Sensitivity Sentence Examples
The rocks were deceptively sharp and the coldness of the water increased the sensitivity of the soles of her feet.
They can be connected to sensors whose sensitivity dwarfs anything a human can do.
Sensitivity to the specific allergen is often lifelong.
Isotretinoin may increase sensitivity to sunlight.
It was silly to cry, but didn't he have any sensitivity?
Symptoms can range from mild sensitivity to full-blown celiac disease.
This helps build sensitivity and empathy.
Poison disk and poison plate methods were used to assess the sensitivity of a range of contact fungicides.
In such cases a laboratory analysis and sensitivity assay is essential.
Major symptoms of this type of porphyria include neurological problems and sensitivity to light.
AdvertisementWhere fusion methods are concerned, some individuals will experience scalp sensitivity issues or allergic reactions.
Each brand of home pregnancy test claims to have a different level of sensitivity, so you will want to read the package instructions carefully to determine how soon you can take the test and expect an accurate result.
Tooth sensitivity - A dental laser can seal tubules at the root of the tooth that cause hot and cold sensitivity.
Pellagra causes skin lesions that appear to be leprosy, sensitivity to light, aggression, insomnia, weakness, mental confusion, paralysis of limbs, diarrhea and eventually dementia.
While some of blame may be on your lack of sensitivity and immaturity, some of the blame is hers to bear.
AdvertisementI think you have a high sensitivity to behaviors of unfaithfulness in your partner.
Furthermore, sensitivity also means understanding her feelings about the ultimate engagement symbol, the engagement ring.
Gluten sensitivity does not usually require the total elimination of gluten, but understanding how your body reacts to wheat products will help you keep your symptoms at a manageable level.
This is why most people with gluten sensitivity are able to consume corn with no ill effects.
If you take a look at the first three symptoms listed among common symptoms related to gluten sensitivity, you will see why this problem is often overlooked or even misdiagnosed.
AdvertisementAgain, one of the problems with these symptoms is that they are found in a number of gastrointestinal disorders which makes pinpointing gluten sensitivity a bit of a challenge for many doctors.
A growing body of evidence suggests that up to eight times as many people suffer from non-celiac gluten sensitivity than classic celiac disease.
Despite a negative diagnosis, however, many patients with this form of sensitivity still find relief on a gluten-free elimination diet.
In spite of this, other symptoms of non-celiac gluten sensitivity remain controversial.
If you are coping with a condition you feel might be related to gluten sensitivity, there is no harm in requesting an anti-gliadin antibody blood test, or following an elimination diet.
AdvertisementGluten intolerance illustrates how gluten sensitivity can impact the everyday lives of people who must, therefore, avoid these foods.
Oats themselves may or may not contain storage proteins that trigger reactions in the gluten-sensitive, and the relative safety is related to individual sensitivity levels.
With many more individuals being diagnosed with gluten sensitivity and celiac disease, you may be someone who is looking for ideas regarding gluten-free cooking for Thanksgiving.
If you only have an allergy or sensitivity to wheat, then you are fine.
While you certainly have to be diligent in watching for foods that contain gluten if you have celiac disease or a gluten sensitivity, there are plenty of tasty and nutritious options available to you.
Many businesses are more accommodating to those with allergen issues due to the increased awareness of celiac disease and other cases of gluten sensitivity.
The Virgo woman will need to understand her partner's sensitivity and be less critical.
When the transiting Moon is aligned with your natal Moon, look for feeling of sensitivity and some inner turmoil.
When Roger Howarth played Todd Manning he refused to participate in passionate love scenes out of sensitivity to the fans of the show that met Manning when he led the gang rape of Marty Saybrook.
Abandoning a particular area of the body due to high sensitivity could negatively affect the visual outcome of the design.
Some individuals may be genetically predisposed to sensitivity to environmental conditions including medication.
When you exercise regularly, you increase your body's sensitivity to insulin.
Increased sensitivity to sun is common with skin treated with alpha-hydroxy acids.
Cetaphil's moisturizing cream is formulated specifically for chronic dry skin, and it's especially ideal for individuals who deal with sensitivity.
These symptoms include nausea, vomiting, fever, severe headache, body aches, swollen glands, rash, lethargy, jaundice and sensitivity to light.
Likewise, you must avoid sun exposure and may find an increased sensitivity to wind and cold.
Unlike Brisa, other UV gel systems contain formaldehyde and acrylates, ingredients that can cause skin sensitivity issues.
Unlike retinoids and AHAs, it provides long-term results without dryness, burning, itching, swelling, peeling, and causing greater sensitivity to the sun.
The small bowel follow-through demonstrated 32 of 55 metastases (sensitivity 58% ).
This gives a sensitivity of 85% when performed on all patients with a fasting gastrin of less than 400 pmol/l.
Gluten intolerance, or coeliac disease, is a lifelong disease, which is caused by sensitivity to gluten intolerance, or coeliac disease, is a lifelong disease, which is caused by sensitivity to gluten.
But sensitivity testing can be invaluable in guiding the choice of a more appropriate antibiotic where bacterial keratitis is progressive.
For example the light sensitivity caused by macular degeneration.
They aimed to engineer the bacteria to contain a switch governing their sensitivity to the sugar maltose.
A small number of isolates of wheat mildew was tested for sensitivity to fenpropimorph.
In two of six trials there was no internal sensitivity and no difference between intra-articular morphine and saline.
This logit function weights the relative prices (P i) where parameter mu indicates the sensitivity of the consumers to price differences.
There were no published studies that had compared the sensitivity of the two assays specifically with regard to the detection of gene mutagens.
Recent data has revealed that stretch injury may enhance contractility but also increase the sensitivity of the vessel to agents which release nitric oxide.
Differences in opioid sensitivity need to be assessed in efficacy comparisons of changing opioid or route of administration in chronic pain.
Some sensitivity coefficients can be calculated by taking partial derivatives of the equation defining the hardness value.
Ultrasound demonstrated bilateral occlusion with a sensitivity of 100 %, and showed tubal patency with a specificity of 96% .
Sensitivity tests should examine the degree to which forecast patronage is dependent on any such restraint.
Sensitivity to stimuli of first and second order motion was measured, using a two alternative forced choice preferential looking procedure.
It automatically readjusts the sensitivity setting so you can continually relax without interruption.
The sensitivity may be caused by a loose filling or by minimal gum recession which exposes small areas of the root surface.
This has enabled a sensitivity allocation to be made to the various impacts that the foreshore recharge was assessed to have.
Estimates are presented for women with and without first-degree relatives with breast cancer and the sensitivity of the results to various assumptions investigated.
Originally Posted by Zer02004 I wondered if there was some sensitivity issues between the Belkin, 3com routers and the Alcatel.
Some people have also suggested that schizophrenia might be made worse, or even caused, by an abnormal sensitivity to gluten.
Note that good selectivity does not necessarily mean " sensitivity " .
I noticed this trait during the period of acute sensitivity that resulted from my own self-analysis.
But only do this if your unit is extra sensitive or has the ability to adjust the sensitivity to high.
It may well be that a decreased sensitivity will be observed in a less reliable measure.
Two experiments were carried out to demonstrate special sensitivity to direct eye contact from birth.
Vulnerable and insecure they react with heightened sensitivity to the raw world around them.
Complaints will be dealt with the utmost sensitivity and confidentiality.
Here is a writer of extreme sensitivity whose work has rarely been surpassed.
By contrast, no effects on body weight gain or insulin sensitivity were observed in female offspring.
Dermatitis herpetiformis other conditions associated with gluten sensitivity, such as coeliac disease, are not contraindications.
You can increase the volume and or microphone sensitivity by clicking on the bars and sliding them to the right.
Setting a higher sensitivity ensures sufficient brightness even when a high-speed shutter is being used.
It is a work of great philosophical sophistication, combining breadth of vision with acute sensitivity to the nuances of women's experiences.
The functions listed below are the results of our collaborative research on human cone spectral sensitivities and luminance sensitivity.
The RAE has the sensitivity of steer of a super tanker.
The patterns of sensitivity to different terpenes can be expected to vary according to the exposure.
Infrequently, reduced sensitivity to aciclovir has been described as a result of subtle alterations in either the virus thymidine kinase or DNA polymerase.
Inspired, but ostensibly effortless, movement combines sensitivity and emotional depth, as scene changes and subtle stage trickery are played out seamlessly.
Elsewhere, the landscape's sensitivity to change is increased by views from the surrounding uplands.
His sojourn in Europe fell exactly in the time when, in England, the reaction against the sentimental atheism of Shelley, the pagan sensitivity of Keats, and the sublime, Satanic outcastness of Byron was at its height; when, in the Catholic countries, the negative exaggerations of the French Revolution were inducing a counter current of positive faith, which threw men into the arms of a half-sentimental, half-aesthetic medievalism; and when, in Germany, the aristocratic paganism of Goethe was being swept aside by that tide of dutiful, romantic patriotism which flooded the country, as soon as it began to feel that it still existed after being run over by Napoleon's war-chariot.
At lower power levels a vacuum thermopile and a pyroelectric detector, both with windows and higher sensitivity, maintain the relative response scale.
In this case, you will need to readjust the sensitivity (i.e. raise the preset value).
A young boy recovering in hospital from meningitis is affected by a neurological condition that gives him acute sensitivity to sounds and colors.
Soil respiration sensitivity to temperature (Q 10) decreased in response to drought.
Excellent selectivity and sensitivity, and a smooth regeneration control are appreciated features of this receiver.
Note that good selectivity does not necessarily mean " sensitivity ".
As discussed below, the sensitivity of the bioassay was later to be questioned.
Further Development and Commercialisation Further clinical sampling is required to refine the sensitivity of the assay.
The payback times achieved in the sensitivity analysis are shown below.
It is a work of great philosophical sophistication, combining breadth of vision with acute sensitivity to the nuances of women 's experiences.
It aims to reduce the sensitivity of the nerve endings in the spinal cord in order to close the pain ' gates '.
I love that even tho Johnny Borrell swaggers around like an autistic bouncer, his lyrics express a sensitivity at odds with his bravado.
Elsewhere, the landscape 's sensitivity to change is increased by views from the surrounding uplands.
Diaper area irritation is common during the first year, but severe diaper rash causes painful burning and sensitivity.
Women who experience breast sensitivity and those who have smaller breasts often choose wirefree bras, although women of all sizes can wear these as well.
If your hearing loss is fairly severe, you will need one with greater sensitivity.
Perhaps, but this title is still largely dependent on an individual's sensitivity to the offending protein.
It is formulated with as few ingredients as possible with the intent of helping cats that suffer from food sensitivity.
A food allergy or sensitivity can also cause vomiting.
If this might be a concern to you, visit a site where a turbine has been installed to listen with your own ears to make an accurate determination according to your own sensitivity to noise.
Of course, the effects will vary based on the sensitivity of the individual and the equipment.
Other symptoms common with migraines are vomiting, sensitivity to light, sensitivity to sound, sensitivity to smell, and auras that involve spots or flashing lights.
Other possible side effects have been noticed in those with hormone sensitivity.
It's important to avoid excessive sun exposure when taking St. John's Wort as it may predispose you to photosensitivity, or light sensitivity, and cause your skin to burn more so than usual.
St. Johns Wort may also causes photosensitivity or skin sensitivity to sunlight, so you should avoid sun exposure when taking this herb.
Some individuals harbor sensitivity to certain trigger factors, whether dietary or environmental.
Bleaching may cause tooth sensitivity, but it's usually a temporary side effect.
Selected customers have complained of increased tooth sensitivity after treatment.
Fluoride and potassium nitrate are added to reduce tooth sensitivity.
Hidden emotions and deep rooted memories, along with the variances of scent receptors and sensitivity, greatly influence our experience with odors.
With some preparation, sensitivity and a lot of professionalism, the experience can be both comfortable and rewarding for both parties.
While some compact digital cameras let you change the ISO of the camera to increase the camera's sensitivity to light, in doing so you also add "noise" to the photo.
Chronic stress may cause weight gain or loss, sleeping difficulties, problems with concentration and memory, and may increase sensitivity to pain.
As our health declines, we become less able to deal with these same life stressors, and our sensitivity to even minor stress becomes heightened.
In recent years, high school mascots have made the news as communities strive for greater cultural sensitivity.
St John's Wort also has a multitude of side effects such as anxiety, sunlight sensitivity, dry mouth, dizziness, gastrointestinal symptoms, fatigue, headache, and sexual dysfunction.
If you suffer from chemical sensitivity, then organic towels will be more than a treat for you.
Seamless socks for children are available as one way of making getting dressed a more comfortable task for kids with skin sensitivity.
Seamless socks for children are not just about sensitivity issues.
Many of the children who have serious sensitivity issues also have a condition such as autism, Tourette's or OCD.
For autistic children in particular, sensitivity issues can be enormous.
Puppies are exposed to a wide variety of sights, sounds and experiences in order to lessen their sensitivity level to common daily distractions they might encounter in their later lives as guide dogs.
Dogs seem to show little sensitivity to the insertion of the needle.
If there is some sensitivity upon insertion, it is momentary.
Animals, like humans, can display sensitivity to a medication.
Yost, named the foam temper foam because of its sensitivity to temperature change.
If you have gluten sensitivity, never fear!
Thanks to these strict guidelines, the earth becomes healthier and people who suffer from allergies or experience chemical sensitivity can benefit from purchasing organic clothing.
If eye dryness and sensitivity are your top concerns about wearing contact lenses, discuss the option of trying Proclear lenses with your eye care provider.
If you experience pain, burning, redness, tearing or sensitivity to light while wearing the lenses, see your eye care professional immediately.
The amount of light reaching your eyes is also cut down, great for those with light sensitivity.
Additionally, anyone with special eye needs or a heightened sensitivity to light, may also want to speak to their doctor about this eyewear.
Symptoms include fatigue, difficulty swallowing, mood swings, hoarse voice, sensitivity to cold, forgetfulness, and dry/coarse skin and hair.
While people of all ages can develop an allergic sensitivity to certain foods, such allergies are especially common among children.
The dentist may flush the sore area with warm water to dislodge any food particles and to test for sensitivity to heat.
The dentist may then dry the area with gauze to determine sensitivity to touch and pressure.
Allergy tests evaluate levels of allergic sensitivity to commonly encountered allergens, which may be foods, pollen, chemicals, or other substances in the environment.
When recurring symptoms in children indicate sensitivity to certain substances in the environment, allergy testing can be used to identify the particular allergens that my be triggering reactions.
Provocation testing is done in some cases to confirm associations between exposure to certain allergens and the subsequent development of symptoms when skin testing or RAST tests have indicated possible sensitivity.
Following allergen inhalation, reduction in exhalation capacity of more than 20 percent, and for at least 10 to 20 minutes, indicates a positive reaction to the allergen and the sensitivity of the individual being tested.
Gastrointestinal symptoms within 24 hours following the ingestion of a suspected food allergen indicates a positive response and sensitivity to that food allergen.
Sitting too close to the screen could exacerbate the effects of the light sensitivity, as could the increasingly complex graphic technology featured in games.
Side effects include generalized weakness, including weakness of the respiratory muscles, as well as drowsiness, fatigue, diarrhea, and sensitivity to the sun.
It is characterized by swelling of the eyelids, sensitivity to light, and eventual scarring of the conjunctiva and cornea of the eye.
The early symptoms of trachoma include the development of follicles (small sacs) on the conjunctivae of the upper eyelids; pain; swollen eyelids; discharge; tearing; and sensitivity to light.
For infants who demonstrate sensitivity to cow's milk, formulas based on soy protein are available.
A food allergy or sensitivity is a person's immune system reaction to eating a particular food.
The child, however, may be allergic to a completely different food from the one to which the parent has demonstrated sensitivity.
This variation is individualized and is a factor in the body's sensitivity to the target food.
Visual disturbances include night blindness and increased sensitivity to light and glare.
Everyone with oculocutaneous albinism experiences abnormal flickering eye movements (nystagmus) and sensitivity to bright light.
Once the strongest dose is reached, the child's sensitivity has decreased, and the injections are given monthly to control allergic symptoms.
The term allergy refers to a person's immunologic sensitivity to any substance that causes an allergic reaction.
The symptoms of serum disease, particularly urticaria, may occur when a child acquires sensitivity to several drugs.
Pain, irritation, tearing, red eye, twitching of the eye, decreased vision, and sensitivity to bright lights are common complaints that accompany a corneal abrasion.
The frequency of chromosomal breaks is increased when T-lymphocytes are exposed to x rays in the laboratory, and this sensitivity to ionizing irradiation forms the basis for a specialized A-T diagnostic test.
The ionizing irradiation sensitivity test is the most useful test for diagnosing A-T.
Migraines are often accompanied by other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, and sensitivity to light, sound, strong odors, and movement.
Brain tissue itself has no sensitivity to pain.
Abortive headache medications are used to stop the headache process and prevent symptoms of migraines, including pain, nausea, sound and light sensitivity, and other symptoms.
This drug testing is limited by sensitivity, specificity, and the time elapsed since the person last used the drug.
The bacteria can then be identified, and results from antibiotic sensitivity tests on the bacteria will determine the appropriate treatment to be prescribed.
Besides the use of throat cultures in diagnosis, the bacteria identified are used to determine antibiotic sensitivity, allowing physicians to select the most appropriate and effective antibiotic to treat a specific infection.
It is common for physicians to order culture and sensitivity tests at the same time.
After the organism has been identified and sensitivity testing has indicated the most effective antibiotic, a different, more specific antibiotic can be prescribed.
When the culture results are available and sensitivity tests indicate a more effective antibiotic, the physician will likely prescribe a new antibiotic specific for the strep or other organism identified.
The biggest indicator of a child's behavior, however, was the family environment, particularly the sensitivity of mothering practices.
Swimmer's itch-An allergic skin inflammation caused by a sensitivity to flatworms that die under the skin, resulting in an itchy rash.
Allergic rhinitis-Swelling and inflammation of the nasal membranes caused by sensitivity to airborne matter like pollen or cat hair.
Because of the sensitivity of the skin and the nature of the necessary equipment, electric treatments are not possible on hair inside the ears or nose, or for most hairs from moles.
Not a hundredth part of the cerebellum has remained, and yet there has existed ability to stand, to walk, to handle and lift objects in a fairly normal way, without any trace of impairment of cutaneous or muscular sensitivity.
Still it remains a great point to have even attempted some system in the dark anomalies which lie under the normal consciousness, and to have traced the genesis of the intellectua4 faculties from animal sensitivity.
It is not a seared conscience that's lost all sensitivity.
Results Patients ' mean age = 78 years, mean binocular distance logMAR acuity = 0.5, mean binocular contrast sensitivity = 1.15.
This approach allowed quick, low cost sensitivity analysis to be undertaken to examine issues raised during the study.
Inevitably, because of the sensitivity of the issues which are raised strict anonymity is preserved.
Aspirin sensitivity was assessed by history together with intranasal lysine aspirin sensitivity was assessed by history together with intranasal lysine aspirin challenge.
Results Patients ' mean age = 78 years, mean binocular distance logMAR acuity = 0.5, mean binocular distance logMAR acuity = 0.5, mean binocular contrast sensitivity = 1.15.
There is also discussion on the sensitivity of the shore biotopes and observations of the interest recorded during the 17 month study.
Transgenic approaches would be useful to deal with problems related to stem borer, leaf blight, and sensitivity to waterlogging in corn.
The latter is determined by the lens aperture, CCD integration time, and the sensitivity of the silicon CCD detector.
A robust measure of numerical model parameter sensitivity was employed, namely the rank order correlation coefficient.
Linux is the most sensitive One of first culture shocks for people moving from Windows to Linux is the case sensitivity of file names.
This has almost the same degree of sensitivity as transoesophageal echocardiography, the gold standard.
It has an integral high sensitivity electret microphone which can be mounted on the board or extended up to 50 feet using suitable cable.
It is fully tuneable from 100-120MHz and has high sensitivity on-board electret microphone able to clearly monitor sounds up to 25 feet away.
The environmental sensitivity of such major development was also self-evident on my short voyage.
Increased sensitivity to pain or temperature may also occur.
One close encounter of this sort is usually sufficient to induce sensitivity.
St. John's Wort has been known to cause sensitivity to sunlight in animals, and while it is unknown if humans have the same reaction, it's best to use caution when spending extended periods in the sun if using St. John's Wort.
A lot of us do not know what it is like to no be able to go out in the sun because of eye sensitivity, but our customers let us know how much our products have helped protect their eyes and let them enjoy normal outdoor activities.
The greatest difference between HCP and AIP is that people with HCP may have some skin sensitivity to sunlight.
The major symptoms of this disorder are related to sensitivity to light-including both artificial and natural light sources.
Diagnosis is more easily accomplished in cases in which non-specific symptoms appear in combination with symptoms more specific to porphyria, like neuropathy, sensitivity to sunlight, or certain other manifestations.
However, if skin sensitivity to light is a symptom, a blood plasma test is indicated.
The drug cholestyramine may reduce the skin's sensitivity to sunlight as well as the accumulated heme precursors in the liver.
The foreskin of the penis safeguards the sensitivity of the glans and shields it from irritation by urine, feces, and foreign materials.
Contact lens wearers should seek immediate attention if they experience eye pain, a burning sensation, red eyes, intolerable sensitivity to light, cloudy vision, or an inability to keep the eyes open.
Firszt, Jill B., et al. "Auditory Sensitivity in Children Using the Auditory Steady-State Response."
Some children will get a rash from certain brands of disposable diapers or from sensitivity to some soaps used in cloth diapers.
In addition, allergic sensitivity to poison plants tends to lessen with age.
Most children will not get a rash the very first time they are exposed to poison ivy, oak, or sumac, although this is when the sensitivity, or immune response, to urushiol develops.
Not everyone acquires an allergic sensitivity to urushiol, but in those that do, the next time they are exposed to the plant and urushiol penetrates the skin, a rash is inevitable.
Mild to severe pain and sensitivity to cold following treatment for a fingertip amputation sometimes occur.
In other cases, the individual may experience common early symptoms, such as sensitivity to hot and cold liquids or localized discomfort after eating very sweet foods.
Because contrast material may contain iodine, sensitivity to contrast material may occur if the child has other allergies to iodine or seafood, and CT staff should be informed if the child has such allergies.
The child is experiencing photosensitivity, or sensitivity to light.
The dentist should also be called whenever dental trauma results in pain, dislocation of the tooth, or tooth sensitivity to hot or cold.
Some people appear to be more vulnerable to addiction because their body chemistry increases their sensitivity to drugs.
The bacteria can then be identified and, by performing antibiotic sensitivity tests on the bacteria, appropriate treatment can usually be prescribed.
If the results of culture and sensitivity positively identify the causative bacteria, an antibiotic is prescribed for that demonstrated sensitivity.
Awareness of infant's sensitivity to these messages is gained by watching their body language.
The severity of symptoms depends on the type of bacteria, the amount consumed, and the individual's general health and sensitivity to the toxin.
A drug sensitivity is an unusual reaction to a drug that does not involve the immune system.
The most common drug sensitivity is to aspirin.
However, they are caused by a drug sensitivity rather than a drug allergy and can occur upon the first exposure to a drug.
A physician should be consulted whenever a child has an allergic reaction or sensitivity to a drug.
It is important to distinguish between an uncomfortable but mild side effect of a drug and an allergic reaction or sensitivity which could be life-threatening.
A drug allergy or sensitivity most often is diagnosed by discontinuing the drug and observing whether the symptoms disappear.
A reaction upon a child's first exposure to the drug is probably a drug sensitivity.
Small amounts of the drug are injected or swallowed over a period of hours or a few days or in slowly increasing doses, to reduce sensitivity.
Anaphylactoid-A non-allergic sensitivity response resembling anaphylaxis.
When a child is given a new medication or starts a new course of treatment with a previous medication, parents should watch closely for symptoms of a drug allergy or sensitivity.
Sensitivity to allergens is typically lifelong.
Celiac disease-A disease, occurring in both children and adults, which is caused by a sensitivity to gluten, a protein found in grains.
This medicine may increase sensitivity to sunlight.
Nausea, vomiting, increased sensitivity to light, and other symptoms often accompany a migraine.
One enduring myth is that female masturbation can lead to decreased sensitivity of the clitoris resulting in a decrease in the frequency and intensity of female orgasm.
It has also been alleged that masturbation can reduce sensitivity in the male penis.
Other studies indicate that even newborn and premature infants who have constant pain will reach adulthood with greater sensitivity to pain and lower tolerance of stress.
Swelling, redness, bleeding from the surface blood vessels, sensitivity to light, and sudden vision problems are all symptoms of foreign matter in the eyes.
Other possible consequences of frostbite include skin-color changes, nail deformation or loss, joint stiffness and pain, hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating), and heightened sensitivity to cold.
Because massage usually involves applying touch with some degree of pressure and movement, the massage therapist must use touch with sensitivity in order to determine the optimal amount of pressure to use for each person.
Touch used with sensitivity also allows the massage therapist to receive useful information via his or her hands about the individual's body, such as locating areas of muscle tension and other soft tissue problems.
Possible side effects include mild redness, peeling, irritation, dryness, and an increased sensitivity to sunlight that requires use of a sunscreen.
Although allergy to a particular substance is not inherited, increased allergic sensitivity may be genetic (inherited).
The drip of mucus from the sinuses down the back of the throat, combined with increased sensitivity, can also lead to throat irritation and redness.
However, since many bacteria are resistant to penicillin, it is often wise to do a culture and sensitivity test before using penicillins.
The doctor must first test people for sensitivity to animal serum.
This decreased level, in turn, decreases the sensitivity of ocular tissue to another compound called retinoic acid, which prevents increases in the length of the eye.
Regarding fluoroquinolones, lomefloxacin has been associated with increased sensitivity to light.
Side effects include generalized weakness-including weakness of the respiratory muscles-as well as drowsiness, fatigue, diarrhea, and sensitivity to the sun.
Other symptoms include fever, depression, confusion, painful muscle spasms, sensitivity to touch, loud noise, and light, extreme thirst, painful swallowing, excessive salivation, and loss of muscle tone.
On the other hand, a child may outgrow allergic sensitivity.
More commonly, what seems to be loss of sensitivity is instead a reduced exposure to allergens or an increased tolerance for the same level of symptoms.
Children with atopic dermatitis often have a lowered threshold of sensitivity to itching, which means that they feel itching sensations more intensely than children without the disorder.
Moreover, sulfonamides increase sensitivity to sunlight and increase the risk of sunburn.
Redness typically fades in a very short period of time, depending on the skin's sensitivity.
Faint lines can be caused by low test sensitivity, performing the test too early in your pregnancy, or a diluted urine specimen.
The Equate test was one of the lowest-rated on both sensitivity and ease of reading, although it did rank higher if read toward the end of the suggested waiting time.
One way to evaluate a test's sensitivity is to read the package.
E.p.t. got a "good" rating from Consumer Reports for sensitivity, which put it in the top half of tests.
Camila birth control pills are a great way for women to prevent pregnancy who also have estrogen sensitivity or are nursing.
You can usually find generic ones with the same or higher sensitivity on the Internet.
If you picked a test with a low sensitivity and your period is only a few days late, you may not be producing enough human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) to trigger a positive result.
You can find the sensitivity level of a specific pregnancy test by reading the back of the box or by checking the manufacturer's website.
Helps allergies - Some allergists prescribe bee pollen to help lower sensitivity to local plant pollens.
If you have an allergy or sensitivity to cobalt or cobalamin, then you shouldn't take vitamin B12.
Or, now that you're pregnant you discover sensitivity to certain fabrics and don't like the way they feel on your skin.
On the other hand, having a high sensitivity to behaviors or subtle signals of unfaithfulness can be a positive.
By carefully considering the person for whom the jewelry is intended, you demonstrate the same level of caring and sensitivity that first began your relationship together.
Sensitivity is critical when considering romantic ways to propose.
Gluten sensitivity is distinguished from more serious symptoms of gluten allergy primarily by intensity.
The sort of problem that makes you shrug and think, "must have been something I ate," could indicate gluten sensitivity.
In children, mood disruptions associated with gluten sensitivity can manifest as behavioral problems or disturbed sleep patterns.
People who suffer from wheat intolerance often experience a number of gluten sensitivity symptoms alerting them that something is wrong.
While the ambiguous symptoms listed in the previous section are commonly experienced by people with gluten sensitivity, it may surprise you to learn that digestive symptoms are actually less common.
It's tempting to self-diagnose when it comes to issues like a gluten allergy or sensitivity, and there are generally two camps of thought regarding the diagnostic process.
These patients will usually not show elevated anti-gliadin antibodies or characteristically damaged villi, and as a result may be advised that their symptoms are not related to gluten sensitivity.
Also known as Duhring's disease, dermatitis herpetiformis was the first non-celiac form of gluten sensitivity commonly recognized by the medical community.
Coffee, cheese and chocolate have long been identified as possible culprits, but gluten sensitivity is a relatively new association.
As time goes on, specialists are explaining a number of formerly mysterious conditions with gluten sensitivity.
As the company admits, every one is different, and sensitivity to gluten will vary.
Individuals with gluten sensitivity must avoid ingesting any foods or liquids which might contain gluten.
There is no easy answer to this question and it depends heavily on which oats you buy and what your individual level of sensitivity is.
Potatoes are gluten-free, which makes them a great option for people with gluten sensitivity.
Since it can take so little gluten to create a problem, these are two good reasons for anyone with a gluten sensitivity to be extra safe with cosmetics and personal care products.
Gluten-free candy will be greatly appreciated by anyone who feels limited as a result of having celiac disease or a gluten sensitivity.
Reviewing a list of gluten-free fast food restaurants shows that these venues vary widely in how accommodating they are to individuals with food sensitivity issues.
The best matches are the signs that show an innate sensitivity and authentic character.
The best match for Pisces is an individual that honors this sign's inherent sensitivity and appreciates Pisces' vast creativity.
It is associated with the pituitary gland, sensitivity and deep feeling.
The burned skin loses sensitivity and eventually changes into a silver scar in the shape of the metal.
Others may be the opposite, not noticing sensory input like pain or discomfort,and some will display over sensitivity in certain areas and under sensitivity in others.
Above all, it is important to address these problems with sensitivity and care in order to prevent the development of eating disorders, such as bulimia or anorexia nervosa.
There may be a time when you need a diet book that deals with a specific situation, such as a chronic health condition, a food sensitivity, or an age level.
Bear in mind too that you may experience gastrointestinal issues from adding carbs again to your diet, depending upon your sensitivity.
Even though it may seem miniscule at the time, each symptom may alert your doctor to a food allergy or sensitivity that may be connected to your RA flare-ups.
If you have any kind of skin sensitivity or allergy, a bra made of man-made fabrics can cause a lot of grief.
Non-hypoallergenic foams for padding can cause rashes or sensitivity.
Older women may have some sensitivity about their midsections and thighs, especially if they've had more than one child - not everyone can get back in shape like Annette Bening.
Like alpha hydroxy acids, beta hydroxy acids can increase sensitivity to the sun, so sun block should be worn.
If sensitivity is not a concern, consider the therapeutic and aromatic benefits of a scrub.
Chemotherapy and radiation therapy can cause a number of side effects to the skin, predominantly an excess of dryness and sensitivity.
Side effects are typically minimal, though this does depend on the individual's general sensitivity.
Some over-the-counter meds also increase your sun sensitivity, such as those containing ingredients to fight serious acne.
Depending on your level of sensitivity to the bite, a bump may be the only symptom of bedbugs.
The former includes providing a wheelchair-bound individual with access to the house and its amenities; the latter includes making the home more comfortable or livable for a resident with a medical illness or sensitivity.
So, having the same sensitivity to implied clave that a salsa musician has would be a handy little skill for a dancer.
The cinnamon may work by affecting blood sugar, activating certain enzymes like glycogen synthase and kinase (insulin receptor), resulting in increased insulin sensitivity and overall, improving the body's capacity to store glucose.
Many people who believe they experience a particular level of sensitivity or prior awareness of events yet to come often seek out psychic tests that can help them determine whether or not those percepions are extrasensory in nature.
Although children may lose their sensitivity to penicillin, if the reaction was urticarial or anaphylaxis, they are not re-challenged with the drug for safety reasons (i.e. it is not possible to predict who has lost sensitivity).
The effect of gluten on neurological function remains a controversial subject among doctors and scientists, but mounting evidence supports the notion that gluten sensitivity triggers a number of behavioral, emotional and motor conditions.
In a food allergy or sensitivity, when the child eats a particular food, (such as eggs, for example) usually by the time the eggs reach the stomach or the intestines, the body reads the presence of eggs as an allergen (something harmful).