Semantics Sentence Examples
Her speech sounded very formal, but it was clear that the young girl did not understand the semantics of all the words she was using.
The advertisers played around with semantics to create a slogan customers would respond to.
My favorite thing to study about language is semantics, specifically how words and meanings change over time.
Whitney is great at learning the semantics of the Spanish language but still needs practice in syntax.
If you set out to discuss etymology, you are likely to find yourself also discussing semantics.
However, most visual languages lack a well-defined formal semantics.
The Argument shows that syntax by itself is not sufficient to cause/constitute semantics.
This analysis draws heavily on complex semantic types, of the kind that have been used recently in work on lexical semantics.
Semantics is sometimes said to be the study of sentence meaning; pragmatics to be the study of utterance meaning.
Their denotational semantics are fully abstract with respect to contextual equivalence.
AdvertisementThe actual implementation can be completely different as long as it preserves the semantics of the machine state model.
The purpose of the denotational semantics of a language is to assign a value to every expression in the langauge.
This talk presents a novel semantics for Idealized ALGOL using games, which is quite unlike traditional denotational models of state.
The socket has the indicated type, which specifies the communication semantics.
Clearly linguists could develop a model of semantics that included pragmatics.
AdvertisementLike the semantics of modal logic, the semantics of modal logic, the semantics of relevance logic relativises truth of formulae to worlds.
However, they are currently limited by the fact that many forms of parallel composition of processes are given an interleaving semantics.
How information can be made more valuable by capturing semantics and treating data/information models as IT assets.
We'll abstract away from the language of actions, and recast the phenomena within the terminology of model-theoretic semantics.
More recently I have worked on how to give true concurrency semantics to time extended LOTOS calculi.
AdvertisementThe Pipe browsing semantics is used to define a tool that can handle a hypermedia application by using Pipe structures.
When I say " semantics " I mean " programming language semantics "; given a computer program, what is its meaning?
For more details on which pane it chooses to resize, see layout semantics.
The goal of algebraic semantics is to capture the semantics of behavior by a set of axioms with purely syntactic properties.
In brief my research interests lie in the wider area of theory and semantics of computation, language and logic.
AdvertisementLike the semantics of modal logic, the semantics of relevance logic relativises truth of formulae to worlds.
In the semantics for relevant logics, not every world makes true every valid formula.
For more details on which pane it chooses to resize, see Layout Semantics.
This was an essential step to create a coherent modeling syntax and semantics for the transposition process.
The workflow construction process itself is driven by task ontology so as to guarantee that the resulting workflow instances are enriched with consistent semantics.
We look at denotational semantics, using sets and functions, the substitution lemma and equational theory.
The opening paragraph defines the semantics of this attribute type.
Those rules are usually called the semantics of a programming language.
This is not semantics.