiasts.
She may pace and seem to have trouble settling down.
Debt settlement is a process of settling a debt with a creditor for less than owed, usually in one or a few payments.
Settling the debt can help you to get out of debt faster.
The last resort in settling accounts you are unable to pay is filing for bankruptcy.
If your account has already been charged off (meaning it went 6 months without being paid at all), settling your account can be a great money-saving option.
Settling your account requires you to know exactly what your account balance is and what you are willing to pay either in a lump sum or over a period of 3-4 months.
This may include paying back all that is owed rather than settling the debt for less.
Start with lenders you already have accounts with and find out what consolidation options they are willing to offer you, but also be sure to check with other credible lenders before settling on any one option.
This company provide services to people who have been able to come to an agreement about the terms of their divorce as well as those who need some assistance in settling their differences.
All they require is a quick scrub with soap and water to keep dirt and grime from settling in.
Check things like price, construction and style before settling on one for your home.Like anything you purchase online, remember that shipping costs will likely be added to the price.
There are so many different themes and techniques you can use when decorating a Christmas tree that the hard part will be actually settling on which ideas to use now and which ones to set aside for next year.
Do some comparison shopping before settling on one.
Try to really do your research and explore your options before settling on a color.
But if you are a little older and are thinking about settling down and wanting to start a family then maybe it's not for you.
It's important that you purchase the right foundation for your skin type to prevent settling and shine and to ensure a comfortable wear.
For most, reading words on a glowing computer screen will never replace settling down with a favorite book in bed or reading a paperback at the beach.
If you're having troubling settling on a class or provider, ask your colleagues for suggestions.
Use the time for anything that you want to do such as soaking in a bubble bath complete with relaxing aromatherapy candles burning nearby, playing outside with your dog or settling in your favorite easy chair with a good book.
If you don't mind settling, then this option could work for you.
While many of these scholarships might be awarded to underclassman that won't be attending anytime soon, the funds can really help when you're settling down to try and figure out college finances.
Since used dresses are cheaper, you can get exactly what you want without settling for a dress you don't love.
Be sure to review all of your package options before settling on a final choice.
Whether they book online or through a travel agent, it's important for them to check out multiple options before settling on their registry.
After all, chances are good that you're busy settling into a new home and adapting to married life.
In that case, setting a wedding date will be as simple as narrowing it down to a specific month and finally settling on a date.
Choosing a wedding date is not an easy decision and many factors must be taken into account before settling on a date.
It is a good idea to see the beach with your own eyes before settling on it as a location for your wedding, although this is not always possible if you will be traveling to your wedding venue.
Many American brides and grooms of German descent still follow old German wedding traditions that the Pennsylvania Dutch brought to the United States when settling in Pennsylvania, beginning in the late seventeenth century.
They also make settling down on the floor with the kids a more comfortable experience.
Her father was in the Air Force in her younger years, moving the family around from California, to Biloxi, Mississippi and Del Rio, Texas, before finally settling for good back in California.
They were briefly joined by a guitarist named Slade before settling on guitar player Roy Hay.
Born in Owensboro, Kentucky, on June 9, 1963, John Christopher Depp II and his family moved over twenty times before settling in Miramar, Florida when he was seven.
The family moved to Virginia and later to Denver, Colorado, eventually settling in New Canaan, Connecticut.
Maybe. With a baby on the way and a new home, there is no doubt that he is definitely settling down.
Recently, Lindsay seems to be settling down and has stayed out of the negative spotlight - we'll see how long that will last.
Holly Madison is having thoughts of settling down and having children and Kendra Wilkinson is planning a wedding.
He appears to be laughing all the way to the bank now, even after settling out of court with his old employer, CBS Radio.
The most frustrating parts of any vacation are the beginning and ending, when luggage is potentially lost and guests are settling in to new accommodations.
Row covers also prevent frost from settling on plants.
Since 1881, American gardeners have enjoyed the wintertime ritual of opening their mailbox, grabbing the Burpee flower catalog, and settling by the fire to peruse the gorgeous pictures and descriptions of plants for sale.
June-bearing produce the largest berries, but typically produce just one crop before settling in for the summer.
If you're nervous about settling on a method of learning the electric guitar, relax.
Over the next five years, the band would undergo many name changes before settling on Blue Oyster Cult in 1971.
When settling on the number of tiles you'll need, allow for as much as a 10% fudge factor.
Moving through a room of gold to one of olive green before settling on a dusky grape can set the mood and tone for your whole home.
Interview several contractors before settling on one and ask for references, photographs and anything else you need to feel comfortable.
Settling on a reasonably priced box at the local store may actually be more expensive than getting a deal on an artisan piece online or discovering a vintage Incolay jewelry box at the flea market.
Do some comparison shopping before settling on the item of your dreams.
Shop around for a while before settling on the one!
After settling back in Italy, he went on to establish an entire line of clothing and accessories including neckties that now is practically synonymous with high fashion and unimpeachable quality.
For that reason, it's important to shop around before settling on the one.
It pays to take some time to investigate the organic wine world and try a few different wineries and grapes before settling on your favorite.
The quality can be good or not so good, so you might want to try a couple of brands before settling on a favorite.
Each one is slightly different, so you may need to try a few varieties before settling on the option that works best for you and your baby.
Of course, whole food supplements vary widely by maker, so be sure to do your homework before settling on a brand.
Her family moved back to the States, settling in Houston, when she was high-school age and Emme went on to graduate from Syracuse University in 1985.
If possible, pay a visit to the store to try the garment on first; you may need to do a few "test tries" before settling on the perfect pair of trousers.
There are many stylish options available in today's vast plus size market, so try several styles before settling on one.
North Carolina is known for its picturesque views, and settling on just one can be difficult.
Getting ready to relocate to a new home and settling in can be overwhelming.
The games for each Game Boy system were top-notch, worthy of taking on long trips, the train ride to work, or settling in for a longer session.
Constant shifting and movement disturbs the natural settling process in the wine and may lead to oxidation.
Go to a bookstore or newsstand and buy one of each before settling on which to subscribe to.
While settling in for your calm, relaxing evening at the campsite, it's those little pieces of home that bring real comfort, such as RV rocking chairs.
There is no way to prevent a fetus from settling into the breech position at the end of pregnancy.
The child may test different ways to draw a self-portrait before settling on one for a period of time.
Typically this settling in period does not last too long.
You can find this guide, Guidelines to Settling an Estate on our resource page.
Are there services you offer that many people normally forget about when settling a loved one's estate?
Ohio's oldest vital records date to the early 19th century, but because of the rapid settling of the state and the ephemeral nature of these early documents, many of them have been lost.
Before settling on any one lender, it is very important to take the time to shop around.
Many times, creditors prefer settling old debts to writing them off.
Fans who believe Beyonce won't be settling down for awhile say she's got too much on her plate already.
Since there are several variations on the traditional denim jacket, it's wise to try on a few styles before settling on a favorite.
When not in use, wrap the ring carefully in tissue to protect delicate pieces and keep dust from settling in every crevice.
There were feasts and celebrations, but the difficult business of settling a colony was overwhelming and so it seems the elaborate masked balls, so popular in Europe, were temporarily abandoned.
Viewed by many as one last wild night before settling down to married life, it is a strictly ladies-only affair.
While speaking with you, his eyes will travel in a slow circle around your face before finally settling back to your eyes.
As long as you are willing to allow this man to tell you about his ex, to hold the possibility of having a wonderful relationship with you hostage, you are settling.
Instead, you're settling for the leftover attention he gives you after being with his girlfriend.
Are you settling for less than you're worth?
That will give the ring more meaning, plus it will be exactly what you and your bride want-no settling required.
The organization was founded by Dr. Daniel Bernard, a highly accredited Christian pastor who spent a lot of time doing missionary work in West Africa before settling in Tampa Bay to create the Somebody Cares foundation.
Many people who wear wide width shoes have become used to settling for any shoe that fits properly.
For the casual use, a lighter-weight flat rubber sole is ideal to keep the ice and snow from settling into the treads.
Americans began using the cowboy boot around the middle of the 1800s after the United States acquired Texas and other Mexican territories and more Americans began settling in the west.
Try on several pairs before settling on your purchase, so you can relax and enjoy the day in style and comfort.
Fan fiction writers will delve into the years between Lorelai leaving her parents' home in Hartford and settling in Stars Hollow.
In fact, Aquarians are renowned for their creativity, so rather than having a hard time coming up with an original tattoo design, the problem is more likely going to be settling on just one.
When picking a cool symbol for your tattoo, settling on a concept can be the hardest part of the design.
If you are after the "real thing" and find yourself settling for a replica watch, you may not be satisfied for long.
If you've never done yoga before, it may be an idea to take a few classes before settling into a routine home practice.
The whole family may be focused on the newly diagnosed child, especially as they figure out the best doctors, teachers and treatments before settling into a routine.
Even though you have to choose a name early during the business planning process, it's important to carefully consider your options before settling on the best choice.
It began in the 16th century and was brought to America in the 18th century by immigrants settling primarily in the Pennsylvania area.
It's important to consider all possible scenarios before settling on one conclusion.
However, it's not as easy as just settling on a set routine and adhering to the same workout every week -- you need to keep pushing the body out of its comfort zone in order to make progress.
Before settling on any one, you should learn as much as you can about California health insurance plans.
With so many available Texas medical insurance providers throughout the state, it is important to compare several providers before settling on one particular company.
Arbitrarily choose an attorney from a print ad, radio commercial, or television ad. Be sure to run the attorney's name through the BBB listing prior to settling on him or her.
Most renters are urged to do some comparison shopping before settling on one renter's insurance policy because the cost of the coverage can vary widely.
Before settling on an online custom corset designer, do a quick search to see if there are good designers in your area so that you can go in for fittings and discuss the shape and style.
Not everyone will appreciate a lingerie-themed celebration, and before settling on this theme it is wise to consider who will be attending.
Subsequent performances moved to the Cheetah for a short run, before settling into the Biltmore Theater - an on-Broadway venue - for a run of 1,873 shows.
Perry went on to work with Island/Def Jam Music Group and Columbia Records before finally settling with Capitol Records.
It can be fun for the boys to be active before settling down for the night.
A couple of the dates were doomed from the start, including one in which the woman talked incessantly about finding a husband and settling down.
She grew up in Memphis and tried several other career paths before settling on law enforcement.
She'd roamed the ground floor before adopting the library as her favorite room and settling in front of a deadened hearth with a stack of celebrity magazines.
Terrified Gabriel was coming to kill her, she sought a place to hide, finally settling on a small, dark space under a counter.
The sand transformed into a mist and swirled around him before settling into his skin.
Five cups of coffee later and a full Irish breakfast --without the blood pudding --settling in her stomach, she still couldn't shake the throb.
Though the controversy went on, its most important result had already been achieved in the silencing of Convocation, for that body, though it had just "seemed to be settling down to its proper work in dealing with the real exigencies of the church" when the Hoadly dispute arose, did not meet again for the despatch of business for nearly a century and a half.
The colonies were, however, to have other and bitter experiences of strikes before Labour recognized that of all means for settling industrial Australians in South America.
After the death of Ragnar LObrok's sons East Anglia was occupied by the Danish king Guthrum, who made a treaty with Alfred settling their respective boundaries, probably about 880.
In 1858 he pointed out the isomorphism of the fluostannates and the fluosilicates, thus settling the then vexed question of the composition of silicic acid; and subsequently he studied the fluosalts of zirconium, boron, tungsten, &c., and prepared silicotungstic acid, one of the first examples of the complex inorganic acids.
This provides for taking water from the Ohio river at a point on the Kentucky side opposite the village of California, Ohio, and several miles above the discharge of the city sewers; for the carrying of the water by a gravity tunnel under the river to the Ohio side, the water being thence elevated by four great pumping engines, each having a daily capacity of 30,000,000 gallons, to settling basins, being then passed through filters of the American or mechanical type, and flowing thence by a gravity tunnel more than 4 m.
In 1893 Sir Henry Durand was deputed to Kabul by the government of India for the purpose of settling an exchange of territory required by the demarcation of the boundary between north-eastern Afghanistan and the Russian possessions, and in order to discuss with the amir other pending questions.
During the Conclave of 1878 he succeeded, by negotiations with Cardinal Pecci (afterwards Leo XIII.), in inducing the Sacred College to remain in Rome, and, after the election of the new pope, arranged for his temporary absence from the Vatican for the purpose of settling private business.
But though he encouraged education, promoted railway and other enterprises, and succeeded in settling difficulties as to the Mexican boundary, the general result of his policy was baneful.
As these lakes are great reservoirs and settling basins, the rivers which empty them are unusually steady in level and contain beautifully clear water.
In 1869 the government of Canada sent a deputation to England to press upon the imperial government the necessity of asserting Canada's position in regard to the fisheries, and the desirability of settling other questions in dispute with the republic. The outcome of this application was the appointment of a commission to consider and if possible settle outstanding differences between the three countries.
As the result of communications during 1897 between Sir Wilfrid Laurier and Secretary Sherman, the governments of Great Britain and the United States agreed to the appointment of a joint high commission, with a view of settling all outstanding differences between the United States and Canada.
The embryo of the taenia echinococcus finds its way from the stomach or intestine into a vein passing to the liver, and, settling itself in the liver, causes so much disturbance there that a capsule of inflammatory material forms around it.
But he refused to advance farther and to put himself resolutely at the head of his party, although warmly acclaimed by it, and courage failing him, he returned to England, settling first in London, then in Holyrood Palace at Edinburgh and afterwards at Hartwell.
The rise of arbitration as a method of settling international difficulties has carried it a step further, and now the Hague Peace Conventions have given pacific methods a standing apart from war, and the preservation of peace has become an object of direct political effort.
Edward VI., settling both manors upon the princess Elizabeth, rebuilt Enfield Palace for her.
It is then run into settling tanks, from which it next passes into the evaporating pans, which are shallow leadlined pans heated by the gases of the soffioni.
Little more is known of his life than that he resided successively in Vienna, Salzburg, Frankfurt and Cologne before settling in Holland, where he made his living chiefly by the sale of secret chemical and medicinal preparations.
As a statesman, he certainly committed grave faults - through excess of diplomatic subtlety, lack of forethought, and sometimes even through ingenuousness; but it must with justice be admitted that, in spite of his reputation for pugnacity and obstinacy, he never failed, either by temperament or on principle, to exhaust every peaceful expedient in settling questions.
Dusty looked around them, gaze settling on the only car on the streets that didn't belong to him and wasn't on blocks.
He touched her, his hand settling on her arm.
They passed over the pond toward Fair Haven, seemingly deterred from settling by my light, their commodore honking all the while with a regular beat.
Before Dean finished hanging up his coat, pouring a cup of over-brewed coffee and settling in his chair, Rita Angeltoni dropped a pile of telephone messages on his desk.
Darian dismounted and lifted Claire off the horse, settling her gently beneath a tree.
His sober regard moved over her face, settling on her lips.