See-you-later Sentence Examples
All right, I'll see you later then.
I'll see you later.
Go eat and I.ll see you later.
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All right, I'll see you later then.
I'll see you later.
Go eat and I.ll see you later.
The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historical usage. They do not represent the opinions of
TTYL stands for “Talk To You Later.” It has become popular internet slang as well as a go-to way of saying goodbye to someone via text. Explore different ways to use TTYL with your friends and family.
Text slang wasn’t always the norm, but it is now. It’s been about 20 years since this short form of communication known as texting entered everyday life. Texting involves using a phone, or another device, to send a text message to another mobile device. Explore text language to help you decipher SMS messages and other types of text-based instant messages.