Seeking Sentence Examples
Pierre paused, seeking a reply.
She turned her head, seeking and finding his lips again.
He glanced up at her, probably seeking a reason for her silence.
Alice giggled, her large gray eyes seeking out Carmen.
He watched her throughout the night's activities, seeking to judge whether Mansr's parting words were true.
He met her gaze soberly, probably seeking the cause of her distress.
Dolokhov lowered his head to the snow, greedily bit at it, again raised his head, adjusted himself, drew in his legs and sat up, seeking a firm center of gravity.
She closed her eyes, seeking the familiar home videos.
Rostopchin, coming out there with quick angry steps, looked hastily around as if seeking someone.
He searched Deidre's apartment from top to bottom several times, seeking the item he needed to fulfill his part of a deal.
AdvertisementIt was on her mind to move away, but instead she found her face lifting to his - seeking out his lips.
The difference between his former and present self was that formerly when he did not grasp what lay before him or was said to him, he had puckered his forehead painfully as if vainly seeking to distinguish something at a distance.
He rolled to face her, his other hand seeking her waist and drawing her close.
He did say something about the Sanctuary, Jade said, seeking some lie to keep Kris.s suspicions from turning to him.
She checked the locator as she waited, seeking out General Greene on the compound.
AdvertisementThe cuff was warm against her skin and she tugged at it, seeking some way to free herself.
We are seeking from them what they cannot give.
With a number of state parks in the region the traveler seeking an active vacation cannot go wrong.
He tore apart a demon and stood breathless, seeking his next opponent, only to see the body-strewn park was empty of living demons in the early morning light.
The complicated plot is constructed with greater skill than is usual with this dramatist, and the pathos of particular situations, and of the entire character of Penthea - a woman doomed to hopeless misery, but capable of seeking to obtain for her brother a happiness which his cruelty has condemned her to forego - has an intensity and a depth which are all Ford's own.
AdvertisementIt carries the war into the camp of the enemy by seeking to demonstrate that the completely determined action which is set over against freedom as the basis of explanation in the material world is merely a hypothesis which, while it serves sufficiently well the limited purpose for which it is devised, is incapable of verification in the ultimate constituents of physical nature.
It has in Vineyard Haven (Holmes's Hole) a spacious harbour, much frequented by wind-bound vessels seeking a passage round Cape Cod.
In 1824 Dutch farmers from Cape Colony seeking pasture for their flocks settled in the country.
The emigrants soon came into collision with Mosilikatze, raiding parties of Zulus attacking Boer hunters who had crossed the Vaal without seeking permission from that chieftain.
Togo, concentrating his fire on each ship in succession, and seeking by superior speed to head off the Russians, now inclined towards the S.E., and the Russians conformed.
AdvertisementPeel added that a sovereign must do all things in order, not seeking praise for doing one particular thing well, but striving to be an example in all respects, even in dinner-giving.
Returning from Hungary the elector placed himself at the head of the princes who were seeking to check the career of his former ally, Albert Alcibiades, whose depredations were making him a curse to Germany.
If we have a large range of examples, if our observation is constantly directed to seeking the correlation of cause and effect in people's actions, their actions appear to us more under compulsion and less free the more correctly we connect the effects with the causes.
There was, for instance, Mendovg (1240-1263), who submitted to baptism for purely political reasons, checkmated the Teutonic Knights by adroitly seeking the protection of the Holy See, and annexed the principality of Plock to his ever-widening grand duchy, which already included Black Russia, and formed a huge wedge extending southwards from Courland, thus separating Poland from Russia.
With him, in 1604, Champlain was engaged in exploring the coast as far south as Cape Cod, in seeking a site for a new settlement, and in making surveys and charts..
A vast network of fortifications covered the front of both armies, whose flank extended far to the south-west, Grant seeking to capture, Lee to defend, the Danville railway by which the Confederates received their supplies.
In such a state of mind as this there was no motive for seeking permanence by writing.
General Lee had thus on the seventh day concentrated his army of ten divisions in the enemy's front; but Jackson's dispositions were unfortunate and General Lee's plan of attack was thus upset; and while seeking a route to turn the enemy's right the Confederate commander was apprised that a battle had been improvised by the divisions in advance.
These contributions to the literature of Shakespeare are full of curious matter, but on the whole display a great waste of erudition, in seeking to show that papers which had been proved forgeries might nevertheless have been genuine.
While seeking to perfect ancient philosophy, it really extinguished it; and in like manner its attempted reconstruction of ancient religions only resulted in their destruction.
Anxiety was caused on the western frontier during the German campaigns against the Hottentots and Herero (1903-1908), many natives seeking refuge in the protectorate.
Howe at Boston, in seeking stores for the army and in supplying naval brigades.
At the lowest level we have vague movements of large groups of muscles, as in "bier-divination," where the murderer or his residence is inferred from the actions of the bearers; of a similar character but combined with more specialized action are many kinds of witch seeking.
De Courci, however, soon obtained his liberty, probably by giving hostages as security for a promise of submission which he failed to carry out, seeking an asylum instead with the O'Neills of Tyrone.
She married in her seventeenth year a man very much her senior, Nicephore Blavatsky, a Russian official in Caucasia, from whom she was separated after a few months; in later days, when seeking to invest herself with a halo of virginity, she described the marriage as a nominal one.
The next year, in circumstances curiously like those which were repeated when the French expedition under Marchand menaced Britain in Egypt by seeking to establish a post on the Upper Nile, George Washington, a young Virginian officer, was sent to drive the French from their Fort Duquesne on the Ohio river, where now stands Pittsburgh.
It was his desire to unite the enthusiasm cf primitive Christianity with intelligent thought, the original demands of the Gospel with every letter of the Scriptures and with the practice of the Roman church, the sayings of the Paraclete with the authority of the bishops, the law of the churches with the freedom of the inspired, the rigid discipline of the Montanist with all the utterances of the New Testament and with the arrangements of a church seeking to set itself up within the world.
On seeking re-election in York, he declined to give any pledge on the burning question of the Clergy Reserves and was defeated.
The church in this village had been harassed by local authorities, who may have been seeking a pretext to arrest the church leaders.
As Darkyn had said, the underworld tempered his Immortal magic, but Rhyn felt the demon power broiling behind the constraints, seeking a way out of him. He was sticking to his plan, though he no longer had time to find Death.
He guided her closer, his lips seeking hers in hungry response.
His arms pressed her closer, his smooth lips seeking hers in ardent pleasure.
And then his lips were warm on hers, seeking and finding emotions she never knew she possessed.
He was moving quickly, around the building and seeking shelter among the rocks that lined one side of the moonlit beach to separate it from the property of the neighboring set of condos.
Garibaldi and a few followers, including his devoted wife Anita, after vainly attempting to reach Venice, where the tricolor still floated, took refuge in the pine forests of Ravenna; the Austrians were seeking him in all directions, and most of his legionaries were captured and shot.
In seeking ultimate reality in the circle of "active conscious sensation," he rules out all "metaphysic."
In seeking for an explanation we may perhaps trust, at least in part, the evidence of the Ethnicon itself.
Owing to the mildness of its climate Algiers has become a favourite resort for those seeking to escape the rigours of a European winter.
In June 1805 there came a last and intolerable affront to the emperors of Austria and Russia, who at that very time were seeking to put bounds to Napoleons ambition and to redress the balance of power.
After two successful voyages, Eudoxus, impressed with the idea that Africa was surrounded by ocean on the south, left the Egyptian service, and proceeded to Cadiz and other Mediterranean centres of trade seeking a patron who would finance an expedition for the purpose of African discovery; and we learn from Strabo that the veteran explorer made at least two voyages southward along the coast of Africa.
He died on the journey in March 1607; and thus, as one of the brethren pronounced his epitaph, " seeking Cathay he found heaven."
Ambitious members of the Rurik dynasty, instead of seeking to acquire territory by conquest in the field, now sought to attain their ends by intrigue and bribery at the Mongol court.
O'Donnell went to Spain, where he died soon afterwards, and Tyrone with a shattered force made his way once more to the north, where he renewed his policy of ostensibly seeking pardon while warily evading his enemies.
Single individuals or small companies are found, however, on the coast all the year round; they may have become detached from the main bodies, and be seeking for the larger schools which have long left on their return migration.
The English doctrine that a verbal lease may be specifically enforced if there has been part performance by the person seeking the remedy has been fully adopted in nearly all the American states.
From this point of vantage he began depredations on the Red Sea (1182), building a fleet, and seeking to attack Medina and Mecca - a policy which may be interpreted either as mere buccaneering, or as a calculated attempt to deal a blow at Mahommedanism in its very centre.
We may conceive of the Third Crusade under the figure of a number of converging lines, all seeking to reach a common centre.
For the next four years he stayed in the Holy Land, seeking to do what he could for the establishing of the kingdom of Jerusalem.
Apart from the important part which he took in helping to co-ordinate and draft the Civil Code, Cambaceres did the state good service in many directions, notably by seeking to curb the impetuosity of the emperor, and to prevent enterprises so fatal as the intervention in Spanish affairs (1808) and the invasion of Russia (1812) proved to be.
There can be no doubt that the government of the Restoration, in seeking to obtain possession of the island, had the intention of reestablishing slavery, and even of reopening the slave trade for the purpose of recruiting the diminished population.
A fine Spanish squadron seeking to escape from Santiago harbour was utterly destroyed by the American blockading force on the 3rd of July; Santiago was invested by land forces, and on the 15th of July the city surrendered.
The Ottoman government, seeking to gain time, proposed a " mixed commission " of inquiry; and to this France agreed, on condition that no documents later than 1740 should be admitted as evidence.
Their respective followers, and more especially cultured laymen, lacking the capacity for original work, seeking for a solution in some kind of compromise, and possibly failing to grasp the essentials of the controversy, take refuge in a combination of those elements in the opposing systems which seem to afford a sound practical theory.
What the war and revolution had left of the large farms, subsequent agrarian legislation further damaged; and in 1921 the Latvian state was still struggling against the dislocating effects of war and revolution, and its finance and commerce were seeking new methods of reconstruction.
In 1843, for instance, no fewer than 50,000 Zulus crossed the Tugela seeking the protection of the white man.
Such considerations have the very greatest importance for the guidance of the action of civilized man in seeking the health and happiness of the community.
These cod are fed chiefly on mussels, and when the keeper approaches to feed them they may be seen rising to the surface in hundreds and eagerly seeking the edge.
Desolate bogs, incapable of cultivation, alternate with the mountains; and the inhabitants earn a scanty subsistence by fishing and tillage, or by seeking employment in England and Scotland during the harvesting.
The cultivation was begun in the island in 1883 by planters seeking new lands free from the heavy taxation to which they were subjected in Sumatra.
We may say, however, that they fall into two classes, general and specific. The general included all that might come under the idea of loyalty, seeking the lord's interests, keeping his secrets, betraying the plans of his enemies, protecting his family, &c. The specific services are capable of more definite statement, and they usually received exact definition in custom and sometimes in written documents.
In their previous travels in Syria they had gained the confidence and friendship of a young sheikh whose family, though long settled at Tadmur, came originally from Nejd, and who was anxious to renew the connexion with his kinsmen by seeking a bride among them.
The necessity of seeking protection from the sea-rovers and pirates who infested these waters during the whole period of Hanseatic supremacy, the legal customs, substantially alike in the towns of North Germany, which governed the groups of traders in the outlying trading posts, the establishment of common factories, or "counters"(Komtors) at these points, with aldermen to administer justice and to secure trading privileges for the community of German merchants - such were some of the unifying influences which preceded the gradual formation of the League.
The earliest names associated with the exploration of Bering Strait are those of Russians seeking to extend their trading facilities.
They connect all the important cities, towns and ports, but cover only a small part of the republic. The cost of erecting and maintaining telegraph lines in the sierra and montana regions is too great to permit their extensive use, and the government is seeking to substitute wireless telegraphy.
The government is seeking to promote the industry through the importation of breeding mares from Argentina.
For a moment circumstances led him to think of seeking a career in America, but a friend who preceded him thither warned him of the purely practical spirit that prevailed in the new country.
When the positive method has been finally extended to society, as it has been to chemistry and physiology, these social facts will be resolved, as their ultimate analysis, into relations with one another, and instead of seeking causes in the old sense of the word, men will only examine the conditions of social existence.
His next move was against the Greeks and Saracens of southern Italy, but seeking to attain his objects by negotiation, sent Liudprand, bishop of Cremona, to the eastern emperor Nicephorus II.
As early as 1721 he was seeking to lay the foundation of a scientific explanation of the universe, when he published his Prodromus principiorum rerum naturalium, and had already written his Principia in its first form.
In 1734 he also published Prodromus philosophiae ratiocinantis de infinito et causa finali creationis, which treats of the relation of the finite to the infinite, and of the soul to the body, seeking to establish a nexus in each case as a means of overcoming the difficulty of their relation.
This movement is characterized firstly by its magnitude; secondly, by the fact that the emigrant changes his political allegiance, for by far the greater part of modern emigration is to independent countries, and even where it is to colonies the colonies are largely self-governing and self-regarding; and thirdly, it is a movement of individuals seeking their own good, without state direction or aid.
Seeking out Nonnus, she overcame his canonical scruples by her tears of genuine penitence, was baptized, and, disguising herself in the garb of a male penitent, retired to a grotto on the Mount of Olives, where she died after three years of strict penance.
The honeycomb of rock, and capillary action, retard the lighter fresh-water from sinking to the sea; the soakage from rain has therefore to move horizontally, over the strata about sea-level, seeking outlets.
After the Treaty of Paris stability of government developed, and many important reforms were introduced under the strong government of the masterful Sir Thomas Maitland; he acted promptly, without seeking popularity or fearing the reverse, and he ultimately gained more real respect than any other governor, not excepting the marquess of Hastings, who was a brilliant and sympathetic administrator.
He began by adopting Catholicism and boldly seeking the assistance of Rome.
They were sent to sea for the much more intelligent purpose of seeking out the enemy and driving him off.
The letters to Vettori paint a man of vigorous intellect and feverish activity, dividing his time between studies and vulgar dissipations, seeking at one time distraction in low intrigues and wanton company, at another turning to the great minds of antiquity for solace.
As a consequence there has been a tendency towards the formation of two opposing elements within the dominant party; the more radical seeking the promotion of what since 1902 has been known as the "Iowa Idea," which in substance is to further the expansion of the trade of the United States with the rest of the world through the more extended application of tariff reciprocity, and at the same time to revise the tariff so as to prevent it from "affording a shelter to monopoly."
Just before his resignation he had been elected, with Mirabeau and Sieyes, a member of the department of Paris; and in that capacity did useful work for some eighteen months in seeking to support the cause of order in the turbulent capital.
It is in seeking to realize its own ideas in the world of knowledge, feeling and action that the mind comes into possession of itself; it is in becoming permeated and transformed by the mind's ideas that the world develops the fullness of its reality as object.
Plato extended the Socratic discovery to the whole of reality and while seeking to see the pre-Socratics with the eyes of Socrates sought " to see Socrates with the.
But Leibnitz also anticipated Kant in seeking to correct the empirical point of view of the English philosophers.
In point of fact Joseph did little beyond seeking to further the emperor's plans of escape to America.
He was seeking to carry out the Lyons agreement with the Eastern Church when he died.
It was due to the initiative of the young tsar Nicolas II., who, in his famous rescript of the 24th of August 1898, stated that he thought that the then moment was " very favourable for seeking, by means of international discussion, the most effectual means of assuring to all peoples the benefits of a real and durable peace."
He therefore proposed that there should be an international conference for the purpose of focusing the efforts of all states which were " sincerely seeking to make the great idea of universal peace triumph over the elements of trouble and discord."
While putting an end to the injustice of exclusion, it would obviously reduce the danger of nations seeking colonial aggrandizement with a view to imposing exclusion, and thus one of the chief temptations to colonial adventure would be eliminated.
Entrusted with a government mission for the purpose of seeking and purchasing Coptic, Syriac, Arabic and Ethiopic MSS.
A somewhat different account, probably of English origin, may be traced in the Historia Brittonum, according to which the first leaders of the Saxons, Hengest and Horsa, came as exiles, seeking the protection of the British king, Vortigern.
These sudden appearances of vast bodies of lemmings, and their singular habit of persistently pursuing the same onward course of migration, have given rise to various speculations, from the ancient belief of the Norwegian peasants, shared by Olaus Magnus, that they fall down from the clouds, to the hypothesis that they are acting in obedience to an instinct inherited from ancient times, and still seeking the congenial home in the submerged Atlantis, to which their ancestors of the Miocene period were wont to resort when driven from their ordinary dwelling-places by crowding or scarcity of food.
We have given a few examples of the concentration of his efforts in seeking to identify the apparently different forces of nature, of his far-sightedness in selecting subjects for investigation, of his persistence in the pursuit of what he set before him, of his energy in working out the results of his discoveries, and of the accuracy and completeness with which he made his final statement of the laws of the phenomenon.
They are solitary birds, frequenting countries possessing extensive swamps and marshy grounds, remaining at rest by day, concealed among the reeds and bushes of their haunts, and seeking their food, which consists of fish, reptiles, insects and small quadrupeds, in the twilight.
They were also much engaged in seeking for the American cruisers under Rodgers, Decatur and Bainbridge.
The town has been chosen as the terminus for two railway lines seeking a Pacific port - the Interoceanic and the Mexican Central.
This counsel was rejected, and in October 1565 the queen marched an army of i 8,000 men against them from Edinburgh; their forces dispersed in face of superior numbers, and Murray, on seeking shelter in England, was received with contumely by Elizabeth, whose half-hearted help had failed to support his enterprise, and whose intercession for his return found at first no favour with the queen of Scots.
These three "Farmer's Letters" - a fourth was advertised but apparently was never published - were forcible presentations of the pro-British claim,, written in a plain, hard-headed style; their authorship was long in question, but it is certain that Seabury claimed them in England in 1783 when he was seeking episcopal consecration.
Under the pretext of seeking a passport, Gerard penetrated into the Prinsenhof at Delft, and firing point blank at William as he left the dining hall, mortally wounded him (loth of July 1584).
In structure the jays are not readily differentiated from the pies; but in habit they are much more arboreal, delighting in thick coverts, seldom appearing in the open, and seeking their food on or under trees.
Lee was assigned to the command of the oath to the king as head of the English Church and not seeking an s Army of Northern Virginia which for the next three confirmation from the pope.
Primary education is supposed to continue till the age of fourteen, but in practice it stops at twelve for all who do not intend to pass through the middle schools, which is essential for all persons seeking state employment of any kind.
He offended the states by seeking to sweep away many of their inherited privileges and to change the time-honoured, if somewhat obsolete, system of civil government.
He preached there till the Act of Uniformity took effect in 1662, and was employed in seeking for such terms of comprehension as would have permitted the moderate dissenters with whom he acted to have remained in the Church of England.
Upon this all the judges fell on their knees, seeking pardon for the form of their letter; but Coke ventured to declare his continued belief in the loyalty of its substance, and when asked if he would in the future delay a case at the king's order, the only reply he would vouchsafe was that he would do what became him as a judge.
After the battle of Chacabuco O'Higgins was entrusted with the administration of Chile, and he ruled the country firmly and well, maintaining the close connexion with the Argentine, co-operating loyally with San Martin in the preparation of the force for the invasion of Peru, and seeking, as far as the confusion and embarrassments of the time allowed, to improve the welfare of the people.
The consent of several of the electors having been purchased by concessions, Frederick signed with Pope Nicholas V., the successor of Eugenius, in February 1448 the concordat of Vienna, an arrangement which bound the German Church afresh to Rome and perpetuated the very evils from which earnest churchmen had been seeking deliverance.
Nearly every modern hymnal contains perhaps a score of his hymns, including "Go, labour on," "I heard the voice of Jesus say," "Here, 0 my Lord, I see Thee face to face," "When the weary, seeking rest."
Ontario is thus pre-eminently an agricultural province, though the growth of manufactures has increased the importance of the towns and cities, and many of the farmers are seeking new homes in the provinces of Manitoba, Alberta and Saskatchewan.
Defence on a Charge of Seeking to Abolish the Democracy, xxv., 401 B.C.; 5.
He did something to improve the condition of the duchies by restoring order, introducing German colonists into the eastern districts, and seeking to benefit the inhabitants of the towns.
During his minority the land was torn in pieces by turbulent nobles, revolted Saracens, German captains seeking settlements, the maritime cities of Italy, and professed French deliverers.
Such a peace, giving Sparta everything and Athens nothing but Sparta's bare alliance, was due to the fact that Nicias and Alcibiades were both seeking Sparta's friendship. At this time the Fifty Years' Truce between Sparta and Argos was expiring.
Seeking at once to strengthen the royal position, he claimed Meissen as a vacant fief of the Empire, and in 1294 allied himself with Edward I., king of England, against France.
You should never disregard professional advice or delay in seeking advice because of something in the Contents and you should not use the Contents for diagnosing a health or other problem or prescribing a medication.
For once true to their country, they helped Buccleuch to defeat a large English force at Ancram Moor in February 1545, and Henry, seeking help from Cassilis, revived the plot to murder Beaton.
He believed that life was an expanding, growing force, and that animals responded to the environment by developing new wants, seeking to satisfy these by new movements and thus by their own striving producing new organs which were transmitted to their descendants.
In adopting verse instead of prose as a medium of expression, Schiller showed that he was prepared to challenge comparison with the great dramatic poets of other times and other lands; but in seeking a model for this higher type of tragedy he unfortunately turned rather to the classic theatre of France than to the English drama which Lessing, a little earlier, had pronounced more congenial to the German temperament.
God will give food and raiment to those who are seeking His kingdom.
After years of tentative approaches on Schiller's part, years in which that poet concealed even from himself his desire for a friendly understanding with Goethe, the favourable moment arrived; it was in June 1794, when Schiller was seeking collaborators for his new periodical Die Horen; and his invitation addressed to Goethe was the beginning of a friendship which continued unbroken until the younger poet's death.
Seeking to establish for himself a middle position between rationalism and supernaturalism, he declared for a "rational supernaturalism," and contended that there must be a gradual development of Christian doctrine corresponding to the advance of knowledge and science.
Between the Oxus and the hills there has already been formed a rise or flexure in the ground, which extends more or less parallel to the northern edge of the hills, and, shutting in the cultivated area of the plains, arrests all tributaries seeking to effect a junction with the Oxus from the south, and leads to the formation of marshes and swamps.
Finally, the practice of rhetoric and eristic, which presently became prominent in sophistical teaching, had, or at any rate seemed to have, a mischievous effect upon conduct; and the charge of seeking, whether in exposition or in debate, not truth but victory - which charge was impressively urged against the sophists by Plato - grew into an accusation of holding and teaching immoral and unsocial doctrines, and in our own day has been the subject of eager controversy.
In 1719, while Prince Elbeuf of the house of Lorraine, in command of the armies of Charles VI., was seeking crushed marble to make plaster for his new villa near Portici, he learned from the peasants that there were in the vicinity some pits from which they not only quarried excellent marble, but had extracted many statues in the course of years (see Jorio, Notizia degli scavi d'Ercolano, Naples, 1827).
There were border wars with rebellious savage tribes, attacks made by Chinese pirates seeking plunder or refuge, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tornadoes and the periodical visits of marauders from the southern islands.
In seeking for a single material principle underlying the multiplicity of phenomena, the first nature-philosophers, Thales and the rest, did indeed raise the problem of the one and the many, the endeavour to answer which must at last lead to logic. But it is only from a point of view won by later speculation that it can be said that they sought to determine the predicates of the single subject-reality, or to establish the permanent subject of varied and varying predicates.'
But his result had to be submitted to another test, the Law of the Norms. As soon as he found, by trial, that this law was satisfied, he took the final step. " This led me," he says, " to conceive that perhaps, instead of seeking to confine ourselves to triplets,..
He glances at Grassmann's methods, but is repelled because he is seeking a unifying principle, and he finds that Grassmann offers him not one but many principles.
The reliance upon ritual - seeking salvation through outward acts.
There has been more than one horticultural excitement in California, but especially in orange culture, which was for a time almost as epidemic a fever as gold seeking once was.
Sheridan's leading of his division at the latter battle attracted the notice of General Grant, and when the latter, as general in chief of the U.S. armies, was seeking an "active and energetic man, full of spirit and vigour and life" to command the cavalry of the Army of the Potomac, Sheridan was chosen on the suggestion of General Halleck.
He subsequently made over to his principal disciples the task of consolidating his community, and passed the last twelve years of his life at Puri in Orissa, the great centre of the worship of Vishnu as Jagannatha, or "lord of the world," which he remodelled in accordance with his doctrine, causing the mystic songs of Jayadeva to be recited before the images in the morning and evening as part of the daily service; and, in fact, as in the other Vaishnava creeds, seeking to humanize divine adoration by bringing it into accord with the experience of human love.
Though nearly all its ancient abodes have been drained, and for its purposes sterilized these many years past, not a spring comes but it shows itself in small companies in the eastern counties of England, evidently seeking a breedingplace.
His chief work is his Lezioni di letteratura italiana, of which the dominant note is the conviction that Italian literature "is as the very soul of the nation, seeking, in opposition to medieval mysticism, reality, freedom, independence of reason, truth and beauty" (P. Villari).
In all this it was the position and rights of the clergy that were assailed; and James showed kindness to the church in seeking to secure that stipends should be paid and that new churches should be provided where required.
On the other hand, even if it be admitted to be possible and conceivable that a present should be given by a suitor simply as seeking favourable consideration of his cause, and not as desirous of obtaining an unjust decree, and should be accepted by the judge on the same understanding, this would not entitle one absolutely to accept Bacon's statement.
We are on firmer ground when simply describing the phenomena of primitive religion than when seeking to account for these in terms of natural law - in whatever sense the conception of natural law be applicable to the facts of the mental life of man.
Fighting began along the upper Danube, and when indecision and want of funds had ruined the league's chances of success, Philip returned to Hesse and busied himself with seeking help from foreign powers; while in April 1547 John Frederick was captured at Miihlberg.
As the most powerful chief in Persia since the death of Karim Khan, the Russians were seeking to put their yoke upon him.
Thence it proceeded to Isfahan, from which city it moved to Baluchistan, instead of seeking its original destination.
But a certain exaggeration of emphasis may be pardoned in a writer seeking to attract the attention of an indifferent public. It was not, however, as a theorist dealing with the fundamental data of economic science, but as a brilliant writer on practical economic questions, that Jevons first received general recognition.
The Transvaal was now in a condition bordering on anarchy, and numbers of its inhabitants were supposed to be looking to Great Britain for help. Another party in the Transvaal was seeking alliances with Germany and Portugal, and this danger of foreign interference was a further cause for action.
There was no bureaucratic fussiness, no seeking after popularity; but every man, whether great or small, was treated exactly as became his station in the world.
Seeking for commercial profit, not in the exchange of commodities, but solely in the acquisition of actual gold and silver, and realizing that the home market could not absorb a tithe of the merchandise imported, the Lisbon capitalists sent their ships to discharge in Antwerp (where a Portuguese staple was established in 1503), or in some other port near the central markets of Europe.
An exception formerly existed at Puerto Acre, on the Acre river, to which ocean-going steamers could ascend from Para, but Brazil first closed the Purus and Acre rivers to foreign vessels seeking this port, and then under a treaty of 1903 acquired possession of the port and adjacent territory.
The deists, differing widely in important matters of belief, were yet agreed in seeking above all to establish the certainty and sufficiency of natural religion in opposition to the positive religions, and in tacitly or expressly denying the unique significance of the supernatural revelation in the Old and New Testaments.
Collins resembles Blount in "attacking specific Christian positions rather than seeking for a foundation on which to build the edifice of Natural Religion."
We find him at one time admitting that Catiline had almost persuaded him of his honesty and merit, and even seeking a political union with him; at another, when his alliance had been rejected and an election was at hand, declaiming against him as a murderer and a profligate.
The new officials thus incurred the displeasure of King Louis, who was at that moment seeking the aid of the pope in his warfare with Turkey.
Personally he seemed cold and distant, partly because of his impressive appearance, and partly because of his own modesty, which made him backward in seeking friendships.
Grounds for a divorce are adultery, physical incapacity at the time of marriage, sentence to imprisonment for three years or more, desertion for two years, habitual drunkenness, extreme cruelty, or, in case of the wife, refusal of the husband to provide for her maintenance when sufficiently able to do so; but in case the parties were married outside of Michigan the party seeking the divorce must reside within the state at least one year before petitioning for the same.
The fugitives from these cities, but especially from the last, seeking shelter in the lagoons of the Adriatic, laid the foundations of that which was one day to become the glorious city of Venice.
She not only supported Edmond Beaufort, duke of Somerset, in his opposition to Richard of York, but concerned herself also in the details of government, seeking not over-wisely pecuniary benefits for herself and her friends.
Perhaps there is not another instance in history in which a man who was neither a soldier, nor a diplomatist, nor a writer, who appealed to no passion but patriotism, and who avoided power with almost oriental indolence instead of seeking it, became, in the course of a long life, the leader of a great party by sheer force of intellect and moral superiority.
Meanwhile the trustees of Byllynge were seeking a division of the province more to their advantage and, Sir George Carteret having been persuaded by the duke of York to surrender his grant of July 1674, the so-called " quintipartite deed " was executed on the 1st of July 1676.
At Rhodes he met his coadjutor Piso, who was seeking everywhere to thwart and malign him.
But while thus seeking for hidden meanings, are we not in danger of missing what lies on the surface, namely, that the Simon Magus of the Clementine romance is a portrait of Simon of Gitta, after he had been confused with the Simon of Acts?
Something in his imperturbable, kindly presence, his angelic look, his musical voice, his commanding style of thought and speech, announced him as the possessor of the great secret which many were seeking - the secret of a freer, deeper, more harmonious life.
For thirteen years of his life Confucius wandered about from state to state, seeking rest and patrons; but his journeyings were confined within the modern provinces of Ho-nan and Shantung, and the borders of Chih-li and Hu-peh.
He was not born, he declared, with knowledge, but was fond of antiquity, and earnest in seeking knowledge there.
Philosophy seeking knowledge for its own sake; morality, manifested in the sense of truth, right, and virtue; and religion, the belief in and communion with superhuman powers ruling and pervading the universe, are human characters, of which it is instructive to trace, if possible, the earliest symptoms in the lower animals, but which can there show at most only faint and rudimentary signs of their wondrous development in mankind.
Almost half a century later, in the winter of 1824-25, James Bridger, a trapper, discovered the Great Salt Lake while seeking the source of the Bear river.
We may then say that psychology is occupied with the natural function of Intellection, seeking to discover its laws and distinguishing its various modes (perception, representative imagination, conception, &c.) according to the various circumstances in which the laws are found at work.
This introduces us to the second part of the question we are seeking to determine, namely the relation of epistemology to metaphysics.
It is humiliating to human strength and consoling to human weakness to find the Titan behaving like the least resolute of mortals, seeking refuge in temporizing, in evasion, in fortuitious circumstance.
Richard, duke of York, seems to have taken warning by his father's fate; but, after seeking for many years to correct by other means the weakness of Henry VI.'s government, he first took up arms against the ill advisers who were his own personal enemies, and at length claimed the crown in parliament as his right.
This ceremony, which, as we shall presently see, is part of the omra, is generally said to be performed in memory of Hagar, who ran to and fro between the two eminences vainly seeking water for her son.
He was secretary of war under President Polk from 1845 to 1849, and as such discharged with ability the especially onerous duties incident to the conduct of the Mexican War; he became involved, however, in controversies with Generals Scott and Taylor, who accused him, it seems very unjustly, of seeking to embarrass their operations in the field because they were political opponents of the administration.
In 1579 the Englishman, Francis Drake, came to this region seeking a route home by way of the Northwest Passage, and in his futile quest he seems to have gone as far north as 43 0.1 He took possession of the country in the name of Queen Elizabeth and called it Albion.
Although President Polk immediately urged the formation of a territorial government for Oregon, the bill introduced for this purpose was held up in the Senate on account of the opposition of Southern leaders, who were seeking to maintain the abstract principle that slavery could not be constitutionally prohibited in any territory of the United States, although they had no hope of Oregon ever becoming slave territory.
Hamilton (Discussions, p. 541), one of his most resolute opponents, described Cousin as "A profound and original thinker, a lucid and eloquent writer, a scholar equally at home in ancient and in modern learning, a philosopher superior to all prejudices of age or country, party or profession, and whose lofty eclecticism, seeking truth under every form of opinion, traces its unity even through the most hostile systems."
The author's general aim in these works - some of which have been translated into French, German and Japanese - was to make the consideration of maritime matters paramount to that of military, political or economic movements, without, however, as he himself says "divorcing them from their surroundings of cause and effect in general history, but seeking to show how they modified the latter, and were modified by them."
This is a survival of the ancient belief that the deity resided in the pillar or stone-heap, and that the fugitive was placing himself under the protection of the local by seeking sanctuary.
At any rate England was as helpless as the Empire when first the Danish and Norwegian galleys began to cross the North Sea, and to beat down both sides of Britain seeking for prey.
The enemy had suffered so much in the year of the six battles that they held off for some space from Wessex, seeking easier prey on the continent and in northern England.
At this moment came a sudden and incalculable diversion; Harolds turbulent brother Tostig, banished for his crimes in 1065, was seeking revenge.
Things indifferent might be trusted to him, but the main lines of English diplomacy and foreign policy show rather the influence of the kings personal desires of the moment than that of a statesman seeking national ends.
Nevertheless these years of war called for the united action of a national government, and in seeking to gain this 5upport for himself, he hit upon an.
Ministers saw in the Luddite organization only another conspiracy against the state; and, so far from seeking means for removing the grievances that underlay popular disaffection, th.e activity of parliament, inspired by the narrowest class interests, only tended to increase them.
Seeking then, for this curve, the values, n, e, of the class, number of inflections, and number of double tangents, - first, as regards the class, this is equal to the number of tangents which can be drawn to the curve from an arbitrary point, or what is the same thing, it is equal to the number of the points of contact of these tangents.
The two armies were facing each other, when Basil galloped forward, seeking a personal combat with the usurper who was riding in front of his lines.
But he breaks away again when he asserts that God ever wills to do good, and is seeking each lost soul until He find it.
It is a more obvious, if perhaps a more vulgar, criticism of the great development to say that it was too simply intellectual - seeking clear-cut definitions and dogmas without measuring the resources at the command of Christians or the urgency of their need for such things.
Again, the new study of the religions of the world is seeking its place in the curriculum of Christian theology, just as it is seeking - in some way - to modify Christian thought.
On his third voyage, while seeking some land reported to have been found by Kerguelen, Cook in December 1776 reached the cluster of desolate islands now generally known by the name of the French explorer, and here, among many other kinds of birds, was a Sheathbill, which for a long while no one suspected to be otherwise than specifically identical with that of the western Antarctic Ocean; but, as will be seen, its distinctness has been subsequently admitted.
Mirabeau, who had always dissuaded the king from seeking foreign help,, died on the 2nd of April.
Although Royalists formed but a petty fraction of the majority, they raised the alarm that Mth i t w as seeking to restore monarchy and undo the work of the /8th g y of the Revolution.
He fully recognized that his good was capable of being realized only in successive parts, and gave even exaggerated emphasis to the rule of seeking the pleasure of the moment, and not troubling oneself about a dubious future.
Pity he finds to be grief for the calamity of others, arising from imagination of the like calamity befalling oneself; what we admire with seeming disinterestedness as beautiful (pulchrum) is really " pleasure in promise "; when men are not immediately seeking present pleasure, they desire power as a means to future pleasure, and thus have a derivative delight in the exercise of power that prompts to what we call benevolent action.
There also came from the Western Islands'a fellowship of vikings seeking a free home in the north.
Huguenots, justifying himself on the ground that their nonepiscopal ordination had not been of their own seeking, and at the Savoy conference in 1661 he tried hard to effect a reconciliation with the Presbyterians.
The quarrel led in 1805 to the M ` Kean party seeking Federalist support.
These Calvin regarded as matters of indifference, provided the magistrates did not make them of importance, by seeking to enforce them; and he was the more willing to concede them, because he hoped thereby to meet the wishes of the Bernese brethren whose ritual was less simple than that established by Farel at Geneva.
The Brehon Laws assume the existence of married as well as unmarried clergy, and when St Patrick was seeking a bishop for the men of Leinster he asked for " a man of one wife."
Other Irishmen seeking remote places wherein to lead the lives of anchorites, studded the numerous islands on the west coast of Scotland with their little buildings.
He main.tained the institutions of the day, though seeking to diminish their abuse, and he perfected material details; but misfortune would have it that instead of remaining a great military administrator he flattered Louis XIV.s megalomania, and thus caused his perdition.
Between the two came the Flame, the Marais, the troop of trembling bourgeois, sincerely attached to the Revolution, but very moderate in the defence of their ideas; some seeking a refuge from their timidity in hard-working committees, others partaking in the violence of the Jacobins out of weakness or for reasons of state.
Their real defence against counter revolution was the army; but, by a further contradiction, they reinforced the army attached to the Revolution while seeking an alliance with the peacemaking bourgeoisie.
This transcendent or abstract being is that which the world of nature is always seeking.
Semler denied the reality of demonic possession, and held that Christ in his language accommodated himself to the views of the sick whom he was seeking to cure.
Perhaps we should consider seeking an outside opinion...
She didn't like the ominous words and looked up at Dustin again, seeking to gauge just how serious the situation was.
Therefore, he dreaded Cynthia seeking his complicity in opposing Randy's march to glory.
By threatening me, by condemning me, and finally, by seeking a discreet audience with me.
Lately, Fred had expanded his electronic rummage sale, advertising himself as a local resource for anyone seeking ancestral information in Ouray County.
For the balance of the afternoon, Dean felt pangs of guilt for summarily deciding not to even consider seeking the position of sheriff without so much as discussing it with his wife.
Meanwhile, the wind whistled around the eaves and rattled the plastic covering on the windows, persistently seeking a port of entry.
Whole fields were yellow with buttercups or white with the ghosts of dandelions whose tiny parachutes floated off, seeking fertile fields in which to propagate.
From all indications, they were people who went rabbit hunting with machine guns, blazing away at any obstacle in their path with total disregard for the subtleties of life, like seeking out records under assumed names and following their prey from afar.
This timeless town with an interesting old cathedral offers a genteel option for those seeking a quieter alternative to the larger resorts.
He was seeking an alternative therapy.
For our translation co-ordinators we are seeking conscientious, motivated individuals to join our busy administrative team.
Working with partners and colleagues to achieve the results our client is seeking is another challenge I relish.
These approaches tackle absenteeism by seeking to reduce the number of absences.
Wracked with grief and remorse Julian traveled to Rome seeking absolution.
We are seeking people with Type 2 diabetes, who would like help to become more physically active to take part in the study.
Two pedlars arrived at the north side of the river seeking admittance by the Auld Brig [still in use] .
Any person who hath anything ado with Him, come; for He is now seeking employment to be given Him.
In seeking further advancement in human rights development, our country must face the lack of certain indispensable conditions.
For serious fashion aficionados seeking the very best, Simonetta cannot be beaten.
The United States is also seeking permission to use Turkish airspace, which Turkey granted during the 1991 Persian Gulf War.
Rona is what every company is seeking a twenty-first century alchemist.
Sheridan seeks amicable split Tommy Sheridan confirms he is seeking an " amicable split Tommy Sheridan confirms he is seeking an " amicable " split from the Scottish Socialist Party.
Programmer analyst Cambridge University Press is seeking a Programmer Analyst for its West Nyack Office located in Rockland County, New York.
Do not use full-dose low molecular weight heparin or other new anticoagulants without seeking advice first.
He supported Councilor Emery in seeking proper apportionment in the West and in the rural area in line with its contribution.
Seeking a job in the federal government, she ended up hired by the EPA as a human health risk assessor.
Q Should I be seeking similar assurances from my suppliers?
People seeking asylum are not normally allowed to work in the UK.
Read more NASS has launched informal consultation on an unaccompanied asylum Seeking Reform Program.
My client is seeking to take on board an experienced av installation engineer to join their team of av installation engineer to join their team of av professionals.
And they are seeking financial backers to take the idea to market.
The climate mandarins who once told Meyer to visit the barber are now seeking his advice.
Honda describes it as an " entry-level 1,000cc bike " aimed at relative beginners seeking their first step up to large-capacity motorcycling.
The appalling persecution of Iraqis seeking asylum in Britain also belies our government's supposed concern for their welfare.
I am not seeking to spin my way out of the difficulties that currently beset the Conservative Party.
Conservatives are playing a constructive part in seeking to amend this bill.
Things are looking bleak for God's people who are seeking to be faithful.
Who can doubt that at Dounreay he had found the exact site he had been seeking for his experimental breeder reactor.
A well established brokerage in Leeds are seeking an experienced Personal Lines Advisor.
We will be seeking ways of stripping away bureaucratic burdens on staff.
Guano expeditions drew on the expertise of the country's best cartographers and naturalists, hired by maritime speculators seeking uncharted and fertile islands.
Mr Miliband said the government was also seeking to empower citizens through third sector organizations in order to improve services at local level.
The Belgian capitalist class was seeking to cripple the workers organizations; the workers were moving to sweep capitalism away.
Europe, hardest hit by its temperature drop, struggles to deal with immigrants from Scandinavia seeking warmer climes to the south.
The organizing committee is actively seeking more funding in order to further substantially reduce the cost to participants.
A Europe scaling the heights of ambition; not seeking the lowest common denominator.
At this time there is a group of people seeking compensation from the government.
Godly love is never self seeking, never selfish, an idea that we can hardly comprehend.
These support the idea that negative politeness (avoidance of discord) is more important than positive politeness (seeking concord ).
It must be specially an outstanding note in the lives of those seeking to be specially consecrated to Christ as his servants.
Eight out 10 people backed the compulsory use of such data without first seeking consent - provided there were tight rules governing its use.
We offer a truly consultative approach, both to those actively seeking employment and even more commonly, those open minded to their career.
Following a number of new account wins, they are now seeking a talented copywriter to join their creative team.
Hence we are seeking to establish a critical mass of people enough to initiate and sustain a thriving local land based economy.
On a more general note, he says there are three clear priorities for livestock farmers seeking to improve the management of forage crops.
Dr. Godfrey then took action claiming defamation and seeking damages.
They were seeking deliverance from the tyranny of Rome.
New member Ian Sewell has traced his family back to Thomas Sewell in Munton Essex around 1772 and was seeking descendants.
Our small country is more threatened today than ever by the superpower now seeking to impose a fascist dictatorship on a global scale.
In addition he coordinates the Cardiovascular Gene Therapy Group which is seeking ways to prevent coronary arteries from narrowing following balloon dilatation for angina.
You cannot have any assurance while you wilfully disobey God's commands, not seeking to change.
The mother, in my judgment, is doing her children a grave disservice in seeking to alienate them from their father.
This document produces the Affidavit you need when you are seeking an uncontested divorce on the grounds of behavior.
More than two-thirds who offered an opinion said America is essentially an imperial power seeking world domination.
Moreover, while seeking to significantly downplay its own role the Government makes much of the role of trustees.
Instead he was actively seeking points in pursuit of the green jersey awarded to the best sprinter, which narrowly eluded him last year.
Some limited places are available to those seeking employment.
We will be seeking further clarification on this aspect, and obtaining a list of current, relevant enactments.
Some little time being lost in seeking our own equipage, we reached the hotel perhaps about ten minutes after these strangers.
The quantum eraser also works by seeking an entanglement of the particle motion with the detector.
While seeking her inner balance, Mother Teresa can be somewhat excessive and also indecisive when she has to make choices.
The other story involves two traveling fiddlers who arrive in Inverness seeking somwhere to play.
The acting is also generally first-rate, notably Keira Knightley, who played Elizabeth Bennett, one of five sisters seeking to get married.
Roger Hutchison is seeking anyone who may remember is Father Norman Hutchison who was an airframe fitter working mainly on Lancs.
Instead of waving the white flag, the Government should be seeking a new deal with France.
We remain at our guns as the task force races at flank speed seeking battle.
Prosecutors are also seeking the forfeiture of $ 80m from the men.
Any firm seeking formal SII accreditation of its existing CPD scheme needs to go through the three stages of the application process.
The external exile was usually seeking complete religious freedom.
Unions seek urgent Granada talks ITV Unions are seeking urgent talks with Granada on a proposed wage freeze.
Consumers were seeking already a card that combines both functions.
The Iraqis may celebrate their independence by embracing a long-suppressed fundamentalism, and the United States may respond by seeking to crush it.
The Act will establish a gender Recognition Panel with the power to decide applications from transsexual people seeking legal recognition in their acquired gender.
Consider Barbados if you are seeking a peaceful island getaway.
The figure is not longer simply of a man who finds, but of " a merchant seeking goodly pearls.
Pub grub goes gourmet With a smoking ban looming and beer sales dwindling, pubs are seeking their salvation in food.
Also I am seeking information about my maternal grandfather Tom Winter who in 1901 was living in Regent Street.
Gullibility Fuller now is interested in seeking to refute the idea that people 2000 years ago were not gullible.
If you are seeking an audiophile headphone without having to pay the earth this is the perfect model for you.
Mental health campaigners fear this may dissuade people with mental health problems from seeking help.
They serve God in humility, not seeking to advance themselves but giving him all the glory.
The FMB advises any homeowner seeking reputable, professional builders to visit for a list of FMB builders in their area.
Teixeira already has 107 homers and 340 RB Giants Stadium New York phone calls seeking comment.
To supplement these, we are seeking additional funds to provide a modest honorarium, per course.
County Homesearch, for example, reports that 60 per cent of its clients were seeking the pastoral idyll.
As ever, the American illusionist will be seeking maximum public exposure for his stunt.
Are you an enthusiastic individual seeking an exciting challenge in national newspapers?
The cost of seeking an injunction is met from a council contingency fund.
We are seeking to unravel the relationship between DNA damage, apoptosis and the genomic instability of cancer.
The latter course of action may be expedited by the service seeking interdict by way of a local " Stop Now " Order.
They are completely inundated with calls from farmers seeking help with their applications for the single farm payment.
At palmer lake 's return calls seeking all you have of all what.
In the past, most arrive in the communities unannounced and begin shooting without seeking permission from either local landholders or councils.
But Bruno is proceeding with the civil lawsuits seeking to regain control over the parishes.
There, they come across the Thornberry family who are seeking an elusive white leopard.
Admission to M Arch programs can be granted to students without professional degrees in architecture who are seeking the path to professional licensure.
He is a roaring lion, Peter says, going round seeking whom he may devour.
Peter is seeking a more suitable wig for the female mannequin, who at the time of writing sports a blond 1980s style.
Hotels here cater for those on a budget, as well as people seeking middle to high end alternatives.
Hairnet UK Ltd are still seeking nominations for the UK Silver Surfer of the Year 2004.
The opposition MDC also filed an election petition seeking nullification of the 2002 presidential election controversially won by President Mugabe.
Anyway, the sheep, like Dyer, look to be seeking oblivion.
Are you simply offloading a burden or seeking particular business benefits?
Yes, if your bishop approves, assuming you have already begun the process of seeking ordination with your diocese.
Based in modern offices in central Bristol close to transport links, they are currently seeking a paralegal to join their claimant PI team.
The shortness and uncertainty of life are strong reasons for seeking pardon and salvation now.
We will continue our strategy of seeking partners for these applications.
Drying her hands, she watches the bird peck at the cracks in the paving, seeking whatever it is that starlings seek.
A non-executive director will be appointed shortly and the Company is also seeking to recruit key personnel at both management and operational levels.
They made her the lead plaintiff in a class-action lawsuit seeking to legalize abortion.
Tower Hamletsâ education social worker Peter Joyce and local police officers on patrol last week, seeking out pupils absent from school.
Is there any suggestion that TEC would be within its rights in seeking to " deal " with the Nigerians for condoning polygamy?
In both cases, we need extensive experimental studies seeking to identify all long-lived polymorphs in order to understand the kinetic factors involved.
The High Lady of the Hollow Hill is seeking to trap a thief who has stolen her most precious possession.
The Government is also now seeking to blame our problems on the behavior of extremist preachers in our midst.
Abstract School choice has become an increasingly prominent strategy for urban school districts seeking to enhance academic achievement.
You see them bowing and falling down prostrate (in prayer ), seeking bounty from Allah and (His) Good Pleasure.
To work only for self, to cloister oneself in the seeking of spiritual rapture, is to run from this responsibility.
Did it promote rationalism rather than faith seeking understanding?
What its name seeking redemption would the morning locals.
For more information on seeking legal redress on issues relating to the right to water, click here.
During the past six months, property developers and investors seeking funding for their property transactions have contacted me on an increasingly regular basis.
The Saxons, seeking respectability, converted to Catholicism, with the help of the mission of St Augustine to England from 597 onwards.
They are seeking the additional horsepower and throttle response needed to win the race.
This stretch of border land has consistently attracted artists commonly seeking restorative, often spiritual experience.
The number of GPs seeking early retirement is down, not up.
The stunt was met by a group of hackers seeking retribution.
Is the murderer really seeking revenge from beyond the grave?
A specialist tour operator in East London / Essex are seeking an experienced all rounder to join their dynamic team.
If the computer system fails, switch to manual scoreboard and finish the frame before seeking assistance.
In today's Gospel we have a scribe who is genuinely seeking the truth.
If you are not seeking self-knowledge you would not be reading this.
These sophisticated online tools offer great value to intending purchasers seeking to choose an appropriate shortlist of suppliers.
Often this will mean adopting a longer-term view rather than seeking short-term, unsustainable gains.
Specifically, the course's vocational slant is toward those seeking an in-depth understanding of the basic sciences underlying food science.
The center is ideal for individuals seeking solitude for long or short periods.
Then came the swish of swift sharp spears seeking the mortal flesh of adversaries.
As a spell caster and professional psychic advisor, I have consulting many seeking spirituality and health.
We are seeking a bright, highly motivated self starter with excellent communication and interpersonal skills to manage our new reception area.
Apart from all of that, you may be the only person seeking statehood for London Anthony.
They both set off into the Liverpool night seeking sustenance.
In Nepal, women who were victims of violence are seeking representation in peace talks between the government and Maoist rebels.
Parents can be tough taskmasters in seeking the best for their children, as many of you may know.
We are now seeking further testers from within Schools (and College Offices ).
Seeking finance & company associations, eg product placements for original science-fiction thriller.
Seeking Oliver, Tony is very touchy with Ed about his recent fishing trip with Mike.
Are these commodities traders seeking an inside tip on short-term squash futures?
You might start by joining the appropriate trade union and seeking advice from the union's organizer.
That Tudor had return calls seeking hearing tudor may no limit texas.
A Consultant within a Private South West London hospital is seeking an accurate typist for his Medico-legal office.
In seeking a solution to the differential undercount the Census Bureau turned to dual system estimation.
Italians seeking unification saw similar results under the leadership of Giuseppe Garibaldi.
Seeking Equilibrium Between Demand and Supply 3.30 The management of the equilibrium process for spatially detailed models remains relatively unsophisticated.
Others, like the young man seeking " tongues " are made to feel unworthy.
We are in the process of seeking verification from the Seller that the details of this property are correct.
You ca n't vilify the music companies for seeking to profit from their intellectual property that is just good business practice.
Gorran Haven is a quiet seaside village very popular with those seeking a relaxing peaceful holiday.
Motorcycle visors Consultation seeking views on options for possible changes to the permitted minimum light transmittance of motorcyclists ' visors.
Lost whales For 10 days a pod of five sperm whales has been trapped in the North Sea, seeking a way out.
Sam is a recent widower who is seeking someone new.
On February 24 I watched a wren seeking food in my garden.
A television team was also in attendance, seeking out suitably zany people with which to film interviews.
But the pay was small, and Avicenna wandered from place to place through the districts of Nishapur and Mer y to the borders of Khorasan, seeking an opening for his talents.
The influence of such legislation on unsettled immigrant labourers may be seen in the number of Italians who periodically migrate from Argentina to Brazil, and vice versa, seeking to better their condition.
While occupied with work on committees and in administration he pressed forward several schemes of reform, including a large measure of law reform prepared by a commission presided over by Matthew Hale, and the settlement of the church; but very little was accomplished by the parliament, which seemed to be almost exclusively taken up with the maintenance and increase of its own powers; and Cromwell's dissatisfaction, and that of the army which increased every day, was intensified by the knowledge that the parliament, instead of dissolving for a new election, was seeking to perpetuate its tenure of power.
He returned to Savoy in 1592, and, while seeking the occasion to overcome his father's resistance to his resolution of embracing the ecclesiastical profession, took the diploma of advocate to the senate.
Courtney (afterwards Lord Courtney), when Secretary of the Treasury, had stated that " it would be highly inexpedient to encourage upon light grounds competition against a company in the position of the Eastern Telegraph Company which has embarked much capital in existing lines "; and that the permanent officials representing the Post Office before the Pacific Cable committee had stated " that there was no precedent for the Imperial Government alone or in association with the Colonies managing or seeking business for a line of this kind."
At the lowest computation 37 genera seem to be peculiar to it, though it is certain that species of several are regularly wont to wander beyond its limits in winter seeking a southern climate.
But it is obvious to every one who nowadays indulges in the profitless pastime of studying their writings that, as a whole, they failed in grasping the essential difference between homology (or " affinity," as they generally termed it) and analogy - though this difference had been fully understood and set forth by Aristotle himself - and, moreover, that in seeking for analogies on which to base their foregone conclusions they were often put to hard shifts.
Lastly, and perhaps most of all, there is the old Norman bloodfeud with Constantinople, as old as the old Norse seeking for Micklegarth, and keen and deadly ever since the Norman conquest of the Greek themes in South Italy (1041 onwards).
Could events be more auspicious for the party seeking retrocession?
It was in seeking to close up the fissure in his system represented by this dualism that his successors succeeded only in adding weakness to weakness by reducing the principle of sufficient reason to that of formal identity (see Wolff) and representing all thought as in essence analytic. From this it immediately followed that, so far as the connexion of our experiences of the external world does not show itself irreducible to that of formal identity, it must remain unintelligible.
The first break came in the spring of 1804 when Burr, who had incurred the enmity of his Republican colleagues in 1800 by seeking Federalist votes in the electoral college at Jefferson's expense, became an independent candidate for governor against Morgan Lewis.
The released apprentice now visited his parents, and worked for a little time with them on the farm, meanwhile seeking employment in various printing offices, and, when he got it, giving nearly all his earnings to his father.
He was thus affected by two different and incongruous systems of thought - one setting out from an imaginary code of nature intended for the benefit of man, and leading to an optimistic view of the economic constitution founded on enlightened selfinterest; the other following inductive processes, and seeking to explain the several states in which the human societies are found existing, as results of circumstances or institutions which have been in actual operation.
It is, however, in class 3 that the legislatures show most activity, much of it pernicious, because prompted by persons seeking to serve private interests which are often opposed to the interests of the whole community.
In philosophy and science he was an amateur, seeking to found a new sociology and a Utopian polity out of his own inner consciousness and study of nature, of poetry and the Bible.
The earliest "metaphysicians " concerned themselves with the nature of being (ontology), seeking for the unity which they postulated behind the multiplicity of phenomena (see Ionian School Of Philosophy and articles on the separate thinkers); later thinkers tended to inquire rather into the nature of knowledge as the necessary pre-requisite of ontological investigation.
Flies and butterflies are forms which the souls are believed by some races to take, and the Esthonians of the island of Oesel think that the gusts of wind which whirl tornado-like through the roads are the souls of old women seeking what they can find.
Elizabeth sent conditional offers of help to her kinswoman, provided she would accept of English intervention and abstain from seeking foreign assistance; but the messenger came too late.
Justinian was engaged in three great foreign wars, two of them of his own seeking, the third a legacy which nearly every emperor had come into for three centuries, the secular strife of Rome and Persia.
In November 1637 John Clarke (1609-1676), a physician, of religious zeal and theological acumen, arrived at Boston, where, instead of the religious freedom he was seeking, he found the dominant party in the Antinomian controversy on the point.
Maurice and his cousin William Louis, stadholder of Frisia, with the military and naval leaders and the Calvinist clergy, were opposed to it, on the ground that the Spanish king was merely seeking an interval of repose in which to recuperate his strength for a renewed attack on the independence of the Netherlands.
Surely we shall all find at last the ideals we are seeking....
For a week I heard the circling, groping clangor of some solitary goose in the foggy mornings, seeking its companion, and still peopling the woods with the sound of a larger life than they could sustain.
On all sides they saw rain-soaked officers with dejected faces who seemed to be seeking something, and soldiers dragging doors, benches, and fencing from the village.
He drove through the town seeking Anatole Kuragin, at the thought of whom now the blood rushed to his heart and he felt a difficulty in breathing.
Jarvis are seeking discussions with TSSA regarding certain aspects of the regulations which can be varied by agreement.
Collaborative working with partners and colleagues to achieve the results our client is seeking is another challenge I relish.
The Regeneration Department offers a single point of contact for businesses seeking to establish, expand or relocate in the area.
This presents an obvious evidential difficulty for an Employer seeking to rely on clause 61.3.
In Netball the 1st team will be seeking revenge for the single point defeat at the hands of Sheffield Hallam.
This reversal of the usual burden of proof only applies when the consumer is seeking a repair or replacement.
It is the opposite of Oxfam 's emphasis on the path of ruinous competition between countries seeking market access.
Advertising touches more people than poetry, yet surely such saturation coverage is not what poetry is seeking.
Footpaths The council is seeking clarification of how the Test Way will be affected by a proposal to divert the footpath at Gavelacre.
Seeking asylum is a basic human right that government policy is denying.
The center is seeking out possible brain injury casualties instead of waiting for referred patients.
The Court granted the trial date I was seeking which was July 15th.
Seeking to ensure that all our citizens feel fully part of our civil society.
To develop guidance on accessibility issues During our existence we have sought to ensure guidance is available to those seeking to improve accessibility.
Short-term absence could also be granted to an able-bodied pauper seeking work.
Specifically, the course 's vocational slant is toward those seeking an in-depth understanding of the basic sciences underlying food science.
Even last week, the government was seeking to add to Ripa, the act that allows official snooping of emails and the internet.
This period also saw her turn into a bitter and spiteful woman seeking only solitude.
This Open House is spluttering along, seeking ways to meet the particular needs of London juniors.
Perhaps you are a survivor of abuse seeking information for yourself.
The United States is also seeking the elaboration of a mechanism for international investigations of suspicious outbreaks of disease or alleged BW incidents.
The company is seeking partners to sign a commercial agreement with technical assistance.
They are seeking the return of their tenancy deposit, which the landlord is refusing to pay.
We are now seeking further testers from within Schools (and College Offices).
You might start by joining the appropriate trade union and seeking advice from the union 's organizer.
The TUC 's regional staff represent the TUC by supporting TUC campaigns and objectives and seeking the views of trade unions in the regions.
The beach beyond the boat shelters has beautiful clear water but is too near the main road for anyone seeking total tranquility.
Those seeking a sugary fix ca n't go wrong with their hot treacle sponge with custard - a tasty treat for only £ 1.70.
For the moment we need to tread warily in seeking to provide complete or final answers.
That tudor had return calls seeking hearing tudor may no limit texas.
This requires boroughs to increase the support they give to unaccompanied asylum seeking children.
In unbecoming conduct return calls seeking to play with mental notes of.
The module is designed for undergraduate students seeking credits.
Foucault is highly critical of such intellectuals with universalist aspirations seeking to act as the intellectual conscience of their age.
In fact there is an unwritten convention that you can quote up to 5% of a work without seeking permission.
As someone seeking information in audio recording mixing, you search for tips and " reliable " hints to utilize when recording and mixing.
Does the fog creeping up from the river bring vengeful ghosts seeking to settle an old score?
The company is now seeking applications for the hardware, which could include wearable computing or new display technologies.
My seeking has not found any evidence of recusant yeoman family records earlier than about 1600.
After her father died, Amy went against her agnostic feelings and began seeking out evidence for a higher power.
After years of seeking retribution for the attack, she chose to let go of her desire for revenge.
Rumors were spreading that Mr. Montague was seeking retribution for the murder of his wife.
Whether you are preparing for your first baby, researching baby gear, or are seeking ideas about balancing a newborn with a toddler, we offer the resources you want.
There's no shame in seeking out single parent help.
Many services maintain a database of nannies seeking employment.
The role of a nanny can differ widely depending upon the needs and wants of the family and the type of employment the nanny is seeking.
Parents seeking information on international adoptions often turn to adoption forums for help.
Adoptions situations available to couples seeking to adopt can vary.
Basically, parents seeking to adopt a child must retain services from AdoptLink and the participating adoption professionals.
Many Indian parents are seeking more "Western" names as opposed to older, more common Indian names. is an excellent resource for parents seeking more information about this condition.
If you are seeking Curity diaper products, you can most likely find them on online auction websites.
Closed bookcases allow much less light into them and that can make it hard to find the book you are seeking.
Allstate offers quote tools and online policy management assistance for those seeking homeowner's insurance.
Measure the length and width of each picture you're seeking to frame.
Are you a trendy or status seeking person?
Get the most out of your cookware purchase by seeking quality despite the slightly higher price tag and you'll save more-plus be more satisfied with your meals and the life of the cookware-in the long run.
They do the hard work for you by seeking out the companies that offer whole prices on iPods.
The reason for the explosion is that the managers of these funds have broadened their horizons and are seeking new markets and creating new strategies.
However, once the general public discovered their glare-reducing benefits, polarized shades became very popular among people simply seeking quality sun protection for their eyes.
Include contact information and that you're seeking a free kitten.
Support an emerging breed - It can be exciting to be on the frontier of a new cat breed that is seeking acceptance into CFA and similar organizations.
A cat uses different sounds and variations to communicate whether it wants to be fed or is seeking affection or attention.
Free shipping on heavy items can save you a bundle, so this is a perk you'll want to look for when seeking out cat furniture through mail order or online retailers.
If you know kids who enjoy listening to stories, it's a great idea to spend some time seeking out websites for children to listen to free books.
If another library in your network of branches has a book you're seeking, simply put in a hold for it at your local library, where you should be able to pick it up when it arrives.
Seeking out high-interest, low reading level books for upper-elementary school boys may help them realize that there's more to the world of reading than they originally thought.
Also, keep in mind that the following titles are far from an exhaustive list; they're simply intended to get you started in seeking out high-interest chapter books that are at the right reading level for most second-graders.
This individual is seeking damages (a payment of money) to compensate them for pain and suffering, medical expenses, lost wages, and other financial losses.
Depending on the state involved, you may be asked to provide information about your relationship to the parties you are seeking the divorce records on.
Seeking help from a therapist, divorce support group, or member of the clergy can help you to come to terms with what has happened.
Once you visit the site, fill out the divorce record search engine information, it may take you to another screen that shows you that the search has yielded what you are seeking.
If you are seeking a divorce in Florida and are curious about what types and amounts of assets you may receive, consider seeking legal advice.
According to, the number of people seeking a divorce has gone down over the past 30 years or so.
When one spouse is seeking alimony payments from the other, the question of whether spousal support should be paid and how much is decided by a judge.
Seeking out advice from friends and family can be useful because it allows for another perspective.
The first session gives both parties a neutral platform to discuss why they're seeking peaceful divorce mediation.
If coping with a divorce proves to be difficult, consider seeking out help from a therapist.
Courtrooms, judges and child advocates have made enormous strides in seeking the best environment for the children of divorce.
Failure to do so means that the petitioner (the person seeking the divorce) can get a default judgment, which means the divorce will be granted based on the information set out in the petition.
Alimony reform for Massachusetts has been a hot topic for quite a while, creating many issues for residents already divorced, and creating undue stress for couples seeking a divorce.
In stressful or difficult situations, you may want to consider seeking out the professional help of a counselor or mediator.
Many people interested in green living are looking for alternatives to traditional flooring and are seeking a flooring that is environmentally friendly and affordable.
Easy to maintain - people are seeking floors that are easy to maintain and therefore alternative floorings such as bamboo are attractive as they require little in the way of extra maintenance.
While green building products may be popular for homeowners seeking to remodel, often the most environmentally sensitive approach is to use what is already present in your home.
From the dangers of coal mining to oil spills and the possible connection of earthquakes to drilling, seeking fossil fuels can be dangerous business.
Local gardening clubs or allotment groups can be a great place to start if you are seeking help and advice.
Whether you're seeking a salve to cure boils, draw out splinters, or soothe a wasp sting, ichthammol salve provides natural relief.
Whether you're seeking to improve your health or just like the taste of it, the many health claims for pomegranate juice appear to be backed up by some exciting scientific research.