Set to Sentence Examples
She hadn't been able to shake the cold she felt and was dressed in layers despite the thermostat being set to eighty.
Brady pulled her into his lap and set to work on cleaning her up and repairing her wrist.
These are firmly set to within 3 to 6 in.
He was always at his best when his imagination was set to work upon a solid framework of fact.
We were set to run renewed sessions on Saturday but on Thursday Martha telephoned in tears.
After the birth we were set to take yet another day off as both Quinn and Martha were unavailable.
The Fred O'Connor charm extended beyond the blue haired set to children as well.
Anyway, she was all set to have an abortion but he found out what she was going to do.
I was all set to have a few more at the motel and a big dinner but he begged off—just dropped me at my place.
But there is a limit to love-making, and George Sand, always practical, set to work to provide the means of living.
AdvertisementAfter an interval the polarization begins to be incomplete in the perpendicular direction, the light which reaches the eye when the nicol is set to minimum transmission being of a beautiful blue, much richer than anything that can be seen in the earlier stages.
In the case of the original Repsold plan without clockwork the description is not quite exact, because both the process of following the object and correcting the aim are simultaneously performed; whilst, if the clockwork runs uniformly and the friction-disk is set to the proper distance from the apex of the cone, the star will appear almost perfectly at rest, and the observer has only to apply delicate corrections by differential gear - a condition which is exactly analogous to that of training a modern gun-sight upon a fixed object.
He went to Sydney, where he set to work in the law courts.
Farnese at once set to work with subtle skill to win over to the royalist cause the Catholic nobles of the south.
For working " double current," two sets of accumulators are provided, one set to send the positive and the other set the negative currents; that is to say, when, for example, a double current Morse key is pressed down it sends, say, a positive current from one set, but when it is allowed to rise to its normal position then a negative current is transmitted from the second set of accumulators.
AdvertisementIf by any chance wrong signals are printed or the instruments get out of phase, the sender is stopped by the receiver sending a few signals, after which both type-wheels are again set to zero and correspondence continued.
Even before Magna Carta was signed he had set to work to destroy it, and he now turned to this task with renewed vigour.
Here were many grievances, and the barons set to work to redress them.
With his usual energy he set to work at once to reorganize the whole management.
Unlike his predecessors, Peter was in a hurry to realize his plans, and he set to work at once.
AdvertisementJudas avenged them by burning the harbour and the shipping, and set to work to bring into Judaea all such communities of Jews who had kept themselves separate from their heathen neighbours.
Turgot at once set to work to establish free trade in corn, but his edict, which was signed on the 13th of September 1774, met with strong opposition even in the conseil du roi.
He found himself looked upon with curiosity as a precocious phenomenon, a "made man," an intellectual machine set to grind certain tunes.
The year 1810 saw the crown set to that edifice by the annexations of Holland and of the north-west coast of Germany.
Rouget de Lisle wrote a few other songs of the same kind, and in 1825 he published Chants frangais, in which he set to music fifty songs by various authors.
AdvertisementIn Southern Nigeria the association has met with only slight success; in Northern Nigeria, a working arrangement was entered into with the Niger Company, and a small ginning establishment was set to work in February 1906.
With the support of Carloman and Pippin, who had just succeeded Charles Martel as mayors of the palace, Boniface set to work.
When very young he showed his interest in the past history of his native land, and in 1617, at the age of twenty-three, he had set to work looking through archives, copying charters, and corresponding with the principal men of learning of his time, the brothers Dupuy, Andre Duchesne and Jean Besly, whom he visited in Poitou.
Up to this time the rule of the Bhonsla rajas, rough warriors of peasant extraction, had been on the whole beneficent; but, soured by his defeat, Raghoji now set to work to recover some of his losses by a ruthless exploitation of the peasantry, and until the effective intervention of the British in 1818 the country was subjected to every kind of oppression.
On the 2nd of February 1843 Wagner was formally installed as Hofkapellmeister at the Dresden theatre, and he soon set to work on a new opera.
Wagner's choice of subjects had from the outset shown an imagination far above that of any earlier librettist; yet he had begun with stories which could attract ordinary minds, as he dismally realized when the libretto of Der fliegende Hollander so pleased the Parisian wire-pullers that it was promptly set to music by one of their friends.
Be this as it may, we may confidently date the purification of Wagner's music at the moment when he set to work on a story which carried him finally away from that world of stereotyped operatic passions into which he had already breathed so much disturbing life.
Can you set to your seal that they are true by the work of the same spirit in you that gave them forth in the holy ancients ?
She was again at Coppet in the summer of 1808 (in which year Constant broke with her, subsequently marrying a German lady) and set to work at her book, De l'Allemagne.
The police set to work to find all her accomplices, and arrested the girl Oliva and a certain Reteaux de Villette, a friend of the countess, who confessed that he had written the letters given to Rohan in the queen's name, and had imitated her signature on the conditions of the bargain.
Henceforth the various corps lost more and more their territorial character, one nationality was set to watch and control the other, and espionage and delation prevailed.
Cecilia, whose musical fame rests on a passing notice in her legend that she praised God by instrumental as well as vocal music, has inspired many a masterpiece in art, including the Raphael at Bologna, the Rubens in Berlin, the Domenichino in Paris, and in literature, where she is commemorated especially by Chaucer's "Seconde Nonnes Tale," and by Dryden's famous ode, set to music by Handel in 1736, and later by Sir Hubert Parry (1889).
Unfortunately the exact nature of these men's performances is not quite clear, for it is said to have been connected with " harps set to the sheminith," or according to another interpretation, with " harps over the tenors."
He now set to work to repair his fortune by unremitting literary labour.
Moreover, the bishop at once set to work to build a cathedral.
The Danes at once set to work to dig a great ditch by Southwark, and then dragged their ships through to the west side of the bridge.
The company set to work with energy and the result was seen in largely increased exports.
The abuses and corruptions which had overgrown the practice of orthodox Islam had deeply impressed him, and he set to work to combat them, and to inculcate on all good Moslems a return to the pure simplicity of their original faith.
In June the Confederates set to work to raise one of these abandoned vessels, the frigate "Merrimac" of 3500 tons and 40 guns, and to rebuild it as an iron-clad.
It was nevertheless proscribed in the next year at the instance of the Montagnard deputy Albitte, for an anti-anarchical hemistich (Des lois et non du sang!); Fenelon (1793) was suspended after a few representations; and in 1794 his Timoleon, set to Etienne Mehul's music, was also proscribed.
Moseley, shortly after the discovery of the diffraction of X-rays by crystals, set to work to examine the X-ray spectrum of a number of elements each of which he made in turn the target of an X-ray tube.
Danger stimulated the English government to active exertions, and by the 21st of July Monk and Rupert were enabled by a happy combination of wind and tide to set to sea through the passage called the Swin.
For this purpose the position angle of the eye-piece micrometer is set to that of the head, and the eye-piece is displaced from the axis of the tube (in the direction of the movable segment) by an amount equal to half the angle under measurement.
When the scales and position-circle of the heliometer have been set to these readings, the comet and the selected comparison-star appear together in the field of view.
A humble, patient Bohemian priest, Hasak, set to work toward half a century ago to bring together the devotional works published during the seventy years immediately succeeding the invention of printing.
The machine can be set to deliver a certain number of coins, after which the counting wheel stops automatically.
At last, indeed, he came to the conclusion that to do so was impossible, and in that conviction set to work to find a rigorous proof of the impossibility.
Olympia was chosen as the temporary seat of government, and Governor Stevens at once set to work to extinguish the Indian titles to land and to survey a route for a railway, which was later to become the Northern Pacific. The Indians, alarmed by the rapid growth of the white population, attempted to destroy the scattered settlements and the wandering prospectors for gold, which had been discovered in eastern Washington in 1855.
Others, including Brissot, Louvet, Buzot, Lasource, Grangeneuve, Lariviere and Bergoing, escaped from Paris and, joined later by Guadet, Petion and Birotteau, set to work to organize a movement of the provinces against the capital.
In so doing they set to work at the same time to complete the development of ecclesiastical dogma; the formulation of the Catholic doctrine of the Sacraments was the work of scholasticism.
The French government at once set to work to enter into similar arrangements with other countries, and treaties were successively concluded in 1860-66 with Belgium, with the Zollverein (Germany), Italy, Switzerland, Sweden and Norway, Holland, Spain, Austria.
Abandoning therefore all a priori theoretical assumption, Bashforth set to work to measure experimentally the velocity of shot and the resistance of the air by means of equidistant electric screens furnished with vertical threads or wire, and by a chronograph which measured the instants of time at which the screens were cut by a shot flying nearly horizontally.
But Thomas, his successor, was one of the greatest soldiers of the war, and Grant's three generals, all men of great ability, set to work promptly.
He declared that twenty new churches, with parishes, should be erected in Glasgow, and he set to work to revivify, remodel and extend the old parochial economy of Scotland.
Having recovered his health and spirits by care and foreign travel, and having taken his degree and left Oxford, Ruskin set to work steadily at Herne Hill on the more elaborate defence of Turner, which was to become his first work.
Mahadji, aided by the British policy of neutrality, now set to work to establish his supremacy over Hindustan proper.
It is set to span the furnace, additional exposure to heat being secured in a variety of ways by flues.
The limits set to the furnace builder's natural desire to make his furnace as large as possible, and its present shape (an obtuse inverted cone set below an acute upright one, both of them truncated), have been reached in part empirically, and in part by reasoning which is open to question, as indeed are the reasons which will now be offered reservedly for both size and shape.
Carnot set to work to organize the primary school systems, proposing a law for obligatory and free primary instruction, and another for the secondary education of girls_ But he declared himself against purely secular schools, holding that "the minister and the schoolmaster are the two columns on which rests the edifice of the republic."
This song, set to music by Auber, was on the lips of every Frenchman, and rivalled in popularity the Marseillaise.
On the 6th of December Clement escaped, before the day fixed for his liberation, to Orvieto, and at once set to work to establish peace.
The method of Forbes (in which the conductivity is deduced from the steady distribution of temperature on the assumption that the rate of loss of heat at each point of the bar is the same as that observed in an auxiliary experiment in which a short bar of the same kind is set to cool under conditions which are supposed to be identical) is well known, but a consideration of its weak points is very instructive, and the results have been most remarkably misunderstood and misquoted.
After the overthrow of Louis Philippe in February 1848, Pasquier retired from active life and set to work to compile the notes and reminiscences of his long and active career.
In any case, it was upon this section, before the others, that he set to work in Paris; and before the end of 1641 the book, as we know from the date of the dedication (November 1), was finished.
Wallis was to confine himself to the mathematical chapters, and set to work at once with characteristic energy.
The duke set to work to put his house in order, and inaugurated a series of useful reforms, ably assisted by his minister, Niccolo Balbo.
He accepted the offer and set to work to prepare his English MS. for the translators, Richard Peers and Richard Reeve, both appointed by Dr Fell, dean of Christ Church, who undertook the expense of printing.
Two stately convents of the 14th century stand at the ends of the city; for the Franciscans were set to guard the western gate, or Porta Pile, against the hostile Sla y s, while the Dominicans kept the eastern gate, or Porta Ploce.
Simcoe set to work with great energy to develop the province, but he quarrelled with the governor-general over his pet scheme of founding military colonies of retired soldiers in different parts of the province, and retired in 17 9 6.
In this spirit he at once set to work to reconstruct the state, on lines that strangely anticipated the principles of the Constituent Assembly of 1789.
Katsena and Gando followed the example set to them by Kano and Sokoto.
To obviate this catastrophe the British reformers set to work most energetically.
Sixtus next set to work to repair the finances.
He set to work at once and finished the first volume in five months.
In 1542 James madly sent a Scottish army to ruin at Solway Moss; his death a few weeks later left the Scottish throne to his infant daughter Mary Stuart, and Henry set to work to secure her hand for his son Edward and the recognition of his own suzerainty.
Soon after the death of his father in 1739, Josiah, then scarcely ten years of age, was taken away from school and set to learn the art of " throwing " clay, i.e.
Some of the popular songs set to music by him became known as Giustiniani.
The text of the Dies Irae so imperatively demands either a very dramatic elaboration or none at all, that even in the 16th century it could not possibly be set to continuous music on the lines of the Gloria and Credo.
Here it is further boiled down until the greater part or nearly all of the water has been removed, and until the salts on cooling would set to a solid mass.
After this failure Louis set to work to repair his mistakes.
Assuming, for example, that the northern star has the smaller right ascension, the instrument is first, with the aid of the stop, placed in the meridian towards the north; the verniers of the graduated circle g are set to read to the reading 40-2(Sn+Ss) where 0 is the approximate latitude of the place and Sn, Ss the declinations of the northern and southern star respectively; then the level frame h is turned till the levels k and I are in the middle of their run, and there clamped by the screw m, aided in the final adjustment by the adjoining slow motion screw shown in the figure.
He set to work to restore some of these ruins, to reconstitute and pacify the Papal State, to put an end to the Schism, which showed signs of continuing in Aragon and certain parts of southern France; to enter into negotiations, unfortunately unfruitful, with the Greek Church also with a view to a return to unity, to organize the struggle against heresy in Bohemia; to interpose his pacific mediation between France and England, as well as between the parties which were rending France; and, finally, to welcome and act as patron to saintly reformers like Bernardino of Siena and Francesca Romana, foundress of the nursing sisterhood of the Oblate di Tor de' Specchi (1425).
This move marked a turning-point in his life, for he was now able to set to work upon those investigations on which his reputation rests.
Permits for hydraulic mining are granted by the commission only when all gravel is satisfactorily impounded and no harm is done to the streams; and the improvement of these, which was impossible so long as limits were not set to hydraulic mining, can now be effectively advanced.
The other statements repeat these words with various minor additions, chiefly intended to explain how the poems had been reduced to this fragmentary condition, and how Peisistratus set to work to restore them.
It had undoubtedly done much to awaken interest in social problems, and to call forth philanthropic zeal; but the movement soon travelled far beyond the limits that Leo would have set to it.
This done, the home government set to work to organize the royal domain which should be known as New England, or the Dominion of New England, and its plan for this provided for the annulment of the charters of Rhode Island and Connecticut, and the inclusion in the Dominion of these colonies, and New Hampshire, Maine, New York and the Jerseys, thereby restoring to New England all the territory, with the exception of Pennsylvania, that was included in the grant to the New England Council in 1620.
In March 1622 he presented to Prince Charles his History of Henry VII.; and immediately, with unwearied industry, set to work to complete some portions of his great work.
The partial conquest by Ostorius was completed under Julius Frontinus by the year 78, after which the Romans set to work in order to pacify and develop their newly annexed territory.
These strophic poems were set to music, and sung by alternating choirs of girls.
According to Ephraim's biographer, his main motive for providing these hymns set to music was his desire to counteract the baneful effects produced by the heretical hymns of Bardaisan and his son Harmonius, which had enjoyed popularity and been sung among the Edessenes for a century and a half.
But it was soon perceived that the new plan was unsatisfactory and required recasting, upon which the minister of war, Baron Rappe, resigned, and was succeeded by Colonel von Crustebjorn, who immediately set to work to prepare a complete reorganization of the army, with an increase of the time of active service on the lines of general compulsory service.
At the same time he set to work to acquire the principal European languages, especially French, of which he became a master.
He then set to work to buy endowments for Winchester and New Colleges.
After the opening of the circular railway in 1871, private enterprise set to work to develop these districts, and a " villa colony " was built at the edge of the Grunewald between the station West-end and the Spandauer Bock.
Deposed in 1805, he escaped to St Petersburg, and in 1806, at the head of some 20,000 Russians, returned to Bucharest, where he set to work on a fresh attempt to liberate Greece.
Relieved of the danger of invasion by a Latin force which had defeated him in 1204 but was recalled to Europe by a Bulgarian invasion, he set to work to form a new Byzantine state in Asia Minor, and in 1206 assumed the title of emperor.
After serving as priest in several Bavarian towns, he made his way in 1799 to Linz in Austria, where he was welcomed by Bishop Gall, and set to work first at Leonding and then at Waldneukirchen, becoming in 1806 pastor at Gallneukirchen.
In 1672 Aungier transferred his headquarters to Bombay, and after frightening off an imposing Dutch fleet, which in 1670 attempted to surprise the island, set to work to organize the settlement anew.
He also published a collection of Christmas carols, set to music by himself; these are still sung by boys on Christmas night.
A drama in verse by Jules Barbier was set to music by C. Gounod (1873).
Corneille accordingly, as he tells us, set to work to cure these faults, and produced a truly wonderful work, Clitandre.
The compressors being set to work, the air is caused to issue from the lower end of the pipe and to mix in fine bubbles with the rising column of water, sometimes several hundred feet in height.
Then Henry set to work to pacify and restore prosperity to his kingdom.
After the latter had left Cambridge, Newton set to work to reproduce the calculation.
Shortly afterwards new impositions were set to the amount of 70,000 a year.
The unfinished poems, Dieu and La Fin de Satan, are full to overflowing of such magnificent work, such wise simplicity of noble thought, such heroic and pathetic imagination, such reverent and daring faith, as no other poet has ever cast into deathless words and set to deathless music. Les Jumeaux, an unfinished tragedy, would possibly have been the very greatest of his works if it had been completed on the same scale and on the same lines as it was begun and carried forward to the point at which it was cut short for ever.
He withdrew the annual allowance, and Burke set to work to win for himself by indefatigable industry and capability in the public interest that position of power or pre-eminence which his detractors acquired either by accident of birth and connexions or else by the.
In the West, " enthusiasm," in the transformation under which it survives, is not merely bridled but harnessed and set to work.
The Irish Church abolished, he set to work with passionate good intention on the Irish land laws.
As to extent, it may be said, in a general way, that while no definite limits can be set to the possible extent of the universe, or the distance of its farthest bodies, it seems probable, for reasons which will be given under Star, that the system to which the stars that we see belong, is of finite extent.
A young fellow-exile and friend, Paolo Pallia, having many doubts and misgivings as to the reality of revelation and a future life, Gioberti at once set to work with La Teorica del sovrannaturale, which was his first publication (1838).
On the other hand, don, the privileged, classes, and notably the clergy, who saw the whole traditional structure of their power threatened, now rallied to him, and when after the 28th of August the Assembly set to work on the new constitution, they combined in the effort to recover some of tire position they had lost.
The value of the idea at once struck him; he set to work on utilizing the principle involved, and ere long had constructed a machine admirably adapted to serve its purpose.
The Board of Trade was set to work to produce fiscal Blue-books, and hum-drum politicians who had never shown any genius for figures suddenly blossomed out into arithmeticians of the deepest dye.
The name of "Tariff Commission," given to this voluntary and unofficial body, was a good deal criticized, but though flouted by the political free-traders it set to work in earnest, and accumulated a mass of evidence as to the real facts of trade, which promised to be invaluable to economic inquirers.
He returned to Naples early in 1821 with 50,000 Austrians, defeated the constitutionalists under Pepe, dismissed parliament, and set to work to persecute all who had been in any way connected with the movement.
Necker put a stop to the rebellion in Dauphine by legalizing its assembly, and then set to work to arrange for the summons of the states general.
The election was confirmed by the pope in 1257 and Hugh set to work to repair the harm done to the diocese by the intruder.
Thomson, on the other hand, set to work to overcome the difficulty by improvement in the manufacture of cables, and first of all in the production of copper of high conductivity and the construction of apparatus which would readily respond to the slightest variation of the current in the cable.
He early ran away from home to avoid being set to his father's trade, and at Heidelberg was lucky enough to find a generous patron in Johann von Dalberg and a teacher in Agricola.
He set to work to realize this project, and produced the Apostles in 1866, a.nd St Paul in 1869, after having visited Asia Minor with his wife, where he studied the scenes of the labours of St Paul as minutely as in 1861 he had observed the material surroundings of the life of Jesus.
Having returned to Brandenburg in 1643, Frederick William remained neutral during the concluding years of the Thirty Years' War, and set to work to organize an army and to effect financial reforms. About the same time diplomatic methods freed Cleves, Mark and Ravensberg from foreign troops, but the estates of these lands gained a temporary victory when the elector attacked their privileges.
If he were to be here, the chain of events set to occur would change, and not for the better, the Watcher interjected.
She felt him appear, as though the AC was suddenly set to high.
I was all set to have a few more at the motel and a big dinner but he begged off—just dropped me at my place.
It is set to run continuously whilst the heating element switches on & off, or turns on & off with the heat.
The French academicians set to work, and calculated that, from the resistance of the air, it was impossible.
This is set to get its first public airing in the border town of Melrose in an art cinema called The Wynd.
The HF lift controls in the equalizing amplifier should then be able to be set to a lower level.
A montage of mildly amusing clips set to ' All the wild things ' music.
If its set to 80 and you have apache (or whatever) already running, then it wont work.
For a circular aperture this should be set to 0.0.
The output bad-pixel flag is set to indicate no bad values in the data and variance arrays.
It includes artistes of international standing and those set to hit the headlines in the months ahead.
When the picture aspect ratio is is set to " Auto ", it switches image size and shape all the time.
The emergent technology of e-VLBI is set to revolutionize radio astronomy.
If this is set to On, then PHP will add the backslash to all single and double quotes.
The evidence suggests that the EU is set to become an economic backwater.
If the input baud rate is set to zero, the input baud rate is specified by the value of the output baud rate.
Young star Alex Pettyfer is set to take the box office by storm.
Cyclists now look set to have their right to claim restricted byways guaranteed in law.
Blitz Communications Solutions is set to launch its web callback service.
Spinning kicks, one handed cartwheels and back-flips are set to songs and music, much of which is nearly 500 years old.
This was for six women and two men, set to bach cello suites, played onstage by Ben Chappell.
If input parameter centroid is set to ` yes ', then X and Y are centroids of photon distributions in the detect cell.
Signals set to be ignored by the calling process will be set to be ignored by the new pro- cess will be set to be ignored by the new pro- cess.
The newly arrived osprey chicks are set to spread their wings over Rutland next week.
The grid squares will be set to the foreground color.
Embrace are set to celebrate their remarkable comeback with a major outdoor gig right in the heart of Leeds.
Thousands of lecturers set to strike Czech government bans communists Cripes!
Birmingham central library is set to move from its inverted cone, for pastures new.
With the router properly configured, you have to make sure that both computers are set to Obtain an IP address automatically.
Fed funds set to top at 5% - April bfinance rates and FX consensus It was widely expected, and it finally happened.
Derbyshire constabulary was set to be merged with four other constabularies under Government plans to create a single East Midlands force.
Police are set to launch a major crackdown on speeding pedal cyclists.
The separation distances for the FSEs have been set to ensure that cross-pollination is a maximum of 1% .
John Gregory is set to be investigated over his transfer dealings whilst manager of Aston Villa.
If debuglevel is set to the letter ' A ', then all debug messages will be printed.
Remove a couple of heaped dessertspoons of this crumble mix and set to one side.
On January 8th, the government is set to throw thousands of asylum seekers into complete destitution.
A curfew is set to ensure that any such deviants will be put away for such an anti-social act.
Set in the center are rows of sparkling, brilliant cut diamonds which are channel set to complete the smooth, clean lines.
The window member is set to the window that is most useful to toolkit dispatchers.
The Assisted dying for the Terminally Ill Bill is set to receive its second reading in the House of Lords in May.
Their daughter has married and their grandchild looks set to help create a regular farming dynasty!
Will visit half hundreds of nr sun royal Caribbean enchantment of the sea set to know what my.
He has already produced prototypes of a device - currently undergoing field trials in Germany - that looks set to provide a solution.
Coca Cola is set to add fizz to a major sporting event this summer.
Where mailboxes have forwarders set to other mailboxes where mail cannot be delivered.
Now he's set to become a Hollywood tough guy.
Baby farmer Amelia Dyer is set to face the hangman 's noose for the murder of a baby.
Hessian element for the variable specified is set to this number.
Building of social housing is set to increase by 50% over the next three years to 2008.
A still gallery is included, which features around seven minutes of production stills set to a fairly inoffensive musical number.
Make sure that the printer's paper adjust lever is set to 0 for regular paper and + for envelopes or thicker media.
Make sure cigarette lighters are set to ' low ' or the flame can catch clothes or hair or burn you.
Like greased lightning, Guy set to work, and within hours the navigation bar sported a link reading Chris is Great.
Luxurious pink leather luggage and cashmere wraps take you straight to Marrakech and are set to become this summer's travel essentials.
It was originally set to Charles Wesley's hymn Thou God of glorious majesty.
Now supporting Primal Scream, and set to be absolutely massive.
The able poor were to be set to work doing fairly menial duties such as hemp picking or could be hired out.
Crewe's left-sided midfielder David Vaughan looks set to miss the vital six-pointer against Brighton & Hove Albion this coming Saturday.
It's as if every subsequent album is made with the same mold - yet set to different themes.
I wouldn't expect much from a monochrome monitor set to show 256 (or even 127) shades of gray.
When you select print, the default printer is set to " A4 mono in this room " .
The current new wave of Fixed-Mobile Convergence is set to change this perception radically.
Not all scenarios have park hours set to include nighttime.
Snares - wire nooses set to catch wild animals - have been in use for a great many years.
Baby farmer Amelia Dyer is set to face the hangman's noose for the murder of a baby.
A traditional continental market is set to tempt food lovers with everything from mouth watering Dutch waffles to indulgent Italian nougat.
He finished his set to a well-deserved standing ovation.
Trade unionists were set to lobby parliament on Wednesday of this week against the government's plans.
But tell me how I should set to work to ask the pastor to dinner.
Is the Internet itself set to become the plaything of hidden agencies?
What should my spark plug gap be set to?
Unable to wait politely in silence any longer, one section of the British populace is set to take matters into its own hands.
Scotland Under-21s are set to play the UEFA Under-21 Championship qualifier against France in Aberdeen.
Note that the cell size of the resulting raster will be set to the maximum cell size of the source rasters.
In breaking in new recruits they should be set to imitate expert workmen in all the details possible.
And despite warnings from US president Clinton to stop the war and negotiate with the breakaway republic the war looks set to intensify.
The result was an extremely resilient mower that could be set to exact tolerances to give a very close finish on lawns.
You can even register to be E-mailed whenever the dates of auditions are set to save having to continually revisit for an update.
She plays a rookie British teacher in Fillmore High, which is set to air at 9pm n Tuesdays this autumn.
Make sure your keyboard's sequencer is set to transmit MIDI sync, then begin playing the external sequencer.
But before we could get to the unveiling of the drawings, Shirley and I had a little set-to.
Apparently, China is set to become ' the biggest showpiece for modernity in the world ' .
Cumbria's soaring skylines, panoramic fell tops and tranquil lakes look set to become future stars of the silver screen.
In the words of the great Jim Bowen, this brand new series is set to be " super smashing great " !
A Behind-The-Scenes featurette offers some interesting on-set footage, set to a loop of the film's haunting soundtrack.
Currently promoting their latest album ' Supernature ', Goldfrapp are set to bring a sprinkling of glamor to the Isle Of Wight Festival.
The bunny's incredible stamina is set to earn him a place in the Guinness Book of World Records.
The 24-hour stoppage in July is set to be followed by another on November 9th.
Planning subcommittee is now set to take a final decision on June 8.
Leave the signal subspace set to 6. Click OK to close the singular values dialog.
Then, after a few swigs of diet coke, I set to work.
The band, fresh from supporting The Research on a nationwide tour, are set to record their debut album this summer.
Brixtonâs performance track record and competitive advantage is set to continue.
Exact Word Match Only The default search is set to automatically truncate search words.
Specifically, it named the powerful typhoons that in 1274 and 1281 destroyed the Mongol fleets that were set to invade Japan.
Since Windows is a graphic environment, the drivers are set to print unidirectional for better print quality.
It may be set to any integer value greater than or equal to zero.
Home Page News French electric vehicles set to VA va vroom round Preston?
The huge windfall is set to commence late this year with a one-off dividend worth a huge $ 32 billion being scheduled for December.
Each of the three chefs has two woks sitting on burners that look set to propel a minor version of Apollo XV into space.
Train with ' Drops Of Jupiter ' looks set to be this years yo yo record as it climbs to number eighteen.
In July in a sonorous decree he proclaimed the sovereignty of the Roman people over the empire, but before this he had set to work upon his task of restoring the authority of Rome over the cities and provinces of Italy, of making the city again caput mundi.
The report of the committee on faith and modern thought is "a faithful attempt to show how the claim of our Lord Jesus Christ, which the Church is set to present to each generation, may, under the characteristic conditions of our time, best command allegiance."
He hastened to employ Germans for the reorganization of his finances and his army, and set to work in the determination to maintain his empire in spite of the difficulties surrounding him, to resist the encroachments of foreigners, and to take gradually the reins of absolute power into his own hands, being animated by a profound distrust, not unmerited, of his ministers.
Both type-wheels are then set to zero by the lever provided for that purpose, and released by the current from the letter-blank key; then all subsequent signals will be recorded similarly at the sending and receiving ends..
He was already deeply imbued with the theories of Quesnay and Gournay (see Physiocratic School), and set to work to apply them as far as possible in his province.
Babeuf's song Mourant de faim, mourant de froid (Dying of hunger, dying of cold), set to a popular air, began to be sung in the cafes, with immense applause; and reports were current that the disaffected troops in the camp of Grenelle were ready to join an emeute against the government.
With this process, which in all its essential features was completed in the 11th century, doctrinal developments had little or nothing to do, though from the 9th century onwards liturgiologists were busy expounding the mystic symbolism of garments which, until their imagination set to work, had for the most part no symbolism whatever (see below).
At the Disruption of 1843 Duff sided with the Free Church, gave up the college buildings, with all their effects, and with unabated courage set to work to provide a new institution.
The seas surrounding the Japanese islands may be called a resort of fishes, for, in addition to numerous species which abide there permanently, there are migatory kinds, coming and going with the monsoons and with the great ocean streams that set to and from the shores.
While these negotiations were going on, various German companies had set to work to exploit the country, and on the 16th of August 1888 the German East African Company, the lessee of the Zanzibar mainland strip, took over the administration from the Arabs.
At last, when under the leadership of the elder Pitt (see Chatham, Earl Of) England set to work resolutely to force a final settlement, the end came.
Thus, if the time of flight of a shell is 5 sec., the height of the vertex of the trajectory is about loo ft.; and if the fuse is set to burst the shell one-tenth of a second short of its impact at B, the height of the burst is 7.84, say 8 ft.
No comfort that wealth could purchase, no contrivance that womanly ingenuity, set to work by womanly compassion, could devise, was wanting to his sick room.
On assuming the government of Styria he set to work to extirpate Protestantism, which had made considerable progress in the Austrian arch-duchies.
Bacon saw that his method was impracticable (though he seems to have thought the difficulties not insuperable), and therefore set to work to devise new helps, adminicula.
But when in 1794 his father, Robert Davy, died, leaving a widow and five children in embarrassed circumstances, he awoke to his responsibilities as the eldest son, and becoming apprentice to a surgeonapothecary at Penzance set to work on a systematic and remarkably wide course of self-instruction which he mapped out for himself in preparation for a career in medicine.
The most prominent figure is that of the scholar and linguist Constantin Konaki (1777-1849), who might be termed the Rumanian Longfellow for the facility and felicity of his translations from Western poetry and for his short poems, easily set to music and very popular.
In consequence of these proceedings, the Transvaal authorities at once set to work to accumulate armaments, and they succeeded in procuring vast quantities of artillery and military stores.
Perceiving that there were divisions and jealousies in the ranks of his opponents between Catholic and Protestant, Fleming and Walloon, he set to work by persuasion, address and bribery, to foment the growing discord, and bring back the Walloon provinces to the allegiance of the king.
Then Selkirk set to work to make the best of things.
But let's say everyone had their device set to "broadcast my location but not my identity" constantly.
Only it's not set to music.
I received another paper and a table of signs by return mail, and I set to work to learn the notation.
Last July, when she had finished under great pressure of work her final chapter, she set to work to rewrite the whole story.
He acknowledged no acquaintances but saw in all these men only brothers, and burned with impatience to set to work with them.
That was all he thought about yesterday's ball, and after his morning tea he set to work.
The count moved in his affairs as in a huge net, trying not to believe that he was entangled but becoming more and more so at every step, and feeling too feeble to break the meshes or to set to work carefully and patiently to disentangle them.
Natasha set to work to effect a reconciliation, and so far succeeded that Nicholas received a promise from his mother that Sonya should not be troubled, while he on his side promised not to undertake anything without his parents' knowledge.
When Natasha set to work two cases were standing open in the ballroom, one almost full up with crockery, the other with carpets.
She at once set to work afresh and they now trusted her completely.
When they understood that order the servants set to work at this new task with pleasure and zeal.
I will come back to dinner, and we'll set to work.
Having unwound the string that tied the band on one leg, he carefully coiled it up and immediately set to work on the other leg, glancing up at Pierre.
They gave him some more porridge and Morel with a laugh set to work on his third bowl.
The input pixel footprint was set to and the pixel weights were taken from the reciprocals of the variances.
I 'm not sure wether the download rate can be further restricted according to what sv_maxrate or sv_dl_maxrate is set to on the server.
Pressing RETURN leaves the prefix set to the root directory of the boot device.
Two new songs are also unveiled and the quality looks set to continue with more scratchy guitar and art punk rhythms.
Make sure your keyboard 's sequencer is set to transmit MIDI sync, then begin playing the external sequencer.
This trend of consolidation looks set to continue even further.
The setter function is called when the value is set to the variable.
With the camera set to manual, you can choose aperture priority, shutter priority or full manual.
The text is set to two sizes larger than the default to simulate what a reader with sight problems might do.
Cumbria 's soaring skylines, panoramic fell tops and tranquil lakes look set to become future stars of the silver screen.
The Jumbo is set to feature engines painted as beer cans and giant ' smiley ' faces on the nose cone and tail.
Photographs usually look better with a border set to '1 ' or ' 1px solid black '.
A Behind-The-Scenes featurette offers some interesting on-set footage, set to a loop of the film 's haunting soundtrack.
The bunny 's incredible stamina is set to earn him a place in the Guinness Book of World Records.
The carry flag is always set to the value of the carry out of the byte after an addition or subtraction operation.
No fair rides, bungee jumping set to come, tarot reader.
It 's set to be the biggest ever with over 100,000 children all toddling for Barnardo 's.
When unfurled, ladder locks rigid so it won?t swing or twist and can be set to clear balconies below if need be.
We have used this unique data set to examine how occurrence rates of magnetic clouds vary with solar latitude and activity.
Vertiginous shots of campaigners perched on the top of old-growth trees set to powerful music made this film much more than mere radical reportage.
Home Page News French electric vehicles set to va va vroom round Preston?
At one point a white-haired gentleman seemed set to join them.
Help your child prepare for her big move by letting her choose a cute pillow and/or comforter set to decorate her "big girl" bed.
The parent's unit is set to the same color as the nursery unit.
The Milkscreen test is set to show a color change at 0.02% to let Mom know if her milk contains a level of alcohol that might negatively impact baby.
Cut guidelines are set to reflect the maximum amount of light.
If you prefer a cold environment and the air conditioner is always set to maximum, you may want to choose sleepwear made form wool or other warming materials like silk.
While you might need a slightly more expensive golf club set to impress the business set, other casual playing requirements can be satisfied with a simple mid-price selection.
There are so many variety of coins that you'll probably find a niche and have a nice set to show off.
Everything LEGO is also set to fly off the shelf while little girls are asking specifically for the Squinkies, the tiny soft toys that fit in your hand.
According to most fashionistas, fur vests (both real and fake) are set to make a big comeback this 2010 holiday season.
One of the best tools for training kittens is a spray bottle that can be set to stream.
Less smell - Since an automated litter box can be set to function each time your cat uses it, these boxes can drastically reduce the problem of litter odor.
Payment terms will be set to reflect the length of time spouses have been married.
In order for the goals you set to be most effective, establish common goals through a co-parenting agreement; your goals should match your partner's goals.
Make sure that they are set to power down during periods of inactivity or simply shut them off at night.
If production is ramped up the following year and the company is set to produce up to 18 tons, they can use those three credits to balance out their emissions.
Home Depot is one of the major retailers that sells Ralph Lauren Paint, however, Martha Stewart's paint line is set to replace it.
Occasionally designers may include limited edition goodies in the gift set to entice consumers; these specific items are not usually available on their own and can only be obtained with a gift set purchase.
Bratz Ice Champion Game - Create your own routine set to music.
Most of these email accounts can be set to forward messages to your phone.
When you turn on the camera, initially all settings are set to factory default, which do not necessarily produce the best images in all situations.
With the large selection of stickers, you can easily find a set to match your project.
Make sure you have your printer set to a high quality setting and have chosen the correct paper type.
His music reflected the subtle harmonies of jazz set to a Latin samba rhythm.
The meditation timer can be set to chime at set intervals to guide your practice.
This is a fun addition especially to the maid of honor's jewelry set to help her to feel set apart from the crowd.
If your wedding is set to occur at a nearby church, synagogue, or temple, you'll need to inquire about availability well in advance of your preferred date.
You may find individual stores that have packaged decorative pillows with the set to entice buyers to purchase.
According to Perez Hilton, The Hoff himself will star in a musical about his life set to launch in Australia.
The two are set to wed on July 29, aboard a yacht called Thunder Gulch in St. Tropez.
Far from slowing down, her star looks set to continue to rise.
Roberts is currently filming Charlie Wilson's War, opposite Tom Hanks, set to open in 2007.
Naomi Campbell's sentence, set to begin March 19, 2007, is court-ordered community service.
In 2006, when newscaster Katie Couric was set to take over anchoring the CBS Evening News, digitally altered photographs of her were sent out in media packages.
Besides her daytime show and her media empire, she is set to release two primetime reality shows this fall.
O'Donnell is also set to reprise her character in several episodes of the upcoming season of Nip/Tuck.
The Power of 10 is a CBS prime-time game show set to debut in August 2007.
Actress Anne Hathaway was originally set to play the main role in Knocked Up, but dropped out over the film's use of nudity.
His new CD set, Ultimate Hits, is set to hit the stores November 6, 2007, just in time for the holidays.
The show is set to premiere in January 2008 on CMT, Country Music Television.
Yet again, the couple is back for Chris and Adrianne Do Russia, set to air on the WE television network on December 2, 2007.
August Rush (2007) - This film is set to be released on November 21, 2007 and stars Keri Russell, Robin Williams and Freddie Highmore.
The petite powerhouse is set to be released from the hospital on Wednesday, November 21, in time to spend Thanksgiving with her family.
Tiffany Fallon - Playboy magazine's 2005 "Playmate of the Year" is set to join the cast of Celebrity Apprentice.
Celebrity Rehab, VH1 style, is set to air in January 2008.
The season finale for the insanely popular Nickelodeon show Zoey 101 is set to air on January 10.
The film is set to be released in February 2008.
The Dark Knight - Set to be released in 2008.
The Hills Heidi Montag is set to launch a clothing line some time this spring.
She is set to star in six films in the next few years and given her role choices in the past, her future films will likely receive awards and accolades.
Talks are in the works for the show, set to star Brody and a few of his friends.
Hough plans on touring with country music star Brad Paisley on his "Paisley Party Tour" that is set to begin June 11, 2008.
Well, that goofy looking fuzzy haired boy that once was is now the Hottest Bachelor of 2008 - looking smoldering in his revealing (in more ways than one) spread in the special edition of the magazine set to hit the stands on June 20th.
Celebrity Rehab is set to begin airing in November of 2008.