Segmentation Sentence Examples
The reduction is brought about simply by the segmentation of the spirem thread into half the number of segments instead of the normal number.
Segmentation takes place during its passage down the uterus.
The segmentation of the prosoma and the form of the appendages bear a homoplastic similarity to the head, pro-, meso-, and meta-thorax of a Hexapod with mandibles, maxillary palps and three pairs of walking legs; while the opistho io i e d c b o a S' S" 2 I VT V S IV III II I Opisthosoma Prosoma FIG.
Segmentation in these is very unequal, and results in the formation of small cells called micromeres and large cells called megameres, as in fig.
But in a few European and North American species, and in a great many inhabitants of the tropics, the egg is large and a considerable portion of it persists for a long time as a yolk-sac. Although the segmentation is always complete, it is very irregular in these types, some of which make a distinct approach to the meroblastic egg.
In many pathological cells undergoing indirect segmentation, centrosomes appear to be absent, or at any rate do not manifest themselves at the poles of the achromatic spindle.
In pathological cell-division it happens occasionally that the segmentation of the cytoplasm is delayed beyond that of the mitotic network.
In the earlier accepted notion of direct segmentation, usually known as the schema of Remak, division was described as commencing in the nucleolus, as thereafter spreading to the nucleus, and as ultimately implicating the cell-substance.
In one family (Ligulidae) the segmentation is only expressed in the metameric distribution of the generative organs and the worm is externally unisegmental.
In the remainder the segmentation involves primarily the genitalia and includes the integument, muscles and part of the excretory system.
AdvertisementWe therefore regard the body of a Cestode as a single organism within which the gonads have become segmented, and the segmentation of the body as a secondary phenomenon associated with diffuse osmotic feeding in the narrow intestinal canal.
Trematodes never exhibit segmentation, though a superficial annulation may occur, e.g.
In the latter respect, and in the fact that they frequently develop by a metamorphosis, they approach the Mollusca, but they differ from that group notably in the occurrence of metameric segmentation affecting many of the systems of organs.
The egg is holoblastic, but the segmentation is very unequal, recalling that of marine annelids and of molluscs.
They are also well marked on the cephalic shield, the tergal elements being represented by a median axial elevated area showing indistinct signs of segmentation, and a lateral unsegmented plate, the gena, which carries the eyes.
AdvertisementIn animals which exhibit typical segmentation or metamerism, such as segmented worms (Chaetopoda), each segment or metamere possesses its own coelomic cavity, a pair of coelomic ducts, and a pair of nephridia.
When the segmentation is unequal one of the megameres gives rise by successive divisions to two primary mesoderm cells called mesomeres; these divide to form two masses of cells called mesoblastic bands.
Narrowing of the posterior portions of the spider's cephalothorax and sometimes of the anterior end of the abdomen reproduces the slender waist of the ant, and frequently transverse bands of hairs represent the segmentation of this region in the insect.
Segmentation is total and at first regular, and is followed by invagination, the blastopore passing to the position of the future mouth.
By longitudinal segmentation we have a leaf formed consisting of sheath, stalk and blade; or one or other of these may be absent, and thus stalked, sessile, sheathing, &c., leaves are produced.
AdvertisementLateral segmentation affects the lamina, producing indentations, lobings or fissuring of its margins.
In this way two marked forms of leaf are produced - (I) Simple form, in which the segmentation, however deeply it extends into the lamina, does not separate portions of the lamina which become articulated with the midrib or petiole; and (2) Compound form, where portions of the lamina are separated as detached leaflets, which become articulated with the midrib or petiole.
In both simple and compound leaves, according to the amount of segmentation and the mode of development of the parenchyma and direction of the fibro-vascular bundles, many forms are produced.
The resemblance of Dinophilus to the Rotifera is, however, quite superficial, and the general structure of this genus with distinct traces of segmentation, especially in the embryo, points to its close affinity, if not to Polygordius in particular, at all events to the Annelida.
Fertilization is external; and in about three days a small ciliated larva, not unlike that of the Echiuroids, but with no trace of segmentation, emerges from the egg-shell.
AdvertisementBy the segmentation of the fertilized egg, now invested by cell-membrane, the embryo-plant arises.
Its segmentation always begins before that of the egg, and thus there is timely preparation for the nursing of the young embryo.
Then follows the phenomenon of gastrulation, by which onehalf of the blastula is invaginated into the other, so as to obliterate the segmentation cavity.
The Sminthuridae are further characterized by the globular abdomen, which shows but little external trace of segmentation, and by the well-developed spring.
The ova are fertilized in the genital duct, and before their escape have undergone the earliest stages of segmentation.
Such filaments are not always of the same diameter throughout, and their segmentation varies considerably.
Coalescence, or suppression of segmentation (" lipomerism "), may involve more or less extensive regions.
A remarkable feature found only in the Stomatopoda is the reappearance of segmentation in the anterior part of the cephalic region.
Segmentation is usually of the superficial or centrolecithal type.
The mesoderm becomes segmented, and the parapodia subsequently develop from before backwards; but almost all internal traces of segmentation are lost in the adult.
The early segmentation of the embryo differs in the several groups, but usually the first leaf or leaves, the apex of the stem and the first root are differentiated early, while a special absorbent organ (the foot) maintains for some time the physiological connexion between the sporophyte and the prothallus.
The character pointed to by all these terms is that of a ring-like segmentation of the body.
Further, the morphologists of the 'fifties appear, with few exceptions, to have accepted a preliminary scheme with regard to the Arthropod head and Arthropod segmentation generally, which was misleading and caused them to adopt forced conclusions and interpretations.
Its jointing (segmentation) may be retained, but its rami disappear (Podophthalmous Crustacea).
The segmentation is peculiar, and leads to the formation of a solid gastrula, consisting of a cortex of ectoderm nuclei surrounding a central endodermal mass, which is exposed at one point - the blastopore.
Also he gives two different reckonings of the segmentation, counting first eleven body segments without the caudal furca (p. 40), and then the caudal furca as itself the eleventh segment (p. 41).
Both the image normalization and tissue segmentation algorithms developed by our group significantly improve the statistics in tumor volume measurement.
No segmentation faults, only occasional unending loops for the programmers that still hang on to program their own loops.
The survival and segmentation models may be used to define metrics for data access.
Two proprietary consumer cargo tank radar surveys by Zelos Group reveal promising market segmentation, pricing and packaging strategies.
Of course, there are serious enough problems with manual segmentation to prevent it from being a viable solution in most applications.
Web Search and MSN Search will likely integrate some form of visual page segmentation into their search algorithms.
The initial segmentation of the embryo is dependent upon concentration biases in the fertilized egg.
The second approach focused on phoneme segmentation and blending in the context of sounding out actual words.
A method of texture segmentation is introduced which is based on the Fractal Dimension.
The key is market segmentation which can be a complex process.
Region growing A range of image segmentation algorithms are based on region growing.
Having removed the first rigid subcomponent the segmentation algorithm was run again with the remaining range data, this time taking 74 seconds.
The main fix is to prevent -t option giving a segmentation violation.
Segmentation is complete, a gastrula is formed, the blastopore closes, the archenteron gives off two coelomic sacs which, as far as is known, are unaffected by the super ficial segmentation of the body that divides the larva into three segments.
As development proceeds, the body of the nauplius elongates, and indications of segmentation begin to appear in its posterior part.
During segmentation of the dorsal cartilages mentioned above, which send out the transverse processes of diapophyses, there appears between each two centra an intervertebral cartilage, out of which the articulating condyle of the centrum is formed, and becomes attached B A 6 .?..
They found that segmentation of continuous speech could proceed on the basis of these dependencies.
The algorithm allows the segmentation of noisy images to single pixel accuracy.
Automatic segmentation in medical imaging is an important tool.
Accurate segmentation can be achieved in a fraction of the time it would take to trace the boundary by hand.
Risk of segmentation fault with huge weight maps fixed.
The older segmentation technique of region growing, [14 ], has a distinct advantage here.
A key frame identifier can speed up the segmentation procedure.
In this section, you need to tell investors who will buy your product, any segmentation ideas you have to target different groups with special products or marketing messages, and how you plan to promote your product.
A second contraction may take place later, immediately preceding the segmentation of the thread.
The segmentation is of the mesoblast to begin with, and appears later behind the mouth, the part anterior to this becoming the prostomium of the adult.
This coelom is lined by peritoneal cells and is divided into a series of metameres by septa which correspond to the segmentation of the FIG 15.
Neither the rotation of the shell as a whole nor its helicoid spiral coiling is the immediate cause of the torsion of the body in the individual, for the direction of the torsion is indicated in the segmentation of the ovum, in which there is a complete A B From Lankester's Treatise on Zoology.
The segmentation of the fertilized nucleus results in the formation of a number of nuclei which arrange themselves around the periphery of the egg and, the protoplasm surrounding them becoming constricted, a blastoderm or layer of cells, enclosing the central yolk, is formed.
According to Heymons, the yolk-cells must be Metameric Segmentation.
These views are not, however, supported plate is not, however, very definite, and the segmentation does not by other recent observers.
The continuous layer of cells from which the nervous system is developed undergoes a segmentation analogous with that we have described as occurring in the ventral plate; there is thus formed a pair of contiguous ganglia for each segment of the body, but there is no ganglion for the telson.
In the cockroach embryo, before the segmentation of the germ-band has begun, the primitive germ-cells can be recognized at the hinder end of the mesoderm, from whose ordinary cells they can be distinguished by their larger size.
Carpenter (1899, 1902-1904) has lately endeavoured to show an exact numerical correspondence in segmentation between the Hexapoda, the Crustacea, the Arachnida, and the most primitive of the Diplopoda.
Its integument is marked by a large number of transverse grooves simulating the segmentation of Annelids, and near the anterior extremity close to the mouth are two pairs of recurved chitinous hooks.
This telson may enlarge, it may possibly even become internally and sternally developed as partially separate somites, and the tergum may remain without trace of somite formation, or, as appears to be the case in Limulus, the telson gives rise to a few well-marked somites (mesosoma and two others) and then enlarges without further trace of segmentation, whilst the chitinous integument which develops in increasing thickness on the terga as growth advances welds together the unsegmented telson and the somites in front of it, which were previ ously marked by separate tergal thickenings.
The segmentation is complete; one side of the hollow blastosphere invaginates and forms a gastrula.