Semper Sentence Examples
Some see the guarantee, or at least the indication, of infallibility in the consensus of the Church (quod semper, ubique, et ab omnibus) expressed from time to time in general councils; others see it in the special grace conferred upon St Peter and his successors, the bishops of Rome, as heads of the Church; others again see it in the inspired Scriptures, God's Word.
Spinoza abounds in the same sense, and is as usual perfectly candid " Naturae leges et regulae, secundum quas omnia fiunt et ex unis formis in alias mutantur, sunt ubique et semper eadem."
Karl Semper has shown that these slugs have, in addition to the usual pair of cephalic eyes, a number of eyes developed upon the dorsal integument.
Semper, pursued as food by the leaping fish Periophthalmus, and the dorsal eyes are of especial value to them in aiding them to escape from this enemy.
In fact, he was only consistent in his inconsistency (semper in omnibus varies).
In it he discusses the "notes" which distinguish Catholic truth from heresy, and (cap. 2) lays down and applies the famous threefold test of orthodoxy - quod ubique, quod semper, quod ab omnibus credi-tum est.
In recognition thereof the Genoese senate caused the words Civitas Calvi semper fidelis to be carved on the chief gate of the city, which still preserves the inscription.
Semper, the creators respectively of the parliament house and the museums, are the leaders of the Classical and Renaissance styles which are so strongly represented in Viennese architecture.
Opposite the Rathaus, on the inner side of the Ring, is the new court theatre, another specimen of Semper's Renaissance work, finished in 1889.
Semper came to London at the time of the Great Exhibition of 1831, and Prince Albert found him an able ally in carrying out his plans.
AdvertisementIn 18J3 Semper left London for Zurich on his appointment as professor of architecture, and with a commission to build in that town the polytechnic school and the hospital.
In 1892 a bronze statue of Semper, by Johannes Schelling, was unveiled on the.
Semper's style was a growth from the classic orders through the Italian Cinque Cento.
Hahnel; the Postplatz, adorned by a Gothic fountain, by Semper; and the Bismarckplatz in the Anglo-American quarter.
Among other buildings of note is the Hof theatre, a magnificent edifice in the Renaissance style, built after the designs of Semper, to replace the theatre burnt in 1869, and completed in 1878.
AdvertisementIt had been his lifelong faith, as we learn from the opening words of his own confession- "Ego Ulfilas semper sic credidi."
The title emperor of Austria, then, replaced that of " Imperator Romanorum semper Augustus " when the Holy Empire came to an end in 1806.
We do not mean existing here and now, nor yet out of time and place, but at any time and place (semper et ubique) - past, present and future being treated as simply existing, by what logicians used to call suppositio naturalis.
Thus Herbert sought to do for the religion of nature what his friend Grotius was doing for natural law, - making a new application of the standard of Vincent of Lerins, Quod semper, quod ubique, quod ab omnibus.
The German sovereign, therefore, though he exercised, as soon as chosen, full imperial powers both in Germany and Italy, called himself merely "king of the Romans" (Romanorum rex semper Augustus) until he had received the sacred crown in the sacred city.
AdvertisementThe theatre, which stands on a height a little under a mile from the town, is built from the plans of Gustav Semper, the idea of the design being Wagner's own, and experiment indeed, but one which succeeded beyond all expectation.
This belief is, of course, not specifically Christian; it has been held at all times and everywhere by men of the most various races and creeds; and, if there be any validity in the contention that that is true which has been held semper, ubique, et ab omnibus, no fact is better established.
The theories of Darwin, Agassiz, Dana, Semper, Murray and others had led to apparently interminable discussion, and the great boring experiments at Funafuti atoll, which were expected to be crucial, gave results that backed both the rival theories of Darwin and Murray.
We have not only the observations of Semper and Morse, but the anatomical investigations of King, to confirm the sliding action or lateral divarication of the valves of Lingula.
Poorer people could buy the plain yellow tulips that are still familiar to many gardeners, while rich people could buy flowers such as the Semper Augustus, which sported red flames and was sold for exorbitant prices.