Sees Sentence Examples
At least wait until the doctor sees her.
In a second bedroom, he sees himself, cowering beneath the cover, and biting back tears.
I don't know what he sees in her.
If you had to watch lord knows what mayhem he sees you'd have shrieking nightmares too!
She'll melt when she sees you.
I was like one who never casts a look behind, who hesitates before some Rubicon to be crossed, but having touched the farther bank sees no more the shore he has just left."
He must stand there until he sees some one else whisper.
His job is to push a button if he sees anything suspicious.
In a prefatory note which Miss Sullivan wrote for St. Nicholas, she says that people frequently said to her, "Helen sees more with her fingers than we do with our eyes."
True, her view of life is highly coloured and full of poetic exaggeration; the universe, as she sees it, is no doubt a little better than it really is.
AdvertisementGod is alone--but the devil, he is far from being alone; he sees a great deal of company; he is legion.
We record every detail he sees eliminating his need to remember license plate and such.
He sees well enough, said Prince Vasili rapidly, in a deep voice and with a slight cough--the voice and cough with which he was wont to dispose of all difficulties.
His style is clear and vivid; his method of describing what he sees extraordinarily plastic; above all, he has the art of presenting objects to us from their most interesting and attractive side.
But, while he continues demented, he cannot judge of the visions which he sees or the words which he utters....
AdvertisementThe kingdom is divided into 264 sees and ten abbeys, or prelatures ni4lius dioceseos.
He sees people do things, and he tries to do them.
I have no fear this woman will attempt to escape as she sees my knife and knows full well her daughter's life is in my hands.
Howie thinks he hears movement outside at one point but sees nothing.
No one can predict Death. No one even sees her, unless they die-dead." "It must be a lonely existence for her," she said, puzzled as to why he'd speak more highly of Darkyn than he had of Death.
AdvertisementThe Italian sees (exclusive of Rome and of the suburbicarian sees) have a total annual revenue of 206,000 equal to an average of 800 per see.
So Haggai sees in Zerubbabel the representative of the 5 There is an obvious effort to preserve the continuity of tradition (a) in Ezra ii.
The overhanging leaf sees here its prototype.
It excited also the animosity of the nobles jealous of their privileges, and of the monasteries, which were called upon to furnish the revenues for the new sees.
He was successively councillor of the parlement of Grenoble, secretary to the king, almoner to Marie de' Medici, abbot of Aulnay and finally, in 1606, bishop of Sees.
AdvertisementWhy does Prince Andrew, who sees this, say nothing to me about his sister?
Of course, not everyone sees changes or improvement.
If Howie drops into ten or twenty minutes of anyone's life, chance are all he sees is them picking their nose, reading a book or working.
If anyone sees us together like this, I'm done.
Tell you what, you show me where this guy's gear is and maybe I'll leave a note for the fella asking him to ask Corbin when he sees him.
God sees all history neither as future nor as present but as actual.
The occupants of certain sees by a kind of prescription became legates without special appointment, legati nati, as in the case of Canterbury.
He sees no sign of an attack upon him or his gospel.
He deprived Taenberht, archbishop of Canterbury, of several of his suffragan sees, and assigned them to Lichfield, which, with the leave of the pope, he constituted as a separate archbishopric under Hygeberht.
It meets in regular session quadrennially, in special sessions in the middle of the interval to pass the appropriation and revenue bills, and in extraordinary session whenever the governor sees fit to call it.
One view of the origin of the latter (largely based upon observations upon the development of Polygordius) sees in the blood system a persistent blastocoel.
In the East, in the 5th century, the archdeacons were already charged with the proof of the qualifications of candidates for ordination; they attended the bishops at ecclesiastical synods, and sometimes acted as their representatives; they shared in the administration of sees during a vacancy.
The higher criticism sees, in these successive enactments of the various codes included in the Pentateuch (q.v.), a development in the character of the festival.
In 1503 he was the first Margaret professor at Cambridge; and the following year was raised to the see of Rochester, to which he remained faithful, although the richer sees of Ely and Lincoln were offered to him.
The writer already sees the Messianic kingdom established, under the sway of which the Gentiles will in due course be saved, Beliar overthrown, sin disappear from the earth, and the righteous dead rise to share fr1 the blessedness of the living.
He condemned and deposed Acacius, a proceeding which the latter regarded with contempt, but which involved a breach between the two sees that lasted after Acacius's death (489), through the long and troubled reign of Anastasius, and was only healed by Justin I.
It is the Lord's Passover; when He sees the blood He will pass over you and there will be no plague upon you.
The last bishop appointed to Greenland died in 1540, but long before that date those appointed had never reached their sees; the last bishop who resided in Greenland died there in 1377.
The patient consulting the god sleeps in the Abaton, sees certain visions, and, as a result, comes forth cured the next morning.
He sees two independent sections, 2-4+12-13, and 5-11+14-17.
The same thing holds for the intelligence service in which Stalin sees the quintessence of the state.
Everybody sees that things are going so badly that they cannot be allowed to go on so and that it is the duty of all decent men to counteract it as far as they can.
He should try and remember every detail he sees.
She has to believe you when she sees this, Jackson.
In many sees there were no vidames, their function being exercised by viscounts or chatelains.
Especial importance attaches to this council through the fact that Canons 3-5 invest the Roman bishop with a prerogative which became of great historical importance, as the first legal recognition of his jurisdiction over other sees and the basis for the further development of his primacy.
Towns, most of them also the sees of bishops, now sprang up everywhere, including Szekesfehervar (Stuhlweissenburg), Veszprem, Pecs (Fiinfkirchen) and Gydr (Raab).
In 1528 Magnusson consecrated bishops to fill the vacant sees, and, assisted by one of these, Magnus Sommar, bishop of Strengness, he afterwards consecrated the Reformer, Lawrence Peterson, as archbishop of Upsala, Sept.
But he is rather the practised debater who will admit his opponent's principles for the moment when he sees his way to moulding them to his own purposes, than the philosophical statesman who has formulated a theory from whose terms he will not move.
The Key of Truth regards the water as a washing of the body, and sees in the rite no opus operatum, but an essentially spiritual rite in which "the king releases certain rulers a from the prison of sin, the Son calls them to himself and comforts them with great words, and the Holy Spirit of the king forthwith comes and crowns them, and dwells in them for ever."
In 1292 the bishop claimed to have a market every Friday, a fair on the eve, day and 1 The title prince-bishop, attached in Austria to the sees of Laibach, Seckau, Gurk, Brixen, Trent and Lavant, and in Prussia to that of Breslau, no longer implies any secular jurisdiction, but is merely a title of honour recognized by the state, owing either to the importance of the sees or for reasons purely historical.
He sees in the coming again of Nero, whose figure he endows with 1 See Bousset, Kommentar zur Offenbarung Johannis, on these passages.
Philosophy alone sees God revealing Himself in the ideal organism of thought as it were a possible deity prior to the world and to any relation between God and actuality; in the natural world, as a series of materialized forces and forms of life; and in the spiritual world as the human soul, the legal and moral order of society, and the creations of art, religion and philosophy.
Laguna and Las Palmas are episcopal sees, in the archbishopric of Seville.
Emigrants founded new cities and new sees of Low German speech among alien and pagan races; and thus in the course of a century the commerce of Lubeck had supplanted that of Westphalia.
It was formerly fastened with strings, but now with the ghundi (the old form of button) and tukmah or loop. In southern India, Gujarat and in the United Provinces the arid is much the same as to length and fit as the English shirt; as the traveller goes northward from Delhi to the Afghan border he sees the kurta becoming longer and looser till he finds the Pathan wearing it almost to his ankles, with very full wide sleeves.
Having bought in 834 territories at Samarra, a small place situated a few leagues above Bagdad, he caused a new residence to be built there, whose name, which could be interpreted "Unhappy is he who sees it," was changed by him into Sorra-man-ra`a, "Rejoiced is he who sees it."
One who feels pained or pleased, who feels hot or cold or resisting in touch, who tastes the flavoured, who smells the odorous, who hears the sounding, who sees the coloured, or is conscious, already believes that something sensible exists before conception, before inference, and before language; and his belief is true of the immediate object of sense, the sensible thing, e.g.
Condillac goes a step farther, and sees no necessity for the superstructure at all, with its need of explanation valid or invalid.
It is not that human needs are to be disregarded, but that the pabulum which he now sees that humanity really requires is of an incomparably higher order than that which is generally so considered.
The new towns in the interior of Germany were founded on land belonging to the founder, some ecclesiastical or lay lord, and frequently adjoining the cathedral close of one of the new sees or the lord's castle, and they were laid out according to a regular plan.
When one studies the history of Europe subject by subject, as indicated above, and not merely in a monastic chronicle of things in general, chosen according to the author's point of view, one sees the old-time framework passing away.
Against the theory which sees in Peisistratus the author of the first complete text of Homer we have to set the absolute silence of Herodotus, Thucydides, the orators and the Alexandrian grammarians.
Of episcopal sees of the Latin rite 6 are suburbican sees of the cardinal bishops, 85 are immediately subject to the Holy See, and 662 are suffragan sees in ecclesiastical provinces.
Of those of the Oriental rite one (Graeco-Ruthenian) is immediately subject to the Holy See; 9 are suffragan sees in ecclesiastical provinces, viz.
The whole number of these residential sees, including the patriarchates, is 1023.
Besides these there are 610 titular sees, formerly called sees in partibus infidelium, the archbishops and bishops of which are not bound to residence.
The three main lake-basins of Nasi-jarvi, Pajane and Saima are separated by low and flat hills only; but one sees distinctly appearing on the map a line of flat elevations running south-west to north-east along the north-west border of the lake regions from Lauhanvuori to Kajana, and reaching from 650 to 825 ft.
The Indian yogi fasts till he sees face to face all the gods of his Pantheon; the Indian magician fasts twelve days before producing rain or working any cure.
In 1572 a kind of Episcopacy was set up in the interest of the nobles, who in order to draw the income of the episcopal sees had to arrange with men possessing a legal title to them.
The four Welsh sees, however, extend beyond the borders of the twelve counties, for they include the whole of Monmouthshire and some portions of the English border shires; on the other hand, the sees of Hereford and Chester encroach upon the existing Welsh counties.
It is interesting to note that the existing four Welsh sees of Bangor, St Asaph, St Davids and Llandaff correspond in the main with the limits of these four tribal divisions.
As part of the Roman Upper Province of Britain, Wales would naturally have fallen under the primacy of York, but the Welsh sees had continued practically independent of outside control during Saxon times.
In 1188 Archbishop Baldwin with a distinguished train, whilst preaching the Third Crusade, made an itinerary of the Welsh sees and visited the four cathedral churches, thereby formally asserting the supremacy of Canterbury throughout all Wales.
Finally, in 1203, Gerald was compelled to make complete submission to the king and archbishop at Westminster, and henceforth Canterbury remained in undisputed possession of the Welsh sees, a circumstance that undoubtedly tended towards the later union of the two countries.
The old ecclesiastical policy of Elizabeth, which had hitherto borne such good fruit in Wales, was now gradually relaxed under the later Stuarts and definitely abandoned under Anne, during whose reign only Englishmen were appointed to the vacant Welsh sees.
He offered him the sees of York or Winchester, and kept them vacant for ten months for his acceptance.
One inks the type-forme and keeps a sharp look-out for any inequality of inking, and sees generally that the work is being turned out in a workmanlike manner.
A third great group rises out of the sentiments and affections of man, or the moral energies which he sees working in human life.
Rohde sees in them the spirits of the dead, the angry souls of murdered men.
It is thus that Fechner in his "day-view" of things sees in plants and planets the same fundamental "soul" as in us - that is, "one simple being which appears to none but itself, in us as elsewhere wherever it occurs self-luminous, dark for every other eye, at the least connecting sensations in itself, upon which, as the grade of soul mounts higher and higher, there is constructed the consciousness of higher and still higher relations."
Mannhardt sees in the ceremony an allusion to certain agricultural rites, the object of which was to prevent the failure of the crops and to avert pestilence (or to protect them and the flocks against the ravages of wolves).
Lang, Myth, Ritual and Religion (1899); C. Pascal, Studii di antichita e mitologia (1896), who sees in Lycaon a god of death honoured by human sacrifice; Ed.
The administrator of public safety is, however, specially under the minister of justice, who sees that the laws and regulations affecting the police are properly carried out, and he can call on all public functionaries to act in furtherance of that object.
After 1920 the Union parliament may make any alteration it sees The fit in the constitution of the senate.
His strong championship of the independence of the Scottish church involved him in struggles with both the English metropolitan sees.
The close relations that prevailed between the reigning houses of Portugal, Provence and Aragon, cemented by intermarriages, introduced a knowledge of the gay science, but it reached Portugal by many other ways - by the crusaders who came to help in fighting the Moors, by the foreign prelates who occupied Peninsular sees, by the monastic and military orders who founded establishments in Portugal, by the visits of individual singers to court and baronial houses, but chiefly perhaps by the pilgrims who streamed from every country along the Frankish way to the far-famed shrine of Santiago de Compostela.
On the other side stands the "organic" or teleological view of the world, which interprets the parts through the idea of the whole, and sees in the efficient causes only the vehicle of ideal ends.
The sees of the three bishoprics are La Paz, Cochabamba and Santa Cruz.
Doubts having been raised whether a bishop of the Church of England, being a lord of parliament, could resign his seat in the Upper House, although several precedents to that effect are on record, a statute of the realm, which was confined to the case of the bishops of London and Durham, was passed in 1856, declaring that on the resignation of their sees being accepted by their respective metropolitans, those bishops should cease to sit as lords of parliament, and their sees should be filled up in the manner provided by law in the case of the avoidance of a bishopric. In 1869 the Bishops' Resignation Act was passed.
Besides bishops presiding over definite sees, there have been from time immemorial in the Christian Church bishops holding their jurisdiction in subordination to the bishop of the diocese.
Under this act the coadjutor bishop has the right of succession to the see, or in the case of the archiepiscopal sees and those of London, Winchester and Durham, to the see vacated by the bishop, translated from another diocese to fill the vacancy.
Under this statute, which, after long remaining inoperative, was amended and again put into force by the Suffragans' Nomination Act of 1888, every archbishop and bishop, being disposed to have a suffragan to assist him, may name two honest and discreet spiritual persons for the crown to give to one of them the title, name, style and dignity of a bishop of any one of twenty-six sees enumerated in the statute, as the crown may think convenient.
The Patriarchate of Antioch has undergone most changes in extent of jurisdiction, arising from the transfer of sees to Jerusalem, from the progress of the schismatic churches of the East and from the conquests of the Mahommedans.
In the time of the first crusade 153 still survived; now there are scarcely 20, 14 of which are metropolitan sees.
When the Greeks achieved independence they refused to be subject ecclesiastically to a patriarch who was nominated by the sultan (June 9, 1828); and, to add to their difficulties, there were in the country twenty-two bishops who had been consecrated by the patriarch, twelve bishops who had been consecrated irregularly during the war, and about twenty bishops who had been deprived of their sees during the troubles - i.e.
In these circumstances the government and people resolved that there should be ten diocesan bishops and forty additional provisional sees.
The Gesta pontificum gives accounts of the several English sees and their bishops, from the beginning to about 1120; the later recensions continue the work, in part, to 1140.
Somerset's fall in the following October endangered Hooper's position, and for a time he was in hourly dread of imprisonment and martyrdom, more especially as he had taken a prominent part against Gardiner and Bonner, whose restoration to their sees was now anticipated.
The governor is the official medium of communication between the colonial government and the secretary for the colonies, but at the same time the colony maintains its own agent-general in London, who not only sees to all its commercial business but communicates with the colonial office.
One sees at a glance what an engine of controversy it was to be; yet for a while it remained but a phase of humanism.
The ecclesiastical system is episcopal, the whole of England (including for this purpose Wales) being divided into two provinces, Canterbury and York, and 37 bishoprics (including the primatial sees of Canterbury and York).
The sovereign is by law the supreme governor of the church, both in things spiritual and temporal, and he has the right to nominate to vacant sees.
In the case of sees of old foundation this is done by means of the conge d'elire (q.v.), in that of others by letters patent.
The following is a list of the archiepiscopal and episcopal sees of England and Wales-the latter arranged in alphabetical order,-with date of their establishment and amount of Modern refoundation.
The great council of Constantinople, consisting of 150 orthodox and 36 Macedonian bishops, met in the following year, confirmed the Nicene faith, ordered the affairs of the various sees, and declared the bishop of Constantinople to rank next to the bishop of Rome.
After his return to England he took charge of the sees of Hereford and Ramsbury, although not appointed to these bishoprics; and in 1058 made a pilgrimage to Jerusalem, being the first English bishop to take this journey.
After occupying the episcopal sees of Therouanne and Cambrai, he attained to the cardinalate at an early age.
The sees are Aleppo, Baalbek, Tripoli, Ehden, Damascus, Beirut, Tyre, Cyprus and Jebel' (held by the patriarch himself ex officio).
The writer now sees that it belongs to the text of the Similitudes though it is dislocated from its original context.
Gardiner, Banner, Heath, Day and Tunstall were one by one deprived of their sees; a new ordinal simplified the ritual of ordination, and a second Act of Uniformity and Book of Common Prayer (1552) repudiated the Catholic interpretation which had been placed on the first and imposed a stricter conformity to the Protestant faith.
One thinks one sees traces of it, though held down by other influences, in the whole of medieval theology, and notably in Abelard.
Uncertainty as to the authorities determining religious belief - Scripture, tradition, Fathers, Doctors - is now, at least potentially, at an end; the pope can rule every point definitely, if he sees good to do so.
According to his own statements, which often tend to exaggeration, he was offered both the sees of Bangor and Llandaff, but refused them.
If one stands a few rods ahead of them they seem to be following one another in a line; but, if one stands to the right of the "gang," one sees that the line is broken, and that the second plough is a width farther in the field than the leader, and so on for the entire number.
All, except Edinburgh, founded by Charles I., are pre-Reformation sees.
There are cathedrals at Perth, Inverness, Edinburgh and Cumbrae; the sees of Aberdeen, Brechin and Glasgow have no cathedrals.
No existing ministry can claim regular historic continuity with the ancient hierarchy of Scotland, but the bishops of the Episcopal Church are direct successors of the prelates consecrated to Scottish sees at the Restoration.
A few prelates, known as college bishops, were consecrated without sees, to preserve the succession rather than to exercise a defined authority.
Taking as origin the position of an observer, the direction of a heavenly body is defined by the point in which he sees it in the sky; that is to say, on the celestial sphere.
The heresy, notwithstanding the severe measures taken against it, continued to spread in France as well as in Spain; in 412 Lazarus, bishop of Aix in Provence, and Herod, bishop of Arles, were expelled from their sees on a charge of Manichaeism.
Including these towns there were altogether twenty which are known to have received at one time or another the title and status of Roman colonies; and in the 5th century the Notitia enumerates no less than 123 sees whose bishops assembled at Carthage in 479.
He holds that the true method of research is the analytic, rising from lower to higher notions; yet he sees clearly, and admits, that inductive reasoning, as conceived by Bacon, rests on a general proposition not itself proved by induction.
The Roman Catholic Church is governed in Ireland b'y 4 archbishops, whose sees are in Armagh, Dublin, Cashel and Tuam, and 23 bishops, all nominated by the pope.
We have detailed accounts of three sees - Clonmacnoise, Enaghdune and Ardagh.
Their episcopal sees of Karlowitz and Pakrac depend upon the metropolitanate of Belgrade; but from 1830 to 1838 Karlowitz was itself the headquarters of the Servian Church.
Most of the great feudal lords followed the king's example, but their concessions varied considerably, and in the south of France some of the bishops were still doing homage for their sees until the closing years of the 13th century; but long before then the right of investing with ring and crozier had disappeared from every part of France.
In a few verses the "wrestling" ('-b -k) of Jacob (ya'agob) is associated with the Jabbok ()labboq); his "striving" explains his name Israel; at Peniel he sees "the face of God," and when touched on his vulnerable spot - the hollow of the thigh - he is lamed, hence "the children of Israel eat not the sinew of the hip which is upon the hollow of the thigh unto this day" (xxxii.
The experiences of the religious mystic are paralleled with the ecstatic vision in which the philosophical hermit sees a world of pure intelligences, where birth and decease are unknown.
Many of their bishops fell victims to the persecution, and Donatus (Magnus) and several others were banished from their sees.
Before entering on the proceedings the Catholics pledged themselves, if defeated, to give up their sees, while in the other event they promised to recognize the Donatists as bishops on their simply declaring their adherence to the Catholic church.
He constantly harps upon accusations brought against bishops and the way they were judged; his wish is to prevent them from being unjustly accused, deposed or deprived of their sees; to this end he multiplies the safeguards of procedure, and secures the right of appeal to the pope and the possibility of restoring bishops to their sees.
There were requests that the bishops should be judged according to the rules, protests against the interlopers, demands for the restoration of the bishops to their sees.
Mannhardt, who by comparing numerous examples of similar customs among other European peoples arrived at the conclusion that the rite was of extreme antiquity and of dramatic rather than sacrificial character, and that its object was possibly to procure rain; (2) that of Wissowa, who refuses to date it farther back than the latter half of the 3rd century B.C., and sees in it the yearly representation of an original sacrifice of twentyseven captive Greeks (taking Argei as a Latin form of 'Ap-yE701) by drowning in the Tiber.
In May 1659 he brought a command from Charles in Brussels, directing the bishop of Salisbury to summon all those bishops, who were then alive, to consecrate clergymen to various sees "to secure a continuation of the order in the Church of England," then in danger of becoming extinct.'
He overflows with anecdotes, seldom indeed gets beyond the anecdotal stage, yet from this all study of nature must begin; and he sees everywhere intelligence and beauty, love and sociality, where a later view of nature insists primarily on mere adaptation of interests or purely competitive struggles.
If one cuts out by a diaphragm in the back focal plane of the objective all diffraction spectra except the principal maximum, one sees in the image a field divided into two halves, which show with different clearness, but no banding.
His master mind, soaring high, sees one vast connected whole, and, alive with enthusiasm, with smiling face and sparkling eye, he shows the panorama to his pupils, pointing out the similarities and differences of its parts, the boundaries of our knowledge, and the regions of doubt and speculation.
Of old there were some twenty sees in the island.
The sees were forcibly reduced to four, the archbishopric was ostensibly abolished, and the bishops were compelled to do homage and swear fealty to the Latin Church.
The suppressed sees have never been restored, but the four which survive (now known as Nicosia, Paphos, Kition and Kyrenia) are of metropolitan rank, so that the archbishop, whose headquarters, first at Salamis, then at Famagusta, are now at Nicosia, is a primate amongst metropolitans.
It's important Dr. Czerno sees you this morning.
I don't understand what such a wonderful person sees in a hick like me.
Alvaro then sees that it is Leonora and, in absolute despair, throws himself off a nearby cliff.
More than 3,000 people ae expected to attend the gigs, which sees Embrace and singer Sandi Thom perform on Saturday.
The second album from Hot Chip, The Warning sees these inspired pop alchemists pull off some truly devious musical juxtapositions.
By the way, my husband and I have managed to keep things fairly amicable and he sees her often.
Night Terrors sees the apes resting uneasily in a cave, some sixth sense alerting them to strange events outside and they remain apprehensive.
In a dream she sees a Gothic archway revealed in the wall.
One sees the imprint of these primordial fluctuations as small temperature perturbations in the cosmic microwave background radiation.
An excellent badminton, squash combination sees a parallel perhaps to Stuart Websdale when he first participated.
She sees the bartender in a pool of blood, Cries out, " My God, they killed them all!
This year [2002] sees the bicentenary of the birth of Hugh Miller at Cromarty on October 10th 1802.
The king broke up Wilfrid's York based bishopric into two parts with two separate sees centered on York and Hexham.
While Dr. Bulmer still sees barren brome as the biggest problem, he points out that a significant proportion of reported barren.. .
Think back to when Moses sees the burning bush.
Jessie can't hail a cab on the streets then sees a police car cruise by.
John sees these seven golden candlesticks, look down at verse twenty.
He sees cardiology at the end of the month, and we will schedule an echo for the spring.
The tradition sees absolute celibacy as essential to the monastic lifestyle.
Like many of the recruiters using online classifieds, Silver sees posting jobs on Yahoo!
It is clear that Ms. Lu sees the world in vivid color.
It was good to hear that Willie sees staff in East Lothian to be deeply committed to the concept of inclusion.
As we all know, Western left thinking sees its minimum common denominator as being against racism and nationalism.
Davies sees a strong compensation for this weakness in the idea of the godly commonwealth.
The alliance sees Accurate's solution become complementary to ADP Wilco's Tarot and Gloss offerings.
Dunning asks the conductress about the advert, but it has disappeared before she sees it.
Individual figures are kept completely confidential not even the BRC sees them.
This time inferior conjunction also sees a transit of the planet across the Sun's disk.
Rather than accepting such a dichotomy, Deacy sees the figures as embodying the contradictions found in civilized societies that go to war.
The parent sees nothing contradictory in these responses, yet the child will be punished if it shows contradictory behavior.
This high wild corrie sees even less traffic than the Great Moss side and is a place to really enjoy a bit of solitude.
He sees men all defiled by coarse thoughts, coarse ways of living cruelties.
The third quarter of the year often sees reduced traffic delays during the summer holiday period.
Also when the priest sees John's highly delectable wife for the first time he leers at her which makes her feel uneasy.
Christmas Eve sees them serving up healthy dollops of festive fun.
He sees a bomb blast as it kills the enemy.
Nelson is never fazed by wheelchairs or crutches - he never sees the wheelchair, just the person.
A little less than a month later on July 25th sees the fiesta of Saint James, who is the patron saint of Alcudia.
Positioned in railroad stations, airports and hotels, all payphone sites have a high consumer footfall ensuring that Spectrum sees ongoing healthy traffic.
The narrator of these poems is himself, according to Combe, " the target fop who sees " (60 ).
The South West Office of Employment sees C-FAR as a specialized gateway into New Deal and is contributing funding support.
Instead of choosing to have integrity in his working relationship with Susan, he goes giddy at the knees every time he sees her.
Finally, there's an untitled short film which sees a gimp beaten up by a couple of women in lingerie.
Monday sees golden oldies The Beach Boys play at the Colston Hall.
The relentlessly modern design sees the dual wash basins sunk into black granite.
I approach them and as soon as her son sees me, his face twists into an ugly grimace.
Just wait until your boss sees you with a David Beckham style haircut and pierced nipples, you beast, you.
Hattersley clearly sees John Prescott as a man of destiny, the great helmsman, the hope of the toiling classes.
Legend tells how Aethelred was instructed in a dream to build a church " At the place where he sees a white hind " .
What one sees under the microscope is much better than the photographic image.
The man who sees not the incongruity has great need of having his eyes anointed.
Bron notices the way a friend rubs a thumb in the hollow of his wrist and Kelly sees initials carved on a pencil case.
The intro sees your daughter kidnaped by beasties who then experiment with you.
One bad race sees Sean in hoc to local kingpin Han, who asks him to work off his debt.
The guy sees a bunch of people standing knee-deep in cow manure drinking coffee.
The blue flowered Ceratostigma is another valuable late bloomer which sees its blooms eventually give way to a glorious display of autumn foliage.
Monday 2nd December sees the official launch of this new group to bring local people together to promote healthy hearts.
Only the cold, heavily lidded eye of the moon sees you making your way through the darkened streets.
The pine martin is not an animal one sees easily a night long vigil is required.
Our final day sees us crossing back into the eastern massif providing a long and classic day's walk back to our valley base.
The executed murderer repeats his crime, sees his victim and suffers remorse over and over again.
A large, regional neuroscience center probably sees on average five or six people affected by transverse myelitis each year.
The secularist government endorses the ban, while the Islamist opposition sees it as an infringement of women's rights.
I hope it never sees the publicity of the Strokes - so overplayed their songs are hardly " special " anymore.
How often a child sees the non-resident parents is now an issue of contact.
Nevertheless, Hill is exaggerating what he sees as Loach's growing pessimism.
Since Neurospora has a blue-light photoreceptor the clock in Neurospora " sees " white or blue light but does not perceive red light.
Continue Reading Add comment Italian playboy sees the light By Web Editor.
Where others have imploded in their own pomposity, Pirates ' self-awareness sees it through.
Hiding behind the wall, she sees the stranger advancing, keeps her eyes on him and suddenly pounces when he comes within reach.
Mon-Thur sees various two-for-one promos, and Fri happy hour is 12noon-8pm.
In shadow puppetry, the audience only sees the shadows of the puppets, thrown onto a screen by a light or a fire.
Spring sees the appearance of greenish yellow, upright racemes of flowers followed by decorative red winged fruits.
A husband comes home and sees his wife painting the living room, but she's wearing a raincoat and a fur coat.
One often sees short monopoles with a coil at the foot, to provide inductive tuning for this capacitative reactance.
Well, ' River Of Orchids ' sees XTC reborn anew, totally.
The great attraction he sees in this is that it involves reciprocity.
A bespectacled Dan (Jude Law) is walking down a London street when he sees a gorgeous redhead, Alice (Portman ).
As the Apple Turns sees the Apple saga as a TV soap opera - you can get reruns here too.
Yet for whatever reason, Spasmo sees him in surprisingly restrained mood.
His vision is reduced to what he sees directly in front of him â a condition called retinitis pigmentosa.
Nobody sees through lazy, derivative programs sharper, and nobody picks up on diminishing returns quicker, than the ordinary TV viewer.
One sees the pair reunited on the bench where they first " met ", tattered and beaten from the movie's events.
He sees the subtlety of the devil's schemes.
One sees it in the unseemly scramble to get money from the Department of Homeland Security.
North Korea sees that Iran has been more dangerously seductive of late.
He sees that we wander around like stupid lost sheep.
Cargo again sees the Glenfiddich crew taking over, this time for their first birthday shenanigans.
A man in the group I'm sitting with says " I'll give sixpence to the first person who sees a whale " .
He sees a man get hit by a sledgehammer, but he comes back and kills his murderer.
Until he uses his own summary tables and sees the snags he may not fully appreciate the important lessons to be learned.
The Verve's second album, A NORTHERN SOUL sees Richard Ashcroft's emergence as the band's primary songwriter.
A camper leaves her camp, hikes 1 mile south, then 1 mile east where she sees a bear.
Three runs come off the over, as Cook ably sees the spinner off for now.
The 1825 Kitchen with its open fire and roasting spit sees the kitchen staff going about their daily tasks of cleaning and cooking.
In a green and distant place on a ghostly black steed, he prances in golden armor, but sees his home in dreams.
This picture sees the brain in terms of conscious plus subconscious.
He speaks as he sees, without political subterfuge.
Current work sees the 18th tee being moved further back to add extra length.
An observer in the present can only theorize concerning the origin of the universe that he sees on the basis of assumptions made.
If the driver sees them he always toots the whistle.
A passing tramp sees them through the window, the blind of which is only half down.
The political turmoil of Moscow sees both brothers arrested.
The plot sees plucky, enthusiastic underdogs with a home-made go kart sabotaged by better resourced cheats.. .
The broker believes much of the good news is in the current price and sees limited upside in the next 12 months.
It sees the latest move as further vindication of that decision.
Vocation Sunday also sees the national launch of posters, leaflets and prayer cards to promote the specific vocation Sunday also sees the national launch of posters, leaflets and prayer cards to promote the specific vocation to the Diocesan priesthood.
The colder wetter second half term sees us indoors focusing on basketball.
When they first see the house, Mandy sees a wombat and two babies hiding in a washing basket.
Of the thirteen resolutions adopted by the conference, two have direct reference to this case; the rest have to do with the creation of new sees and missionary jurisdictions, commendatory letters, and a "voluntary spiritual tribunal" in cases of doctrine and the due subordination of synods.
Excluding the diocese of Rome and suburbicarian sees, each see has an average area of 430 sq.
In both capacities, however, a certain undefined pre-eminence was conceded to the occupants of " Apostolic " sees, i.e.
Reinach sees in him the fox roaming " in the darkness," to the Thracians a personification of the wine-god, torn in pieces by the Bassarae (fox-maidens).
In the early centuries of the Christian Church the designation patriarch " was applied, like " archbishop," to bishops of the more important sees as a merely honorary style.
The thinker who sees man confronted by the infinite non-moral forces presumed by natural pantheism inevitably predominating over the finite powers of men may appear to the modern Christian theologian or to the evolutionist as a hopeless pessimist, and yet may himself have concluded that, though the future holds out no prospect save that of annihilation, man may yet by prudence and care enjoy a considerable measure of happiness.
A more plausible theory is that the author is an honest thinker, a keen observer and critic of life, who sees that the world is full of miseries and unsolved problems, regards as futile the attempts of his time to demonstrate an ethically active future life, and, recognizing a divine author of all, holds that the only wise course for men is to abandon the attempt to get full satisfaction out of the struggle for pleasure, riches and wisdom, and to content themselves with making the best of what they have.
In popular usage "conscience" is generally understood to give intuitively authoritative decisions as regards the moral quality of single actions; this usage implicitly assumes that every action has an objective or intrinsic goodness or badness, which "conscience" may be said to discern much in the same way as the eye sees or the ear hears.
With the constitutional changes of the 18th and 10th centuries, however, a corresponding modification took place in the character of the English episcopate; and a still further change resulted from the multiplication of colonial and missionary sees having no connexion with the state (see Anglican Communion).
Here the traveller ascending from the coast sees the first example of the jebel or highland towns, with their high three-storeyed houses, built of quarried stone, their narrow façades pierced with small windows with whitewashed borders and ornamented with varied arabesque patterns; each dar has the appearance of a small castle complete in itself, and the general effect is rather that of a cluster of separate forts than of a town occupied by a united community.
Man is a hopeless enigma to himself, till he sees himself in the light of revelation as a fallen creature.
But though Philo sees the difficulties of the orthodox Judaism he cannot accept pantheism or mysticism so far as to give up the personality of God (see Logos).
In 1786, on the initiative of the archbishop, the legal difficulties in England were removed by the act for the consecration of bishops abroad; and, on being satisfied as to the orthodoxy of the church in America and the nature of certain liturgical changes in contemplation, the two English archbishops proceeded, on the 14th of February 1787, to consecrate William White and Samuel Prevoost to the sees of Pennsylvania and New York (see Protestant Episcopal Church).
Although Miss Sullivan is still rather amused than distressed when some one, even one of her friends, makes mistakes in published articles about her and Miss Keller, still she sees that Miss Keller's book should include all the information that the teacher could at present furnish.
Her father looks in at us morning and evening as he goes to and from his office, and sees her contentedly stringing her beads or making horizontal lines on her sewing-card, and exclaims, "How quiet she is!"
His whole short corpulent figure with broad thick shoulders, and chest and stomach involuntarily protruding, had that imposing and stately appearance one sees in men of forty who live in comfort.
Oh yes, one sees that plainly.
A peculiarity one sees in very young children and very old people was particularly evident in her.
Everyone sees that this cannot go on.
A husband comes home and sees his wife painting the living room, but she 's wearing a raincoat and a fur coat.
God does not see the old sinful Randy who was guilty before his court, he sees a new Randy raised up with Jesus.
Wright heavily criticized traditional ' rapture ' theology we sees the coming of Christ as an escape from history and creation.
A bespectacled Dan (Jude Law) is walking down a London street when he sees a gorgeous redhead, Alice (Portman).
There 's even a rehash of this game, which sees the targets moving.
Some are benign but others, whom she sees as bringing retribution for sins committed in past incarnations, compel her into danger.
One sees the pair reunited on the bench where they first " met ", tattered and beaten from the movie 's events.
Although she is outlined in black ink, one sees ruby red lips and emphatic eyeliner.
Next week sees the launch of a new sackbut project involving London 's music colleges.
Once Crane sees the new video equipment he seems to salivate at the mouth with admiration.
He sees the subtlety of the devil 's schemes.
He sees something about a foot long scurry across the floor under the bed.
The Arab street too sees only a secessionist movement in the Kurds.
A man in the group I 'm sitting with says " I'll give sixpence to the first person who sees a whale ".
Let them have confidence in a sober military judgment that sees in this very fact the greatest dangers.
The Verve 's second album, A NORTHERN SOUL sees Richard Ashcroft 's emergence as the band 's primary songwriter.
Whatever the exact date of the first flight, this year, 2006, sees the 70 th anniversary of the Spitfire in flight.
And then he sees a stranger on the shore telling them to cast on the other side of the boat.
Dennett subscribes wholeheartedly to this view, and sees humans as simply specialized computers.
Crook sees it as a form of sumptuary legislation.
Back to Revelation, John next sees the tribulation saints resurrected.
Heidenhain recognizes two classes, first, such substances as peptone, leech extract and crayfish extract; and, secondly, crystalloids such as sugar, salt, &c. Starling sees no reason to believe that members of either class act otherwise than by increasing the pressure in the capillaries or by injuring the endothelial wall.
Under William and Mary he succeeded Tillotson as dean of Canterbury in 1689, and (after declining a choice of sees vacated by nonjurors who were his personal friends) followed Thomas Lamplugh as archbishop of York in 1691.
It is noteworthy that the poet, like Milton, sees in Satan no mere personification of evil, but the fallen archangel, whose awful guilt could not obliterate all traces of his native majesty.
Here the traveller ascending from the coast sees the first example of the jebel or highland towns, with their high three-storeyed houses, built of quarried stone, their narrow façades pierced with small windows with whitewashed borders and ornamented with varied arabesque patterns; each dar has the appearance of a small castle complete in itself, and the general effect is rather that of a cluster of separate forts than of a town occupied by a united community.
On the other hand, Marti assigns the whole to 160 B.C. (Maccabean period; a little later than Wellhausen) and sees a number of references to historical personages of that age.
The unphilosophical person assumes that a tree as he sees it is identical with the tree as it is in itself and as it is for other percipient minds.
There are a number of fine churches in Lima and in the sees of the various dioceses.
Hermas sees that mere repentance is not enough to meet the backsliding condition in which so many Christians then were, owing to the recoil of inveterate habits of worldliness 4 entrenched in society around and within.
On the other hand the democratic tone which distinguishes Micah from Isaiah, and his announcement of the impending fall of the capital (the deliverance of which from the Assyrian appears to Isaiah as the necessary condition for the preservation of the seed of a new and better kingdom), are explained by the fact that, while Isaiah lived in the centre of affairs, Micah, a provincial prophet, sees the capital and the aristocracy entirely from the side of a man of the oppressed people, and foretells the utter ruin of both.
Summer sees the lotus (renge) convert wide expanses of lake and river into sheets of white and red blossoms; a comparatively flowerless interval ensues until, in October and November, the chrysanthemum arrives to furnish an excuse for fashionable gatherings.
Accurate reviewers of the era have divided it into periods of two or three years each, according to the various groups of foreign authors that were in vogue, and every year sees a large addition to the number of Japanese who study the masterpieces of Western literature in the original.
Whether a Japanese art-worker sets himself to copy what he sees before him or to give play to his fancy in combining what he has seen with some ideal in his mind, the result shows perfect facility of execution and easy grace in all the lines.
There is often a great deal to be said against the view presented in those pamphlets, but Defoe sees nothing of it.
In the next century its use would seem to have been more common as the title of bishops of important sees; for several archbishops are stated to have been present at the council of Chalcedon in 451.
Such are the titular archbishops in partibus, and certain archbishops of Italian sees who have no bishops under them.
The archbishop of York has immediate spiritual jurisdiction as metropolitan in the case of all vacant sees within the province of York, analogous to that which is exercised by the archbishop of Canterbury within the province of Canterbury.
As a rule, if a person has the faculty he "sees" at the first attempt; if he fails in.
As the visitor looks from the square up the indentation he sees on a height to the right a venerable temple ruin, and, directly in front, Acro-Corinth, rising over 1 50o ft.
The brightness of the image is sometimes in creased by silvering the glass; and on removing a small portion of the silver the observer can Object see the image with part of the pupil while he sees the paper through the unsilvered aperture with the remaining part.
When the pupil of the eye is held half over the edge of the prism a, one sees the image of the object with one half of the pupil and the paper with the other half.
But when the seer is exalted tg heaven he sees no trace of the turmoil on earth.
Spitta takes verse 6 to be an addition of the redactor, which describes proleptically what follows, while Gunkel sees in 6 and 7-16 parallel accounts.
During the next few years he actively opposed the amalgamation of the sees of St Asaph and Bangor.
First, the growth of the practice of " reservation " and " provision," by which the popes assumed the right to appoint their own nominees to vacant sees and other benefices, in defiance of the claims of the crown, the chapters and private patrons.
The schism extended down to the bishoprics, and even to the monasteries and parishes, where partisans of the rival popes struggled to obtain possession of sees and benefices.
In 1598 he declined the two bishoprics of Ely and Salisbury, as the offers were coupled with a proposal to alienate part of the revenues of those sees.
In 1606 he was vicar-general of the congregation of France, and received from Marie de' Medici the revenues of the sees of Lombez and Saintes.
At Bethel, Jacob sees the angels of God on the ladder, 12 and later on they appear to him at Mahanaim.
Ezekiel gives elaborate discriptions of cherubim 19; and in one of his visions he sees seven angels execute the judgment of God upon Jerusalem.
After their departure, Mary sees two angels where His body had lain and turning away beholds Jesus standing, yet recognizes Him only when He addresses her.
Io, I I it is Jesus who sees the Spirit descending upon Himself on His emerging from beneath the water, and it is to Himself that God's voice is addressed; in John, Jesus' baptism is ignored, only the Spirit remains hovering above Him, as a sign for the Baptist's instruction.
If both forks vibrate, an observer looking through the microscope sees the bright point describing Lissajous figures.
Hartwig, archbishop of Bremen, wished these sees to be under his authority, but Henry contested this claim, and won the right to invest these bishops himself, a privilege afterwards confirmed by the emperor Frederick I.
The union even then met with resistance from a number of bishops, who, rather than it, submitted to deposition and expulsion from their sees; and it was not until these had all died out that, as the result of stringent imperial edicts, Nestorianism may be said to have become extinct throughout the Roman empire.
Man is a hopeless enigma to himself, until he sees himself in the light of being a human with human failings.
Subsequently he elevated Gnesen into the metropolitan see of Poland, with jurisdiction over the bishoprics of Cracow, Breslau and Kolberg, all three of these new sees, it is important to notice, being in territory conquered by Boleslaus; for hitherto both Cracow and Breslau had been Bohemian cities,-while Kolberg was founded to curb the lately subjugated Pomeranians.
The princess would slay him, but is withheld by her mother, who sees they have need of Tristan's aid to unmask the seneschal.
Professor Zimmer, in his examination of the story, sees reason to believe that the main incidents may repose on a genuine historic tradition, dating back to the 9th or 10th century, the period of Viking rule in Ireland.
Jeremiah was keenly conscious of his people's sin; and the aim of most of his earlier prophecies is to bring his countrymen, if possible, to a better mind, in the hope that thereby the doom which he sees impending may be averted - an end which eventually he saw clearly to be unattainable.
Again, Moses differs from all other prophets in that Yahweh speaks to him face to face, and he sees the similitude of Yahweh.
The seer, in the sense in which all antiquity believed in seers, is simply a man who sees what others cannot see, no matter whether the thing seen be of public or of mere private interest; but the prophet is an organ of Yahweh's kingship over His people - he sees and tells so much of the secret purpose of Yahweh as is needful for His people to know.
How, with this pope's support throughout his long reign, the gradual filling of nearly all the sees of Latin Christendom with bishops of their own selection, and their practical capture, directly or indirectly, of the education of the clergy in seminaries, they contrived to stamp out the last remains of independence everywhere, and to crown the Ultramontane triumph with the Vatican Decrees, is matter of familiar knowledge.
These deities are not easily ' One of the most important sources for the ancient Mexican traditions and myths is the so-cal