Sending Sentence Examples
Her neck popped, sending a shot of pain down her back.
He logged into the computer and clandestine website, sending Damian an urgent message.
I'm sending you this card and hope to see you on your birthday if you can get away.
It was ridiculous - sending him into town after such personal items when she was perfectly capable of going by herself.
Her first thought was that he was sending her to Death as a means of torturing her or at least, nailing home the point that he had won this round with Gabriel.
I.m sending her back to the Sanctuary in the morning.
He'd not considered sending her home-- no, he'd decided to kill her!
What was worse, he was sending her away.
The forest is full of demons out for Sasha.s head, and the Dark One may be sending more of its creatures.
You've been sending me updates daily, he said.
AdvertisementI'm sending a list of trouble areas.
She kicked the stone again, sending it flying across the yard.
And I appreciate the info you're sending us, Brady said.
We'll keep sending refugees west.
Fred is sending the sheriff up.
AdvertisementI'm sending the coords for the nearest facility.
Darkyn did a number on her before sending her back, Gabriel said.
We are both culpable for sending the only innocent soul either of us has ever known to Hell.
They shouldn't have talked in front of him, but sending him to his room wouldn't have left him feeling any better.
Good. We're bringing all the souls to this one and sending everyone but five guards to the Ancient Tamer.
AdvertisementHis lips traced the line from her neck to her jaw with small, hot kisses, sending exquisite shivers through her.
He gripped her arm hard and stepped in front of her, his size sending a tremor of unease through her.
Tell Kris—next time he wants something—to call instead of sending this animal.
It was safer for her to imagine someone sitting just behind her wall weaving clothing and sending it to her or anyone else as they requested.
He was sending her straight into a planet!
AdvertisementThe Council split on sanctioning me, and those whose support Jetr swayed for me are sending their armies to battle.
He pulled out a fingernail clipper and began clipping his nails, sending little white crescents flying about the room.
He's sending it and the samples of Mrs. Shipton's writing over to CBI in Denver, just to make sure.
You're supposed to get a call about sending Shipton's belongings back east.
Sneering at Jackson in disgust, Victor stood in front of Elisabeth and began hitting her, first with open hand and then backhand, sending her head flailing from side to side.
Was God sending her a message?
I'm sending the location of the nearest supply center.
There was something odd about sending out messages that didn't go through normal channels.
She slowly moved from her position and crawled down the tree with effort, the movement sending pain through her tender wrist.
The decision was made at levels higher than mine that we are sending in everything we have in three days.
If you … when you find her, I'm assigning you as her personal protection and sending you both somewhere safe.
He touched his net implant but found the network scrambled, indicating the jets were sending out electromagnetic pulses in addition to the missile strikes.
The micro warned him of incoming fire, sending the visuals to the implant in his brain.
I remember sending you to the catacombs.
A dozen of them smashed together and tumbled to the ground, and seeing his success Jim kicked again and again, charging into the vegetable crowd, knocking them in all directions and sending the others scattering to escape his iron heels.
One night the king sat up very late, writing letters and sending messages; and the little page was kept busy running on errands until past midnight.
Inspired by the Chinese effort, he, too, tried to increase the agricultural production of his country by emptying the cities and sending everyone to work on the farms under brutal conditions.
After I had recovered from my first experience in the water, I thought it great fun to sit on a big rock in my bathing-suit and feel wave after wave dash against the rock, sending up a shower of spray which quite covered me.
I thank my dear kind father for sending me some money, to buy gifts for my friends.
Helen asked that the contributions, which people were sending from all over America and England, be devoted to Tommy's education.
After a long time Mrs. Keller said that she would think the matter over and see what Captain Keller thought of sending Helen away with me.
Why, they are sending ambassadors to compliment the usurper.
Read the mystical book I am sending you; it has an enormous success here.
Ah, you are sending off a letter, Princess?
She had opportunities of sending her letters to the Grand Duke Constantine Pavlovich, who commanded the Guards.
When sent for by Count Ostermann, Rostov, remembering that he had charged without orders, felt sure his commander was sending for him to punish him for breach of discipline.
Agitated and flushed she paced the room, sending now for Michael Ivanovich and now for Tikhon or Dron.
Having dismounted he went up to the Emperor with rapid strides and in a loud voice began boldly demonstrating the necessity of sending reinforcements.
Though there was no advantage in sending Friant's division instead of Claparede's, and even an obvious inconvenience and delay in stopping Claparede and sending Friant now, the order was carried out exactly.
At Anna Pavlovna's on the twenty-sixth of August, the very day of the battle of Borodino, there was a soiree, the chief feature of which was to be the reading of a letter from His Lordship the Bishop when sending the Emperor an icon of the Venerable Sergius.
The moan of that wounded beast (the French army) which betrayed its calamitous condition was the sending of Lauriston to Kutuzov's camp with overtures for peace.
It is only to prevent some Pugachev or other from killing my children and yours, and Arakcheev from sending me off to some Military Settlement.
Only this time his lips left hers and wandered to her neck, sending her heartbeat into frenzy.
She dressed as the sun was sending its first rays through the bathroom window.
She shook her head and sat down, sending a text to Darian.
You think I'm sending you to him.
You came instead of sending someone to stop me?
Do you think I was wrong in sending him?
Yup. They're sending some honcho up from Philly later this morning.
That was a nice touch sending old Arthur to the memorial service to represent the firm.
She grabbed the closest object, a brass paperweight, and hurled it at him, bouncing it off a picture of her shaking hands with the late governor, sending glass flying.
Sending the money is like something he'd do—if he had the dough.
In part out of appreciation but more out of guilt, Dean voluntarily worked the holiday, sending a pleasantly shocked Lenny Harrigan home to his new wife.
His hand caressed her cheek and then slid down her neck, sending her pulse into a frenzy of activity.
She recognized him as Charles, the vamp Damian had gotten in exchange for sending her to the Black God.
The White God hadn't said a word, until requesting a hostage of his own in exchange for sending his brother to live with the Black God.
He touched her again, the gentle stroke on her cheek sending warm shivers through her.
Her breasts brushed his arm, sending lightning and warmth through him.
Its power raced through her and out, sending the guardsman nearest her flying.
She rose only for Darian to seize again, sending her crashing onto her stomach.
He's moved his army from the border with Corcoran and is sending it directly to our east.
And they are sending their armies south but may not arrive before several days.
He ached to know how Rissa was but feared even sending a page, lest Memon's men grow suspicious.
His sudden leap to the side unseated her, sending her out of the saddle and rolling off the trail.
I suppose it would be safer than sending you out in the woods with a strange man.
Whoever is behind sending you here is probably threatening you, if you don't deliver.
Xander's thumb brushed her lips, sending warm bursts through her.
It was directed as much at Jessi as at the Black God for sending someone innocent to do his dirty work.
The sudden images of Jonny sending in a hit squad on Xander or blowing up his condo went through her mind.
He laughed as one zapped him, sending him smashing into one wall.
A special feature of his rule was the sending out of numerous cleruchies (q.v.), which served the double purpose of securing strategic points to Athens and converting the needy proletariate of the capital into owners of real property.
Alexander turned, and near the town of Issus fought his second pitched battle, sending Darius and the relic of his army in wild flight back to the east.'
The following were the countries sending the largest quantities of goods (special trade) to France (during the same periods as in previous table).
The Aeginetans at first contented themselves with sending the images of the Aeacidae, the tutelary heroes of their island.
The refusal of Aegina was veiled under the diplomatic form of "sending the Aeacidae."
In the course of a bloody insurrection in Catalonia, which ended in the bombardment of Barcelona, Ferdinand de Lesseps showed the most persistent bravery, rescuing from death, without distinction, the men belonging to the rival factions, and protecting and sending away not only the Frenchmen who were in danger, but foreigners of all nationalities.
This Committee consists of 75 members, sending representatives to Moscow to the meetings of the Central Committee of the All-Russian Federation of Soviet Republics, but the Turkestan Republic showed itself very little inclined to accept the control which the Central Committee at Moscow endeavoured to maintain.
The apparatus for generating the electric action at one end is commonly called the transmitting apparatus or instrument, or the sending apparatus or instrument, or sometimes simply the transmitter or sender.
Hence for sending both a dot and a dash, reverse currents of short duration are sent through the line, but the interval between the reversal is three times as great for the dash as for the dot.
If by any chance wrong signals are printed or the instruments get out of phase, the sender is stopped by the receiver sending a few signals, after which both type-wheels are again set to zero and correspondence continued.
The heavier cores, with the consequent advance in speed of working attainable, have necessitated the introduction of automatic sending, the instruments adopted being in general a modification of the Wheatstone transmitter adapted to the form of cable signals, while the regularity of transmission thus secured has caused its introduction even on circuits where the speed cannot exceed that of the ordinary operator's hand signalling.
Marconi also showed that if such a bent receiving antenna was used the greatest oscillations were created in it when its insulated end pointed directly away from the sending station.
In this manner he was able to provide means for locating an invisible sending station.
Starting from an observation of Marconi's, a number of interesting facts have been accumulated on the absorbing effect of sunlight on the propagation of long Hertzian waves through space, and on the disturbing effects of atmospheric electricity as well as upon the influence of earth curvature and obstacles of various kinds interposed in the line between the sending and transmitting stations.4 Electric wave telegraphy has revolutionized our means of communication from place to place on the surface of the earth, making it possible to communicate instantly and certainly between places separated by several thousand miles, whilst The Electrician, 1904, 5 2, p. 407, or German Pat.
Telephony is the art of reproducing sounds at a distance from their source, and a telephone is the instrument employed in sending or receiving such sounds.
The suggestion of Bourseul and the experiments of Reis are founded on the idea that a succession of currents, corresponding in number to the successive undulations of the pressure on the membrane of the transmitting instrument, could reproduce at the receiving station sounds of the same character as those produced at the sending station.
When the current passed, the friction was felt to increase, and the effect of sending a rapidly undulating current through the arrangement was to produce a sound.
Meanwhile the enthusiastic reception accorded to the young German emperor on the occasion of his visit to Rome in October 1888, and the cordiality shown towards King Humbert and Crispi at Berlin in May 1889, increased the tension of FrancoItalian relations; nor was it until after the fall of Prince Bismarck in March 1890 that Crispi adopted towards the Republic a more friendly attitude by sending an Italian squadron to salute President Carnot at Toulon.
All then took an oath to keep its terms, and orders were sent to the sheriffs to publish it, and to see that its provisions were observed, two or three days being taken up with making and sending out copies for this purpose.
Alexander now contemplated sending Cesare to Romagna to subdue the turbulent local despots, and with the help of the French king carve a principality for himself out of those territories owing nominal allegiance to the pope.
Tendon of the flexor hallucis longus muscle sending a strong vinculum to that of the flexor profundus muscle, the tendon of which goes to the third toe only.
The buildings lie close to the Thames, and the school is famous for rowing, sending an eight to the regatta at Henley each year.
Below the bifurcation the river of Babylon was again divided into several streams, and indeed the most famous of all the ancient canals was the Arakhat (Archous of the Greeks and Serrat and Nil of the Arabs), which left that river just above Babylon and ran due east to the Tigris, irrigating all the central part of the Jezireh, and sending down a branch through Nippur and Erech to rejoin the Euphrates a little above the modern Nasrieh.
The change was further marked by the sending of an expedition to France in.
Meanwhile John III., king of Portugal, had resolved on sending a mission to his Indian dominions, and had applied through his envoy Pedro Mascarenhas to the pope for six Jesuits.
It is not the purpose of this article to enter on the wide subject of the popular observances, such as the giving and sending of Pasch or Easter eggs as presents.
Through the vigilance of Governor Tryon, however, the Assembly was prevented from sending delegates to the Stamp Act Congress.
Owing to its position, the Persian state, when it from time to time became a conquering empire, overlapped Asia Minor, Babylon and India, and hence acted as an intermediary for transmitting art and ideas, sending for instance Greek sculpture to India and the cult of Mithra to western Europe.
Wheat was so great a glut in the market that various methods were devised for feeding it to stock, a purpose for which it is not specially suited; in thus utilizing the grain, however, a smaller loss was often incurred than in sending it to market.
From every dispute which he had with the central authorities at Paris he emerged victorious; and he took care to assure his ascendancy by sending presents to the Directors, large sums to the nearly bankrupt treasury and works of art to the museums of Paris.
Sometimes, as among the Australians, it is merely the ghosts of those who have died in the year which are thus driven out; from this custom must be distinguished another, which consists in dismissing the souls of the dead at the close of the year and sending them on their journey to the other world; this latter custom seems to have an entirely different origin and to be due to love and not fear of the dead.
This aggressive character has a different aspect in several genera which are destitute of a central stylet, but in which the surface that is turned outwards upon eversion of the proboscis is largely pro- P. vided with nematocysts, sending the urticating rods of different sizes in all directions.
It stretches forward as far as the brain, and in Carinella is again continued in front of it, whereas in the Heteronemertines the innervation of the anterior extremity of the head, in front of the brain, takes the form of more definite and less numerous branching stems. The presence of this plexus in connexion with the central stems, sending out nervous filaments amongst the muscles, explains the absence, in Pro-, Mesoand Heteronemertines, of separate and distinct peripheral nerve stems springing from the central stems innervating the different organs and body-regions, the only exceptions being the L.N.
First, he made a number of leathern tubes the ends of which he contrived to fix among the joists and flooring of a fine upper-room in which Zeno entertained his friends, and then subjected it to a miniature earthquake by sending steam through the tubes.
Four months later he was suddenly cast into prison; and, after seventeen days, he learnt that he was falsely accused of sending two noble ladies on a pilgrimage to Jaen.
Therefore it is that Ormazd in his grace determined to open the eyes of mankind by sending a prophet to lead them by the right way, the way of salvation.
Owing to the inadequate supply of labour two important immigration leagues of business men were formed in 1904 and 1905, and in 1907 the state government began officially to attempt to secure desirable foreign immigration, sending agents abroad to foster it.
However, by sending heavy bribes to Bayezid and his vizier, and by offering to build a mosque and.
On his return from Spain, seeing war imminent, he issued a series of march orders (which deserve the closest study in detail) by which on the 15th of April his whole army was to be concentrated for manoeuvres between Regensburg, Landshut, Augsburg and Donauwbrth, and sending on the Guard in wagons to Strassburg, he despatched Berthier to act as commander-in-chief until his own arrival.
But the news from Dresden was so alarming that at the last moment he changed his mind, and sending Vandamme alone over the mountains, he hurried with his whole army to the threatened point.
They can impose fines for small offences not worth sending bef ore the inspector, and, in cases of high misdemeanour, have the power of inflicting corporal punishment.
Wellington had also difficulties of a similar kind with his own government, and also the Spanish soldiers, in revenge for many French outrages, had become guilty of grave excesses in France, so that Wellington took the extreme step of sending 25,000 of them back to Spain and resigning the command of their army, though his resignation was subsequently withdrawn.
Others are biennials producing a number of leaves on a very short stem in the first year, and in the second sending up a flowering shoot at the expense of the nourishment stored in the thick tap-root during the previous season.
The Russians, issuing from the middle Urals, have travelled as a broad stream through south Siberia, sending branches to the Altai, to the Ili river in Turkestan and to Minusinsk, as well as down the chief rivers which flow to the Arctic Ocean, the banks of which are studded with villages 15 to 20 m.
From Tyumen the road proceeds to Omsk, Tomsk, Krasnoyarsk and Irkutsk, sending off from Kolyvan a branch south to Barnaul in the Altai and to Turkestan.
A friendly letter from Alcuin, and a controversial pamphlet, to which Felix replied, were followed by the sending of several commissions of clergy to Spain to endeavour to put down the heresy.
The United States had been in the habit of sending, as minister or ambassador to the Court of St.
But home difficulties and financial necessities prevented the West India Company from sending adequate reinforcements from Holland.
At his instance the diet not only refused to vote supplies for the troops of the ban of Croatia, but only consented to pass a motion for sending reinforcements to the army in Italy on condition that the anti-Magyar races in Hungary should be first disarmed.
His History of the Manicheans is dedicated to the archbishop of Bulgaria, whither the Paulicians were sending missionaries.
Numerous fibroblasts, together with polyblasts, are visible in the fibrin mass, and the vessels at the periphery of the damaged zone are now seen to be sending out offshoots which assist in the process of absorption.
It was strengthened in 190 B.C. by the sending of 6000 new settlers and soon became one of the most flourishing towns of upper Italy.
It does not appear that Voltaire got into any great scrapes; but his father tried to break him off from such society by sending him first to Caen and then, in the suite of the marquis de Chateauneuf, the abbe's brother, to the Hague.
But Don Carlos insisted on sending his own physicians, and in their hands the general died on the 24th of June 1835 - not without suspicion of poison.
According to Lactantius, it prophesied the overthrow of Rome and the advent of Zeus to help the godly and destroy the wicked, but omitted all reference to the sending of the Son of God.
Mr Chamberlain concluded by asking whether the treasury would consent to sending a royal commission to the West Indies to inquire into the effect of the foreign sugar bounties on their principal industry.
Airdrie unites with Falkirk, Hamilton, Lanark and Linlithgow in sending one member to parliament.
In the summer of 1388 the Scots invaded England by way of Carlisle, sending a small body under the earls of Douglas, Mar and Moray to invade Northumberland.
It was Ellsworth who suggested to Washington the sending of John Jay to England to negotiate a new treaty with Great Britain, and he probably did more than any other man to induce the senate, despite widespread and violent opposition, to ratify that treaty when negotiated.
According to other authorities, the Romans were obliged to surrender the city, to acknowledge Porsena's supremacy by sending him a sceptre, a royal robe, and an ivory chair, to abandon their territory north of the Tiber, to give up their arms, and in future to use iron for agricultural purposes only.
The two Anstruthers, Kilrenny and Pittenweem unite with St Andrews, Cupar and Crail, in sending one member to parliament.
Communications are monopolized by the Great Northern railway company, whose main line from Belfast divides at Portadown, sending off lines to Omagh, to Clones and to Dublin.
This delay in sending help to Corcyra was rightly or wrongly condemned by the Athenians, who dismissed Timotheus in favour of Iphicrates.
Gold is dissipated by sending a powerful charge of electricity through it when in the form of leaf or thin wire.
The reference is to the earthenware token which two friends broke in order that they might commend a stranger for hospitality by sending with him the broken half.
Meanwhile Steinmetz had been sending peremptory orders to the battlefield to stop the battle, but neither of the corps commanders was able to enforce them.
Sending, therefore, hasty orders to the 5th and 6th cavalry divisions to concentrate to the west of Marsla-Tour, the prince ordered them from there to sweep round on the right rear of the French army.
Seeing the Hessians hard pressed, he now brought forward the and division of the Guard to their assistance, sending in the 3rd brigade immediately, and holding the 4th brigade in reserve.
The Council of State, being mainly anxious to destroy the Dutch trade and fisheries, began by reinforcing Blake, and sending him north to scatter the Dutch herring fleet.
It brought its fleet back, and then divided the ships, sending some to the north with Penn, and keeping the others, 40 in all, with Blake in the Downs.
The statesgeneral under the skilful management of the Grand Pensionary, John de Witt, retaliated by sending de Ruyter from the Mediterranean, where he was cruising against the Barbary pirates, to follow Holmes.
Richard found a convenient way to get rid of John of Gaunt by sending him to Castile to make good his barren title, and on this expedition he was away three years.
In breaking up and sending out the carbide for commercial work, packed in air-tight drums, the crust is removed by a sand blast.
All male citizens over twenty-one years of age and resident in the state for one year and in the county or election precinct for six months immediately preceding election (except paupers, idiots, lunatics, felons, United States soldiers, marines and seamen, and persons who have taken part, either as principal or second, in fighting a duel or in sending a challenge) have the right of suffrage.
Temple Franklin, deciding to print, got from le Veillard the copy sent to him in 1788 (sending in return the original with autograph alterations and the final addition), and from the copy published (London, 1817) an edition supposed to be authentic and complete.
The Germans raised levies of Masai and Sudanese, and brought natives from New Guinea to help in suppressing the rising, besides sending naval and military contingents from Germany.
Nominally the sultan of Tidore is still the suzerain of western New Guinea, but his authority is scarcely recognized, except on some few shores and adjacent islands, and practically Dutch New Guinea used to be administered partly from Ternate and partly from Timor, upon more peaceful lines than was the case when the rule of the Dutch in New Guinea largely consisted of the sending of a warship now and again to some distant island or bay to burn a kampong, to punish rebellious villagers, and thus assert or reassert Dutch authority, or that of the sultan, who is their vassal.
He had a hand in the pacific overtures which Bonaparte, early in the year 1800, sent to the court of London; and, whatever may have been the motives of the First Consul in sending them, it is certain that Talleyrand regretted their failure.
The country is mountainous, the Arakan range sending out spurs which reach the coast.
Whereupon he seized the oracular tripod, and so entered upon a contest with Apollo, which Zeus stopped by sending a flash of lightning between the combatants.
Thus New York is pre-eminently a divide region, sending its drainage, by various courses, into widely separated parts of the ocean.
Just before the purchase of Louisiana, President Jefferson had recommended to Congress (18th January 1803) the sending of an expedition to explore the headwaters of the Missouri, cross the Rockies and follow the streams to the Pacific. In accordance with the recommendation Meriwether Lewis and William Clark, both officers of the United States Army, with a considerable party left St Louis on the 14th of May 1804, ascended the Missouri to the headwaters, crossed the Rockies and, following the Columbia river, reached the ocean in November 1805.
Then move one train marked (I) 8A to the right, and the other train (II) IX to the left, introducing new parts of each train at one end, and sending out old parts at the other.
It is doubtful if, without the experience of this secretaryship, he could have successfully originated and carried out the plan of sending the United States navy around the world in 1907.
The surrounding gardens are adorned with fountains, cascades, lakes and grottos, the principal fountain sending up a jet of water 180 ft.
The valley of the Rhine from Coblenz to Deutz was ravaged, and the advance of winter prevented Charles from sending more than a flying column to drive back the Saxons.
In 1869 an Irish lad, O'Connor, was sentenced to eighteen months' imprisonment and a whipping for presenting a pistol at the queen, with a petition, in St James's Park; but this time it was the queen herself who privately remitted the corporal punishment, and she even pushed clemency to the length of sending her aggressor to Australia at her own expense.
Despite heavy taxation, the state debt increased greatly; and the sending of a contingent to Russia in 1812 brought the state to the verge of bankruptcy.
Ten days' blockade of the port caused the Siamese government to accede to these demands, and a treaty was made, the French sending troops to occupy Chantabun until its provisions should have been carried out.
As middlemen they already possessed a large interest in the spice trade, for the Portuguese, having no direct access to the principal European markets, had made a practice of sending cargo to the Netherlands for distribution by way of the Scheldt and Rhine.
Before 1868 Maxwell conducted the experiment by sending light from the illuminated cross-wires of an observing telescope forward through the object-glass, and through a train of prisms, and then reflecting it back along the same path; any influence of convection would conspire in altering both refractions, but yet no displacement of the image depending on the earth's motion was detected.
On the 18th of April 1648, at the general assembly of the Zaporozhians, he openly expressed his intention of proceeding against the Poles and was elected hetman by acclamation; on the Toth of May he annihilated a small detached Polish corps on the banks of the river Zheltndya Vodui, and seven days later overwhelmed the army of the Polish grand-hetman, massacring 850o of his 10,000 men and sending the grand-hetman himself and all his officers in chains to the Crimea.
The War of 1812, with the Embargo Acts (1807-1813), which were so destructive of New England's commerce, thoroughly aroused the Federalist leaders in this part of the country against the National government as administered by the Democrats, and in 1814, when the British were not only threatening a general invasion of their territory but had actually occupied a part of the Maine coast, and the National government promised no protection, the legislature of Massachusetts invited the other New England states to join with her in sending delegates to a convention which should meet at Hartford to consider their grievances, means of preserving their resources, measures of protection against the British, and the advisability of taking measures to bring about a convention of delegates from all the United States for the purpose of revising the Federal constitution.
Events had now made Mr Lloyd George and his financial policy the centre of the Liberal party programme; but party tactics for the moment prevented the ministry, who remained in office, from simply sending the budget up again to the Lords and allowing them to pass it.
He stuck to his post throughout the plague year, contenting himself with sending his family away to Wotton.
The river speeding on its course to the sea, the sun and moon, if not the stars also, on their never-ceasing daily round, the lightning, fire, the wind, the sea, all are in motion and therefore animate; but the savage does not stop short here; mountains and lakes, stones and manufactured articles, are for him alike endowed with souls like his own; he deposits in the tomb weapons and food, clothes and implements, broken, it may be, in order to set free their souls; or he attains the same result by burning them, and thus sending them to the Other World for the use of the dead man.
About eighteen months after they arrived in Canada the Doukhobors sent the Society of Friends a collective letter in which they sincerely thanked the English and American Friends for all the generous help of every kind they had received at their hands, but begged the Quakers to cease sending them any more pecuniary support, as they were now able to stand on their own feet, and therefore felt it right that any further help should be directed to others who were more in need of it.
But if the first human beings thus stood entirely under the dominion of the devil, the glorious spirits took them under their care from the very outset, sending aeons down to them (including Jesus), who instructed them regarding their nature, and in particular warned Adam against sensuality.
Meanwhile Haakon, who had vanquished Skuli in 1240, sent orders to Gissur to punish Snorri for his disobedience either by capturing him and sending him back to Norway or by putting him to death.
After the murder of her father on his return from Troy by her mother and Aegisthus, she saved the life of her brother Orestes by sending him out of the country to Strophius, king of Phanote in Phocis, who had him brought up with his own son Pylades.
The divide between the rivers flowing west and those flowing east and north is very sharp in the southern Rocky Mountains, but there are two lakes, the Committee's Punch Bowl and Fortress Lake, right astride of it, sending their waters both east and west; and there is a mountain somewhat south of Fortress Lake whose melting snows drain in three directions into tributaries of the Columbia, the Saskatchewan and the Athabasca, so that they are distributed between the Pacific, the Atlantic (Hudson Bay) and the Arctic Oceans.
The great velocity of electrical transmission suggested the possibility of utilizing it for sending messages; and, after many experiments and the practical advice and business-like co-operation of William Fothergill Cooke (1806-1879), a patent for an electric telegraph was taken out in their joint names in 1837.
The fire reached the powder and the flagship blew up, sending the Capitan Pasha and 2000 Turks into the air.
Beyond sending a corps of observation to follow his movements, the new government did nothing to arrest his escape.
Two days later he showed that he intended to exercise the right of the President to address Parliament direct - a right which had fallen into desuetude - by sending a message to the Chambers, in which he stated that it was his function as President "to be a guide and adviser for public opinion in times of crisis" and "to seek to make a rational choice between conflicting interests."
About the beginning of the 19th century the chief silk-producing regions of the world were the Levant (including Broussa, Syria and Persia), India, Italy and France, the two first named sending the low-priced silk, the other two the fine qualities.
If any such circular or document sent to an infant purports to issue from any address named therein or indicates any address as the place at which application is to be made with reference to the subject matter of the document, and at that place there is carried on any business connected with loans, every person who attends such place for the purpose of taking part in or assisting in the carrying on of such business will be deemed to have sent or caused to be sent such circular or document, unless he proves that he was not in any way a party to and was wholly ignorant of the sending of such document.
It is allowable to deceive an enemy by fabricated despatches purporting to come from his own side; by tampering with telegraph 1112Ssages; by spreading false intelligence in newspapers; by sending pretended spies and deserters to give him untrue reports of the numbers or movements of the troops; by employing false signals to lure him into an ambuscade.
Wolsey made an attempt to get him out of the way by sending him as ambassador to Spain.
The first part, under Peter the Hermit, he got rid of by sending them on to Asia Minor, where they were massacred by the Turks (1096).
As the yeomen of England were then in comparatively easy circumstances, the practice of sending their sons to the universities was quite usual; indeed Latimer mentions that in the reign of Edward VI., on account of the increase of rents, the universities had begun wonderfully to decay.
Further, Pope Pius confined the functions of the chancery to the sending out of bulls under the leaden seal (sub plumbo), for the erection of dioceses, the provision of bishoprics and consistorial benefices, and other affairs of importance, these bulls being sent out by order of the Consistorial Congregation.
The Albanians of the Caucasus were also converted in the age of Gregory, early in the 4th century, and were loyal to the Armenians in the great struggle against Mazdaism in the 5th; but broke away for a time towards 600, and chose a patriarch without sending him to Armenia for ordination.
It was perpetuated from a savage past in the custom of cutting off the right hand of a man who died without heir, and sending it as proof of main-morte to the feudal lord.
About 403, some years after his return from the East, Vigilantius wrote his celebrated work against superstitious practices, in which he argued against relic worship, as also against the vigils in the basilicas of the martyrs, then so common, the sending of alms to Jerusalem, the rejection of earthly goods and the attribution of special virtue to the unmarried state, especially in the case of the clergy.
The "free soilers," however, succeeded in sending to the thirty-first Congress two senators and fourteen representatives, who by their ability exercised an influence out of proportion to their number.
The number of members in the first chamber is 50, South Holland sending io, North Holland 9, North Brabant and Gelderland each 6, Friesland 4, Overysel, Limburg and Groningen each 3, Zeeland, Utrecht and Drente each 2.
They form a superficial mycelium on the surface of the plant, the hyphae not usually penetrating the tissues but merely sending haustoria into the epidermal cells.
Such obligate parasites may be epiphytic (Erysipheae), the mycelium remaining on the outside and at most merely sending haustoria into the epidermal cells, or endophytic (Uredineae, Ustilagineae, &c.), when the mycelium is entirely inside the organs of the host.
Kidderminster sent two members to the parliament of 1295, but was not again represented until the privilege of sending one member was conferred by the Reform Act of 1832.
A line of great importance, connecting Vienna with St Petersburg, crosses the country from south-west to north-east, passing through the mining district and through Warsaw, and sending a short branch to Lodz.
It has a fleshy rootstock, creeping beneath the surface of the soil and sending up luxuriant tufts of narrow, swordshaped leaves, from 4 to 8 ft.
Travelling with what speed he could in the depths of a severe winter and under the effects of a recent (second) illness, he managed to reach London, where, sending in his submission to the council of state, he was allowed to subside into private life.
These means are such as the digging of wells, planting medicinal herbs, and trees for shade, sending out of missionaries, appointment of special officers to supervise charities, and so on.
The opening of the Suez Canal in 1869 soon changed the course of all trade with the East, and in a few years the sending of tea per sailing ship round the Cape of Good Hope was a thing of the past.
In one of his speeches opposing the sending by the United States of representatives to the Panama Congress, he said, "The moment the federal government shall make the unhallowed attempt to interfere with the domestic concerns of the states, those states will consider themselves driven from the Union."
This vacillation may then have been one of the causes which led up to the council, which may have been held before, not, as is usually thought, after the sending of the Epistle to the Galatians.
The separate states have the privilege of sending ambassadors to the other courts; but all consuls abroad are officials of the empire and are named by the emperor.
The pope, to whom the Saxons had been encouraged to complain, responded by sending back certain of Henrys messengers, with the command that the king should do penance for the crimes of which his subjects accused him.
In 1500 Germany had been divided into six circles (Kreise) or districts, for the purpose of sending representatives to the Reic/isregiment.
In the reign of Queen Elizabeth the town obtained a charter, and this was confirmed by James I., who added the privilege of sending two burgesses to the Irish parliament.
His apparatus consists of a vacuum vessel containing a magnetic sphere-intended to represent the earth-and the phenomena are produced by sending electric discharges through the vessel.
It was, however, easier to deal with the Poles of Galicia, for they had no historical rights to defend; and by sending delegates to Vienna they would not sacrifice any principle or prejudice any legal claim; they had only to consider how they could make the best bargain.
This even Sparta would not endure; Dionysius had to content himself with sending a fleet along the west coast of Italy, to carry off the wealth of the great temple of Caere.
He also gave help to Sparta against Thebes, sending Gaulish and Iberian mercenaries to take part in Greek warfare.
Faced with inevitable destruction, Conon succeeded in sending the news to Athens, where by extraordinary efforts a fleet of 11o ships was at once equipped.
By the process of " sending down " (tanzil), one piece after another was communicated to the Prophet.
Tahir decided to reside at Bagdad, sending a deputy to Egypt to govern for him; and this example was afterwards followed.
The Porte was not able at the time to take active measures for the suppression of All Bey, and the latter endeavoured to consolidate his dominions by sending expeditions against marauding tribes, both in north and south Egypt, reforming the finance, and improving the administration of justice.
A period of considerable tension ensued, the Turks removing the boundary posts at Rafa and sending strong reinforcements to the frontier.
General Gordon, questioned on the point, telegraphed from Khartum, on tl,e 7th of March, that he might be cut off by a rising at Shendi, adding, I think it, therefore, most important to follow up the success near Suakin by sending a small force to Berber.
Every effort was now concentrated upon sending an expeditionary force to Suakin, and before the end of March about 13,000 men, including a brigade from India and a field battery from New South Wales, with nearly 7000 camels and 1000 mules, were there assembled.
Towards the end of June the chief of the Jaalin tribe, Abdalla wad Said, who occupied Metemma, angered by the khalifa, made his submission to Kitchener and asked for support, at the same time foolishly sending a defiant letter to the khalifa.
The khalifa was now in full retreat, and the sirdar, sending his cavalry in pursuit, marched into Omdurman.
He then steamed up the river and established a post at Sobat-; and after sending a gunboat up the Bahr-el-Ghazal to establish another post at Meshra-er-Rek, he returned to Omdurman.
The Cimbri and Charydes are mentioned in the Monumentum Ancyranum as sending embassies to Augustus in A.D.
Great Britain retaliated by laying an embargo on the vessels of the three neutral powers, and by sending a considerable fleet to the Baltic under the command of Parker and Nelson.
He early studied at Bologna, where the bishop, Nicholas Albergati, was so much struck with his ardour for learning that he gave him the chance to pursue his studies further, by sending him on a tour through Germany, France and England.
Sir Isaac corrected in the second edition of his Principia an error pointed out by Abauzit, and, when sending him the Commercium Epistolicum, said, "You are well worthy to judge between Leibnitz and me."
In other respects, too, the United States departed from its old individualistic tendencies, as in instituting the draft, regulating food, raising huge loans, observing meatless days and sending an army of 2,000,000 to fight in Europe.
In sending to know the issue of his illness, the king caused himself to be styled "thy son Benhadad."
When Lord Raglan definitely asked him for support, he gave it willingly and eagerly, sending his troops up at the double, and it must be remembered that several British divisions took no part in the action for the same reason that actuated Bosquet.
The differentiation of queen and workers is correlated with the habit of storing food supplies, and the consequent permanence of the community, which finds relief for its surplus population by sending off a swarm, consisting of a queen and a number of workers, so that the new community is already specialized both for reproduction and for labour.
He discontinued the practice of sending ministers abroad in public vessels.
Two months after he had granted Normandy to Charles, he took advantage of a quarrel between the duke of Brittany and his brother to take it again, sending the duke of Bourbon "to aid" Charles, while Dunois and Chabannes prepared for the struggle with Burgundy.
The canal colonies of the Punjab have turned northern India into one of the great grain-fields of the British empire; and in 1904 India took the first place in supplying wheat to the United Kingdom, sending nearly 252 million cwts.
In his time the Indian government first opened relations with a new set of foreign powers by sending embassies to the Punjab, to Afghanistan and to Persia.
Certain it is that though the unprejudiced must admit that exclusion has not been at all an unmixed blessing, yet the consensus of opinion is that a large population, non-citizen and non-assimilable, sending - it is said - most of their earnings to China, living in the main meanly at best, and practically without wives, children or homes, is socially and economically a menace outweighing the undoubted convenience of cheaper (and frequently more trustworthy) menial labour than the other population affords.
He proposed to the French consul-general at Alexandria to make advances to the Porte, and suggested sending back the Ottoman fleet as an earnest of his good intentions, a course which, it was hoped, "would lead to a direct and amicable arrangement of the Turco-Egyptian question."
In 1687 a project of settling the crown on the princess, to the exclusion of Mary, on the condition of Anne's embracing Roman Catholicism, was rendered futile by her pronounced attachment to the Church of England, and beyond sending her books and papers James appears to have made no attempt to coerce his daughter into a change of faith,' and to have treated her with kindness, while the birth of his son on the 10th of June 1688 made the religion of his daughters a matter of less political importance.
But all attempts to remove the accused from the civil prison in Saragossa to that of the Inquisition raised popular tumults, which in the end led to Perez's escape across the Pyrenees, but unfortunately also furnished Philip with a pretext for sending an army into Aragon and suppressing the ancient.
In1606-1611the trading classes of Nizhniy took an active part in the expeditions against the revolted serfs, and it was a Nizhniy dealer in cattle, Kozma Minin Sukhorukov, who took the initiative in sending an army for the delivery of Moscow from the Poles in 1612.
The enemy believed that Cadorna had been deceived by demonstrations made in the Trentino, and their belief was fortified by news that he was sending guns westward.
At dusk a message came from Di Robilant that he was sending up a brigade of the VI.
Before sending out, it is usually stored in settling tanks for a few weeks, during which time the uncombined dryers settle at the bottom as ” foots."
He had meant only to lop off a few ultramontane extremists; he succeeded in sending Catholics of every shade and colour pell-mell into the arms of Rome.
He was the son of William Airay, the favourite servant of Bernard Gilpin, "the apostle of the North," whose bounty showed itself in sending Henry and his brother Evan (or Ewan) to his own endowed school, where they were educated "in grammatical learning," and were in attendance at Oxford when Gilpin died.
But that audacious exploratory energy which formed the motive force of the Renaissance as distinguished from the Revival of Learning took, as we shall see, very different directions in the several nations who now were sending the flower of their youth to study at the feet of Italian rhetoricians.
The stories of his expulsion by the Franks; of his stay of eight years in Thuringia with King Basin and his wife Basine; of his return when a faithful servant advised him that he could safely do so by sending to him half of a piece of gold which he had broken with him; and of the arrival at Tournai of Queen Basine, whom he married, are entirely legendary.
After waiting some time for the erection of a spire at Philadelphia, by means of which he hoped to bring down the electricity of a thunderstorm, he conceived the idea of sending up a kite among thunder-clouds.
Joseph Henry, in the United States, first suggested the construction of what were then called intensity electromagnets, by winding upon a horseshoe-shaped piece of soft iron many superimposed windings of copper wire, insulated by covering it with silk or cotton, and then sending through the coils the current from a voltaic battery.
This, however, was overcome by sending the current out at the centre of the magnet by means of a short length of wire dipping into an annular groove containing mercury.
Later, in conjunction with Prof. Fleeming Jenkin, he devised his automatic curb sender, an appliance for sending signals by means of punched telegraphic paper tape.
The occasion of the siege of Idalium by Persians (which is commemorated in an important Cypriote inscription) is unknown."' Throughout this period, however, Athens and other Greek states maintained a brisk trade in copper, sending vases and other manufactures in return, and bringing Cyprus at last into full contact with Hellenism.
The idea of revelation was expressed by " sending down " (from nazala, to descend); that which passed from heaven to earth was a pre-existent word, eternal as God Himself.
On the 19th of July 1669 Louvois, Louis XIV.'s minister, writes to Saint-Mars at Pignerol that he is sending him "le nomme Eustache Dauger" (Dauger, D'Angers - the spelling is doubtful),' whom it is of the last importance to keep with special closeness; Saint-Mars is to threaten him with death if he speaks about anything except his actual needs.
The whole previous correspondence (as well as a good deal afterwards) is full of the valet difficulty; and it is surely more reasonable to suppose that when Louvois writes to Saint-Mars on the 19th of July that he is sending Dauger, a new prisoner of importance, as to whom "it est de la derniere importance qu'il soit garde avec une grande seurete," his second paragraph as regards the instructions to "Sieur Poupart" refers to something which Saint-Mars had suggested about getting a valet from outside, and simply points out that in preparing furniture for "celui que l'on vous amenera" he need not do much, "comme ce n'est qu'un valet."
The separated fibre is then made up into bundles ready for sending to one of the jute presses.
He had meanwhile succeeded in sending a message to Dublin, announcing the capture of the " Auk " and advising the postponement of the enterprise.
But now Mary Tudor succeeded her brother, and Knox in March 1554 escaped into five years' exile abroad, leaving Mrs. Bowes a fine treatise on "Affliction," and sending back to England two editions of a more acrid "Faithful Admonition" on the crisis there.
It belongs chiefly to the basin of the Rhine; the Lower Rhine, which skirts its southern border, after sending off the Crooked Rhine at Wijk, becomes the Lek, and the Crooked Rhine in its turn, after sending off the Vecht at Utrecht to the Zuider Zee, becomes the Old Rhine.
A small step in the right direction was made in 1900 by engaging the services of an official of the Prussian forest department, but unfortunately, beyond sending him to inspect the Mazandaran forests belonging to the Crown, and employing him to lay out a small plantation in the Jajrud valley, east of Teheran, nothing was done.
The parliament, composed of a single chamber, was to consist of 460 members-400 for England and Wales, and 30 each for Scotland and Ireland - and the representative system was entirely remodelled, growing towns sending members for the first time, and many small boroughs being disfranchised.
But before it had penetrated far inland the political reasons for sending the expedition vanished with the signature, on the 1st of July 1890, of the Anglo-German agreement defining the spheres of influence of the two nations, an agreement which excluded the Albert Nyanza region from the German sphere.
Representations on the matter in England, coupled with assurances from Somerset as to the fertility of the district, induced the British government to vote £50,000 for the purpose of sending out a number of emigrants, Applications were called for, and no fewer than 90,000 were received.
He selected his generals without respect of politics, sending Moriones to the Basque provinces and Navarre at the head of 20,000 men, Martinez Campos to Catalonia with several thousand, and Lopez Dominguez, the nephew of Marshal Serrano, to begin the land blockade of the last stronghold of the cantonal insurgents, Cartagena, where the crews of Spain's only fleet had joined the revolt.
But by occupying Hormuz the Portuguese gained command of the Gulf route; and though they thrice failed to capture Aden (1513, 1517 5547), and so entirely to close the Red Sea, they almost destroyed the traffic between India and Suez by occupying Socotra and sending fleets to cruise in the Strait of Bab el-Mandeb.
Of Phanerogams, only the Dryas octopetala covers small areas of the debris, interspersed with isolated Cochlearia, &c., and, where a layer of thinner clay has been deposited in sheltered places, the surface is covered with saxifrages, &c.; and a carpet of mosses allows the arctic willow (Salix polaris) to develop. Where a thin sheet of humus, fertilized by lemmings, has accumulated, a few flowering plants appear, but even so their brilliant flowers spring direct from the soil, concealing the developed leaflets, while their horizontally spread roots grow out of proportion; only the Salix lanata rises to 7 or 8 in., sending out roots I in.
From 1535 to 1832 (with the exception of 1658-1659) Swansea was associated with the other boroughs of Glamorgan in sending one representative to Parliament.
The Lombards who, after they had occupied the lands and cities of Upper Italy, still went on sending forth furious bands to plunder and destroy where they did not care to stay, never were able to overcome the mingled fear and scorn and loathing of the Italians.
He requested aid from his Bohemian subjects, and this was granted by the Rosenberg faction, while Romital and his party purposely delayed sending any forces to Hungary.
It is sometimes said that a protected state, unlike a vassal state, has the right of sending representatives to foreign states.
Cyril conceived the plan of reforming the Eastern Church by bringing its doctrines into harmony with those of Calvinism, and by sending able young Greek theologians to Switzerland, Holland and England to study Protestant theology.
Owing to the great railway which crosses the country from Riga to Smolensk, afterwards dividing into two branches, to Orenburg and Tsaritsyn on the lower Volga respectively, Riga is the storehouse and place of export for hemp coming by rail from west central Russia, and for corn, Riga merchants sending their buyers as far east as Tambov.
This did not prevent the Visconti sending him on an embassy to Charles in 1356.
Bishop Gobat having conceived the idea of sending lay missionaries into the country, who would engage in secular occupations as well as carry on missionary work, Dr Krapf returned to Abyssinia in 1855 with Mr Flad as pioneers of that mission; Krapf, however, was not permitted to remain in the country.
Melicoth at once proclaimed himself negus, and by sending for Massaja, who had arrived at Gondar, gave rise to the suspicion that he wished to have himself crowned as emperor.
It was to the insight of Lawrence and the splendid organization of the Punjab province - the spoilt child -of the Indian government, as it had been called in allusion to the custom of sending thither the best of the Indian officials and soldiers - that the reduction of Delhi and the limitation of the outbreak were due.
The enemy were thoroughly routed, but Campbell lost the opportunity of pushing the victory home by forbidding Outram to cross the bridge in pursuit if he thought he would lose a "single man," and by sending the cavalry away from the environs of the city at the critical moment.
With Dumfries, Kirkcudbright, Lochmaben and Sanquhar, Annan unites in sending one member to parliament.
The forests of the granitic land, of which typical patches remain, had the characteristics of a tropical moist region, palms, shrubs, climbing and tree ferns growing luxuriantly, the trees on the mountain sides, such as the Pandanus sechellarum sending down roots over the rocks and boulders from 70 to 100 ft.
On his death, however, the brief period of comparative prosperity which his architectural works attest was tragically interrupted, and it seemed for a time that Walachia was doomed to Turkish sink into a Turkish pashalic. The Turkish commander, Mahmud Bey, became treacherously possessed of Neagoe's young son and successor, and, sending him a prisoner to Stambul, proceeded to nominate Turkish governors in the towns and villages of Walachia.
The practice initiated by the more liberal Phanariotes of sending Rumanian students to the French, German and Italian universities tended in the same direction.
Towards the end of this conversation, when it was evening, Ananda broke down and went aside to weep, but the Buddha missed him, and sending for him comforted him with the promise of Nirvana, and repeated what he had so often said before about the impermanence of all things, - "0 Ananda!
West of Knysna, and separated from the seashore by a sandbank only, are a series of five vleis, turned in flood times into one sheet of water and sending occasional spills to the ocean.
His mother's brother, William Ayscough, the rector of Burton Coggles, the next parish, was a graduate of Trinity College, Cambridge, and when he found that Newton's mind was wholly devoted to mechanical and mathematical problems, he urged upon Mrs Smith the desirability of sending her son to his own college.
In the following November Newton redeemed his promise to Halley by sending him, by the hand of Mr Paget, one of the fellows of his own college, and at that time mathematical master of Christ's Hospital, a copy of his demonstration; and very soon afterwards Halley paid another visit to Cambridge to confer with Newton about the problem; and on his return to London on the 10th of December 1684, he informed the Royal Society " that he had lately seen Mr Newton at Cambridge, who had showed him a curious treatise De Motu," which at Halley's desire he promised to send to the Society to be entered upon their register.
Fosterage, the custom of sending children to be reared and educated in the families of fellow-clansmen, was so prevalent, especially among the wealthy classes, and the laws governing it are so elaborate and occupied such a large space, that some mention of it here is inevitable.
But Henry, not contente4 with this, adopted the custom of sending forth certain members of the Curia throughout the realm at intervals, to sit in the shire court, along with or in place of the sheriff, and to hear and judge all the cases of which the court had cognizance.
Thus, at the close of 1852, and in the beginning of 1853, Russia and France were both addressing opposite and irreconcilable demands to the Porte, and France was already talking of sending her fleet to the Dardanelles, while Russia was placing an army corps on active service and despatching Prince Menshikov on a special mission to Constantinople.
Theydecided on sending what practically amounted to an ultimatum to the Federal government, calling upon it to liberate the prisoners and to make a suitable apOlogy.
A Russian envoy was sent to Kabul, where Shere Ali, who had succeeded his father Ddst Mahommed in 1863, was amir; and the British-government, alarmed at this new embarrassment, decided on sending a mission to the Afghan capital.
From Samarkand it is continued east-north-east via Khojent to Andijan (330 m.), sending off on the way a branch to Tashkent (94 m.).
Wycliffe had organized in Lutterworth an association for sending the gospel through all England, a company of poor preachers somewhat after the Wesleyan method of modern times.
She endeavoured to prevent the alliance between King Guntram and Childebert, which was cemented by the pact of Andelot; and made several attempts to assassinate Childebert by sending against him hired bravoes armed with poisoned scramasaxes (heavy single-edged knives).
It is poorly supplied with railways (total length 1091 m.), the main line from Grenoble to Avignon running through it from Sisteron to Manosque, and sending off two short branch lines to Digne (14 m.) and to Forcalquier (9 m.).
For sending the university plate to the king, he was deprived of the mastership of Peterhouse (1642).
Deeply convinced of the importance of education for the young, Calvin and his coadjutors were solicitous to establish schools throughout the city, and to enforce on parents the sending of their children to them; and as he had no faith in education apart from religious training, he drew up a catechism of Christian doctrine which the children had to learn whilst they were receiving secular instruction.
Springfield was a strong abolition centre before the Civil War, and from here active plans were put in operation for sending material aid in the form of men and arms to the "free state" party in Kansas.
In February 1792 an allusion in debate by Toler (afterwards earl of Norbury), the attorney-general, to Tandy's personal ugliness, provoked him into sending a challenge; this was treated by the House of Commons as a breach of privilege, and a Speaker's warrant was issued for his arrest, which however he managed to elude till its validity expired on the prorogation of parliament.
The First and Second Olynthiacs of Demosthenes were spoken in that year in support of sending one force to defend Olynthus and another to attack Philip. "Better now than later," is the thought of the First Olynthiac. The Second argues that Philip's strength is overrated.
His favorite Joyeuse was to defeat the king of Navarre, whose forces were very weak, while Guise was to deal with the strong reinforcement of Germans that Elizabeth was sending to Henry of Navarre.
On the French side most of the longitudinal valleys have disappeared; and this is why the range has so long been described as sending out transverse spurs, the more important slope remaining unknown.
He Philip. was unable to avoid sending an army under Alva against Paul IV., and was glad to avail himself of the services of Venice to patch tip a peace.
This systeir might probably have succeeded if the United States had nol countenanced the sending of supplies of every kind to the rebels, and if American diplomacy had not again and again made representations against Weylers ruthless policy.
In proof thereof, we may quote the case of an extensive grower in the midland counties - sending fruit to the London market in tons - whose crop of gooseberries increased nearly fourfold after establishing a number of stocks of bees in close proximity to the gooseberry bushes.
The squamosal enters considerably into the formation of the temporal fossa, and, besides sending the zygomatic process forwards, it sends down behind the meatus auditorius a post-tympanic process which aids to hold in place the otherwise loose tympano-periotic bone.
The borough was also exempted from the burden of sending representatives to parliament, but it again returned two members in 1553 and then regularly from 1570 until 1881, when the representation was reduced to one member.
If we accept the general conclusion already drawn as to the form and boundary of the region from which the light emanates, the next question is that of the matter sending it forth.
His appeals to the home government, however, resulted in the sending of General Edward Braddock to Virginia with two regiments of regular troops; and at Braddock's call Dinwiddie and the governors of Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania and Maryland met at Alexandria, Virginia, in April 1755, and planned the initial operations of the war.
But these exceptional and dubious forms do not obtain nutriment by sending rootlets in a rhizocephalous manner into their patrons.
Canovas resumed office in March 1895 immediately after the outbreak of the Cuban insurrection, and devoted most of his time and efforts, with characteristic determination, to the preparation of ways and means for sending 200,000 men to the West Indies to carry out his stern and unflinching policy of no surrender, no concessions and no reforms. He was making up his mind for another effort to enable General Weyler to enforce the reforms that had been wrung from the Madrid government, more by American diplomacy than from a sense of the inevitable, when the bullet of an anarchist, in August 1897, at the baths of Santa Agueda, cut short his career.
Hence the bruised seed is, of ter leaving the fiveroller mill, generally warmed at once in a steam-jacketed kettle fitted with a mixing gear, by passing steam into the jacket, and sending at the same time some steam through a rose, fixed inside the kettle, into the mass while it is being agitated.
Gordon at once commenced the task of sending the women and children and the sick and wounded to Egypt, and about two thousand five hundred had been removed before the mandi's forces closed upon Khartum.
The Black God looked like a love-struck teenager, and suddenly Damian understood why Sofi suggested sending Jenn.
I.m sending a car to the airport at about two.
Tell Kris—next time he wants something—to call instead of sending this animal.
If you … when you find her, I'm assigning you as her personal protection and sending you both somewhere safe.
The eerily familiar words – the same he'd spoken to Rhyn before sending him on the suicide mission – sapped Kris's enthusiasm at Death's visit.
He didn't believe Rhyn would've made the right decisions all along, but he couldn't deny that the half-demon wasn't the creature he remembered Andre sending to Hell.
Sending the money is like something he'd do—if he had the dough.
I apologize for the delay in sending this.
Thank you for sending the condolence card.
Whether you're doing business or sending personal correspondence, you want to be certain that your message gets to the intended addressee.
Thanks but no thanks The problem with sending unsolicited advertising is that you can never be quite sure who will read your message.
Another Leeds gem filling national radio airwaves, sending out their summer vibes to brighten up the gray.
His sending off against Reading, together with being late for training a number of times, has apparently angered the Blues ' gaffer.
Most do not feel animosity toward their families for sending them into bonded labor.
The county where I am from has very strict rules about sending absentee ballots abroad.
The uplink is at dial-up speeds, 56k baud so sending large attachments could be a problem.
Please be sure to include the type of submission you are sending with a brief bio.
The pope, sending for him, commanded him to accept the bishopric and go to Britain.
Spammers almost exclusively use bogus sending addresses so will not see the error message.
He carried on across the road, hit the bike broadside, sending it sliding diagonally across toward us.
Remember to include clear refund instructions in your listing Receiving Payment with PayPal Many buyers are understandably cautious about sending money to strangers.
Spring is clearly thinking big, sending the early clematis into a frenzied search for space.
Medical staff always keep referring clinicians informed of their patient's progress by sending reports at least every four weeks.
This system synchronizes a high quality clock at the receiving terminal with a similar clock on the sending terminal.
It burst into flames, sending out great billowing clouds of smoke.
England then colonized Australia, sending out fleets of settlers.
In the summer, US officials were quoted as saying Washington had considered sending commandos into northern Iraq.
Already collaborators are sending us their positive comments about this service.
It is also clever in sending heavily compressed information.
Take into account the cost of converting currency or sending money outside the UK.
Her manner is so deadpan that I thought she was sending me up, but not so.
You may request deletion of your Holistic Listings member details by sending an email to Holistic Listings.
The removal of the term " glorification " would have considerably diluted the message that you were sending to the courts.
Such is the power and dominance of his bottom hand, his strokes frequently resemble a hockey player sending a long pass downfield.
Most eruptions are relatively gentle, sending lava flows downslope from fountains a few meters to a few hundred meters high.
Each prize draw includes an opt in box inviting you to say yes to the draw sponsor sending you further offers.
The South Koreans will be sending an envoy in, there have been some Japanese contacts.
You may correct factual errors in your personal information by sending us a request detailing the error.
Sending thank you cards is essential baby shower etiquette.
I shall have no hesitation in sending my staff on future courses.
An oncoming car honks and crashes into Mulder, sending him flying up into the windshield, which cracks.
The festival is still on today so I'm sending hubby back up to get some more!
Robson stars as George Stevenson, a bereaved husband who dreams of sending his wife's ashes into outer space.
The amber color reduces the spectrum of light that the flying insects can see, thus sending them to a brighter source of light.
I think you should try sending it out to magazines with the appropriate ideological leanings.
We will be sending a letter to you all nearer the time giving you full details.
Topping In global liquidity, the process of sending funding payments from accounts held in the UK to accounts held overseas.
Eileen & Rusty.. Notts Dear NFWS Thank you for sending the medication to treat mange.
Keep playing, sending a different team member to explain the words on each new turn.
Just sending out Oxbridge style missives, that seem, at best, condescending, and at worse, attacking.
Consider sending samples for mycological examination in people without previous positive mycology - the absence of fungi suggests another diagnosis.
The giant ogre was smashing the gate with his huge ax each time iron cracked off sending sparks into the air.
Find Out Faster - Library overdue reminders sent by email The Library will shortly be sending overdue reminders sent by email The Library will shortly be sending overdue reminders by e-mail.
A network that allows UDP packets could be mapped by sending a packet to the broadcast address on a high port.
We are at present exploring the possibility of sending these by e-mail to the growing number of members online.
Please consider sending me a picture postcard of the area where you live.
I nipped into the post office this morning and asked the postmistress about sending money via MoneyGram to Nigeria.
Had He answered prayer by sending His invisible army?
The Allies, now planning an attack against the Turks along the Lone Pine area were sending reinforcement to the area.
I see no harm in sending a reminder to Councilors what powers they have.
Sending you email reminders and SMS reminders for all the important dates in your life so you stay out of the doghouse for good!
Dragging TA and regular reservists away from their families and sending them to the desert to fight an immoral and illegal war is outrageous.
For more details see the article ' Sending back your self-assessment tax return ' .
Sending him breakfast was intended as a gentle ribbing, the sort of thing two friends who knew each other well could laugh about.
He persisted in sending shrapnel - a useless weapon in trench warfare.
He went to see Sir William Preece, who had also been working on the problem of sending Morse signals by wireless.
In answer to your inquiry, I have pleasure in sending you a large purple crystal of carbon silicide.
Maybe we should offer some ruby slippers by way of sending them back home.
More recently, in January 2001 the Section 51 provisions for sending indictable only cases straight to the Crown Court were implemented nationally.
The steam stripper works on the principle of a kettle, sending steam along a hose to a distribution plate.
If you need to get your anger out, write letters to the trichster that you later burn without sending but always appear supportive.
You weren't half a rotten swine, Captain, sending him in there with that gorilla alone?
Telex has various fax type facilities such as redialling busy numbers, logging and reporting on calls and sending telex has various fax type facilities such as redialling busy numbers, logging and reporting on calls and sending telexes to multiple recipients.
By sending in photographs we will create fully textured three dimensional models within the virtual environment.
You can slay trolls and dragons, spend time shopping for new togs, or sending messages to your friends.
Yet local authorities are not sending truckloads of material to the plant.
Toward the end of my pregnancy she seemed quite twitchy, sending me up to the hospital a couple of times for monitoring.
In a few completely unscripted events, buildings were blown apart sending debris flying in all directions - an awesome sight to behold.
I started off doing this by just sending carbon copies to multiple people in my mail program, but this rapidly got unwieldy.
Valentine, paper lace, 1870s valentine, paper lace, 1870s Valentine Cards The custom of sending Valentines is hundreds of years old.
I am sending all the positive vibes I can muster your mums way.
Once again, little magic whirlwinds played around the garden, sending the pond into spasms with little waterspouts.
Meetings of the Council are held twice yearly, with each Club sending two representatives.
The new parliament decided to adopt the procedure of again sending the premier, Mr Reid, into conference, armed with a series of resolutions affirming its desire to bring about the completion of federal union, but asking the other colonies to agree to the reconsideration of the provisions which were most generally objected to in New South Wales.
The two brothers, after passing through the chief cities of the neighbouring district, arranged the partition '' Until nearly the close of the 19th century the custom of sending "valentines" - i.e.
The currents thus divide at instrument as in Frischen's method, two resistances the point D, and it is clear that if the difference of potential between P and Q is unaffected by closing the sending key, then no change of current will take place in the instrument circuit.
The compensation was to be obtained by working a slide resistance included in the circuit of the compensating coil, either by the sending key or by clockwork released by the key, so as to vary the resistance in that 0 0 circuit according to any law which might be required to prevent the receiving instrument being affected by the outgoing current.
Both type-wheels are then set to zero by the lever provided for that purpose, and released by the current from the letter-blank key; then all subsequent signals will be recorded similarly at the sending and receiving ends..
The apparatus consists of a sending battery B, a reversing transmitting key K, a slide of small resistance 5, three condensers C1, C2, C3, an artificial cable AC, the receiving instruments I and G, and one or more resistances R for adjusting the leakage current.
Marconi's system of electric wave telegraphy consists therefore in setting up at the transmitting station the devices just described for sending out groups of damped electric waves of the above kind in long or short trains corresponding to the dash or dot signals of the Morse alphabet.
This has been achieved by employing a microphone transmitter at the sending end to vary the amplitude but not the wave-length of the emitted waves, and at the receiving end using an electrolytic receiver, which proves to be not merely a qualitative but also a quantitative instrument, to make these variations audible on a telephone.
Measures were enforced to prevent Italian holders of consols from sending their coupons abroad to be paid in gold, with the result that, whereas in 1893 3,24o,ooo had been paid abroad in gold for the service of the January coupons and only 680,000 in paper in Italy, the same coupon was paid a year later with only 1,360,000 abroad and 2,540,000 at home.
The chief episode in his uneventful pontificate was the visit of Constans to Rome; the pope received him "almost with religious honours," a deference which he requited by stripping all the brazen ornaments of the city - even to the tiles of the Pantheon - and sending them to Constantinople.
This accounts for the circumstance that so few countries - none of them in Europe - enjoy the privilege of sending live animals to British ports.
Ayaz related what had taken place between Mahmud and Hasan Maimandi, and Firdousi in a rage gave 20 thousand pieces to Ayaz himself, the same amount to the bath-keeper, and paid the rest to a beer seller for a glass of beer (fouka), sending word back to the sultan that it was not to gain money that he had taken so much trouble.
The obsequious authorities at Milan at once furthered his design by sending an address to him, by requesting the establishment of royalty, and on the 15th of March 1805 by offering the crown to him.
Then, sending in armed parties to restore order and protect the inhabitants, he caused the guards at the gates to be overpowered, and Mack was thus forced into an unconditional surrender.
The Persian belief that the legitimate sovereign reigned by the grace of Ormazd, whose favour was made manifest by the sending of the Hvareno, a kind of celestial aureole of fire, resulted in the doctrine that the sun was the giver of the Hvareno.
In March the Uitlanders, hopeless of ever obtaining redress from President Kruger, weary of sending petitions to the Raad only to be jeered at, determined to invoke intervention if nothing else could avail, and forwarded a petition to Queen Victoria.
The king retaliated by sending troops of cavalry to devastate Saxony, and declared at Quierzy he would exterminate his foes unless they accepted Christianity.
During the worst period of her illness she completed her conquest of the good-will of the Russians by declining the religious services of a Protestant pastor, and sending for Simon Todorskiy, the orthodox priest who had been appointed to instruct her in the Greek form of Christianity.
The speedily restored democracy put little heart into the conflict, and beyond sending mercenary detachments, lent Athens no further help in the war (see Peloponnesian War).
In the first place, there was a growing dissatisfaction with Mexican rule, which accomplished nothing tangible for good in California, - although its plans were as excellent as could be asked had there only been peace and means to realize them; however, it made the mistake of sending convicts as soldiers.
Doing excellent things continually through all the 'seventies, when he was in late middle age - gaining scope in colour, having now so many notes - faithful no longer wholly to his amazing range of subtle greys, now blithe and silvery, now nobly deep - sending to the Salon great canvases, and to the few enlightened people who would buy them of him the toile or panel of most moderate size on which he best of all expressed himself - Boudin was yet not acceptable to the public or to the fashionable dealer.
I will be sending a description of this bird to the Australian rarities committee.
This weekend, Hercules Wimbledon are sending teams to compete in the South of England road relay championships at Aldershot on Saturday.
Sending you email reminders and SMS reminders for all the important dates in your life so you stay out of the doghouse for good !
For more details see the article ' Sending back your self-assessment tax return '.
He is sending an early signal about how ' tough ' he intends to be on rogue states like Iraq.
You were n't half a rotten swine, Captain, sending him in there with that gorilla alone?
StealthText is also a widely accessible application for sending self-destruct messages via SMS and WAP.
You may pay by Visa, Mastercard, Maestro or Delta, or by sending a separate check for each event.
We may also enable SMTP AUTH, which would allow use of our mail server for sending mail via SMTP from outside DMU.
Expand by sending settlers out to create new cities.
Secondly, AS THE FATHER HAS SENT ME, I AM SENDING YOU v.21 Peace be with you.
Our CV sending Center is located close to the south of Ipswich town center, only a short walk from the main railroad station.
Instead of sending e-mail, children can talk on the telephone or socialize with friends in person.
A stiff southeasterly wind was sending the light clouds scudding over us.
Well, these emails are often sent the same way spam is sent, by sending them via innocent computers.
The deliberate sending of junk or spam e-mails is forbidden.
Sorry I have been so tardy in sending my thanks for the lovely Sennheisers.
Telegraphic transfer is far safer than sending a check or bankers draft which can get lost.
Telex has various fax type facilities such as redialling busy numbers, logging and reporting on calls and sending telexes to multiple recipients.
Associated with this is a telex system for sending messages.
The tenses of the two verbs in the sending are different.
It will make sending thank-you notes a lot easier.
I, uh, I would n't mind sending a thank-you note to the previous owners.
This is then used later for sending thank-you gifts.
When he returned, Crippen made several attempts to prevent the sending of tokens of remembrance.
Valentine, paper lace, 1870s Valentine Cards The custom of sending Valentines is hundreds of years old.
Sending good vibes for a dry day your way.
Please avoid sending chorionic villus samples on a Friday.
Please make sure your contact address information is clearly visible on the outside of all packages you are sending to the Editorial Office.
Naturally wisteria plants climb by sending out shoots that look for tree branches to climb on.
Before sending their daughter off to college, the parents took time to reminisce on her growing up.
If you have two or more children, the cost of a nanny may be lower than sending all your children to day care facilities.
Once baby has been born, plan on sending home a receiving blanket that has his or her smell.
Invite friends and family to share a special day in your family's life by sending them baby baptism invitations.
Some parents prefer sending their children every day but only for two or three hours, while others may send their children all day for two or three days a week.
Let her participate in sending the toy back to the manufacturer, so she can feel like an active part of the process.
While healthy babies are notoriously good at sending out alarms when they're hungry and stopping eating when they are full, it is still a good idea to keep a close eye on newborn babies' growth rates.
Ideally the parents can select the numbers and create a group before the birth and then a friend can help out after the birth by borrowing the cell phone, writing the announcement and sending out the text.
If you're a new couple and she's told you her favorite flower, you can demonstrate what a good listener you are by sending an arrangement with those as a focal point.
This is especially important if you are sending something fragile.
You should also have no trouble reviewing previously shot photos, deleting the ones you do not want and sending the ones you do like to email addresses and other phones.
It's true-most service providers charge more money for sending photographs over the cell phone.
Perimeter-weighted clubs have a wider hitting area, which means you'll have an easier time sending the ball out on to the green.
A special gift card with your message is attached if you are sending the wreath as a gift.
The card should be a reflection of the season and include a saying that is appropriate for the people you will be sending it to.
You should think about the religion of the families that you are sending cards to.
You'll use the former resolution for sending video through e-mail and the higher resolution if you plan on video chatting online.
Taking a lot of pictures but using up a lot of bandwith sending them to your friends and family?
This offer can help you save the most on shipping costs when sending gifts to people who live out of town.
To save the most money, consider sending the gift directly to the recipient to avoid paying to ship it twice.
Whether you are buying them for someone locally or sending them across the world to let a loved one know you are thinking of him or her, you want to focus both on cost and quality of the flower when making a purchase.
Buying flowers online can be the best way to buy flowers if you are sending them to someone who lives far away, as the order will be fulfilled by a local florist in their area.
Anyone can order fireworks online, but depending on the state you live in, the vendor may be prohibited from sending them to you.
If you plan on doing everything on a computer-which includes everything from running PowerPoints to sending and receiving e-mail to creating graphs-then you are a heavy user.
Plastic and glass can shatter, sending shards of material into your eye-and you to the emergency room.
A benefit to sending a money order online via Payko is that the recipient doesn't have to have Internet access; they just need a mailing address.
When you order a MoneyGram money order, a receipt is printed up so you have a record of sending the money and the recipient can pick up the order at any nearby MoneyGram location.
The bank's website can be a great resource for sending a money order overseas.
There's even a button where you can calculate the exchange rate so you can be sure you're sending the amount that you intend to.
Think of the processor as the brain, sending out commands to the body and accepting external data.
Sending a holiday greeting is a time-honored tradition, and there are plenty of great kitty-style Christmas cards to choose from.
I've always loved sending and receiving cards in the mail, but after I read them they would be put on a shelf for a day or two and then thrown away.
We believe our service allows both the owner and pet to be surprised, and that's what makes sending a gift from Surprise A Pet! so much fun.
Of course, the virus never completely leaves the body, but sending it into remission can significantly extend your cat's life.
Do get all promises of debt reduction in writing before sending money.
Consumers should keep in mind that sending such a letter will not make debts disappear.
Most of the time, they start out by sending you letters that threaten further action if you don't pay your debt.
Sending personal information through the postal service can open you up to mail thieves.
Owning a home or sending your children to college is more satisfying than those new shoes you want to buy tonight.
If the password is not protecting personal or financial information or does not let a stranger impersonate you by sending e-mail as you, the password can probably be fairly simple.
Think about it this way, this person is selling you a virtual card and sending you a card number and verification code.
Sending a card through the mail is generally considered safer than sending cash.
Some gift-givers balk at the impersonal nature of sending a Visa gift card, but the flexibility afforded by the cards may outweigh the relatively impersonal nature of the cards.
Do not assume that sending an e-mail or having a telephone conversation will suffice in an identity theft situation.
By sending a request for a report through the mail.
When sending written notifications to the consumer, the envelope cannot identify the sender as a debt collector.
Paying online instead of sending the payment through the mail can save you the cost of hefty late fees charged to your account.