Seeks Sentence Examples
She wanted to find, and still seeks, some secret motive in our actions.
This lady, now the wife of Eochaid Airem, high-king of Ireland, was in a former existence the beloved of the god Mider, who again seeks her love and carries her off.
Another objection is advanced from the standpoint of naturalism, which, whether it issues in materialism or not, seeks to explain man as but a product of the process of nature.
In the last-mentioned work he seeks to prove that the St Petersburg Codex, for so many years accepted as the genuine text of the Babylonian school, is in reality a Palestinian text carefully altered so as to render it conformable to the Babylonian recension.
The speaker seeks to make intelligible the appearance of art and contrivance in the world as a result of a natural settlement of the universe (which passes through a succession of chaotic conditions) into a stable condition, having a constancy in its forms, yet without its several parts losing their motion and fluctuation.
This book seeks to unravel the riddle of legal paradoxes.
With the end of the Persian Wars, the original object of ostracism was removed, but it continued in use for forty years and was revived in 417 B.C. It now became a mere party weapon and the farcical result of its use in 417 in the case of Hyperbolus led to its abolition either at once, or, as Lugebil seeks to prove, in the archonship of Euclides (403 B.C.).
This final moult is effected soon after the insect's appearance in the winged form; the creature seeks a temporary resting-place, the pellicle splits down the back, and the now perfect insect comes forth, often differing very greatly in colours and markings from the condition in which it was only a few moments before.
And thus, close student of natures processes, methods, and effects as the Japanese art workman is, he ever seeks to produce humble replicas from his only art master.
Extensive islands are thrown up, and attach themselves to the mainland, while the river deserts its old bed and seeks a new channel, it may be many miles off.
AdvertisementHe first vindicates the claims of his own age to literary pre-eminence, and then seeks to stimulate the younger writers of the day to what he regarded as the manlier forms of poetry, and especially to the tragic drama, which seemed for a short time to give promise of an artistic revival.
After all, you're the goal he apparently seeks.
When the Dark One seeks you out for a deal, you'd be a fool to say no.
I will kill any who seeks to cage me beneath the earth!
She is a thorough woman, but with none of the pettinesses, subterfuges, and mental reservations of her sex; she loves wide vistas and boundless horizons and instinctively seeks them out; she is concerned for universal happiness and takes thought for the improvement of mankind - thelastinfirmity and most innocent mania of generous souls.
AdvertisementHeinrich Steffens, in his Anthropologie, seeks to trace out the origin and history of man in connexion with a general theory of the development of the earth, and this again as related to the formation of the solar system.
All these processes are regarded as a series of manifestations of a vital principle in higher and higher forms. Oken, again, who carries Schelling's ideas into the region of biological science, seeks to reconstruct the gradual evolution of the material world out of original matter, which is the first immediate appearance of God, or the absolute.
Rosenkranz, who in his work Hegel's Naturphilosophie seeks to develop Hegel's idea of an earthorganism in the light of modern science, recognizing in crystallization the morphological element.
From the manner, however, in which he seeks to distinguish between matter and cause or reason, and from the earnestness with which he advises men to examine all the impressions on their minds, it may be inferred that he held the view of Anaxagoras - that God and matter exist independently, but that God governs matter.
It is no "fugitive and cloistered virtue" that Aurelius seeks to encourage; on the contrary, man must lead the "life of the social animal," must "live as on a mountain"; and "he is an abscess on the universe who withdraws and separates himself from the reason of our common nature through being displeased with the things which happen."
AdvertisementOn the other hand, ecological plant geography seeks to ascertain the distribution of plant communities, such as associations and formations, and enquires into the nature of the factors of the habitat which are related to the distribution of plantsplant forms, species, and communities.
On the other hand, there may be a Christianity which seeks to extricate the " spiritual " from the" supernatural " (Arnold Toynbee, characterizing T.H.Green).
Chapman, who finds that the eggs are laid in old wood, and that the triungulin seeks to attach itself to a social wasp, who carries it to her nest.
This different treatment shows the feeling of the poet - the feeling for which he seeks to evoke our inmost sympathy - to oscillate between the belief that an awful crime brings with it its awful punishment (and it is sickening to observe how the argument by which the Friar persuades Annabella to forsake her evil courses mainly appeals to the physical terrors of retribution), and the notion that there is something fatal, something irresistible, and therefore in a sense self-justified, in so dominant a passion.
Though perfectly free from any trace of envy or ill-will, he yet showed on fit occasion his contempt for that pseudo-science which seeks for the applause of the ignorant by professing to reduce the whole system of the universe to a fortuitous sequence of uncaused events.
AdvertisementNeoplatonism seeks this in the ecstatic intuition of the ineffable One.
More and more the science seeks to discover periodicities and to correlate these with others.
The respiratory current of water is therefore conducted to the exterior by different means from that adopted by Amphioxus, and this difference is so great that the theory which seeks to explain it has to postulate radical changes of structure, function and topography.
In the Norse version of the Carolingian epic Guillaume appears in his proper historical environment, as a chief under Charlemagne; but he plays a leading part in the Couronnement Looys, describing the formal associations of Louis the Pious in the empire at Aix (813, the year after Guillaume's death), and after the battle of Aliscans it is from the emperor Louis that he seeks reinforcements.
Nevertheless when Guillaume seeks help from Louis the emperor he finds all his relations in Laon, in accordance with his historic Frankish origin.
Its obligation rests on the good faith of the parties to the reference, and on the fact that, with the help of a world-wide press, public opinion can always be brought to bear on any state that seeks to evade its moral duty.
Thus mysticism was finally banished from the domain of biology, and zoology became one of the physical sciences - the science which seeks to arrange and discuss the phenqmena of animal life and form, as the outcome of the operation of the laws of physics and chemistry.
Hansemann's "anaplasia " hypothesis seeks to find an explanation of the formation of new growths in the absence of the histological differentiation of the cell associated with a corresponding increase in its proliferative power and a suspension, or loss, of its functional activity.
Of a controversial character are the Confessio Catholica, (1633-1637), an extensive work which seeks to prove the evangelical and catholic character of the doctrine of the Augsburg Confession from the writings of approved Roman Catholic authors; and the Loci communes theologici (1610-1622), his principal contribution.
Leto, pregnant by Zeus, seeks for a place of refuge to be delivered.
It lives in a burrow, generally excavated by itself; but when pursued, seeks safety in flight, rather than by a retreat to its hole.
Used in this sense faith healing is indistinguishable from much of savage leech-craft, which seeks to cure disease by expelling the evil spirit in some portion of the body.
This writer seeks to establish the existence of an original Christian apocalypse written before A.D.
He criticizes sharply (pp. 173 sqq., 233 sqq.) former methods of interpretation, and with the ardour of a discoverer of a new truth seeks to establish its currency throughout the entire field of apocalyptic. To such an extreme does he carry his theory that he denies obvious references to historical personages in the Apocalypse, when these are clothed in apocalyptic language.
As an illustration of his theory Gunkel seeks at great length to establish the Babylonian origin of chap. xii.
Next he groups these sections into fourteen larger masses of apocalyptic matter, and by a process of synthesis seeks to arrive at the plan on which the author constructed his book.
He points out the equivocal character of the word poenitentia, which meant both " penance " and " penitence "; he declared that " true contrition seeks punishment, while the ampleness of pardons relaxes it and causes men to hate it."
Passing by these contentions as unmeaning or irrelevant and seeing nothing but irreconcilable contradiction between the conceptions of the world as immutable law and a self-determining subject pragmatism (q.v.) seeks other means of vindicating the reality of freedom.
On the other hand, idealism would be false to itself if it interpreted the unity which it thus seeks to establish in any sense that is incompatible with the validity of moral distinctions and human responsibility in the fullest sense of the term.
This work caused some commotion, as much by the novelty of its method as by the heterodoxy of its matter, and more by its omissions than by its positive teaching, though everywhere the author seeks to put theological doctrines in a decidedly modern form.
Beyond reasonable doubt, however, the writer seeks to take out the sting of the preceding passage in which Israel is devoted to utter destruction.
In logical sequence to these tenets it seeks to divorce the school from the state - a proceeding which it terms educational freedom, though the underlying motive is to subordinate the school to the Church.
For, by representing the prosecution of its party-political objects as a championship of the Catholic Church, Ultramontanism seeks to acquire the support of the official organs of that Church, and the good will of all circles interested in her welfare; while at the same time it strives to discredit any attempt at opposition by branding it as an assault on the orthodox faith.
Thus Ultramontanism is not to be conceived as a theological movement, but as the programme of a party whose principles are in fundamental opposition to modern culture, modern education, modern tolerance and the modern state - a party which seeks to carry out its campaign against the society of to-day, not by bridging the gulf betwixt creed and creed, but by widening it, by awakening religious fanaticism, and by closing the way to a peaceful co-operation of Catholics and non-Catholics in the highest tasks of culture and human civilization.
One branch seeks to determine the scope, purpose and character of the various books of the Old Testament, the times in and conditions under which they were written, whether they are severally the work of a single author or of several, whether they embody earlier sources and, if so, the character of these, and the conditions under which they have reached us, whether altered and, if altered, how; this is Literary Criticism.
In brief, then, the criticism of the Old Testament seeks to discover what the words written actually meant to the writers, what the events in Hebrew history actually were, what the religion actually was; and hence its aim differs from the dogmatic or homiletic treatments of the Old Testament, which have sought to discover in Scripture a given body of dogma or incentives to a particular type of life or the like.
Every early religion seeks to realize such an intercourse with the object of worship as shall be two-sided; when the worshipper approaches the deity he desires to have an answer assuring him of acceptance and divine aid.
Porphyry marks the transition to a new phase of Neoplatonism, in which it becomes completely subservient to polytheism, and seeks before everything else to protect the Greek and Christianity.
On the first alarm of danger it sits erect to reconnoitre, when it either seeks concealment by clapping close to the ground, or takes to flight.
Another agency, called the " American Association for International Conciliation," seeks by the publication of essays on the different aspects of international friendship to promote the same cause.
In the state of New York the act which seeks to prevent corrupt practices relies in like manner on the efficacy of publicity, but it is less effective than the Massachusetts law in that it provides simply for the filing by the candidates themselves of sworn statements of their own expenses.
It is based on Descartes' fundamental principle that knowledge must be clear, and seeks to give to philosophy the certainty and demonstrative character of mathematics, from the a priori principle of which all its claims are derived.
It assumes the moral distinction of the righteous and the ungodly, and seeks a solution for the problem of the lack of harmony of present character and condition.
With the same object, though on different lines, the archbishop of Canterbury's Assyrian Mission seeks to influence the Nestorians.
No sooner is the object of alarm scented or seen than each one seeks safety in the most inaccessible situations, which are often reached by a series of astounding leaps over crevasses, up the faces of seemingly perpendicular rocks, or down the sides of equally precipitous chasms. The chamois will not hesitate, it is said, thus to leap down 20 or even 30 ft., and this it effects with apparent ease by throwing itself forward diagonally and striking its feet several times in its descent against the face of the rock.
Immigration is on a small scale (1024 in 1908), but tends to increase; it is encouraged by the government, which seeks to divert to Paraguay some portion of the Italian labour immigrant into Brazil and Argentina.
Without being very plentiful anywhere, it is generally distributed in suitable localities throughout its range - those localities being such as afford it a sufficient supply of food, consisting during the greater part of the year of insects, which it diligently seeks on the boles and larger limbs of old trees; but in autumn and winter it feeds on nuts, beech-mast, the stones of yew-berries and hard seeds.
The best are in English; where we have the extremely paraphrastic, but for its time admirable translation of George Sale (repeatedly printed), that of Rodwell (1861), which seeks to give the pieces in chronological order, and that of Palmer (1880), who wisely follows the traditional arrangements.
After three or four years, fortified with the certificates of his various professors, he seeks a place in a law-court or as a teacher, preacher, cadi, or mufti of a village or minor town, or else one of the innumerable posts of confidence for which the complicated ceremonial of Mahommedanism demands a theologian, and which are generally paid out of pious foundations.
A place is not hard to find, for the powerful corporation of the ulema seeks to put its own members into all posts, and, though the remuneration is at first small, the young `alim gradually accumulates the revenues of several offices.
As a writer on field sports Xenophon was followed by Arrian, who in his Cynegeticus, in avowed dependence on his predecessor, seeks to supplement such deficiencies in the earlier treatise as arose from its author's unacquaintance with the dogs of Gaul and the horses of Scythia and Libya.
Boards of Revision and Boards of Supervision then equalize the assessments in the counties and townships, while a State Board of Equalization seeks to equalize the total valuation of the various counties.
He who seeks to gain his life will lose it.
But reason finds much in the world recognizing no kindred with her, and so turning to practical activity seeks in the world the realization of her own aims. Either in a crude way she pursues her own pleasure, and finds that necessity counteracts her cravings; or she endeavours to find the world in harmony with the heart, and yet is unwilling to see fine aspirations crystallized by the act of realizing them.
When the idea, itself indefinite, gets no further than a struggle and endeavour for its appropriate expression, we have the symbolic, which is the Oriental, form of art, which seeks to compensate its imperfect expression by colossal and enigmatic structures.
Man's primary religious feeling seeks to bring him into association with the events and persons of his race, and that which in the Old Testament appears most perishable, most defective, and which suffers most under critical inquiry, was necessary in order to adapt new teaching to the commonly accepted beliefs of a bygone and primitive people.'
In this place it is sufficient to say that, while Plato accounts no education satisfactory which has not knowledge for its basis, he emphatically prefers the scepticism of Socrates, which, despairing of knowledge, seeks right opinion, to the scepticism of the sophists, which, despairing of knowledge, abandons the attempt to better existing beliefs.
In the year of his elevation to the Caliphate, he had regulated the succession to the empire in his own family by designating as future caliphs his three sons, al-Montasir billah (" he who seeks help in God"), al-Mo`tazz billah (" he whose strength is of God"), and al-Mowayyad billah (" he who is assisted by God").
When the latter died in the year 891, his son Abu 1.-`Abbas, al-Mo`tadid (" he who seeks his support in God"), was put in his place.
Al-Mostazhir billah (" he who seeks to triumph through God"), son of Moqtadi, was only sixteen years old when he was proclaimed caliph.
In vain, three years later, did Abu'l-Qasim Ahmad, a scion of the race of the Abbasids, who had taken refuge in Egypt with Bibars the Mameluke sultan, and who had been proclaimed caliph under the title al-Mostansir billah (" he who seeks help from God"), make an effort to restore a dynasty which was now for ever extinct.
Reason seeks ever to rationalize these, an attempt which seems to destroy yet really fulfils.
In quite a different way a still more influential school seeks essential Christianity in the sphere of the ethical life.
His idea of revelation depends upon the same mechanical conception of the relation of God to the world which dominates his Natural Theology; and he seeks to prove the divine origin of Christianity by isolating it from the general history of mankind, whereas later writers find their chief argument in the continuity of the process of revelation.
The arguments by which Kirchhoff seeks to prove that the stories of books x.-xii.
He never really establishes a relation between pure reason and things-in-themselves (Dinge an sick), but rather seeks refuge in a dualism within consciousness, the transcendental and the empirical.
It is true that a Young Wales party has arisen, which seeks to narrow this movement to the exclusion of English ideas and influences; and it is also true that there is a party which is abnormally suspicious of and hostile to this Welsh Renaissance; but in the main it is correct to say that the bulk of the Welsh nation remains content to assert its views and requirements in a reasonable manner.
Each cultivator seeks out the kinds of plants best suited to his soil and climate and rejects those which are tender or otherwise unsuitable.
He seeks to show not onl y that the difficulties in the systems of natural and revealed religion have counterparts in nature, but also that the facts of nature, far from being adverse to the principles of religion, are a distinct ground for inferring their probable truth.
Butler, on the other hand, seeks to show that analogy leads us to believe that our future state will depend upon our present conduct.
A practical theory of ethics seeks to establish a particular moral ideal; if it is an absolute criterion, then the altruist would place first the attainment of that ideal by others, while the egoist would seek it for himself.
Thus the man who seeks only or primarily his own moral perfection is an egoist par excellence.
Alexander seeks consistency by holding to the first position alone.
He scorned the story-teller "who seeks to please the ear rather than to speak the truth," and yet his rhetoric is the culmination of Greek historical prose.
The nomadic population which seeks pasturage during the summer months in these dreary altitudes is entirely Kirghiz, and we may take it for granted that it will soon be entirely Russian.
The philosophy of history is essentially teleological; that is to say, it seeks to interpret the process as the realization of an immanent end.
A fresh study from the hand of Appel (Die Composition des dthiopischen Henochbuchs, 1906) seeks to reach a final analysis of our book.
Platonic too is the doctrine of the divine architect who seeks to realize in the visible universe the archetypes already formed in his mind.
In the riper period cf art the type is softer, and Apollo appears in a form which seeks to combine manhood and eternal youth.
In the organization of the best municipal water undertakings in the United Kingdom the free use of water is encouraged, and it is only the leakage or occasional improper employment of the water that the water authority seeks, and that successfully, to suppress.
He seeks to trace the steps which the reason has spontaneously and consciously, but irreflectively, followed.
In so far as theology is orderly, coherent, systematic, and seeks to rest upon good grounds of some sort, it may be called a science.
Modern Christians generally trust this development; and all of them must admit that it seeks to answer a question arising out of the elements of New Testament belief.
It seeks to prove its case by asserting first the divinity of Christ, and secondly the personality of the Holy Spirit.
Lutheranism seeks to add, in a sense, a third sacrament, Penance (so even Melanchthon).
Upon most points Anglicanism seeks for a via media of its own.
Ritschl denies natural theology 4 as well as natural religion, denies dogma outright in its Greek forms - Trinitarian and Christological; and seeks to transpose the doctrine of Atonement - Christ's Person " or " Works as he puts it - from the legal to the ethical.
For (r), as concrete and transient, it is obviously not the real essential good that the philosopher seeks; (2) the feelings most prominently recognized as pleasures are bound up with pain, as good can never be with evil; in so far, then, as common sense rightly recognizes some pleasures as good, it can only be from their tendency to produce some further good.
The third method seeks to avoid the difficulty by using the numerical values of the elements instead of their algebraic symbols.
The males are polygamous, and during autumn and winter associate together, feeding in flocks apart from the females; but with the approach of spring they separate, each selecting a locality for itself, from which it drives off all intruders, and where morning and evening it seeks to attract the other sex by a display of its beautiful plumage, which at this season attains its greatest perfection, and by a peculiar cry, which Selby describes as "a crowing note, and another similar to the noise made by the whetting of a scythe."
When a strong Greek city threatens a weak one, and seeks to purchase Athenian connivance with the bribe of a border-town, Athens must remember that duty and prudence alike command her to respect the independence of all Greeks.
Schleiermacher's doctrine of knowledge accepts the fundamental principle of Kant that knowledge is bounded by experience, but it seeks to remove Kant's scepticism as to knowledge of the Ding an sich, or Sein, as Schleiermacher's term is.
But, as the theory which we are explaining does not admit that language is more than a subordinate cause in the development of myths, as it seeks for the origin of myths in a given condition of thought through which all races have passed, we need do no more than record the objection.
What we call Self is, above all, such a central mass, and Herbart seeks to show with great ingenuity and detail how this position is occupied at first chiefly by the body, then by the seat of ideas and desires, and finally by that first-personal Self which recollects the past and resolves concerning the future.
Launched upon an unknown world, and guided by unerring instinct to the very flowers it seeks, the bee fertilizes fruit and flowers while winging its happy flight among the blossoms, gathering pollen for the nurslings of its own home and honey for the use of man.
Pontodrilus, seeks an unusual environment, and is found in heaps of sea-weed cast up by the sea.
A true hypothesis, therefore, seeks not merely to connect or colligate two separate facts, but to do this in the light of and subject to certain fundamental principles.
When attacked it seeks to escape either by rolling itself into a ball, its erect spines proving a formidable barrier to its capture, or by burrowing into the sand, which its powerful limbs enable it to do with great celerity.
Ready the army to accompany me to Tiyan, in case Taran seeks to betray me.
The links between the art-work and the biblical themes it seeks to explore, illustrate, and interpret, are often highly allusive.
Ninth, there is the insight that the creator seeks affirmation, not confirmation, of the appropriateness of a course of action.
Sheridan seeks amicable split Tommy Sheridan confirms he is seeking an " amicable split Tommy Sheridan confirms he is seeking an " amicable " split from the Scottish Socialist Party.
Informatics seeks to understand and to construct (or reconstruct) such systems, using analytic, experimental and engineering methodologies.
Determined to discover the truth she seeks the help of her former boyfriend, the aviation officer Joseph ' Sky Captain ' Sullivan.
The sacred 260 day calendar of early Mesoamerican civilisations Bob Johnson seeks an explanation for the Mayan calendar.
It seeks to find and recognize the best amateur choirs in the country.
Beth appears to be very self-contained as she rarely seeks the companionship of others.
When it comes to choosing your mortgage however, always seeks independent advice â itâs too complicated a decision to go it alone.
In particular seeks to explore the confluence of depth psychotherapy with the world's contemplative traditions.
A new European Directive seeks to enforce intellectual property rights with retailers facing jail for knowingly selling counterfeit or copied goods.
Speaking personally, I have found the wardens invariably courteous, and very helpful when one seeks their advice.
It seeks to foster detailed research and informed debate on international conflict, both historical and contemporary.
Rubin seeks to go beyond a mere chronicle of the most notorious host desecration episodes.
Love is irreconcilable with evil because love seeks the genuine happiness and peace of humanity, whereas evil is inherently destructive.
Award winning new media agency urgently seeks a web developer!
And, like the Universe itself which sf fandom seeks to reflect, it all came to an end.
The ' feedback loop ' The University seeks to ensure that the ' feedback loop ' The University seeks to ensure that the ' feedback loop ' facilitates action arising from student feedback.
Rather than reversing the dualism, postmodern feminism seeks to dissolve the distinction.
I am now very fortunate to be part of a church which seeks to emulate the biblical example of the early church.
The company currently seeks franchisees to take over territories.
Spending Review 2000 SDA targets 8. The SFO seeks to deter fraud.
The CryoSat program seeks to replace sporadic submarine missions by continual monitoring of the ice freeboard, from which thickness will be derived.
In a material world one seeks gratification from without.
Microsoft seeks to remove the limits to individual potential around the world by eliminating technology illiteracy.
Regardless of the topic, a unified theory, as sated above, seeks to explain seemingly incompatible aspects of various theories.
The alcoholic seeks out those he regards as his social inferiors to drink among.
Our study design seeks to evaluate both scenarios and in addition explore gene-gene and gene-environment interactions by constructing logistic regression models of risk.
By exploring the role of language in the constitution of social relations, the project seeks to address a lacuna in contemporary anthropological theory.
This module seeks to describe and evaluate the main issues in modern macroeconomics.
The reality is far more complex and official multiculturalism seeks to stifle that reality and that debate.
There will be instances when a client seeks a further expert opinion because they have been unhappy with the content of the first opinion.
It merely seeks to provide information for the sufferer to come to his/her own informed opinion.
Yet on EP B, Battles seeks deep into their own paranoia.
The contest seeks to stimulate a highly personalized exploration of the issues.
New philanthropy Capital seeks to develop and encourage more effective philanthropy.
The lecture also seeks to provide answers to questions such as, how quickly plates move and what drives plate tectonics?
This will not be old style protectionism which seeks to protect a home market whilst expecting others to remain open.
He also occasionally seeks the Zen of high performance driving on the local racetrack, a goal as elusive as effortless swimming.
Top 5 star hotel with over 70 rooms in Cheshire seeks an experienced senior receptionist to join their busy front of house team.
Dennis seeks to shift the focus of the object of evidence law to a point beyond the determination of factual rectitude.
On the one hand, we found that redaction criticism proper, which seeks to vigorously differentiate redaction from tradition, is fundamentally bankrupt.
Then he pointed to his throat and said that even if someone seeks repentance before his soul reaches here, Allah will accept it.
Challenging some tenets of the resilience thesis, this article seeks to broaden the discussion of welfare-state retrenchment.
Lovely 3 star country property, set in its own grounds seeks a Head Chef able to achieve 2 rosettes.
It is a life on the ocean wave, not one that seeks the seclusion of a safe harbor.
The Council therefore seeks to work in partnership with the private sector to rectify shortfalls in provision.
The package of incentives and penalties, backed by six world powers, seeks to defuse a standoff over Iran's nuclear program.
A single, dominant male seeks a deviant, decadent sexually submissive female for discreet meets.
Child marriage, which the new code seeks to finally eliminate, remains tenacious - and not only in Turkey's conservative heartland.
Hamas may have won power democratically, but it seeks the creation of a global Islamic theocracy under Shari'a law.
But he's saying a true believer patiently continues in doing good works because he seeks after glory and honor and immortality.
A Man of few words he seeks vengeance for the murder of his father.
This consultation seeks views on a possible way to streamline these opposition proceedings.
All the virology on the Web " seeks to be the best single site for Virology information on the Internet " .
He seeks to keep the Churches well-informed about the activities of the National Assembly.
If, therefore, the physicist seeks to discover the laws of nature by study of natural phenomena, so the philosopher must seek the laws of historical change by the investigation of human events and of the human mind.
Yet it hardly yields to them in activity or in the grace of its actions, as it seeks its food from the catkins of the alder or birch, regardless of the attitude it assumes while so doing.
Man seeks to influence his fellow men in various ways, by intimidation, by deceit, by bribery; and it is quite natural to find the same ideas in the sphere of religion.
In the next place, it seeks to account for the general laws of the world, for the universal forms of existence, as ideas which emanate from the Deity.
In this form it stands in sharp antithesis to the doctrine of evolution, both because the former views the world of particular things and events as essentially unreal and illusory, and because the latter, so far as it goes, looks on matter as eternal, and seeks to explain the general forms of things as we perceive them by help of simpler assumptions.
He defined faith as commonly understood to mean " not the conformity of what we say with fact, but an opinion upon divine things founded upon credulity which seeks after profit."
The embittering influence of Ultramontanism may be further traced in its attitude towards the baptism of nonCatholics, for it seeks to establish the rule that baptism conferred by Protestants is invalid through defect of form or matter, or even of intention, and that, consequently, the rite must be readministered, at least conditionally, to proselytes joining the Roman Church.
But the priest belongs to the realm of religion proper, which involves a relation of dependence on the superior power, whereas the asipu belongs to the realm of magic, which is coercive and seeks " to constrain the hostile power to give way " (Lagrange).
His son and successor al-Mostadi' biamri'llah ("he who seeks enlightenment by the orders of God"), though in Egypt his name was now substituted in public prayers for that of the Fatimite caliph, was unable to obtain any real authority.
What if what he seeks in me is not there?
He seeks only for peace, and only these people sans foi ni loi * can give it him--people who recklessly hack at and strangle everything--Magnitski, Arakcheev, and tutti quanti....
Abandoning the conception of cause, mathematics seeks law, that is, the property common to all unknown, infinitely small, elements.
This visually exciting redevelopment seeks to help recapture the former glory of Victoria Square.
Top 5 star hotel with over 70 rooms in Cheshire seeks an experienced Senior Receptionist to join their busy front of house team.
It seeks to make the offense of involuntary manslaughter clearer by defining two new offenses of reckless killing and killing by gross carelessness.
The Red Wyvern society (The Clifford Household) seeks to re-create as many aspects of life in period 1450 - 1585 as possible.
An approach that seeks to expand the concept of citizenship beyond national boundaries does not have to render the nation state obsolete.
The project seeks to promote ' broad debate ' and is ' informed by the latest and best thinking '.
Structuralist semiotics seeks to look behind or beneath the surface of the observed in order to discover the underlying organization of phenomena.
It merely seeks sensationalism of the worst kind presumably to fill vacant page space.
He seeks to create a harmonious balance between strong powerful shapes and tactile sensuous curves.
But, cruelly out of place amid the strict protocol of State, Diana seeks solace in the arms of Rugby players and Arabs.
He seeks solace in the pub, leaving the girls to mind the shop.
The package of incentives and penalties, backed by six world powers, seeks to defuse a standoff over Iran 's nuclear program.
This project seeks to create antenna designs suitable for inclusion in SoC.
Child marriage, which the new code seeks to finally eliminate, remains tenacious - and not only in Turkey 's conservative heartland.
He seeks to defend a theism which is common to Judaism, Christianity and Islam but his main business is with Christianity.
This project seeks to explore how tomboy identities are constructed by children in primary schools.
The Claimant seeks relief before the English Court for a tort committed in England.
But he 's saying a true believer patiently continues in doing good works because he seeks after glory and honor and immortality.
The United States seeks an ulterior aim in delaying the project deliberately.
It seeks to unite around a set of immediate objectives.
It also seeks views on whether a particular increase in an individual fee might have specific, untoward consequences.
All the Virology on the Web " seeks to be the best single site for Virology information on the Internet ".
A vision seeks to identify the corporate and specific vocation of the church.
Conspiratorial Seeks to draw lawyer into web of intrigue.
When a childcare center voluntarily seeks accreditation it is an indicator that the program is interested in maintaining a standard of excellence.
According to Attachment Parenting International this type of parenting seeks to promote good parenting practices that create strong, nurturing bonds between parents and children.
The Hot Milk designer lingerie company seeks to change that attitude and in the process empower pregnant women and breastfeeding moms by creating sensual maternity lingerie and breastfeeding bras that are both beautiful and comfortable.
Sophisticated and modern baby nurseries are part of a growing trend that seeks to make a nursery that is as comfortable for the parents as it is for the baby.
One visitor is looking for a healthier way to feed her pet and seeks organic cat food recommendations.
Located in Texas, this rescue organization seeks to place Maine Coon cats in homes where the personality and lifestyle of the owner and the cat are compatible.
It will inspire great discussion time as the main character seeks to stand up for what he believes in.
Particularly popular with boys, this series follows sleuth Jigsaw Jones as he seeks to unravel various mysteries.
These are either agreed upon in advance or they are charges that the plaintiff in the case seeks to prove.
Also known as a petition for custody form or a custody complaint form, this paperwork appears when one person seeks to win custody of a child.
The information required to complete the form includes names of parents and children, birthdates, current parental relationship and the type of custody the petitioner seeks.
Currently, SIGG also offers a one percent donation to "1% For The Planet", an agency that seeks better environmental standards.
As the global community seeks efficient ways to reduce fossil fuel emissions, wind energy continues to offer the promise of cleaner air.
The Midwest Alliance for Renewable Energy (Renew Midwest) is a nonprofit organization that seeks to promote the economic advantages of renewable energy sources and renewable energy providers.
Because herbs can vary so widely in potency, the directive seeks to force manufacturers to test, measure and create more standardized products.
New Advent calls its website "The Catholic Encyclopedia" and claims that it seeks to provide "full and authoritative information" about the faith to the general public.
With the understanding that food is intended to sustain and support life, whole food cooking seeks to find the natural balance between consumption and production.
The Cricut Design Studio seeks to extend the functionality of the Cricut machine by allowing you more freedom in personalizing your die cuts.
The National Eating Disorders Assocation seeks to prevent eating disorders while encouraging treatment for those who suffer from them.
Anonymity is a firm tradition in the program, which seeks to govern itself by principles, not personalities.
While this question makes little sense in the realm of the English language (really, "who" are you wearing?), it has become the question that everyone seeks an answer.
Dar is prince by birthright who can communicate with animals, and seeks revenge on thugs who murdered the people of his village.
The Law School seeks students who are self-disciplined, academically qualified and motivated to succeed in their law studies.
The Department of Homeland Security seeks to secure America from terrorist attacks and protect the country against disasters.
Whatever your reason is for researching Therapy Dog International (TDI), there are some basic facts about this organization that anyone who seeks more information would find interesting.
Trees that were once included under this head are now placed under Abies and also Pinus, to which the reader should refer for trees he seeks which are not placed under this heading.
By wearing a shirt that seeks to amuse, the wearer lets others know that he's not uptight or unapproachable.
Organic farming recognizes the environmental risk this action imposes and seeks ways to minimize the impact.
Seeds of Deception is a website that seeks to warn people about genetically modified foods and risks to human health.
Frederick Perls (1893 to 1970) was the founder of Gestalt therapy which seeks to fill emotional voids.
Another related procedure is maxillomandibular osteotomy and advancement, which is a variation on the above procedure and also seeks to move the tongue muscle forward.
The organization seeks to reduce injuries, disabilities and deaths related to the breathing disorder.
The American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons (AAOMS) is an organization that seeks to help surgeons excel through advocacy, research and continued education.
Sleep apnea dentistry seeks to alleviate symptoms of sleep apnea using oral appliance therapy.
This time Essence seeks to capture beauty, fashion and politics in a solid form.
Based on the movie of the same name, Batman Begins and the classic DC Comics character, follows Bruce Wayne from the aftermath of his parent's murder as he seeks an end to the injustice in the world.
Constantine is a single-player, action-adventure, puzzle-solving game where you play John, a man who has supernatural powers and seeks to keep the balance of Heaven and Hell.
Set in the 1930's, it is about a movie director named Carl Denham who seeks to make the greatest film ever in order to save his reputation.
Another club that seeks out family boutique wines, Ava California Wine costs about $50/month for two bottles.
IgM is a specific class of antibody that seeks out virus particles.
Psychotherapy-Psychological counseling that seeks to determine the underlying causes of a patient's depression.
Traditional Chinese medicine seeks to reconnect the chi (energy flow) along the body's meridians and thus aid healing.
High-The altered state of consciousness that a person seeks when abusing a substance.
Extinction is a type of discipline that seeks to prevent inadvertent positive reinforcement for negative behavior.
Homeostasis means that the family system seeks to maintain its customary organization and functioning over time, and it tends to resist change.
The bacteria can then invade tissues that are very difficult to cleanse when the person finally seeks medical help.
A rare form of physical abuse is Munchausen syndrome by proxy, in which a caretaker (most often the mother) seeks attention by making the child sick or appear to be sick.
For example, if a child has problematic behavior patterns, the therapist seeks to identify the underlying thinking that is causing them.
Cognitive-behavioral therapy seeks to change maladaptive schemas.
The adolescent seeks leadership (someone to inspire him or her), and gradually develops a set of ideals to live by.
Child seeks and responds to comfort and reassurance from a parent or caretaker.
Williams seeks to remove some of that confusion and conflicting emotions from this process.
A perinatal hospice is like its adult counterpart in that it seeks to give every dying individual a comfortable and dignified death without deliberately prolonging or shortening the his or her natural life.
Christian Heritage Home Educators seeks to provide Biblically-based principles for helping parents to teach their children at home.
The Washington Home Educators Network (WHEN) seeks to educate others about their rights under law to homeschool in Washington.
The company seeks contractors with military backgrounds or professional experience working in law enforcement or intelligence.
A job application for Sears generally takes into account the unique abilities of each individual, as the company seeks to employ individuals where they will be of the most use to the corporation.
La Leche Leauge is an organization that seeks to advocate for breastfeeding, promotes solid research on breastfeeding and generally seeks to support women who are breastfeeding.
It is critical that a woman seeks medical attention immediately if she experiences these symptoms during pregnancy.
The customization process seeks to alleviate this problem.
An Italian line of swimwear, Miss Bikini seeks to blend the world of costumes with the world of the sea.
The toy series, called Rescue Heroes, seeks to teach children about the value of rescue service members in our society, such as firefighters and police officers.
Such findings are the driving force behind the council who seeks to educate not just the general public, but physicians as well about the importance of prenatal care.
The Concerned Citizens group seeks to improve the quality of life in Whitesboro, and Oprah's $1 million contribution would go directly toward their goals of developing the community's youth.
In the United States, the Foundation seeks to ensure that all people have access to the opportunities they need to succeed in both school and life.
While donations of shoeboxes filled with gifts are always encouraged, Operation Christmas Child also seeks monetary contributions to help cover the cost of shipping and handling for the boxes.
The United Lesbians of African Heritage, or ULOAH as it is commonly known, seeks to make the world a safer place for black lesbians.
The Urban Dictionary calls a cougar a mature woman (usually between the ages of 30 and 50) who frequently seeks the companionship (romantic and otherwise) of men who are 10 to 20 years their junior.
A man is emotionally cheating when he seeks emotional comfort and confidence with someone who isn't you.
The site seeks to cater to the entire transgender community, not preferring one segment of it over the other, as well as providing a supportive atmosphere where members can be comfortable with their gender and sexuality.
For example, in the 2007 summer blockbuster Spiderman 3, Peter Parker (Tobey Maguire) uses his aunt's simple vintage engagement ring when he seeks the hand of his lifelong sweetheart, Mary Jane Watson (Kirsten Dunst).
By choosing colored diamonds as a focal point, the company seeks to honor loved ones with these rare and beautiful gems.
A marriage poem can communicate the type of relationship that the person who proposes seeks with his intended.
A federal agency that seeks to withhold information due to FOIA exemptions must demonstrate that the exemption applies to the particular request.
This group seeks to build awareness as well as providing information for gluten-intolerant individuals regarding safe food choices.
It is a religious Protestant Christian institution that seeks to mobilize Christians in an effort to improve the state of the less fortunate.
Specifically speaking, this brand seeks to be your companion in the adventure of life; one that is bold and written in bright colors.
Neither one really seeks the limelight, so jealousy will rarely play a role in the relationship.
A Moon in Sagittarius person seeks advancement and expansion in life.
As the archetypal perfectionist of the zodiac, Virgo always seeks to be the ideal partner.
The sign also seeks to be entwined with another person.
Libra seeks harmony and balance throughout life.
Mystique is the seduction Gemini seeks, so don't give away all of your secrets.
Virgo, the earth sign gives Cancer, the water sign, the form and structure the crab seeks.
It's the yin and yang of the world that Libra is most in tune with and seeks out in his daily life.
As a Scorpio delves into his psyche or into the world around him, his water energy seeks truths and explanations alongside a desire to feel and relish every moment of his journey.
He is not one for great change or vision, but, instead, seeks to maintain the status quo.
He seeks an honest, intelligent exchange and is elated when he meets his match.
He also seeks a romantic partnerwho can be a pal when he wants to go whitewater rafting or exploring a new hiking trail.
If your child seeks the thrill of travel yet yearns for the driving seat, a child size ATV may be the perfect gift.
Childcare vouchers are part of a government program that seeks to help families who cannot afford to pay for childcare on their own.
Permissive is an approach that seeks to please and appease the child.
She takes over Aiden's body, and Rachel seeks help from Samara's mother only to find that the only way she can end this violent cycle is to drown Aiden, and with him, Samara.
The villain of the camp overhears her (but cannot see her) and seeks her identity the entire summer.
Silence of the Lambs (1991) - FBI trainee Clarice Starling (Jodie Foster) seeks out the help of serial killer Dr. Hannibal Lecter (Anthony Hopkins) to help her nab another serial killer.
There are several examples of famous cases that should whet the appetite of anyone who seeks more paranormal knowledge or experience, as well as for those with a casual interest.
The disfigurement appears as blood on her face (hence the name Bloody Mary), and in the afterlife she seeks retribution.
In other myths, Mary was a murderer of children who now seeks salvation by helping other children.
Past life regression therapy seeks to bring into consciousness hidden or repressed memories that have been carried forward from a previous lifetime or incarnation.
The soul seeks physical expresion through human personality with the unconscious aid of the higher self.
This unusual looking shoe does more than just raise brows - it's a veritable miracle shoe for the athlete who seeks to keep his or her feet protected and remain comfortable at the same time.
She is left a place to live by a man who seeks to get even with his greedy relatives.
Word seeks--Enjoy a classic word search with Toni's Y&R theme word seeks.
Jeremy befriended one in the library (Anna), while another works as a bartender at the Mystic Grill and seeks to court Bonnie.
She toys with him, forcing him to play a game before giving him the answers he seeks.
The new series seeks to find its footing by creating strong ties to the previous series' popularity, but also by creating new characters and storylines to be invested in.
That is the question that The Good Wife TV show seeks to answer.
Beat Your Heart Out - Cristina and Owen begin to truly flirt and Izzie seeks tests to learn what's wrong with her.
The Vivace line offers watches for the woman who seeks a watch that offers quality along with style and grace.
Sector 'No Limits' is a brand that seeks to connect with men who are constantly challenging themselves.
A Taoist seeks to make these forces of nature and with him- or-herself equal to promote harmony.
The splinter organization seeks to encourage the development and use of biological treatments.
The organization seeks to develop and implement medical treatments for autism and related pervasive developmental disorders.
The Autism Society of America seeks to provide information about autism and issues people affected by autism face.
The organization seeks to improve the lives of families affected by autistic disorders as well as promoting research, treatments and services.
This treatment for Asperger's disorder seeks to help the individual use thought processes to control behaviors.
The Autism Treatment Center of America is a teaching center for the Son-Rise Program, an approach that seeks to help children on the spectrum meet their potential for growth and healing.
Stem cell therapy is unique in that it seeks to address pathogenic mechanisms (the source of the problem).
Proven leader, task-oriented, Logistics professional seeks executive level opportunity to thrive and grow in.
An advertisement that a business seeks to liquidate its assets because the owner anticipates shutting down or is up for auction due to insolvency indicates that you may be able to purchase the company.
Jane's Treasure Chest seeks to become the premier upscale women's clothing boutique in Smalltown, USA.
It seeks to stabilize blood sugar levels, decrease cravings, and ultimately lower body fat while increasing heart health.
It certainly is an attractive idea that eating can actually help you lose weight, the so-called "magic pill" anyone wanting to shed a few pounds seeks.
With the aesthetics in their architecture as seen in Notre Dame, world renowned museums such as the Louvre and a government that actively seeks to preserve and promote the arts, France has much to boast about with regards to the arts.
Farmers reportedly seeks out only the highest quality people to become agents.
If a preexisting condition is not revealed to the provider and then the insured person seeks out medical care resulting in an insurance claim, the provider has every right to deny payment.
The insurance offered is very comprehensive and seeks to address the need for thorough coverage for the replacement of objects within the home due to several different instances.
Boarding 4 Breast Cancer is a non-profit organization that seeks to educate young women about the importance of early breast cancer detection and the importance of leading a well-rounded, active lifestyle.
He seeks attention but wants to appear modest enough to skip the commando look and feel (not to mention support!).
Whether a woman seeks to beautifully dress her breasts or push them up to full advantage, Olga Petites offers a bra for the task.
As a model the high fashion opportunities are waning, so Julie seeks a way to move modeling career in a new direction without giving up being in front of the camera.
In other words, while fantasy ignores the natural laws of the known world, it seeks to create a world in which there are new natural laws that explain how the world works.