See Sentence Examples
I see what you mean.
Maybe he should see a doctor.
I'll see you later.
I can see plenty of nice gardens and fields down below us, at the edge of this city.
He can't see anything.
He can't see at all!
I want to see my family.
It will not see me till it comes very near.
I take all my other friends to see this king-tree.
Now, let's see how this might come about.
AdvertisementShe wanted to see him happy.
Do you want to see it?
See what I mean?
Will we see any dolphins, Dad?
One day a friend of his who lived in Boston came to see him.
AdvertisementSee you when the roads clear up.
You never see it coming.
I can see that.
Let's see how you hold up.
I don't see why it matters.
AdvertisementWhat was in the building that he didn't want her to see?
It was very dark there, and he could not see anything.
When I think of the benefactors of the race, whom we have apotheosized as messengers from heaven, bearers of divine gifts to man, I do not see in my mind any retinue at their heels, any carload of fashionable furniture.
Go see the doctor.
He had indicated enough times that he would like to see her in something a little more feminine and fashionable.
AdvertisementWho would see it?
I see you point.
I can see why Alex fell so hard for you.
I'll see you tonight.
I don't see Tessa right now.
I guess it was storming so bad that they didn't see or hear the train.
Today would probably be the last time she would see her.
I'll see you then.
I don't want to see him.
I was surprised to see he looked frightened.
I didn't see a space ship!
Did you see the school?
The doctor called today to see if my condition had improved with the medication.
See you at five, OK?
I guess we'll see.
See you in the morning.
Zeb also wanted to see his home, and although he did not find anyone morning for him, the sight of Hugson's Ranch in the picture made him long to get back there.
He could see a green open space just beyond; and then the woods seemed to be thicker and darker.
It was light enough to see a long way in the deserted street and it seemed more like morning or evening than night.
Felipa took Destiny to see a Disney movie, saying that Mama needed some time to herself.
I can see it in his eyes.
I like to get you going, just to see what you'll say next.
I'll see you at five, then.
He hadn't been his usual jocular self for the last three weeks, and now this spontaneous trip to see his parents - and inviting her along?
If your Dad is feeling bad enough to warrant medical attention, he needs to see a doctor, not a nurse.
Hopefully, they don't see us either.
I'll see you in the morning.
See you at lunch.
What did you see?
See if you can get Howie back there.
What are your thoughts on my trying to see what happened to the entries in the million dollar contest?
I could see it building.
You can see it?
There's nothing here for you to see.
I don't see how.
Can I see her?
She squinted towards the blazing buildings to see a dark figure half-trotting, half-limping towards them.
I will see you soon.
With this thought in mind the girl took heart and leaned her head over the side of the buggy to see where the strange light was coming from.
I'll see about some rooms at the hotel.
He turned to see Jonny.
I thought she was here with you but when I got here, I didn't see her.
He turned to see the young man's face flushed this time with anger, his eyes glittering.
At the husky female voice, Dusty turned to see Jenn fluff Jonny's hair as she passed.
If you can really see the future, you could've prevented all of this!
If he weren't damned to die this night, he could see himself with her forever.
They stared towards a hallway too dark for her to see into.
He turned, not surprised to see the small, grandfatherly man standing deeper in the alley.
I see you've met my daughter.
Yully drew a deep breath and leaned over the railing to see him.
I heard something in the basement and wanted to see what it was.
I'll see you in a couple of days.
At least, as far as I can See, he'll be fine.
The only explanation was that the Others weren't as ready to see him fail as they claimed to be.
Jule turned to see the guardsman sit and begin trying to pull the arrows from his chest.
I can see why they're after you.
She was surprised to see three people within, none of whom looked like they fit in the refined, elegant spaces of the parlor.
I know this is hard on you, but you'll soon see where you belong in this mess.
In looking at them again, she could see the time and effort that would've been required to keep them cleaned and sharpened.
You're just too stubborn to see it.
Damian turned in time to see the vamp Charlie struggling to drag a skinned deer carcass across the threshold.
Did you bury things out here to see if I could feel them?
The Hispanic woman hopped down from the fence and shielded her eyes to see them as they approached.
She didn't see Damian until afternoon, when he strolled into the library from sparring, ear to a cell phone.
We'll see you Saturday at nine.
Also, turning her head, she found that she could see the boy beside her, who had until now remained as still and silent as she herself.
Dorothy and Zeb now got out of the buggy and walked beside the Prince, so that they might see and examine the flowers and plants better.
There is no reason, that I can see, why they may not exist in the waters of this strange country.
Let us walk up, and see where the doors lead to.
Let us see your arts, and the sorceries you are able to perform.
Many large and fierce bears roam in the Valley of Voe, and when they can catch any of us they eat us up; but as they cannot see us, we seldom get caught.
On peering out all they could see was rolling banks of clouds, so thick that they obscured all else.
As soon as I see the light, I will mount my horse and ride out to give the alarm.
He knew where the old North Church stood, but he could not see much in the darkness.
Perhaps we may see that wolf among the trees.
He could see its shadow as he peeped out through the clusters of leaves.
It grew so dark that the people could not see their way along the streets.
He began to see how foolish he had been; he thought how terrible it would be to live there without one friend, without one person to whom he could speak.
When only a child he liked to stand by the river and see the ships sailing past.
They told him that there were beautiful things at home--why go away to see other things less beautiful?
At first he did not see anything that disturbed him; for word had gone before him to remove from sight everything that might be displeasing or painful.
So I'm waiting to see him.
Examining history is not like gazing into some fantasy crystal ball, where what we see is prophetic in detail.
This tendency to only be able to see new technology as an extension of the old is exactly the phenomena we have seen with the Internet.
Read on to see how that momentum has built over time, and continues to build.
That night, after I had hung my stocking, I lay awake a long time, pretending to be asleep and keeping alert to see what Santa Claus would do when he came.
I loved "Little Women" because it gave me a sense of kinship with girls and boys who could see and hear.
We went out to see the hero that had withstood so many tempests, and it wrung my heart to see him prostrate who had mightily striven and was now mightily fallen.
One value even of the smallest well is, that when you look into it you see that earth is not continent but insular.
I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.
If a man should walk through this town and see only the reality, where, think you, would the "Mill-dam" go to?
Natasha, very still, peered out from her ambush, waiting to see what he would do.
Don't you see you are not wanted here?
The same evening that the prince gave his instructions to Alpatych, Dessalles, having asked to see Princess Mary, told her that, as the prince was not very well and was taking no steps to secure his safety, though from Prince Andrew's letter it was evident that to remain at Bald Hills might be dangerous, he respectfully advised her to send a letter by Alpatych to the Provincial Governor at Smolensk, asking him to let her know the state of affairs and the extent of the danger to which Bald Hills was exposed.
From this you will see that you have a perfect right to reassure the inhabitants of Smolensk, for those defended by two such brave armies may feel assured of victory.
In this question he saw subtle cunning, as men of his type see cunning in everything, so he frowned and did not answer immediately.
The fact that he did not, as she had feared, order her to be carried away by force but only told her not to let him see her cheered Princess Mary.
All she could see was that his former stern and determined expression had altered to one of timidity and submission.
She returned to the garden and sat down on the grass at the foot of the slope by the pond, where no one could see her.
On the contrary, I ask you to go with all your belongings to our estate near Moscow, and I promise you I will see to it that there you shall want for nothing.
He wanted to see me, and I was standing close by, outside the door.
Señor Medena would take care of him and see that he got to the hospital if he needed to go.
Maybe it wasn't Dulce he was going to see.
She wandered around the house with a foreboding that this was the last time she would see it.
At 5' 8, she was tall, but still had to lift her chin to see his face.
She peered cautiously over the edge, but couldn't see the car.
If I could use your phone, Mrs. Giddon, I'll see if I can find someone to come get me.
No wonder he didn't see the light.
I promise to drop in and see you the very next time I'm up this way.
He glanced up as she entered and turned the photo around so that she could see the picture.
Is it all right if I call Lisa now and then to see how she's doing?
See you this fall, if not before.
What was down that path that he didn't want her to see?
What she expected to see when she turned was Sarah's white Plymouth, but the car that stopped before the house was Allen's red Eagle Talon.
What makes you think I came here to see you?
Did it ever occur to you that I came out here to see someone else?
Maybe he was here to see Giddon, and was distracted - or even worried that she would detect his source.
I'll see enough of the city when I go back to college.
After one last look around to see if she was being watched, she started into the woods.
See how much better this is than walking?
You'd see less wildlife if you were walking - making more frightening noises to the animals.
Both of them were surprised to see the blue truck parked in the yard when they returned.
I'm just beginning to see what I've been missing.
It was too dark to see his expression, but it was obvious he was watching her.
She glanced up in time to see his mother give him a knowing look.
Don't cling to the first thing you see.
The birds were silent, watching her to see if she was friend or foe.
Sarah snickered and Lisa glanced up in time to see Yancey shoot his mother a warning look.
Len was eyeing Yancey's car and didn't see them until they stepped out the door.
She peeked around the door again just in time to see him walk into the office and close the door.
Glancing around to see if Yancey was gone, she spotted him disappearing around the bend, on his way to the house.
Didn't you see me when you walked by?
Checking to see if anyone was around, she exited her room.
I didn't want you to see the painting until it was done.
I can see why you wanted to keep this a secret.
You'll like it, just wait and see.
I see you're getting your exercise for the day.
His attention was on some children playing in the park across the street, so he didn't immediately see her.
She couldn't see his facial expression in the dark, so it was hard to tell if he was teasing her or not.
How could you not know, when he invited you to go see his parents?
He won't go see a doctor, and Mom's worried about him.
I'll call him and see if I can get him to see the doctor.
Are you angry with me because I didn't want to go up to see your parents?
Would it be such an imposition to take just one day off to go see my parents?
Even your parents had to come up to see you.
I know he'll want to see you.
I'm headed up to Bartlesville to see him.
Adrienne didn't see or hear from Brandon again until Friday, when he showed up unexpectedly and started packing clothes.
His hands gripped her shoulders and pulled her back so that he could see her face.
After weeks of tense waiting to see if she passed, she finally reached her goal.
It did sound like an interesting job, and she wasn't likely to see Brandon anyway.
It was amazing how clearly a person could see things when trouble lurked on the horizon.
Cassie squinted into the darkness, searching for a target, but all she could see was dust and an occasional hoof.
Maybe you'd like to stick around here for a while to see if they show up.
She could see it in his eyes.
Don't you see what you've done?
Do you need to see a doctor?
I see Mary once a week.
You haven't been in to see Mary for a while.
I can see right now that I'm going to have to be more explicit when I talk to you.
I called Mary to see if you were there and she filled me in on the whole thing.
He played along with her banter but it was interesting to see he was savoring everything she said like the good wine we were sharing.
We had yet to see the second floor bedrooms.
You could pretend to use the toilet and see if he's all right.
He appeared not to see me until I cleared my throat.
From the porch we could see the huddled figure of Howie Abbott sitting under a large red umbrella on the edge of the pier.
I just hate to see Howie suffering; especially after all he's gone through.
I could see a man and a boy some distance away, pitching hay into a horse drawn wagon.
The morning sunlight did the trick as the clock showed seven and I looked up to see Betsy pulling on her bathrobe.
Everybody could see it, the way she treated him.
Did you see Howie after his sister died?
He'd like to see the place.
I wanted to stop and see it for myself.
I don't see how they could.
I don't see any possible connection, much less this so-called time travel.
I need concrete evidence before I'm a believer and I don't see that on the horizon.
Remove them all and see if it makes a difference.
He was excited to see her dressed up for the occasion.
Could Howie really see scenes from the past?
I can't share what I see with anyone else and it not only reeks of voyeurism but feels selfish to me.
I'm like those reclusive millionaires who own priceless art and won't let the rest of the world see it.
Could you see your past?
Why wouldn't you want to see yourself growing up, what your childhood was like?
I was the only one to see those visions.
See what they're saying.
I can't see what harm it could do.
He carried it into the bushes but I didn't want to see it so I didn't follow him.
Thank god they didn't see my license plate number.
You didn't see this stuff personally, did you?
Let's see what Brennan can do for us.
Let me see what I can find on grateful Mr. Cooms.
Will I see you playing in your yard or strolling to school?
No one will see me and tip those who vow to stop my kind.
I don't see how these calls could be tagged back to us.
We'd then cross our fingers and see what particulars would follow.
Our company name was modestly displayed by the front door for all to see.
To ask Brennan directly might lead to us so I made up a story we were checking old cases to see if someone released from prison might have returned to this type of crime.
There's not much we can do as I see it.
No eyes can ever see us together!
I see on the internet another one of us was caught!
Why don't you call Brennan when we get to the office and see what he thinks about the mystical Mr. Youngblood?
We hoped he was simply seeking publicity; looking to see his name in national print.
We're happy to see the attention directed elsewhere.
Finally, Howie reluctantly agreed to wait a couple of days and see how the situation played out.
I agreed to Brennan to give it a try and see what we could do.
I'll see if I can check it out but it might take a while.
I could see another storm cloud looming on the horizon.
The man pulled up his mask enough for Howie to see a mustache and glasses but little else.
Common sense slumped back in as I could see his point.
Let's hold off deciding until I speak with Brennan and see what he can do.
I decided to see for myself.
Maybe he's waiting to see if we buy her story or the tip that mentioned his facial hair.
He knows you can see where you can't be physically present.
I just wanted to see a bit of your city before I drive to your car.
I can see where the local law enforcement people wouldn't be thrilled with these folks looking over their shoulder and pushing them.
The rest of us waited in nervous anticipation for her Friday arrival, not knowing if we'd even see her when she returned.
We had little choice but to wait and see if the weekend presented any answers.
I looked up with sinking heart to see a FedEx driver at the front door looking at me quizzically.
We don't even see them!
I could see her nod her head in the moonlight.
You know you could go back, and see your own life.
I could see I was getting nowhere on my own.
Can we go back and see it?
I would think if they see the connection they might be leery of taking our calls.
She certainly is adapting her career to documenting his or her works and doing a good job of it as far as I can see.
It would be nice to see Uncle Sam's grasping dogs coaxed to bay at the wrong tree as well.
Ask a few questions; I'll see if there are any I can answer.
Even the police, who see the aftermath of terrible, gut-wrenching crimes, aren't forced to watch them actually happening.
I can see from my perch a window downstairs in back remains open to catch the lovely spring breeze.
You see, though I trust Aldo Benitez with my life, for good reason, he has endured a somewhat checkered past.
I'm in another country, if only for a short while to see if the pickings here are to my liking.
I could see I'd frightened her but I didn't care.
Look, I really want to see her and explain to her everything we do.
Aunt Betsy will see to that!
No stone left unturned until I see the blood of my tipster-nemesis flood the ground beneath her panicked body.
I rang the bell and I could see shadow movement behind the thin drapes but no one answered.
I don't know what I mean except I can't stop dreaming of little children, all hurt and bleeding and I don't want to see them because it hurts too much, but I can't block them out!
Howie and Quinn, and Martha too; they don't know what Julie did so they can't see the possibility of a connection to Julie.
I glanced up to see Martha headed toward my door.
When I looked over at my wife I could see a tear seep down her cheek.
Now, let's see what you've done with those numbers.
Business as usual, I see, with Julie as my replacement.
I looked up to see Molly and Bumpus approaching.
It was a community where I could see Betsy and me raising children and watching grandchildren while four distinct seasons rolled slowly by, marking the years one by one.
The key Howie had left fit the door in the rear so I couldn't rely on my headlights to see.
I glanced out in time to see it moving with its headlights off.
I could just see from the doorway where I stood as a figure emerged from the darkened automobile and moved stealthy toward the back of the house.
Behind him, to the far right, I could see the front door was off its hinges, wrested to a strange angle.
Sensing someone behind me, I turned just enough to see my wife sitting in a chair, her eyes closed.
I felt my way to the back of the house and realized I couldn't see the end of my nose.
Only not being able to see with all the lights in my eyes.
No. I didn't see him so I didn't have to lie.
I could see my wife's nervousness; picking at her fingers, chewing her lip, twirling her hair.
I considered a stop at the office of these people but I was intelligent enough to see it was wired with a sophisticated security system that I shall not attempt to challenge.
I took my time to see what secrets I might glean from their abode.
I just want to see if Martha left me a note or if there's any hint to what's going on.
Now I won't even see Claire take her first step.
I could see Quinn's hand in the decision, far more than Martha's.
See if he left a note for Howie.
If she just turned her head, she could see me, sitting comfortably a scant ten feet away in the darkened living room.
I peered closely, searching to see if I could detect any movement but saw nothing.
I don't want him to see us!
The rig was parked front end out so I couldn't see the back.
I don't expect to see him back, Sadie said.
I could see I wasn't getting anywhere.
I can see them at the crest of the hill.
See if you can calm him down.
We both looked up to see Molly standing there.
I dropped my women off at the terminal entrance of Logan Airport, amid kisses and a promise to see them in twenty-four hours.
See, we tried not to play in our own backyard.
You see, guys who just hunted down women looked down on the children snatchers and the scum that took on little girls thought they were a rank better than the little boy snatchers.
It was a Boston and I searched through it, searching to see if Ethel Reagan was still tracking the Psychic Tipster.
He pretended he needed time to make a few more phone calls but I could see he was disappointed by the delay.
I can't picture him fighting or picking on anyone, but if I closely consider the signs, I can see his tendency to take advantage of others, if only in a self-serving way.
I see no reason not to mention my suspicion about John Luke Grasso and his connection to Willard.
Even if they did, I can't see them telling him very much.
We'll see how it goes with Howie.
Ben, could you start up Quinn's machines and see if maybe you could get them to work?
I staggered back to my room, away from the contented people playing around the pool, not wanting them to see me in tears.
My specially soaked rag was secure in a plastic bag so I withdrew it and had it over the child's face before she turned to see who entered.
As we made the turn into the mall I could see at least half dozen police cruisers, some with lights still spinning, parked helter-skelter near the entrance.
Nauseous from panic, I elbowed my way close enough to see a female figure, her face covered with an oxygen mask.
Let's see if we can make any sense out of this.
I can see her in my rear view mirror, just sitting there, plotting a way they can escape.
Why don't you dig through Quinn's stuff and see if you can make any sense out of it?
I've known it for months, since I was observed when no one was there to see me.
She's not comprehended the depth of my intelligence to see through her guise.
I want to know what happened but I don't want to see it.
Now, I'm sure you see the necessity of doing exactly what I say.
We braced our ladder against the wall and played a game of numbers to see who would the first to climb.
She twisted in her chair to see a man near the dark windows whose eyes were the color of her bright purple Easter dress.
He went to see her yesterday, and he asked me to stop by and meet all her friends tonight.
She found a chair jammed against the wall and stepped on it to see the crowd.
She didn't see her brother's bleached hair and familiar face anywhere in the crowd.
You want me to call you if we see another one of these?
Come see me, he texted his spy chief.
Her eyes cracked open, and she was startled to see a petite blonde woman in dark jeans standing between them.
We'll see where he goes.
She opened one cabinet, not surprised to see white bone china.
She sprang forward, anxious to see her brother.
She nodded, willing to agree to anything if it meant she could see Jonny.
He grated his teeth to see Darian's number on the screen.
Talon brought in some man to see me.
You'll get to see him soon.
Don't talk to strangers, and if you see someone with red eyes, run like hell back to Dusty.
I'll check with him to see if I can leave you my number.
Make a call to Jasmine in Latin America and see what we can get from them.
Just didn't expect to see … me … again.
His name is Jonny if you ever see him.
She looked away fast for fear of the sizzling blue gaze and dropped to her knees in front of Darian, pulling his hands from his face to see the wound.
Dusty wrenched the bedroom door open, even angrier to see Darian and Bianca on the couch, talking.
He faced the man, unable to help but feel surprised to see him without scars.
Go see Sofi in the library.
I can see parts of the future and more importantly for you, a person's soul.
What do you see in your dreams?
I can't change what I See.
He looked at her long enough for her to see resignation in his gaze.
I'm so happy to see you!
She pulled away and met his gaze, surprised to see his resolve.
She pulled it free to see a text from Dusty.
He ate alone in the condo's kitchen, not surprised to see Bianca asleep when he finally returned to bed.
I can't see well enough yet to know what happens, but it scares me.
Send Jonny to see Sofi sometime this morning, Dusty directed.
He returned to the house to await Darian, not surprised to see Bianca's black and white cat darting down the stairs.
Can I see your phone?
It was too short for her to see clearly, and she crossed to the mirror on the other side of the room.
Her phone vibrated as she trotted down the stairs, and she glanced down, smiling to see he'd texted.
I'll see you soon, brother.
He glanced down to see Speck's number on his screen.
He held up a hand, fascinated to see through it to the car parked in front of him.
You see the black clouds?
Holding out her arm, she was fascinated to see the rain arc to avoid it.
I can't see you in the rain digging a hole for a toaster.
Let's see if you can make it through the month, he said and dropped the cell.
He could see himself becoming addicted to the energy flowing between them.
She wasn't sure what she expected from him, but she was relieved to see he was neither angry nor sad.
You're refusing to see that.
I see the girl and the Other in your thoughts.
I want to see the Oracle.
He suspected she was expecting Xander to want to see her, too.
I see only what is in my narrow lane.
Resolved, she trailed her father down the hill, through the people who couldn't see them, and to the awaiting car.
She tested it as she walked to see how much effort it would take to control.
We'll see just how strong your bond to him is.
She faced her father, not expecting to see the small crowd of people on the other side of the monument.
At Bianca's sunny smile, Yully could see the woman cheerfully helping the injured.
We'll see you for dinner, Yully?
She could almost see him standing before his mirror practicing the line before going to the bars to pick up chicks.
Sofia, can you come see me?
She grimaced and turned to see the tall blond striding toward her office.
She joined crowds of people milling through downtown Crystal City to see the Christmas displays and shop.
There was a moment of silence, and she could almost see Sondra assessing what to do.
He really wasn't a man of detail, which was why she was so surprised to see him working as a financial planner.
We'll see you tomorrow at seven-fifteen.
She walked up the street to a better vantage point, curious to see what he hit.
She could see a shredded couch cushion and broken glass in the hallway outside the bathroom door and recalled the shape her apartment was in.
It's imperative you see me at the earliest opportunity.
I can explain in detail in person, but it's important I see you now.
Damian knew if they had video chat, he'd see Jule rolling his eyes.
Her vision was too blurry for her to see much beyond hazy shapes and colors.
While surprised to see him there, she was struck by how well Jake fit in with the other men.
If you're brave enough, you can see him when he's back.
She could see him sitting on a golden throne or commanding legions of soldiers.
In fact, she did see him in those positions, and in many more.
No one has ever been able to see into my mind.
Death is the only definite, and so it's the first vision you see until you hone your skills.
You will see my past.
You will say nothing to anyone about what you see about me.
One, no matter what you See, you are forbidden from telling the person exactly what it is.
You can tell me what you see, if you need to talk about it.
One day I'm a boring financial planner, and the next day, I can't go out in sunlight and I see the future.
She could see the future and he was a … what the hell was he?
Still transforming, I see.
I only see other people's fates, not mine.
You see a door?
Go see him, Han said, concerned yet unyielding.
Her courage fled to see him framed in his doorway, as seductive by day as he was by night.
She sneaked a look at his face, surprised to see the warm smile there as he read through her notes.
If she closed her eyes, she would see the black memories crossing through his mind, but she allowed him his privacy.
His phone dinged, and he pulled it out to see the odd text message.
He turned to see the small man with bright green eyes that glowed in the moonlight.
He'd hoped never to see the Watcher again.
Okay, ikira, what do you See?
Maybe he had a harem of women at his beck and call, but she couldn't see herself with any other man.
Though she couldn't see her own fate, she began to suspect which direction it'd take her in.
She approached and knelt a safe distance from him, trying hard to see into the darkness of the corner.
She turned to see him pull a knife from under his pillow.
She peeked through the crack in the door to see the voice of the speaker.
Pierre recommended I see you.
She drank heavily and opened her eyes, surprised to see his eyes open and the gold swirling within them.
Good to see you!
Who better to weed out traitors than the one who could see them for what they were?
I'll check the records to see which Guardians rotated here from Europe from the past year.
We'll see what we can see.
If Damian knew the woman trying to crawl back into his bed had helped murder his brother, her husband… She couldn't see him over the crowd.
Don't let them see you cry.
Darian had even tried to warn him, and he'd never wanted to see what was in front of him.
He sensed the visions in her head, not surprised to see his own black memories playing on the screens on the back of her eyelids along with a dark nightmare of a man in a corner crying.
He wanted her to see what he saw, the good his Guardians did for humanity, the courageous, selfless hearts of his men, the difference they made in fighting evil.
She didn't want to see more death.
It'll be another two weeks before I'll feel comfortable imaging her uterus to see the fetus.
If she closed her eyes, she'd see the home video of Darian's funeral pile.
See you at the next barbecue?
Her arms were crossed, and though she smiled at Lon, Sofia could see her level of comfort was equal to hers among the giants that towered even above a supermodel.
He'd heard it in her thoughts even if she didn't speak the words, and her ability to see through him as he did everyone else amazed him.
He'd never thought much of that talent, the ability to see into someone.
When he came to see the stars or watch the sunset, she didn't cry.
He didn't know how to leave the underground prison, or he'd take her outside to see them.
She saw glimpses of his shared history with Damian and Dustin and of a time before meeting them that was too dark for her to see clearly.
Good to see you, Froggie.
Jule laughed, looking at her to see how she'd take it.
She looked back to see if Pierre followed.
The driver sped away before the door closed, and she twisted around to see the three men watching them.
See how that works, Dusty?
He could still see them.
If there was a way to make him see what was in her head … to make him remember … she focused on Damian's memories, the ones before the dark age, when he and his brother were happy.
All he could see in his head was kiri sobbing and the dreams she'd made him remember.
Why did she come to see him?
She twisted her head to see the jumbled outlines of the small army of vamps running toward them from the direction of the burning mountain.
May I see kiri?
And yes, go see kiri.
She'll be happy to see you.
She roused herself, surprised to see the other three had disappeared at some point.
Next time I see you, I'll do better—I'll show you, he promised, his whisper sliding into her mind.
She turned to see his gaze on the ground, his body braced as if for a blow.
You will see me again, ikir.
Deidre didn't face him, afraid of what she'd see.
Please, she whispered, raising her head to see him.
Try it and see.
You see the stars and the moon instead of how dark the night is.
It always pains me to see some preferred outcomes involving the innocent.
They will see you as a target.
His attention was on a point behind her, and she turned to see a portal waiting.
She glanced back over her shoulder to see Darkyn standing where she left him, hands clasped behind his back, watching her with the cold smile that told her there was more going on than she suspected.
She also wanted to step outside and see the forest.
She didn't see that happening.
But since he sent you, I want you to see it.
Darkyn would find her no matter what, but she had the urge to see trees.
She was almost surprised to see he was serious.
Deidre squeezed her eyes closed, not wanting to see Darkyn response and afraid his anger might be directed at her.
Did he see your markings, love?
She waited for Darkyn to return but was too scared of what he was capable of doing to open the door and see the damage.
I just want to see the mating marks.
Deidre twisted her head to see Gabriel.
I want you to see what I do.
Deidre opened her eyes and shifted her head back to see his face.
I wanted to see what you would do when confronted with the man you thought you were going to return to, he replied.
Deidre pushed herself up to see his face.
On her way to see Zamon, she stepped into an empty hallway before trying to call a portal.
I don't want to see you hurt here or killed.
Deidre looked behind her, expecting to see Darkyn behind her and relieved that he wasn't.
She wanted Gabriel to be happy but couldn't bear to see it, not when her own world was still so new and frightening.
She was cold but grateful to see the ocean.
I can't see it, but I feel it.
She called a portal when she stepped into the hallway to see who awaited her.
I guess I wanted to see how you're faring.
Why did you want to see me now?
I guess I was afraid to see what I'd done.
If you were alive, I wanted to see if you had any … advice about how to deal with Gabriel.
He came to see you.
She was the last to lose hope, and it was being forced to see how out of place she was in Gabriel's equation that finally broke her resolve.
I see weakness and vulnerability as I do everyone.
But I see more.
I see only the parts of them that hold depravity, weakness.
You see me differently now, but did you when we met?
I see your thoughts like mine.
She shifted to see his face, surprised by his confession.
The light of the black fire was too dim for her to see much more than the outline of his form.
She felt his gaze on her but couldn't see him in the dim lighting of the room.
His slow, cunning smile was not what she wanted to see.
She didn't wait to see if he stayed or went but walked out of her room.
Curious to see how the girl was, Deidre walked three doors down and paused.
Deidre had the sense the woman was surprised to see her.
I wasn't expecting to see you so soon.
After a moment, she realized none of them could see the portal to Hell the way she could.