Sends Sentence Examples
The governor sends a message at the beginning of each session of the legislature, and may convene the houses in extraordinary session when he deems it necessary.
He just sends a ball and they think they'll all be killed, a sergeant was saying angrily and reproachfully.
The comparatively rapid growth of the tree is its great recommendation to the planter; it is best raised from acorns sown on the spot, as they are very bitter and little liable to the attacks of vermin; the tree sends down a long tap-root, which should be curtailed by cutting or early transplanting, if the young trees are to be removed.
He either sends in out-of-towners like this guy or gets big-dollar local counsel.
He sends me with a message for Hilden!
He is assisted, and in some degree controlled, in his work by the district council (conseil darrondissement), to which each canton sends a member, chosen by universal suffrage.
The registrar sends several confirmation emails to your primary contact once your domain is active.
Meanwhile each party forms its own organization of chiefs, finance-officers and registrars at home, and sends ambassadors to foreign cities of the same complexion.
It is excentric as regards the pole and sends tapering extensions towards the south.
The arch alone sends 66r out processes, viz.
AdvertisementThe aortic trunk is very short, sends off the coronary arteries and then the left aorta brachiocephalica, while the rest divides into the right brachiocephalic and the aorta descendens.
For working " double current," two sets of accumulators are provided, one set to send the positive and the other set the negative currents; that is to say, when, for example, a double current Morse key is pressed down it sends, say, a positive current from one set, but when it is allowed to rise to its normal position then a negative current is transmitted from the second set of accumulators.
The local 1_ E I battery B 1 then sends a current through the in FIG.
Suppose the arm c of the switch S to be in contact with 2; thin when the key is manipulated it sends alternately positive and negative currents into the line.
The foot by which it is attached often sends out root-like processes - the hydrorhiza (c).
AdvertisementIn Hydra the odcyte is a large amoeboid cell, which sends out pseudopodia amongst the odgonia and absorbs nutriment from them.
In Velella the pneumatophore becomes of complex structure and sends air-tubes, lined by a chitin and resembling tracheae, down into the compact coenosarc, thus evidently serving a respiratory as well as a hydrostatic function.
The Presbyterian Church in India sends one minister and one elder.
The primitive cell sends colorless tubelets (rhizoids, rh.) into the mud on which it grows.
The lateral process in most birds sends out an outgrowth, directed out and upwards, overlapping some of the ribs, the processus obliquus.
AdvertisementThe last nerve which contributes to the ischiadic plexus leaves the spinal column in most birds either between the two primary sacral vertebrae, or just below the hindmost of them, and sends a branch to the pubic portion which is composed of post-ischiadic nerves, partly imbedded in the kidneys, and innervates the ventral muscles between the tail and pubis, together with those of the cloaca and copulatory organs.
Each brachiocephalic soon sends off its subclavian, while in the normal or more usual cases the rest proceeds as the carotid trunk, inclusive of the vertebral artery.
In the succeeding January or February it sends up its leaves, together with the ovary, which perfects its seeds during the summer.
The chamber has a safety value at the top of its vault, which is so balanced that the least surplus pressure from within sends it up. The first puff of sulphur vapour which enters the chamber takes fire and converts the air of the chamber into a mixture of nitrogen and sulphur dioxide.
From Balloch in the south it sends off the Leven to the Clyde; from the east it receives the Endrick, the Blair, the Cashell and the Arklet; and from the north the Falloch.
AdvertisementThe Sierra Nevada range, which forms the western rim of the Basin, sends into the state a single lofty spur, the Washoe Mountains.
The local diet, of which the bishop of Laibach is a member ex officio, is composed of thirty-seven members, and Carniola sends eleven deputies to the Reichsrat at Vienna.
The province sends 14 members to the German Reichstag, and 26 to the Prussian house of representatives.
He flies to Persia, evades the pursuers whom Astyages sends after him, and begins the rebellion.
The reference to Bertha, however, is distant and respectful, her name occurring merely on the list of princesses to whom he sends his salutation.
The local diet, of which the bishop of Gurk is a member ex officio, is composed of 37 members, and Carinthia sends io deputies to the Reichsrat at Vienna.
The first runs from Peking to Kirin via Mukden, where it sends off a branch to Korea.
To the Reichsrat at Vienna Moravia sends 36 members.
The ordinary rise and fall of the river is comparatively slight, but when the west wind blows steadily for a long time, or when Lake Ladoga sends down its vast accumulations of block-ice, inundations of a dangerous kind occur, as in 1777, 1824, 1879 and 1903.
The Nogal sends down a turbulent stream during the freshets, while the Shebeli, notwithstanding the far greater extent of its basin, does not reach the sea.
At midnight all the first-born of the Egyptians are slain and Pharaoh sends the Israelites out of Egypt in haste, and the people took the dough before it was leavened upon kneading troughs upon their shoulders.
This range sends a branch northward which joins the Mejerda range of the Maritime Atlas, and another branch runs south by Gafsa to the Gulf of Gabes.
The local diet, of which the bishop of Linz is a member ex officio, is composed of 50 members and the duchy sends 22 members to the Reichsrat at Vienna.
As Lake Baikal is approached the stream of Russian immigration becomes narrower, being confined mostly to the valley of the Angara, with a string of villages up the Irkut; but it widens out again in Transbaikalia, and sends branches up the Selenga and its tributaries.
The dorsal branch sends a blind twig into each of the diverticula of the dorsal mantle-sinus, the ventral branch supplies the nephridia and neighbouring parts before reaching the ventral lobe of the mantle.
Between Lechlade and Oxford the main channel sends off many narrow branches; the waters of the Windrush are similarly distributed, and the branches in the neighbourhood of Oxford form the picturesque "backwaters" which only light pleasure boats can penetrate.
Lower Austria sends 64 members to the Imperial Reichsrat at Vienna.
The coastwise service centres at Rio de Janeiro, from which port the Lloyd Brazileiro sends steamers regularly south to Montevideo, and north to Para and Manaos, calling at the more important intermediate ports.
Along with that of St Andrews, the university sends one member to parliament.
The wheat-seed for these straws is sown very thickly on comparatively elevated and arid land, and it sends up long attenuated stalks.
St Winifred's holy well, one of the wonders of Wales, sends up water at the rate of 21 tons a minute, of an almost unvarying temperature, higher than that of ordinary spring water.
The smaller branch to the right retains the name of Rhine and sends off another arm, called the Yssel, to the Zuider Zee.
Schaumburg-Lippe sends one member to the Bundesrat (federal council) and one deputy to the reichstag.
To the Reichsrat Trieste sends five deputies.
Desiring to wed the daughter of Constantine, king of Constantinople, he sends twelve envoys to ask her in marriage.
Mountasns.The Japanese islands are traversed from north t south by a range of mountains which sends out various laterl branches.
The local Diet, of which the two Roman Catholic bishops and the rector of the university of Graz are members ex officio, is composed of 63 members, while Styria sends 27 deputies to the Reichsrat at Vienna.
It grows from a whitish root-stock which sends up in the spring a few long-stalked, arrow-shaped leaves of a polished green, often marked with dark blotches.
The cuticle is secreted by an epidermis in which no cell boundaries are to be seen; it sends out processes into the bristles.
This alpine region sends out numerous rivers in a southerly direction, which, forcing their passage through narrow defiles, and precipitated in cataracts over the precipices, eventually pour themselves into the Brahmaputra.
No official receives a salary; he has certain districts made over to him, and he may get what he can out of them; a certain portion of his gains he is compelled to send to the durbar; and the more he extorts and the more he sends to his superior, the longer his tenure of office is likely to be."
Tirol sends 25 representatives to the Austrian parliament at Vienna.
Balak, king of Moab, alarmed at the Israelite conquests, sends elders of Moab and Midian to Balaam, son of Beor, to the land of Ammon, to induce him to come and curse Israel.
He sends back word that he can only do what Yahweh commands.
Balak, king of Moab, alarmed at the conquests of Israel, sends the princes of Moab to Balaam at Pethor on the Euphrates, that he may come and curse Israel.
The princes return and report to Balak, who sends them back to put further pressure on Balaam.
On the wall of the Romanesque crypt, which was restored in 1896, is a rose-bush, alleged to be a thousand years old; this sends its branches to a height of 24 ft.
The canton sends 10 members to the federal Nationalrat, being one for every 20,000, while the two Stdnderdte are (since 1904) elected by a direct vote of the people.
Thereupon Deianeira, prompted by love and jealousy, sends him a tunic dipped in the blood of Nessus, and the unsuspecting hero puts it on just before sacrificing at the headland of Cenaeum in Euboea.
On the first three days John declares that he is not the Christ, proclaims Jesus to be the Christ, and sends his own disciples away to Jesus.
The Northern Pacific sends a branch line south from Tacoma parallel with the coast to Portland on the Columbia river, where it meets the Southern Pacific and the Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company's line (a subsidiary of the Union Pacific), thus affording communication southwards, and up the valley of the Columbia to the east.
The Spokane, Portland & Seattle railway connects the three cities named by way of the Columbia Valley; and the Spokane & Inland Empire sends a line eastward into Idaho to the Coeur d'Alene country and another through the south-eastern part of the state into Nevada.
It sends out n waves in each second.
For instance, a ticking watch may be put at the focus of a large concave metallic mirror, which sends a parallel " beam " of sound to a second concave mirror facing the first.
A musical note always arises from a source which has some regularity of vibration, and which sends equally-spaced waves into the air.
The chief experimental basis for supposing that a train of longitudinal waves with displacement curve of this kind arouses the sensation of a pure tone is that the more nearly a source is made to vibrate with a single simple harmonic motion, and therefore, presumably, the more nearly it sends out such a harmonic train, the more nearly does the note heard approximate to a single pure tone.
With the trifling exception of the south-east of Bautzen, which sends its waters by the Neisse to the Oder, Saxony lies wholly in the basin of the Elbe, which has a navigable course of 72 m.
But the real meaning is not slight; the sexual distinction has been discovered, and a new sense of shame sends the human pair into the thickest shades, when Yahweh-Elohim walks abroad.
After dipping below the London Clay at Canterbury, it sends out an outcrop which forms the greater part of Thanet.
The Chicago & NorthWestern also sends a short branch line northward into the state, forming a junction with other lines at Oakes.
The dolerite of Fair Head sends off sheets along the bedding-planes of these carboniferous strata.
After a long war between mankind aided by Prunikos against Ialdabaoth (this is the inner story of the Old Testament), the Holy Spirit sends Christ to the earth to enter (united with his sister Prunikos) the pure vessel, the virgin-born Jesus.
The canton sends 2 members (elected by a popular vote) to the Federal St y nderath, and 7 to the Federal Nationalrath.
Ultimately, while assisting his brother-in-law in an intrigue with the wife of a neighbouring knight, Tristan is wounded by a poisoned arrow; unable to find healing, and being near to death, he sends a messenger to bring Queen Iseult to his aid; if successful the ship which brings her is to have a white sail, if she refuses to come, a black.
On the one hand he is the god who, through bringing on the rain in due season, causes the land to become fertile, and, on the other hand, the storms that he sends out bring havoc and destruction.
It sends an annual subsidy to aid the foreign work of the British and Foreign Bible Society.
The local diet, of which the archbishop is a member ex-officio, is composed of 28 members, and the duchy sends 7 members to the reichsrat at Vienna.
Then there is presented to the president of the brethren bread and a cup of water (and of a mixture,) ' and he having taken it sends up praise and glory to the father of all things by the name of the Son and Holy Spirit, and he offers at length thanksgiving (eucharistic) for our having been made -;'orthy of these things by him.
The secretary of the treasury sends annually to Congress a report containing a statement of the national income and expenditure and of the condition of the public debt, together with remarks on the system of taxation and suggestions for its improvement.
He also sends what is called his annual letter, enclosing the estimates, framed by the various departments, of the sums needed for the public service of the United States during the coming year.
The local diet, of which the archbishop of Gorz is a member ex-officio, is composed of 22 members, and the crownland sends 5 deputies to the Reichsrat at Vienna.
Post-orbital processes of the frontals exist in squirrels, marmots and hares; but in all other genera they are rudimentary or altogether absent; and the zygoma seldom sends upwards a corresponding process, so that the orbit is more or less completely continuous with the temporal fossa.
Annually in October an International Fair is held, to which Mexico sends an exhibit of Mexican products and manufactures.
In Early English Lyrics (Oxford, 1907) we have a poem in which a lover sends to his mistress a love-greeting composed in three languages, and his learned friend replies in the same style (De amico ad amicam, Responcio, viii and ix).
The commissioner who tries a petition sends to the High Court a certificate of the result, together with reports as to corrupt and illegal practices, &c., similar to those made to the speaker by the judges who try a parliamentary election petition.
En route to the gulf the Vagre sends across the delta, east and north, two canos or canals of considerable volume, called the Macareo and Cuscuino.
The province sends thirty-five members to the Reichstag and sixty-five to the Prussian chamber of deputies.
The local diet is composed of 31 members, and Silesia sends 12 deputies to the Reichsrat at Vienna.
It is this department which sends out, at the command of the secretary of state or the various Congregations those papal letters which are written in less solemn form, brevi manu, hence the word "brief."
The local Diet, which meets at Parenzo, and of which the three bishops are members ex-officio, is composed of 33 members, and Istria sends 5 deputies to the Reichsrat at Vienna.
In the 9th Alcuin sends to Charles the Great for a copy of the earlier books (Epp. 103, Jaffe); and Dicuil gathers extracts from the pages of Pliny for his own Mensura orbis terrae (c. 825).
It is, however, very narrow, being generally about half a mile in width, except in the middle, where it sends out a peninsula to the east 7 m.
There, a sun which never sets sends feeble rays that maintain a low equable temperature, rarely rising more than a few degrees above the freezing-point.
Bavaria is represented in the Bundesrat by six votes and sends forty-eight deputies to the imperial diet.
An examination of its lists of exports and imports will show that Holland receives from its colonies its spiceries, coffee, sugar, tobacco, indigo, cinnamon; from England and Belgium its manufactured goods and coals; petroleum, raw cotton and cereals from the United States; grain from the Baltic provinces, Archangel, and the ports of the Black Sea; timber from Norway and the basin of the Rhine, yarn from England, wine from France, hops from Bavaria and Alsace; ironore from Spain; while in its turn it sends its colonial wares to Germany, its agricultural produce to the London market, its fish to Belgium and Germany, and its cheese to France, Belgium and Hamburg, as well as England.
Any one of these soon comes to rest on a host-cell, and either pierces it and empties its contents into its cavity, where the further development occurs (Olpidium), or merely sends in delicate protoplasmic filaments (Rhizophydium) or a short hyphal tube of, at most, two or three cells, which acts as a haustorium, the further development taking place outside the cell-wall of the host (Chytridium).
The province sends 35 members to the German Reichstag and 62 to the Prussian house of representatives.
It is the abasing of man, the exalting of God, - the belief that what He sends is all good, and that all the bad is from ourselves.
Then, too, from Lyons downwards, the Rhone serves as a great medium of commerce by which central France sends its products to the sea.
Each council sends two deputies to what may be called a water parliament.
Antioch in Persis, of course, sends athletes to the great games of Greece, but in this decree it determines to take part in the new festival being started in honour of Artemis at Magnesia.
Four miles to the north is the Lacus Palicorum, a small lake in a crater, which still sends up carbonic acid gas.
Moreover, in writing to Innocent, bishop of Rome, he addresses him as a brother metropolitan, and sends the same letter to Venerius, bishop of Milan, and Chromatius, bishop of Aquileia.
It sends one member (elected by the Landsgemeinde) to the federal Stcinderath and three to the federal Nationalrath (elected by a direct popular vote).
It sends one member (named by the Landsgemeinde) to the federal Stdnderath, and one also to the federal Nationalrath, while it forms but a single administrative district, though divided into six communes.
The local diet, of which the archbishop of Czernowitz and the rector of the university are members ex officio, is composed of 31 members, and Bukovina sends 14 deputies to the Reichsrat at Vienna.
Lubeck has one vote in the federal council (Bundesrat) of the German Empire, and sends one representative to the imperial parliament (Reichstag).
Elizabethan period; a slight suggestion sends the interlocutors off on the discussion of current reforms in church and state and society.
Agamemnon sends an embassy by night, offering Achilles restitution and full amends - Achilles refuses.
Achilles sends Antilochus to inquire about Machaon.
At Tsaritsyn the river takes a sharp turn in a south-easterly direction towards the Caspian; it enters the Caspian steppes, and a few miles above Tsaritsyn sends off a branch - the Akhtuba - which accompanies it for 330 m.
It sends down subordinate ranges or spurs, of considerable altitude, on all sides, one of which extends to Cape Arnauti (the ancient Acamas), which forms the north-west extremity of the island, while others descend on both sides quite to the northern and southern coasts.
A foreign subject implicated in a criminal suit cannot be pursued or molested in any way unless there exist full proofs of his having taken part in the crime imputed to him, and should he be duly convicted of the crime, he is handed over to his legation, which either sends him back to his own country to undergo the punishment established by law, or, according to more recent usage, punishes him in Persia by fine, imprisonment, &c. In this respect the powers of the foreign representatives in Persia, now numbering ten (Great Britain, Russia, France, Turkey, Austria-Hungary, Germany, United States of America, Italy, Belgium and the Netherlands) vary considerably, some having the power of condemning a criminal to death, while others cannot do more than fine and imprison for short periods.
The Cintra granite sends veins into the base of the Upper Jurassic, and is very probably of Tertiary age.
As a last resource the king sends for Theudas, a magician, who removes the prince's attendants and substitutes seductive girls; but all their blandishments are resisted through prayer.
He sends in reports on the labour, manufacture, trade, commercial legislation and finance, technical education, exhibitions and conferences of the country or district in which he resides, and, generally, furnishes information on any subject which may be desired of him.
In the absence of any of His Majesty's ships he is senior naval officer; he looks after men left behind as stragglers, or in hospital or prison, and sends them on in due course to the nearest ship. He is also empowered by statute to advance for the erection or maintenance of Anglican churches, hospitals, and places of interment sums equal to the amount subscribed for the purpose by the resident British subjects.
Berlin is essentially a Prussian university - of students from non-German states, Russia sends most, then the United States of America, while Great Britain is credited with comparatively few.
Notwithstanding its rich natural resources and its great industrial development, Bohemia sends out a steady flow of emigrants, who either settle in the other provinces of the monarchy, in Germany and in Russia, or cross the Atlantic to America.
Bohemia sends 130 deputies to the Reichsrat at Vienna; the local diet, to which belong ex officio the archbishop, the three bishops, and the two rectors of the universities, consists of 242 members.
More personal than Ouranos and Helios - with whom he has only slight associations - he was worshipped and invoked as the deity of the bright day ('Apapcos, 'Aevea70s, AvKa70s), who sends the rain, the wind and dew ("Op(3pcos, Naios, `Tetcos, Oupcos, EMIÆpos, 'IK,uaZos), and such a primitive adjective as Sc17rET7)3, applied to things " that fall from heaven," attests the primeval significance of the name of Zeus.
The province sends io members to the Reichstag and 19 to the Prussian Abgeordnetenhaus (house of deputies).
It receives a number of tributaries, sends off several offshoots, and is navigable throughout the year by native cargo boats of the largest size.
There, on the sandy bank of the river, at a spot where later piety erected a dagaba (a solid dome-shaped relic shrine), he cuts off with his sword his long flowing locks, and, taking off his ornaments, sends them and the horse back in charge of the unwilling Channa to Kapilavastu.
The caliphs substituted a covering of figured brocade, and the Egyptian government still sends with each pilgrim caravan from Cairo a new kiswa of black brocade, adorned with a broad band embroidered with golden inscriptions from the Koran, as well as a richer curtain for the door.'
The equatorial current, on meeting the northern extremity of Madagascar, sends a branch southwards along the east coast of that island, sometimes called the Mascarene current.
The west wind drift sends a stream northwards along the west coast of Australia, the West Australia current, the homologue of the Benguela current in the South Atlantic. The principal feature in the circulation in the depths of the Indian Ocean is a slow movement of Antarctic water northwards along the bottom to take the place of that removed from the surface by evaporation, and by currents in the lower latitudes.
One of its marked features is the five parallel furos l which from the north-west at almost regular intervals the Amazon sends to the Purus; the most south-westerly one being about 150 m.
It is also situated on the same company's main line to Aberdeen and sends off a branch to Brechin.
She is given in marriage to the Gothic king Jormunrek (Ermanaric), who sends his son Randver as proxy wooer in company of Bicci, the evil counsellor.
Very frequently he is the judge of souls, and sends the good and bad to their own places of reward and punishment.
The local Diet is composed of 151 members, including the 3 archbishops, the 5 bishops, and the 2 rectors of the universities, and Galicia sends 78 deputies to the Reichsrat at Vienna.
The Ebro Valley railway, which traverses southern Navarre and skirts the western frontier, sends out a branch line from Castejon to Pamplona and Alsasua junction, where it connects with the Northern railways from Madrid to France.
Legend sends the student to southern France, and even on a tour of the world.
The latter sends a horizontal or slightly ascending process backwards below the orbit to join the under surface of the zygomatic process of the squamosal, which is remarkably large, and instead of ending as usual behind the orbit, runs forwards to join the greatly developed post-orbital process of the frontal, and even forms part of the posterior and inferior boundary of the orbit, an arrangement not met with in other mammals.
The squamosal enters considerably into the formation of the temporal fossa, and, besides sending the zygomatic process forwards, it sends down behind the meatus auditorius a post-tympanic process which aids to hold in place the otherwise loose tympano-periotic bone.
The former has a wide but shallow floccular fossa on its inner side, and sends backwards a considerable " pars mastoidea," which appears on the outer surface of the skull between the posttympanic process of the squamosal and the exoccipital.
This consists mainly of a long and compressed stylohyal, expanded at the upper end, where it sends off a triangular posterior process.
The basi-hyal is remarkable for the long, median, pointed, compressed " glossohyal " process, which it sends forward from its anterior border into the base of the tongue.
Immediately within the opening of the nostril, the respiratory canal sends off on its upper and outer side a blind pouch (" false nostril ") of conical form, and curved, 2 to 3 in.
The province sends twenty members to the Reichstag and thirty-eight to the Prussian Abgeordnetenhaus (house of representatives).
He sends a human to the divine world, the Black God to some in-between place, and you think he can fix anything?
Then, after receiving the three packets, the destination device sends an acknowledgment to the source.
It explores the aftermath of a virtual apocalypse caused by a disease Hitler sends against London after realizing he has lost the war.
And now there's more aggro after Gallas sends Dani flying - Lampard rushing in in full Anglo-Saxon mode.
G'Kar is threatened by an old enemy, who sends an assassin.
The film sends out the same old message- violence begets violence.
Verse India, its home, sends us the stone called chrysoprase.
Dave also sends a press clipping wherein Lord St Davids claims " I have been touched on the shoulder by the Time Police.
John sends his respects to all members and regrets that he is unable to maintain a closer contact because of his problems.
In addition, the sniffer chooses a random protocol and sends the packet to the logging daemon.
Received the harness and Ben is very pleased to be looking so dapper and sends a woof of thanks to you!
Brain waves can be measured by implanting a small radio transmitter device into a rat that sends data to an external recorder.
The more the reference motion sends an end effector into a half-space forbidden zone the longer the correction process.
The Earth receives various emanations from the sun and sends back to the sun its opposite force.
Getting everyone to realize that every single data error potentially sends people on a fools errand is a critical success factor.
He mixes this in with the make-up for the two teen stars and sends them out to kill the movie execs.
An excellent fanzine; he sends three copies to the UK, which is proof of the current insularity of British fandom.
Jilly knocks over a vase, and Carol, who is already getting very jittery, sends her outside to play.
For instance, in pine at heaven, user Joe sends mail to user emi.
It's the double whammy of ' Oh My God ' and ' I Predict A Riot ' which sends things really loopy tho.
Both acute and chronic anxiety have a basis in physical malfunction in brain chemistry, where the brain sends and receives false emergency signals.
Kirkwall Auction mart by Craig Taylor Craig sends in this picture of the old mart, which stood between Junction Road and Great W. .
Bond sends a memo to M which moves the story in a fresh direction.
On 27 May, the USA sends Stinger antiaircraft missiles to Saudi Arabia in case of Iranian attack.
From here ESA's gamma-ray observatory sends back to Earth new information about the most exciting phenomena in the universe.
It sends TCP packets to port 21 of the remote.
They have an underground rhizome that sends up shoots along its length.
Even the smallest idea or action sends a ripple out into the world.
In desperation she sends Hercules the gift of an embroidered robe given to her by the centaur Nessus whom Hercules had killed.
The kids chorus sends a shiver up your spine.
In his turn Titus vows revenge and sends his surviving son Lucius to the Goths to raise an army.
She sends two little water sprites to get help from her parents.
The Tiber sends back a glassy stare in the darkness.
When the male wolf spider stridulates, he sends the vibrations through a leaf to the chosen female.
It sends off numbers of divergent channels (called marigots) forming several islands, the largest being that of Morfil, 110 m.
Each of the five provinces, by the constitution of the Republic, is governed by a provincial Executive Committee or council which sends representatives to Tashkent, the capital, where the Central Executive Committee of the Republic meets.
A vertical transmitting antenna sends out its waves equally in all directions, and these can be equally detected by a suitable syntonic or other receiver at all points on the circumference of a circle described round the transmitter.
Such cankers often commence in mere insect punctures, frosted buds, cracks in the cortex, &c., into which a germinating spore sends its hypha.
Their transverse dorsal connexion is the posterior commissure; otherwise the whole roof portion of the midbrain is reduced to a thin membrane, continuous with that which covers the Sylvian aqueduct, and this ventricle sends a lateral cavity into each optic lobe, as is the case in reptiles.
Its eastern boundary is in great part a steppe, which breeds population, but, unable to nourish increase, sends it over its boundaries in a constant stream'of migration.
The act further provides that if any one for the purpose of earning interest, commission, reward or other profit sends or causes to be sent to a person whom he knows to be an infant any circular or other document which invites the person receiving it to borrow money or to apply to any person or at any place with a view to obtaining information or advice as to borrowing money, he shall be liable, if convicted on indictment, to imprisonment with or without hard labour, or to a fine, or to both imprisonment and fine.
When the flowers form, however, the mycelium sends hyphae into the young ovaries and rapidly replaces the stores of sugar and starch, &c., which would have gone to make the grain, by the soot-like mass of spores so well known as smut, &c. These spores adhere to the grain, and unless destroyed, by "steeping" or other treatment, are sown with it, and again produce sporidia and yeast-conidia which infect the seedlings.
More personal than Ouranos and Helios - with whom he has only slight associations - he was worshipped and invoked as the deity of the bright day ('Apapcos, 'Aevea70s, AvKa70s), who sends the rain, the wind and dew ("Op(3pcos, Naios, `Tetcos, Oupcos, EMIÆpos, 'IK,uaZos), and such a primitive adjective as Sc17rET7)3, applied to things " that fall from heaven," attests the primeval significance of the name of Zeus.
He sends soldiers among us to take away our liberty.
That sends you down another line of thought.
My Mother and teacher send you and Mrs. Hale their kind greetings and Mildred sends you a kiss.
Eva sends love to all.
Teacher sends her love too.
Teacher sends you her kind remembrances, and father and mother also send their regards.
Think of it now, and let it make every blessing brighter because your dear Father sends it to you.
Teacher is well and sends her kind remembrance to you.
Teacher sends her kind remembrances, and I send you with my picture my dear love.
Please give her my love, and tell her Helen sends her a kiss.
She would say, when speaking of the growth of a plant, "Mother Nature sends the sunshine and the rain to make the trees and the grass and the flowers grow."
The trees have ample room to expand on the water side, and each sends forth its most vigorous branch in that direction.
It is a mirror which no stone can crack, whose quicksilver will never wear off, whose gilding Nature continually repairs; no storms, no dust, can dim its surface ever fresh;--a mirror in which all impurity presented to it sinks, swept and dusted by the sun's hazy brush--this the light dust-cloth--which retains no breath that is breathed on it, but sends its own to float as clouds high above its surface, and be reflected in its bosom still.
He sends blue just south of penultimate and roquets yellow for the hoop approach shot.
To round off the weekend 's matches, John Cannon sends a rueful comment from a Sussex viewpoint.
From thence Paul sends the salutations of Ephesian Christians to those of Corinth.
Been listening to the usual old stuff cos no one sends me new music anymore and I 'm too skint to buy any.
Just thinking about it sends a thrill of anticipation through me.
A Harlequin character reinvents himself with every real life Valentine heart he sends to an object of his desire.
I wonder who sends out these " surveys "?
If you enjoy their information, they also offer a regular newsletter that sends you constant recent facts regarding the childcare industry.
Visitors can type in questions, and experts answer them on the site, which sends out personalized email alerts when the answers post.
Free Pet Treats sends you a sample of cat treats to promote good training habits.
As your body sends antibodies to fight infection, it causes the temperature around the infected area to heat up even before the area turns red.
Scholastic sends the books to the school.
The new Chief goes to a new country and then sends a ship to bring everyone to the new country.
Through you can also see any bill online regardless of whether or not the creditor sends your bills electronically.
The bank then declines or approves the amount being charged, and then sends a message back to the processor, who in turn communicates this message to the machine and the merchant.
Correspondence - Make sure you receive a copy of all the correspondence the debt settlement company sends to your creditors on your behalf.
The agency then sends the payment out to each of the lenders as agreed.
Another option is to respond to offers that GE Money Bank sends you in the mail.
To manage your account with Discover, you can use the statements that the company sends in the mail.
It sends you an email reminder to make your payment so you can avoid late fees.
Each month, review the statement the company sends to you.
The service sends an alert to you, usually through email, informing you of a change in your report.
Privacy Guard monitors the three major companies and sends alerts on business days.
The thief or group of thieves sends out emails to addresses either purchased or gathered online, perhaps through social networking profiles or message boards.
Power is pulled from the batteries to power the motor, which in turn sends excess energy back to the batteries to recharge them as the car is running.
MirrorMate sends you everything you need to install the frame.
They are the message your perfume fragrance sends out to those around you.
Whether it's a trip to the shore that sends you down memory lane or a relaxing shower that eases your nerves, there's something to inspire everyone in Bobbi Brown's small but sweet collection of fragrances.
A single star makes a bold statement when painted solo on the cheek, while a flurry of stars sends an enchanting message.
Maybe knowing this detail is a plus, or maybe it sends you screaming into the night.
Pellys Solicitors is a UK company that sends an e-mail or a letter on your behalf to customers who have not paid their bills.
The child then previews the card and sends it if everything is just right.
When you encounter a situation that makes you feel uncomfortable or fearful, the first thing that happens in your body is your mind sends out a message indicating a threat is present.
If someone sends you a file or attachment while chatting, never open it without running an anti-virus scan first.
Your insecurity is also normal and our media doesn't help because it sends mixed messages, especially to young women about what "ideal" body type is.
It sends the message that these behaviors are not tolerated.
The problem with this is that your invitation could get lost in the sea of invitations every other graduate sends out.
Direct deposit means your employer electronically sends your pay directly to the bank.
Verify that your note sends the right tone and message, and that you spell everyone's name correctly.
Serotonin is a chemical in the brain that sends electrical signals to and from nerve cells.
In the show, his mother sends him to live in upscale Bel Air from Philadelphia to keep him out of trouble.
She calls in a selection of Paris Hilton look-alikes for an audition and sends her favorite to work in her place.
Huston (he claims, at the urging of Hills producers) sends Spencer over a bunch of fruity "girly" drinks and text messages Heidi claiming that Spencer was hitting on some girl.
For example, a cute T-shirt that says 'My trike is a hybrid' sends a double message through its sustainable construction, as well as its environmental slogan.
The site administrator sends out an email each week with the best last minute cruise deals, which are often for Carnival cruises.
The "key" in the collar sends a signal to the dog door.
Like the garden Raspberry, it sends up strong annual shoots, which in rich soils reach 6 feet, bearing scented leaves, the leaves and not the flowers being fragrant.
It does not form a main stem like most of the Dracaena family, but remains as a bold spreading tuft, which sends up graceful arching spikes of ivory-white flowers every year from near the ground to a height of 4 to 6 feet.
Now when the remote sends a code, it also sends a new code using an encoder.
Central air conditioning sends cooled air throughout the entire house from a singular location, unlike window units that only cool the room they're installed in.
In short, this jacket sends an excellent message of competence and fun.
In some cases, free print magazines are only free for a while before the publisher sends you a bill in order to continue with the subscription.
If smoke or fire is detected, regardless of whether the plan member is at home or away, the dispatcher first contacts the member and then sends help.
Instead it immediately sends a signal to the dispatching team.
It also sends a signal to the monitoring station if its batteries become low.
If a high level of the gas is detected, an alarm signal is sent to the monitoring station, a siren is sounded in the member's home and the dispatcher immediately sends help.
The dispatcher sends police immediately if needed.
The American Association of Retired Persons also sends professional lobbyists to be heard in Washington.
In allergy suffers, these medications work to stop histamine, which is a chemical in the brain that sends messages.
When exposed to light, the retina sends a message through the nerve pathway to the brain to let you know it is time to wake up.
It sends just the right hormones into the body to stimulate you, including cortisol.
The pons structure in the brainstem sends messages to the cerebral cortex and thalamus.
The pons sends messages, shutting off the motor neurons in the spinal cord.
Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) sends a constant stream of air into the airway passage that keeps the breathing path open.
The system sends signals from the brain and spinal cord to the different parts of the body-and amazingly, as people sleep, the central nervous system plays a big part in the many sensations that are expereinced in dreams.
The company sends impression material and an adjustable impression tray, and you use the materials to create an impression of your teeth to send back to the manufacturer.
The maximum height of the ride is approximately five stories, and at each end the platform continues to spin as it reverses course and sends the riders on another undulating lap.
This vendetta-based game sends you to seek out the wankstas that killed Fiddy's friend K-Dog.
Acropolis sends to back to Ancient Greece, challenging you to string letter tiles together to form words in various layouts.
When Cecil openly questions his king, the monarch strips him of his command and asks him to commit an act so heinous that it ultimately sends the knight on his own personal quest for redemption.
Inspired by ancient Greek mythology, God of War sends its hero on an epic adventure.
Once the grenade is within a decent blast radius of the opponent, its ribcage light then turns red and blasts them with a blinding white light that sends the opponent falling down rag doll physics style.
Iron, located in Sierra 117, sends you back to the beginning of the stage when you die rather than the last checkpoint.
The website sends you your Mii through your Wii ID, but you can still use the service if you haven't been able to find a Wii in stock or just haven't jumped on the Wii bandwagon.
It plugs into your USB port and sends wireless signals to your DS.
One of these sites is VC Notifier, a service that sends you an e-mail or SMS message whenever the Virtual Console is updated in any way.
Pinot Blanc is not typically an evocative white wine that sends tingles up and down the spine of white wine drinkers.
Simply put, this type of club sends out only kosher wines as part of their shipments.
The organization sends information about the partners offers via mail or email.
The club sends wines to volunteers for no additional cost.
This wine of the month club sends out monthly offerings of hard to find California wines from some of the top small wineries in the region.
The best of the best, the Diamond Series wine club sends two bottles of 93+ rated wines quarterly for $174 per shipment.
The best club for you is one that consistently sends you bottles of wine that you enjoy.
This attachment sends signals to many other cell types to come and destroy the antibody-coated organism.
It sends out immunoglobulin E (IgE), an antibody, to destroy the eggs and protect the body, releasing histamines.
A pacemaker is a device that sends small electrical impulses to the heart muscle to maintain a suitable heart rate.
For non-urgent outpatient MRI scans, the radiologist interprets the images and sends a report to the referring physician within a few days.
In a pallid BHS the brain sends a signal via the vagus nerve that severely slows the heart rate, leading to a temporary cessation of breathing and loss of consciousness.
For non-urgent outpatient CT scans, the radiologist interprets the images and sends a report to the referring physician within a few days.
The archetypal shopping tantrum over the candy bar at the checkout counter or the elaborate toy can sometimes be countered by proposing an alternative treat or purchase instead of the flat denial that sends the child into a tantrum.
This movement stimulates the auditory nerve and sends messages about sound to the brain.
It is usually worn behind the ear, and it picks up sound and sends it along a wire to a speech processor.
Then it sends these digital signals to a transmitter worn behind the ear.
This school system sends 10 to 12 parents to jail each year for their children's failures to attend school.
The cerebellum sends out electrical signals to modify movements as they progress, "sculpting" the barrage of voluntary commands into a tightly controlled, constantly evolving pattern.
A portion of the basal ganglia called the substantia nigra sends electrical signals that block output from another structure called the subthalamic nucleus.
The subthalamic nucleus sends signals to the globus pallidus, which in turn blocks the thalamic nuclei.
Power Station, dams, power transformers or cell phone towers - Any place that creates power or sends out microwaves disrupts the natural movement of energy and creates shar (negative) chi.
Wearing the appropriate clothing for a job interview sends the right impression to a prospective employer.
Visitors can sign up for the "Job Notifier" which sends job listings by email.
It then sends back the analyzed data with a wider perspective to those parties.
If you are in a spot where no one will hear you, saying "Ohm" while breathing out sends sympathetic vibrations through your body which are naturally calming.
The lender sends a letter to each of their mortgage customers who are at least 90 days past due on their mortgage.
One of these panels is actually an ultrasound device that sends and receives sound waves to detect fetal heart rate.
Once the immune system recognizes an invader, it sends out specialized cells to trap, neutralize and destroy the virus.
For blowing fuses, the Magnetron (or the main unit that sends out the waves) may be faulty.
When you set the control knob to a certain temperature, the timer switch sends a signal to the heating element that in turn starts the heating process.
The blower fan then sends air over or through the heat exchanger which warms it as it is expelled into the room.
Whatever life sends your way, you can be ready to combat it with a mood-enhancing candle.
Save The Children sends teams to help both children and families recover from the devastation.
Then, it sends the books that are to go to children throughout Africa.
The dedication to produce true-to-life greenery sends designers literally out into the field to collect samples for reproduction.
A living nativity sends a reminder of the reason for the season.
Each state and territory sends handmade ornaments to be used to decorate its tree each year.
In some versions of the ballet, she is the one who sends Clara home with her toy Nutcracker in her arms.
Your body language sends a message instantly whether or not you want someone to approach you or not.
Pointing - Obvious pointing sends a clear message how you feel, but subtle pointing occurs with your body language.
Make sure they remember you for the right reasons - Don't be the one who sends a nude picture to the person posting in the "Strictly Platonic" section.
When a paying member contacts sends an e-mail to you, there is no fee to send a reply back.
If a member sends you an instant message you can reply back, and you can send free "flirts" as well to show your interest.
She sends him books and CDs, and they occasionally exchange emails.
This is the same case with the gifts she sends.
The way you carry yourself sends a message to the other people around you.
If your lover sends you something that seems shocking or even offensive, try to take it in the spirit of love it was intended, and let him/her know what a more appropriate message would be.
There is a very special feeling when a romantic individual sends a card - it comes directly from one lover's hand to the other and becomes a treasured part of memories shared.
Sometimes a man may simply say your name, look you in the eye, or pass you the salt in the break room, and there is something in the way he does it that sends a special feeling through you.
Sending something that is short and sweet may work better for you because it sends the message that you want to breakup but it doesn't go into great detail.
If the couple sends out formal engagement announcements or engagement party invitations, having one of the cards framed as a keepsake is a nice, sentimental gift.
For this reason, it can be a real blow to the ego when you're rejected for an important assignment or an editor sends back an article with multiple revision requests.
Once the party is over and the guests have gone home, make sure that your child sends thank you notes.
Blockbuster sends out three titles, or the number specified by your individual agreement.
While Larry achieves the mission, Louis still has no faith in the offish mobster and sends another recruit, Ricki (played by Lopez), to handle the job.
This event sends the Earth into a period of darkness and mourning forever marking the number 13 as a number representing very bad luck.
The best way to get savings at Newegg is to sign up for their "E-Blast Insider" program, which sends out coupon codes and savings to customers.
As soon as one person receives the packet, she takes out the coupons she needs and replaces it with all her coupons that she clipped during the week and sends it along to the next person on the list.
The company periodically sends promotional codes that could helps save money on your purchase.
The company sends out regular emails advertising its newest deliveries.
Joanie takes in a mentally ill man who helps out with her business, when she finds out he's wanted by the police so she sends him away.