Selling Sentence Examples
I wasn't thinking of selling it.
Without selling the farm, she had no money.
While we kidded about selling Howie out for a million buck reward, the increased outside interest in our activities was a serious matter.
Yet he was arrested last week for selling drugs to kids like little Nicholas over there?
The owner is selling it because he bought a truck.
I actually considered selling the ranch.
You can make all the fun you want about that stuff, but I'm still working on selling it.
Selling his Baltimore works, he built, in 1836, in partnership with his brother Thomas, a rolling mill in New York; in 1845 he removed it to Trenton, New Jersey, where iron structural beams were first made in 1854 and the Bessemer process first tried in America in 1856; and at Philippsburg, New Jersey, he built the largest blast furnace in the country at that time.
What if you get a new job someday and stop selling drugs?
He.d thought he crossed the only line that mattered by selling out the Immortals but found there was another he wasn.t ready for.
AdvertisementThis Gruber fellow tossed me out of the house like a Fuller Brush Jehovah Witness selling life insurance.
His powers of organization were strongly exhibited in the Pastors' College, the Orphanage (at Stockwell), the Tabernacle Almshouses, the Colportage Association for selling religious books, and the gratuitous book fund which grew up under his care.
In selling my goods, is it enough not to disguise their shortcomings, or ought I candidly to admit them?
It was a singular experience that long acquaintance which I cultivated with beans, what with planting, and hoeing, and harvesting, and threshing, and picking over and selling them--the last was the hardest of all--I might add eating, for I did taste.
Closest relative was a sister who finally got around to selling the property in '55.
AdvertisementCynthia had volunteered a couple of hours selling tickets for the Ouray Chamber's Jeep raffle.
Look, if it said they were moving to the south, I'd know they were selling their winter stuff.
My own flesh and blood, selling herself to half-drunk miners for a few gold coins.
Worse—she's selling it to someone she knows is scum!
She made her living selling her art and guest lecturing at colleges.
AdvertisementI thought about selling him, but sometimes he's the only one I have to talk to.
It had nothing to do with Charlie illicitly selling PMF weapons overseas.
Except for buying and selling a couple of vehicles and getting here he's had nothing to do but train.
How can he establish authenticity selling health products while he's smoking those things?
I can't bear the thought of selling it, and I can't afford to park it, buy another one and pay insurance on both.
AdvertisementThe death penalty was freely awarded for theft and other crimes regarded as coming under that head; for theft involving entrance of palace or temple treasury, for illegal purchase from minor or slave, for selling stolen goods or receiving the same, for common theft in the open (in default of multiple restoration) or receiving the same, for false claim to goods, for kidnapping, for assisting or harbouring fugitive slaves, for detaining or appropriating same, for brigandage, for fraudulent sale of drink, for disorderly conduct of tavern, for delegation of personal service, for misappropriating the levy, for oppression of feudal holders, for causing death of a householder by bad building.
The buying and selling was at that period conducted by young children.
As early as the second half of the 17th century the Dutch East India Company began the practice of selling portions of the land to private persons, and of granting other portions as the reward of good services.
Personal tithes, if not commuted or otherwise still payable, are regulated by a statute of Edward VI., which (except in the case of fishing and tithes for houses in cities and towns, which may be due by custom) restricted them to such persons exercising merchandises, bargaining and selling clothing, handicraft or other art or faculty in such places as had for forty years previously so used to do.
The reason is the enormous proportion of the retail selling price which is exacted by the government by way of duty.
He later introduced a bill regarding slavery in the District of Columbia, which (in accordance with his statement of 1837) was to be submitted to the vote of the District for approval, and which provided for compensated emancipation, forbade the bringing of slaves into the District of Columbia, except by government officials from slave states, and the selling of slaves away from the District, and arranged for the emancipation after a period of apprenticeship of all slave children born after the 1st of January 1850.
The efforts of the administration to better the condition of the natives without undue interference with customary law met with encouraging results, and the submission of the Aros to the government in 1902 brought to an end the system of tribal warfare for the purpose of making slaves, while the enforcement of a proclamation of 1901 prohibiting the buying, pawning or selling of slaves had a salutary effect.
Trade and Money.There is little evidence to show how buying and selling were carried on in ancient Egypt.
The selling value of land has shown a decrease in modern times on account of the agricultural depression.
It fell to the ground for want of adequate support; but another proposition, the fruit of secret discussion between the king and his confederates, which placed all fiefs under the control of the crown as regards taxation, and p rovided for selling and letting them to the highest bidder, was accepted by the Estate of burgesses.
He opposed Grant's Santo Domingo policy - after Fessenden's death Schurz was a member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, - his Southern policy, and the government's selling arms and making cartridges for the French army in the Franco-Prussian War.
In a petition presented to the privy council in 1684, complaining of the severe treatment of Scotsmen selling linen in England, it was stated that 12,000 persons were engaged in the manufacture.
Had they been the selfish misers they are sometimes painted, they could have realized a fortune by selling its contents.
The practice of offering, selling and buying Indulgences (see Indulgence) was everywhere common in the beginning of the 16th century.
Buying and selling in their aspects most characteristic of India are to be seen, not at these great towns, nor even at the weekly markets, but at the fairs which are held periodically at certain spots in most districts.
Meanwhile the council at Calcutta had twice found the opportunity they desired of selling the government of Bengal to a new nawab.
In the case of the annexation of the territories of the Transvaal republic and Orange Free State, a rather complicated situation arose out of the facts, on the one hand, that the ceding states closed their own existence and left no recourse to third parties against the previous ruling authority, and, on the other, that, having no means owing to the de facto British occupation, of raising money by taxation, the dispossessed governments raised money by selling certain securities, more especially a large holding of shares in the South African Railway Company, to neutral purchasers.
Penal codes depended rather upon shorter and more cruel methods; the scaffold was in constant use, with all manner of physical pain, torture before and after sentence, shameful exposure, hideous mutilation, exile, selling into bondage as slaves.
Khalid lived on a very rich scale and was extraordinarily liberal, and he was charged with having carried out all his improvements for his own interests, and upbraided for selling the corn of his estates only when the prices were high.
Crescent (1848-1849); afterwards he passed his time carpentering, building and selling small houses in Brooklyn (1851-1854) in the meanwhile writing for the magazines and reviews and turning out several novels, and finally revolving in his mind the scheme of his Leaves of Grass.
At the beginning of the 14th century Sir Alexander Percy claimed the hereditary right of buying and selling in Whitby without payment of toll.
In his treatment of slaves he was exacting, but not harsh, and was averse to selling them save in case of necessity.
The city is a jobbing centre and wholesale market for a considerable area in southern Virginia and northern North Carolina, and is probably the largest loose-leaf tobacco market in the country, selling about 40,000,000 lb annually.
There are also special corporation taxes on car companies, express companies and foreign corporations producing, refining or selling petroleum or coal oil; and a system of licence-charges or business taxes.
The selling price is to be Rs.
As a matter of fact they were at the head of a combination for selling Menshikov's corn in preference to the corn of the Russian government and the bulk of the proceeds went into Menshikov's pockets.
So entirely was slavery a habit of the people, that as late as 1905, after the slave-trade had been abolished for three years, it was found that, in consequence of a famine which rendered food difficult to obtain, a whole tribe (the Tangali) were selling themselves as slaves to their neighbours.
But he soon began to abuse his p ower by selling public offices to the highest bidders, or conferring them on his followers.
For the most part this is founded on Dutch models, and testifies in a high degree to the king's progressive aims. Provision was made for the better education of the lower, and the restriction of the political influence of the higher clergy; there were stern prohibitions against wreckers and "the evil and unchristian practice of selling peasants as if they were brute beasts"; the old trade gilds were retained, but the rules of admittance thereto made easier, and trade combinations of the richer burghers, to the detriment of the smaller tradesmen, were sternly forbidden.
Under these acts their management is entrusted to the commissioners of Woods, Forests and Land Revenues, who have certain statutory powers as to leasing, selling, exchanging, &c.
On a conviction of selling or exposing for sale, or having in his possession or on his premises unsound meat, the court may also revoke the licence.
In 1207 Maurice Paganel constituted the inhabitants of Leeds free burgesses, granting them the same liberties as Robert de Lacy had granted to Pontefract, including the right of selling burgher land to whom they pleased except to religious houses, and freedom from toll.
A husband owning a homestead is debarred from selling or mortgaging it without the joinder of his wife, and if the husband dies leaving a widow or minor children the homestead passes to either or to both jointly, and may be so held until the youngest child is twenty-one years of age or until the marriage or death of the widow.
But Ezra Cornell himself paid many salaries during early years, and provided much valuable equipment solely at his own expense; and because the state's land scrip was selling too low to secure an adequate endowment for the University, in 1866 he bought the land scrip yet unsold ' Ezra Cornell (2807-2874) was born in Westchester county, New York, on the i ith of January 1807.
There was hardly any selling and little letting of land in ancient times.
By De Donis the tenant for life was prevented from selling his estate, which could only pass to his lawful heir; if he had none, it fell back to his feudal superior.
When thousands after thousands are dragooned out of their country for the sake of their religion, or sent to row in the galleys for selling salt against law, - when the liberty of every individual is at the mercy of every prostitute, pimp or parasite that has access to power or any of its basest substitutes, - my mind, I own, is not at once prepared to be satisfied with gentle palliatives for such disorders" (Francis to Burke, November 3, 1790).
If he inquired, and there was no such negotiation, his question might be interpreted in a very troublesome way; moreover, we should put the idea of selling the shares into the khedive's head, which would be unfortunate.
Quotations arrive hourly in the selling season, and the superintendent keeps in close touch with his agents in the wheat-pits marketing.
Mercury became the god, not only of the mercatores and of the grain trade, but of buying and selling in general; and it appears that, at least in the streets where shops were common, little chapels and images of the god were erected.
Amulets are worn to ensure success in buying, selling, hunting, fishing and in war, as well as for protection against evil.
His name was, however, unknown to the general public till he was arrested on the 15th of October 1894 on a charge of selling military secrets to Germany, condemned, publicly degraded (January 4, 1895), and transported (March Io) to the Ile du Diable, French Guiana.
By his preaching at Bristol Wulfstan is said to have put an end to the kidnapping of English men and women and selling them as slaves.
They soon mixed in the domestic quarrels of neighbouring tribes, at first selling their protection, but afterwards as vassals, sometimes as allies, like the septs and tribes of the Goidel among themselves.
Grouped together on the council of affairs, they managed to control the policy of the common council, with its too mixed and too independent membership. They successfully strove to separate the grandeur and superexcellence of the king from the rest of the nation; to isolate the nobility amid the seductions of a court lavish in promises of favor and high office; and to win over the bourgeoisie by the buying and selling and afterwards by the hereditary transmission of offices.
Raymond Wellsted (Travels to the City of the Caliphs, p. 173, Lond., 1840) distinguishes two kinds of frankincense - " Meaty," selling at $4 per cwt., and an inferior article fetching 20% less.
The crime was selling a zillion newspapers as the bloodthirsty public read with glee details of the gruesome treasure hunt that continued throughout the week.
These two greatly alleviates the selling pressure on the USD since much of the trade deficit goes into " dollar strong hands " .
During the seventeenth century, astrological almanacs were some of the biggest selling books available.
A chic online lingerie boutique selling luxurious new brands.
For example, is it a public relations tool, an information clearinghouse, or a direct channel for selling products?
Since it debuted selling books in 1995, Amazon has expanded to sell all kinds of products.
It doesn't matter that the person selling pencils doesn't know how the pencil is made; he only needs to know how to sell them.
We would then work feverishly on them for months before selling them for slightly less than we had paid.
At one time the count thought of giving her the Ryazan estate or of selling a forest, at another time of borrowing money on a note of hand.
Natasha and Nicholas often noticed their parents conferring together anxiously and privately and heard suggestions of selling the fine ancestral Rostov house and estate near Moscow.
Hundreds of peasants, among them the Bogucharovo folk, suddenly began selling their cattle and moving in whole families toward the southeast.
Within four years he had paid off all his remaining debts without selling any of his wife's property, and having received a small inheritance on the death of a cousin he paid his debt to Pierre as well.
Whitstable 's wartime shop keepers were fantastic and helped many townsfolk through such periods selling goods 'on tic '.
Cabelas and Bass Pro Shops are two of the most popular national chains selling these chargers.
If you are selling to the world face-to-face, make signs and find space to do it.
Chances are, if you are looking in these places or asking these people, then those who are selling are contacting the same people.
Bringing any one of the above people is recommended and shouldn't offend anyone selling a used piano.
The only time you can have a tangible amount is when selling your miles.
Third party companies facilitate the buying and selling or transfer of airline miles for a small fee.
The brokers keep a database of customers looking for miles and a database of people selling miles.
Essentially, they own their own stock and just like anyone in the business of selling time sensitive materials, the brokers need to unload if they can't sell tickts.
The people that sell tickets on eBay can range from ticket brokers to the actual venues selling tickets to people who have had a change in plans and need to get rid of the tickets.
Be fair and considerate, though; they are selling them for a reason, but they shouldn't be haggled right out of them.
After taking note of styles and possibly brands, do some quick searches online to see if there are any wholesales selling those brands or similar styles.
Companies from China usually post ridiculously low prices for imposter iPods, so be wary of a company operating in Asia.Make sure you research a company that is selling wholesale iPods.
Also, you may include a Netflix monthly prepaid card since the company started selling them at Best Buy.
Also has classifieds for people selling used kitplanes.
Before selling sports cards, you should obtain the net worth (cash value) of the card and adjust the selling price accordingly.
Keep in mind that eBay charges listing and advertising fees on top of the base commission on the selling price.
Sports Card Depot offers an extensive portal with thousands of articles and resources on buying and selling sports cards.
Additionally, they facilitate the buying and selling of sports cards through their online system.
The Internet Sports Card Exchange specializes in the exchange and selling of vintage sports cards from the late 1800s to early 1970s.
Kruk Cards has been selling and buying sports cards for over 20 years.
Consider buying the computer and selling the iPod on eBay, like a mail in rebate.
Consider selling or trading in your old computer, and using the proceeds towards your Macintosh purchase.
There were several selling points for memory foam mattresses.
With fluctuating stock market and uncertainty surrounding both the dollar and the Euro, buying and selling gold and silver looks like a particularly attractive choice for investors.
Buying and selling gold and silver bullion can diversify a portfolio and insure an individual against losses in markets such as real estate and bonds.
Carefully buying and selling of gold can also result in a great "nest egg" with which an individual can comfortably retire.
However, these advertisements and commercials make it seem as though buying and selling precious metals such as gold and silver is rather difficult.
Fortunately, buying and selling these precious metals is relatively simple (much more so than investing in stocks, for instance), and requires very little prior experience.
Here's a brief primer on buying and selling silver and gold-why to do it, where to do it, how to do it, and what to consider when you do.
If you're interested in buying and selling gold and silver, there are plenty of places you can go for the opportunity.
Of the many things to take into consideration when purchasing or selling silver and gold, a few are of the utmost importance.
You must also take into account the tax issues with buying and selling gold.
Some websites advertise tax-free buying and selling, and although this is still possible, such claims are often not legitimate.
One of the biggest scams is companies selling you fake gold.
Be cautious of overnight startups and companies that pressure you into buying or selling your gold.
Buying gold bullion is a good investment if you plan on trading or selling the gold at a later date.
When you visit the site and select the laptop section, you'll be able to see the most popular notebooks, best deals in notebooks, and best selling notebooks all in one place.
Buying and selling wholesale flea markets products is a lucrative business, if you are smart about which products you choose to carry and what you pay for them.
You will probably not have a specialty when you start out buying and selling wholesale flea markets products, but soon after setting up at the flea market you will notice what products people tend to ask for and purchase a lot.
People routinely check these sites to find yard sales in their area, so they may be interested to see what you are selling right now at the flea market.
The concept of buying and selling wholesale flea markets products is to sell and purchase in large quantities, so businesses want you to do just that.
Don't underestimate the process of buying and selling wholesale flea markets products.
In some cases, the selling price for a stock is capped at $1 or $3.
Much of the information about penny stocks comes from people with a financial interest in selling information or convincing investors to buy certain stocks.
In this case, you would be forced to lower your selling price until a buyer accepted that price.
Avoid buying penny stocks with low trading volume, as a lack of interest from buyers means that you may have to cut your selling price.
Hedge funds are different than other investments because they seek to hedge most of the risks that are associated with the investments by using many different methods such as short selling.
Maybe you own a computer store that is just in the business of selling items.
You enjoy selling computer items over auction sites or through your own website and have a warehouse that you need to keep stock.
Plus, many novelists can set their own prices for their electronic books which means you can regularly purchase eBooks online for less than five dollars, with some titles selling for under a dollar.
Instead of directly selling the books, this advertiser-funded site is a place for people to list specific yearbooks they want to sell or buy.
Flea markets are another option, especially if you focus on vendors selling antique books.
There is no penny stock section, you just have to search for the company to read the reports. eTrade is a great site once you get use to online trading and buying and selling stocks.
One of the things that standard tips on buying a desktop computer a major computer selling company will tell you is to check on how many megabytes of space and memory the desktop has.
Make sure you have a good working knowledge of buying and selling stock before you go this route.
Manufacturers know that they are selling to a relatively small group of people who love mechanical watches and are willing to spend a little extra to save themselves the nuisance of winding and resetting those watches.
If you don't know a scuba diver who's selling their unused tanks, then don't look for a new tank at the premium outlet mall, try a website like Craigslist or eBay first.
The stores sell a variety of items for the home, while also selling clothing.
A year later Dell dropped out and started his computer business by selling directly to the consumer.
You can also visit their websites if you happened to miss one of their programs selling computers.
Here are a few of the best selling models on the market for you to compare.
It tells the story of a sixth-grader who tries to make money at school by selling homemade comic books.
Processors will also be curious about the amount of business you do and how much you are selling your product or service for.
Perhaps it is time to seek out a second job, or maybe you should start selling off some of the items in your home which you don't use.
Steer clear of individuals selling virtual Visa cards - You don't know how they got the cards or why they are selling them.
Think about it this way, this person is selling you a virtual card and sending you a card number and verification code.
Whether or not the gift card is reloadable is up to the merchant selling the card.
Retailers who sell gift cards to customers earn a small percentage as a commission for selling them.
The charity sells the gift card at face value, and then Visa provides the organization with a small profit for selling the gift card to the public.
You can use the tool there to find a local merchant selling these gift cards.
Buy them at local retailers and merchants selling gift cards.
A quick Internet search will reveal that there are many different websites selling do it yourself divorce kits.
The companies selling the kits assume that you know how to fill them out properly.
Since the Amish themselves aren't involved with the website or the technology associated with the website, selling their furniture online in this manner doesn't violate their code of ethics.
In practice the selling of a seat in the town councils, or cabildos, did not have the bad consequences which might have appeared inevitable.
A homestead of a head of a family to the value of $1000 is exempt from forced sale except for the collection of taxes, debts contracted for its purchase or in making improvements upon it, or fines for voting out of the election district, for carrying concealed weapons, or for giving away or selling intoxicating liquors on election days.
Two weeks was hardly long enough for the media to forget the arrest of a prominent doctor's son for selling drugs.
I'm not going to push Mom into selling the ranch she and Dad worked so hard to build.
He can't bear to pass up an antique bargain—buying or selling.
Look and see who's selling the other ones—the other Lucky Strike tins!
He began by selling some of his numerous mystery novels on a book finder's web site, then expanded to garage sale scouring for items of dubious value.
Worse—she's selling it to someone she knows is scum!
Maybe consumer apathy is the reason that, in my view, manufacturers feel they can get away with selling under-developed products.
The cars were not selling well, not a particularly auspicious start for a special edition.
He aims to make his product ubiquitous by selling it internationally.
He is selling a used vehicle that is five years old.
Although a commercial site, primarily aimed at selling its wares, this site offers some useful information about the history of drinking absinthe.
Short, catchy, top level domain names are selling for upwards of $ 5,000 on the domain aftermarket.
It shifted its mission from selling air conditioners to selling a certain level of comfort, however it was delivered.
She keeps a margin from selling airtime which makes up her profit.
Heaven knows who will take charge of the revenues that may accrue from selling off the old analog airwaves.
People are breeding and selling potentially dangerous species including anacondas and pythons.
Without his wife's hurricane Andrew in from selling startup evaluation of market.
This market, whose history can be traced back into the Middle Ages, is a huge antiques market, mainly selling English antiques.
I set all-time record for number of administration appointees who violated US law by not selling huge investments in corporations bidding for government contracts.
Large warehouses selling an odd assortment of car parts and furniture line the main approach road.
Their debut album ITS NICE TO BE NICE is now selling well on its third pressing and has received national media attention.
She revealed all in her best selling autobiography, Ugly.
The Worlds best selling post - modern gang bang returns for round two.
Opposite the East gate was a covered bazaar selling things I really needed to take home.
He is the only commercial beekeeper in Derby, selling the by-products of his 40 colonies of two million bees directly to the public.
Another recently acquired customer is World Wheels, which specializes in selling Dahon folding bicycles.
They are also selling a second-hand gasoline blower - 4 HP (made by Briggs & Stratton) for £ 250.
Between the ages of 10 and 13, Martin stood outside the front gates wearing a straw boater and bow tie while selling guidebooks.
Oh yeah head shop selling bongs, pipes, scales, dutch cannabis seeds, lights hydroponics books and scales.
He's got a boring job selling boring job selling boring clothes to boring people.
For example, Charlotte opens a trendy boutique selling clothes aimed at the young adult.
Volunteers manned the stalls, selling bric-a-brac, books, toys, clothes and cakes.
Saturday, 28th July saw as on the ' Charity Stall ' at Walsall Market selling donated bric-a-brac.
Our longer term view is still bullish but in the short term, we could see some more selling first.
There is also a nursery selling plants propagated from plants on site including camellias bred by the late owner Miss Gillian Carlyon.
Instead of selling your catch to a middleman you would sell directly to the processor, eventually opening your own cannery.
There were many food vendors in the lot, including one selling cappuccino from the back of his van!
There's time to explore the town and browse the many craft shops selling ornate wood carvings and locally produced clothes.
I need to raise some cash, which means selling some things, probably on ebay.
I went to a baloon festival yesterday and the cpl had a stall there selling little bags filled with organic catnip.
I'll assume for now that you all have a unique selling point along with huge personal charisma!
He set about selling shares to those members of his workforce who had been his boyhood chums.
The world's best selling hand made premium cigars.
Selling Points Who wouldn't want a 3G clamshell for under £ 40?
Miami The celebrated streets of Ocean Drive and Washington Avenue are lined with fashionable boutiques selling one-off pieces, vintage clothing and cool accessories.
He then runs the popular trolley shop, selling confectionary and biscuits, before helping out with activities in the afternoons.
Group of congo tetra 11/05/05 Yes I'm selling a group of 10 congo tetra.
They also have a thriving on-line business selling a large range of funky cookie cutters, sprinkles, and cake cases.
Our online shop is now open selling high quality cookware.
I suspect no shopkeeper would take on the task of selling stuff without the old sucrose or high fructose corn syrup.
The literary world may not like it, but where the City is concerned selling books is no different to selling cornflakes.
I'm going to make this whole damn place look like you won it selling cosmetics.
A new European Directive seeks to enforce intellectual property rights with retailers facing jail for knowingly selling counterfeit or copied goods.
They had found Mr Frey selling counterfeit DVDs that included films that had only just gone on general release in the cinema.
Between 1984 and 1988 he also ran three successful businesses of his own, selling curios, fast food and clothes.
I really didn't want to use professional showbiz kids, because they're so cutesy and selling so hard.
It will simply discourage owners from selling, and the badly devised levy will make land still dearer.
Nonetheless, we are experiencing deflation in our selling prices of around 1% .
Planibel apartments were very handy for the main gondola, providing everything we needed, including a fantastic deli selling local Aosta Valley produce.
When combined with reinvested net dividends the average annual return has been 15.2% before any expenses of buying and selling.
Originally i was looking at an apple ipod official dock which was selling for £ 35!
So if you are selling diamond studded dog collars for example, ads promoting your listing might appear on dog related websites.
We then see young Clemenza is selling stolen dresses door-to-door for $ 5 a piece.
A born achiever, he started his sales career at age 10 selling rubber sponges door-to-door after school to earn pocket money.
Selling the business would be a rather drastic solution, would it not?
Officers visited over a thousand licensed premises during the two-week campaign issuing 47 warning letters to off licenses for selling alcohol to under-age drinkers.
They are unscrupulous salespeople earning fat commissions selling dud " investments " .
There has also been an increase in commissions earned from selling creditor insurance at point of sale on personal loans.
Instead, this Liverpool group were acclaimed as wildly eclectic, their 2004 debut album selling an astounding 600,000 copies.
By making the ephah small and the shekel great the crooked trader was selling less than he promised for more than he agreed.
Turn your covers into cash, or cash equivalents, by selling to Airmail Collector.
A man from Liverpool has been given a suspended jail sentence after selling fake Bristol University degree certificates.
We will be there selling lots of lovely CHAS logo goods great for stocking fillers plan ahead for Christmas!
The business of buying and selling recruitment agencies creates work for a variety of interested parties, including corporate financiers, lawyers and brokers.
Flexibility to adopt insurers selling fraudulent a network model.
Selling a simple garden glove to an avid gardener is not a taxing task.
Candidates should be comfortable moving past gatekeepers, speaking with decision makers and understand the process of selling over the phone.
In the long term, the gardens can be used for sustainable income generation by selling part of the harvest at local markets.
Always Porcelain Limited is a secure online shop selling top quality Royal Worcester porcelain and bone china giftware, figurines and tableware.
Anticipation for this homecoming gig was high, with tickets selling out in less than an hour.
He took us along the Grand Canal to the Rialto Bridge where I spotted a small shop selling beautiful glassware.
Upset some sad person by selling a perfectly legal golliwog and " You're nicked sunshine " .
I am selling two ball gowns 1. A long purple, backless, strapless satin gown with diamante detail - has a short train.
Does the industry feel guilt about selling harmful products?
By the age of 12, he was working in the family business, pushing a handcart around Hyde, selling ice cream.
Due to the loss of a steady source of income from the conflict, many women have turned to selling their traditional handicrafts.
During the day he donated his skills to a women's organization, selling native handicrafts.
Blue Trigger for sale hi, i am selling my Blue Trigger.
Word spread about the health benefits of the wild rose hips and Hansen began selling the powder to people all over Denmark.
It may suggest that Sheldons were no longer selling their cast iron holloware exclusively into the overseas market.
I met my sister, Charlotte, who was working as a Volunteer for the Cinema, tearing tickets and selling ice cream.
If the selling is successful, then the culture becomes an important image-maker in its own right.
They should also be completely impartial; never take the advice of an agent who is also selling you a property.
It seems an entirely inappropriate sideline for you to assist in the selling of weapons.
This could include items such as the estate agents fee if selling, stamp duty and other incidentals.
Martin Luther was nailed to the church door for selling papal indulgences.
Such processor designs are often called IP cores, because you you are actually selling intellectual property (IP) rather than anything tangible.
Employers must be able to thwart the sharing or selling of trade secrets and other matters of corporate intellectual property.
Live jazz takes place in the wine bar and there is also an extremely well-stocked shop, selling kitchenware and cookery books.
One of the UK's market leader in selling knitwear on country fairs and shows.
Like a form of pyramid selling it all sounds so laudable - at first.
We are experienced in selling all types of businesses, both large & small, leasehold & freehold.
Tip - Look to buy somewhere with over 85 years leasehold Legal This is the legal work required for buying and selling a property.
They are forced to migrate and often end up selling their bodies to earn a livelihood.
Which might not sound like a lot, but basically Serenity is selling bucket loads in the UK.
Richard Head longbows has over 20 years experience in making and selling English longbows and arrows.
Someone was selling quot Mafia quot taking aim at for her various.
Europe could on Wednesday come one step closer to selling a new genetically modified maize marketed by US company Monsanto.
Roses are the latest product to receive a fair trade makeover with Tesco's selling two bouquets sourced from farms in Kenya.
Who sells best, a linguist with no selling skills, or a sales manager who has acquired some foreign language?
It is based on the original manga by Ishikawa Masaru, with each of the four volumes selling for 2800 Yen apiece.
Other typical satellite industries include coal merchants, cattle marts and merchants selling agricultural foodstuff.
This field sales role will involve selling the companies dry waste and hazardous waste disposal services throughout a sales territory covering the west midlands.
Today there is a more pleasing deli, a few antique shops and a rather good milliner, selling some interesting ladies hats.
Ever mindful of the need to put on great shows we do nowadays have to be mindful of the need to put on great shows we do nowadays have to be mindful of selling tickets.
I started exhibiting and selling their exquisite miniatures in the UK, and sometimes invited Russian artists to come and demonstrate.
In the 1950s companies like Vespa in the UK started selling the first of their gas motor scooters.
The last two years has seen a dramatic increase in the number of shops selling magic mushrooms from only a handful to over 400.
Around 200 family farms, restaurants, butchers and abattoirs across Britain are now rearing, selling and serving mutton.
Narcissused some miniature narcissi, the first we had seen growing although we had noticed children selling them by the roadside.
I've traded as an authorized sales dealer, selling and delivering new (and reconditioned) Hoover washing machines.
During these years, he assisted in making the Daily Express the best selling national newspaper in the world.
You will also have the chance to meet best selling novelist Adele Parks, who will be joining us on the day.
The Courage Consort is the new novella from the acclaimed and best selling author of The Crimson Petal and The White.
Octagon Tank for sale 04/09/06 Yes I am selling my 40 gallon octagon Tank for sale 04/09/06 Yes I am selling my 40 gallon octagon shaped tank.
Police are also following up reports from the public of two other town center off-licences selling alcohol to under-age youths.
Sign up with and begin buying and selling bank items online.
That's where currency overlay managers have found their most valuable selling point.
A visiting journalist mentioned Tropical Wholefoods to women who were growing oyster mushrooms near the Rwandan border but having problems selling them fresh.
Shops warned about drug equipment bbc 13/5/05 Police are warning shopkeepers of the consequences of selling drug paraphernalia.
The road leading down to the Shore Temple was lined with stalls selling all types of tourist paraphernalia.
Other companies were selling this set for £ 899 or £ 820 which then did not include the parasol or base.
Every class striker needs, in marketing parlance, a Unique Selling Point.
A patent gives a patentee the right to stop others from making, using, selling or importing their invention.
Europe's Biggest Selling 3G phone Nokia said this week that the 3G 6650 phone will be Europe's biggest-selling 3G phone.
John Ross pianos was started over 25 years ago by John Ross, he started the business by selling acoustic pianos only.
John Ross pianos was started over 25 years ago by John Ross, he started the business by selling Acoustic pianos only.
Also on site is a coffee shop selling a wide range of delicious cakes, scones, quiches and savory pies.
He completed an extra year at Harvard, studying playwriting, but he never had any luck selling his plays in New York.
It will be a valuable selling point in attracting new members.
The most well-known ' free to advertize ' Internet property portal, relied for its profits upon selling its customer mailing list.
Peru's government are warning people against a fake medicine man who is selling a deadly cure-all herbal potion.
Not like selling washing powder where you can use direct sales figures.
One in four students (28 %) would also support on site facilities selling locally sourced produce.
The larger towns have traditional weekly markets with a variety of stalls, many selling local produce.
Multiple Streams of Income How to earn multiple streams of income from some of the top selling internet marketing affiliate programs.
Come up with a unique selling proposition that compels people to link to your site.
Selling to predominantly psychiatric Pediatricians, Child Psychiatrists and occasionally other specialist.
I ask of you, my dear readers, how much did the publican realize from the company that night by selling drink?
The first million selling record for this vocal quintet was a traditional song which originated from slaves in Georgia, Alabama.
You will be selling a full range of corrugated packaging solutions.
We will also redouble our efforts at the Geneva Conference on Disarmament to get the main export countries to stop selling landmines.
Sign up today to receive the Fox Home entertainment Newsletter featuring Online Specials, Top 10 Best Selling Videos, and upcoming releases.
In later life he worked a market stall in Blackpool selling jewelry (a far cry from the boxing ring ).
And the more installers selling roofline, the more the market grows.
Within the exhibition hall visitors will find a range of tradestands selling a variety of goods including saddlery, clothing and horse rugs.
Learning to enjoy selling your work doesn't mean becoming a sharp salesperson.
You will be an experienced medical salesperson, ideally selling devices, disposables or equipment to ITU or theaters.
To make meaningful European sales where the brand has barely scratched a selling surface.
Best selling novelist Thomas Harris has written the screenplay, based on his upcoming novel, Behind The Mask.
Personally if I found some low life scum selling drugs to my kids I would not stop at giving them a kicking.
Bits ' n ' Bikes - a UK-based service selling secondhand Honda parts, especially 400s.
Lose Weight Now was at number 8 in the UK's overall best selling self-help audio charts for 2003.
We're looking for an energetic self-starter who is proactive in driving revenue, increasing client base, and selling for Crosby.
Factors such as track record, client base, expertise, unique selling points and media appeal should all be taken into consideration.
Nice Little Runner, Selling 4 My Mate Lastly, some common sense is always a good thing.
The proceeds from selling the shares go to a wide range of UK charities.
By selling only shearlings, we endeavor to supply livestock which will achieve a long breeding life span.
Paterson Arran Scottish based company selling shortbread, oatcakes, chutneys and preserves.
Where do you think all the money from selling off the national silverware went?
By the 19th century, it was suggested that the lamb represented purity, obviously a good selling point for the local tin smelters.
Are they selling something or is it someone's personal soapbox?
Posting Coins to Us Selling gold sovereigns to us is very easy.
Their experience in selling fiber optic based spectrometers makes them ideally placed to promote the nkd in the Japanese market.
This is meaningless rhetoric, marketing spiel for selling ribbons, t-shirts and rubber wristbands.
His main area of work is the buying, selling and managing of agricultural and rural land and property including sporting and mineral interests.
It's well documented that Michael Yardy was selling sportswear at Gatwick Airport two years ago.
I can advise we are still selling Jerry springer the opera.
The markets create a Yuletide Paradise, with wonderfully decorated stalls selling all manner of festive fayre.
Dominican traders with makeshift market stalls try to scrape a living by selling goods on the border.
Selling prices of timber fire doors remained broadly steady with 57% seeing no change.
There's an art to selling stilettos and you'd better grasp it.
It also offers the added sweetener of plenty of face-to-face selling and the chance to join an excellent media company.
I'm finding it difficult to believe that tampax weren't selling enough tampons that they felt that they needed a new angle.
The Emperor is mainly selling the urine to cloth manufacturers and leather tanners to raise money for the treasury.
In 1817, the GLCC decided to process all its crude tar itself, instead of selling it.
Shops selling skiing tat, expensive bars, bare concrete architecture with wedges of frozen slush on each step.
My mother got him as a kitten of a hawker (gypsy or tinker) who was selling tea towels and other household goods.
Anyone selling a dose of heroin to a young girl like that for a mere tenner 's profit is surely beneath contempt?
Yet it misses the main selling point of the television series itself - namely, watching the thunderbirds themselves in action.
Loretta Smaller Crystal tiara - This is our best selling bridesmaids tiara.
Whitstable's wartime shop keepers were fantastic and helped many townsfolk through such periods selling goods 'on tic ' .
Marcus is a seller who trains not a trainer who teaches selling.
It could also raise funds by selling a further tranche of its remaining holding in Vivendi Environnement.
An Employe buyout involves owners of a company selling a majority of their stock to its employees through an ESOP structured corporate transaction.
We met riding round Paris at night selling herald tribunes hot off the midnight press to the expats.
Am selling the tank as I have a trigon 190, and could do with the space.
The people of Ephesus in Turkey became rich by selling silver trinkets to the pilgrims who visited the temple of the goddess Diana.
By the mid 1990s the flock had been built up and was regularly selling 50 tups a year, aimed at the commercial breeder.
The marginally younger Patrick Scott seems grossly undervalued by comparison, with work by him only occasionally selling above four figures.
With the advent of fall, there was fierce price competition among the stores selling fleece underwear.
On the other hand you find equally unscrupulous promoters selling germanium with only a few biologically useless micrograms in every dose.
One of our best selling jelly vibrators over a long period of time.
Study of samian ware found in the town, however, suggests the local potters had scant success selling their wares.
Why do I have adverts selling washing machines but also give free help to fix washing machines?
The process to master hypnotic selling is the same way you would eat a watermelon; one bite at a time.
Whelk stalls selling cooked whelk stalls selling cooked whelks used to be very common in the north of England.
Uncovered Sale Selling an option without possessing the wherewithal to meet the obligations implicit in that sale.
They will need strong willpower to resist selling tenants ' rights.
After an internal wrangle, it's selling its brewery site, ending 200 years of operations.
Dec 9th WARWAR MARKET a fair number of women selling yams, corn, cassava, and groundnuts.
They have 8 mares, selling the yearlings at Tattersalls annually.
Plus they are selling their own unique handmade zine.
On the voyage he became acquainted with a fur-trader, by whose advice he devoted himself to the same business, buying furs directly from the Indians, preparing them at first with his own hands for the market, and selling them in London and elsewhere at a great profit.
He visited London and Paris in 1771, selling lovephiltres, elixirs of youth, mixtures for making ugly women beautiful, alchemistic powders, &c., and deriving large profits from his trade.
The necessary money was to be found by the sale of all the public property in Italy which had been ordered to be sold by resolutions of the senate (in 81, or subsequently), but which the fear of unpopularity had deterred the consuls from selling; by the sale of lands, &c., in the provinces which had become public property since 88, and even of the domains acquired during the Mithradatic war.
He was often in pecuniary difficulties, from which at last he was obliged to free himself by selling the reversion of Langford rectory to Corpus Christi College, Oxford.
For example, pyramid selling schemes are highly disapproved of.
A rapt audience heard O'Donnell expand on the themes explored in his recent best selling books on Emmet.
Unfortunately the prospect of selling virtual West Cornwall holidays lies firmly in the realm of science fiction.
Recourse variables would represent the liquidation (selling) of assets to meet liabilities.
Sign up today to receive the Fox Home entertainment Newsletter featuring Online Specials, Top 10 Best Selling Videos, and Upcoming Releases.
Regulation The regulation of the selling of the home reversion product has been the focus of much debate over the past year.
Retro irony works only if you are selling something new, not trying to revive what simply dated.
In later life he worked a market stall in Blackpool selling jewelry (a far cry from the boxing ring).
Snake oil salesmen have been selling all sorts of " cures " for many, many years, even up to the present.
Learning to enjoy selling your work does n't mean becoming a sharp salesperson.
The maximum fine for selling lottery tickets or scratch cards to any person underage is £ 5000.
Lose Weight Now was at number 8 in the UK 's overall best selling self-help audio charts for 2003.
Similar principle to titles when selling on eBay, your title is critical to your search relevance.
There are plenty of service stations along the road, selling gasoline and refreshments.
Also reaching the four figure mark at 1,000gns was a shearling gimmer selling in lamb to Baltier King.
If you were selling a disk off the shelf, shrink-wrapped then people would immediately ask why I am paying 4,995 for this box?
Starting small In the front yard of a government fisheries institution in Thailand, a lady sits selling fish seed.
Are they selling something or is it someone 's personal soapbox?
Oakwood Park Farm Farm in Wales selling free range pork, home cured meats and specialty sausages.
It 's well documented that Michael Yardy was selling sportswear at Gatwick Airport two years ago.
This consists of stealing from shops, burning cars, buying and selling drugs and spraying graffiti.
There was a winding cobbled street ahead of us, and a stall selling oranges.
There 's an art to selling stilettos and you 'd better grasp it.
He also forbade anyone from buying or selling stolen Iraqi antiquities.
He sounds like someone who should be selling stuccoed houses for a smart estate agent.
The selling of stun guns appears to have been a sideline to the main travel trade.
Bed Star is one of the biggest online bed superstores selling top brand quality beds, bedsteads, mattresses, and sofa beds.
Sign up with to begin buying and selling Surfboards items online.
I even had one working for me once selling svengali decks.
There 's profit in selling childcare, and so the very big disadvantages about it are swept under the carpet.
It was the second best selling issue of that year right behind the swimsuit edition.
I 'm finding it difficult to believe that tampax were n't selling enough tampons that they felt that they needed a new angle.
For example, if your business is selling sun tan lotion a December year end would make more sense than a June year end.
Her success as a textile designer has meant that some of her designs are still selling today.
Yet it misses the main selling point of the television series itself - namely, watching the Thunderbirds themselves in action.
Loretta Smaller Crystal Tiara - This is our best selling bridesmaids tiara.
Direct selling is a touchstone for public opinion about energy companies and these figures will do nothing to rescue some tattered reputations.
We 'd tramp the streets selling at I think 10p a ticket.
Tuxedo Junction was one such record-breaking recording, selling 115, 000 copies in its first week of release.
We are selling a £ 200 two-piece suit for around £ 130.
In July it was fined £ 1,500 with £ 1,331 costs for selling a knife to an underage youngster.
Whelk stalls selling cooked whelks used to be very common in the north of England.
After an internal wrangle, it 's selling its brewery site, ending 200 years of operations.
Our payoff comes from selling our yearling bulls at a price we can dictate whereby we can turn a profit.
At the beginning of your venture, you're selling a vision and long-term dream, and those attract more money than the coming harsh realities.
Friction is anything that slows down or increases costs in producing or selling your product; it slows growth and shrinks margins because of increased costs.
Remember, selling the company can be incredibly distracting and disruptive.
If selling doesn't come naturally, then it's going to be twice as hard.
You might want to consider selling those used toys in an online auction.
These products are expensive, with the Pump in Style selling for well over $200.
When your babies have outgrown their strollers, you may be able to recoup at least some of your money by selling them to someone else.
If you are struggling to get by, you may have a harder time selling your role as a single parent to an adoption agency.
Parents who choose this route may find themselves in the midst of an illegal black market, which is basically the business of baby selling.
There are quite a few sites on the Internet that are dedicated to selling round styles - and they offer these cribs in a number of different wood finishes and paint finishes.
One of the best ways to choose safe infant toys is to buy from companies dedicated to creating and selling non-toxic, organic, and natural toys.
There are so many websites selling cloth diapers that simply doing some research to compare prices will lead you to some savings.
When you're done with your bras, consider selling them at a local consignment sale or online so others have the opportunity to purchase affordable bras as well.
Shop at warehouse stores-Warehouse stores are all about selling products in bulk, so shopping at Sam's or Costco may be the perfect solution for buying formula in bulk supplies.
Talk to the seller about his history with the car, why they are selling the car, and whether or not there are any drawbacks to owning the car.
You will also need to understand the best time for selling the wine.
This is a very popular form for purchasing, as well as an easy form for storing and selling.
You will find a number of manufacturers and retailers selling men's dress boots online.
Financing and selling services are available, too.
You will find a number of manufacturers and retailers selling men's pants online.
You will find a number of manufacturers and retailers selling men's sleepwear online.
You will find a number of manufacturers and retailers selling men's socks online.
You will find a number of manufacturers and retailers selling men's underwear online.
You can go to the Kelly Blue Book website to check and see how much your motorcycle is worth for selling and trading it in.
Chances are you'll make more money selling it yourself.
If someone brings you up to speed on what to know about stock buying and you feel confident about venturing out on your own, use an online brokerage firm (online firms save you money, as you do most of the buying and selling work yourself).
As with banks and other financial institutions, brokerage firms sometimes have an extraordinary amount of hidden fees when you open an account for stock buying and selling.
Check your local yellow pages for listings of shops selling used CDs in your area.
In addition to selling new CDs, now sells used CDs.
If you are actually looking at a motorcycle in person, then there is no reason the dealer or the individual selling it should not allow you to test drive the bike.
Used bookstores and websites are categorized the same way bookstores selling new books are, so choose your genre and begin looking for the book or author of your choice.
You will find a number of manufacturers and retailers selling women's sleepwear online.
You can find a number of places selling and trading baseball cards online.
You will find a number of manufacturers and retailers selling women's casual shoes online. is a new website for buying and selling new and used party clothes.
Once you have the dealer's answer, do a little research of your own by searching on the Internet for information about the artist and the current selling prices of his or her work.
When Apple first started selling iPods, there were two basic choices that essentially differed in the amount of songs they could store and their physical size.
All you have to do to find shops online selling used videotapes is to go to a search engine and type in "used videotapes" or "videotapes" into the search field.
After you've decided what you want, its time to consult a dealer that deals in selling the kind of boat you want.
Or ask them what's new, or what has been selling well.
Most universities have a student store selling instructor-approved textbooks.
Many sellers nowadays are selling their property on their own in order to save money.
For this reason, many owners selling their properties in this way will not talk to real estate agents.
The console's strongest selling point is arguably its exclusive titles and recognizable name.
Retailers have announced they will stop selling UMD discs, the PSP system's format for movies, so expect the film front to dwindle in the months to come.
Aside from selling items through its own company, it offers items for sale from different vendors and individuals.
Search auction sites like eBay to find individual collectors selling Star Trek patches.
The site of origami architecture artist Ingrid Siliakus includes examples of creations, lists of resources, and links to galleries selling her work.
The biggest selling points are the ease of assembly and the porcelain coated iron grates which make for easy clean ups and less sticking.
The big selling point for this gas grill is the additional infrared rotisserie that is found in much higher priced models.
The only legal issue is that it is against the law for anyone selling these name certificates to state that they are affiliated with, sanctioned by or do business with the IAU (International Astronomical Union).
WalMart - selling reasonably priced laptops and notebooks.
Depending on the area, you may be able to find a shop dedicated to buying Chinese food, or there may be a more generic Asian grocer also selling Japanese, Thai, and Indian ingredients.
In addition to brick-and-mortar stores, Hobby Lobby also has an online presence selling a full line of products.
Still selling directly to consumers, Dell started selling through its website in 1996.
If you search for Amish furniture online, you'll see that there are quite a few retailers selling authentic Amish furniture.
If you're selling upholstered furniture, for example, vacuum away any pet hair and dirt and use a quality upholstery cleaning products to remove any spots or stains.
Doing so will greatly increase the likelihood that you'll be able to find someone willing to pay for them and will make it possible for you to ask - and hopefully get! - a fair price for the items you are selling.
Keep in mind that you cannot expect to recover the amount that you originally spent unless you are selling antique collector's items.
Pick up and delivery is one of the biggest challenges associated with selling furniture as an individual.
As an individual, however, you may or may not be willing or able to handle delivering the items you are selling to their new owners.
Many charities take used furniture donations, either making pieces available to needy families or selling them in thrift shops.
Additionally, you'll have the satisfaction of knowing that your unwanted furniture has been put to good use without having to go through the hassle of selling it yourself.
Sometimes the dealers will bring them just to sit on without the intention of selling them, but if you offer them a price you might find that they're happy to sell.
In addition to selling online, Amish Traditions has been in the same location in Nashville, Ohio, for more than twenty years.
In addition to selling a wide range of platform beds, Best Platform Beds also provides free plans and assembly instructions for customers that want to build their own platform bed.
This is a useful way to dispose of you unwanted goods and make a few pennies or dollars (although when selling old goods, do make sure your descriptions are accurate to avoid disappointment).
There are many WAHMs, (or work at home moms), making an income from selling beautiful bags on this site.
As an increasing number of people are installing solar panels, a black market has cropped up and thieves have become expert in quickly and quietly dislodging the panels and selling them for a tidy sum.
The retailers Wal-Mart and Babies-R-Us have also started selling BPA-free baby bottles, and Nalgene and Playtex have ceased production of BPA bottles.
Making and selling candles is also an entrepreneurial venture and is big business for thousands of independent contractors and sales persons across the United States.
Support - suppliers selling new solar panels often offer extensive help and support.
Check the online auction site eBay to see if anyone is selling a used Eco Tote.
Recently, grocery stores like Whole Foods and even Wal-Mart have begun selling canvas bags at the checkout stand that are very similar to the Eco Tote.
In addition to selling living wall panels, plants and a wide range of other supplies, ELT Living Walls has a lot of other useful information.
People who grow more fruit and vegetables than they can eat themselves may consider selling or swapping surplus stock.
Yard sales and selling goods secondhand on sites like ebay are other ways to recycle and get a second life out of your household goods.
After securing a patent and years of testing and registrations, we began selling our product to national pest control companies for installation in customer homes.It is also 100 percent made in the USA.
Federal law requires that before selling or distributing a pesticide in the United States, a person or company must obtain registration, or license, from EPA.