Sedge Sentence Examples
An extinct water-lily, Euryale limburgensis, belongs to a monotypic genus now confined to Assam and China; an extinct sedge, Dulichium vespiforme, belongs to a genus only living in America, though the only living species once flourished also in Denmark; an extinct species of water-aloe (Stratiotes elegans) makes a third genus, represented only by a single living species, which was evidently better represented in Pliocene times.
The reedbeds and tall fen vegetation support nesting sedge and reed warblers as well as numerous cuckoos.
The Trust manages the sedge bed close to the car park.
The meadow floods regularly, as indicated by the damp-loving grasses, including the uncommon brown sedge.
The rare broad-leaved cotton sedge also occurs below the Belmore cliffs.
Typical of some sections of the river are the distinctive towers of the great tussock sedge.
The southern part is dry, with poor bog moss cover, short common heather, deer sedge, cross-leaved heath and Cladonia lichens.
This has a low sedge sward, dominated by carnation sedge, with abundant common yellow sedge and occasionally flea sedge.
Patches of acid peat with heather and acid grasses or with cotton sedge are found on the remnants of the former bogs.
Species include bottle sedge, common cotton sedge, devil's-bit scabious and marsh violet growing over layers of Sphagnum mosses and brown mosses.
AdvertisementNotable plants include sneezewort, star sedge, harebell and bluebell with locally rare lesser skullcap being of particular interest.
Take a stroll around Doxey in the spring to hear sedge warblers, reed bunting and other warblers singing.
Taking first this most northerly locality, in Grinnell Land, we find the flora to comprise 2 horsetails, i i Conifers (including the living Pinus Abies), 2 grasses, a sedge, 2 poplars, a willow, 2 birches, 2 hazels, an elm, a Viburnum, a water-lily, and a lime.
The resident Cetti 's warbler has been singing, and soon the migrant reed warblers and sedge warblers will have arrived.
In summer, warblers voice their scratchy songs and nest in the reed and sedge beds.
AdvertisementWe added quite a few new grass and sedge species to the lists.
Sedge patterns work well once the weather warms as spring moves into summer.
In the distance is a working sedge field, cut every three years in the summer.
Breeding birds of the river margins include sedge warbler, whitethroat and reed bunting, while skylark breeds on the meadow.
Shallow pools have yet another sundew, along with spike rush, bog sedge, and the spectacular bogbean.
AdvertisementUncommon species present include cranberry, bog sedge and white sedge.
Rare plants such as large bitter cress, lanceolate water plantain and elongated sedge grow where the wood is wettest.
Other uncommon species may occur, such as hair sedge Carex capillaris, sheathed sedge C. vaginata and variegated horsetail equisetum variegatum.
Behind these are areas of sedge dominated fen which can often be species rich.
Species found include slender ground hopper, great green bush cricket, brown argus, reed and sedge warblers and flowering rush.
AdvertisementAnd this why I sojourn here Alone and palely loitering, Tho the sedge is withered from the lake, And no birds sing.
Areas of past peat cutting provide the main interest with open water with floating pondweed, bottle sedge and cowbane.
Fishing slightly up and across with a cdc sedge pupa I managed to hook the first two grayling and suddenly everything was alright.
Uncommon plants such as saw sedge, greater meadow rue and marsh valerian are found in the meadow.
Northern species include yellow saxifrage Saxifraga aizoides and hair sedge Carex capillaris, both of which are locally abundant in flushed grasslands at Inchrory.
In the typical rushy grassland sedges are sparse, but in the more diverse areas glaucous sedge is prominent.
The flushes are typically dominated by a range of small sedges such as carnation sedge and long-stalked yellow sedge.
On Pen-y-ghent either mat-grass or purple moor-grass dominate the grassland and higher up this contains stiff sedge Carex bigelowii.
Sedge fen - low nutrients, high diversity Saw sedge fen - low nutrients, high diversity Saw sedge is the main plant species in these areas.
Each plant bears a bright rose-purple flower that shows well on its bed of Sphagnum, Cranberry, and Sedge.
The wood contains several scarce and locally distributed grasses, sedges and rushes including hairy woodrush, pendulous sedge and wood millet.