Serial Sentence Examples
Many serial publications have been almost entirely made up of extracts from English sources.
How did a serial killer get into heaven?
Newer machines usually have both a model number and a serial number.
The buffered serial interface has a flag reset timing, which sets aside additional buffer space to " catch " the data overflow.
Although initial rheumatoid factor titre is of prognostic significance, serial measurements are not useful in assessing progress.
They went crazy when I read them the serial.
Ramsay, The Island of Cuba (New York, 1896); Coleccion de reales ordenes, decretos y disposiciones (Havana, serial, 1857-1898); Spanish Rule in Cuba.
It's marked with biohazard signs and a serial.
She set one keypad on her micro, waiting for it to read the serial.
The earliest critical serial, the Diario de los literatos (1737-1742), kept up at the expense of Philip V., did not long survive court favour.
AdvertisementThe variability of structures which are repeated in the body of the same individual (serial homologues) has been studied by Pearson and his pupils with important results.
A strand of wampum, consisting of purple and white shell-beads or a belt woven with figures formed by beads of different colours, operated on the principle of associating a particular fact with a particular string or figure, thus giving a serial arrangement to the facts as well as fidelity to the memory.
The great difference between the serial rank occupied in the respective lists by Russia, Servia and Galicia, with remarkably high rates of natural growth, as well as that found in the case of most of the other countries in question, shows that this factor is by no means a trustworthy guide in the estimate of hygienic balance.
From this bud is developed the first zooid and first serial theca of the colony.
There is a tendency for the branches to become reduced in number, and for the serial thecae to become directed more and more upwards towards the line of the nema.
AdvertisementIf, as has been suggested by Bower, the strobiloid types are relatively primitive, the large-leaved Pteridophyta must be supposed to have arisenearly from such forms. The question cannot be discussed fully here, but enough has been said above to show that in the light of our present knowledge the main phyla of the Vascular Cryptogams cannot be placed in any serial relationship to one another.
They appear to be serial equivalents (homogenous meromes) of the tracheal gills, which develop in a like position on the abdominal segments of some aquatic Hexapods.
In some a serial arrangement of stigmata comparable to that observed in Chilopoda is found.
It's a lot different than saving Timothy but you might help catch a serial killer.
Third concentration is stopping serial abductors or serial killers.
AdvertisementThere was nothing at this time we could do to stop this serial killer of children.
According to Brennan, it was estimated between thirty and fifty serial killers operated in the United States at any given time.
It was early May when we fingered another serial killer from Daniel Brennan's hot list.
It's a serial abductor.
Yeah, the serial killer lunatic was probably going to kill her tonight.
AdvertisementYou're an off-duty serial killer with an affinity for weapons with blades who believes in imaginary creatures and takes the time to talk to crazy women lying on the beach.
He'd never considered Death a serial killer, but he did kind of fit the bill.
I saw on TV that some serial killers are possessive and do these sorts of things.
He really was a serial killer.
It started when she had a one night stand with a serial killer.
She felt the connection to him again, strong and deep, as if her fate was bound to the serial killer who'd come to claim her.
She wasn't going to let a serial killer who chose not to kill her derail her day.
It was small and black, and yawned open to display a single keypad with a red serial number emblazoned along its side.
Read me the serial, and I'll see who I can get on the net to tell me what it is.
To monitor adherence to diet Serial measurements of EMA are a reliable marker for dietary adherence.
Den is a serial adulterer, cheat and crook who leaves a trail of social chaos and heartbreak in his wake.
The serial number is stamped on the label affixed inside the body.
A cliffhanging serial that features an ape-man, hypnotism and the occult.
A duet of serial killers create bedlam in movie town.
In short, you can designate any system as an environment monitoring station and connect this little black box to your serial port.
Cables Here's a few cables Here's a few cable diagrams for serial cables.
Where a serial is unambiguously known by a mnemonic form, that form must be used as canonical in place of the ISSN.
The Serial Killers Club, as the title and subject matter might suggest, is a blackly comic piece of work.
Here there is no shadowy Mr Big playing the puppet master, no sinister criminal conspiracy, serial killers or drug-crazed hitmen.
Their recommendations are - Soft tissue contracture around patella and fat pad - Start serial lateral X-rays to follow patellar height.
Could the car crash victim be a serial killer?
For a serial killer movie, Taking Lives is strangely devoid of murders.
Yet the symphony also reconciles the intricately serial derivation of its material with a clearly diatonic goal.
Please enter the thirteen digit serial number of the faulty item.
The last 6 hexadecimal digits comprise the interface serial number, or another value administered by the specific vendor.
The case concerns a 2002 DNA dragnet initiated by police in Baton Rouge, Louisiana during a serial rape-murder investigation.
As a serial entrepreneur and business angel, Stuart has the Midas touch.
Treatment was monitored by serial ultrasound scans and assessment of serum estradiol.
In fact, it reputedly became even more expensive than an entirely new serial.
How do I configure Linux to run headless with a terminal connected to a serial port?
He encounters Marilyn Rexroth (Zeta-Jones ), a serial divorcee, when representing her philandering husband, Rex Rexroth over divorce proceedings.
Serial measurements were made for various cytokines using specific enzyme-linked immunoassays (ELISA ).
For there is a serial killer loose upon the streets of Toy City.
A London electrician became a lottery multimillionaire by using serial numbers on cranes at a foundry where he has worked for almost 50 years.
We now know that, in later years, Shipman was to become a serial murderer.
When the unnamed narrator of Jeff Povey's The Serial Killers Club is attacked, he has no choice to defend himself.
But Shipman did become a serial murderer and used injected opiates as his method of killing.
For US$45 + p&p (6/05) you get a neat little PCB which you connect to your serial port.
We discuss how this has left consultants as serial fad peddlers, perhaps with more influence but delivering dubious genuine benefit.
The serial murderer who successfully demanded the delivery of hard-core pornography to his prison cell because of his ' right to information ' .
The biggest drawback for me with a laptop was the number of serial ports.
The light output from the units can be varied over a very wide range and is either preset or controlled via a Serial link.
Police are working hard to catch a serial rapist who has now struck ten times, nine of those over the past three months.
The Crowby Crawler, a notorious serial rapist, is back on the streets with a mob of baying vigilantes at his heels.
True, by comparison with serial killers, football hooligans and the Inland Revenue she probably is quite saintly.
Some serial seducers of both sexes roam the corridors.
I'm printing serial, my baud rate is at 9600, and intermittently the printer will lose data.
In 1941 she produced a serial in the Scottish Guardian entitled " Adrian was a Priest " which was utterly ghastly.
Do a Keyword search for ' electronic serial counseling ' .
The fictional Highlands town of Carnbeg first appeared in his popular radio serial, The Hydro.
From June 1937, a new aircraft serial numbering system was introduced.
I need to know that correct device name for the 9-pin serial port.
So multiport serial cards are not as significant as they once were.
Such a situation is found in the new six-part Sunday thriller serial, The Sleeper, which begins tonight.
The season ticket must show the photocard serial number.
Broadcasting a drama serial which deals with issues of psychology and paranormal in primetime Saturday night deserves brownie points.
Inside the box you get a small camera and a USB connecting lead along with a pc serial cable.
Data exchange with a stationary PC is a standard feature via docking station or serial cable.
Subject matter and genre are defined in terms of the serial killer trope and The Silence of the Lambs.
This will now target more than 10,000 serial truants who account for 1 in 5 of all instances of truancy in England.
The serial ordering of vision and of action provides the primitive foundation for the patterns of ordering in speech utterances.
Unfortunately the homology of the functional series does not by any means end the uncertainty connected with the marsupial dentition; as there is also a difference of opinion with regard to the serial homology of some of the cheek-teeth.
The serial number of these nerves depends chiefly upon the length of the neck, the extremes being represented by Cypselus (loth-14th cervical) and Cygnus (22nd-24th), the usual numbers of the common fowl being the 13th-17th nerves.
We must first understand what is meant by "order," that is, by "serial arrangement."
Thus the order is defined by the "serial" relation.
For five years it was a weekly miscellany in quarto, and afterwards an octavo monthly; it was the first American serial which could boast of so long an existence.
Morhof, the author of the well-known Polyhistor, conceived the idea of a monthly serial to be devoted to the history of modern books and learning, which Came to nothing.
Holland The first serial written in Dutch was the Boekzaal van Europa (1692-1708, and 1715-1748), which had several changes of name during its long life.
Norway The first trace of the serial form of publication to be found in Norway is in the Ugentlige korte Afhandlinger (1760-1761), " Weekly Short Treatises," of Bishop Fr.
I 'm printing serial, my baud rate is at 9600, and intermittently the printer will lose data.
Do a Keyword search for ' electronic serial counseling '.
Will the internal serial port accept 7 or 8 bit word length?
Inside the box you get a small camera and a USB connecting lead along with a PC serial cable.
Some of the slag fragments have multiple layers that may result from continuous or serial tapping.
Connie makes the hazardous decision to attempt a third unmasking of a serial killer, knowing he will come looking for her.
The first movie in the series uses some wordless voices to eerie effect to portray the serial killer 's mind.
The serial killer was found guilty and given an indictment for his crimes.
Description-This section usually gives a visual description along with the model and serial numbers.
Alternatively, you may have to make use of a data cable of some sort (usually USB or serial).
Make sure you get the manufacturer's name, the year is was made, and the serial number.
A refurbished part number and new serial number is associated with the computer.
Consider asking the seller for the serial number of the computer you are buying, in which case you may verify the factory specifications with Apple and ensure the property was not stolen.
Available long before USB had been developed for the home market, the Quicktake 100 connected to your PC via the serial port.
When prompted to enter a serial number, select the trial option and continue the installation.
At that time, remove the program from your computer or purchase a valid serial number (license) from Adobe.
In most cases you do not have to reinstall the application, simply enter the new serial number when the program starts up after the 30-day period>.
Although stunning in real life, Charlize Theron won her Academy Award for downplaying her beauty as serial killer Aileen Wuornos in Monster.
One of the more high profile cases in the world of celebrity divorce is the split of serial bride Christie Brinkley and fourth husband, architect Peter Cook.
John Mayer and singer-actress Jessica Simpson recently ended their serial off-again, on-again relationship.
In 1999, Christian Bale shifted his focus a bit when he took on the lead role in American Psycho, playing serial killer Patrick Bateman.
The film is a thriller in which a group of girls try to cover up the accidental death of one of their sorority sisters, only to find that they're being hunted by a serial killer.
Later that year Guffey would appear on television in the mini-series Chiefs, which told the story of a group of Southern police officers on the hunt for a serial killer.
Instead, all you'll have to do is scroll through the different serial numbers and see if they match up with your own model number.
You are a serial killer investigator who is assigned to some very dark and gruesome locations.
In this game you play FBI agent Ethan Thomas, a detective who investigates serial killer murders.
As you explore each area, you will gather evidence to help find the serial killer and bring him to justice.
With your wits, instincts, fighting ability and detective skills solve the mystery of the increasing number murders caused by serial killers in the city.
Go to the jacket request page of their website, enter in your Wii serial number, and how many covers you need (up to 4).
You could buy the Internet program cartridge and serial link cable to access text based Internet and e-mail services (which Tiger also provided).
There is 4 MB of mobile RAM (similar to computer RAM and used for the same purpose of speed) and 256 KB of serial flash memory.
Games like Halo, Counterstrike, and Doom have been cited as "creating" or "training" serial killers for their mass murders.
You will need to find the serial number on your Singer sewing machine.
The oldest machines did not have a model number and the serial number was often embedded in the top right-hand corner of the machine.
By using the serial number and matching it to the numbers on the Singer site, you can find the exact date your machine was manufactured.
The International Sewing Machine Collector's Society (ISMCS) has a list of serial numbers and the dates on which they were registered.
Once you have the serial number you can also check the serial number list to find a more accurate manufacturing date for machines made after 1900.
Old Singer sewing machines were in full production by the turn of the century and with the increasing number of machines being produced, they changed the scheme used in assigning serial numbers.
Because of this shift, examining the serial number on any given Singer will reveal the time period in which the machine was produced.
Serial numbers that were strictly numbers were produced prior to the year 1900.
Between 1900 and 1924, the serial number included a prefix of a single letter followed by numbers.
After 1924, all serial numbers were assigned a two-letter prefix before the numerical portion.
A particular machine can be dated by comparing its serial number to the charts that are made available by the Singer Company online.
Check the serial number and model number and see if you can track down any information.
Each should be marked with a serial number that identifies it.
Once you have the serial number you can easily look up and identify your machine on the Singer site.
Unfortunately the records of the serial numbers from 1851 to 1870 are not available on the site.
If you can't find your serial number it may be that your machine falls into this time period.
Machines manufactured before 1900 have no letter prefix on the serial number.
If you happen to find two serial numbers on a machine the larger of the two numbers is the correct one to use.
The older machines have the serial number in the top, upper right corner of the bed of the machine.
If you can't find the serial number to your machine or are having trouble identifying it you can call Singer Customer Service at 1-800-4-Singer.
More specifically, you want to ensure that it supports the Bluetooth Serial Port Profile.
To check this, have a look at digits 4 and 5 in the iPhone serial number.
A titer is the serial dilution of antibodies (protein molecules or immunoglobulins produced by the immune system in response to specific disease agents) found in blood serum that determines their level of concentration.
This often means more frequent visits to the healthcare provider, serial ultrasounds to make sure that the babies are growing satisfactorily, amniocentesis to check for lung development, and close monitoring for preterm labor.
In a procedure called selective serial extraction, the orthodontist removes one or more baby or permanent teeth.
Such monitoring may include frequent visits with the primary caregiver, tests to monitor the medical problem, blood tests to check the levels of medication, amniocentesis, serial ultrasound examination, and fetal monitoring.
If it is the fetus that has a problem, serial ultrasounds may be performed.
Fixed contractures are usually treated with either serial casting or surgery.
Serial casting-A series of casts designed to gradually move a limb into a more functional position.
Serial tests may also be recommended, because a single coagulation parameter measured at any one moment may not reveal the rapidly progressive intravascular process.
Following that, serial ultrasounds and amniotic fluid analysis should be done to follow fetal progress.
If you're purchasing a computer, look at the serial number and select the one that has the most sevens.
Sometimes criminologists analyze police practices to determine what is working well and what needs improvement, while other times criminologists play a role in criminal profiling to help catch serial criminals.
Singer Sewing Shop, LLC has a serial number look-up list, and they also sell vintage machines and repair parts.
The serial number, wattage, size, and other relevant facts may also beneficial.
In order to ensure that you order the correct part, get the serial number for the part you need from the owner's manual that came with your food processor.
When calling, be sure to have your model and serial number available so you can check if your dehumidifier is part of the recall.
When placing an online or phone order for a replacement part for your Dyson vacuum, you're going to need to know the serial number of your vacuum.
On Dyson's hand-held vacs, the serial number is located on the side of the machine, behind the bin.
Input the serial number into online form and a list of available replacement parts and accessories for that model will pop up.
Then there was the guy on, who's since been arrested, who is being called the serial rapist.
Some cams use serial or parallel ports instead.
Some novels have even been published in serial fashion - a chapter at a time - over the course of several installments.
Bags come with an authenticity card and serial number.
The digits are split into two rows; the top represents the Gucci bag's model number, while the bottom represents the actual serial number.
Lining of authentic bags should be made with a durable cotton material tagged with a serial number inside.
Michael Myers, the main character, is an iconic serial killer many people have had nightmares about after seeing one of the Halloween franchise movies.
The film is based on the crimes of serial killer Ed Gein and stars Anthony Perkins and Janet Leigh.
Silence of the Lambs (1991) - FBI trainee Clarice Starling (Jodie Foster) seeks out the help of serial killer Dr. Hannibal Lecter (Anthony Hopkins) to help her nab another serial killer.
The hospital also housed notorious and criminally insane patients, such as serial rapist Billy Mulligan.
In January of 1573, French hermit and cannibalistic serial murderer Gilles Garnier was convicted of being a werewolf and burned at the stake.
Look for the customary eight digit serial number, which is stamped inside all Gucci shoes.
The term "soap opera" comes from the original serial radio shows that were sponsored by soap companies such as Colgate-Palmolive and Procter and Gamble.
What about the tipoff that many veterans would die in the 2003 Days of Our Lives serial murder storyline?
The Writers Guild of America awarded the Days of Our Lives cast with the recognition as Best Daytime Serial.
It was the actual transition from radio serial to television serial that encouraged the purchase of televisions in the post-war booming 50s.
Their marriage in 1981 boasted the highest ratings ever of a daytime serial.
The light referenced in the program's title refers to the lamp in the home of Reverend Dr. John Ruthledge, a major character from the soap's radio serial days.
This unique combination of history, characterization and storyline collision is what makes daytime serial drama so appealing.
Sally was kidnapped in 2005 by Eve Jacobsen while Summer Bay wrestled with a serial stalker.
Which soap opera made the transition from radio serial to daytime television?
The Guiding Light premiered as a radio serial in the 1930s and transitioned to the silver screen in the early 1950s.
From 1952 to 1958, it aired as both a television and radio serial.
Soap operas are a narrative form of television that is aired in serial format.
EastEnders has also won many British Soap Awards such as Most Popular Serial Drama and Best Soap, as well as British Academy Television Awards like Best British Soap.
Cass and Frankie were enormously popular until Frankie died in a brutal attack by a serial killer.
Locals, who have a vested interested in the CBS serial, will tell you that the show's sizzling vixens and hunky villains don't even pronounce their hometown the same.
Everwood television show producers had hoped that the sudsy serial would be renewed for a fifth season when The WB and UPN merged to form The CW Television Network.
In October 2008 Budig announced that she would be leaving the daytime serial again in early 2009.
These updates allow fans to know who's coming and who's going on their favorite daytime serial.
The popular daytime serial is at the top of the list when it comes to fans wanting to know who's getting axed, who's sleeping with whom next, and when the next natural disaster is going to hit Pine Valley.
Barr played Brooke English for nearly 30 years on the daytime serial, before she exited Pine Valley.
When the devoted soap fan first set-up the site, she provided simple daily recaps of the hit daytime serial based on the episodes she watched in Canada.
Sookie is attracted to Bill, while others are afraid of him and a serial killer keeps things turned upside down in the small town.
At the end of True Blood's first season, the serial killer has been stopped and Sookie, Sam and Tara are closing up shop at Merlotte's when they find a body in the back of Andy Bellefleur's car.
The Young and Restless Soap Central message board was designed specifically for fans of the popular CBS daytime serial.
All My Children's crazy characters and controversial plots are just two of the reasons millions of fans are hooked on the daytime serial.
These magazines, devoted entirely to divulging juicy details on soap storylines, characters and behind-the-scenes action, were snapped up by legions of daytime serial devotees.
The popular ABC daytime serial is now on Twitter, the free social messaging service that allows followers to stay connected in real-time.
Sookie and Bill became involved while a serial killer stalked the women of the town.
The serial is set in the fictional middle class suburb of Erinsborough and follows the lives of the families who live in six houses at the end of Ramsay Street.
I guess two of the other daughters were on and one was a serial killer (Eve Coleman Browning who was trying to frame sister Maddie).
For example, when Young and the Restless veteran actress Melody Thomas Scott left the daytime serial in 2009, many fans wanted a copy of her last show for posperity.
The pilot was written by Kevin Williamson, who is well known for writing popular teen horror films such as Scream and I Know What You Did Last Summer, and also for his work on the teen serial Dawson's Creek.
In March of 1973, CBS picked up the newly titled The Young and the Restless with its half hour serial format.
Catching the wave of popularity that vampire sagas have enjoyed in recent years, this HBO serial premiered in September of 2008, and has received rave reviews.
If you have one of these serial soap opera watchers in your life who miss an episode, you can tease them with your knowledge and playfully get them worked up in a friendly game of threatening to spoil the suspense and surprise.
Mimi was actually afraid that Rex might be the "Salem Stalker" who was on a serial killing spree in the city.
The story line behind the serial focuses on the domestic and working lives of people living in the fictional London borough of Walford in London's East End.
While Grey's Anatomy is a serial show and depends on the relationships and interactions of the main characters to progress, each episode follows a relatively familiar formula.
The genre transitioned to TV in the 1950s from the radio dramas of the 1930s and 40s and now includes daytime and prime time serial programs on both network and cable television.
Norman Coburn - He played Headmaster Donald Fisher on Home and Away for fifteen years, earning a Guinness World Record as the longest serving actor in an Australian serial.
Every watch comes with a Serial Number and Certificate of Authenticity.
You should also write down any serial numbers or other distinctive markings on the watch.
The serial numbers on the back of the watch can be looked up and the authenticity of the watch can be verified.
This guarantee should have the serial number, the watch reference, and the name of the retailer, along with the address.
The serial codes relate to the case and registered design number.
Make sure the laser-etched logo on the watch face is present and look for the watch serial number.
When you shop for a Seiko replacement watch band, be sure to look at the serial numbers on the back of the watch to match the watch with the right band.
The movement on each Hampden pocket watch has a serial number engraved on it.
This serial number can help to accurately date the pocket watch.
It is important to use the serial number that is on the watch movement and not on the watch case.
The serial number can be compared against a list of serial numbers that details when each watch was produced.
Serial number charts can be found at a number of websites including Pocket Watch Repair.
Often, watches have a serial number inscribed somewhere on the outside of the timepiece.
Open the caseback and examine the serial number on the watch movement itself.
You may also be able to accurately claim stolen items back based on serial numbers or photographs.
For example, if recording electronic equipment, make note of the serial numbers listed on the items.
There is space on each row for you to enter details and notes about your belongings, including the manufacturer, date of purchase, model and serial number and cost.
It has places designated for you to fill in specifics about each item, including the manufacturer, purchase date and price, serial number and replacement cost.
There are cases where Sears has no record of the warranty even when the customer provides the serial number of the product.
This list should also include serial numbers of any electronics or other items to provide proof that something was purchased when filing a claim.
Don't let that serial number fool you though; this look is hot, hot, hot!
A serial dater for many years, Madonna has had numerous high profile relationships.
Care cards, insert tissue, boxes, and even serial numbers can also be reproduced, just like the bag itself, and are not good indicators of authenticity.
He replied that he is continuing to "…pursue a life of serial monogamy with a very understanding woman in San Francisco."
But Bannerman is a good man and a good cop, and if appealing for help from his wife's old boyfriend is what it takes to catch a serial killer, that's what he'll do.
Exceptions are works in the 'crazed serial killer' genre.
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy first appeared as a radio serial on BBC radio 4 in 1978.
When it first started, the SciFi Channel relied heavily on old series, such as the classic vampire soap opera Dark Shadows, the original Flash Gordon film serial, and others.
Sylar - Actor Zachary Quinto plays the lead role Sylar, the serial killer intent on gathering the talents of those who are "special."
A relation (R) is serial when (I) it implies diversity, so that, if x has the relation R to y, x is diverse from y; (2) it is transitive, so that if x has the relation R to y, and y to z, then x has the relation R to z; (3) it has the property of connexity, so that if x and y are things to which any things bear the relation R, or which bear the relation R to any things, then either x is identical with y, or x has the relation R to y, or y has the relation R to x.
The first southern serial was the Monthly Register (1805) of Charleston.
For many years IIavawpa (1850-1872), edited by Rangabes and Paparrigopoulos, was the leading serial.
The correlation between undifferentiated sets of serial homologues, produced by a single individual, is the measure of what Pearson has called homotyposis.
When the facile tendency of Arthropoda to develop tracheal air-tubes is admitted, it becomes probable that the tracheae of Hexapods do not all belong to one original system, but may be accounted for by new developments within the group. Whether the primitive tracheal system of Hexapoda was a closed one or open by serial stigmata in every somite remains at present doubtful, but the intimate relation of the system to the wings and tracheal gills cannot be overlooked.
This abductor was a high level serial killer and of paramount interest to the special FBI task force.
There have been three serial killers caught as well.
I guess I was expecting three names... like some serial killer, I adlibbed.
I believe he went by three names, like those serial killer; John Wayne Gacy, Randy Stephen Kraft and guys like that.
May I assume you're not a serial killer stalking me and this spying business has something to do with my pending litigation?
It's all pretty complicated, but bottom line—yes to the litigation question, no to the serial killer.
Satisfied to find the sexy man wasn't a serial killer or worse, Kiera's attention shifted to the main house as they approached.
This one was similar to the other his team found, only there was no biohazard sign, and the serial was in blue.
Advice for boot loader authors Serial console support in a boot loader authors Serial console support in a boot loader is very useful.
I wear the famous eyeglass at times in the serial.
The most costly step in the serial 2 nd derivative algorithm is the computation of the 2 nd derivative two-electron integrals.
Data can be logged to a PC via the serial interface which has the capacity to handle up to 256 units.
In addition to the Ethernet port, there are two high-speed serial ports for HMIs, programming interface or other serial devices.
You can quite easily interface switch type sensors to pc joystick, serial or parallel port.
We are still opposed to psychopathic serial killers sitting in the Government of our country, and that position will not alter.
Find out what happens when a psychotic superhuman serial killer is!
Douglas Lindsay is the creator of Barney Thomson; the world's funniest ex barber serial killer.
With a straight-thru or modem cable, connect the modem to an unused serial port on the PC.
Women who conceive again should be offered regular monitoring, including serial ultrasonography in the first trimester of pregnancy.
In 1871, one of the most eventful years of his life, be began Fors Clavigera, a small serial addressed to the working men of England, and published only by Mr George Allen, engraver, at Keston, in Kent, at 7d., and afterwards at 10d., but without discount, and not through the trade.
An important serial was the long-lived Vaderlandsche Letteroefeningen (1761).
He marked me like serial killers do.
Consider the serial arrangement of the rationals in their order of magnitude.
Now if n be any finite cardinal number, it can be proved that the class of those serial relations, which have a field whose cardinal number is n, is a relation-number.
Similarly, a class of serial relations, called well-ordered serial relations, can be defined, such that their corresponding relation-numbers include the ordinary finite ordinals, but also include relation-numbers which have many properties like those of the finite ordinals, though the fields of the relations belonging to them are not finite.
In the effects of simpler poisons the recognition of unity in diversity, as in the affiliation of a peripheral neuritis to arsenic, illustrated more definitely this serial or etiological method of classifying diseases.
Richard, L'Oceanographie (Paris, 1907); List of Oceanic Depths and Serial Temperature Observations, received at the Admiralty in the year 1888 (et seq.) from H.M.
And his teaching was embodied in an enormous series of Lectures, Letters, Articles, Selections and serial pamphlets.
When a relation is serial its relation-number is often called its serial type.
In the quiet of a country town, far removed from actual contact with painful scenes, but on the edge of the whirlwind raised by the Fugitive Slave Bill, memory and imagination had full scope, and she wrote for serial publication in The National Era, an anti-slavery paper of Washington, D.C., the story of "Uncle Tom's Cabin; or, Life among the Lowly."
Also, two relations need not be serial in order to be ordinally similar; but if one is serial, so is the other.
Daniel Brennan had told me the list of true serial killers on the loose at any one time was limited.
The results of his work at Babylon appeared first in the Vienna serial Mines de l'orient, and in 1815 in England, under the title Narrative of a Journey to the Site of Babylon in 1811.
Consult the Boletin above mentioned, publications of the Estacion Central Agronomica, and current statistical serial reports of the treasury department (Hacienda) on natural resources, live-stock interests, the sugar industry (annual), &c.
The definition of the ordinal number requires some little ingenuity owing to the fact that no serial relation can have a field whose cardinal number is 1; but we must omit here the explanation of the process.
The leading idea of this work was contained in a paper published in the Berlin Memoirs for 1772.5 Its object was the elimination of the, to some minds, unsatisfactory conception of the infinite from the metaphysics of the higher mathematics, and the substitution for the differential and integral calculus of an analogous method depending wholly on the serial development of algebraical functions.
All of them are being stalked by a serial killer we're sure is now in town.
Another Milanese serial was the Conciliatore (1818-1820), which although it only lived two years, will be remembered for the endeavours made by Silvio Pellico, Camillo Ugoni and its other contributors to introduce a more dignified and courageous method of criticism.
On arriving in London he was engaged in the preparation of various serial publications of the Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge, the most important of which were the Pictorial History of Palestine and the Pictorial Bible.
Four serial killers have been rendered permanently inoperative.
Are you one of those serial killers who marks their victims?