Self-sufficient Sentence Examples
We're trying to make the whole work self-sufficient.
While it is great to be self-sufficient and take pride in taking care of yourself, too much pride can shut others out who want to help you.
Making these basic household chores fun helps kids grow into responsible and self-sufficient adults.
You must have the ability to become self-sufficient in a matter of moments !
For ten weeks, the contestants must work together to create a self-sufficient society in the face of a series of obstacles.
Right now, the technology to make self-sufficient robots is far off.
This would lead to the view of Leibnitz, that the world consists of monads, self-sufficient beings, leading an inner life.
We are no longer self-sufficient in food in the UK.
Everything I 've ever done has been totally self-sufficient.
It is mainly for the spouse who doesn't make as much income to be able to become self-sufficient after a divorce.
AdvertisementWhether you are able to live a completely self sufficient life, or simply take a step towards a more self sufficient style of living, every step that you take helps to reduce your carbon footprint and impact on the environment.
They are growing into self-sufficient adults, learning to function on their own.
I am self-sufficient, independent, loving and kind, aggressive, protective and completely social.
Although not exclusively about organic gardening, Mother Earth News does have regular articles about the subject as well as other articles on living a more natural, self sufficient lifestyle.
Independent living is a type of housing intended for self-sufficient older adults.
AdvertisementIs the patient somewhat self-sufficient?
They can become fairly self-sufficient and in some cases live independently, with community and social support.
Since they didn't have built-in playmates as children, only children are very independent, creative, and self-sufficient.
You may not want to see your baby leave, but it's in his/her best interests to learn how to be self-sufficient.
By educating yourself, however, you can change how your family interacts, leading to a stronger family and more self-sufficient children.
AdvertisementBy setting clear boundaries, you can help your children grow into self-sufficient and disciplined adults.
But once their children leave the nest and become self-sufficient, they allow the policy to lapse.
Uttered formulas abound; yet they are not forms of address, but rather the self-sufficient pronouncements of the magician's fiat.
The manor was indeed self-sufficient and independent in the sense that it could furnish everything required by the majority of the inhabitants, and that over the greater part of rural England production was not carried on with a view to a distant market.
The consequence was that, when not spending himself in vain attempts to solve the impossible problems that have always waylaid the fancy of self-sufficient beginners, he took an interest only in the elements of geometry, and never had any notion of the full scope of mathematical science, undergoing as it then was (and not least at the hands of Wallis) the extraordinary development which made it before the end of the century the potent instrument of physical discovery which it became in the hands of Newton.
AdvertisementThis cause is self-sufficient, and is sufficient for the reason.
They may not have family able to help them stay self-sufficient.
The birds are still on Manor Farm, breeding, are totally self sufficient and now living as wild barn owls.
The practice crop rotation and companion planting and are virtually self sufficient very few external inputs are used.
The population is self-sufficient and everyone is a farmer, growing millet, barley and a special kind of pink rice.
They had become nominal, self sufficient and self satisfying.
Funding No national library is ever going to be able to be financially self-sufficient.
The outcome of the plan was to be a more economically self-sufficient railroad.
The Edwards are virtually self-sufficient, only buying in seaweed.
Local groups are expected to be largely self-sufficient due to the limited resources of the national Campaign.
A ' Pygmy ' can be entirely self-sufficient at the age of seven.
Everything I've ever done has been totally self-sufficient.
You must have the ability to become self-sufficient in a matter of moments!
However, in 1919 it was increasingly felt that the club should become self sufficient.
Thus on the face of it there is something like a return to the self-sufficient utterance of antique religion; but, in reality, there is all the difference in the world between a suggestion directed outwardly in the fruitless attempt to conjure nature without first obeying her, and one directed towards the inner man so as to establish the peace of God within the heart.
How many have helped make a single school, library, fire station, police station or hospital even halfway self-sufficient in energy?
In future the UK might have to become more self-sufficient in food production, or even a net exporter of food.
In 15 years we will go from 80% self-sufficient in oil and gas to 80% imported.
We tour throughout the UK and are self-sufficient in terms of set and sound equipment.
About half of the survey considered themselves to be self-sufficient in this area.
We 're trying to make the whole work self-sufficient.
He viewed the solitary wave as a self-sufficient dynamic entity, a " thing " displaying many properties of a particle.
The feudal system of Europe was based on a self-sufficient economy.
Whilst growing up on a self-sufficient farm, she sold eggs at farmers ' markets.
Most people lived by or near their place of work in small, self-sufficient communities.
In this respect each cell is a self-sufficient individual.
During the late 1940's and early 1950's, Susan and Euan lived an almost self-sufficient life on their farm in North Wales.
The small colony was very self-sufficient, with just enough shops and farms.
In the case of a person who is not able to support themselves, the judge will want to know what plans they have for becoming self-sufficient and how long they expect the process to take.
While living a self sustainable or self sufficient life sounds great in principle, there are many challenges to overcome.
The location for a self sustainable home is an important consideration and vital to successfully being self sufficient.
All of these skills can be learned and many colleges and other educational establishments offer courses to help people lead a more self sufficient life.
While being self sufficient ultimately means living without any major costs, there are often large up front investments that need to be made.
If there are no self sufficient communities in your area then you could try to set one up by getting in touch with like minded people.
Independent senior facilities differ from assisted living facilities in that prospective residents must be in good health and be self-sufficient.
You can sit down for a short 10-15 session every day or two, knowing that you are working on a greater goal of establishing a self-sufficient society, right from the ground up.
Referrals, crisis interventions, and short-term counseling provide families with the necessary tools to become self-sufficient.
Specializing in organic SEO, as well as email marketing and more, this company takes a different approach as it attempts to show its clients how to become self-sufficient web marketers.