Self-reliance Sentence Examples
A good man will like a woman with confidence and self-reliance.
Unusual courage and self-reliance were necessary for success.
In one survey conducted between online students and traditional classroom students, the online students ranked comparably in most areas, but significantly higher in terms of technological savvy, self-reliance and self-motivation.
His aunt urged him to seek retirement, self-reliance, friendship with nature; to be no longer "the nursling of surrounding circumstances," but to prepare a celestial abode for the muse.
Generally, Baby Boomers are independent and confident, tending toward self-reliance with a strong belief in individual choice.
Self-reliance as a goal involves a number of contradictions.
The want of courage and self-reliance, the deficiency in truth and honesty sometimes noticed in connexion with them, are doubtless due to long servitude under an unsympathetic government.
It's made me cautious and appreciative of the importance of self-reliance.
The sense of the gap between theory and fact gives to the religious element of Stoicism a new force; the soul, conscious of its weakness, leans on the thought of God, and in the philosopher's attitude towards external events, pious resignation preponderates over self-poised indifference; the old self-reliance of the reason, looking down on man's natural life as a mere field for its exercise, makes room for a positive aversion to the flesh as an alien element imprisoning the spirit; the body has come to be a " corpse which the soul sustains," 1 and life a " sojourn in a strange land "; 2 in short, the ethical idealism of Zeno has begun to borrow from the metaphysical idealism of Plato.
The school is a non-profit "wilderness" school that takes groups of children out into the wilderness and teaches them things like self-reliance, teamwork and leadership via challenging outdoor adventures.
AdvertisementThrough this program boys participate in challenging activities that emphasize learning by doing and promote self-reliance, leadership, and working together.
During the forty-seven years war, when pope and emperor were respectively bidding for their affiance, and offering concessions to secure their support, the communes grew in self-reliance, strength and liberty.
The sacrifices and offerings were acknowledgments of divine bounty and means used to insure its continuance; the Arab was the " slave " of his god and paid him tribute, as slaves used to do to their masters, or subjects to their lords; and the free Bedouin, trained in the solitude of the desert to habits of absolute self-reliance, knew no master except his god, and acknowledged no other will before which his own should bend.
Abdur Rahman left on those who met him in India the impression of a clear-headed man of action, with great self-reliance and hardihood, not without indications of the implacable severity that too often marked his administration.
There had been a very marked diminution in crime, attributable it was supposed to this system, which was in almost all respects the same as the English, although the Irish authorities had invented an "intermediate stage" in which convicts worked in a state of semi-freedom and thus practised the self-reliance which in many produced reform.
AdvertisementLeft to take care of themselves, islands in a sea of turbulence, they grew in the sense of self-reliance and independence; they grew also to be aggressive, quarrelsome and ambitious.
Sprung from such stock, Emerson inherited qualities of self-reliance, love of liberty, strenuous virtue, sincerity, sobriety and fearless loyalty to ideals.
Think about whether you have the right balance of self-reliance, people, generalist and specialist skills to stay employable.
The major theme in hazard preparedness is self reliance.
Graham Wood is Head of Policy at Ockenden International, the charity promoting self-reliance for displaced peoples.
AdvertisementAnd it argued for the need for people to live in small communities to encourage greater self-reliance.
Expeditions Section The expedition part of the scheme aims to develop self-reliance.
It is often associated with offering guidance, encouraging self- reflection and increasing self-reliance.
Some countries are big enough to aim for increased self-reliance within their own borders.
The Local Economy More economic self-reliance will help to protect communities from the fluctuating fortunes of the global markets.
AdvertisementThey all make it clear that localisation is about greater self-reliance.
Nearly all the writers advocate reversal of the trend to 'globalisation '; a return to local self-reliance, with minimal long-distance trade.
With regard to financial self-reliance and full financial self-sufficiency, the Bank has made great progress in recent years.
In fact, disability programs seem to thrive best when resources are minimal, and community self-reliance is optimal.
And developing nations that emphasize greater food self-reliance can retain precious foreign exchange and avoid the instability of international markets.
The colonists, who had achieved their two great successes without any aid from the home government, were naturally elated, and began to feel a new sense of self-reliance and confidence in their own resources.
Machiavelli conceived the strongest admiration for Cesare's combination of audacity with diplomatic prudence, for his adroit use of cruelty and fraud, for his self-reliance, avoidance of half-measures, employment of native troops, and firm administration in conquered provinces.
But at the crowning moment of trial there are those who assert their belief that the woman who on her way to the field of Corrichie had uttered her wish to be a man, that she might know all the hardship and all the enjoyment of a soldier's life, riding forth "in jack and knapscull" - the woman who long afterwards was to hold her own for two days together without help of counsel against all the array of English law and English statesmanship, armed with irrefragable evidence and supported by the resentment of a nation - showed herself equally devoid of moral and of physical resolution; too senseless to realize the significance and too heartless to face the danger of a situation from which the simplest exercise of reason, principle or courage must have rescued the most unsuspicious and inexperienced of honest women who was not helplessly deficient in self-reliance and self-respect.
Self-reliance, free-thought and mental growth were not encouraged.
These skills are collectively described in several ways including transferable skills, self-reliance skills and key skills.
The aim of Ockenden is to promote self-reliance for refugees and displaced people.
Parents can foster responsibility and self-reliance by giving even the youngest child some responsibility, such as setting the table or putting clean clothing in their dresser drawers.
A proof is the mysterious rapid extinction of savages the moment that their group-life is broken up; they are individually so many lost sheep, without self-reliance or initiative.
The old initiative and self-reliance of the nation, already shaken by years of disaster, were now completely undermined, and the people submitted without show of resistance to a theocracy disguised as absolute monarchy.
It's a tremendous boon to the ego, to your sense of self-reliance, to your feeling about your own talent.
The idea of self reliance has changed to the idea that someone else will watch out for us.
The Team would learn first hand about new cultures and environments; adapting to new surroundings while learning self-reliance and inter-dependency.
His high moral character, the breadth of his legal knowledge, and his experience as congressman, cabinet member and diplomat, would have made Buchanan an excellent president in ordinary times; but he lacked the soundness of judgment, the self-reliance and the moral courage needed to face a crisis.
The police have become the ministers of a social despotism resolute in its watchful care and control of the whole community, well-meaning and paternal, although when carried to extreme length the tendency is to diminish self-reliance and independence in the individual.
As you exercise you also develop strength and endurance, which can lead to increased self-reliance.