Serendipitous Sentence Examples
Perhaps the meeting wasn't serendipitous at all.
There's nothing wrong with that, and in fact you may come across some very serendipitous surveys that are great fun.
It is messy, contentious and factional, but it is also wondrous, inspired, and - above all - serendipitous.
It provides the serendipitous opportunity to discover new fonts by just having them fill the page.
Facebook people search can be a more intuitive way to find "friends", though, and the serendipitous moments can be the best rewards of any query.
Zimmerman's fire was further kindled by the serendipitous act of spinning the radio dial later in his room, trying to find something different common on the Iron Range radio dial.
Later, the serendipitous drippings were augmented by additional piping, carrying excess water to spray even more surface of the rock walls.