Select Sentence Examples
Let him select a route for you and then suggest an alternate route.
I have done nothing but select and cut.
Katie had been helping her select clothing and she certainly knew how to make the most of Carmen's soft curves.
So why would he suddenly want her to select the clothes he wore to an informal party where he knew no one.
Care should be taken in planting to select a spot somewhat elevated and well drained.
This gift will be a pledge of your purity of heart to her whom you select to be your worthy helpmeet in Masonry.
The book will contain four essays, all in French, with the general title of Project of a Universal science, capable of raising our nature to its highest perfection; also Dioptrics, Meteors and Geometry, wherein the most curious matters which the author could select as a proof of the universal science which he proposes are explained in such a way that even the unlearned may understand them.'
The company therefore promotes a bill, which is considered first by select committees of the two houses of parliament, and afterwards by the two houses themselves, during which period it faces the opposition, if any, of rival concerns, of local authorities and of hostile landowners.
A select company of these met at the parsonage on Sunday afternoons.
Jessi drew out the inevitable by taking her time to select her food.
AdvertisementHis select works have been published in io volumes (2nd ed., 1885-1896).
Why else would he want to select the trail she followed - even the clothes she wore?
The best way of deducing r„ is to select portions of the dynamometer record where the speed is constant.
Opposition on petition could be heard before a select committee or a joint committee as in the case of private bills.
From the corner of her eye she saw Keaton select a rock from the drive and throw it into the woods.
AdvertisementAn English translation of the embassy to Constantinople is in Ernest Henderson's Select Documents of the Middle Ages (Bohn series, 1896).
In 1757 Voltaire came to reside at Lausanne; and although he took but little notice of the young Englishman of twenty, who eagerly sought and easily obtained an introduction, the establishment of the theatre at Monrepos, where the brilliant versifier himself declaimed before select audiences his own productions on the stage, had no small influence in fortifying Gibbon's taste for the French theatre, and in at the same time abating that "idolatry for the gigantic genius of Shakespeare which is inculcated from our infancy as the first duty of an Englishman."
His father's library, though large in comparison with that he commanded at Lausanne, contained, he says, " much trash "; but a gradual process of reconstruction transformed it at length into that " numerous and select " library which was " the foundation of his works, and the best comfort of his life both at home and abroad."
In London he seems to have seen but little select society - partly from his father's taste, "which had always preferred the highest and lowest company," and partly from his own reserve and timidity, increased by his foreign education, which had made English habits unfamiliar, and the very language 2 The affair, however, was not finally broken off till 1763.
Roebuck, for the appointment of a select committee to enquire into the conduct of the war, was carried in the House of Commons by a.
AdvertisementThe Select Transactions of this society were collected and published in 1743 by Robert Maxwell, who took a large part in its proceedings.
Ine legislates "with the counsel and with the teaching of Cenred my father and of Hedde my bishop, and of Eorcenwald my bishop, with all my ealdormen and the most distinguished witan of my people" (Stubbs, Select Charters), and Alfred issues his code of laws "with the counsel and consent of his witan."
He was a select preacher at Oxford in 1895-1897, and at Cambridge in 1900; he received a canonry in Bristol cathedral in 1893, but retained his wardenship of Toynbee Hall, while relinquishing the living of St Jude's.
His knowledge of the ancient authors was wide, but his taste was not select, and his erudition was superficial.
Greater London (in the sense in which that name might then have been applied) was governed by the inhabitants of each parish in vestry assembled, save that in some instances parishes had elected select vestries under the provisions of the Vestries Act 1831.
AdvertisementThis subject had been handed over in 18 9 3 to a royal commission, and further discussed by a select committee in 1899 and a departmental committee in 1900, but both of these threw cold water on the schemes laid before them - a result which, galling enough to one who had made so much play with the question in the country, offered welcome material to his opponents for electioneering recrimination, as year by year went by between 1895 and 1900 and nothing resulted from all the confident talk on the subject in which Mr Chamberlain had indulged when out of office.
He not merely did nothing of the kind, but on the contrary he used his power to select the most foolish and ruinous of all the courses open to him.
Of the immense number of indications accompanying every vital phenomenon, these historians select the indication of intellectual activity and say that this indication is the cause.
Select from steak, seafood, chicken or enjoy freshly prepared sushi.
The discrepancies produced in this way are, however, very small, if care is taken to minimize the distance between the silver film and the photographic plate and to select a reasonably good piece of glass for the reseau.
He wrote Practical Sermons (1858; edited by Noah Porter); Lectures on the Moral Government of God (2 vols., 1859), and Essays and Lectures upon Select Topics in Revealed Theology (1859), all published posthumously.
In 1602 he made his second visit to the French capital, when his transcendent qualities brought him into the closest relations with the court of Henry IV., and made him the spiritual father of that circle of select souls who centred round Madame Acarie.
Reports to the Postmaster-General upon proposals for transferring to the Post Of f ice the Telegraphs throughout the United Kingdom (1868); Special Reports from Select Committee on the Electric Telegraphs Bills (1868, 1869); Report by Mr Scudamore on the reorganization of the Telegraph system of the United Kingdom (1871); Journ.
The idea of automatic telephony is to substitute for the operator of the manual exchange an electromechanical or other switching system, which, controlled in its movement by the action of the subscriber, will automatically select, connect and disconnect circuits as desired.
Gaine, general manager of the company, stated before the Select Committee that in the view of the directors the bargain was a hard one, because it gave no consideration in respect of the goodwill of the great business, with its gross income of over £ 2,000,000 per annum and its net revenue of over £750,000, which the company had built up. The company had had to pay for all the experiments and mistakes which are inherent in the launching and development of any new industry.
These illustrations are comparatively simple; it would have been easy to select others of a more complicated nature, but all evidently connected with the visits of insects and the cross fertilization of the flower.
It is evident that accurate knowledge of the character and structure of the rock-formations in petroliferous territories is of the greatest importance in enabling the expert to select favourable sites for drilling operations; hence on well-conducted petroleumproperties it is now customary to note the character and thickness of the strata perforated by the drill, so that a complete section may be prepared from the recorded data.
Marsden, Select Pleas in the Court of Admiralty, published by the Selden Society; Godolphin, View of the Admiral Jurisdiction.
The extraordinary patience requisite to a successful termination of such an analysis can only be adequately realized by actual research; an idea may be obtained from Crookes's Select Methods in Analysis.
Specimens intended for the herbarium should be collected when possible in dry weather, care being taken to select plants or portions of plants in sufficient number and of a size adequate to illustrate all the characteristic features of the species.
Since that time select Japanese species, chosen for superior milling qualities, have been widely introduced, as the market prejudice in favour of head rice made the large percentage of broken rice a heavy handicap to the farmers.
The Israelites were commanded to select on the tenth of Abib (Nisan) a he-lamb of the first year, without blemish, to kill it on the eve of the fourteenth and to sprinkle with its blood the lintel and sidepost of the doors of their dwellings so that the Lord should "pass over" them when he went forth to slay the first-born of the Egyptians.
Its most important early charter was that granted in 1340 by Hugh le Despenser, whereby the burgesses acquired the right to nominate persons from whom the constable of the castle should select a bailiff and other officers, two ancient fairs, held on the 29th of June and, 9th of September, were confirmed, and extensive trading privileges were granted, including the right to form a merchant gild.
The governing body consisted of 180 members, chosen from certain influential families, and the executive was entrusted to a select committee of artynae (from apTUVEav, to manage).
The present governing charter was granted by Elizabeth in 1596, and instituted a governing body of a mayor, fourteen masters or councillors, and an indefinite number of burgesses, including a select body called "the Twenty-men."
We write;L 22 = a 1 a 2 .b 1 n-2 b2s 3 n - 3 3 n-3 3 n-3 3 a 3 = a 1 a 2 .b 1 b 2 .c 1 c2, and so on whenever we require to represent a product of real coefficients symbolically; we then have a one-to-one correspondence between the products of real coefficients and their symbolic forms. If we have a function of degree s in the coefficients, we may select any s sets of umbrae for use, and having made a selection we may when only one quantic is under consideration at any time permute the sets of umbrae in any manner without altering the real significance of the symbolism.
For graphical representation we select units of length L and M, not necessarily identical.
Its companion volume of Select Charters and other Illustrations of English Constitutional History, admirable in itself, has a special importance in that its plan has been imitated with good results both in England and the United States.
In order to select remedies which should fulfil the indication of producing symptoms like those of the disease, Hahnemann made many observations of the action of drugs on healthy persons.
The company's management did not give satisfaction, and the use of the telephone was consequently restricted in the metropolis, when in 1898 a Select Committee on Telephones reported that " general immediate and effective " competition by either the government or local authority was necessary to ensure efficient working.
In 1376 an ordinance was made by the mayor and aldermen, with the assent of the whole commons, to the effect that the companies should select men with whom they were content, and none other should come to the elections of mayors and sheriffs; that the greater companies should not elect more than six, the lesser four and the least two.
The embryo is provided with ten hooks, and appears to select Lamellibranchs (Mactra) for its intermediate host.
With few exceptions tapeworms select the small intestine for their station, and in this situation execute active movements of extension and contraction.
While many continental municipalities were becoming more democratic in the 14th century, those of England were drifting towards oligarchy, towards government by a close "select body."
In making cigars by the hand, the operator rolls together a sufficient quantity of material to form the filling of one cigar, and experience enables him or her to select very uniform quantities.
But it is only a select minority who attain to the rank of heroes after death, only the distinguished men of the past.
Roebuck, the Radical member for Sheffield, gave notice that he would move for a select committee " to inquire into the condition of our army before Sevastopol, and into the conduct of those departments of the government whose duty it has been to minister to the wants of that army."
Complete lists of current British periodicals are included in Mitchell's Newspaper Press Directory, Street's Newspaper Directory, and Willing's Press Guide, and a select list and other information are given in the Literary Year Book.
Perhaps the earliest example is to be found in Select Views of Literature (1811-1812).
In the United States the same question was considered in 1896 by a Joint Select Committee on the use of alcohol in the manufactures and arts.
In 1857 he was select preacher at his university.
Why should we leave it to Harper & Brothers and Redding & Co. to select our reading?
Berg explained so clearly why he wanted to collect at his house a small but select company, and why this would give him pleasure, and why though he grudged spending money on cards or anything harmful, he was prepared to run into some expense for the sake of good society--that Pierre could not refuse, and promised to come.
Dim sum plates and tea are brought around by cart, and you select whatever appeals to you.
I still don't want you to cut up your clothes, but if what I buy you to wear isn't what you want, you're old enough to select your own clothing.
Migne's texts are not always satisfactory, but since the completion of his great undertaking two important collections have been begun on critical lines - the Vienna edition of the Latin Church writers,' and the Berlin edition of the Greek writers of the ante-Nicene period .8 For English readers there are three series of translations from the fathers, which cover much of the ground; the Oxford Library of the Fathers, the Ante Nicene Christian Library and the Select Library of Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers.
In addition to many other researches besides those here mentioned, he wrote or edited various books on chemistry and chemical technology, including Select Methods of Chemical Analysis, which went through a number of editions; and he also gave a certain amount of time to the investigation of psychic phenomena, endeavouring to effect some measure of correlation between them and ordinary physical laws.
As it would be impossible within the limits of this article to illustrate or explain adequately the applications which have been made of the principles of thermodynamics, it has been necessary to select such illustrations only as are required for other reasons, or could not be found elsewhere.
He is entitled to consecrate all the bishops within his province and was formerly entitled, upon consecrating a bishop, to select a benefice within his diocese at his option for one of his chaplains, but this practice was indirectly abolished by 3 and 4 Vict.
In 1842 he published a treatise on The Unity of the Church, and his reputation as an eloquent and earnest preacher being by this time considerable, he was in the same year appointed select preacher by his university, thus being called upon to fill from time to time the pulpit which Newman, as vicar of St Mary's, was just ceasing to occupy.
The parents and guardians were called upon to select whether each child should learn English or Italian next after learning reading, writing and arithmetic in Maltese.
Nor is it difficult to imagine the probable course of reasoning which led Bessel to select the model of his new heliometer.
Why, he might ask, should he not select the simple form of Dollond's first type ?
In 1850 he became vice-principal and Hebrew lecturer at St David's College, Lampeter, where he introduced muchneeded educational and financial reforms. He was appointed select preacher of Cambridge University in 1854, and preached a sermon on inspiration, afterwards published in his Rational Godliness after the Mind of Christ and the Written Voices of the Church (London, 1855).
Scarcely any one dreamed that individual subjects could safely be left to believe what they would, and permitted, so long as they did not violate the law of the land, freely to select and practise such religious rites as afforded them help and comfort.
When Massachusetts was called upon to select for Statuary Hall in the capitol at Washington two figures from the long line of her worthies, she chose as her fittest representatives John Winthrop, the type of Puritanism and state-builder, and Samuel Adams (though here the choice was difficult between Samuel Adams and John Adams) as her greatest leader in the heroic period of the War of Independence.
It was followed by two little volumes of similar character - English Past and Present (1855) and A Select Glossary of English Words (1859).
The facts of the problem would all appear covered by the hypothesis that John the presbyter, the eleven being all dead, wrote the book of Revelation (its more ancient Christian portions) say in 69, and died at Ephesus say in loo; that the author of the Gospel wrote the first draft, here, say in 97; that this book, expanded by him, first circulated within a select Ephesian Christian circle; and that the Ephesian church officials added to it the appendix and published it in 110 -120.
We have now to select such portion of this system as will suit the conditions imposed by any actual pipe.
The males appear to compete with each other in the brilliancy of their melody, in order to attract the females, which, according to the German naturalist Johann Matthaiis Bechstein always select the best singers for their mates.
That science must be left free to determine the aims of her investigation, to select and apply her own methods, and to publish the results of her researches without restraint, is a postulate which Ultramontanism either cannot understand or treats with indifference, for it regards as strange and incredible the fundamental law governing all scientific research - that there is for it no higher aim than the discovery of the truth.
Smith on the 2nd of July, expressing, on the one hand, the queen's desire to provide for Prince Albert Victor of Wales, and, Mr Smith, seconded by Gladstone, a select committee was appointed to consider these messages and to to report to the house as to the existing practice and as to the principles to be adopted for the future.
Abstraction differs from Analysis, inasmuch as its object is to select a particular quality for consideration in itself as it is found in all the objects to which it belongs, whereas analysis considers all the qualities which belong to a single object.
A continuation of it, containing selected works of the Nicene and post-Nicene period, was edited by Schaff and others under the title A Select Library of Nicene and post-Nicene Fathers (series 1 and 2; 28 vols., Buffalo and New York, 1886 ff.).
The king was indeed the president of the permanent council, but he could not summon the diet without its consent, and in all cases of preferment was bound to select one out of three of the council's nominees.
From the mass thrown out by the blast, or loosened so as readily to come away by the use of crowbars, the men select and sort all good blocks and send them in waggons to the slate huts to be split and dressed into slates.
Discussions on set subjects were held, select passages from the classics learned by heart, while written exercises in prose and verse were founded on the best ancient models.
It would be impossible to refer here even briefly to all these, and it may be more useful to select for somewhat full description,.
Immediately afterward he was a member of a commission appointed "to revise the laws in force in the state; to select, abridge, alter and digest them, so as to be accommodated to the present government."
Everett was a member of nearly all the most important select committees, such as those on the Indian relations of the state of Georgia, the Apportionment Bill, and the Bank of the United States, and drew the report either of the majority or the minority.
The number of these select members is small in comparison with the whole Society; the exact proportion varies from time to time, the present tendency being to increase the number.
These he cannot remove nor select; and he is bound, in certain circumstances, to listen to their advice, although he is It is said that the general of the Jesuits is independent of the pope; and his popular name, "the black pope," has gone to confirm this idea.
The same son also published an edition of Paulding's Select Works (4 vols., 1867-1868), and a biography called.
It also contains interesting communications from Bunsen and Professor Loebell, and select translations from the Kleine Schriften.
A vacancy among the fellows is filled up by the provost and a select number of the fellows, after examination comprised in five principal courses, mathematics, experimental science, classics, mental and moral science and Hebrew.
In ordinary times the president may be almost compared to the managing clerk in a large business establishment, whose chief function is to select his subordinates, the policy of the concern being in the hands of the board of directors.
But the two others are almost (if now not quite) peculiar to the United States, viz, to select candidates for office and to procure places of emolument for party workers.
In 1845, however, a statute based on the recommendations of a select committee, appointed in the preceding year, was passed; the object being to diminish the bulk of the special acts, and to introduce uniformity into private bill legislation by classifying the common form clauses, embodying them in general statutes, and facilitating their incorporation into the special statutes by reference.
It was almost necessary that he should select what he thought most important for description, and at times omit what we deem of more importance.
On Lord Murray's return to England in 1914 he found it necessary to make a statement in the House of Lords with reference to the part he had played in the Marconi episode, and a select committee, appointed to inquire into his action in the matter, reported that he had acted " without sufficient thought," but acquitted him of "dishonourable conduct."
Robert Maxwell (1695-1765) was the author of Select Transactions of the Society of Improvers and was a great benefactor to Scottish agriculture.
In 1818 a select committee of the House of Commons was appointed to consider the Usury Laws and in 1841 a similar committee of the House of Lords was appointed.
Except in the case of a select few, Irving's preaching awakened little interest among the congregation of Chalmers, Chalmers himself, with no partiality for its bravuras and flourishes, comparing it to "Italian music, appreciated only by connoisseurs"; but as a missionary among the poorer classes he wielded an influence that was altogether unique.
He was one of the disputants selected to confute the Romanists at the conference of Westminster after Easter 1J59; he was select preacher at St Paul's cross on the 15th of June; and in the autumn was engaged as one of the royal visitors of the western counties.
Section II of the act ordered, inter alia, that the trial of every election petition shall be conducted before a puisne judge of one of the common law courts at Westminster and Dublin; that the said courts shall each select a judge to be placed on the rota for the trial of election petitions; that the said judges shall try petitions standing for trial according to seniority or otherwise, as they may agree; that the trial shall take place in the county or borough to which the petition refers, unless the court should think it desirable to hold it elsewhere.
On the other hand, if local elections are held on the " off " or odd year, and there be no national or state candidates, the voter feels much more free to select only those candidates whom he considers best qualified for the various offices.
Tavistock was governed from before the Conquest by a portreeve, who in the 14th century was assisted by a select council of burgesses, styled in 1660 "the Masters of the Toune and Parish of Tavistock."
This arrangement lasted until 1565, when the burgesses put in a claim to their right of election, and it was decided that out of four burgesses nominated by the lord of the manor the jury of the court leet should select the mayor.
In the preface the author claims to have stated 20,000 facts gathered from some 2000 books and from 100 select authors.
Aluminium is so light that it is a matter requiring some ingenuity to select a convenient solvent through which it shall sink quickly, for if it does not sink, it short-circuits the electrolyte.
But for the sake of practical convenience it has long been usual to select certain of the best marked of these passes to serve as limits within the range, whether to distinguish several great divisions from each other, or to further break up each of these great divisions into smaller groups.
It is also important to select leafy growths, and not such as will at'once run up to flower.
The modus operandi is to turn the plant out of its pot, shake away the soil so as to free the roots, and then select as many pieces of the stouter roots as may be required.
The method in the latter case is to select roots averaging the thickness of the little finger, to cut these into lengths of about 3 or 4 in., and to plant them FIG.
The following is a select list of genera of miscellaneous decorative plants (orchids, palms and ferns excluded; climbers are denoted by *; bulbous and tuberous plants by f) Stove Plants.
Transplant strong plants of biennials and perennials to their final situations; also the select plants used for spring bedding.
If they are not well rooted, leave them until they are, or select such of them as are best, leaving the others.
There is a small but very select collection of trees at Oxford, the oldest botanical garden in Great Britain, which was founded in 1632.
He edited the Works of William Warburton, the Select Works (1772) of Abraham Cowley, and left materials for an edition (6 vols., 1811) of Addison.
But the fibre produced by these rapid and economical means was very inferior in quality to the product of Maori handiwork, mainly because weak and undeveloped strands are, by machine preparation, unavoidably intermixed with the perfect fibres, which alone the Maoris select, and so the uniform quality and strength of the material are destroyed.
From the mass of material comprised in the Koran - and the account we have given is far from exhaustive - we should select the histories of the ancient prophets and saints Narratives.
From the drop-down menu, select the field to search.
All people need rest, even if they are made of wood, and as there is no night here they select a certain time of the day in which to sleep or doze.
The crowds of men who merely spoke the Greek and Latin tongues in the Middle Ages were not entitled by the accident of birth to read the works of genius written in those languages; for these were not written in that Greek or Latin which they knew, but in the select language of literature.
It is merely necessary to select some larger or smaller unit as the subject of observation--as criticism has every right to do, seeing that whatever unit history observes must always be arbitrarily selected.
The following is a select list of genera of stove plants (climbers are denoted by *, bulbous and tuberous plants by f) Acalypha Achimenest Aeschynanthus Allamanda* Alocasiat Amaryllist Anthurium Aphelandra Aralia Ardisia Arisaemaf Aristolochia * Ataccia Begonia Bertolonia Bignonia* Bromeliads Cactus Caladium f Calathea Centropogon Cissus* Clerodendron * Crinumt Codiaeum (Croton) ORcftIDs.
He became a fellow of Magdalen College, Oxford, in 1795, took orders in 1802, and was select university preacher in 1804.
He also edited Gregory Lewis Way's translation of select Fabliaux in 1796.
The commissioners, ten in number, were directed to go through all the constitutions of which copies existed, to select such as were of practical value, to cut these down by retrenching all unnecessary matter, and gather them, arranged in order of date, into one volume, getting rid of any contradictions by omitting one or other of the conflicting passages.
He extended the competence of the ecclesiastical tribunals, suppressed unjust taxes and undertook to select the counts from the districts they had to administer.
Early in the 15th century their residence was fixed at Halle, and about the same time it became the custom to select them from one of the reigning families of Germany, most often from the house of Brandenburg.
A parliament (31st of August) demanded the loss of votes (fourteen) by bishops, and freedom of debate on bills formed by the Lords of the Articles, who had practically held all power; while Argyll carried a bill demanding for each estate the right to select its own representatives among these lords.
In 1845 he was appointed select preacher, and published in 1847 a volume of Sermons and Essays on the Apostolic Age, which not only laid the foundation of his fame as a preacher, but also marked his future position as a theologian.
The grand-duke, however, continued to pay him his stipend, and in 1824 he was recalled to Jena as professor of mathematics and physics, receiving permission also to lecture on philosophy in his own rooms to a select number of students.
The young Humanists would have gladly welcomed him into their select band.
Besides pamphlets on the Catholic and slavery questions, as well as several fugitive jeux d'esprit, and a number of unsigned articles in the Analytical Review, Geddes also published a free metrical version of Select Satires of Horace (1779), and a verbal rendering of the First Book of the Iliad of Homer (1792).
The Primary Consideration In The Definition Of A Unit Is To Select That Method Which Permits The Highest Order Of Accuracy In Comparison And Verification.
It Was Proposed By A Committee Of The British Association To Select The Temperature At Which The Specific Heat Was 4.20O Joules, Leaving The Exact Temperature To Be Subsequently Determined.
It Is Readily Attainable At Any Time In A Modern Laboratory With Adequate Heating Arrangements, And Is Probably On The Whole The Most Suitable Temperature To Select.
In 18 3 a select committee of the House of Commons went into the whole subject of secondary punishment and reported that, as the difficulties in the way of an effective classification of prisoners were insurmountable, they were strongly in favour of the confinement of prisoners in separate cells, recommending that the whole of the prisons should be altered accordingly and the expense borne by the public exchequer.
Another select committee, this time of the House of Lords, returned to the subject in 1835, and after a long investigation re-enunciated the theory that all prisoners should be kept separate from one another.
They speedily relapsed into crime; their numbers, as the years passed, became so great and their depredations so serious, especially in garrotte robberies, that a cry of indignation was raised against the system, which led to its arraignment before a select committee of the House of Commons in 1863.
In 1849 Mr Charles Pearson, M.P., moved for a select committee to report upon the best means of securing some uniform system which should be at once punitive, reformatory and self-supporting.
Rabi` to select Ali, knowing that the dislike felt towards him by the Khorasanians would double their strength in fighting against him.
As a speaker, he was clear, logical and impressive, and on select committees his common sense was most valuable.
Formal logicians say that, if they had to consider the matter, they must either consider all things, which would be impossible, or select some, which would be arbitrary.
We select for description stage (3) above, as the most characteristic development of quaternions in recent years.
In 1549 he was placed on a commission to examine Anabaptists, and in 1551 he was appointed chancellor to Bishop Ridley, select preacher at Canterbury, and a commissioner for the reform of the canon law; in 1552 Coverdale made him archdeacon of Exeter.
They controlled commerce, and were more energetic, generally, than were the natives; many were naturalized, held generous grants of land, and had married into Californian families, not excluding the most select and influential.
To obtain a good tree, the practice in Kent is to select a stout upright shoot 3 ft.
His advisers were men like the famous jurist Ulpian, the historian Dio Cassius and a select board of sixteen senators; a municipal council of fourteen assisted the city praefect in administering the affairs of the fourteen districts of Rome.
See Select Cases from the Coroners' Rolls, 1265-1413, ed.
Virginia and Maryland promised such a cession; President Washington was known to be in favour of a site on the Potomac, and in July 1790 Alexander Hamilton, in return for Thomas Jefferson's assistance in passing the bill for the assumption of the state war debts by the Federal government, helped Jefferson to pass a bill for establishing the capital on the Potomac, by which the president was authorized to select a site anywhere along the Potomac between the Eastern Branch (Anacostia) and the Conococheague river, a distance of about So m., and to appoint three commissioners who under his direction should make the necessary surveys and provide accommodations for the reception of Congress in r800.
Destined originally for the Church, he had preferred to become a knight, and in forty years of tournaments and fights he had won himself a considerable reputation, when in 1208 envoys came from the Holy Land to ask Philip Augustus, king of France, to select one of his barons as husband to the heiress, and ruler of the kingdom, of Jerusalem.
During the second period of his service in Congress, which lasted until 1785, he was a member of the committee to consider the treaty of peace with Great Britain, and chairman of two committees appointed to select a permanent seat of government.
In order to avoid the intestine strife so common in Italian civic life, it soon became the custom to select a stranger to fill this position.
To fill vacancies parliament must name six persons, of whom the council would select two, the choice between these two being left to the protector.
Rhodes informed the House of Commons Select Committee that the belief that the Boers intended to introduce the influence of another foreign power in the already complicated system of South Africa " greatly influenced " him in promoting the revolt.
The Baluch character is influenced by its environment as much as by its origin, so that it is impossible to select any one section of the general community as affording a satisfactory sample of popular Baluch idiosyncrasies.
In the general consular service appointments are sometimes made to the higher offices from the ranks, but more usually from a select list of nominees, who must pass a qualifying examination.
By this charter the burgesses acquired the right of nominating annually two of their number for the office of portreeve so that the lord's steward might select one of them to exercise the office, an arrangement which continued till 1835; the bailiff's functions were defined and curtailed, and the lord's chancery was to be continually kept open for all requiring writs, and in Gower - not wherever the lord might happen to be.
His extensive knowledge of banking was displayed in the evidence which he gave before the select committee on the Bank Acts in 1857.
This formerly led to purely political appointments; but it is usual now to select clergymen approved by public opinion.
His other works include Select and Choice Observations concerning the First Twelve Caesars (1635); A Treatise of Divinity (1646-1651); Annotations upon the New Testament (1650), of which a Latin translation by Arnold was published at Leipzig in 1732; A Body of Divinity (1654); A Treatise of Religion and Learning (1656); Annotations of the Five Poetical Books of the Old Testament (1657).
Under the title of Select Scottish Ballads he reprinted in 1783 his tragic ballads, with a supplement comprising Ballads of the Comic Kind.
He had already attained some repute as a critic, which was enhanced when, after travelling in Germany, he delivered as select preacher at Cambridge, four addresses against rationalism, published in 1825 as The State of the Protestant Religion in Germany.
The Pittsburg charter of 1816 vested the more important powers of the city government in a common council of 15 members and a select council of 9 members, and until 1834 the mayor was appointed annually by these city councils from their own number.
An act of 1887 had amended the provisions of the Wallace Act in regard to second class cities by changing the terms of select councilmen from two to four years and of common councilmen from one to two years.
The mayor holds office for three years, has the powers and jurisdiction of a justice of the peace, appoints the heads of departments (public safety, public works, collector of delinquent taxes, assessors, city treasurer, law, charities and correction, and sinking fund commission), and may remove any of the officers he has appointed, by a written order, showing cause, to the select council.
The legislative bodies are the select and common council, elected under the law of 1887; by a three-fifths vote it may pass resolutions or ordinances over the mayor's veto.
Children over ten years of age may select the parent to whom they will attach themselves.
He evinced, as premier of the Cape Colony, the same inability to understand the Uitlanders' grievances, the same futile belief in the eventual fairness of President Kruger, as he had shown when giving evidence before the British South Africa Select Committee into the causes of the Jameson Raid.
He got the House to set up a select committee to prepare a schedule with the advice of the traders who would be affected; but the report of the committee was not received sufficiently early in the year to enable Parliament to pass upon it, and the project was abandoned.
He also appointed another select committee to consider how to control expenditure, the chairman of which, Mr. Herbert Samuel, told him that his fault as a Chancellor of the Exchequer was that he was " too amiable."
In making such comparisons, it is always desirable, if possible, to select as standards longperiod gauges which are so situated that the short-period district lies.
A party initiating proceedings could select any Brehon he pleased, if there were more than one in his district.
The county voters were the freeholders; but in the towns, with some important exceptions, the electors were the richer inhabitants who formed the corporations of the boroughs, or a body of select householders more or less under the control of some neighboring landowner.
The struggle was thus renewed on the old ground of the kings right to select his ministers.
There it was mercilessly picked to pieces by a select committee.
The speaker, instead of deciding the question, submitted it to the judgment of the House, and it was ultimately referred to a select committee, which reported against Bradlaughs claim.
The president of the republic, Kruger, however, handed over his prisoners to the British authorities, and parliament instituted an inquiry by a select committee into the circumstances of the raid.
They could only be taken in Rome itself; and in case of a commander having to renew his auspicia, he must either return to Rome or select a spot in the foreign country to represent the hearth of that city.
For it endured for fourteen years, and was just as burning and as terrible when Hastings was acquitted in 1795, as in the select committee of 1781 when Hastings's enormities were first revealed.
The premises from which he may select are fixed; many of the conclusions to be reached are also fixed.
Much attention has been paid recently to the cultivation of varieties of wheat that are immune to rust attacks, and care should be taken to select strains that have been proved able to resist the disease.
It is plain that if the good that is to be known is the ultimate ground of the whole of things, it is attainable only by a select and carefully trained few.
In some districts he may not marry into his own village, or into his mother's tribe; in others he may select a wife from certain tribes only.
Between the years last mentioned-1866-1888 - the colony had suffered from the retrograde policy adopted by parliament in respect to the West African Settlements (vide Report of the Select Committee of 1865).
In choosing his collaborators his principle was never to select nobles or ecclesiastics, but persons of inferior birth.
Fleming select lead on account of the smallness of the Thomson effect in it, as observed by Le Roux.
Having made himself proficient in practical bee-work and chosen a suitable location for his apiary, the bee-keeper should carefully select the particular type of hive most suited to his means and requirements.
On the principle that as a rule like begets like, it has been the practice to select as sires the best public performers on the turf, and of two horses of like blood it is sound sense to choose the better as against the inferior public performer.
In1831-1832he was select preacher before the University.
Having been ordained in 1833, he undertook college and university work successfully, and in 1839 was appointed select preacher at Whitehall.
The select committee of 1873, appointed to inquire into parochial boundaries, reported to the effect that the parish bears no definite relation to any other administrative area, except indeed to the poor-law union.
Cyril and Augustine differ, as we should expect, in the doctrines which they select for emphasis, but they both agree in requiring a knowledge of sound doctrine on the part of the candidates.
As any detailed statement of the critical system, however compressed, would be beyond the limits of the present article, it is proposed here to select only the more salient doctrines, and to point out in connexion with them what advance had been effected by Kant, and what remained for subsequent efforts at complete solution of the problems raised by him.
As the brushes are slowly shifted over on the revolving contact so as to select different phases of the alternating electromotive force, the pen follows and draws a curve delineating the wave form of that electromotive force or current.
I'm going to give a select group of Guardians back their power, but you're not among them.
To partially ameliorate this problem, right click on the image and select "Viewer Options."
So how is it possible to select a powerful traffic-pulling phrase in this fashion without researching it in real time?
Customers may select the product of their choice and use it on a free trial basis before purchase.
Some parameters offer a selection from a menu to which you give an unambiguous abbreviation to select an option.
Guarded entries can also be useful for aborting actions in a select... then abort construct.
From the F o rmat menu, select T abs... The Tabs dialog box is displayed.
Containing select cases adjudged in the King's bench, in the reign of K. Charles II.
On the upper agora we use signposts the user can select to start a tour to the most important " sights " .
One way of having a higher income is to initially select a With profits annuity.
When you select it, it removes every apostrophe in the story.
As a Registered User you will be able to select to receive automatic e-mails when new content is posted within any of these sections.
To select an avatar from the gallery, click Show Gallery.
Available in Playback Mode, the D-Lighting function lets users select images with excessive backlight or insufficient flash.
We are developing a new method of screening potentially bioactive molecules which uses a combination of enzymes to select active structures.
An impartial committee to select the final list of names was suggested to avoid blunders.
To create a bookmark for the current solution, select the Bookmark command from the Edit menu.
You'll then see a dialog box that allows you to select the items you want in Details view.
For the ultimate in personalized indulgence, select suites include the services of a personal butler who will attend to your every whim.
Following Oli's victory, Hartlepool Respect are meeting on Friday evening to select a candidate to stand in the forthcoming by-election.
The writer therefore questioned the Guardians ' ability and judgment to ever select an acceptable candidate.
It is important you select the right one for your hard-earned cash.
Voters were invited to select their top 10 favorite characters from a predetermined list.
When you reach the checkout you'll be asked to select which you prefer.
The RFID chip in the key fob contains a select set of codes designed to work with a given car.
So don't let others rip you off with hidden charges and get-out clauses - deal with the best and select Warranty Direct.
To view the video clips, the site requires the user to first select a video player.
Spending out of a cape cod click on select.
It really will improve your ability to select the right collocation, I promise!
Rokke, a former US army colonel, also briefed the Commons Defense Select Committee on the risks of DU in 1999.
Then select write, and the word " write " will be appended, preceded by a comma and a space.
These will act in a similar way to departmental select committees of the House of Commons, with similar powers of inquiry.
Thus it is possible to select a comparator from a different company in the same corporate group.
Select a suitable color for your lighting condition or your preference.
For a brief summary of the options to select in kernel configuration, visit the DiffServ project kernel configuration notes.
Select your Internet connection type from the list, then click Next.
Page down to the cookies section and select to " enable cookies stored on computer " and " enable per-session cookies.
It is a matter for the trustees to judge whether the person they select to advise them is suitable or possesses the appropriate credentials.
It is for you to select a person who you wish to occupy and use the croft in your absence.
Select your answer ----------------- cell wall nucleus cytoplasm cell membrane 5 Which of the following types of cell is a plant cell?
Report from the Select Committee on Acts respecting insolvent debtors.
You will be asked to confirm deletion - be brave - select the YES button!
Select Entry Copy User ID or Copy Password, then paste these into the site's authentication dialog.
For control select a disinfectant with proven activity against Salmonella.
To aid in the speedy dispatch of your order please select one of the delivery zones above.
It enables children to select a specific color that reduces perceptual distortion of text.
With a texture like wood you can use the eye dropper to select the lightest shade in the texture.
Select the page on which you want to move an item, then click edit.
Students intending to spend a year in Europe will be expected to select language electives.
Drawing on these disciplines, a student may choose to select a pathway for his/her specialist electives.
When you select the eraser, the options bar at the top of the screen will change.
The organizers will select 10 finalists, which will be judged by a panel of seven industry experts.
Typical usage would be to allow a user to select a particular font.
Remember to establish the optimum text size (in points) and select a clear sans serif font, such as Arial.
I can still remember the glee with which we demolished some of the silly recommendations of one particular Select Committee.
The best thing I have found it to select pieces of jellied glycerin that are bubble free to start with.
They are often habitual readers and they typically select professions on the basis of how much potential for growth they offer.
Only a select handful will have the opportunity to play it before it goes on everybody's Christmas list.
Once you select the hardware handshake option the state of the CTS input to the computer becomes important.
By default, ilmid uses some heuristics to select a local IP address.
Additionally, the adjustable roller hinges allow you to select the aggressiveness of rotation.
Again, some wardrobe hods mentioned that they tried to select their dressers to fit the cast.
Find out how to prevent slow punctures, select tires and tubes of the right size and pack a spare inner tube for emergencies.
A web-based interface allows a user to select data from various data sources for a specified target geography.
Each year we offer a select number of summer internships.
It is not recommended to select an ISP by price alone.
To publish your own plan, the very first time you need to select the menu option jabber... Plans... Init my plan.
If large images still look jagged, click Tools within Internet Explorer, select Internet Options and click the Advanced tab.
You can move the joystick to the left to select the map display.
All you have to do is select a walk and turn up, lightly laden, at the right place.
A Select Committee of the House of Commons had recommended the erection of a national asylum for criminal lunatics in 1807.
Select and justify a suitable means of data analysis.
Merely taking a median at each pixel will preferentially select values from certain frames.
Affiliated groups may select two members to vote at annual general meetings.
The key is to select a name that is catchy and instantly memorable for customers yet avoids all the legal pitfalls in this area.
Please select one of the items below or navigate via the left-hand side menu.
Just select the length (up to 99 measures) and play along to the internal metronome.
The organization provides an up-to-the minute financial comparison service allowing customers to select from all suitable products from all relevant providers.
When you select print, the default printer is set to " A4 mono in this room " .
Try our homemade Greek yogurt on organic muesli or select from a range of other cereals.
To find out more, select from the left-hand navigation.
Always try to select the appropriate newsgroup for your article.
The following options can be used to select whether or not obsolescent item messages are to be output.
Sports book betting odds 4 select your font face.
Operators conveniently omit this evidence when quoting from reports, and only select the parts that indicate an inconclusive result.
Just select the layer you want to change the opacity on.
Simply select the layer you wish to paint onto, make sure you have the opacity you require then paint.
From the menu that comes up, select the option ' Delete ' .
When buying navel oranges, select those with small sized navels as larger navels indicate that they were overripe when picked.
Otherwise, you need to select your gamma value based upon printed output from your system.
Since you're using object-specific overprint options, be sure to select the Preserve Document overprint options, be sure to select the Preserve Document Overprints option.
A common practice is to switch to palette color mode, select a palette color mode, select a palette, then change Use palette color to False.
The process can select even a single binding phage out of ten million others.
The animation allows the user to select from a number of fluorescence photomicrographs and vary the amount of astigmatism in the optical system.
Enter your 4-digit pin, select the ' PIN Services ' option and follow the on-screen instructions.
Ideally, ask someone else to select a small plateful of low-fat food for you.
To copy an article, simply left click and drag the mouse pointer to select the desired text.
The role of Select midfield powerhouse is filled ably by Ally ' Bubble ' Mackay.
If you want to allow presenters to record your meeting, select Presenters can record the meeting.
On the Consoles with preset Faders, fixtures can be selected by pressing the select button below each preset fader.
Choose a frame style by clicking the selector button to browse the previews and then clicking to select a style.
Select the Sharing tab, then under ' Local sharing and security ' check the box ' make this folder private ' .
A range of intelligence will be used to select the LAs, including evidence from the subnational population projections.
Select project team Work with specialist support which may include HR, equality advisers, personnel specialists, occupational psychologists, project sponsors.
To do a search, select an item and click Paste to add an item to the search screen, then submit the query.
To display the raster you have opened select ' Raster ' from the ' Display ' menu.
Massage well into the area to be shaved and then select a really sharp razor.
Simply add the items you want, select the most appropriate shipping method, then click recalculate.
Next we need to select a suitable full wave bridge rectifier.
If you are moving items you can select the destination region within the page.
To browse the repository select Browse from the navigation bar on the left of the screen.
Select " Submit Payment request " to send the request for processing.
Select both objects Specify rollover settings To test the behavior of the rollover button, hover your mouse over the Preview window.
Sheep and cattle given a free choice between perennial ryegrass and white clover tend to select a mixed diet with perhaps two thirds clover.
Our lumber purchasers visit the sawmills several times a year to select the highest quality lumber for your Rainbow Play System.
Select accessories with care to draw attention from trouble spots, such as funky jewelry and brightly colored scarves.
Some will wish to select 20 or 30 or 40 per cent of their intake, others will wish to be wholly selective.
The lecturer registers with the site and then can select which elements of the course s/he wants to make available to their students.
In 1770 a select committee met to consider policing in the Metropolis only to see their report quietly shelved.
Please select from the categories on the left sidebar to see the relevant links.
Although many individual skuas keep the same mate each breeding season, some birds select another mate.
Select the Right check box to slightly slant the flag to the right.
Then adjust the slider to select 800 x 600 or higher.
By the volume slider for MIDI there will be a " Select " check box.
Escape to the tranquility of the spa, indulge in superb cuisine and allow expert sommeliers to select a perfect wine.
You can also select an option which reflects your chosen specialism.
There is simply no point in dividing the spoils among a select few whilst hoping that a few billion onlookers will not notice.
To save a spreadsheet select File Save or click the Save icon on the Standard toolbar.
Identify, select and demonstrate understanding of appropriate descriptive and inferential statistics.
To ensure success with finer pitch requirements it may be necessary to reduce the stencil thickness or select a multi-level stencil thickness or select a multi-level stencil.
To ensure success with finer pitch requirements it may be necessary to reduce the stencil thickness or select a multi-level stencil.
Will the Whips try to strangle independence on the new select committees by putting party stooges in as chairs.
An attempt has been made to select an asymmetric unit using a rectangular subregion of the section.
Thus the filter object can be used to select a subset of the symbols provided by the object name.
You can select to view the film with optional English and Spanish subtitles.
Select a background color by clicking on the colored swatch.
You can select the metering from spot to center weighted averaging, Preview the depth of field, slow sync the flash.
In ' FrontPage Editor ', select the tab at the bottom called ' HTML ' .
Students who locate audio tapes or CDs of Civil War music may select songs to enhance The Civil War American Civil War.
The 33 judges will have a very difficult task to select the winners.
What I am proposing is that the select minority of accurate OBE reports are simply cases of dream telepathy.
Select the Pen icon and the Master icon to alter the tempo along the tracks.
Select a nice steady tempo; there is plenty of time for fast playing later.
Media browser - click on picture to select A typical tetra.
Demonstrate the ability to select relevant principles from theories to support the practice of Occupational therapy.
Please select a thumbnail to get a larger image.
Melody tones This allows you to select from a range of pre-set options, which ringing tone your phone will operate with.
Please select a topic below to view the reports.
This is what I called triangulation in my evidence to the Select Committee.
Our select dance troupe, Random Dancers, had assorted duties.
A way to manage your messages is to select to view only unread messages.
Click to start the upstroke Click on the upstroke to select the POWER level of the shot.
Select from translucent vellum to reveal the colored stock beneath, or a crisp opaque white for contrast against darker backgrounds.
A proposal to create a select vestry in 1822 was easily defeated.
To view the video clips, the site requires the user to first select a video clips, the site requires the user to first select a video player.
Why would a supernatural force use a videotape to select its victims?
If you have a voltmeter or DVM select the 200 volt range and connect it across the output.
Select and display the waveform at the circuit input, the first, second and third inverter output wires and the final circuit output.
The View Mother wavelet option can be used to select the wavelet and set its properties graphically.
Now, we may select any definite quantity of work we please as our unit, as, for example, the work done in lifting a pound a foot high from the sea-level in the latitude of London, which is the unit of work generally adopted by British engineers, and is called the "foot-pound."
The cost of these works had been underestimated, and the report of the Select Committee of the Post Office (Telegraph Department), 1876, states that " the committee have not received any full and satisfactory explanation of the great differences between the estimated expenditure of 1869 and the actual expenditure incurred up to 1876."
A select committee of the House of Commons (with Mr Arnold Morley, Postmaster-General, as chairman) was appointed " to consider and report whether the provision now made for the telephone service in local areas is adequate, and whether it is expedient to supplement or improve this provision either by the granting of licences to local authorities or otherwise."
A select committee was appointed with Mr Hanbury as chairman to consider " whether the telephone service is calculated to become of such general benefit as to justify its being undertaken by municipal and other local authorities, and if so under what conditions."
No bishop or archdeacon " shall any longer hold pleas in the Hundred concerning episcopal law nor draw a cause which concerns the rule of such to the judgment of men of the world " (Stubbs, Select Charters, part iii.).
In either theory, conscience may be understood as the active principle in the soul which, in face of two alternatives, tells a man that he ought to select the one which is in conformity with the moral law.
At the same time, the essence of eclecticism is the refusal to follow blindly one set of formulae and conventions, coupled with a determination to recognize and select from all sources those elements which are good or true in the abstract, or in practical affairs most useful ad hoc. Theoretically, therefore, eclecticism is a perfectly sound method, and the contemptuous significance which the word has acquired is due partly to the fact that many eclectics have been intellectual trimmers, sceptics or dilettanti, and partly to mere partisanship. On the other hand, eclecticism in the sphere of abstract thought is open to this main objection that, in so far as every philosophic system is, at least in theory, an integral whole, the combination of principles from hostile theories must result in an incoherent patchwork.
He addressed a comparatively small and select circle, a congregation of thoughtful and devout men, who cultivated reverence and loved religion all the more that their own beliefs were limited to the simplest and sublimest truths.
Machiavelli, meanwhile, was reading his Discorsi to a select audience in the Rucellai gardens, fanning that republican enthusiasm which never lay long dormant among the Florentines.
Thus Mr Papillon considered that, while the teaching of English literature was admirable, the average standard of Latin and Greek teaching and attainment in the upper classes was " below that of an English public school "; he felt, however, that the secondary schools of the United States had a " greater variety of the curriculum to suit the practical needs of life," and that they existed, not " for the select few," but " for the whole people " (pp. 250 f.).
This plan of creating an electoral college to select the president was expected to secure the choice by the best citizens of each state, in a tranquil and deliberate way, of the man whom they in their unfettered discretion should deem fittest to be the chief magistrate of the Union.
On returning to South Africa after the Raid inquiry at Westminster in 1897, ' In his evidence before the House of Commons Select Committee which inquired into the Raid, Rhodes did not object to the continued existence of the republic " for local matters," but desired a federal South Africa under the British flag; see Blue Book (165) 1897 p. 21; also Sir Lewis Michell's Life of Rhodes, vol.
Unfortunately such allusion to these disconnected certainties as alone might be introduced here would be too brief for comprehension, and we are forced to select a few of the broader hypotheses for a treatment that may seem dogmatic and prejudiced.
It was formed by men who were fierce Puritan enthusiasts, and who for the very reason that the intensity of their religion separated them from the mass of their countrymen, had learnt to uphold with all the energy of zeal the doctrine that neither church nor state had a right to interfere with the forms of worship which each congregation might select for itself (see CONGREGATIONAL1SM and CROMWElL, OT.lvER).
According to the legend, Gordium was founded by Gordius, a Phrygian peasant who had been called to the throne by his countrymen in obedience to an oracle of Zeus commanding them to select the first person that rode up to the temple of the god in a wagon.
Beginning with not too many stocks he can test the capabilities of his location before investing much capital in the undertaking, so that by utilizing the information already given and adopting the wise adage " make haste slowly " he will realize in good time whether it will pay best to work for honey in comb or extracted honey in bulk; not only so, but the knowledge gained will enable him to select such appliances as are suited to his needs.
To purchase an item select the Add To Shopping Basket icon for the...
Drop down list 3 allows you to select a specific copy of the quarto edition selected.
Simply add the items you want, select the most appropriate shipping method, then click Recalculate.
Select " Submit Payment Request " to send the request for processing.
They are used to select one of the reverb effect types.
Select maple mahogany shaded back and sides, cellulose bound top, rosewood bridge fitted with compensating saddle.
Select a type of scatter plot required then click the Define button.
They act in a similar way to Parliamentary select committees, scrutinizing the work of the Cabinet and reviewing Council policies and services.
Select the " subtract " option - second from the left as indicated below.
Select an item from the list by checking the checkbox.
Select the PRIVACY tab and change your settings to MEDIUM, LOW or ACCEPT ALL COOKIES.
To view a larger version of an image, simply select one of the thumbnails below.
To find out more just select from the menu below.
Select from the list of available skins the one you wish to use.
You can then select from a drop down list on the right the field type you wish to search for.
Rosehill House - Situated in a secluded select area near Penzance.
Select a topic I have a smelly green discharge I have small spots on my penis Was the condom safe enough?
Select the relevant year below for a complete list of starred decisions for that year.
Subcontracting firms are not able to select for final firm.
In ' FrontPage Editor ', select the tab at the bottom called ' HTML '.
There are three funeral packages to choose from or you can select your own tailor-made package.
A select band of just 29 talking heads featured in I Love 1970; an average of one new pundit every two minutes.
Demonstrate the ability to select relevant principles from theories to support the practice of Occupational Therapy.
Toggle the active button to select which of the layers can be queried or data selected using the tools on the toolbar.
You can select to route using toll roads or avoiding them.
Melody Tones This allows you to select from a range of pre-set options, which ringing tone your phone will operate with.
Participants will also learn how to select suitable technologies and architectures for their solution, based on trade-off analysis.
To check that the SQL transact statement really is working, let us check the customer table before and after the INSERT... SELECT.
A register address select line 91 provides a control line input to the tri-state buffer 57 from the bus control logic 49.
Silk scarves and suit covers are a select part of the Austin Reed collection which also includes check shirt and brushed twill trousers.
To unlock nokia mobile phones you should select the operator company where you bought your cell phone or where your cell phone is locked.
If these insects select only full grown caterpillars, I can scarcely imagine one of the smaller individuals managing these unwieldy bodies.
To select your chosen venue from this shortlist simply click on a photograph.
One needs to select all atoms in the cage - these will be the vertices of the final polyhedron.
Unfortunately she came select group of played vip club onto the world stage.
Simply select modules from the library and connect them to interactively read and visualize data for analysis, presentation and publication.
The View Mother Wavelet option can be used to select the wavelet and set its properties graphically.
The teacher or teachers need to select the key words or phrases they want the pupils to choose from.
That way, you can select a studio that is quiet and won't be over-stimulating for your newborn.
In many agencies, the birth mothers select the prospective parents by searching through detailed portfolios that prospective parents have made.
There are a lot of strollers out there that will help you get your child from Point A to Point B, but only a few select products can make the process easy and enjoyable.
You can even monitor the temperature and humidity of your baby's room on select models.
You can always select the crib of your choice and register it at department stores.
While it was once fashionable to give your baby a long, elegant-sounding name, the latest trend is to select names that are short and sweet.
You can choose the color of the paper and/or envelope, and you can also select the particular wording as well.
While some costs may be standard across the board, others will vary depending upon the agency that you select.
Could be everyone or just a select few family members.
Don't forget to select rugs and carpet that emit limited fumes and are anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and able to secure to floor.
Whether you choose to spend a fortune on dishes or you decide to select a more economical dinnerware choice, this could be the start of a holiday tradition.
Why not select some Christmas dinnerware for baby, instead?
Whether you choose to select the pattern in secret or ask the parents for their preferences, you really can't go wrong!
Keep in mind that this is only a very small list of the possible names you could select for your baby, however.
First, keep in mind that there are other steps you can take before you even select a diaper rash ointment.
After the board is ready, select items from around your house that match the colors of the board.
After all, your daughter will have the name you select for the rest of her life.
Benefits include "R Us Dollars" for select purchases during promotional programs.
Before you can select a baby corsage, to make you need to consider several factors.
Making your own cover is a great way to truly personalize your child's car seat, since you can select the fabric yourself.
Double check that the cover you select will fit your car seat.
Select colors that match the teddy bear you choose.
You simply take lots of photos, then select your favorite.
The majority of infant adoptions involve the birth parents, who often select the adoptive parents for their child through either a review of a portfolio, a face-to-face meeting between the two parties, or both.
Instead, agencies encourage birth parents to select the families with which they want their child to be placed.
Be sure to select the right gender and age group in order to have a chart that suits your child.
It is common for baby care gift packages to include a small package of diapers and sometimes baby wipes too, although wipes can be difficult to select with the wide range of perfumed and non-perfumed options.
If you are attending a baby shower, it is common to select a card to go with the gift you've chosen or give a card with a heartfelt message in it, perhaps with a gift card as well.
As you select books to place into the basket, consider adding a few that baby will grow into and enjoy as a toddler.
Use these evaluation techniques to select the perfect computer game for your toddler.
Be sure the toys you select are suitable for babies.
Bible - Visit your local Christian bookstore and select a special bible as a gift.
Sexy nursing bras are often designer items that must be purchased in select baby and maternity stores.
Ideally the parents can select the numbers and create a group before the birth and then a friend can help out after the birth by borrowing the cell phone, writing the announcement and sending out the text.
Choosing baby monitors for your home requires research so that you can make sure to select the best monitor for your home that fits your needs.
Shoppers can either choose the items they want placed in the basket, or select a specified basket theme that features correlated items.
Select a fabric for the chair that picks up either a darker shade of the wall color of the accent color in the room.
Select one color for the walls, and use the second color in the bedding, wall accents, chair upholstery and window coverings.
Also prepare a list of questions you'd like answered in regards to the plan you'd like to select.
You can also select from special pages meant for different states in the USA.
When you select bath towels, consider the color and style of the bathroom where they will be used.
It's important to select towels that are absorbent and that you find to be comfortable.
Once you learn how to do this, friends and colleagues alike will be clamoring for tips on how to select the best fresh fruits for their home spreads.
Measure the space, and take these measurements with you when to go to store to shop to insure the bookcases you select will fit your floor space.
Depending on your financial situation, select a bond that pays out interest in a time period that's suitable for your life.
Select a dog food with a meat-vegetable-carbohydrate ratio of 40%-30%-30%.
Select a domain name service provider or registrar.
Select a medium or dark eyeliner color for lining your eyes.
Select a fit and a brand that you trust and go with it.
Sierra Trading Post has a very good selection of many brands that you can select from.
Select the style that works for you and that suits you.
It's best to go to retail outlets first to see the different fabrics you can select.
When in a store buying fabric, select your fabric and place it in a shopping cart.
It is imperative to make certain that all three categories are covered in the dental insurance policy you select.
If you want access to the comforts of home, select a campsite that provides what you seek.
You want to make sure the camera you select will be easy for you to operate.
The Eurail Select Pass is the most flexible pass that allows you to choose countries to visit.
Just as demos for select titles are available for download on the Xbox 360, several game demos can also be downloaded via the PS Store to the PlayStation 3.
There a number of different animals that you can select when looking for a small furry friend.
Be careful which breed you select, because although he/she may appear small, cute and cuddly in the pet store, many rabbit breeds can grow to the be same size (or bigger) than a cat.
You will be performing many quick stops and starts, so make sure the shoes you select have adequate cushioning.
In choosing fish, select ones that hold their fins erect, and avoid those with split fins, hold their fins tight against their bodies, hover at the bottom of the tank or hide in the corners.
Just select the books category with the drop-down list at the top of the page and type in the topic you are looking for.
Selecting table linens can be confusing because there are so many sizes and fabrics to choose between, but these tips can help you select the right linens for your table.
When choosing colored linens, you should select a color that compliments the color of your dinnerware and the décor of your home.
If you decide you want matching napkins, select them in the same color and fabric as the tablecloth for a more traditional approach.
Whether you want to be creative and fit a circular picture or have an odd sized shaped photo, framers will work with you to get you what you want and will help you select the right style and color of wood frames.
Read on to find out how to select a futon and the proper mattress to go with it.
A snowblower buying guide can help you select the right snowblower for your particular needs.
Read on to find out how to select the right snowblower and how to get the best price on your investment.
The depth of snow will determine the size of the snowblower you select.
The age of a child will greatly affect which gift you select for them.
For this reason, select toys that don't have small parts that may be swallowed.
When in doubt, buy a gift card so they can select their own gifts.
Some adult individuals believe that a gift card means that you didn't care enough to select a special gift for them.
If you have never used down pillows before, the following guidelines should help you select a down pillow that meets your particular needs.
You will be able to find out very basic information about a select number of cars by using the free membership.
They give you the option to select movies by themselves (as of this writing they have about 450 movies to choose from) or in DVD bundles.
Ebates, mentioned above, gives you a percentage off of your purchases at select retailers.
Consumers in rural areas should either select a 2.4 Ghz or 5.8 Ghz phone because rarely will you need to worry about interference or someone listening to your call.
You can select what portion of your document gets scanned and if you want it zoomed in or inverted.
The following guide will run you through the basics so that you can select the right fit and the right type of kayak for your endeavor.
As for the color, you might want to select some swatches for a successful match--and perhaps another person as well.
You can select "Penguin Brand Dry Ice Retailer" and enter your location for a list of stores in your town where you may be able to purchase your dry ice.
Finally, select that you're interested in dry ice to get the stores that will best cater to your needs.
Knowing how to select a GPS device is the most important aspect of buying that new Global Positioning System.
You can search the site easily to find just what you're looking for, narrowing the selection down by features on the left-hand column or select by condition (new, refurbished, etc) on the right side of the page.
When you select the computer that seems to fit your needs, you'll find detailed reviews and information about what other customers bought when they purchased the computer you're considering.
While their inventory consists of newer cards, such as the 2010 Topps series, they offer select vintage memorabilia and collectibles.